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Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional Analysis is the conversion of measures.

The dimension of a physical quantity is a combination of physical dimensions of
mass, length, time, electric charge and absolute temperature.
These are raised to a power:
 Mass – M
 Length – L
 Time – T
 Electric Charge
 Temperature

Note: Mass is a dimension whereas kilogram is a scaled unit (no direction).

Dimension of Force
Mass x Acceleration = M x L. ML x T^-2

Density = Mass/Volume = M/L^3 = ML^-3

Consistency among dimensions

S = displacement (movement with a direction eg. 5 meters to the right)
t = time
a = acceleration
S = u multiply t + ½ a multiply t^2
Left Hand Side = S = L
Right Hand Side = u x t + a x t^2 = L/T + L/T^2 x T^2 = 2L
Dimensional Analysis Questions
Example 1
An electrolyte solution has an average current density of 1 ampere per square
decimeter ( A )

What is the current density of the solution in ( A ) ?


Explanation: We will convert( 1 A ) to an acceleration rate in ( A ) using the

dm^2 m^2
following conversion rate:

There are 10dm per 1 meter. Therefore there are (10dm) = 100dm^2 per 1 m^2.

1. 1 A 100 dm^2 1 x 100 x A x dm^2. These cancel off

1 dm^2 1 m^2. 1 x 1 x dm ^2 x m^2

= 100. A
. 1 m^2

= 100 A
m^2 Current density of solution in A


The water pressure on Mustafa as he dives is increasing at a rate of 0.992

atmospheres (atm) per meter (m).

What is the date of increase in water pressure in atm ?


Hint: First we need to find what were converting from and what were
converting to?
Secondly we need to find how many meters are in 1 km.
Answer: 1. We are converting from atm to atm
m km

2. There are 1000 meters per 1 km.

0.992 atm. 1000m

1m. 1km

= 0.992 x 1000 x atm x meters

1 x 1 x meters x kilometers

= 992. Atm
1. Km

= 992 atm
Km. rate of increase in water pressure in km.


A polynomial is a mathematical expression combining many


All x’s here are variables.

ax^n + bx^n-1 + cx^n-2

Where a, b, c are real numbers n must be a positive number so

the resulting powers of x must be positive.

A polynomial of degree 1 is a linear, degree 2 is called a

quadratic, or degree 3 is cubic and if degree 4 is quartic.
Adding Polynomials

Eg.1 (5h^3 – 8h) + (-2h^3 - h^2 – 2h)

We are adding all like terms. ( The same power and variable.)

5h^3 + (-2h^3) = 3h^3

-8h + (-2h) = - 10h

Answer = 3h^3 - h^2 - 10h

We did not add (-h^2) to anything because there was no other

term like it.

Subtracting Polynomials

(-w^3 + 8w^2 - 3w) – (4w^2 + 5w – 7)

-w^3 + 8w^2 - 4w^2 -3w - 5w + 7

4w^2 becomes negative because – by a + is negative same goes

for 5w.

-7 becomes positive because – by a – is positive.

Answer: -w^3 + 4w^2 - 8w + 7

1. (c^2 – 6) - (2c^2 + 3c – 1)

2. E = 6c^2 - 2c – 1
T = -4c^2 + 7c + 5


Answers - 1. -c^2 - 3c – 5
2. 10c^2 - 9c - 6

Multiplication of Polynomials

We are going to multiply each term by c^2 and -6. When

we multiply terms with powers we are them.

Eg. (2f^3) (3f^4) = 6f^7

1. (c^2 – 6) (2c^2 + 3c – 1)

. 2c^4 + 3c^3 - c^2 - 12c^2 -18c + 6 = Condense further

2c^4 + 3c^3 - 13c^2 -18c + 6


1. 4c^2(5c^3 + 9c – 3)
Answer = 20c^5 + 36c^3 - 12c^2

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