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Fermenter memiliki rasio tinggi terhadap diameter 2:1 atau 3:1.

Jika rasio tinggi terhadap

diameter konstan, maka rasio permukaan terhadap volume akan berkurang drastic ketika
scale-up. Perubahan ini mengurangi kontribusi relative dari aerasi permukaan terhadap
supply oksigen dan pembuangan dissolved carbon dioxide.

Broad range of potential applications in the chemical, petrochemical and biochemical

industries. Simple vertical cylindrical vessels with intense contact between the two phases.


Fasa gas terdispersi kedalam fasa liquid dengan bantuan distributor-gas pada bagian bawah

Since bubble columns offer several advantages in comparison to other kinds of multiphase
reacthors, they are subjected to an increasing use in industrial practice.
Panel 1.1 ; 1.2

Several types of processes of major importance in industry take place in bubble columns,
some of them being outlined in panel 1.3

Bubblee column reactors are particularly suited for slow reactions taking place in the liquid
phase.. The main resistance to the mass transfer is located in the liquid phase. The gas-liquid
contactt achieved is reflected by the parameter (3 which is the ratio of the liquid phase
volume too the volume of the "film" diffusion layer. High values of (3 are obtained with
bubble column reactorss (see Fig. 1.2) and are suitable for reactions which demand high
"bulk" liquid volume.

Scale-upp basically means the conversion from laboratory scale experiments to successful
commerciall size design.

Changess in reactor diameter, height and superficial gas velocity will be accompanied by
changess in flow regime, phase hold up characteristics, axial and radial mixing and transport
coefficients.. There is therefore a scale up "problem".


kecepatan naik gelembung pada tabung silinder dapat diestimasi melalui correction factor
(SF) dan laju kenaikan gelembung pada medium tertentu
Vb0 = Vb takhingga SF

Ketka rasio diameter gelembung terhadap diameter tabung (db/DT) lebih kecil dari 0.125,
maka pengaruh diameter tabung terhadap laju kenaikan gelembung dapat diabaikan. Laju
kenaikan gelembung turun secara signifikan terhadap kenaikan rasio db/DT.

Ketika rasio db/DT melebihi 0.6, diameter tabung menjadi penentu kecepatan dan bentuk
Kenaikan gelembung dapat di karakterisasi berdasarkan laju, bentuk dan pola gerakan
gelembung. 3 karakter tersebut berhubungan dengan viskositas dari fasa liquid, laju dan ke-
khasan gelembung.

Ukuran gelembung merupakan variable penting dalam menentukan laju kenaikan

gelembung dan bentuk gelembung.

Gelembung dapat dikelompokkan kedalam 3 kategori

1) Spherical bubble
smallest possible bubbles, perfect spheres (karena interfacial forces and/or viscous
forces are much more important than inertia forces, terminal velocity is limited by
viscous drag and they obey the Stokes law.
2) Ellipsoidal bubbles
Intermediate size, oval, motion in zig zag
3) Spherical cap bubbles
large bubbles, effect s of surface tension and viscosity are negligible, rise velocity
described by davies and taylor equation (1950). Characterized by Eo > 40

Bubbles are ellipsoidal pada Re yang relatif tinggi dan Eo yang sedang. Spherical cap bubbles
memiliki Re dan Eo yang tinggi.

Ketika kenaikan gelembung dibatasi media, bentuk dan laju kenaikannya dipengaruhi
dinding container.

Gelembung kecil berukuran db= 3-5 mm pada system dengan viskositas rendah, dan bernilai
sedikit lebih tinggi dengan maksimal 12 mm pada system ber viskositas tinggi. Gelembung
kecil tidak berinteraksi satu sama lainnya.

Gelembung besar umumnya berukuran dari 20-80 mm. Gelembung besar berinteraksi
antara satu sama lainnya, cenderung melebur dan berpisah.

Pergerakan gelembung dianalisis menggunakan bantuan kamera yang di set pada 25 frame
per detik.

Demineralisedd water (viscosity 77, = 0.001 Pas; density p, = 998 kg/m ; surface tension c =
0.0722 N/m

high viscous Tellus oil (viscosity r/L = 0.075 Pas; density p, = 862 kg/m ; surfacee tension o
= 0.028 N/m

All bubbles experimented in this work fit nicely in the Clift diagram

Laju kenaikan gelembung independen terhadap dinding container ketika rasio diameter
gelembung dan kolom lebih kecil dari 0.125.
Measured rise velocities can be nicely predicted using mendelson equation:

Thee measurements performed in smaller columns could not be satisfactorily

predicted by thee same model. The rise velocities were found to be significantly lower
than that predicted byy Eq. (2.1), suggesting the existence of a strong wall effec

To describe the rise velocity of a single spherical cap bubble inn a infinite medium,
Davies and Taylor (1950) developed the following relation:

Collinss (1967) studied large bubbles in inviscid liquids corresponding to the "large
bubble" category.. He has derived empirically this correction, called "scale factor"
(SF) in this work, as aa function of the ratio of the bubble diameter db to the column
diameter DT:

Whenn the diameter ratio d\JDj exceeds a value of about 0.6, the tube diameter
becomes the controllingg length governing the velocity and the frontal shape of the

Forr small bubbles (db= 3 - 17 mm) the deviation between the measured rise velocity and
thee predictions given by Mendelson (1970) equation is also considered to be caused by the
wallss effects. Using all small bubble experimental rise velocities, we found that
Laju kenaikan gelembung kecil bergantung pada property liquid seperti tegangan
permukaan dan densitas liquid.

Laju kenaikan gelembung besar tidak sensitive terhadap property liquid.

Dalam menginvestigasi efek property liquid pada laju kenaikan gelembung besar, perlu
liquid dengan viskositas tinggi seperti air-tellus oil sebagai tambahan ke air-water system

Nilai Eo>40 untuk gelembung dengan d>13 mm pada system air-tellus.

Setelah diuji, benar bahwa gelembung besar memiliki laju yang independen tehadap
property liquid.

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