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thank you for participating in raising the vibe of our world!!!

I can certainly attest to the extent to which, for me, these exercises quell the fight or flight response!! The following can be broken
down into segments, for targeting trigger points and the meridian lines, for specific clearing. Information on Energy medicine and
Acupressure, is readily available on YouTube as well as in for sale course work. Dr. Reed Gach offers his course material at an
amazingly affordable pricing!! www.acupressure.com

So basically, if it aches, pay attention to it!! Movement is medicine!! When we move energy through physical exercise, Qi practices,
massage &/or thumping, and of course, the all-important breath, we can regain or sharpen, clarity and vitality!!

These practices also apply to managing pain in the body, as well as persistent negative or harmful thoughts, which we will also
address during our EFT/Tapping Exercise.

 Donna Eden Energy Medicine – Daily Energy Routine https://youtu.be/VSgl-eL48Qc Do this exercise daily, to train your
body and mind to recognize the healthy flow of energy coursing through the meridian system, of your body!! Re-Education
of energy flow and the feeling of replacing toxins with the effervescence of clean energy. Feeling this clean energy as it
enters the body thru the head and feet, moving into the belly, then the heart, and out of the hands, for healing, AND to be
shaken off, in both literal and symbolic release.
Please find Donn’s Wednesday Energy Minute Archives
Donna Eden, Tatanya & Dondi Dahlin, and David Feinstein’s Educational Courses are found here, along with free
resources. http://www.innersource.net/em/
https://www.innersource.net/em/66-handout-bank1/hbbasicprinciples/291-the-nine-primary-energy-systems.html Link to
The 9 Primary Energy Systems, yes 9.

 Epigenetics, “THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF” – “The Living Matrix, The New Science of Healing” Among the most important
research today! “If You believe you have an incurable dis-ease, you are right! If you believe the dis-ease is curable, you are
also right!!” This film was another in a series of catalytic occurrences, around the 2010-2012 time frame, which delves
deeply into “the placebo effect, Heart Math, and Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP)” Please watch this documentary,
and please share it with your loved ones!! Living Matrix Movie, free screening here:
 EFT/Tapping – Energy Psychology/Meridian Tapping is the conversation I have with myself, to improve my internal chatter
and therefore my health and wellbeing. Overcoming “self-sabotage, which is simply misguided self-love!!” There are
thousands of videos on YouTube, demonstrating this technique!! My fave is Brad Yates
https://www.youtube.com/user/eftwizard Here’s Louise Hay and Nick Ortner discussing Tapping, used along with positive
affirmations and forgiveness, to transform your life!!
Prelaunch&utm_medium=social&utm_source=affiliates&utm_content=3-Louise-Hay-Video&utm_term=affiliates Wayne
Dyer discusses his love of Tapping with Nick Ortner, here: https://youtu.be/5KYWDoczHCM

 Chi Machine - The Chi Machine® returns our energy pattern to the figure 8 or infinity pattern, or our natural DNA spiral!!
Oxygenates the blood, flushes the lymphatics, and activates healthy blood circulation!! An amazing, addition to your
exercise and self-care/self-healing practices. I have initiated a distributorship for the purpose of placing ChiMachines in
homes and also in business establishments, for public use! Raising energy, and promoting wellness!! Please contact me for
your private demonstration. FBMessenger through

The Chi Machine® blends the ancient arts with modern technology for a unique experience. The Chi Machine® maximizes the
movement of the body which helps to provide prompt temporary relief. Fatigue or excess physical exertion can generally lead
to minor muscular aches, pains and tension. The Chi Machine® supports temporary relief from these conditions without creating
undue stress to bodily structures or additional muscular overexertion. Because the massage generated by The Chi Machine® is
performed while you are reclining and relaxed, with weight removed from the spine, you will immediately notice a sense of
extreme comfort. The Chi Machine® has gained an excellent reputation for its solid construction and outstanding benefits.
Unlike many types of medical devices, The Chi Machine® is easy to use.

 Sound Healing – Music calms the savage, and also the everyday intuitive, clairvoyant, sensitive, empath!!!
OOOOOOMMMMM!! The sound of the universe, or simply humming, will vibrate through our cells, cleansing away toxins,
and returning us to a healthy resonance.
432hz, is known to resonate with creation, and true harmony! Music is generally produced at 440hz, which is in resonance
with chaos… Solfeggios, binaural beats, sound bowls, conscious music, ecstatic dance, are all enjoyable ways to
harmonize with the vibration of the planet, the cosmos, and most especially, each other. Sound bathes us and fills us,
animates us, to the tiniest particle. When we use certain frequencies, we can return to our perfect state of creation Why
432hz - http://howtoexitthematrix.com/2017/04/17/432-hz-unlocking-the-magnificence-of-the-3-6-and-9-the-key-to-the-
universe/ A small playlist of healing sound tracks:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUBBY7CjtQXuyNVsMAusep3wF_XRxaCVl , Trusted source for info regarding
Solfeggio Harmonics, and many tracks of very pleasing music: https://www.sourcevibrations.com/ More about the healing
power of Solfeggio harmonics : https://attunedvibrations.com/solfeggio-scale/

 Aromatherapy – Essential Oils I LOVE ESSENTIAL OILS!! Got an issue, “THERE’S AN OIL FOR THAT”!! Essential oils have
enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and
religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing
millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing Extracted through careful steam
distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which
they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.
 Map of Consciousness – From “Power vs Force –The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior” by Dr. David R Hawkins -
Applied Kinesiology/Muscle Testing /Energy Testing. Your body will always know what’s best, and actually cannot lie!!
Dr Hawkins work: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008081341048 Donna Eden demonstrating energy
testing: https://youtu.be/3JEpDs6x_T4 The book is quite a read, and I am all about Cliff notes, so check out this article,
for quick assimilation   https://www.meetup.com/Spiritual-Self-Transformation-Southampton-
 The Map of Consciousness is Hawkin’s scale, which is based on weak to strong energy testing.

 Movement is medicine - Saved by Yoga – Look for the amazing Dominique Blanchard, leading Yoga practice!! Regular
practice of Sun Salutations, Hatha Vinyasa, etc., for maximum vitality, chakra cleansing, auric charging, etc. ROOT TO RISE
https://www.baptisteyoga.com/pages/about-us , Iyangar/Hatha Yoga https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyengar_Yoga ,
Ashtanga Yoga, The 5 Tibetan Rites https://youtu.be/tJASBgyRStE?list=PLUBBY7CjtQXuyNVsMAusep3wF_XRxaCVl , QiGong,
QiKong Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUBBY7CjtQXvT10HCW3FHieCeCAhQIF5N

 Meditation – There is no substitute for silencing the mind and body, to connect to all that is!! Meditation in part is
silencing the story that normally runs the show, to receive guidance from the higher dimensions of love! My favorite way
to achieve a quiet mind is in nature!
 Grounding/Earthing brings us into the exact electromagnetic rhythm of our planet, within about 10 minutes, creating such
harmonious feelings. Barefeet (no rubber souls or slabs, cutting of the flow of energy) While practicing stillness, nature
provides the elements to create spaciousness through mindfulness!!
 Please also seek meditation over medication . . . Groups like Dharma Punx are meditation groups all around the country!
Your tribe is waiting   

 Ujjayi Breathing – Practicing yogic breath or Ujjayi breathing supports mind/body/spirit connection, and centers and
grounds us into the present moment. Utilizing this breathing technique quite literally cleanses your senses and moves chi
energy throughout the chakra system through the feet and crown! When visualization is added, breath can heal and
strengthen our bodies, yes plural!!
 Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) - Reiki utilizes symbols, for the purposes of directing Qi energy, for healing, and also, for
shielding the practitioner. Please visit the International Center for Reiki Training here, for more info on the Reiki and Reiki
Symbols and attunement. http://www.reiki.org/reikinews/usuisym.html Reiki Symbols:

Please check out my Qi group for lots of info on Reiki, Reiki attunement, and Reiki distance healing!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/357596047771607/ I am attuned to these symbols and I perform Reiki for wellness,
and for invoking protection, as well as distance healing, “spirit to spirit”! Please ask me about Reiki…
 Ho’Oponopono – I’m sorry! Please forgive me!!, I love you! Thank you! Hawaiian forgiveness ritual, for overcoming
grudges and regrets! An amazing doorway into spiritual growth and happiness! When we utilize the power of forgiveness,
we can transcend injury, and climb the ladder out of victimhood, and up to higher consciousness!!! (Consciousness is the
awareness of who we really are, and our power to create this life, from love)

 My self-healing studies include, EFT Tapping, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Qi Gong/Chi Machine/Ki Energy,
Kinesiology/Muscle Testing/Energy Testing, Dowsing, Donna Eden-Energy Medicine, Acupressure, Breath Work, Crystal
Wisdom, Chakra Healing, Energy Clearing/Smudging Ritual, Angelic Realms, Tree and Plant Wisdom, Quantum jumping,
Quantum physics, Aromatherapy, Paranormal Activity, Etymology, UFOlogy, symbolism, divination, and on and on. Thank
Goddess/God/The Universe, for this Earth School and the interwebs, or in other words, my mystery school!!

 “I am no master, I know nothing, but I am a servant and I know something.” Nahko Bear

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