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Understanding the Complete Blood Count

With Differential
Beverly George-Gay, MSN, RN, CCRN
Katherine Parker, MEd, RN

The complete blood count (CBC) with differential is one of the most
common laboratory tests performed today. It gives information
about the production of all blood cells and identifies the patient’s
oxygen-carrying capacity through the evaluation of red blood cell
(RBC) indices, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. It also provides informa-
tion about the immune system through the evaluation of the white
blood cell (WBC) count with differential. These tests are helpful in
diagnosing anemia, certain cancers, infection, acute hemorrhagic
states, allergies, and immunodeficiencies as well as monitoring for
side effects of certain drugs that cause blood dyscrasias. Nurses in the
perianesthesia arena are frequently challenged to obtain and evalu-
ate all or parts of the CBC as a part of the patient’s preoperative,
intraoperative, and postoperative assessments. An enhanced under-
standing of this laboratory test is essential to providing quality care.
© 2003 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses.

Objectives—Based on the content of this article, the reader should be able to (1) discuss the
physiology of blood cell production; (2) describe the usefulness of the complete blood count (CBC);
(3) identify and differentiate the roles of the different types of leukocytes; (4) describe the charac-
teristics of red blood cell (RBC) structure and function; (5) discuss the indications for CBC as part of
the perianesthesia evaluation; and (6) explore the nursing indications related to CBC findings in the
perianesthesia setting.

THE COMPONENTS OF the complete blood

Beverly George-Gay, MSN, RN, CCRN, is the Nurse Educator
count (CBC) include a hemogram and differen-
for Critical Care for the Department of Education and tial white blood cell (WBC) count. The hemo-
Katherine Parker, MEd, RN, is a Nurse Educator for the gram includes the enumeration of WBCs, red
Department of Education at the Virginia Commonwealth
blood cells (RBCs), and platelets; it also pro-
University Health System, Richmond, VA.
Address correspondence to Beverly George-Gay, MSN, RN, vides determinations of hemoglobin, hemato-
CCRN, 11824 Club Ridge Dr, Chester, VA 23836; e-mail crit, and RBC indices (Table 1). The WBC count
address: bgay@mcvh-vcu.edu. with differential enumerates the different WBC
© 2003 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses.
1089-9472/03/1802-0007$35.00/0 types. Together, the components of the CBC
doi:10.1053/jpan.2003.50013 evaluate primary diseases of the blood and bone

96 Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 18, No 2 (April), 2003: pp 96-117


Table 1. Complete Blood Count ment, and societal judgments determine when
screening tests are indicated. Medicare does not
WBC 4,500 to 11,000/␮L
Differential white cell count See Table 7 support the use of the CBC as a screening tool;
RBC 4.0 to 6.2 million/␮L to be cost effective, the CBC should only be
Hct ordered when indicated.2
Women 35% to 47%
Men 8 to 64 yr 39% to 50%
Men 65 to 74 yr 37% to 51% Indications
Women 12 to 16 g/dL Preoperative evaluation should include a his-
Men 14 to 18 g/dL tory, a physical examination, laboratory tests,
RBC indices
Mean corpuscular volume 82 to 93 ␮m3
and an assessment of surgical risk to identify
Mean corpuscular Hgb 26 to 34 pg coexisting diseases and complicating condi-
Mean corpuscular Hgb concentration 31% to 38% tions. To decrease the risk of morbidity and
Platelet count 150,000 to 400,000 ␮L
mortality in the perianesthesia setting, the CBC
Data from Chernecky et al.1 is used to assist with the identification of pa-
tients who are at risk for complications of inad-
equate tissue perfusion during the procedure
marrow, which include disorders such as ane-
and those with a possible infectious or inflam-
mia, leukemia, polycythemia, thrombocytosis,
matory process.3,4
and thrombocytopenia. The CBC also evaluates
medical conditions that secondarily affect the
blood and bone marrow resulting in hemato- General indications for a CBC that are consid-
logic manifestations such as infection, inflam- ered medically reasonable and are accepted by
mation, coagulopathies, neoplasms, and toxic Medicare are as follows:
substance exposure. In many instances, specific ● The hemogram should be evaluated for
symptomatology of a medical condition may any patient with signs, symptoms, or
not be present and hematologic changes on the conditions associated with anemia or
CBC may be the only finding present. These polycythemia. See Table 2 for specific
changes prompt investigation to then identify signs, symptoms, and conditions.
the medical condition. ● The platelet count should be evaluated
for patients with findings or conditions
To foster the understanding of the usefulness of associated with increased or decreased
the CBC, the function and life cycle of the platelet production, destruction, or dys-
various cells are introduced. Test indications, function (Table 2). The platelet count is
characteristics, abnormal findings, and applica- usually obtained as part of the hemo-
tions for the perianesthesia nurse are discussed. gram.
● The WBC differential should be evalu-
ated for any patient with signs, symp-
“Screening” usually refers to testing patients toms, or conditions associated with in-
who are asymptomatic and have no physical fections, inflammatory processes, bone
signs of disease. However, symptoms or physi- marrow alterations, and immune disor-
cal signs may be very insensitive indicators of ders (Table 2). The WBC count has also
some diseases. In the perianesthesia setting, the been recently identified as a possible risk
use of the CBC as a screening tool constantly stratification tool for mortality in acute
undergoes revision. Factors such as the preva- coronary syndromes.5
lence of disease in a population, the medical ● A hemoglobin and hematocrit (H&H)
and financial impact of missing a “problem,” the alone may be appropriate if there is only
cost per problem found, financial reimburse- a need to assess the oxygen-carrying ca-

Table 2. Signs, Symptoms, and Conditions That May Warrant a CBC or Parts of a CBC

Hemogram Hemogram Hemogram

(Findings Related to Anemia) (Findings Related to Polycythemia) (Findings Related to Platelet Dysfunction) WBC With Differential

Pallor Fever Gastrointestinal bleed Fever

Weakness Chills Genitourinary tract bleed Chills
Fatigue Ruddy skin Bilateral epistaxis Sweats
Weight loss Conjunctival redness Thrombosis Shock
Bleeding Cough Ecchymosis Fatigue
Acute or suspected blood loss Wheezing Purpura Malaise
from injury Cyanosis Jaundice Tachycardia
Hematuria Clubbing of the fingers Petechiae Tachypnea
Hematemesis Orthopnea Fever Heart murmur
Hematochezia Heart murmur Heparin therapy Seizures
Positive fecal occult Headache Suspected DIC Altered consciousness
Neuropathy Memory changes Shock Pain such as headache
Malnutrition Sleep apnea Preeclampsia Abdominal pain
Tachycardia Weakness Massive transfusion Arthralgia
Known malignancy Pruritus Recent platelet transfusion Odynophagia
Systolic heart murmur Dizziness Cardiopulmonary bypass Dysuria
Congestive heart failure Excessive sweating Renal diseases Redness/swelling of skin soft
Dyspnea Massive obesity Hypersplenism tissue or joint
Angina Gastrointestinal bleeding Neurologic abnormalities Ulcers of skin or mucous
Postural dizziness Paresthesias Viral or other infection membrane
Syncope Myocardial infarction Thrombosis Gangrene
Nailbed deformities Stroke Exposure to toxic agents Bleeding
Known malignancy Thromboembolism Excessive alcohol ingestion Thrombosis
Jaundice Hepatomegaly Autoimmunue disorders Pulmonary infiltrate
Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly (SLE, RA) Jaundice
Splenomegaly COPD Hepatomegaly Diarrhea
Lymphadenopathy Diastolic hypertension Splenomegaly Vomiting
Ulcers of the lower extremities Congenital heart disease Lymphadenopathy Opportunistic infections as
Transient ischemic attack oral candidiasis
Visual symptoms Hepatomegaly

Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; RA,
rheumatoid arthritis.
Data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Available at www.cms.hhs.gov/ncd/searchdisplay.asp?NSD_ID⫽61&NCD_vrsn_num⫽1.

pacity of blood before surgery for pa- plexity for a given procedure. In general, minor
tients who do not have the previously procedures are those with very low risk of large
listed signs, symptoms, or conditions fluid shifts or significant blood loss. Minor pro-
(Table 2). The H&H may be helpful in cedures include soft tissue and eye procedures;
the intraoperative and postoperative minor ortho; as well as ear, nose, and throat and
phase of care to assess and track for urologic procedures, among others. Keep in
blood loss but can be misleading because mind that a “minor” procedure may turn into a
of the intercompartmental fluid shifts “moderately complex” procedure as complica-
that occur during surgery and because of tions are identified or develop. Major proce-
the dilutional effects of crystalloid ther- dures are those that are often prolonged, often
apy. with high risk of large fluid shifts or signifi-
Specific perianesthesia indications for the CBC cant blood loss. They often involve major body
also take into account the level of surgical com- cavities. These include major abdominal, vascu-

Table 3. Levels of Surgical Complexity

Level 1
● Minimal risk to the patient independent of anesthesia
● Minimally invasive procedures with little or no blood loss
● Often performed in an office setting with the operating room principally for anesthesia and monitoring
● Includes breast biopsy, removal of minor skin or subcutaneous lesions, myringotomy tubes, hysteroscopy, cystoscopy, fiberoptic
Level 2
● Minimal to moderately invasive procedure
● Blood loss less than 500 mL
● Mild risk to patient independent of anesthesia
● Includes diagnostic laparoscopy, dilatation and curettage, fallopian tubal ligation, arthroscopy, inguinal hernia repair, laparoscopic lysis of
adhesions, tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy, umbilical hernia repair, septoplasty/rhinoplasty, percutaneous lung biopsy, extensive superficial
Level 3
● Moderate to significantly invasive procedure
● Blood loss potential 500 to 1,500 mL
● Moderate risk to patient independent of anesthesia
● Includes hysterectomy, myomectomy, cholecystectomy, laminectomy, hip/knee replacement, major laparoscopic procedures,
resection/reconstructive surgery of the digestive tract; excludes open thoracic or intracranial procedures
Level 4
● Highly invasive procedure
● Blood loss greater than 1,500 mL
● Major risk to patient independent of anesthesia
● Includes major orthopedic-spinal reconstruction, major reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, major vascular repair without postoperative
ICU stay
Level 5
● Highly invasive procedure
● Blood loss greater than 1,500 mL
● Critical risk to patient independent of anesthesia
● Usual postoperative ICU stay with invasive monitoring
● Includes cardiothoracic procedure; intracranial procedure; major procedure on the oropharynx; major vascular, skeletal, neurologic repair

lar, cardiothoracic, orthopedic, gynecologic/ (⬎65 years of age) as part of their preoperative
urologic, head and neck, and neurologic proce- assessment because of the comorbidities associ-
dures. Levels of surgical complexity from level 1 ated with this age group as it may uncover
(minor) to level 5 (major) are described in Table clinical problems that were not picked up on
3. The American Society of Anesthesiologists’ physical examination.6 Patients classified with
(ASA) physical status classification system is an- an ASA score of 3 or greater should have a CBC
other tool that can be used to assess the pa- before their surgical procedure. In addition to
tient’s current health status and overall periop- the general indications for CBC in Table 2,
erative risk (Table 4). Although imprecise, it is a situations requiring a CBC before a surgical
way to predict the patient’s anesthetic/surgical procedure are listed in Table 5.
risks. The higher the ASA class, the greater the
risks. Optimally efficient testing entails consideration
of a combination of factors including the age,
For the patient who is asymptomatic and active gender, and reliability of the patient; the surgi-
with a reliable benign history and undergoing a cal procedure; and the type of anesthesia being
minor procedure, an H&H assessment may be used. Older or less reliable patients may be
all that is necessary or may not be indicated at more likely to have an unsuspected abnormality
all. For those patients undergoing major proce- picked up by a “screening” test. Major proce-
dures, a CBC with platelets should be com- dures are associated with significant physiologic
pleted. The CBC is indicated for elderly patients stress. Existing medical conditions, which may

Table 4. ASA Classification

Class Description Examples

1 A normal healthy patient with no systemic illness Healthy with good exercise tolerance
2 A patient with well-controlled systemic illness, but Well-controlled hypertension, diabetes, without systemic effects; no
without functional restrictions evidence of COPD, anemia, or obesity
3 A patient with significant degree of systemic effects that Controlled heart failure, stable angina, or history of myocardial
limits activities infarction; diabetes with systemic sequela; uncontrolled
hypertension; morbid obesity
4 A patient with severe systemic illness associated with Unstable angina, symptomatic heart failure, renal failure requiring
significant dysfunction and a constant potential threat dialysis
to life
5 A patient in critical condition, who is at substantial risk Multiple organ dysfunctions, hemodynamically unstable sepsis,
of death within 24 hours with or without operative poorly controlled coagulopathy
6 A patient declared brain dead undergoing organ removal
for donor purposes
E This symbol is added to any of the above classes to
designate an emergency

Data from www.asahq.org, www.nurse-anesthesia.com/generalanesthesia.htm, and www.vh.org/adult/provider/anesthesia/proceduralsedation/

asapatientclassification.html. Accessed December 2002.

be of little concern during a brief and minor tinued risk for the development of hematologic
procedure, may cause problems during and af- abnormalities.
ter a long and complex surgery. Preoperative
evaluation should reflect this need for an in-
creased level of preparedness and monitoring. Blood
The average adult has approximately 5.5 L of
Timing of the CBC blood, consisting of plasma and cells. Plasma
A CBC completed within 2 months of a proce- makes up 55% of the blood components and
dure is acceptable unless a change is suspected consists of proteins, water, and some waste
as a consequence of disease, medication, or products. Cells, of which there are 3 main
treatment. Repeat testing is indicated for abnor- types, make up the other 45%. They consist of
mal results or for patients with normal results (1) WBCs (leukocytes), of which there are sev-
who have conditions in which there is a con- eral subtypes; (2) RBCs (erythrocytes); and (3)
platelets (thrombocytes).
Table 5. Situations Requiring Preoperative CBC
All blood cells are produced in the bone mar-
● Abnormal bleeding (⫹ platelets) row from a mother cell called the pluripotential
● Heavy ETOH use (⫹ platelets) (multipotential) stem cell (PSC). This PSC un-
● Potentially toxic medications (eg, which cause bone marrow
dergoes stages of differentiation until it be-
● Infection (⫹ differential) comes committed to either the erythrocyte,
● ASA score of ⱖ3 thrombocyte, or one of the leukocyte subtypes
● Vascular surgery
(Fig 1). Under normal conditions, only mature
● Anticipate prosthetic device or hardware placement
● Anticipate ⬎500 mL blood loss, invasive monitoring, or ICU (⫹ blood cells should be found circulating in the
platelets) blood. Alterations in the production and func-
● Level 4 or 5 surgery
tion of these blood cells provide information
Abbreviation: ETOH, alcohol. about the patient’s diagnosis, prognosis, re-

Fig 1. Blood cell differentiation. Reprinted with permission from Garrett.16

sponse to therapies, and their recovery. The The WBC Count With Differential
laboratory procedure that gives us this informa-
The WBC count with differential determines
tion is the CBC.
the total number of WBCs (also called leuko-
Obtaining the Blood Sample cytes) with a percentage of each type. The
major function of the WBC is to defend the
The blood sample is obtained via venipuncture body against organisms and injury. WBCs are
and is collected in a lavender top tube, which is the main players in infectious/inflammatory and
the nationally accepted color standard. The immune responses. To appreciate the role of
blood sample will remain useable for analysis at the WBC, a brief review of inflammation/infec-
room temperature for up to 10 hours, after tion and immunity is provided.
which time the sample deteriorates and is not to
be considered reliable. The blood sample can Inflammation and Infection
also be kept refrigerated and remain useable for The inflammatory process is triggered by cell
as long as 18 hours. The sample should never be injury, which can be caused by a variety of
frozen. The patient should ideally be at rest for conditions such as trauma, burns, ischemia, sur-
10 to 15 minutes before obtaining the sample. gery, snakebite, caustic chemicals, and ex-
Automated electronic devices perform enumer- tremes in heat and cold, as well as infectious
ation of the blood cells. Blood cell counts are microorganisms. It is important to remember
reported per microliter. Morphology is deter- that although all infections are accompanied by
mined by stained smears. inflammation, not all inflammation is accompa-

nied by infection. In the perianesthesia setting, tissue that have been infected by microorgan-
surgical incisions would be the most common isms, as well as cancer cells. Cell-mediated im-
trigger of inflammation. munity provides primary defense against vi-
ruses, fungi, slow-growing bacteria, and tumors.
Any damage to the vascular endothelium or the
mast cell will trigger an inflammatory response, Humoral immunity or antibody-mediated im-
which is orchestrated by inflammatory cyto- munity involves the production of antibodies
kines. Cytokines are hormonelike protein medi- by B cells and mainly occurs in body fluid such
ators responsible for the cell-to-cell commu- as plasma and lymph. Humoral immunity pro-
nication that regulates local and systemic vides primary defense against bacteria. Cell-me-
physiologic and pathologic interactions. The diated immunity is initiated frequently first, but
cells of the vascular endothelium have been both cell-mediated and humoral immunity can
recently identified as a major player in the be initiated simultaneously. Both types of immu-
inflammatory process. nity require specific types of WBCs to be effec-
The mast cell (cellular bag of granules) is an- tive.
other important activator of the inflammatory White Blood Cells
response. Mast cells are found in connective
tissues intimately surrounding blood vessels and Although the medical term for the WBC is leu-
in mucosal surfaces. Once endothelial or mast kocyte, the term WBC will be used in this article
cells are injured or damaged, they release in- for the sake of simplicity. WBCs can be divided
flammatory cytokines, which orchestrate the into 2 main groups: phagocytes and immuno-
manifestations of inflammation. cytes. Phagocytes are WBCs that have the capa-
bility to attach to, engulf, and release enzymes
Manifestations of inflammation include a short to kill and degrade unwanted microorganisms
period of vasoconstriction to limit bleeding fol- and debris. The WBCs that are phagocytic in-
lowed by vasodilation. Vasodilation increases clude neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and
blood flow to the area, bringing nutrients and monocytes. Immunocytes include the lympho-
large amounts of WBCs. Vasodilation also re- cytes, WBCs that drive the immune response.
sults in hyperemia (redness and warmth). An-
other manifestation is increased capillary per- A more common manner in which WBCs are
meability, which allows for the immigration of divided is by the presence of granules in the
WBCs from the blood vessel to the interstitial cytoplasm. Those WBCs that contain granules
spaces where they can phagocytize unwanted in their cytoplasm are neutrophils, eosinophils,
organisms and debris. The WBCs also release and basophils. WBCs that do not contain gran-
cytokines to call more WBCs to the area and ules in their cytoplasm include monocytes and
to perpetuate the inflammatory response. In- lymphocytes (Fig 2). For the purpose of this
creased capillary permeability also allows for discussion, WBCs will be divided into granulo-
the exudation of plasma and plasma proteins cytes and nongranulocytes.
resulting in edema. The edema may cause pres- Granulocytes
sure on the nearby nerves resulting in pain.
Granulocytes get their name from the granules
Immunity present in their cytoplasm. These granules con-
In the immune process, specific types of WBCs tain biochemical mediators that serve inflamma-
respond to specific microorganisms. Immunity tory and immune functions. Granulocytes also
can be classified as either cell mediated or hu- contain enzymes in their cytoplasm capable of
moral. Cell-mediated immunity involves spe- destroying microorganisms and catabolizing de-
cific types of WBCs called T lymphocytes or T bris ingested during phagocytosis. They take
cells. These T cells will attack host cells within about one week to develop in the bone mar-

Fig 2. Granulocytes and nongranulocytes. Reprinted with permission from Catalano.8

row. They circulate for only about 6 to 12 hours mented nuclei that resemble bands or rods.
in the blood stream and 2 to 3 days after enter- Thus, immature neutrophils are called bands or
ing the tissue. stabs. They are normally found only in very low
percentages in circulating blood.
Neutrophils are a type of granulocyte and are Eosinophils
mature cells that account for more than half of Eosinophils function principally to ingest and
all the WBC subtypes in circulation. They are kill multicellular parasites. They are also effec-
also called segmented neutrophils (segs) or tive in detoxifying antigen-antibody complexes
polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) or that form during allergic reactions. People with
polys because the nucleus of these cells consists chronic allergic conditions such as atopic rhini-
of 3 to 5 lobes connected by thin strands. tis and extrinsic asthma typically have elevated
Highly motile, these cells are the first to arrive circulating eosinophil counts. Eosinophils are
(usually within 90 minutes) in response to acute believed to play a role in downregulating hyper-
inflammation or infection; they migrate out of sensitivity responses by neutralizing histamine,
the capillaries and into the inflamed tissue site inhibiting mast cell degranulation, and inactivating
in a process called diapedesis or emigration. slow-reacting subtances (SRS) of anaphylaxsis.
The neutrophils ingest microorganisms and de-
bris and then die, forming purulent exudate, Basophils
which is removed by the lymphatics or through Basophils are associated with systemic allergic
the epithelium. reactions. Similar to mast cells, basophils have
granules that contain proinflammatory chemi-
When there is an increased demand for neutro- cals such as histamine, serotonin, bradykinin,
phils, as in response to acute infection, imma- and heparin. They release their granules in re-
ture neutrophils may be released from the bone sponse to stimulation by immune cells. Ba-
marrow. These immature cells have unseg- sophils circulate in the blood stream, whereas

mast cells are found in connective tissue. The Table 6. Mononuclear Phagocyte System
average basophil has a life span of days, but the Macrophage Tissue
mast cell can live weeks to months.
Kupffer cells Liver
Nongranulocytes Alveolar macrophage Lung
Histocytes Connective tissue
Nongranulocytes, as mentioned earlier, are
Pleural and peritoneal macrophages Serous cavities
WBCs that do not have granules in their cyto- Microglial cells Nervous system
plasm. Inclusive in this group are monocytes Osteoclasts Bones
and lymphocytes. Mesangial Kidneys
Langerhans Skin
Dendritic cells Lymphoid tissue
Monocytes are the largest of the WBCs and are
young cells found freely circulating in blood or classes of lymphocyte: the T lymphocyte (T
en route to a tissue location. Once the young cell) and the B lymphocyte (B cell). Both T and
monocyte leaves the blood stream and enters B cells can be sorted into subtypes based on
tissue, it transforms into a mature macrophage. characteristic surface molecules on them called
Macrophages live within tissue spaces in wide- cluster of differentiation (CD). Cluster of differ-
spread locations. These cells have different entiation surface molecules assist in defining
names related to the particular tissue in which the function of the different lymphocyte sub-
they are found, ie, the Kupffer cells are macro- types.
phages that live in the liver. Because of the
complex connection of these cells to the blood T cells. The T cell matures in the thymus and
stream and the tissue, monocytes and macro- is responsible for cell-mediated immunity as
phages are described as one system, called the previously described. The T cell can also stim-
mononuclear phagocyte system. Table 6 iden- ulate the B cell, triggering humoral/anti-
tifies specific macrophages and the particular body-mediated immunity (also previously de-
tissue in which they are found. scribed). The T cell has several subtypes that
can be divided into regulator or effector cells.
Macrophages arrive on the scene in about 5
hours after injury and become the predominant Regulator T cells are so called because of their
leukocyte within 48 hours. Because macro- regulatory functions of turning on or off the
phages lie within the tissue spaces, they are immune response. There are 2 types of regula-
usually the first cell to engulf and process the tor T cells: the helper T cell and the suppressor
antigen and present it to the immune cells T cell. The helper T cell is considered the
(lymphocytes) in a manner that will stimulate a master switch of the immune system. These
specific immune response to that particular an- cells are surveyors, and when a specific antigen
tigen. In other words, the macrophage, in a is presented to them, they release mediators
special process, can destroy the organism while that influence and stimulate the production of
keeping its cell surface markers to give to the other immune cells including B cells. Helper T
lymphocytes so that they can always identify cells have CD4 surface molecules on them.
that particular organism and mount a specific Suppressor T cells suppress the immune re-
defense against it. sponse once the infection is controlled.
Lymphocytes Effector cells are T cells that have a direct
Lymphocytes are also nongranulocytes and are action. The 2 types of effector cells are the
responsible for immune responses to specific cytotoxic T cell and the memory T cell. The
organisms. They are the most numerous circu- cytotoxic T cell carries the CD8 molecule on
lating WBC after neutrophils. There are 2 major its surface. It attaches to identified infected

cells and cancer cells and releases enzymes to Table 7. Normal White Blood Cell Counts
destroy these cells. Cytotoxic T cells are par- Cell Type Absolute (␮L) Differential (%)
ticularly effective at destroying virally in-
fected cells, foreign cells, and mutant cells.7 Total WBC 4,500-11,000 100
Memory T cells are produced after invasion Granulocytes
Neutrophils 3,000-7,000 60-70
by a specific organism. They provide long- Segmented 2,800-5,600 54-68
lasting immunity against that particular organ- Bands 150-600 3-5
ism and then wait to rapidly respond to a Eosinophils 50-400 1-5
Basophils 25-100 0-0.75
second attack by the same organism. Their Nongranulocytes
average survival rate is about 5 years. Monocytes 100-800 3-7
Lymphocytes (Immunocytes) 1,000-4,000 25-33
B cells. The B cell matures in the bone mar- T cells 800-3,200 80*
row and is responsible for humoral, also known B cells 100-600 10-15*
Natural killer 50-400 5-10*
as antibody-mediated, immunity. When an anti-
gen (foreign body) is presented to the B cell, *Percent of total lymphocyte count.
either by a macrophage or helper T cell, the B
cell becomes activated to produce plasma cells. stroke is also currently being studied. Patients
The plasma cell then releases antibodies spe- with elevated WBC counts during the stroke
cific for that specific antigen. event have been found to have a greater relative
risk of subsequent ischemic stroke than did
Natural killer cells. There is a third class of
those with lower WBC counts.10 Thus, an ele-
lymphocyte that does not have T- or B-cell
vated WBC count is being looked at as a predic-
markers called natural killer (NK) cells. NK
tor of ischemic stroke. Severely elevated total
cells are nonspecific and can therefore re-
WBC counts (⬎100,000), as seen in leukemia,
spond to a variety of antigens. They are very
promotes circulatory sludging and increased
effective against tumor cells and virally in-
blood viscosity. Venous thromboembolism
fected host cells.
(VTE) prophylaxis is required in these situa-
Evaluating the WBC Count With tions.11
Differential Leukocytosis may also occur in response to
The white count differential is expressed in physical and emotional stressors such as over-
cubic millimeters and in percentages. See Table exertion, seizures, anxiety, anesthesia, and epi-
7 for normal values of the differential. nephrine administration. With stress leukocyto-
sis, however, the WBC will return to normal
Elevated Counts/Levels within an hour. Certain medications such as
An elevation in the total WBC count (WBC corticosteroids, lithium, and ␤-agonists may also
⬎11,000/␮L) is called leukocytosis. Leukocyto- cause leukocytosis.
sis most commonly identifies infection, tissue
inflammation, or tissue necrosis associated with In the preoperative setting, an elevation in the
disorders such as acute myocardial infarction, WBC count frequently causes postponement or
burns, gangrene, leukemia, radiation exposure, cancellation of a surgical procedure for further
extremes in heat or cold, or lymphoma.8 A evaluation. If the total WBC count is elevated,
WBC count of greater than 10,000 has been the differential and the patient should be evalu-
associated with increased mortality rates in pa- ated and the surgeon and anesthesia provider
tients with acute coronary syndromes and is notified. The patient’s medication record and
now being used by some as a predictor of recent history should also be closely reviewed
adverse outcomes in these patients.5,9 The role to discriminate among stress leukocytosis, drug
of inflammation in the pathogenesis of ischemic administration, recent ischemia, myocardial in-

farction, or infection as possible causes. An the bone marrow and circulating in the blood.
evaluation of the differential will allow for fur- This occurs in response to overwhelming infec-
ther discrimination. tion when the numbers of mature neutrophil
reserves have been depleted. Clinically, the
term shift to the left specifies an acute bacterial
Neutrophilia is an increase in the total neutro- infection has depleted the normal reserves of
phil count (including both segs and bands). mature neutrophils, and the bone marrow has
Because neutrophils account for greater than had to resort to releasing immature ones.
96% of all granulocytes, neutrophilia may also
be referred to as granulocytosis. It is the most Generally, a shift to the right can be considered
common cause of elevated WBC count. a result of tissue damage or necrosis, whereas a
shift to the left can be considered a result of an
Neutrophilia is most commonly caused by an overwhelming infection. As mentioned earlier,
acute bacterial infection. Neutrophil counts will however, an increased neutrophil count is the
rise 4 to 6 hours after an invasion by microor- most common cause of an elevated WBC count.
ganisms. If findings do not suggest infection, a Although not common, the other types of
myeloproliferative disorder may be the cause. WBCs can also give rise to an elevation in WBC
Myeloproliferative disorders include polycythe- count.
mia vera and chronic myelocytic leukemia,
which increases stem cell proliferation in the Eosinophilia
bone marrow. Elevations in neutrophil counts Eosinophilia identifies an increase in the eosin-
are also associated with obesity and cigarette ophil count. This count has been found to
smoking. Additionally, neutrophil counts can increase with parasitic infections such as toxo-
increase after the stress of surgery, but in this plasmosis and with infections by gastrointesti-
case, counts will quickly return to normal if no nal parasites. Elevations have also been noted
infection is present.12 with bronchoallergic reactions such as asthma,
allergic rhinitis, and hay fever. Eosinophilia has
An elevation in segmented neutrophils is con- also been noted with skin rashes.
sidered a “shift to the right.” During tissue
breakdown from injuries such as burns, arthri- Basophilia
tis, myocardial infarction, hemorrhage, or elec- Basophila is the most uncommon cause of an
tric shock, neutrophils are called in to clean up elevated WBC count. Increased basophil counts
the damaged or dead cells. In this case, reserve have been found in patients with hypersensitiv-
mature neutrophils are called in, thereby in- ities compared with the general population.
creasing the neutrophil count without calling in These patients should have a thorough allergy
the immature cells. A severely elevated neutro- history obtained before any surgical procedure.
phil count will be seen in certain pathologic
conditions causing the neutrophils to become Monocytosis
hypermature. Hypermature segmented neutro- Monocytosis, or increased monocyte counts,
phils are those in which nuclear segmentation is occur late during the acute phase of infection
impaired, and there is an increased number of and with chronic infections such as tuberculo-
segments (⬎5). This is seen in liver disease, sis and subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE).
Down’s syndrome, and megaloblastic and per- The patient with an elevated monocyte count
nicious anemia. should be evaluated for further evidence of
these possible conditions before surgical proce-
An elevation in bands is referred to as a “shift to dures. Monocytosis also occurs with Hodgkin’s
the left,” which means that there is an increased disease, multiple myeloma, some leukemias,
number of immature neutrophils released from and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Lymphocytosis with increased splenetic pooling and destruc-

Lymphocytosis occurs in acute viral infections tion as seen in hypersplenism or splenomegaly.
such as mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, mea- Additionally, a variety of drugs can cause neu-
sles, mumps, and rubella. Elevated lymphocyte tropenia such as certain antimicrobials, non-
counts will also be noted in patients during steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and some
chronic infections and early in human immuno- analgesics. Other drugs include certain tricyclic
deficiency virus (HIV) disease. Severely elevated antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antithyroids,
levels would be seen with chronic lymphocytic cimetidine, and antidysrhythmic agents. Pa-
leukemia (CLL).13 tients with counts of less than 2,000/␮L may be
unable to mount an adequate defense when
Decreased Counts/Levels
challenged by infection. These patients should
A decrease in the total WBC count (⬍4,500/ be protected from cross contamination and
␮L) is called leukopenia. Leukopenia re- should not undergo surgical procedures when
sults from decreased production of total at all possible.
WBCs in the bone marrow or increased
destruction of WBCs. Total counts will usu- Severe neutropenia is defined as a neutrophil
ally fall with radiation therapy and chemo- count of less than 500/␮L. This is also referred
therapy as the bone marrow is depressed. to as agranulocytosis because a count this low
WBC counts fall to the lowest points 7 to 14 is almost equivalent to not having any granulo-
days after induction of most chemothera- cytes at all. Neutrophil counts below 500/␮L
peutic agents and will then begin to in- predispose the patient to serious bacterial infec-
crease as the bone marrow normalizes. Pa- tion and opportunistic infections of the skin,
tients receiving chemotherapy should have mouth, pharynx, and lungs. As counts fall be-
their WBC counts closely monitored. If leu- low 100, the chance of gram-negative and gram-
kopenia is present, the patient should be positive sepsis and fungal infections increases
closely evaluated and the surgeon and anes- dramatically.
thesia provider notified. Blood cultures, si-
nus and chest x-rays, and urine and stool Other Reductions
cultures may also be necessary. As with an Reductions in eosinophil (eosinopenia) and ba-
elevated WBC count, an evaluation of the sophil (basopenia) counts are uncommon be-
differential will allow for further discrimina- cause so few of these cells normally circulate in
tion. the blood. Monocytopenia is a rare occurrence
but has been seen with glucocorticoid therapy,
hairy-cell leukemia, and aplastic anemia. Lym-
Neutropenia is clinically defined as a neutrophil phopenia, a decreased lymphocyte count, oc-
count of less than 2,000/␮L. Again, keep in curs normally as a person ages. Lymphopenia is
mind that the majority of all granulocytes (neu- most significant with HIV and acquired immu-
trophils, eosinophils, and basophils) are neutro- nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A CD4 count
phils, which account for greater than 96% of all (remember the helper T lymphocyte has the
granulocytes. Because of this, the terms granu- CD4 marker on its surface) of less than 200 is
locytopenia (decreased granulocyte count) and one indicator of conversion from HIV to AIDS.
neutropenia (decreased neutrophil count) are
used interchangeably in the clinical setting. Nursing Implications
Neutropenia can occur with severe prolonged The perianesthesia nurse should keep in mind
infections that exhaust the bone marrow sup- that the WBC count is a part of a larger picture.
plies, where the production cannot keep up One must look at the whole patient and put all
with the demand. It can also be because of information into proper perspective.14 Trends
increased destruction of WBCs that can occur can help to identify truly abnormal findings.

The surgeon and anesthesia provider should be cedure in patients with counts of less than
notified for elevations in WBC count of greater 2,000/␮L should be considered only for emer-
than 11,000, or decreases less than 4,500. Rec- gent situations. Also note that patients with
ognize that minor alterations may be a reflec- WBC counts greater than 100,000 are at an
tion of age. One must determine whether the increased risk for thrombosis because of in-
patient has enough neutrophils to combat and creased blood viscosity. Ensure adequate fluid
protect from infection when counts are low. intake and VTE prophylaxis. See Table 8 for
recommendations regarding VTE prophylaxis in
Leukocytosis commonly signals infection, the surgical patient. Patients with recent ische-
whereas leukopenia indicates bone marrow de- mic stroke or myocardial infarction, and a con-
pression that may result from viral infections or comitant elevation in WBC count may be at
toxic reactions. Be alert to signs and symptoms increased risk for mortality or morbidity.
of infection, especially in patients with invasive
Erythrocyte (RBC) Studies
lines, indwelling urinary catheters, surgical
drains, and incision sites. General signs of infec- The main function of the RBC is to carry oxygen
tion include fatigue, fever, a change in level of (O2), which it picks up in the lungs, to the cells
consciousness (LOC), dehydration, pharyngitis, of the body, and to transport carbon dioxide
or hypotension. More frequent temperature from the cell to the lungs for excretion. Essen-
monitoring may be indicated. tially, RBCs are containers for hemoglobin
(Hgb). Hgb is the oxygen-carrying protein of the
Neutropenic precautions should be considered RBC, which accounts for approximately 90% of
for severely immunocompromised patients and the cells’ dry weight. Information about the
those with severe neutropenia. Neutropenic RBC is obtained with a CBC but can also be
precautions include the following: obtained separately with a hemogram.

● Meticulous care of all intravenous lines RBCs are produced at a rate of 2 million cells
and indwelling catheters per second, or 35 trillion cells per day. The
● Avoiding raw and uncooked foods, in- average life span is approximately 120 days. The
cluding fresh fruits and vegetables be- mature RBC is a biconcave disk. This unique
cause of microorganism contamination shape allows for a greater surface area for oxy-
from soil gen to combine with Hgb. RBCs have no nu-
● Avoiding crowds cleus, and therefore cannot divide. Like the
● Avoiding children who have just been WBC, the RBC is derived from the PSC in the
vaccinated bone marrow (Fig 1). The production of RBCs
● Avoiding indiscriminate use of antipyret- by the bone marrow is stimulated by low oxy-
ics gen levels in peritubular cells of the kidney in a
● Avoiding steroid use, because they im- process called erythropoiesis. During erythro-
pede mediator functions blocking in- poiesis, renal erythropoietic factor (an enzyme)
flammation; thus, the patient will not is secreted in response to peritubular cell hy-
show the true signs of inflammation or poxia. This factor interacts with a plasma pro-
infection tein to form erythropoietin, a hormone that
● Reporting a temperature greater than circulates to the bone marrow to stimulate stem
38°C (100°F), chills, sore throat, dia- cells to produce more RBCs. RBCs are released
phoresis, or dysuria from the bone marrow as reticulocytes and
then become mature RBCs in one day.
Be suspect of the potential for septicemia in
patients with a neutrophil count of less than Vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron are also needed
500/␮L. Moving forward with any surgical pro- for RBC metabolism. Vitamin B12 and folic acid

Table 8. Venous Thromboemolism Prophylaxis

Type of Surgical Procedure Recommended Prophylaxis

General surgery
Minor procedure without additional risk factors Low risk
in patients less than 40 years of age Early ambulation
Minor procedure with additional risk factors in Moderate risk
patients less than 40 years of age LDUH every 12 hours starting 1 to 2 hours before surgery
Minor procedure in patients 40 to 60 years of age LMWH first dose generally before surgery
without additional risk factors ES or IPC device to start immediately before procedure and continue until fully
Major surgery in patients without additional risk ambulatory
factors ⬎40 years of age
Nonmajor surgery with additional risk factors in High risk
patients ⬎60 yr LDUH every 8 hours, LMWH, or IPC device
Major surgery in patients ⬎40 yrs or with
additional risk factors
Major surgery in patients ⬎40 with multiple risk Very high risk
factors LDUH, LMWH, combined with mechanical method (ES or IPC device)
Gynecologic surgery
Major surgery for benign disease without LDUH twice a day, alternatively, LMWH or IPC device started just before surgery
additional risk factors and continued at least several days postoperatively
Extensive surgery for malignancy LDUH three times a day
For additional protection use LDUH plus ES or IPC device
Urologic surgery
Transurethral surgery or other low-risk procedure Prompt mobilization
Major open urologic procedure LDUH, ES, IPC device, or LMWH
Highest risk patients LDUH or LMWH and ES with IPC device
Orthopedic surgery
Elective total hip replacement LMWH started 12 hours before surgery, may be started 12 hours postoperatively;
ES or IPC device should be added
LDUH, aspirin, dextran, and IPC alone are not recommended
Elective knee replacement LMWH or adjusted dose warfarin to maintain an INR of 2 to 3
IPC is effective if used optimally; LDUH not recommended
Hip fracture surgery LMWH or adjusted dose warfarin
Neurosurgery, trauma, & acute spinal cord injury
Intracranial neurosurgery IPC with or without ES
LDUH or LMWH postoperatively are alternatives with a concern about
intracranial hemorrhage
For high-risk patients the combination of mechanical and pharmacologic
prophylaxis may be more effective
Trauma LMWH started as soon as possible if no contraindications (risk of bleeding); if
contraindicated start ES and/or IPC
IVC filter is recommended if proximal DVT is seen and anticoagulation is
contraindicated; IVC filter is not recommended for primary prophylaxis
Acute SCI LMWH started as soon as possible; LDUH, ES, and IPC not recommended when
used alone. ES and IPC may benefit when used in combination with LMWH or
LDUH, or if anticoagulants are contraindicated.
Medical conditions
Acute myocardial infarction For most patients, prophylaxis with LDUH or therapeutic doses of IV heparin are
Ischemic stroke LDUH, LMWH or the heparinoid, danaparoid; if anticoagulation is
contraindicated, use ES or IPC device
General medical conditions with risk factors LDUH or LMWH

NOTE. Risk factors include previous VTE, increasing age, major surgery, cancer, obesity, major trauma, lower extremity or hip fracture, pregnancy,
history of myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, hormone replacement therapy, prolonged immobilization, burns, paralysis, hypercoagulable
states, indwelling femoral vein catheter, inflammatory bowel disease.
Abbreviations: LDUH, low-dose unfractioned heparin; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; ES, elastic stocking; IPC, intermittent pneumatic
compression; IFC, inferior vena cava; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; SCI, spinal cord injury.
Data from Geerts WH, Heit JA, Clagett GP, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembolism, Sixth ACCP Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic
Therapy. Chest 119:132s-175s, 2001, and Hirsh J: Managing venous thromboembolism: Methodology for achieving positive outcomes. CME-Today
(Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care) 1:11-15, 2002.

are needed for cell growth, DNA synthesis, and Table 10. Hemoglobin
for reproduction. Iron is needed for Hgb syn- Conventional Units SI Units
Adult male 13.5-18 g/dL 135-180 g/L
Several tests are done to determine the ade- Adult female 12-16 g/dL 120-160 g/L

quacy of the RBC structure and function, the

RBC count, Hgb concentration, hematocrit is considered fully saturated when it contains 4
(Hct), and RBC indices. oxygen molecules. Hgb saturated with oxygen
is called oxyhemoglobin. One should note that
Erythrocyte (RBC) Count oxygen saturation is a measure of the amount
The RBC count is the part of the CBC that of oxygen combined with Hgb in the blood and
determines the number of RBCs found in a should not be confused with the partial pres-
cubic centimeter of blood. It is also expressed sure of oxygen (PO2), which is the amount of
in International Units, which is the number of oxygen dissolved in plasma. Hgb also functions
RBCs per liter of blood. Electronic automated as a buffer for extracellular fluid and is capable
devices perform the test. Although the total of accepting hydrogen (H⫹) ions to prevent the
RBC count does give information about the buildup of H⫹ ions in the blood.
oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, Hgb and Hct
provide more precise information. See Table 9
for normal values. Hct represents the percentage of the total vol-
ume of RBCs relative to the total volume of
Hemoglobin whole blood in a sample. “Hematocrit” means
As previously mentioned, Hgb’s primary func- “to separate blood.” With today’s method of
tion is to carry oxygen to the cells and remove automated cell counting, Hct is calculated
carbon dioxide from the cells. Hgb is a complex rather than centrifuged. See Table 11 for normal
protein made up of heme and globin. It is values. The surgeon and anesthesia provider
produced in the immature RBC. Synthesis stops must be notified for values of less than 20% or
once the cell matures in circulation. There are greater than 60%. Swelling of the RBC secon-
approximately 300 million molecules of Hgb in dary to hyperglycemia or hypernatremia may
one RBC. Hgb is measured in grams per decili- produce an elevated Hct. Excessively elevated
ter. See Table 10 for normal values. WBC counts may also alter the Hct.

The heme portion contains iron atoms and the Hgb and Hct levels parallel, in that Hct levels are
red pigment, porphyrin. The heme portion is 3 times the Hgb level. To estimate values, you
responsible for the red color of blood. When would divide the Hct by 3 to estimate the Hgb,
the RBC is saturated with oxygen, the red color and multiply the Hgb by 3 to estimate the Hct.
is brightest. The globin portion is made up of 4 This relationship is altered if RBCs are abnormal
amino acid chains. One heme molecule at- in size or shape or if the synthesis of Hgb is
taches to each of the 4 amino acid chains. defective.
Therefore, each Hgb molecule has 4 heme sites
that can bind with 4 oxygen molecules. A Hgb The RBC count, Hct, and Hgb are closely re-
lated. Alterations in one are usually associated
Table 9. RBC Count Table 11. Hematocrit

Conventional Units SI Units Conventional Units SI Units

Adult male 4.6-6.2 million/␮L 4.6-6.2 ⫻ 1012/L Adult male 40%-54% 0.40-0.54
Adult female 4.2-5.4 million/␮L 4.2-5.4 ⫻ 1012/L Adult female 38%-47% 0.38-0.47

with alterations in the other. As such, increases cies. Acute anemias are caused by blood loss
and decreases in each are discussed together. due to hemorrhage, or by RBCs being destroyed
faster than the normal bone marrow can re-
Increased Levels
place them. Extreme RBC destruction occurs in
An increase in the number of RBCs can be conditions such as hemolytic or type II hyper-
described as either erythrocytosis or polycythe- sensitivity blood transfusion reactions (hemoly-
mia. In the clinical setting, the terms are fre- sis of RBCs because of ABO incompatibility).
quently used as synonyms. The term erythrocy- Other conditions causing anemia are those that
tosis, however, more accurately defines an alter erythropoiesis such as renal failure, chemo-
elevated RBC count, whereas the term polycy- therapeutic agents (by suppressing the bone
themia more accurately refers to a specific marrow), and leukemia. Hemoglobinopathies
group of disorders. These disorders can be de- (such as sickle cell anemia) and the thalassemias
scribed as either primary polycythemia or sec- are also causes of anemia. Age also plays a role
ondary polycythemia. in anemia because there is a tendency for lower
values in people over the age of 50. Lastly,
Primary polycythemia (vera) is an increase in during pregnancy there is a relative anemia as
the number of RBCs secondary to a relatively the normal number of RBCs becomes diluted
rare myeloproliferative disease of the bone mar- from the increase in body fluid that occurs
row involving the excessive production of red during pregnancy.
cell precursors. Secondary polycythemia de-
scribes an increase in RBCs as a physiologic Although all types of anemia will be seen in the
compensatory mechanism (via erythropoietin) perianesthesia setting, the most common cause
for decreases in oxygen delivery as seen in of decreased RBC, Hgb, and Hct levels overall is
cardiopulmonary diseases such as congestive blood loss or hemorrhagic anemia. Red cell
heart failure (CHF), cardiovascular malforma- transfusion is almost always indicated for a Hgb
tion, and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- less than 6 g/dL and rarely indicated for Hgb
ease, as well as in those living in high altitudes. greater than 10 g/dL. Once the Hgb level falls
below 11 g/dL in an otherwise healthy adult,
Dehydration also causes a relative increase in the kidney will begin to secrete increasing
RBC, Hgb, and Hct because of a decrease in amounts of erythropoietin in a matter of hours.
plasma volume. This is clinically referred to as Unfortunately, it will take 3 to 6 days before a
hemoconcentration and may be seen frequently rise in circulating RBCs will be noted. However,
in the perianesthesia setting. Other causes in- the decision to transfuse should never be dic-
clude excessive exercise, anxiety, pain, and cer- tated by a single Hgb trigger.15
tain drugs such as gentamycin and methyldopa
(Aldomet), as well as with renal and liver tu- Other RBC Values
Reticulocyte Count
Decreased Levels The reticulocyte is an immature RBC found in
Decreased levels of RBCs, Hgb, and Hct are the bone marrow (Fig 1). There is a small per-
associated with hemodilution and anemia. He- centage of reticulocytes released into the blood
modilution occurs as plasma volume increases stream that accounts for approximately 0.5% to
from fluid therapy. Anemia is a reduction in the 1.5% of the total RBC count. An increased count
total number of circulating RBCs or a decrease indicates the bone marrow is attempting to
in the quality or quantity of Hgb or in the replace sudden RBC loss from hemorrhage or
volume of packed cells (Hct). Nutritional ane- destruction. A decreased count would indicate
mias or anemias caused by chronic diseases are bone marrow hypofunction. This count is nor-
caused by iron, folate, and vitamin B12 deficien- mally increased in pregnancy.

Table 12. RBC Indices Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentra-

Conventional Units SI Units
tion. This index is a measure of the average
concentration of Hgb in the RBC per unit
Adult volume. RBCs that contain less Hgb are hypo-
MCV 82-93 ␮m3 82-93 fL chromic and are a pale color. Normal-colored
MCH 26-34 pg 1.61-2.11 fmol
MCHC 31-38% 19.2-23.58 mm/L
cells with normal amounts of Hgb are called
normochromic, and hyperchromic cells have
an increased concentration of Hgb and are
bright red in color.16
RBC Indices
Nursing Implications
RBC indices are calculated mean values that are
used to define the size, weight, and Hgb con- Polycythemic patients need to be monitored for
signs and symptoms of thrombus formation.
tent of the RBC. They are mainly used to classify
Patients should be monitored closely for com-
anemias. RBC indices consist of mean corpus-
plaints of leg pain, changes in color, tempera-
cular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemo-
ture, and capillary refill in addition to initiating
globin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglo-
VTE prophylaxis (Table 8) and ensuring ade-
bin concentration (MCHC). See Table 12 for
quate fluid administration. Sudden restlessness,
normal values. anxiety, and dyspnea may herald a pulmonary
Mean corpuscular volume. MCV describes embolus. Changes in a patient’s level of con-
the RBC by size or volume. This measure uses sciousness or neurologic examination can warn
the size of the RBC to identify possible causes of diminished cerebral blood flow and warn of
of anemia as well as other disorders. The MCV the potential for stroke.
classifies RBCs as microcytic, normocytic, and Anemic patients are at additional risk anytime
macrocytic. Microcytic cells are small or un- they must undergo surgical procedures. Be sure
dersized. They are seen with iron deficiency to request a type and crossmatch to ensure that
anemia and thalassemia. In hemorrhagic or patient-compatible blood will be available in the
hemolytic anemias, the decrease in oxygen- blood bank. Be alert to signs of blood loss,
carrying capacity is caused by a decrease in including but not limited to hypotension, tachy-
the number of RBCs; the cells that remain are cardia, restlessness, hypoxia, chest pain, fa-
normal in size, thus the RBCs are normocytic. tigue, and occult blood positive stools and gas-
RBCs that are macrocytic are large or over- tric specimens. In the preanesthesia setting, the
sized. These RBCs are seen in patients with decision to transfuse the patient with Hgb be-
pernicious or folate deficiency anemia. MCV tween 6 and 10 g/dL should be based on indi-
is a calculated value obtained by dividing the vidual risk, such as type and extent of the
Hct by the RBC count. surgery, the ability to control the bleeding, and
the rate of uncontrolled bleeding. For elective
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin. This value procedures, Hgb of 10 g/dL or greater is recom-
is the index that measures the average weight of mended. Preoperative Hgb below 10 g/dL is an
Hgb in the RBC. An alteration in MCH tends to indication to postpone an elective case. If blood
track along with the MCV. For example, a small- transfusion is required, expect the Hgb to rise
sized cell will have less Hgb within it compared by 1 g and the Hct by 3% for each unit of packed
with a large-sized cell, therefore its weight RBCs transfused.
would be lower. Decreases are related to micro-
cytic anemias, and elevations are related to mac- Patient care activities may need to be delivered
rocytic anemias. Therefore, the MCH adds little in such a way as to reduce the patient’s fatigue,
information independent of the MCV. metabolic demand, and physical stress. Contin-

uous pulse oximetry is required to monitor for Platelets play a vital role in hemostasis; they,
hypoxia. Be prepared to provide supplementary along with the coagulation factors, are respon-
oxygen and to promote adequate lung expan- sible for hemostasis in small and medium-size
sion through optimal patient positioning. Also arteries and veins. Platelets aggregate or stick
use pulmonary hygiene strategies and teach pa- together to form the initial plug where there is
tients to perform turn, cough, and deep breath damaged endothelium. Clotting factors are then
exercises. triggered to form fibrin strands throughout the
plug to firmly hold the plug together. For the
Closely monitor intake and output in patients capillaries, platelets plug and stop bleeding by
with Hgb counts below 7 to 8 g/dL. Blood flow themselves, thereby sealing the multitude of
to the kidneys is diminished in these states, and minute ruptures that occur on a daily basis. A
the patient is at risk for oliguria. Secure and platelet plug forms within 3 to 5 minutes.
maintain intravenous access for these patients.
Additionally, provide passive or active warming The platelet count only provides the number of
measures because patients will complain of circulating plates; it does not describe how
cold and be pale in color. adequately they function. The most indicative
test of platelet function is the “bleeding time.”
RBC indices assist in classifying anemias. In
general, be sure to fully assess a patient’s nutri- Increases in the platelet count or thrombocyto-
tional status and consult a dietitian for further sis are usually asymptomatic until counts reach
workup and intervention as appropriate. greater than 1,000,000 ␮/L, where increased
Wound healing can be grossly affected by nu- viscosity and inappropriate clotting may occur.
tritional anemias, and patients may require iron, A transient thrombocytosis with platelet counts
zinc, and vitamin C supplements to promote of 450,000 to 600,000 ␮/L can be seen as a
surgical wound healing. Patients will also re- physiologic response to physical stress, exer-
quire teaching and need encouragement to in- cise, trauma, infection, and ovulation. Counts
clude iron-rich foods such as liver, red meat, greater than 600,000 ␮/L may be associated
raisins, peas, apricots, kidney beans, and forti- with myeloproliferative disorders of the stem
fied cereals and breads in their diets. cells in the bone marrow.
Increased RBC indices indicate an increased Thrombocytopenia or decreased platelet count
number of circulating immature RBCs in the is defined as a count of less than 150,000 ␮/L.
peripheral circulation, increasing the patient’s Causes include depressed production by the
likelihood of jaundice, stomatitis, and glossitis. bone marrow or increased consumption or de-
Attention to mouth care will be essential. The struction as seen with idiopathic thrombocyto-
use of soft bristle toothbrushes and cool, alka- penia. Bleeding usually does not occur until
line mouthwash is recommended. The patient counts fall below 50,000 ␮/L if platelets are
should be informed to avoid sour, tart, and functioning normally. Small hemorrhagic areas
spicy foods, as well as foods that are extremely under the skin called purpura may occur at this
cool or hot in temperature. Jaundiced patients level.
will require comfort measures and medications
to reduce the discomfort associated with itching. Nursing Implications
Patients with known thrombocytopenia are at
Platelets (Thrombocytes)
risk for bleeding, especially when counts fall
Platelets are the smallest of the cells found in below 50,000 ␮/L. Counts under 20,000 ␮/L
blood. They are nonnucleated, flattened disk- significantly increase the risk for mortality sec-
shaped structures that can be round or oval. ondary to hemorrhagic stroke or gastrointesti-
They have a lifespan of 9 to 12 days. nal hemorrhage.16 In these instances, consider

advocating for the postponement of surgical Counts soon return to normal limits once the
procedures and prepare for possible plate- patient recovers from the primary insult. The
let transfusion. Platelet transfusion is recom- need for VTE prophylaxis (Table 8) for patients
mended prophylatically for the surgical patient with increased platelet counts also exists. Pa-
with a platelet count of less than 50,000 ␮/L tient teaching should include precautions to
who is undergoing a major procedure. Platelet minimize the risk for infection and bleeding in
transfusion may also be indicated if there is postsurgical recovery period.
known platelet dysfunction and microvascular
bleeding despite adequate counts.16 For each Summary
concentrate of platelets transfused, expect the It is clear that the needs of patients in the
platelet count to increase by 5,000 to 10,000 perianesthesia setting are driven by the context
␮/L. Keep in mind that one aspirin will coat the of their respective surgical treatment plans.
platelet, preventing it from aggregating for the These needs become complex when integrated
life of that platelet. A preoperative aspirin may with the magnitude of premorbid conditions
be more important than platelet count in ex- and drug profiles that exist for each individual
plaining a bleeding disorder. patient. Knowledge of a patient’s premorbid
state and medications should heighten the cli-
Remember that thrombocytosis commonly oc- nicians’ awareness and analysis of specific CBC
curs after hemorrhage and surgical procedures. and differential results.
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assessment, laboratory work-up. Available at www.geri-ed. lines for Blood Component Therapy. Available at www.asahq.
com/modules/Asses/assess/medical_assessment.htm. Accessed org/practice/blood/blood_component.html. Accessed December
December 2002 2002
7. Banasik JL: Inflammation and Immunity, in Copstead LC, 16. Garrett K: Red blood cell counts, in George-Gay B,
Banasik JL (eds): Pathophysiology Biological and Behavioral Per- Chernecky C (eds): Clinical Medical-Surgical Nursing. Philadel-
spectives (ed 2). Philadelphia, PA, Saunders, 2000, pp 184-218 phia, PA, Saunders, 2002, pp 274-282

Understanding the Complete Blood Count With Differential

1.4 Contact Hours
Directions: The multiple-choice examination below is designed to test your understanding of the
Complete Blood Count With Differential according the objectives listed. To earn contact hours from the
American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Continuing Education Provider Program: (1) read the
article; (2) complete the posttest by indicating the answers on the test grid provided; (3) tear out the page
(or photocopy) and submit postmarked before February 28, 2005, with check payable to ASPAN (ASPAN
member, $12.00 per test; nonmember, $15.00 per test); and (4) return to ASPAN, 10 Melrose Ave, Suite
110, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-3696. Notification of contact hours awarded will be sent to you in 4 to 6 weeks.

Posttest Questions
1. In the process of erythropoiesis, iron is needed for
a. hemoglobin synthesis.
b. DNA synthesis.
c. reproduction.
d. renal excretion.
2. When monitoring a patient who is not bleeding, the nurse would expect to find an increase
in Hct of 3% after a transfusion of one unit of packed RBCs.
a. True
b. False
3. The amount of blood combined with Hgb is a measurement of
a. partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2).
b. arterial-venous oxygen difference.
c. oxyhemoglobin.
d. oxygen saturation (SaO2).
4. In an adult patient with normal Hgb, the nurse will estimate the Hgb to be 10 g/dL if the Hct
was reported to be 30%.
a. True
b. False
5. Secondary physiologic polycythemia is caused by all of the following except
a. congestive heart failure.
b. renal failure.
c. high altitudes.
d. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
6. Pernicious anemia is caused by
a. alcoholism.
b. chronic blood loss.
c. vitamin B12 deficiency.
d. iron deficiency.
7. An elevated reticulocyte count would be expected in
a. a recovering trauma patient who lost significant amounts of blood.
b. a patient with a chronic inflammatory disease.

c. a patient in renal failure.

d. a patient with bone marrow hypofunction.
8. All of the following are included in the CBC except
a. erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
b. neutrophil count.
c. platelet count.
d. bands.
9. A CBC is indicated for patients greater than age 65.
a. True
b. False
10. “Shift to the right” means that
a. there is an elevation in bands.
b. the patient probably has an acute viral infection.
c. an acute hypersensitivity reaction is occurring.
d. hypermature segmented neutrophils are present.
11. Neutropenic precautions involves all of the following except
a. reverse isolation.
b. staying away from children recently vaccinated.
c. reporting temperatures of greater than 38°C.
d. avoiding indiscriminate use of acetaminophen.
12. The major cell of the immune response is the
a. cytotoxic T cell.
b. B cell.
c. plasma cell.
d. helper T cell.
13. Nutritional anemias as recognized in the RBC indices can assist in identifying patients
a. at risk for allergic reactions.
b. in need of postoperative blood transfusion.
c. at risk for poor wound healing.
d. none of the above.
14. Once Hgb levels fall below 11 g in an otherwise healthy adult, the kidney will begin to
secrete erythropoietin in a matter of hours. A rise in circulating red blood cells will be noted
a. 6 to 8 days.
b. 3 to 5 days.
c. 24 hours.
d. 48 hours.
15. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis is required for patients with total WBC counts
greater than 100,000.
a. True
b. False

System W010405. Please circle the correct answer
1. a. 2. a. 3. a. 4. a. 5. a.
b. b. b. b. b.
c. c. c.
d. d. d.
6. a. 7. a. 8. a. 9. a. 10. a.
b. b. b. b. b.
c. c. c. c.
d. d. d. d.
11. a. 12. a. 13. a. 14. a. 15. a.
b. b. b. b. b.
c. c. c. c.
d. d. d. d.

Please Print

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Social Security ASPAN Member #

EVALUATION: Understanding the Complete Blood Count With Differential

(SD, strongly disagree; D, disagree; ?, uncertain; A, agree; SA, strongly agree)


1. To what degree did the content meet the 1 2 3 4 5

a. Objective #1 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
b. Objective #2 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Objective #3 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Objective #4 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
e. Objective #5 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
f. Objective #6 was met. 1 2 3 4 5
2. The program content was pertinent, 1 2 3 4 5
comprehensive, and useful to me.
3. The program content was relevant to my 1 2 3 4 5
nursing practice.
4. Self-study/home study was an appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
format for the content.
5. Identify the amount of time required to read the 1 2 3 4 5
article and take the test.
25 min 50 min 75 min 100 min 125 min

Test answers must be submitted before April 30, 2005, to receive contact hours.

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