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COCKS only are raced under the Gurnay-Shaw System and the question of selecting suitable
hens had to be solved. The chief requisite was that such hens must possess “IT”, and it was
found that this feminine quality played a very big part in inducing the cocks to race well and
One hen named “Real Beauty” (sister to “Quality”,1st Stockport Federation. 1,380 birds
competing, 319 miles, N.E. wind) was mated to several cocks in turn during the six seasons of
racing. Every one of her mates won 1st prizes. Just as “Champion Picture” had a way of
attracting the hens, so did “Real Beauty” exercise a marked influence over the cocks as an
accomplished charmer. She even displayed her coquetry to her owner, who quickly noticed her
accomplishments in this respect, and gave her the opportunities to develop this power. So as “
Champion Picture ” excelled in the art of “ telling the tale ” to win a hen, “ Real Beauty ”, in her
turn, was able to attract any cock on whom she set her mind as a suitable mate.

Con el sistema de Gurnay-Shaw, solo se concursan los machos y a la cuestión que se planteaba
era la de seleccionar las hembras apropiadas para los mismos, por lo que se le tuvo que dar
una solución, siendo el principal requisito de la misma el quela hembras seleccionadas fuesen
de calidad. Se constató que esta la calidad aportada por estas hembras, jugó un papel muy
importante en la aportación a los machos, en el sentido de una mejora buena y rápida de sus
Una hembra de nombre “Real Beauty”, de excelente calidad, (1ª en la Federación de Stockport,
compitiendo entre 1.380 palomas,513 km, con viento del noreste) fue acoplada a su vez, con
varios machos alternadamente, durante seis campañas de concursos. Cada uno de sus
compañeros ganaron 1º premios. Apenas como el “cuadro del campeón” tenía una manera de
atraer las hembras, así que ejercicio de la “belleza verdadera” una influencia marcada sobre los
martillos como charmer realizado. Ella incluso exhibió su coquetería a su dueño, que notó
rápidamente sus realizaciones a este respecto, y le dio las oportunidades de desarrollar esta
energía. Para el “cuadro del campeón” sobresalió en el arte de “contar el cuento” ganar una
gallina, “belleza verdadera”, en su vuelta, podía atraer cualquier martillo en el cual ella fijara
su mente como compañero conveniente.

The art of encouraging a 'hen to display this power is a study in itself, requiring much
observation and the use of special food; it calls also for an understanding between owner and
bird. For instance, when the nest-box doors were opened, Real Beauty ” knew that the cocks
were expected. When “Champion Apollo” was seen to be approaching she was told and
responded at once by calling louder than ever. The moment she saw her lover she would do a
“ spring-heeled jack ” jump in the nest-box to show she was more than pleased to see him. She
always had something to give that was desired, appreciated and satisfying after leading the
field in the race for home. All of the other hens who were the “ sweethearts ” of the racing
cocks had this “ IT ” very well developed beyond the normal stage of affection between bird
and his mate, notable among whom were the three sisters of “ Champion Apollo ”.

El arte de animar a una 'gallina que exhiba esta energía es un estudio en sí mismo, requiriendo
mucha observación y el uso del alimento especial; llama también para una comprensión entre
el dueño y el pájaro. Por ejemplo, cuando las puertas del nidal fueron abiertas, la belleza
verdadera” sabía que los martillos esperaron. Cuando vieron al “campeón Apolo” para
acercarse llamando inmediatamente le dijo y fue respondida más ruidosamente que siempre. El
momento que ella vio su amante ella haría un salto del “gato resorte-inclinado” en el nidal
para demostrar que ella más que estuvo satisfecha verlo. Ella tenía siempre algo que dar que
era deseado, apreciado y de satisfacción después de conducir el campo en la raza para el
hogar. Todas las otras hembras que eran los “amores” de los martillos que competían con
tenían esto “ÉL” desarrollado muy bien más allá de la etapa normal del afecto entre el pájaro y
su compañero, notable entre quién eran las tres hermanas del “campeón Apolo”.

As a contrast to the above, let us refer to the “Merry Widow”* 1st Rennes, 369 miles, a smash,
and 1st Stockport Federation Marennes Disaster, 529 miles. As mentioned elsewhere, she was
a very late-bred bird, and won 1st Rennes when carrying seven nest flights, but we have to
turn back quite a bit to find the reason for her momentous win on this occasion. She was sent
to Bournemouth, 188 miles, where a very kind fancier took7 her in, fed and watered her, and
liberated with a note; she arrived at the loft some two days after day of liberation. It was then
decided to try her from Rennes, 369 miles. She was given a cock whom she disliked so much
that he was nearly killed. It was plain to see that she had her heart set on “Boy Blue” and
meant to have him as her mate—no other cock would do. We tried another cock, whom she
punished as severely as the first.

Como contraste con el antedicho, déjenos refieren a la “feliz viuda” * 1r Rennes, a 369 millas, a
una rotura violenta, y al 1r desastre de Marennes de la federación de Stockport, 529 millas.
Según lo mencionado a otra parte, ella era un pájaro muy tarde-criado, y ganó 1r Rennes al
llevar siete vuelos de la jerarquía, pero tenemos que dar vuelta detrás absolutamente a un
pedacito al hallazgo la razón de su triunfo trascendental en esta ocasión. Le enviaron a
Bournemouth, 188 millas, en donde un took7 más de lujo muy bueno ella adentro, fed y le
fueron regada, y liberada con una nota; ella llegó el desván unos dos días después del día de la
liberación. Entonces era decidido para intentarla de Rennes, 369 millas. Le dieron un martillo
que ella tuvo aversión tanto que lo mataron casi. Era llano ver que ella hizo su corazón fijar en
el “muchacho azul” y ser significada para tenerlo como su compañero-ningún otro martillo
haría. Intentamos otro martillo, que ella castigó tan seriamente como el primer.

Nothing remained but to separate “Boy Blue” from his’ hen and offer him to the “ Merry
Widow But “ Boy Blue ” would have none of it, and showed his dislike for the “ Widow ” in a
very marked manner. In fact, in a moment when our attention was distracted, he punished her
so much that she was covered in blood. But the “Merry Widow” put up with the beating and
let it be seen that he was her only love and well worth the discomfiture of the courting. She
persisted in making her advances, and these he grudgingly accepted, with the result that she
laid her eggs and was sent to Rennes sitting five days. Only two birds homed from that race. “
Fireworks ” (another very late-bred bird) and the “ Merry Widow”.
The partnership was maintained in the following season and the “Merry Widow ” again flew to
“ Boy Blue ” in the Great Northern Disaster, Marennes. 529 miles, when she won 1st prize, only
31 birds home out of about 1,600 sent. But the strain, of the race caused her to grow blood
quills and she was stopped from further racing. It is sad for me to relate that she met a tragic
end under the claws of a cat.
It will be noticed that hens are seldom mentioned in Gurnay’s sale list, except as “productrice”
(breeder), because hens were not raced, but it will be understood that hens play a very
important part in the breeding of champion aces. If you have the gift of selection it becomes
easy to breed further champions from champion stock, not singly, but in abundance, the first
essential being to get the “sure foundation ” in actuality, not paper pedigree pigeons. Then you
will be in the position of M. Gumay in sneaking only of the aces of aces and never remember
such birds as “Bon Vierzon” and “Leon”, 1st and 2nd National Vierzon with only two entries,
helping to win £4.000 in eight days. There was nothing outstanding in this, it was a quite
natural result to the world’s “Greatest Racer”. He told me several times that I was a better
racer of 'his birds than himself and he was very serious when savins it. But I was a stood pupil
and his was the credit.
Seguía habiendo nada pero separar el “azul del muchacho” de su' gallina y ofrecerlo al “feliz
azul de la viuda pero “del muchacho” no tendrían ninguno de él, y demostraron su aversión
para “la viuda” de una manera muy marcada. De hecho, en un momento cuando nuestra
atención fue distraída, él la castigó tanto que la cubrieron en sangre. Pero la “feliz viuda” tolera
el golpeo y lo dejó ser visto que él era ella solamente amor y bien digno de el discomfiture de
cortejar. Ella persistió en la fabricación le de avances, y éstos que él a regañadientes aceptó,
con el resultado que ella puso sus huevos y fue enviada a Rennes que sentaba cinco días.
Solamente dos pájaros dirigidos de esa raza. “Fuegos artificiales” (otros pájaro muy tarde-
criado) y la “feliz viuda”. La sociedad fue mantenida en la estación siguiente y la “feliz viuda”
voló otra vez al “azul del muchacho” en el gran desastre norteño, Marennes. 529 millas,
cuando ella ganó el 1r premio, sólo 31 pájaros a casa fuera de cerca de 1.600 enviaron. Pero la
tensión, de la raza causada la para crecer las canillas y la de la sangre fue parada más lejos de
competir con. Es triste para que se relacione que ella resolvió un extremo trágico debajo de las
garras de un gato. Será notado que las hembras están mencionadas raramente en la lista de la
venta de Gurnay, excepto como “productrice” (criador), porque las hembras no fueron
competidas con, sino que será entendido que las hembras hacen una parte muy importante en
la crianza de los as del campeón. Si usted tiene el regalo de la selección que llega a ser fácil
criar a otros campeones de la acción del campeón, no no solo, pero en abundancia, el primer
ser esencial conseguir la “fundación segura” en la actualidad, no palomas del pedigrí del papel.
Entonces usted estará en la posición del M. Gumay en hacer furtivamente solamente de los as
de as y nunca recuerda los pájaros tales como Vierzon nacional del “Bon Vierzon” y de “Leon”,
el 1r y el 2do con solamente dos entradas, ayudando a ganar £4.000 en ocho días. No había
nada excepcional en esto, él era un resultado absolutamente natural al corredor “más grande”
del mundo. Él me dijo varias veces que fuera corredor mejor de 'sus pájaros que sí mismo y él
eran muy serios cuando los savins él. Pero era una pupila parada y el suyo era el crédito.

It was during 1923 that the birds were raced to “The Grange” on the “ free-and-easy ” system
and the Shaw-Gurnay System was not applied. Even so, the team commenced with 1st Bath,
premier velocity 1096, with 1.695 competing. This was followed by 1st, 2nd. 3rd Bournemouth,
1.463 competing, velocity 1095 This was another N.E. wind race, the first being two cocks. “
Champion Apolo” and “ Beauty Soot ”—the third a hen. “ Double Event”. A congratulatory
letter was received from Mr. S. F. Griffiths, who acclaimed the result as an exceptionally great
performance, since the race was won by 56 yards per minute in N.E. wind.
One interesting feature of this race was that “Beauty Spot ”—a yearling —had previously flown
only one race, Stafford, and had flown off-course east of the Pennines, arriving at Morpeth.
Northumberland, after 2 1/2 hours’ flying. The bird was returned to me by Mr. J. Shotton, who,
incidentally, later became my loftman. However, “Beauty Spot” was then specially prepared to
redeem himself, which, four weeks later, he certainly did, sharing 1st prize in that extremely
hard race from Bournemouth. Perhaps an even more novel feature of this same race was that,
on the arrival of the hen “Double Event ”, I was disinclined to trouble with timing her, but was
persuaded to do so by the loftman and, just out of curiosity as to her position in the race, put
her ring in the clock, to secure 3rd prize at eight yards per minute faster than the next of the
1,463 competitors.

Era durante 1923 que los pájaros fueron competidos con “el Grange” en el sistema “libre-y-
fácil” y el sistema de Shaw-Gurnay no fue aplicado. Sin embargo, el equipo comenzó con el 1r
baño, velocidad 1096 del primero ministro, con 1.695 compitiendo. Esto fue seguida por 1r,
2do. 3ro Bournemouth, 1.463 que competían, velocidad 1095 esto era otro noreste. enrolle la
raza, el primer ser dos martillos. “Defienda Apolo” y el “hollín de la belleza” - el tercero una
gallina. “Acontecimiento doble”. Una letra congratulatory fue recibida de Sr. S. F. Griffiths, que
aclamó el resultado como funcionamiento excepcionalmente grande, puesto que la raza fue
ganada por 56 yardas por minuto en el noreste. viento. Una característica interesante de esta
raza era que el “lunar” - un añal - había volado previamente solamente una raza, Stafford, y
había volado apagado-curso al este de los peninos, llegando Morpeth. Northumberland,
después de 2 horas del 1/2' que vuelan. El pájaro me fue vuelto por Sr. J. Shotton, que,
incidentemente, se convirtió en más adelante mi loftman. Sin embargo, el “lunar” entonces fue
preparado especialmente para redimirse, que, cuatro semanas más adelante, él lo hizo
ciertamente, compartiendo el 1r premio en esa raza extremadamente dura de Bournemouth.
Quizás una aún más característica de la novela de esta misma raza era que, en la llegada de la
gallina “acontecimiento del doble”, estaba poco dispuesto preocuparla con la sincronización,
pero fue persuadida para hacer tan por el loftman y, apenas fuera de curiosidad en cuanto a su
posición en la raza, puso su anillo en el reloj, para asegurar el 3ro premio en ocho yardas por
más rápido minucioso que el siguiente de los 1.463 competidores.

Unfortunately I never had “ Old Raye ” photographed, so cannot give you an illustration of this
bird, “ Royal Engineer ” 566 was a fine mealy cock and grandson of “ Mighty Atom ” from “
Grand Duke ” and “ Cherry Blossom I-have noticed that the three colours mentioned invariably
retained the Gurnay chocolate eye and are very typical of the strain, especially as regards
feather in abundance.

IN answer to the many requests 1 have received direct, and indirect, and through the Pigeon
Racing Gazette, to give particulars of individual birds, the condition in which they were sent to
the races, and their performances, as there were more than 50 birds that won 1st prizes at all
distances, and many others who were unable to win 1st prizes because loftmates kept them
out, it is impossible for me to touch on many of these racers, but I will mention just a few.
Because these racers were mainly cocks, raced on the Shaw-Gurnay System, the management
was simplicity itself. For example, one does not have to pay regard to driving, laying, sitting or
hatching—problems always present when racing birds on the “ Natural ” system. I raced
Wednesdays and Saturdays, and in these circumstances it is best to divide a loft of say, 20
racers into approximately four teams of five birds. These are engaged, in the races, five
Wednesday and five Saturday, or two teams one week and two the next. When racing at “The
Grange” I used the local club for training purposes and raced seriously with the M.F.C.
Generally speaking, the birds raced each fortnight, but in the shorter races the same bird could
go to, say. Balh (143 miles) and then Bournemouth (188 miles) with eight days and with
success. “Little Favorite” won 1st from each race-point, and for five years a different bird also
won 1st in the two races mentioned, namely, “ Silent Check ”, “ Champion Apollo ”, “
Champion Picture ”, and “ Viking ”. The colour of all these birds was blue chequers.
As a guide to the fixture of type and colour, there were about 40 pairs of stock birds, all bred
by Renier Gurnay, and 20 pairs of racers, bred by self, and I cannot remember breeding a red,,
red chequer, or mealy. All the birds were bronze, blue or blue chequers, with sometimes a bird
carrying a white flight.
The greatest successes were with the wind east, or north-east, and the loft was situated in the
east of the Section. “Champion Picture” gave not the slightest trouble, always very fit, ever
ready, and he could be engaged with confidence. He won 1st prizes at various distances and
pools frorti 6d. to £5 many times. It was this bird who taught the other 19 how to sweep out of
the sky and in through the open doors of the loft on to the nest-box perches. He would fly over
my! shoulder if I stood in the doorway, and being always cool and calm, he flew within himself
and knew what he was doing.
“Champion Apollo” was a more serious bird and raced himself hard whenever engaged, very
much like his sire, “ Petit Ecaille Vierzon ”, and, like “ Champion Picture ”, he was sire of many
winners. He and “Champion Picture” seemed to have a working arrangement between them—
“ you win this week and I’ll win next.” “ Champion Repeater ” was another quiet bird (his sire
wasThe Masterpiece ” and breeder to “ Petite Ecaille Vierzon ”) and he won many prizes,
including, in one season, 1st 86 miles, 1st 188 miles, 1st 528 miles.
“Champion Best Quality” was very similar in disposition to “Champion Picture”. He won at
se^pral distances, including a 1st prize with 2,011 birds competing and pooled right through. “
Neaty ” was another blue chequer who won a 1st prize, all Sections, Rennes, 369 miles. He was
different to all the others, what might be termed a “sulky” type, never liked to be touched, but
this did not prevent him winning by 14 minutes, with Capt. E. E. Jackson’s bird 3rd.
So the Shaw-Gumay System had its advantages in that a team was ready at all times, so much
so that, as one member of the Stockport Social Circle said, “ I did not wait for four seasons, as
did the others, before I resigned. I resigned at the end of the first year after seeing the type
and condition of the birds at the marking station and noting the result of the first season’s
performance—10 list prizes in 11 races.
By way of contrast, hens were sometimes engaged without any preparation and won lsts in
Stockport Federation with 2,000 and more birds competing. One blue chequer cock, “
Wellaway ” (who competed in four races and won a 1st and three 2nds). was a law unto
himself. Instead of exercising with the others he would go to the fields and make a mess of
himself, but this did not prevent him from winning his prizes.

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