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I remember that Kotik called Re. I sounded for him a note - Mi sixteen sharp major.
He lived in a world of sounds, this world was boundless for him. Once we went by
the tram past the old mansions. Suddenly Kitty shouted: "... Look! A typical house
in style Up to one hundred and twelve flats!". And besides, Kitty "saw" the sound
in color. Sarajev's records of the correspondence of sound and color are preserved.
I quote from memory,
E-major - bright blue,
F-major - bright yellow,
C major - bright purple,
E-minor - dark blue, grayish-dark,
F minor - dark brown,
C minor - dark reddish-orange, etc.
People Kotik also "saw" and divided by color. Probably he was always inside the
musical sound environment. Many composers saw the sound in color. For example,
Rimsky-Korsakov, Scriabin, Astafiev. In the perception of musical images in
Saradzheva and Scriabin was a striking commonality: certain tonalities caused them
the corresponding color colors.


Kitty "studied". And repeatedly. And scientists, and doctors, and musicians. The
psychologist N. A. Berstein made such an experiment, for example: he asked Kitty,
who claimed to hear the sound of a given color, to inscribe on the envelopes the
tonality of colored ribbons embedded there. After a while he repeated the request,
which was executed. When he checked the contents of the old and new envelopes, he
was convinced that the record was completely identical. A well-known psychiatrist
VA Gilyarovsky said about him that in the future or all people will have such
abilities, or he and for the future - a genius!

Neil Saradzhev

Unusual abilities of the cat began to appear even in early childhood. Konstantin
Konstantinovich was my elder brother, and I know about his childhood from the
stories of Tamara Konstantinovna's sister. She remembered that he was still very
young when he began to react to the sounds of the bells. Crying when he was being
carried away from the bell tower, he listened to the bell ringing selflessly. Toy
did not recognize, asked to give only the "bell". He had a whole collection of
bells: he struck one and then another, attentively listening to how they sounded.
He still collected perfume bottles, arranged them, tried to play melodies on them.
When he was seven years old and was taught to play the piano and the violin, he
began to improvise. I composed compositions. Grandmother wrote them down and kept
them carefully. In the compositions of the twelve-year-old Kitty, the sister said,
already there was a bell. And then the bell became his element.

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