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Nov 30

2:20 start time

Presenter: Haw; Smith; Cook; Telambong; Wainright, Lam, Lampkin
16 students
- Suggested activities
o Movie/thank you dinner
 Food and entertainment, student performances
 Presentation of a rose
 Dance crew, spoken word club, cheerleaders, open mic club, Display BHM artwork from
art club
o Trips
- Calendar dates
o Week 1: economic empowerment
o Week 2: love of family
o Week 3: political figures
o Week 4: family/unity
o NOT AVAILABLE: 1, 2, 16, 19
- Speakers
o Rep. Elijah Cummings
o Robert Jackson
o Dr. Santilises
- Events
o Dance Crew
o Cheerleaders
o Fashion Show
- Trips (only awarded to Black History Month Participants, contest winners, and winners from other
o Blacks in Wax
o Smithsonian African American Museum
o Toby’s Dinner Theater (in Columbia)
- Other suggestions
 Wainwright: getting a judge to talk about the decision about higher university funding
 Also, let’s visit them!!!!
o DJ Aklog
o Catered food for the festival
o Invite parents, advisory board members and neighbors from the area
o African dancers
o Get students to line dance
o Get donated food from black owned restaurants and food specialties
o Local black businesses have a table at the festival
o The Egyptian Cinemark (Arundel)
o Art Contest
o Sheila Dixon
o Marylin Mosbey
o Delagate: Robb Lewis
o Hershey Park
o Flashback Day
o Get Out (movie)
o PSA: Knowing your rights
 Building an understanding at the school
 Similar to Hispanic heritage month: think EMPOWERMENT
o Morning announcements

Dec 20

- Mr. Haw & Ms. Smith: the fundraiser will continue until and throughout February
- Ms. Lampkin: will find out more about coinciding events for seniors and will try to reschedule (brought up by
Nia Hawkins). Also, she is in charge of the last week's programming for the family dinner
- Madame Telambong's student (unable to get the name) is in charge of coming up with the daily BHM facts
for announcements

Continued tasks from the last meeting:

- BHM Fair
o DJ Aklog
o Catered food for the festival
o Invite parents, advisory board members and neighbors from the area
o African dancers
o Get donated food from black owned restaurants and food specialties
o Local black businesses have a table at the festival
 Art Contest

Jan 19
Start: 1:12
J. Smith, O. Smith, C. Lake, B. Carter, S. Lam
Carter: submitted electronic request to Robert Jackson, Michelle Obama, and Elijah Cummings. Has 2 letters
(sent to Smith) for Cummings and Marilyn Mosby for the night event with family.
Smith: dates have changed. We don’t have enough $ to invite all families (per Lampkin) so now there’s no
family dinner…possibly move it to March
Carter: So when I resend the letter for Cummings and Mosby, just redate it to what you want it to be (possibly
in March)
Smith: possibly meet next week to talk over budget during half day
23rd: Coach Bach wants to do a business event
Smith: We want teachers engaged for the door contest (Carter will have the template)
Scavenger Hunt: One day thing/have teachers contribute/week of the 5 th? Ms. Smith should be here! Carter is
in charge!
Ms. Mobley wants a MPHC (Greek Life) and HBCU event….issues (we don’t have staff representation)
- We can get staff to step/contribute/etc.
Carter: 26th during block 5, staff showcase in auditorium, get someone with a connection to greeks. Get
organizations to showcase other contributions to BHM/community/history.
Carter’s week: will be bringing in someone the 20-22th…would prefer the 21st but there are dept. meetings.
Also, there’s a CTE decision day that day. 21st in library during block 5 roundtable with council members.
Darryl DeSousa!
BHM Festival
- Students have to remain dressed for the whole day and talk about the culture for the whole day to
earn service hours
Feb 6
- Students who can African dance?
o Is ms. Telambong willing to dance?
- Carter: Councilman John Bullock from 9th district on January 20
- Singing to open up the assembly
- Writing contest
- Teacher’s Door Contest
- Lampkin: culinary department of other school to prepare food (mac cheese, mashed potatoes,
o Edmonson, carver, mervo
Student responsibilities
- Think of games
- Contact Jasani about Henna
BHM Committee: Lake, Lampkin, Carter, Telambong, Smith, Lam
- Smith: $700 African Dance group
o We need a financial report for the school store (haw). Lampkin will take care of this.
o Still want to go to Benjamin Banneker but told that we didn’t have the money
o Dinner: Mobley wanted the dinner to coincide with THREAD but that’s no longer happening
- Coach Bak’s Panel
o Lampkin has core group of 30-35 businessmen
o Derrick Chase from Stand up Bmore (Carter)
- March: Egyptian in Arundel Mills
o For girls (30 tickets, Lampkin)
o Women’s history month
- Carter: writing stories for women’s history month
o Clothespin to hang stories
o A gong= sexual assault
o A bell= rape
- Financing: lampkin
o Festival
- Movie
o Teachers must respond
o First come, first serve
o Student should feel special
- BHM staff potluck: late arrival day
o Smith will get approval for it
- Telambong: girls will wear African dress and trying to get them to cook in exchange for service hours
o They have to participate in every single activity (reflection, set up, performance, clean up, etc.)
o Donating food = 5 hours
o Setup and clean up= 1 hour for each hour
o Creating flyers and posting
o Yikes. He wants money
- Assembly is block 2
o Speaker is talking about family and unity

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