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# This script is used to collect data for
# 'MustGather: Performance, Hang or High CPU Issues on AIX'
# ./aixperf.sh [PID(s)_of_the_problematic_JVM(s)_separated_by_spaces]
# #
# Variables #
# #
SCRIPT_SPAN=240 # How long the whole script should take. Default=240
JAVACORE_INTERVAL=120 # How often javacores should be taken. Default=120
VMSTAT_INTERVAL=5 # How often vmstat data should be taken. Default=5
TPROF_SPAN=60 # How long tprof should collect data. Default=60
# * All values are in seconds.
# * All the 'INTERVAL' values should divide into the 'SCRIPT_SPAN' by a whole
# integer to obtain expected results.
# * Setting any 'INTERVAL' too low (especially JAVACORE) can result in data
# that may not be useful towards resolving the issue. This becomes a problem
# when the process of collecting data obscures the real issue.
# added errpt to review for any hardware issues
# 11/2017 - added check for wpar name and parms

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "$0 : Unable to find required PID argument. Please rerun the script as
echo "$0 : ./aixperf.sh [PID(s)_of_the_problematic_JVM(s)_separated_by_spaces]"
exit 1
# Create output files #
# #
# Create the screen.out and put the current date in it.
echo > screen.out
date >> screen.out

# Starting up
wparname=`uname -W`
if ((wparname != 0))
then wparspec="-@ $wparname"
print $(date) "MustGather>> aixperf.sh script starting..." | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> Script version: $SCRIPT_VERSION." | tee -a screen.out

# Display the PIDs which have been input to the script

for i in $*
print $(date) "MustGather>> PROBLEMATIC_PID is: $i" | tee -a screen.out
# Display the being used in this script
echo $(date) "MustGather>> SCRIPT_SPAN = $SCRIPT_SPAN" | tee -a screen.out
echo $(date) "MustGather>> JAVACORE_INTERVAL = $JAVACORE_INTERVAL" | tee -a
echo $(date) "MustGather>> VMSTAT_INTERVAL = $VMSTAT_INTERVAL" | tee -a screen.out
echo $(date) "MustGather>> TPROF_SPAN = $TPROF_SPAN" | tee -a screen.out

# Collect the user currently executing the script

echo $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting user authority data..." | tee -a screen.out
date > whoami.out
whoami >> whoami.out 2>&1
echo $(date) "MustGather>> Collection of user authority data complete." | tee -a

# Create some of the output files with a blank line at top

print $(date) "MustGather>> Creating output files..." | tee -a screen.out
echo > netstat.out
echo > vmstat.out
echo > ps.out
echo > tprof.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> Output files created:" | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> netstat.out" | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> vmstat.out" | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> ps.out" | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> tprof.out" | tee -a screen.out
# #
# Start collection of: #
# * netstat x2 #
# * ps x2 #
# * vmstat #
# * tprof #
# * javacores #
# #

# Collect the first netstat: date at the top, data, and then a blank line
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting the first netstat snapshot..." | tee -a
date >> netstat.out
netstat -an >> netstat.out 2>&1
echo >> netstat.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> First netstat snapshot complete." | tee -a screen.out

# Collect the first ps: date at the top, data, and then a blank line
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting the first ps snapshot..." | tee -a
date >> ps.out
ps $wparspec avwwwg >> ps.out 2>&1
echo >> ps.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> First ps snapshot complete." | tee -a screen.out

# Start the colletion of vmstat data.

# It runs in the background so that other tasks can be completed while this runs.
print $(date) "MustGather>> Starting collection of vmstat data..." | tee -a
date >> vmstat.out
vmstat $wparspec $VMSTAT_INTERVAL `expr $SCRIPT_SPAN / $VMSTAT_INTERVAL + 1` >>
vmstat.out 2>&1 &
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collection of vmstat data started." | tee -a screen.out

# Start the collection of tprof data.

# It runs in the background so that other tasks can be completed while this runs.
print $(date) "MustGather>> Starting collection of tprof data..." | tee -a
date >> tprof.out
# Calculate TPROF_ARGS
# First, check if environment is SMT capable. If so, proceed to next check; if
not, set args without -R option
# Next, check if OS is 32 bit. If so, set args without -R option (-R is not
supported on 32 bit); if not, set args with -R option.
if /usr/sbin/smtctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "$KERTYPE" = 32 ]; then
print $(date) "MustGather>> TPROF_ARGS set to -skex; SMT capable
but 32 bit environment." | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> TPROF_ARGS set to -Rskex; SMT capable
and NOT a 32 bit environment." | tee -a screen.out
print $(date) "MustGather>> TPROF_ARGS set to -skex; Not SMT capable." |
tee -a screen.out
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000 tprof $wparspec $TPROF_ARGS sleep $TPROF_SPAN >>
tprof.out 2>&1 &
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collection of tprof data started." | tee -a screen.out

# Start collection of javacores.

# Loop the appropriate number of times, pausing for the given amount of time, and
iterate through each supplied PID.
while [ $n -le $m ]
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting javacores..." | tee -a screen.out
for i in $*
kill -3 $i >> screen.out 2>&1
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collected a javacore for PID $i." | tee -a

print $(date) "MustGather>> Continuing to collect data for $JAVACORE_INTERVAL
seconds..." | tee -a screen.out
n=`expr $n + 1`

# Collect the final javacore(s).

print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting final javacore..." | tee -a screen.out
for i in $*
kill -3 $i >> screen.out 2>&1
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collected the final javacore for PID $i." | tee
-a screen.out

# Collect the final ps

print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting the final ps snapshot..." | tee -a
date >> ps.out
ps $wparspec avwwwg >> ps.out 2>&1
print $(date) "MustGather>> Final ps snapshot complete." | tee -a screen.out

# Collect a final netstat

print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting the final netstat snapshot..." | tee -a
date >> netstat.out
netstat -an >> netstat.out 2>&1
print $(date) "MustGather>> Final netstat snapshot complete." | tee -a screen.out
# #
# Other data collection #
# #
print $(date) "MustGather>> Collecting other data. This may take a few moments..."
| tee -a screen.out

/usr/sbin/emgr -lv3 > emgr-lv3.out 2>&1

oslevel -s > oslevel-s.out 2>&1
lslpp -la > lslpp-la.out 2>&1
instfix -i > instfix-i.out 2>&1
prtconf > prtconf.out 2>&1
errpt -a > errpt.out 2>&1
lparstat -i > lparstat-i.out 2>&1
lsattr -El sys0 > lsattr.out 2>&1
df > df.out 2>&1

print $(date) "MustGather>> Collected other data." | tee -a screen.out

# #
# Compress & Cleanup #
# #
# Brief pause to make sure all data is collected.
print $(date) "MustGather>> Preparing for packaging and cleanup..." | tee -a
sleep 5

# Build a string to contain all the file names

FILES_STRING="netstat.out vmstat.out ps.out sleep.prof screen.out tprof.out emgr-
lv3.out oslevel-s.out lslpp-la.out instfix-i.out prtconf.out lparstat-i.out
lsattr.out whoami.out df.out errpt.out"

# Tar/GZip the output files together

print $(date) "MustGather>> Compress output files into aixperf_RESULTS.tar.gz"
tar -cvf aixperf_RESULTS.tar $FILES_STRING
gzip aixperf_RESULTS.tar
# Clean up the output files now that they have been tar/gz'd.
print $(date) "MustGather>> Remove the temporary output files as they have now been
added to the aixperf_RESULTS.tar.gz file."

print $(date) "MustGather>> Output files removed."

print $(date) "MustGather>> aixperf.sh script complete."
print $(date) "MustGather>> Output files are contained within ---->
aixperf_RESULTS.tar.gz. <----"
print $(date) "MustGather>> The javacores that were created are NOT included in the
print $(date) "MustGather>> Check the <profile_root> for the javacores."
print $(date) "MustGather>> Be sure to submit aixperf_RESULTS.tar.gz, the
javacores, and the server logs as noted in the MustGather."

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