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Anonymous ​• ​ ​Secure ​•​ Accessible

In a world of mounting threats to personal liberty, Brazukcoin adds a new

front of resistance through real financial freedom.

Brazukcoin is based on time-tested blockchain technology while also adding

extreme privacy features in its CryptoNote algorithm.

The code is (and will always be) free and open-source.


Logo: ​https://goo.gl/Yz5yru
Ticker: BZK
Premine: None
Mining algorithm: CryptoNight (it enables truly anonymous and decentralized
blockchain-based currency)
Max supply: 10 million coins (+ tail emission ~1% yearly)
Block reward: initial reward of ~38 BZK
Block target time: ~4 minutes
Difficulty: Retargets at every block
Transaction fee: 0.0001 BZK
P2P Port: 44044
RPC Port: 44043

More information about Brazukcoin’s specifications can be found on the

Crypto Resource Network:

Discord: ​https://discord.gg/u5654Jj


Reddit: ​https://www.reddit.com/r/Brazukcoin/

Telegram: ​https://t.me/joinchat/FWPKVhIKxwgl6cauM-3-eg



Mining Pools

You can create your own pool by cloning from Brazukcoin Pool:

Or use these quality pools for Brazukcoin:

Block Explorer



Linux GUI wallet​: ​https://github.com/brazukcoin/brazukcoinwallet/releases/

1. Decompress the file: tar -zxvf Brazukcoin.tar.gz
2. Run the executable: ./Brazukcoin
3. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

Easy Brazukcoin Wallet Generator​:

1. Visit ​http://wallet.brazukcoin.org​ and a wallet will be instantly created
for you
2. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

Pre-compiled binaries​:

For Mac: ​https://github.com/brazukcoin/brazukcoin/releases/

Mac Instructions
1. Run 'brazucoind' to sync the blockchain, then keep the program
2. Run 'simplewallet' to create/open your wallet
3. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

For Windows: ​https://github.com/brazukcoin/brazukcoin/releases/

*Download the executables if you don't want to compile from source code

Windows Instructions
1. Run 'brazukcoind.exe' to synchronize your computer with the P2P
network blockchain, then keep the program running
2. Run 'simplewallet.exe' to create/open your wallet
3. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

For Linux: ​https://github.com/brazukcoin/brazukcoin/releases/

Linux Instructions (Tested on Ubuntu 14.0)

1. Extract the files: 'tar -zxvf brazukcoin_linux_x64_bin.tar.gz'
2. Run './brazukcoind' to synchronize your computer with the P2P
network blockchain, then keep the program running
3. Open a new terminal and run './simplewallet' to create/open your
4. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

You can also compile directly from the source code​:

Linux Instructions:
1. Build your environment
~$ sudo apt-get update
~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libboost-all-dev

2. Download Brazukcoin source code

~$ git clone ​https://github.com/brazukcoin/brazukcoin.git

3. Build the binaries

~$ cd brazukcoin
~/brazukcoin$ make build-release

4. Sync the blockchain

~/brazukcoin$ cd build/release/src/
~/brazukcoin/build/release/src$ ./brazukcoind --log-level=3

5. Create your wallet (open it in a new terminal because you need the
brazukcoin daemon running)
~/brazukcoin/build/release/src$ ./simplewallet

6. Write down your seed information in case you lose your wallet!

7. Start mining your coins! Type 'start_mining' (no quotes). For more
commands, type 'help'.

Windows Instructions:

1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2013:

1a. Click on 'Download Older Version' then 'Visual Studio Community
with Update 5'
1b. You'll have to create a free account with Microsoft MSDN to
proceed with the download

2. Install the latest CMake: ​https://cmake.org/download

2a. During installation, choose 'Add cmake to your system path'

3. Download and compile Boost 5.7.0 C++ Libraries:

3a. Extract the zip archive
3b. Compile Boost 5.7.0
3c. Run Windows command prompt ('cmd')
3d. 'cd' to where you extracted boost__1_57_0
3e. Run 'bootstrap.bat'
3f. Run 'b2 --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static
threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64'

4. Install Git distributed version control system:


5. Download brazukcoin source code to your computer

5a. Run 'git shell' or 'git bash'
5b. Clone repository type 'git clone:

6. Finally, compile Brazukcoin

6a. cd brazukcoin
6b. mkdir build -- Create 'build' directory.
6c. cd build -- Change to build Directory.
6d. cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64"
-DBOOST_LIBRARY_DIR=c:\boost_1_57_0\stage\lib .. msbuild
Brazukcoin.sln /p:Configuration=release
6e. Find your binaries in ..\brazukcoin\build\src\release\

Please consider donating to the dev to help with the continued maintenance
and development of Brazukcoin!


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