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300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074

1. Using FUNCTION…END FUNTION, write a program to calculate the average of three numbers
2. Using FUNCTION…END FUNTION, write a program to calculate the sum, product and average of three
3. Write a program using SUB…..END SUB to find the sum, difference, product and average of any two numbers
given by the user.
4. Write a program in QBASIC to find square of a given number using FUNCTION…..END FUNCTION.
5. Write a program in QBASIC to find cube of a given number using SUB…..END SUB.
6. Write a program in QBASIC to find cube root of a given number using FUNCTION…..END FUNCTION.
7. Write a program in QBASIC to find square root of a given number using SUB…..END SUB.
8. Write a program using SUB……END SUB to find the area of rectangle. [A=L*B]
9. Write a program using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION to find the perimeter of rectangle. [P=2(L+B)]
10. Write a program using SUB……END SUB to find the perimeter of square. [P=4L]
11. Write a program using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION to find the area of square. [A=L2]
12. Write a program in QBASIC to find the area of four wall of a room using FUNCTION…..END FUNCTION.
13. Write a program to calculate the area of four walls using SUB…END SUB.
14. Write a program using FUNCTION…END FUNCTION to find area of the triangle.
15. Write a program using SUB….END SUB to get radius of circle and then print its circumference. [C=2R]
16. Write a program using SUB……END SUB to find the area of circle. [A=R2]
17. Write a program using Function Module to calculate and print the volume of a box. [ V=L*B*H]
18. Write a program in QBASIC to find the volume and total surface area of a box (cuboid) using
19. Write a function procedure to read the side of a cube. Calculate its volume and surface area. (Hint: vol=side 3 and
sa=6 side2]
20. Write a program to calculate and print the simple interest using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION.
21. Using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION, write a program to calculate distance travelled by a body. (Hint: s=ut+
(1/2) at2) .
22. Write a program using Function…..End Function to get temperature in Celsius from the user and then print the
temperature in Fahrenheit.(hint: F=9C/5+32)
23. Write a program to input Fahrenheit and convert it into Celsius using SUB - END SUB. Hint: C = (5/9)×(F-32)
24. Write a program to convert USD(dollar) into NC (NEPALI currency) using DECLARE FUNCTION.
25. Write a program to convert NC (NEPALI currency) into IC (Indian Currency) using DECLARE SUB.
26. WRITE A PROGRAM to ask a number as paisa and convert them into corresponding rupees only solve it using
SUB Procedure.
27. Using Function…… End Function, write a program to calculate volume of hemisphere. [ volume = 2/3 πR3]
28. Write a program to declare user defined function using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION to calculate volume of
cylinder. [Hint: vol=r2h]
29. Write a sub program cost(l,b,h,c) to find the cost of painting the four walls of a room.
30. Write a program to calculate the area of triangle by using SUB…..END SUB. [Hints: Area=
ss  a s  b s  c  ]
31. Solve a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 on the basis of the coefficient values a, b, and c using sub procedure. [𝑥 =
−𝑏±√𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
32. WRITE A PROGRAM to input cost price and selling price and calculate profit using sub procedure. [P= SP-CP]
33. Write a program to input distance in kilometre and convert into meter using function procedure.
34. Write a program to input days and convert into years, months and days using sub procedure.
35. Write a program to input seconds and convert into hours minutes and seconds using sub procedure.
36. Write a function convert(N) to read a number in inches and convert it into feet and inches. [1 foot = 12 inches]
37. Write a sub procedure to calculate compound interest for given principal, rate and time. [I = (P+R/100)t – 1]
38. Write a function procedure to calculate volume and area of sphere.[ A= 4 * 3.14 * R ^ 2 ,
V = (4 / 3) * 3.14 * R ^ 3]
39. Write a sub procedure to calculate total saving of a man if he earns rs. 10,000 per month and spends 20% on food,
15% on children’s education, 10% on entertainment and 20% on rent.
40. Write a function procedure to Input sales amount and rate of commission then calculate commission and return net
sales. [ns=sa-c)
41. Using SUB…..END Sub, write a program to test whether a user input number is completely divisible by 13 or not.
42. Write a program to input any number and check whether the given no. Is divisible by 3 and 7 or not using function
43. Write a program to declare a sub procedure module to decide whether an input no is multiple of 5 or not.
300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
44. Write a function program to find whether the given number is perfect number or not.
45. Write a sub program to find whether the given number is perfect square number or not.
46. Write a program to display only perfect square numbers between 1 to 100 using SUB-END SUB.
47. Write a program to define a function procedure which returns whether a input number is positive, negative or zero.
48. Write a program to input any number and check whether the given no. Is positive or negative using sub procedure
49. Write a program to input a year and display whether that year is a leap year or not. [divisible by 4 but not 100]
using sub procedure.
50. Write a program to input any number and display whether it is odd or even using function procedure.
51. Input the age of a person and find out whether the person is eligible to drive or not using sub procedure. [age
52. Write a program to input the age of the voters and check whether they can cast the vote or not. Using
53. Write a program to enter any two numbers and display the smaller one using function procedure.
54. Write a program to enter any three numbers and display the greatest one using sub procedure.
55. Write a program to enter any three numbers and display the middle number using function procedure.
56. Write a program to enter any three numbers and display the greatest, smallest and the middle number using sub
57. Write a program to print the greatest numbers among the ten different numbers input by the user using a function
58. Write a program to enter any 20 numbers and display the greatest one using array using sub procedure.
59. Write a program to enter any 25 numbers and display the greatest and smallest one using array using function
60. Write a sub program to enter any 15 numbers and display only those numbers which are divisible by 5.
61. Write a sub program to input three sides of a triangle and determine whether a triangle can be formed or not.
62. Write a function program to input three sides of a triangle and determine whether a triangle is right angled
triangle or not.
63. Write a sub program to input three angles of a triangle and determine whether a triangle is right angled triangle or
64. Write a function program to input three sides of a triangle and determine whether a triangle is equilateral triangle
or not.
65. Write a sub program to input three sides of a triangle and determine whether a triangle is equilateral, isosceles or
scalene triangle or not.
66. Read perpendicular and base of a right angled triangle to find hypoteneous by using FUNCTION – END
67. Write a sub program to input number and find sum of digits.
68. Write a function program to input number and find sum of odd digits.
69. Write a sub program to input number and find sum of even digits.
70. Write a function sub program to input number and find sum square of digits.
71. Write a function program to input number and find sum of square of odd digits.
72. Write a sub program to input number and find sum of square of even digits.
73. Write a function program to input number and find sum of cube of digits.
74. Write a sub program to input number and find sum of cube of odd digits.
75. Write a function program to input number and find sum of cube of even digits.
76. Write a sub program to input number and count total no. Of digits.
77. Write a function program to input number and count total no. Of odd digits.
78. Write a sub program to input number and count total no. Of even digits.
79. Write a sub program to enter any digit and display even digits
80. Write a sub program to enter any digit and display odd digits
81. Write a program using FUNCTION procedure to reverse and display the integer number having more than one
digit passed as arguments from the main module. [Hint: 123 is reversed as 321].
82. Write a function program to input any number and check whether the given no. Is palindrome or not.
83. Write a sub program to display first 20 palindrome numbers.
84. Write a sub program to display all palindrome numbers from 1 to 200.
85. Write a function program to input any number and check whether the given no. Is armstrong or not.
86. Write a sub program to display first 5 armstrong numbers.
87. Write a sub program to display all armstrong numbers from 1 to 500.
88. Write a function program to input number and check whether the given no. Is prime or composite.
89. Write a sub program to display all prime numbers from 1 to 100.

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
90. Write a sub program to display first 15 prime numbers
91. Write a sub program to input number and check whether the given no. Composite or not.
92. Write a program using SUB procedure to display the sum of all the prime number from first 50 natural number
using sub procedure, where the number is passed as parameter
93. Write a sub program to input any number and display the factors.
94. Write a sub program to input any number and display the prime factors.
95. Write a function program to input any number and find sum of factors.
96. Write a program source code using SUB.....END SUB to calculate the factorial of an input number.
97. Write a sub program to input any number and display the prime factorial of a given number.
98. Write a program to print 1st 20 composite numbers that lays in between 1 to 100 using SUB..... END SUB.
99. Write a sub program to display multiplication table of a given number.
100. Write a program in QBASIC to input any two different number and print HCF using SUB………END SUB
101. Write a function program to display l.c.m of a given any two numbers.
102. Write a program to enter a number and find the product of its digits using FUNCTION procedure.
103. Write a function program to input number and find product of odd digits.
104. Write a sub program to input number and find product of even digits.
105. Write a sub program to enter any 5 numbers and display its product.
106. Write a sub program to enter any 10 numbers and find the sum of numbers.
107. Write a function program to enter any 10 numbers and find the sum of odd numbers.
108. Write a sub program to enter any 10 numbers and find the sum of even numbers.
109. Write a function program to enter any 10 numbers and sort in ascending order.
110. Write a sub program to enter any 10 numbers and sort in descending order.
111. Write a program to print the natural numbers from 1 to 5 using SUB...........END SUB.
112. Write a subprogram to display all odd numbers from 1 to 100.
113. Write a sub program to display all even numbers from 2 to 100.
114. Write a QBASIC program to find the sum of square of first 10 integers using SUB…..END SUB statement
115. Write a sub program to find the sum of all odd numbers from 1 to 100.
116. Write a function program to find the sum of all even numbers from 2 to 100.
117. Write a sub program to display all natural numbers from 1 to 100 in descending order.
118. Write a sub program to display all odd numbers from 1 to 100 in descending order.
119. Write a sub program to display all even numbers from 2 to 100 in descending order.
120. Write a program to display all natural numbers from 1 to 100 also display its sum using function procedure.
121. Write a program to display all odd numbers from 1 to 100 also display its sum using function procedure.
122. Write a sub program to display all even numbers from 2 to 100 also display its sum.
123. Write a sub program to display cube of all numbers from 1 to 50.
124. Write a sub program to display square of all numbers from 1 to 50.
125. Write a function program to print the sum of the numbers between 2 to 50.
126. Write a function program to print the sum of square of odd numbers up to 100.
127. Write a sub program to print the sum of the numbers between 3 to 30.
128. Write a sub program to print the sum of cube of even numbers between 2 to 50.
129. Write a sub program to print the sum of even numbers between 2 to 50.
130. Write a function program using to print the sum of first ten positive integers.
131. Write a sub program to print first ten multiples of input number.
132. Write a sub program using to display first 13 odd numbers.
133. Write a sub program using to display first 19 even numbers.
134. Using SUB……….END sub, write a program to print the following serial 9, 7, 5,……1
135. Write a sub program using to display product of all numbers from 4 to 8.
136. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111
137. Write a program to display 55555, 5555, 555, 55, 5 by using SUB........END SUB.
138. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345
139. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 22, 333, 4444, 55555
140. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 33, 555, 7777, 99999
141. Write a sub procedure to display 12345, 1234, 123, 12, 1
142. Write a sub procedure to display 55555, 4444, 333, 22, 1
143. Write a sub procedure to display 54321, 5432, 543, 54, 5
144. Write a sub procedure to display 5, 54, 543, 5432, 54321
145. Write a sub procedure to display 5, 56, 567, 5678, 56789
146. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 10, 101, 1010, 10101

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
147. Write a sub procedure to display 88888888, 666666, 4444, 22
148. Write a sub procedure to display 13579, 1357, 135, 13, 1
149. Write a sub procedure to display 1, 23, 456, 78910
150. Write a sub procedure to display 123456789, 1234567, 12345, 123, 1
151. Write a sub procedure to display 0.2, 0.02, 0.002, 0.0002, 0.00002, 0.000002
152. Write a sub procedure to display .1, .11, .111, .1111, .11111
153. Write a sub procedure to display 0.00005, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.05, 0.5
154. Write a sub procedure to display .1, .01, .001, .0001, .00001
155. Write a Qbasic Program to generate 0.1, 0.22, 0.333, 0.4444, 0.55555
156. Write a Qbasic Program to generate 1800, 1600, 1400, ……..10th term.
157. Write a sub procedure to display
38 40
36 38 40
34 26 38 40
32 34 36 38 40
158. Write a sub procedure to display
70 65 60 55 50
70 65 60 55
70 65 60
70 65
159. Write a sub procedure to display
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15
4 8 12 16 20
5 10 15 20 25
160. Write a sub procedure to display 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,......15th term.
161. Write a sub procedure to generate the following series: 1, 121, 12321, 1234321, 123454321
162. Write a sub procedure to display 123454321, 1234321, 12321, 121, 1
163. Write a program to display the following series by using SUB….END SUB: 3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39, 63,
102, 165
164. Write a program using sub… procedure module to print the series 1, 1,2,3,5,8….. up to ten terms.
165. Write a program to display the following series using SUB procedure 3,5,8,13,21,….. Upto 10th term.
166. Write a program to display the following series: 3, 4, 7, 11, 18 upto 20th term.
167. Write a sub procedure to display the following series: 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10
168. Write a sub program to generate the following series 9,28,14,7,22,11…………..10th term
169. Write a sub procedure to generate 7,22,11,34……………19th terms.
170. Write a program to print the following series by using SUB ……END SUB: 1, 4, 9, 16.....upto 10th term.
171. Write a program to print the following series by using SUB ……END SUB: 1, 8, 27, 64.....upto 10th term.
172. Write a sub procedure to display the following series: 999, 728, 511.........upto 10th term.
173. Write a QBASIC Program to generate the series: 315, 270, 215, 150 ........ upto 10th term.
174. Write a sub procedure to display the following series: 5, 10, 20, 35, 55.........upto 10th term.
175. Write a program using sub procedure to display following series.
2, 6, 12, 20, 30 ………………………..up to 10th term
176. Write a sub – procedure to print the following series 2 , 4, 8, 14, 22 …upto 10th terms
177. Write a program to print the following series 2, 8, 18, 32, 10th terms using SUB ……………. END SUB
178. Write a program to display the following series using SUB…….END SUB: 1,2,4,7,11 upto 10th term
179. Write a program to generate the below series using SUB procedure: 5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 65, 105......up to 10th
180. Write a program using SUB....END to display given series: 1800, 1600, 1400...... up to 12th terms
181. Write a program using SUB....END SUB to generate the series: 81, 64, 49, ......1.
182. Write a program to display the following series using SUB..END SUB: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, upto 10th term.
183. WAP to display 3, 4, 6, 10…….up to 10th terms using SUB procedure
184. Write a program to display 2, 4, 8, 16,...........12th term using sub procedure.
185. Write a program to display the following series using SUB..END SUB: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 upto 10th terms.
186. Write a program using SUB....END SUB to generate the series: -10, -18, -6, -4..............upto 20th term.
300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
187. Write a program using SUB....END SUB to generate the series: 1, 8, 18, 32..........upto 10 terms.
188. Write a sub program to display numbers 2, 4, 6, ............20.
189. Write a sub program to display numbers 100, 90, 80, .................10
190. Write a sub program to display numbers 30, 28.5, 27, 25.5, .................10th term.
191. Write a sub program to display numbers -10, -5, 0, 5, 10.............upto 12th terms.
192. WAP to enter any word and display in reverse order using SUB procedure.
193. WAP to declare FUNCTION procedure to reverse the input string.
194. Write a program to test whether the input word is palindrome word or not using FUNCTION…………END
195. Write a program to ask to enter the string then find out whether it is palindrome or not by using sub procedure.
196. Write a sub to input two different strings and find the longest string.
197. Write a program to print the shortest word among the three different word input by the user using
198. Write a sub program to enter any ten strings and display the longest strings.
199. Write a function program to enter any ten strings and display the shortest string.
200. Write a sub program to enter any ten strings and sort in ascending order.
201. Write a function program to enter any ten strings and sort in descending order.
202. Write a program to count total number of consonants in a word supplied by user SUB…..END SUB.
203. Write a program to count total number of vowels in a word supplied by user FUNCTION….. END
204. Write a program to count and print number of words used in a given string using user defined procedure.
205. Write a program to count the total no. Of vowels and consonants of the entered sentence using
206. Write a program to count the total no. Of vowels, consonants and words of the entered sentence using
SUB.......END SUB.
207. Write a sub program to input any string and display only vowels.
208. Write a function program to input any string and display only consonants.
209. Write a program to input a string then print vowel characters in upper case and consonant characters in lower
case using function – end function. (Suppose input string is NEPAL then output should be nEpAl)
210. Write a program to declare SUB procedure to display th following output: Jagat Mandir School = J.M.S
211. Write a sub Program that accept the full name of the person and display the initial character of the first name
and middle name with full family name.(eg.Meg Bahadur Thapa as M.B.Thapa)
212. Write a program to enter a long string and display only initial character of each word Using function
213. Write a program to enter any word and print alternate case of each character using DECLARE SUB eg. Nepal
to NePaL.
214. Write a sub program to input any string and check whether the first character of a input string is alphabet,
number or symbol.
215. Write a function program to check whether the supplied character is alphabet or not.
216. Write a to remove the spaces from the string I am a proud of being Nepali using FUNCTION Procedure
217. Write a sub program to input any string and display only consonant by removing vowels.
218. Write a function program to input any string and display only vowels by removing consonants
219. Write a program to ask to enter a string then find out the sum of even ASSCII value of each characters by
220. Write a function program to count the frequency of characters r or s present in the supplied string.
221. Write a sub program to convert decimal number to binary number.
222. Write a function program to convert binary number to decimal number.
223. Write a sub program to convert decimal number to octal number.
224. Write a sub program to convert decimal number to hexa decimal number.
225. Write a function program to convert hexa decimal number to decimal number.
226. Write a function program to convert octal number to decimal number.
227. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: N, NE, NEP, NEPA, NEPAL
228. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: L, AL, PAL, EPAL, NEPAL
229. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: NEPAL, NEPA, NEP, NE, N
230. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: NEPAL, EPAL, PAL, AL, L
231. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: NEPAL, EPA, P
232. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display: P, EPA, NEPAL
233. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display *nepal* *nepa* *nep* *ne* *n*

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
234. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
235. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
236. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
227. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
237. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
238. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
239. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:

240. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:

241. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
242. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:
243. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074

244. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:

245. Write a program using SUB……….END SUB to display:

246. Write a sub program to input number of passengers and their destination. The program should calculate the
total bus fare and the discount amount according to the following conditions.
Rates for the different destinations:
Destinations rate
Pokhara 450 per person
Butwal 500 per person
Chitwan 300 per person
Discount rate
If the number of passenger is 5 or above then discount=5% in the total amount.
247. Write a sub program to input total number of words and compute telegram charges which are as follows:
For the first 20 words : rs 15
For the next 20 words : rs 10
Above that for each word: re 1

248. In order to discourage heavy consumption of electricity, the electricity board charges the following rates:
First 80 units: rs 4 per unit
Next 60 units: rs 6 per unit
Above that : rs 7 per unit
Every user has to pay a minimum charge of rs. 100 irrespective of the total amount of electricity consumed. In
case total consumption is more than 300 units an additional charge of 10% is added. Write a sub program to
read consumer’s name, units consumed and print out total amount to pay along with name of consumer.
249. WAP to supply percentage from the keyboard and print the grade using sub – program. Use the following
Percentage Grade
Per>=90 and P<=100 A+
Per>=80 and P<90 A
Per>=70 and P<80 B+
Per>=60 and P<70 B
Per>=50 and P<60 C+
Per>=40 and P<50 C
Per>=30 and P<40 D+
Per>=20 and P<30 D

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
Per<20 E

250. Write a program in qbasic to open a sequential data file “emp.dat”, which contains employees records: name,
address and phone number and display all the records as well as total number of records stored in the file.
251. Write a program to store records regarding the information of book number, book’s name and write’s name in
a sequential data file called “library.dat”.
252. Write a program to create a sequential data file “employee.dat” to store employees’ name, address, age,
gender and salary.
253. A sequential data file “emp.dat” contains name, post and salary fields of information about employees. Write
a program to display all the information of employees along with tax amount (also tax is 15% of salary).
254. A sequential data file called “student.dat” contains same records under the field’s name, english, nepali and
computer. Write a program to add some more records in the same sequential data file.
255. A sequential data file called “marks.dat” contains name, english, nepali, maths and science fields. Write a
program to display all the contents of that data file.
256. A data file “lib.txt” consists of book’s name, author’s name and price of books. Write a program to count and
display the total number of records present in the file.
257. Write a program to view those records from “employee.dat” sequential data file having employee’s name,
department, appointment data and salary whose salary is more than rs.5000
258. A sequential data file “staff.dat” contains the name, address, post and salary of the employees. Write a
program to read and display all the records stored in the above data file.
259. A sequential data file named”rec.dat”contains name,post and salary. Write a program to display all the
records for the employees whose salary is more than 8000.
260. A sequential data file named “record.dat” contains first name, last name and age. Write a program to display
all the records whose age is more than 60.
261. Write a program to open a data file “record.dat” that contains name, address, date of birth, email and
telephone number of some employees. Now display all those records whose date of birth is in current month.
262. Write a program to display all records having salary less than 2500 from the data file “add.inf” having the
field’s name, post and salary.
263. Wap to delete some records from “neps.dat” file where computer ask user to enter the record, which is to be
deleted. (fields are name, address, and telephone number).
264. Write a program to open a data file “student.dat” that contains name, address, telephone number and parent’s
name of some students. Now display all those records whose address is “lalitpur”.
265. A sequential data file “salary.dat” contains the information, employee-code, employee-name, post, and basic-
salary. Write a program to display those records whose basic-salary is between 10000 to 15000 and post is
266. A sequential data file named “nabil.txt” contains record of clients of a bank including depositor’s name,
deposited amount, time and rate of interest. Wap to display detail of all depositors including simple interest.
267. Wap that asks a post of the employee and displays his/her records from the sequential data file “xyz.rec”
having fields name, post, dept and salary.
268. Write a program to search and display only those record whose percentage is more than 60% from the data
“result.dat” which contain student’s symbol number, date of birth, total marks, percentage and division.
269. A data file name “student.dat”, contains number of records having fields name, post and salary. Write a
program to count total number of “manager” in the data file. (hint: manager is a post)
270. Write a program to store stdno, name, address and telephone number of five students and display the records
on monitor in sequential data file “stdinfo”.
271. Write a program to create a data file “slc.dat” to store name,class,and marks in three subjects of 15 students.
272. Create a sequential data file”price.dat” to store item name,quantity and rate also calculate total amount
(total=quantity x rate).program should terminate according to the user’s choice.
273. Create a sequential data file’post.dat’ to store name and marks of any three subjects also calculate total and
percentages only for 15 students.
274. A sequential data file’post.dat’ has few records related to name,address,salary and dob (mm/dd/yyyy).wap to:
300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
a. Display all the records as well as count and display he total number of records also.
b. Display the records whose address begins with ‘s’ or ‘d’
275. A sequential data file named “abc.dat” has several records having fields name, roll and class. Write a program
to copy all the records of class 10 into a newly created file new.dat.
276. Write a program which reads records from the file ”result.dat” having the fields name, and marks of three
different subjects and display only those records whose percentage is greater than 60 and less than 80. Also count
the total number of records presenting in that data files.
277. Write a program to display all the records having age greater than 60 and service year greater than or equal to
20 from the data file created in question no emprec.dat
278. Write a program that reads above data file created in exp.txt and display records for those employees whose
salary is >=15000 and <=20000.
279. Wap to display all those records of student.dat having the address “birgunj” or “biratnagar”.
280. Write a program to create a sequential data file “book.inf” to store following information of books, book no,
author, publisher and price.
281. Write a program to display all records of “info.dat” also count and print how many persons are getting salary
282. A sequential data file has 100 records having field name, class and roll number. Write a program to display
from 50th to 60th records.
283. Write a program to display the first 10 records from a file named “resource.dat” having fields name, phone
and email.
284. A data file named “record.dat” contains name, age and salary for n number of persons. Write a program to
input a name to search data from a data file. If the data is not found, then display the message “Data not found in
the list”.
285. A sequential data file “employee.dat” contains employee no., employee name, employee address, designation,
salary and date of join. Write a program to count and display those records of employees whose DOJ(Date of Join)
is on January 1st .
286. Write a program to input a data file named “marks.dat” to store name, gender, and marks in english, nepali
and science. Program should terminate by user according to his/her choice. But the program should allow entering
“m” of “f” for the gender.
287. An organization is planning to keep records of its employees in a computer. Write a program to create a data
file staff.dat and store the following fields of information of employees – name, age, sex-code, educational
qualification code, salary and marital status code.
288. Assume that the sex-code is 1 for male and 2 for female, the educational qualification codes are 1, 2, 3 and 4
for illiterate, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate respectively and the marital status codes are 1 and 2 for
married and unmarried respectively.
289. A sequential data file called salary.dat contains s.no, name, post and salary fields. Wap to update the salary of
all the employees if post is manager and salary is more than 25000 by 15% otherwise by 10%.
290. A sequential data file “record.dat” contains different records under fields: name rollno., name, address and
percentage. Write a program to edit a record and display both edited and unedited records on the screen to
compare them side by side.
291. A sequential data file called “salary.dat” contains sn, name, salary fields. Write a program to update the salary
of all employees having salary more than 10,000 by 15%.
292. Write a program that ask your name and stores it in reverse form into a sequential data file “reverse.dat”.
Make a provision so that user can input 5 records at each program execution.
293. Nepal cosmetics pvt ltd is dealing in a variety of products which need to be computerized their inventory
system so that all their transactions and records are maintained regularly, accurately and efficiently.
294. Everest hotel located at kathmandu has decided to go in for computerization of the complete hotel functioning
to improve the customer services and meet the heavy rush during tourist season. You are asked to help the
management in writing the complete package.
[customer name, address, telephone, type of room, room charge, room number etc]

300 Qbasic Programming Questions 2074
295. Kathmandu academy is having a problem to maintain the employee’s pay data. So, they want to computerize
their payroll system to improve the management of pay and timely distribution of salary. The payroll system
should maintain all the information about the employees details such as employee code, employee name, basic
salary, income tax, house rent and net salary.
296. Jagatmandir school is having a problem to maintain all the information about the books so they want to
computerize the library system to improve the management of books. The program should maintain all the
information about the book detail such as book_code, book_name, author and no. Of books.
297. Jagatmandir school is having a problem to maintain student’s billing information so they want to computerize
the billing system to improve the billing system. Design a menu based for student monthly billing system with all
the necessary information like std_id, name, class, monthly fee, other fee items etc.
298. Jagatmandir school is having a problem to maintain student’s result information so they want to computerize
the result system to improve the result processing system. Design a menu based for student result processing
system with all the necessary information. It should accept student wise marks of students. Besides the students
obtained marks system should calculate and record the division and percentage obtained. It should print out the
mark sheet of the students as output.
299. Develop a menu based school telephone directory system for jagatmandir school with all the necessary
functions with appropriate inputs. The system should be able to search and list information for a given telephone
number of a person’s name. It also should be able to display listing class wise or for a given alphabet.
300. Develop a menu based library book loaning system for jagatmandir school with all the necessary functions.
The system should record the library books under different category like textbook fiction, poetry, history,
geography, science etc. The system should be able to produce due book list for a given date, list of person with a
due book, daily issued book list, daily returned book list etc.



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