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What's your name?' she asked. Don't ask him - he won't know. That kid's
always asking awkward questions. I asked him where he lived. We'll have
to ask someone the way to the station. Go and ask Tom whether he's
coming tonight. Visitors usually ask about the history of the castle. I'll ask
around and see if I can find you a place to stay.
Kako se zoveš? Ona je pitala. Ne pitaj njega- on neće znati. To dijete uvjek
pita nezgodna pitanja. Ja sam pitao njega gdje živi. Mi ćemo morati pitati
nekoga put do stanice. Idi i pitaj ga da li on dolazi noćas. Posjetioci obično
pitaju o istoriji dvorca. Ja ću se raspitati okolo i vidjeti da li ja mogu naći
mjesto za tebe da odsjedneš.
If you need anything, you only have to ask. Ask John to mail those letters
tomorrow. Karen asked to see the doctor. Some people find it difficult to ask
for help. He repeatedly asked Bailey for the report. Ask your mom if you can
come with us. Was it too much to ask that he be allowed some privacy?
How much is he asking? He's asking £2,000 for his car. They're asking a
fortune for that house.
Ako ti trebaš bilo što, ti samo moraš pitati. Pitaj njega da pošalje ta pisma
sutra. Ona je zamolila da vidi doktora. Neki ljudi nalaze to teškim da pitaju
za pomoč. On je iznova i iznova tražio od njega izvještaj. Pitaj tvoju mamu
da li ti možeš doći sa nama. Koliko on traži? On trazi 2000 funti za njegovo
auto. Oni traže bogatstvo za tu kuću.
Let's ask them to have dinner with us some time. Jerry's too scared to ask
her out. Don't leave them standing on the doorstep - ask them in! We must
ask our new neighbours over for a drink.
It would be better if he cooperated, but perhaps I'm asking too much. You
have no right to ask anything of me. Expecting the children to do an hour's
homework after school is asking a lot of them.
Saying that to a feminist is just asking for trouble.
You have to ask yourself where your responsibilities really lie.
He's just plain crazy, if you ask me.
'Where's she gone then?' 'Don't ask me!'
'What was that woman selling?' 'Don't ask.'
It's his own fault he got hit - he was asking for it.
I spoke to James today. He was asking after you.
We went to visit him but he didn't ask us in.
There's someone at the door asking for Dad.
Hajde da pitamo njih da imamo večeru sa nama nekada. On je previše
uplašen da pita nju da izađu. Nemojte ostaviti njih da stoje na pragu- zovi ih
unutra. Mi moramo pozvati naše nove komšije za piće. Bilo bi bolje ako bi
oni surađivali ali možda ja tražim previše. Ti nemaš pravo da tražiš išta od
mene. Očekivanje od djece da rade jedan sat domaćeg posle škole je
traženje mnogo od njih. Reći to feministkinji je samo trženje nevolje. Ti
moraš pitati sebe gdje tvoje odgovornosti stvarno leže. On je baš potpuno
lud, ako ti pitaš mene. Gdje je ona otišla onda? Ne pitaj mene! Šta je ta
žena prodavala? Ne pitaj! Njegova je vlastita greška što se on udario- on je
tražio to. Ja sam pričao sa njim danas. On se raspitivao za tebe. Ima neko
na vratima pita za tatu.


The scheme has been backed by several major companies in the region.
Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US.
government-backed loans. His claims are not backed by any scientific
She backed into a doorway to let the crowds pass by. He began to back her
towards the open door. I backed the car into the garage.
Back the photo with cardboard. a plastic-backed shower curtain
The Jandia Peninsula is a stretch of white sands backed by a mountain
They performed all their hits, backed by a 40-piece orchestra.
Šema je bila podržana od nekoliko važnih kompanija u regionu. Neki su
sumnjali da je pobuna bila podržana i finansirana od US. Od vlade podržani
krediti. Njegove tvrdnje nisu podržane nikakvim naučnim dokazima. Ona se
pomakla unazad u prolaz da pusti gomile da prođu. On je počeo da je gura
nazad ka otvorenim vratima. Ja sam pokrenuo nazad kola u garažu. Poleđi
fotografiju sa kartonom. Sa plastičnom poleđinom zavjesa za tuš kabinu.
Ovo poluostrvo je izduženje bijeloga pijeska zaleđen planinskim lancem.
Oni si izveli sve njihove hitove praćeni sa orkestrom.
back the wrong horse
She backed away from the menacing look on his face. The government has
backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy.
Both sides have refused to back down.
She backed off and then turned and ran. I think you should back off for a
while. Back off, Marc! Let me run my own life! Jerry backed off when he
realized how much work was involved. The company has backed off from
investing new money.
Ona je ustuknula od zlog izgleda na njegovom licu. Vlada se povukla iz
strategije za nuklearno oružje. Obje strane su odbile da popuste. Ona se
povukla i onda se okrenula i potrčala. Ja mislim da bi ti trebao da se
povučeš neko vrijeme. Prestani Mark! Pusti me da vodim moj vlastiti život.
On se povukao kada je shvatio koliko posla je bilo uključeno. Kompanija se
povukla iz investiranja novog novca.
The hotel backs onto St Mark's Square.
It's too late to back out now. After you've signed the contract, it will be
impossible to back out.The government is trying to back out of its
commitment to reduce pollution.
Jane would back me up if she were here. There's no evidence to back up
his accusations. These theories have not been backed up by research.
The plan's success depends on how vigorously the UN will back it up with
action. The police officers are backed up by extra teams of people at the
Make sure you back up.
These devices can back up the whole system.
Back all your files up onto floppy disks.
The truck stopped and then backed up. I backed the car up a little. Back up
a bit so that everyone can see.
The traffic was starting to back up in both directions.
if a toilet, sink etc backs up, it becomes blocked so that water cannot flow
out of it.
Hotel leđima gleda na trg svetog Marka. Previše je kasno da se izvučeš
sada. Posle ti potpišeš ugovor biće nemoguće da se izvučeš. Vlada
pokušava da se izvuče iz njene posvećenosti da smanji zagađenje. Ona bi
me podržala da je ovdje. Nepostoje dokazi da podrže njegove optužube.
Ove teorije nisu podržane od istraživanja. Uspjeh plana zavisi od toga kako
žustro će UN podržati njega sa akcijom. Policajci su podržani od ekstra
timova ljudi za vikend. Uvjeri se da ti praviš kopije dokumenata. Ovi aparati
mogu podržavati cijeli sistem. Snimi sve tvoje fajlove na flopije. Kamion je
stao i onda se pokrenuo unazad. Ja sam pokrenuo auto unazad malo.
Pomjeri se unazad malo tako da svako može da vidi. Saobraćaj je počinjao
da pravi kolonu u oba pravca. Pozovi vodoinstalatera jer se lavabo zapušio.


Kate is away on holiday.

I'll be back in a minute. He was back home by half-past eleven.

I'm afraid Mr Stewart won't be in until tomorrow morning.

Did anyone call while I was out? My parents are both out at the

Is the meeting over yet?

Are the kids still up?

The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're up to. He knew Bailey
was up to something. But what? I always suspected that he was up to
no good


She was afraid she wouldn't be able to bear the pain. Overcrowding makes
prison life even harder to bear. Make the water as hot as you can bear. The
humiliation was more than he could bear. Black people continue to bear
the brunt of most racial violence . Passengers could be insulting, and
stewardesses just had to grin and bear it. Experts were worried the
financial system would not be able to bear the strain.
Please don't leave me. I couldn't bear it. I just can't bear the thought of
having to start all over. I can't bear to see her cry. I couldn't bear not seeing
him again. Oh, I really can't bear him. He can't bear people smoking while
he's eating. I can't bear being cold.
Ona se bojala da neće biti sposobna da podnese bol. Prenatrpavanje čini
zatvorski život čak težim za podnjeti. Učini vodu tako vrućom kako ti možeš
podnjeti. Ponižavanje je bilo više nego što je on mogao podnjeti. Crni ljudi
nastavljaju da podnose opekotinu rasnog nasilja. Putnici su mogli biti
uvrjedljivi a stjuardese su samo morale da se nasmješe i podnesu to.
Eksperti su bili zabrinuti da financijski sistem neće biti sposoban da
podnese naprezanje. Molim te ne ostavljaj me. Ja nebi mogao podnjeti to.
Ja samo ne mogu podnjeti pomisao da moram početi sve ponovo. Ja ne
mogu podnjeti vidjeti nju da plače. Ja ne bi mogao podnjeti ne vidjeti je
opet. Ja stvarno ne mogu podnjeti njega. On ne može podnjeti ljude da
puše dok on jede. Je ne mogu podnjeti da mi je hladno.
Bear in mind that some children will need help.
Each company will bear half the costs of development. Fares have gone up,
perhaps to more than the market will bear. Developed countries bear much
of the responsibility for environmental problems.
My leg was painful, and I wasn't sure it would bear my weight.
The letter bore no signature. a car bearing diplomatic license plates The
labels bear a yellow and black symbol. The town still bears the scars of the
bombings during the war. The store bears the hallmarks of a family-owned
Imaj na umu da će neka djeca trebati pomoć. Svaka kompanija će snositi
polovinu troškova razvoja. Strahovi su porasli, možda do više nego što će
tržište podnjeti. Razvijene zemlje snose mnogo od odgovornosti za okolišne
probleme. Moja noga je bila bolna i ja nisam bio siguran da će ona izdržati
moju težinu. Pismo nije nosilo potpis.auto koje nosi diplomatske tablice.
Naljepnice nose žuti i crni simbol. Grad još nosi ožiljke bombardovanja
tokom rata. Prodavnica nosi zaštitne znake porodičnog preduzeća.
The child bore a striking resemblance to his father. The things she
says bear little relation to what she actually does.
She might never be able to bear children. She bore him three sons.
Charles' diplomacy eventually bore fruit.
The wedding guests arrived, bearing gifts. The US Constitution states that
the people have a right to bear arms.
The empty workshops bear witness to the industrial past.
It was an accident. I don't bear (him) any grudges. He was just doing his
job, and I bore him no malice.
When you reach the fork in the trail, bear left.
She bore herself with great dignity.
He bore the name 'Magnus'.
Evidence bears out the idea that students learn best in small groups.
How is he bearing up since the accident.
Djete je nosilo upečatljivu sličnost na njegovog oca. Stvari koje ona kaže
nose malo veze sa onim što ona ustvari kaže. Ona možda nikad neće biti
sposobna da rodi djecu. Ona je rodila njemu tri sina. Čarlsova diplomatija je
na kraju rodila plod. Vjenčani gosti su stigli noseći darove. Ustav US
izjavljuje da ljudi imaju pravo da nose oružje. Prazne radionice nose
svjedočanstvo industrijskoj prošlosti. To je bila nesreća i ja nisam kivan. On
je samo radio njegov posao i ja mu nisam zamjerio. Kada stigneš
raskrsnicu, drži se lijevo. Ona se nosila sa velikim dostojanstvom. On je
nosio ime Magnus. Dokazi potvrđuju ideju da studenti uče najbolje u malim
grupama. Kako on izdržava posle nesreće?


I had to break a window to get into the house. Don't lean on the fence like
that - you'll break it! He broke the biscuit in half and handed one piece to
me. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a gentle heat.
He kept pulling at the rope until it broke. The frames are made of plastic
and they tend to break quite easily. She fell downstairs and broke her hip.
Don't mess about with my camera - you'll break it. Someone's broken the
TV. The washing machine's broken again.
They're breaking the law by employing such young children. If you break
the rules you will be punished. The cameras catch motorists who break the
speed limit. I never break my promises. You betrayed me. You broke your
word. He was worried that he might be breaking his contract.
Shall we break for lunch now?
We need to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the inner cities. We took
turns driving, in order to try and break the monotony.
Ja sam morao da razbijem prozor da uđem u kuću. Ne naslanjaj se na
ogradu tako- ti ćeš je slomiti. On je prelomio keks na pola i dodao jedan dio
meni. Izlomi čokoladu na male komade i istopi je na blagoj temperaturi. On
je neprestalno vukao na konopac i on je pukao. Okviri su napravljeni od
plastike i oni su skloni da puknu prilično lako. Ona je pala niz stepenice i
slomila njen kuk. Ne petljaj okolo sa mojom kamerom- ti ćeš je pokvariti.
Neko je pokvario tv. Mašina za pranje se pokvarila opet. Oni krše zakon
zapošljavajući tako mladu djecu. Ako ti prekršiš pravila ti ćeš biti kažnjen.
Kamere hvataju motoriste koji prekoračuju ograničenje brzine. Ja nikada ne
kršim moja obečanja. Ti si me izdao- ti si prekršio tvoju riječ. On je bio
zabrinut da on možda krši ugovor. Hoćemo li mi pauzirati za ručak sada? Mi
moramo da prekinemo kruk siromaštva i kriminala u unutrašnjim gradovima.
Mi smo se mjenjali vozeći da bi pokušali i prekinuli monotoniju.

Losing his business nearly broke him. I won't give in. I won't be broken by
The government succeeded in breaking the unions.
Dawn was breaking by the time we arrived home. We were keen to get
back to the hotel before the storm broke.
The following day the weather broke and we had ten days of solid rain.
We sat and watched the waves breaking on the shore
He was fifteen, and his voice was just beginning to break. Her voice broke
as she told us what had happened.
News of his resignation broke yesterday. The minister has refused to give
any interviews since the scandal broke. I didn't know how I was going to
break the news to my mother. The doctor finally broke it to me that there
was no cure.
a new drug which helps smokers to break their habit
an attempt to break the 10,000 metres world record
We decided to break our journey in Oxford.
He broke my heart when he left me. It'll break your father's heart if you tell
him you're giving up college.
The government has threatened to bring in the army to break the 10 month
old strike.
Gubljenje njegovog posla je blizu slomilo njega. Ja se neću dati. Ja neću
biti slomljena od njega. Vlada je uspjela u razbijanju sindikata. Zora je
pucala do trenutaka kada smo mi stigli kući. Mi smo jako žudili da se
vratimo u hotel prije no što je oluja izbila. Sledećeg dana vrijeme je puklo i
mi smo imali 10 dana dobre kiše. Mi smo sjedili i gledali talase kako se
razbijaju na obalu. On je imao 15 i njegov glas je upravo počinjao da se
lomi. Njen glas se slomio kako je ona rekla nama šta se bilo desiolo. Vijesti
o njegovoj ostavci izbile su juče. Ministar je odbio da daje ikakve intervjuje
odkako je skandal izbio. Ja nisam znao kako da saspem vijest mojoj majci.
Doktor je konačno sasuo to meni da nema lijeka. Ovo je novi lijek koji
pomaže pušačima da prekinu njihovu naviku. To je bio veoma dobar
pokušaj da se obori svjetski rekord na 10000 metara. Mi smo odlučili da
prekinemo naše putovanje u Oksfordu. On je slomio moje srce kada je on
napustio mene. To će slomiti tvoga oca srce ako ti kažeš njemu da
napuštaš koledž. Vlada je zapretila da pozove vojsku da razbije 10 mjeseci
star štrajk.
The US has now broken all diplomatic links with the regime. Sometimes it is
necessary to break family ties in order to protect the child.
The slightest sound would break his concentration. The silence was broken
by a loud scream.
They could not break her spirit. The spirit of our soldiers will never be
At last the power of the church was finally broken.
Sam's arrival broke the ice and people began to talk and laugh.
Scientists worked day and night to break the code.
He was embarrassed when he broke wind in the class.
US je sada prekinula sve diplomatske veze sa režimom. Ponekad je
neophodno prekinuti porodične veze da bi se zaštitilo dijete. Najmanji svuk
bi prekinuo njegovu koncentraciju. Tišina je bila prekinuta glasnim vriskom.
Oni nisu mogli da slomiju njen duh. Duh naših vojnika nikada neće biti
slomljen. Najzad moć crkve je bila konačno prekinuta. Semov dolazak je
slomio led i ljudi su počeli da pričaju i smiju se. Naučnicu su radili dan i noć
da razbiju kod. On je bio izblamiran jer je pustio vjetar na času.
They broke away from the national union and set up their own local
organization. I felt the need to break away from home. She broke away
from him and ran to the door. Radcliffe broke away 200 metres before the
finish. Part of the plane's wing had broken away.
The car broke down just north of Paris. The telephone system has
broken down. Her health broke down under the pressure of work. The
printing machines are always breaking down. Negotiations broke down
after only two days. I left London when my marriage broke down. Police
had to break down the door to get into the flat. Getting young people
together will help to break down the barriers between them. It takes a
long time to break down prejudices. Food is broken down in the stomach.
Bacteria are added to help break down the sewage. Expenditure on the
project breaks down as follows: bills, food and others. He broke down
and cried. She broke down in tears when she heard the news. He
showed us the whole dance, then broke it down so that we could learn it
more easily. The question can be broken down into two parts.
He broke for the door, but the guards got there before he did.
Oni su se odvojili od nacionalnog sindikata i osnovali njihovu vlastitu lokalnu
organizaciju. Ja sam osjetio potrebu da se odvojim od kuće. Ona se
otrgnula od njega i potrčala do vrata. On se odvojio 200 metara prije finiša.
Dio od avionskog krila se bio odvojio. Auto se pokvarilo baš sjeverno od
Pariza. Telefonski sistem je pao. Njeno zdravlje se pokvarilo pod pritiskom
posla.printeri se uvjek kvare.pregovori su propali nakon samo 2 dana. Ja
sam napustio London pošto je moj brak propao. Policija je morala da razvali
vrata da bi ušla u stan. Sakupljanje mladih ljudi će pomoći da se obore
barijere među njima. Treba dosta vremena da se sruše predrasude. Hrana
se razlaže u stomaku. Bakterije e dodaju da se pomgne razložiti fekalije.
Trošak na proektu se djeli kako slijedi: troškovi, hrana, i ostali. Ona je pukla
i zaplakala. Ona je pukla u plač kada je čula vijest. On je pokazao nama
cijeli ples aonda je razbio njega tako da smo ga mogli naučiti jednostavnije.
Pitanje se možr razbiti na 2 dijela. On je pojurio ka vratima ali ssu stražari
stigli tamo prije nego je on.
Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment. I didn't
want to break in on his telephone conversation. Dad would occasionally
break in with an amusing comment.
I went for a walk to break in my new boots.
Someone broke into my car and stole the radio. Her house was broken into
last week.
She made an attempt to break into journalism. It's a profession that is very
hard to break into. Many British firms have failed in their attempts to break
into the American market.
I don't want to break into my savings unless I have to.
He broke into a run as he came round the corner. Her face broke into a
smile. The audience broke into loud applause.
Try to break yourself of the habit of eating between meals.
She started to speak, then broke off while a waitress served us coffee. He
broke off in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals. I broke off
the conversation and answered the phone. She broke off their
engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be married. The US
has broken off diplomatic relations with the regime.
One of the car's wing mirrors had broken off. He broke off a piece of bread.
I was still living in London when the war broke out. Does everyone know
what to do if a fire breaks out? Fighting broke out between demonstrators
and the police.
Lopovi su provalili i ukrali 10000 vrijednosti kompjuterske opreme. Ja nisam
htio da upadnem na njegovu tel konverzaciju. Tata bi povremeno upao sa
zabavnim komentarom. Ja sam otišao u šetnju da razgazim moje nove
čizme. Neko je provalio u moje auto i ukrao radio. Njena kuća je provaljena
prošle sedmice. Ona je napravila pokušaj da se probije u novinarstvo. To je
profesija u koju je veoma teško prodrjeti. Mnoge britanske firme su
neuspjele u njihovim pokušajima da se probiju na američko tržište. Ja neću
da provaljujem u moje ušteđevine ako ne moram. On se dao u trk kako je
on došao oko ugla. Njeno lice se razvuklo u smjeh. Publika je provalila u
glasan aplauz. Pokušaj da se otkineš sebe od navike jedenja između
obroka. Ona je počela da priča, onda prekinula dok je konobarica poslužila
nama kafu. On je prekinuo u sred rečenice da se rukuje sa novo pridošlim.
Ja sam prekinuo konverzaciju i javio se na telefon. Ona je prekinula njihovu
vjeridbu samo nekoliko sedmica prije nego što su oni trebali da budu
vjenčani. US je prekinula diplomatske odnose sa režimom. Jedno od
automobilskih retrovizora se bilo odlomila. On je odlomio komad hleba. Ja
sam još živio u Londonu kada je rat izbio. Da li iko zna šta da uradi ako
izbije požar. Tuča je izbila između demonstratora i policije.
Three men have broken out of a top security jail. She felt the need to break
out of her daily routine.
I broke out in a painful rash. My whole body broke out in a sweat.
Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite warnings from the
police. After hours of fierce fighting, rebels broke through and captured the
The sun broke through at around lunch time. The sun soon broke through
the mist.
He's a very talented young actor who's just ready to break through. It is
possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in
breaking through into parliament.
It seems that the plane just broke up in the air. Use a fork to break up the
soil. There are plans to break the company up into several smaller
independent companies.
Tri čovjeka su provalila iz vrhunski obezbjeđenog zatvora. Ona je osjetila
potrebu da pobjegne iz njene dnevne rutine. Ja sam se osuo u bolni osip.
Moje cijelo tijelo se preznojilo.nekoliko demnostratora se probilo kroz
barijere uprkos upozorenjima policije.
You need a few trees and bushes to break up the lawn. Three policemen
were needed to break up the fight. Government soldiers broke up the
demonstration. Police moved in to break up the meeting. He lost his job
and his marriage broke up. The couple broke up last year. Many bands
break up because of personality clashes between the musicians. Has Sam
really broken up with Lucy? The party didn't break up until after midnight.
The meeting broke up without any agreement. School breaks up next week.
When do you break up for Easter?
She had broken with her family years ago. They broke with the Communist
Party and set up a new party.
Now is the time to break with the past. His work broke with tradition in many

Did you bring an umbrella? It was the first time Joey had ever brought a
girl home. They brought news of further fighting along the border. Is it OK
if I bring some friends to the party? For some reason, Jesse had brought a
tape recorder with him. Can you bring me another beer? Robert asked the
waiter to bring him the check. While she was in prison, friends used to bring
her books. He expects me to bring everything to him.
efforts to bring peace to the region The strikes are expected to bring
chaos. The senator's speech brought an angry response from Civil Rights
The trial was swiftly brought to an end. It was the war that first brought him
to power . So far the US has been unable to bring him to justice. Bring
the sauce to the boil . The country had been brought to its knees..
Bring your arm up slowly until it's level with your shoulder. The storm
brought the old oak tree crashing down.
The discovery of gold brought thousands of people to the Transvaal. What
brings you here on a night like this? The expansion of state education
brought new and wider opportunities for working class children. The
government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas.
It's a good sign - let's hope it will bring us some luck. The 1930s brought
unemployment and economic recession. Who knows what the future will
Her words brought a sudden smile to his lips.
The pain brought tears to his eyes.
This brings the total to 46.
She still can't bring herself to talk about it.
This brings me to the main point of today's meeting.
This programme is brought to you by the BBC.
How can we bring about a change in attitudes? A huge amount of
environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the
You're welcome to bring along a friend. I've brought some pictures along to
show you.
I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.
I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him round.
She won't listen to me. Let's see if Sue can bring her round. I'm sure I can
bring him around to our point of view.
I'll bring the books around tomorrow.
The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams. Bringing
back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.
The trip brought back a lot of happy memories. Seeing those pictures on
TV brought it all back to me.
Don't forget to bring something back for the kids. If you're going to the store,
could you bring me back a six-pack?
Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back
the former manager.
This brings us back to the question of funding.
The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.
The pilot managed to bring the plane down safely A bomber had been
brought down by anti-aircraft fire. a crisis that could bring down the
government He was brought down by the goalkeeper and awarded a
His recklessness brought down disaster on the whole family.
The meeting's been brought forward to Thursday.
Harsh anti-Trade Union laws were brought in in the early 1980s.
The police were brought in to investigate the matter.
The sale of the house only brought in about £45,000.
We've got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive.
Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation.
The work brought me into contact with a lot of very interesting people.
The government is trying to bring teachers into the debate on education.
There is a danger that this could bring other countries into the war.
They managed to bring off the most daring jewellery robbery in history.
Stress can bring on an asthma attack. What's brought this on? Have I upset
you somehow?
Teachers have to bring on the bright children and at the same time give
extra help to those who need it. Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse
will help bring them on.
You have brought disaster on the whole village! I've got no sympathy for
him - he's brought this all on himself!
This brings me onto the question of pay rises.
The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat. Fatherhood seems to
have brought out the caring side of him.
He's bringing out a new album next month.
Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles.
Alcohol just brings out the worst in her.
Changing schools has really brought her out of herself.
Any foods containing wheat bring him out in a rash.
Both my children have brought me through extremely difficult times since
my husband died.
We brought together researchers from three different universities to work
on the project. Any attack by a foreign power will inevitably bring the people
of a country together.
Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?
He was brought up by his grandparents. In my day, children were brought
up to respect the law. I was brought up a Catholic.
I had a sandwich for lunch and promptly brought it up again.

She calls her father every couple of days. I'll call you soon. What time did
Tony call? I think we should call a doctor. I'm gonna call the cops!
Are you calling me a liar? You may call it harmless fun, but I call it
pornography. The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore
them. Our son is called Matthew. The arrow that appears on the screen is
called a cursor. My name's Virginia, but my friends call me Ginny. Do you
want to be called Miss or Ms? I prefer to be called by my middle name.
What are you going to call the new puppy? They've decided to call the baby
Peter called the waitress over and ordered a large brandy. Marcie was
called up to the principal's office.
The Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the crisis.
According to the law, the election must be called within the next two
I heard someone calling in the distance. I'm coming!' she called down the
stairs. Sheila was just sneaking out when her mother called her. She heard
him call her name.
How could Julian call himself a friend and then let me down so badly?

call the shots/tune

informal to be in a position of authority so that you can give orders and

make decisions:
It was a job in which she was able to call the shots.

call it a day

informal to decide to stop working, especially because you have done

enough or you are tired:
Come on, let's call it a day and go home.

call collect

American English to make a telephone call that is paid for by the person
who receives it [= reverse the charges British English]

[transitive] also call out to read names or numbers in a loud voice in order
to get someone's attention:
When I call your name, go and stand in line.


[transitive usually passive] to tell someone that they must come to a law
court or official committee
call somebody to do something
They were called to give evidence at the trial.

call (something) into question

to make people uncertain about whether something is right, good, or true:

I feel that my competence is being called into question here.

be/feel called to do something

to feel strongly that you should do something:

He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the
impending crisis.

call somebody/something to order

formal to tell people to obey the rules of a formal meeting



[intransitive] also call round British English to stop at a house or other place
for a short time to see someone or do something:
She called round for a chat.
call on somebody
Let's call on James on the way home.
call (in) at something
I regularly called in at his office for news.
call into something
People often call into the library while they're out shopping.

call it £10/2 hours etc

spoken used to suggest a general figure rather than a more specific one,
especially in order to make things simpler:
'I owe you £10.20.' 'Oh, call it £10!'

call it a draw

if two opponents in a game call it a draw, they agree that neither of them
has won

➔ call it quits


call it/things even

spoken use this to say that someone who owes you something does not
have to give you anything more than they have already given you

call (somebody's) attention to

a) to ask people to pay attention to a particular subject or problem:

May I call your attention to item seven on the agenda.
b) to make someone notice someone or something:
I wanted to shout out to Ken, but I didn't want to call attention to myself.

call something to mind

a) to remind you of something:

Don't those two call to mind the days when we were courting?
b) to remember something:
I couldn't call to mind where I'd seen him before.
call a huddle

American English informal to make people come together to talk about


call time (on somebody/something)

to say that it is time for something to finish or stop



[intransitive] if a train, ship, bus etc calls at a place, it stops there for a short
time [= stop]:
This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne.


[intransitive and transitive] to guess which side of a coin will land upwards
when it is thrown in the air, in order to decide who will play first in a game:
It's your turn to call.


[intransitive and transitive] to risk the same amount of money as the player
who plays before you in a POKER game

; ➔ call somebody's bluff


➔ too close to call


call back

phrasal verb
call (somebody) back

to telephone someone again, for example because they were not at home
when you telephoned last time:
I'll call back later.
Can you ask John to call me back when he gets in?
2 British English to return to a place you went to earlier:
You could call back to collect her at noon.

call by

phrasal verb
to stop and visit someone when you are near the place where they live or
I thought I'd call by and see how you were.

call down something

phrasal verb
formal to ask for someone, especially a god, to make something unpleasant
happen to someone or something
call down something on/upon
He called down vengeance on them.

Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.
Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and
sensitivity. That kind of abuse is really not called for

I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.

Could you call in on Mum on your way home?

The trip to Italy might be called off. Rescuers had to call off the search
because of worsening weather conditions.

The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.

Why don't you call on my sister when you're in Brighton?

'Hi there!' I called out. The firemen called out to him.

The army was called out to help fight fires.

He called me up to tell me about it. I'm going to call up and cancel my

I was called up three months after war broke out. Hurst was called up for
the game against Mexico.

She can call up the spirits of the dead.

He cares deeply about environmental issues. He genuinely cares about his employees.

He moved back to care for his elderly parents. He cared for her more than she realized.

Carry on driving untill you get to the junction and then turn left. Carry on with your work
untill I am away.

Carry out a promise/a threat/a plan/an order/ an inqiery/an investigation/a survey/tests on

the patient.

If you miss a lot of classes, it's very difficult to catch up. At the moment our technology is
more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us. Drive faster - they're catching up
with us.You go on ahead. I'll catch you up in a minute.

We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up. plans to clean up the beaches. John always
expects other people to clean up after him.

When dinner was done and cleared away, Auntie Lou made some tea. Homeowners are
clearing away bushes near their houses to prevent fires.

They cleared off when they saw the police coming.

I need to clear out my closet. Wait to get on the train until the people getting off have
cleared out.

I don't mind you using the kitchen as long as you clear up afterwards. Adam, clear up this
mess before your father sees it. I get really tired of clearing up after you. The White House
hopes these problems can be cleared up soon. There are a couple of points we need to clear up
before the meeting begins. It was cloudy in the morning but cleared up later.

Paramount closed down its London office in 1968.

Enemy soldiers are closing in on them from all sides.

I came across an old diary in her desk. I've never come across anyone quite like her

We're going into town - do you want to come along? You go on ahead - I'll come along

There was a knock on the door and a young woman came into the room.

One of the wires in the plug had come away. I turned some of the pages and they came
away in my hand.

The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk. It was a
good idea, but it didn't quite come off. The performance on the first night came off pretty

These stains will never come out! No doubt the truth will come out one day. It's come out
that several ministers received payments from the company. When is the new edition coming

I'll come around later and see how you are. Why don't you come round for lunch? It
took him a while to come around to the idea. Don't worry - she'll come round eventually.
When she came around her mother was sitting by her bed.

One of the teachers came up and started talking to me. A man came up to him and asked
for a light. His name came up in the conversation. The subject of salaries didn't come up. The
first spring bulbs are just coming up. I'm afraid I'll have to cancel our date - something's
come up.The same problems come up every time.

Installing double-glazing will cut down the noise from traffic. By getting the design right,
you can cut down on accidents. I've always smoked, but I'm trying to cut down. Cut down on
fatty foods if you want to lose weight. They are going to cut down a lot of trees to build a new

The cancerous cells had to be cut out. Billy showed me the article he'd cut out of the
magazine. The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out alcohol. Hey, you guys, cut it
out - Mom's trying to get some sleep. The new rules will cut out 25% of people who were
previously eligible to vote. Em's father decided to cut her out of his will. The engine cut out
halfway across the lake. In the end, I decided I wasn't cut out for the army. Are you sure
you're really cut out to be a teacher?

Could you cut the pizza up, please? He cut the paper up into little pieces.
Her voice died away as she saw the look on David's face. She waited until the footsteps
had died away.

The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out. There will be outbreaks of rain,
gradually dying out later.

People thought that the use of robots would do away with boring low-paid factory jobs.

Do up your coat or you'll get cold. a skirt which does up at the back. They did up an old
cottage in the Scottish Highlands. The apartment was done up in Viennese style.

I don't have any sugar so you'll have to do without. You can do without a carpet but
you've got to have somewhere to sit.

Draw up a list of all the things you want to do. He was asked to draw up proposals for
reforming the law. The contract was drawn up last year. A taxi drew up at the gate.

Bill dropped out of college after his first year.

I'll drop you off on my way home.

Why don't you drop in for a drink one evening?

She has no relatives to fall back on. Where negotiation fails, they must fall back on the

His mother was chatting and didn't notice that he had fallen behind. She hurt her ankle
and had fallen behind the others. After her time in hospital, Jenny's parents are afraid she has
fallen behind educationally. Companies that are not market-driven risk falling behind the
competition. After losing his job, he fell behind with his mortgage payment.The project has
fallen behind schedule.

Once she explained her problem, he was happy to fall in with her plans. She fell in with
the wrong crowd in her teens

The door handle keeps falling off. A button had fallen off her jacket. Audience figures fell
off during the second series of the programme.

Carrie's always falling out with people.

The responsibility usually falls on the mother. She fell on the food as if she hadn't eaten for
days.Some of the older boys fell on him and broke his glasses.
The studio planned to make a movie of the book but the deal fell through.

I'm really fed up with this constant rain. Anna got fed up with waiting.

Don't forget to fill in your boarding cards..

Has anyone bothered to find out how much all this is going to cost? Did you find out
whether there are any seats left? I found out that my parents had never been married.To find
out more, visit our website. I need to find out more about these night courses. We could find
out from the local council.

I fixed up an interview with him. We'll have to fix up a time to meet. I asked my best
friend to fix me up with someone. We fixed up the guest bedroom before he came to stay.

She's eighty now, and doesn't get about much any more. He's got an old van which he
uses for getting about. I don't really want this to get about. We had to use public transport to
get around. It's quite easy to get around London. News of the accident soon got around. Word
got around that the department might be closed

The three men got away in a stolen car. We knew it wouldn't be easy to get away from the
police.The thieves got away with jewellery worth over £50,000.

Watch Frank - he'll cheat if he thinks he can get away with it. No one insults my family
and gets away with it!

I'll talk to you when I get back. He got back to the office just before lunchtime. Did you
get your books back?

The door was locked and we couldn't get into the house.

I must get off (the bus) at the next stop. Please get off the stairs.
You know you shouldn't play on the stairs. Iwish that the children would get off
that ladder before they fall off.

They just announced that it'stime to get on the airplane. The bus stopped, and I got on. The
child was afraid to get on the train. Where did you geton?

You ought to get out into the fresh air. Mary screamed at me to get out. Get out of the
kitchen! See if you can get out of that meeting tomorrow.He's trying to get out of tidying his
room. I wanted to get out of teaching.
It's taken me ages to get over the flu. She never got over the death of her son.

News like this soon gets round. Most companies manage to get round the restrictions. I
know how to get round Chris.

We got through half the application forms this morning. We've got a lot of work to get
through. I finally managed to get through my driving test. I knew it was going to be difficult
to get the car through its MOT test. Liverpool have got through to the final of the FA Cup.
I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't get through. At last I managed to get through to one
of the managers.

We didn't get up until lunch time. Get me up at seven, would you? He got up and walked
over to the window.

I gave most of my books away when I left college. Give your old clothes away to a thrift
shop. We're giving away a free diary with tomorrow's newspaper. We have 1,000 CDs to give
away to our readers. Don't worry, I won't give you away. Sue tried to smile, but her voice
gave her away.I knew that if I moved I would give myself away.The look on his face gave the
game away. He gave away as little information as possible. I don't want to give away exactly
how the system works.

This isn't your money and you must give it back. Of course you can have a look at it, as
long as you give it back. I'll give the keys back to you tomorrow morning. Her ex-husband
refused to give her back any of her old photos and letters. He underwent an expensive
operation to give him back his sight. The company finally agreed to give the women their old
jobs back. This legislation will give more power back to local authorities.

Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms. Bob's wife went on at him so
much that eventually he gave in. The government refused to give in to their demands. The
rebels were eventually forced to give in. We will carry on fighting to the end. We will never
give in. Don't give in to the temptation to argue back. If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try
not to give in to it.

Can you give the drinks out, please? Students were giving out leaflets to everyone on the
street. Just as I approached the town, my legs finally gave out. My money was beginning to
give out and there were no jobs to be found. After two hours her patience gave out.

Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season. She gave up her job and
started writing poetry. I gave up going to the theatre when I moved out of London. Why don't
you give up smoking? We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually gave up and
went home. I give up. What's the answer?You shouldn't give up so easily. I gave up trying to
persuade him to continue with his studies. She has still not given up the search.The siege
ended peacefully after the gunman gave himself up. In the end, his family gave him up to the

They've decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new houses on the site I went ahead
and arranged the trip anyway.

Go away and leave me alone! I went away wondering if I'd said the wrong thing. Are you
going away this year? We're going away for the weekend. He's going away to college next
year. I'm going away on a business trip next week.

Delors claimed that the President had gone back on his word.

I know about that problem

The road to Sarajevo
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Znam za taj problem. Put za Sarajevo. Dokaz kvaliteta pudinga je u jedenju.


I haven't got a watch.

Do you like _ cheese?
I never wear a hat.
Are you loooking for a job?
Kate doesn't eat _ meat.
She eats an apple every day.
I'm going to a party tonight.
_ Music is a wonderful thing.
Jamaica is a beautiful island.
I don't need a key.
Everybody needs _ food.
I've got an idea.
Can you drive a car?
Do you want a cup of coffee?
Ja nemam sat. Voliš li ti sir? Ja nikada ne nosim šešir. Tržiš li ti posao? Ona ne jede meso. Ona
jede jabuku svaki dan. Ja idem na zabavu noćas. Muzika je divna stvar. Jamajka je divno
ostrvo. Ja ne trebam ključ. Svako treba hranu. Ja imam ideju. Možeš li ti voziti auto? Da li
hoćeš šolju čaja?

I don't like _ coffee without _ milk.

Don't go out without an umbrella?
I read a book and listened to some music.
I need some money. I need to buy some food.
We met some interesting people at the party.
I am going to open a window to get some fresh air.
She didn't eat much for lunch- only an apple and some bread.
We live in a big house with a beautiful garden and some nice trees.
I am goin to make a table. First I need some wood.
I am going to give you some advice.
I need some paper and a pen to write a letter.
I am going to buy some new shoes.
Martin has got brown eyes.
Ja ne volim kafu bez mlijeka. Ne izlazi bez kišobrana. Ja sam čitao knjigu i slušao nešto
muzike. Ja trebam nešto novca. Ja trebam da kupim nešto hrane. Mi smo sreli nekoliko
interesantnih ljudi na zabavi. Ja namjeravam da otvorim prozor da dobijem nešto svježeg
vazduha. Ona nije pojela mnogo za ručak- samo jabuku i nešto hleba. Mi živimo u velikoj kući
sa divnim vrtom i nekoliko finih drveća. Ja namjeravam da napravim sto. Prvo ja trebam
nešto drveta. Nanjeravam da ti dam nešto savjeta. Ja trebam nešto papira i olovku da
napišem pismo. Ja namjeravam da kupim neke nove cipele. Martin ima braon oči.

Paul has got black hair.

The tour guide gave us some information about the city.
We're going to buy some new chairs/furniture.
It's hard to fin a job at the moment.
We had wonderful weather when we were on holiday.
Is this luggage yours?
The traffic is bad today.
There is some bad news today.
Accomodation here is very expensive.
I need some fresh air.
Studying is hard work.
Pol ima crnu kosu. Vodič je dao nama neke informacije o gradu. Mi namjeravamo da kupimo
neki novi namještaj/stolice. Teško je naći posao u ovom trenutku. Mi smo imali divno vrijeme
kada smo mi bili na odmoru. Je li ovaj prtljag tvoj? Saobraćaj je loš danas. Ima nekih loših
vjesti danas. Smještaj ovdje je veoma skup. Ja trebam nešto svježeg vazduha. Učenje je
težak rad.

Air travel is faster than rail travel.

I want to buy a car but I haven't got enough money.
Cows give us milk and butter.
If you don't know what to do, ask your parents for some advice.
The air at the seaside is very good for you.
Robert left school last month and is now looking for work.
There is always a lot of traffic in central London.
Accomodation in the city centre is very expensive.
Spaghetti with Italian sauce is very good.
The weather in Scotland is best in the autumn.
The nwes is better today than it was yesterday.
Work is the most important thing in his life.
Their furniture is very old but very beautiful.
Where can I get some information about the country?
Let me give you some advice.
Putovanje vazduhom je brže od putovanja željeznicom. Ja hoću da kupim auto ali nemam
dovoljno novca. Krave daju nama mlijeko i puter. Ako ti ne znaš šta da radiš, pitaj tvoje
roditelje za neki savjet. Vazduh na obali mora je veoma dobar za tebe. Robert je napustio
školu prošlog mjeseca i sada traži rad. Ima uvjek dosta saobraćaja u centralnom Londonu.
Smještaj u centru grada je veoma skup. Špagete sa italijanskim sosom su veoma dobre.
Vrijeme u Škotskoj je najbolje u jesen. Vjesti su bolje danas nego što su bile juče. Rad je
najvažnija stvar u njegovom životu. Njihov namještaj je veoma star ali veoma lijep. Gdje ja
mogu dobiti neke informacije o gradu? Dozvoli mi da ti dam neki savjet.

Cook this spaghetti for about 10 minutes.

Can I have some bread?
Mary is looking for a new job.
We should buy some new furniture.
The east of the country usually has better weather than the west.
We went on two long journeys last year.
I must find some new accomodation soon.
Kuvaj ove špagete 10 minuta. Mogu li ja imati nešto hleba. Meri traži novi posao. Mi bi
trebali kupiti neki novi namještaj. Istok zemlje obično ima bolje vrijeme od zapada. Mi smo
išli na dva duga putovanja prošle godine. Ja moram naći neki novi smještaj uskoro.

On je odbio da mi da više informacija o hoteli. Ona mi je dala mnogo savjeta o najboljem

riječniku da kupim. Mi namjeravamo da prodamo sav namještaj. Moje znanje njemačkog je
veoma ograničeno. Ti trebaš mnogo opreme za kampovanje. Ona pravi dobar napredak u
njenom engleskom. Mi smo imali fabulozno vrijeme u Italiji. Učitelj na je dao dosta domaćeg
prošle noći. Ja nikad ne nosim mnogo prtljaga kada ja idem na odmor.

Knjige su na stolu. Ja sam uradio dosta kućnog posla jutros. Moja kosa postaje veoma duga i
neuredna. Ja trebam da je dam podsjeći. Ima dlaka na mom tanjiru za večeru.

Kesa kupovine/kutija bombonjera/tetrapak narandžinog soka/limenka kole/ šoljica kafe/

tuba zubne paste/ konzerva voća/zdjela šećera/ čaša vode/ paket cigareta/bokal
mlijeka/boca vina/tegla marmelade/vaza cvijeća.
paklo/paket/šerpa/lonac/džak/konzerva/ /tuba.


Ja sam isjekao oko 6 kriški šunke i stavio ih na tanjir. Oni posjeduju veliki komd zemlje na
obali. Ja sam uradio malo domaćeg prošle noći, i onda izašao vani. Ona nam je rekla da
izvadimo čisti komad papira i onda napišemo naša imena na vrhu. Pitao sam njega za jedan
savjet. Ja volim da stavim kaplju/malo šlaga u moju kafu. Ja imam malo vremena pa ti mogu
pomoći sada ako ti želiš.
Ja sam pitao nju za jedan savjet. Ja sam naručio komad kolača. Ona je udarila mene preko
glave sa malim komadom drveta. Ja sam u žurbi ali ja još imam malo vremena. Mi smo imali
sreću jutros mi smo dobili nešto novca. Bili mogao ja imati kaplju/malo mlijeka u moju kafu?

A state of
I want a banana. I like bananas.
There's been an accident. Accidents can be prevented.
I eat rice every day.
There's blood on your shirt.
Can you hear music?
A key - a coat- sugar- a biscuit- electricity- an interview- blood- a question- a moment- a

Days- meat- a queue- letters- friends- people- air- patience- an umbrella- languages- space.
A paper- paper- a light- light- time- a wonderful time.

a nice room- advice- nice weather- bad luck- a job- journey- total chaos- some bread-
doesn't- your hair is- the damage.

Information- chairs- furniture- hair- progress- a job- work- permission- advice- experience-

In the third year students begin the study of classical Chinese.

The President begins talks with the Prime Minister tonight.
It was the coldest winter since records began.
The meeting begins at 10.30 am.
Bend your knees, but keep your back straight.
You need a special tool to bend the steel.
Emma bent over to pick up the coins.
I bent down to lift the box off the floor.
Several branches started bending towards the ground.
The road bends sharply to the left.
I had to break a window to get into the house.
Don't lean on the fence like that - you'll break it!
He kept pulling at the rope until it broke.
The frames are made of plastic and they tend to break quite easily.
There was a fire burning in the fireplace.
An average household candle will burn for about six hours.

U trećoj godini studenti počinju proučavanje klasičnog kineskog.

Predsjednik počinje razgovore s premijerom večeras.
Bila je najhladnija zima od kako su zapisi započeli.
Susret počinje u 10.30 sati.
Savijte koljena, ali držati leđa ravno.
Potreban vam je poseban alat da savijete čelik.
Emma se sagnula da pokupi novčiće.
Sagnuo sam se da podigne kutiju s poda.
Nekoliko grana počela savijanja prema tlu.
Cesta naglo savija ulijevo.
Morao sam razbiti prozor da uđem u kuću.
Ne naslanjajte se na ogradu tako - da ćete je slomiti!
On je neprestalno vukao na užetu dok on nije pukao.
Okviri su izrađeni od plastike i oni imaju tendenciju da se slome vrlo lako.
Bila je vatra koja je gorila u kaminu.
Prosječna kućanska svijeća će gorjeti za oko šest sati.

Parts of the building are still burning.

Make sure the iron isn't too hot or you'll burn the cloth.
He dropped his cigarette and burnt a hole in the carpet.
I burned my hand on the oven door.
Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.
Changing your eating habits is the best way to lose weight.
The rules won't change overnight.
The leaves on trees change colour in the autumn.
Average house prices decreased by 13% last year.
The government wants to decrease population growth.
He dropped his briefcase on a chair.
She screamed and dropped the torch.
The apples are beginning to drop from the trees.
Your button has dropped off.
You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework.
Have you finished that book yet?
I finished typing the report just minutes before it was due.
'How's the decorating going?' 'We've nearly finished.'
The football season finishes in May.
What time does school finish?

Djelovi zgrade još gore.

Uvjerite se da pegla nije prevruća ili ćete izgorjeti platno.
Ispustio je njegovu cigaretu i zapalio rupu u tepihu.
Izgorio sam ruku na vrata pećnice.
Susan se promijenila mnogo od kad sam je zadnji put vidio.
Promjena tvojih prehrambenih navika je najbolji način za izgubiti težinu.
Pravila se neće promijeniti preko noći.
Lišće na stablima promijeniti boju u jesen.
Prosječne cijene kuća pala je za 13% u prošloj godini.
Vlada želi smanjiti rast populacije.
Spustio je njegovu aktovku na jednu stolicu.
Ona je vrisnula i ispustila baklju.
Jabuke počinju padati s drveća.
Vaš gumb je otpao.
Ne možete ići bilo gdje dok ne završite vaš domaći.
Jeste li završili tu knjigu još?
Završio sam tipkati izvješće samo minute prije nego što je dospjelo.
'Kako ide uređenje? " 'Mi smo blizu gotovi. "
Nogometna sezona završava u svibnju.
U koliko sati se škola završava?

The population increased dramatically in the first half of the century.

Political tensions that might increase the likelihood of war
Visits to the site have increased threefold since May.
Please keep the doors closed while the train is moving.
Beth closed her eyes and tried to sleep
'Come on,' Sue said. No one moved.
Could you move your car, please? It's blocking the road.
He opened his mouth but couldn't think what to say.
She heard a door open and then close.
We ought not to shut our eyes to these facts.
The post office shuts at 5 o'clock.
What Kerry said started me thinking
The festivities started with a huge fireworks display

Populacija se povećala dramatično u prvoj polovini vijeka.

Političke tenzije koje možda mogu povećati vjerovatnoću rata.
Posjete sajtu sz se povećale tri puta od maja.
Molim te drži vrata zatvorena dok se voz pokreće.
Ona je zatvorila njene oči i pokušala da spava.
Hajdemo! Rekla je Sju. Niko se nije pomjerio.
Da li bi mogao pomjeriti tvoje auto? Ono blokira put.
On je otvorio njegova usta ali nije mogao smisliti šta da kaže.
Ona je čula vrata kako su se otvorila a onda zatvorila.
Mi ne treba da zatvaramo naše oči ovim činjenicama.
Pošta se zatvara u 5 sati.
Ono što je Keri pokrenulo me je da razmišljam.
Festivali su počeli sa ogromnim vatrometskim

Best scores vary from school to school.

The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm.
flowers that vary in color and size
My doctor said I should vary my diet more.
Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window
Try not to wake the baby.

Najbolji rezultat variraju od škole do škole.

Visine biljaka variraju od 8 do 20 cm.
Cvijeće koje varira u boji i veličini.
Moj doktor je rekao da ja trebam raznovrsiti moju dijetu.
Ona se probudila na zvuk ptica van njenog prozora.
Probaj da ne probudiš bebu.


She thought for a moment before answering.

What's your name?' she asked
Francis came in while Jay was changing.
She was reading when the telephone rang.
Would you like to come over to eat with Tom and me tonight?
She washed, changed and put on some make up.
She drove to the village where Tom lives.
She waved when she saw her friend.
She parked on the drive and walked to the house.
Tom is still cooking and I thought I had time to pick up some flowers.
She is studying at university but is on holiday at the moment.
After dinner she helped wash up.

Ona je razmislila trenutak prije odgovaranja.

Kako ti je ime? Ona je pitala.
On je ušao dok se ona presvlačila.
Ona je čitala kada je telefon zazvonio.
Da li bi ti želio da navratiš do nas da jedeš sa Tomom i samnom noćas?
Ona se oprala, presvukla i stavila nešto šminke.
Ona se odvezla do sela gdje Tom živi.
Ona je mahnula kada je vidjela njenog druga.
Ona je parkirala na dvorište i otišla do kuće.
Tom još uvjek kuva i ja sam pomislila da ja imam vremena da uberem nešto cvijeća.
Ona studira na fakultetu ali je na odmoru u ovom trenutku.
Posle večere ona je pomogla oprati.
We won by just one point.
Sean decided he wanted to write, and quit his job.
Maureen Dowd writes for the New York Times.
Chris hasn't written me for a long time
Do you mind if I smoke?
I don't smoke and I don't drink much.

Mi smo pobjedili samo jednim poenom.

Ona je odlučila da hoće pisati i napustila njen posao.
Ona piše za New York Times.
Ona mi nije pisala dugo vremena.
Da li imaš protiv ako ja pušim?
Ja ne pušim i ne pijem mnogo.


I will never forgive her for what she did. I would never forgive myself if she heard the truth
from somebody else. She would forgive him anything. Forgive me but I don't see that any of
this concerns me. A teacher should forgive his students little mistakes in their homework.

Nikad joj neću oprostiti za ono što je učinila. Ja nikad nebi oprostio sebi ako bi čula istinu od nekog
drugog. Ona bi mu oprostila bilo šta. Oprostite mi, ali ja ne vidim da se išta od toga tiče mene.
Nastavnik treba oprostiti njegovi učenici male greške u njihovim zadaćama.

His parents won't allow him to stay out late.

Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time. Permit me to offer you some advice.

She asked the students their names.

That mistake almost cost him his life.

I envied him his good looks. I envy you having so close family.

They refused him a visa.

She thaked everyone for coming.

Njegovi roditelji neće mu dopustiti da ostane van kasno. Bankomati dopuštaju vama da povučete
novac u bilo kojem trenutku. Dopustite mi da vam ponudim neke savjete. Pitala je učenike njihova
imena. Ta pogreška gotovo ga je stajalo života. Zavidio sam mu njegov dobar izgled. Zavidim ti što
imaš tako blisku obitelj. Odbili su mu vizu. Ona se zahvalila svima za dolazak.


He said to his friend that he didn't have money.

He explained the political situation to me. He explained to me the new political situation.

What do these results suggest to you?

They submitted the case to the court. Submit your term papers to Professor White. I
don't know why the management submitted to the strikers' demands so easily.

I will introduce you to Tom. He introduced me to a pretty girl. The first lectures
inroduce students to the main topics of the course. It was she who first introduced the
pleasures of skiing to me.

On je rekao svom prijatelju da on nije imao novca. On je objasnio političku situaciju meni.
Objasnio mi je novu političku situaciju. Što ovi rezultati ukazuju vama? Podnjeli su slučaj na
sud. Pošaljite svoje seminarske radove prof White. Ne znam zašto je uprava podnijela
zahtjevima štrajkača tako lako. Ja ću vas upoznati s Tomom. On me upoznao s lijepom
djevojkom. Prva predavanja inroduce studente s glavnim temama tečaja. Upravo je ona prvi
uveo u radosti skijanja za mene.

Remember me to Tom!!!

Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.

I recommend this book to all my students.

Just give me a chance an I will prove it to you.

I couldn't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult.

I am afraid that if I proposed to her she might refuse.

Prenesi moje pozdrave Tomu. Niko nije pomenuo ništa meni o tome. Ja preporučujem ovu knjigu
svim mojim studentima. Samo mi daj priliku i ja ću dokazati to tebi. Ja nisam mogao priznati mojim
roditeljima da nalazim da je kurs težak. Ja se bojim da ako bi ja zaprosio nju ona bi mogla odbiti.

Apply the cream to your face and neck. What I am saying applies only to some of you.
The government is trying to apply the new technology to farming.

Can you repeat your name to me.

Promjeni kremu na tvoje lice i vrat. Ono što ja govorim primjenjuje se samo na neke od vas. Vlada
pokušava da primjeni novu tehnologiju na poljoprivredu. Možeš li ti ponoviti tvoje ime meni?

I prefer coffee to tea.

I will point him out to you next time he comes in. She tried in vain to point out to him the
unfairness of his actions.

We contributed 5000 pounds to the earthquake fund. Would you like to contribute to
our collection. This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject.

She attributes her success to hard work an little luck.

Have you reported this accident to the police yet?

The local newspaper revealed the details of the murder to its readers. He refused to reveal
his identity to the police.

Ja više preferiram kafu od čaja. Ja ću pokazati njega tebi sledeći put kada on uđe. Ona je pokušala
uzalud da ukaže njemu nepravdu njegovih postupaka. Mi smo doprinjeli 5000 funti fondu za
zemljotres. Da li bi vi željeli da doprinesete našoj kolekciji? Ova knjiga doprinosi malo našem
razumjevanju predmeta. Ona pripisuje njen uspjeh teškom radu i malo sreći. Jesi li izvjestio ovu
nesreću policiji? Lokalne novine su otkrile detalje ubistva njenim čitaocima. On je odbio da otkrije
njegov identitet policiji.

Can you describe him to me?

I could devote only 2 hours a day to the work. She devoted herself to her career.
Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing.

The organisation distributed food to the earthquake victims.

Adjust your language to the age of your audience.

We had to adapt quickly to the new system.

The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children. They have assigned their
best man to the job. Assign a different colour to each different type of information. I
was assigned to B platoon.

Možeš li ti opisati njega meni? Ja mogu posvetiti samo 2 satana dan radu. Ona je posvetila sebe
njenoj karijeri. Dozvoli mi da demonstriram tebi neke od teškoća sa kojima se mi suočavamo.
Organizacija je podjelila hranu žrtvama zemljotresa. Prilagodi tvoj jezik starosnoj dobi tvoje publike.
Mi smo morali da se adaptiramo brzo novom sistemu. Učitelj je zadao različit zadatak svakom od
djece. Oni su odredili njhovog najboljeg čovjeka za posao. Odredi različitu boju za svaku različitu vrstu
informacije. Ja sam bio dodjeljen B vodu.

She confided all her secrets to her best friend. It is important to have somebody to confide

He entrusted the task to his nephew.

I have limitted myself to 1000 calories a day to try and lose weight.

She preached to the congregation about forgivness.

The victims were not refered to by names. You know who I am refering to. My doctor
refered me to the specialist.

This medecine fully restored him to health. We hope to restore the garden to its former

He reluctantly yielded to their demands. I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.

Ona je povjerila sve njene tajne njenoj najboljoj drugarici. Važno je imati nekoga da mu se povjeriš.
On je povjerio zadatak njegovom nećaku. Ja sam ograničio sebe na 1000 kalorija na dan da pokušam
da izgubim težinu. On je propovjedao skupštini o opraštanju. Na žrtve se nije ukazivalo po imenima.
Ti znaš na koga ja ukazujem. Moj doktor je uputio mene specijalisti. Ovaj lek je potpuno povratio
njega do zdravlja. Mi se nadamo da povratimo vrt do njegove pređašnje slave. On se nevoljko
pokorio njihovim zahtjevima. Ja sam popustio pred izazovom i pojeo čokoladu.

I listened carefully to her story.

He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand.

The islands belong to Spain.

He never replied to any of my letters.

How did they respond to the news?

The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.

Ja sam slušao pažljivo njenu priču. On je pokazao na mjesto gdje je kuća ranije stajala. Ostrva
pripadaju Španiji. On nikada nije odgovorio ni jedno od mojih pisama. Kako su oni reagovali na vijest?
Dizajn bi trebao da se svidi svim starosnim dobima društvenin grupama.

Finally he consented to his daughter's marriage.

I think you should apologise to your brother.

Konačno on je pristao na brak njegove ćerke. Ja mislim da se ti trebaš izviniti tvom bratu.


Shall I open the window for you.

Shall I wash the dishes for you?

I will do everything for you.

Let me carry your suitcase for you.

I have to choose all my son's clothes for him. I have to choose my son all his clothes.

They will cook lunch for us. They will cook us lunch.

Is there anything you want me to buy for you? Is there anything you want me to buy you?

He made a toy horse for her. He made her a toy horse. She made coffee for us all. She
made us all coffee.
Hoću li otvoriti prozor za tebe? Hoću li oprati sudove za tebe? Ja ću uraditi sve za tebe. Dozvoli mi da
nosim tvoj kofer za tebe. Oni će skuvati ručak za nas. Oni će nam skuvati ručak. Ima li išta što ti hoćeš
da ja kupim za tebe? Ima li išta što ti hoćeš da ti kupim? On je napravio konja igračku za nju. On je
napravio njoj konja igračku. Ona je napravila kafu za nas sve. Ona je napravila nama svima kafu.

Why don't you pour yourself another drink? She poured coffee for everyone.

I want you to get some information for me. His father managed to get him a job in the local

She peeled/picked some bananas for the children. She peeled/picked the children
some bananas.

I am baking a birthday cake for Alex. I am baking Alex a cake.

I'll boil an egg for you. I'll boil you an egg.

I'll call a taxi for you. I'll call you a taxi.

Shall I order a taxi for you? He ordered himself a double whisky.

I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock. I have booked you on 10 o'clock flight.

Could you fetch my beg for me? Could you fetch me my bag?

Save some food for me. Save me some food.

Zašto ti ne naspeš sebi još jedno piće? Ona je nasula kafu za svakoga. Ja hoću da ti pribaviš neke
informacije za mene. Njegov otac je uspio da pribavi njemu posao u lokalnoj fabrici. Ona je
ubrala/ogulila nekoliko banana za djecu. Ona je ogulila djeci neke banane. Ja pečem rođendansku
tortu za Aleksa. Ja pečem Aleksu tortu. Ja ću skuvati jaje za tebe. Ja ću ti skuvati jaje. Ja ću nazvati
taksi za tebe. Ja ću ti nazvati taksi.

I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all.

Can I fix a drink for you? Can I fix you a drink?

Can you find my bag for me? Can you find me my bag?

Can you sew a button on for me? Can you sew me a dress?

Možeš li naći moju torbu za mene? Možeš li mi naći torbu?možeš li prišiti dugme za mene? Možeš li
mi sašiti haljinu?


Bring a present for Hellen. Bring Hellen a present. Bring a present to Hellen.
Someone left this note for you. Someone left you this note. Someone left this
note for you.

He hasn't got any money so I'll have to pay the bill for him. You should pay
membership fees to the secretary. Have you paid him the rent yet?

Jane posted the letter for me on her way to work because I was ill and couldn't
go out. Is it OK if I post you the money next week? Is it OK if I post the money
to you next week?

He needed money and asked me to sell his car for him. We have to try and sell
the idea to the management. I sold James my car for 5000 euros.

Can you send this postcard for me? The CD player was faulty and we sent it
back to the manufacturers. I'll send you a text message.

Take this to the bank for me? Shall I take a gift to my host family? Shall I take
my host family a gift?

We asked about her family. The interviewer asked me about my future plans. Did you ask
him the price? I will ask the teacher what to do next. I was asked if I could drive?

She asked all the students to complete a questionnnaire. He asked her to marry him. I asked
if they could change my tickets.

I didn't know what was happening so I asked for an explanation. If you are thirsty, ask him
for a drink. I am writing to ask for some information about the courses.

Did you ask to use the car? I asked to see/ for the manager. She asked the boss if she could
have a day off.

They have asked me to dinner/to come to the party.

He is asking 2000 for the car.

You are asking too much of him.


Can I ask your advice about buying a home/where to stay?

Can I ask your permission to leave class earlier?

Can I ask you a favour?

Can I ask your opinion about drugs/opinion of Kathie/opinion on this important decision?

Can I ask your help with the washing-up/decorating my home?

Can I ask your view on this subject/about politics/of this situation?

Can I ask your name/telephone number/adress/date of birth/favourite colour/religion?

Can I ask your feelings on the issue of abortion/about the candidates?

Can I ask your preference as to the school your child will attend?

Can I ask your reasons for wantig to change your job/why you didn't accept the job?

Can I ask your assessment of the situation?

Can I ask your reaction to this situation?


I wish someone had told me the meeting was canceled.

The Chief of Police told reporters that two people were killed in the blast.
Jack had to go, but he didn't tell me why.
I think you'd better tell me exactly what's been going on around here.
No one had told them about the drug's side effects.
I'll tell you all about it when I get back.
Tell me your phone number again.
She told us some funny stories about her sister.
Sheppard was telling the truth.
Tell me straight, Adam. Just answer yes or no.
The light tells you when the machine is ready.
The bear's sense of smell tells it where prey is hiding.
What do these fossils tell us about climate change?
The teacher told the children to sit down quietly.
I thought I told you not to touch anything!
Bernice was told she had to work late this evening.
Stop trying to tell me what to do all the time.
Do as you are told and don't ask questions.
She might have been lying. Benjy couldn't tell.
The moment Kramer walked in, I could tell that things were not going well.
You could tell a mile off that he was lying.
It's hard to tell how long the job will take.
I could tell from his tone of voice that Ken was disappointed.
How can you tell a fake Vuitton handbag from the real thing?
Can you tell the difference between sparkling wine and champagne?
I keep telling myself there is nothing I could have done to save him.
I told you it was a waste of time talking to him.
My mother told me not to trust Robert.
If you hit me, I'll tell.
an unpopular boy, who was always telling tales on the other children
I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.
It's almost impossible to tell the twins apart.
The poem tells of the deeds of a famous warrior.
Shelley was one of those kids who was always getting told off at school.
My dad told me off for swearing.
Please don't tell on me - my parents will kill me if they find out!
'Hello,' she said.• Someone said, 'Let's go!'
He said that he was tired. They said there had been a mistake
Did you say something?• Nobody dared to say anything.• You have to
come - Dad said so.
I'll just go and say hello to David.
They told a funny story about their trip.
You give information, an order, an instruction, or an answer• He gave no
Can I ask a question?
Has he said something to you?
Clare told us something interesting Can anyone tell me what time it is?
Did you tell Lucy about the party?
The teacher told us to open our books

Your English friend's umbrella is in the hall. The ship's captain is a young man. I would like to
thank all those who helped me. She handed the essay to her professor. They promised us
that they would bring her here. They promised to bring her here. We asked him for three
tickets an he asked us two questions. Go ahead tell her what you think.

Tvog engleskog prijatelja kišobran je u hodniku. Brodski kapetan je mladić. Želio bih se
zahvaliti svima onima koji su mi pomogli. Prrdala je esej svom profesoru. Obećali su nam da
će je dovesti ovamo. Obećali su joj donijeti ovdje. Zamolili smo ga za tri ulaznice nam je pitao
dva pitanja. Ajde reci joj što misliš.
Have you seen my umbrella? No, but if you have lost it, you can use Peter's, he is not going
out. Oh, another thing! Do you know where my son's bicycle is? You know, I bought it for
him for his birthday. Well, I saw your son about one hour ago. He got on his bike and cycled
away. I was going to ask him a favour but he just dashed off.

Jeste li vidjeli moju kišobran? Ne, ali ako ste ga izgubili, možete koristiti Petra, on ne ide van.
Oh, još jedna stvar! Znate li gdje je bicikl moga sina je? Znate, ja sam ga kupio za njega za
njegov rođendan. Pa, vidjela sam svog sina prije oko jedan sat. On je sjeo na svoj bicikl i
odvezla daleko. Namjeravao sam ga zamoliti za uslugu, ali on je samo odjurio.

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