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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

September 5, 2010

RE: Completion of assessment concerning corrupt administration of Canada (reference File

No. PO-00001)

The “Jurists” of the Supreme Court of Canada

301 Wellington Street

To Everyone:

1. On September 1, 2010, the attorney generals of Canada were faxed

notification that the initiation of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process through the
supreme court of Canada had been received by the court in June 2010. The attorney generals
were also given a link to the Proclamation, The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and
Its Realm Act and the Constitutional Reality and Correction Form.

2. In The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, there is no further

representation by the administrators of Canada because the laws have imposed corruption
of thought and duplicitous results were/are being rendered by the bureaucrats of today and
have since the declaration of war between the hierarchy and we, the people, united and
indivisible under God (The Supremacy of God found in the objective evidence) - Canada’s
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

3. The reason for the supreme court imposing and proclaiming The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process that is tied to anyone, whose rights, as guaranteed by this
Charter, have been DENIED, has the right to apply to the supreme court of Canada direct


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

in order to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY so that the injustice within the laws
are struck down and replaced where possible so that nobody henceforth will NEVER have
their Legal Rights DENIED ever again, is because the administration of Canada took it upon
itself TO ORDER all agents of the governments and confederation to produce unjust and
outright lies - dishonesty in their decision making - just to challenge everyone to learn
exactly what is meant by everyone having the right not to be deprived of/denied their right
to life, liberty and security of person so that one person - E. J. Krass in this case - can start
the revolutionary process embodied by The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process where
the incorrectness of the institutional decision, produced by governments relative to the pure
facts of all cases, is grounds for dismissal of not just the unjust outcome personally but also
for the reformation of the amended laws and enactments put in place by the elected bodies
across all time.

4. The longest journey is the return to or pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals
and Its Realm once the first refusal to accept The Truth is undertaken with the intention of
creating or maintaining an historical civilization that is currently and wrongly being passed
off as a “society” or far worse as part of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

5. If and only if the economy and credit were objective facts, they would remain
without any interventions by governments who are bankrupt today and the people don’t even
know it yet. Bankrupt in this sentence also means dead and unable to exist because. due to
the indebtedness created by budgeting for the current costs of civilization, the states,
provinces and nation states have lost authority over all its “assets” - the people and the
natural resources attached to their “jurisdictions”.

6. Right now, british columbia and alberta have no choice but to sell its


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

resources at the cheapest rates because they both have major debts to others and, in order to
pay back over time these bills rather than default on them, the resources - the persons of all
people and the natural resources underground across the provinces - must generate revenue
(taxes and royalties) to pay off all the debts and deficits ongoing from living the same
lifestyle that led to this mess.

7. Basically, the system is broken and cannot be fixed which is a patently

obvious statement but things could have been done much differently which means that the
review of the basic facts must be applied to all thoughts going forward.

8. By incorporating the revenues generated from natural resources which are

whole dollars, not fractional multipliers, the province broke all connection to the people and
Everyone’s Legal Rights. The reason for this assessment is because natural resource
revenues need to be kept out of the system at all times so that the system can maintain itself
as natural resource revenues are cyclical - they go up massively and plummet just as well.
So, one day the civilization can be living large (Ralph Klein bucks) and the next in a 15
billion dollar deficit with interest payments that are very large.

9. Alberta is definitely going to crash because the young people are still living
as if the money is flowing like in the old days - $150 per barrel - when it is not.

10. This process of imposing the pursuit of wealth mentality in everyone is a

reflection of the fact that THE FREE Society of Equals was coopted and replaced with a
civilization and this was all initiated by the corruption of the administration of Canada and
its (possessive) legal system.

11. Many times, I have written that The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

is based upon abolishing perjury - defence of an indefensible/repudiated position - and

subornation of perjury by the judiciary where the court proceeding is undertaken to support
solely interlocutory/jurisprudence due process rather than the immediate imposition of the
“correct outcome” without any other consideration.

12. What I did not understand is the opposing way of presenting this. In
circumstances where the patently obvious outcome is not produced at the onset of the
decision making process, obviously the due process beyond this has to be maintained with
unusual treatment of the pure facts and their dictates - perjury on the part of the government
and in a monomaniacal fashion. The fact that the court is hearing or allowing to be
presented patently obvious perjury by the government lawyers, as the pure facts
support a singular and JUST outcome, determines that the courts, lawyers and judges,
have been made into “accessories to the corruption of the administration of Canada
after the fact.”

13. This reality means that the current administration of Canada is full blown
legalism all over again. In short, you are a criminal first and foremost especially when the
system made your wanting your legitimate benefits/money a crime for some but not so for
the elites. Attempting to obtain your legal financial benefits after the corrupt institutional
decision now automatically and illegitimately means that you are attempting “to defraud” the
system of funds which is an illegitimate obstacle for the disenfranchised.

14. S. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms reads as follows for a reason:

Anyone, whose rights, as guaranteed by this Charter, are DENIED, may


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

apply (DIRECT) to the court of competent jurisdiction - the supreme court

of Canada currently - to obtain the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY in
the circumstances.

15. In June 2007, the supreme court of Canada received self evident proof that
the administration of Canada is based upon denial of Everyone’s Legal Rights which is an
utter violation of s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

16. In its July 5, 2007 correspondence, the supreme court of Canada outright
denied s. 24 (1) and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and refused to deal with
the matters of the corruption of the administration of Canada. The grounds for the court’s
denial to deal with the incorrectness of the administration of Canada was the supreme court
enactment and specifically s. 20 of this federal enactment - see the attached annotated copy
of the July 5, 2007 correspondence.

Thus, it is patently obvious that there no longer are such things as superior
courts, historically ecclesiastic courts, and that The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a
lie/confidence scheme because s. 11 (d) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms affirms that
ALL tribunals are to be independent and impartial which is clearly not the case as all courts
in Canada are “arm’s length” agents of the government and NOT independent nor impartial,
i.e. they uphold the letter of the laws provided by the legislatures and parliament. The
Supreme Court of Canada made that point abundantly clear when it referenced s. 20
of the supreme court enactment passed by parliament and used it as grounds in its
attempt to dissuade me from pursuing this matter direct to the supreme court of


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Canada - the last vestige of Canada’s superior courts.

17. It is clear now that the only means to reform the laws beyond dismissing s.
20 of the supreme court act and all provincially passed court enactments is to dismiss the
criminal code and initiate the demanded/imposed revolutionary war because The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms was a ruse as, clearly, there are no Legal Rights and s. 24 (1) and s.
52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been made null-and-void by the
administrators of Canada and its judiciary being used as a grounds for continued denial of
The Truth which nobody requested as the primary use of the courts of laws/law courts.

18. Currently, we, the people, unified and indivisible under God have been
divided into classes of haves and have-nots and the means for doing this was the rule of law,
i.e. ruling through the letter of the laws once again.

19. As such, the criminal code is found to be contrary to The Pursuit of THE
FREE Society of Equals and is therefore, struck down FOREVERMORE because it infringes
upon our right to learn and accept and abide by what is right with all else being wrong.

20. On September 2, 2010, all attorney generals were faxed the correspondence
document attached to this document.

21. The stage is now set for September 16, 2010 when the Supreme Court of
Canada will NOT read the Proclamation as put in place by Everyone’s Legal Rights and The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God.

22. On September 17, 2010, we, the people, unified and indivisible under God
will have the right to the revolutionary war put in place by the confederation of Canada
where democratic rights are now understood to contradict Everyone’s Legal Rights and this


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

undeclared war was put in place to mislead everyone in to believing that, what we had before
the Charter, was legitimate/consistent with Everyone’s Legal Rights even though the pure
facts are repudiating this lie implemented by the nation state of Canada and its confederation
of provinces.

23. The lesson to be learned from the job injured, especially the long term job
injured, is that, when dealing honestly and with integrity with the system, you will receive
nothing but tyranny and oppression as every institutional decision maker has an out for not
accepting and abiding by Fundamental Justice in defiance of s, 7, s. 24 (1), s. 11 (d) and s.
52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This consequence/reality applies to the vast
majority of all job injured across Canada especially those whose injuries and disability goes
beyond 4 to 10 weeks when the WCB administration will terminate ALL legitimate WCB
benefits knowing full well that the responsibility in the circumstances has not been met.

24. According to The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of

God, the right of a job injured is inalienable and only can be declared final when the job
injures are objectively shown to have been “resolved entirely”. This assessment means that,
when a positive objective physical test is obtained, it is demanded that this objective test and
consequences of its existence return negative before the job injured’s WCB benefits are
terminated and at no other point! Countless job injured for decades have had The Truth
denied and equivalents to Truth weighed against Doing Right by the WCB administration
and its overlord - the agents of the provincial governments aka the appeals commission for
the WCB or the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal - with the sole intention of
forcing one job injured to learn The Truth about the corruption of the administration of
Canada and use the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to initiate the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

revolutionary changes to the laws which must never be accepted as constitutional until a
Fundamental Justice Dictate for the scheme is provided and the outcome shown to be
consistent with this Fundamental Justice Dictate.

25. With the presentation of the Constitutional Questions Act, I discovered that,
on December 1, 1961, everyone lost the right to live as a part of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm when the confederation of provinces took over and presented choices
for everyone to accept rather than living as part of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its
Realm as defined by pure/objective facts.

26. For years, Chief Justice Scalia of the US Supreme Court stated that,
“Innocence is not grounds for appeal.” This point is valid when the words are analysed
knowing that innocence is grounds for summary exoneration, condemnation of the system
plus the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances being imposed by
proclamation - The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - when it is clear that the
injustice to Everyone’s Legal Rights arises from the letters of the laws and the current
running of the schemes which, in Canada, includes confederation with its 10 kings without
kingdoms ruling Canada and the federal government being a true afterthought.

Question: Where is the Supreme Court of Canada’s form that complies with s. 24 (1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Answer: The form does not exist because there are no parallels/equivalents to the
ecclesiastic courts of old where the Truth was used to exonerate the wrongly


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

convicted or mala fides used to strike down entire schemes put in place by the
monarchy and the House of Lords because they did not uphold the standards of
The Magna Carta/Habeas Corpus which is reflected in s. 7 of Canada’s Charter
of Rights and Freedoms.

27. All job injured since 1961 became political prisoners because the confederate
provinces divided the WCB among themselves and Fundamental Justice was abolished as
the definer of the outcome through the amending of the Workers’ Compensation Acts
provincially when the exclusive jurisdiction of all matters arising from the original 1913
Workers’ Compensation Act was abolished and the WCB was made into a provincially run
employers’ insurance company which is utterly inconsistent with s. 7 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms.

28. This corrupt process demands a corrective form at the supreme court of
Canada and not just for the obstacle of the amended Workers’ Compensation Acts but also
the obstacle of reformulating the WCB as a wholly independent national agency with no
consideration for jurisdictions and only Fundamental Justice for everyone, i.e. reinstatement
of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

Question: Should I have any faith that the supreme court of Canada will NOW uphold The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights and s. 24 (1) - rather
than force a revolutionary war on everyone, i.e. act as the superior court that The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God places upon the


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine


29. The SCC’s response from July 5, 2007 and the clerical staff of the registrar
to date dictates otherwise. Please note, that the bureaucrats of the supreme court of Canada
are upholding the enacted letter of the law (rule of law) instead of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms which has kept the jurists from even seeing my Petition to the Supreme Court and
its appropriate and JUST REMEDY to the corrupt administration of Canada and the court
system across Canada.

30. The fact that this letter has been produced should be viewed as the faith that
I have in God and that the system will, on His encouraging, now allow correction of its
corruption by the disenfranchised - The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - because
the “defenders of the faith” allowed a civilization to exist as a bubble against The Truth with
winners and losers from the enactments of parliament/legislatures and it being demanded by
the rulers that the disenfranchised get the supreme court of Canada to declare the laws
unjust/mala fides, i.e. declare the whole jurisprudence due process unjust, when, in fact, it
truly is the administrative standards in place across Canada that are corrupt because the
confederation of Canada had no right to exist if we, the people, unified and indivisible under
God and Its Realm were allowed to dictate the road ahead for all equally and based upon the
objectively supported Truth.

31. The confederation of Canada as separate nation states under the nation state
of Canada pre-existed Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm in law and the confederation has no legitimacy because there can be


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

no winners and losers under the law, let alone, the standard of having the courts then, after
the fact, declare the order imposed by the law unnatural and unacceptable, otherwise, the
system is corrupt.

32. The corruption of 1918 - confederation - was formalized on December 1, 1961

because, from then on, all enactments from the legislatures and parliament were deemed to
be acts of God and be beyond reproach/infallible until April 1982 when Everyone’s Legal
Rights came into existence just as the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process was acknowledged in s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

But, the damage had already been inflicted not just upon the administration
of Canada but also THE FREE Society of Equals because all standards based upon The Truth
and its objectivity were replaced with a weighing process where “equivalents to truth” were
used to justify the continuation of the corruption.

33. The day for change is finally upon Everyone - September 16, 2010.


Mr. E. J. Krass , SoH

Author of The Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
Galileo II/Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE SOCIETY
Founder of The Unified College of Medicine
Petitioner on FILE NO . PO-00001 with the Supreme Court


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Attached: annotated July 5, 2007 Supreme Court of Canada letter;

dismissed and annotated Constitutional Questions Act;
fax log affirming the next document was sent and received;
letter of notification of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process initiated June 2010
through File No. PO-00001 with the supreme court of canada.

All of the documentation for FILE NO . PO-00001 including this document are now online at:



http://www.scribd.com/people/view/10980131-son-of-heaven and look for the document Completion

of assessment File No. PO-00001 with the supreme court of Canada.

PS If the revolutionary war, initiated by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, comes to
pass, the persons to blame are the registrar staff of the Supreme Court of Canada who
will have steadfastly upheld the letter of the supreme court act as enacted by parliament
(making the supreme court of canada a full blown “arm’s length” agent of the
government and not independent nor impartial as demanded by the Charter) OVER The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God - new evidence.
In short, the intent of establishing Everyone’s Legal Rights through The Petition to the
Court Due Legal Process in all laws - the resulting legal realm - will be dead just as
Fundamental Justice will never be attained through any courts across Canada
Hence, all that will be left to insure that Fundamental Justice in the system will be
imposed is revolutionary war.


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Ene l.

Tfl;irr,rtr$ t SS11
Constihilional Qlestion Act l@://www.bclaws.ca/EPlibrarieVbclaws rpw/docrrnentflD/freeside...
rrO aac,r*nsn *r-*r rr-- lile- cDt-* wohsl"_|.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,

Vlctorla, Brltbh Columbh, Canada IM PORTA NT IN FORMATIOI{

Contents STR\lcK Dou^cu

Section tt
1 Ueutenant Governor in Council to refer matters to couft
2' Court to certify opinion r*pt*.-oJ t^rf,4^
3 Notice to Attorney General of Canada
T!.- P*rr*.? o€ TltE FREE,
4 Notice of reference
5 Notice to persons interested }.rcJ.ty o{ q,^-,0-t *^^J t{a Kdff,\
6 Appeal h&, fue\reg.rtn.c,GE!
7 Publication in Gazette
8 Notice of questions of validity or applicability
I Action for declaration of validity of Act

rrrvr C,orrstil.r-[nn ra.4

Lieutenant Governor in Gouncil to refer matters to court r.z.{ar) ac tuaeUA,RTER
The Lieutenant €r any matter to the Couft of
Appeal or to the Supreme Court for h and consideration, and the
Couft of Appeal or the Supreme CoSdrt must hear and consider it.
Chr-ola r- arr k ?tLs"r.a L cer^--l- *(-t
Court to ceftify opinion
2 (1) The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Couft must give to the Lieutenant
Governor in Council its opinion on the matter referred, with reasons, in the
manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.
(2) A justice of the Court of Appeal who differs from the opinion of the
majority may give to the Lieutenant Governor in Council the justice's
opinion, with reasons.

Notice to Attorney General of Canada

3 In casethe matter referred relates to the constitutional validity of all or
part of an Act, the Attomey General of Canada must be notified of the

I of4 0310512010 2:01 PM

Corstittrional Question Act hfrp://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docrmetr/ID/freeside...

hearing, and must be heard if the Attorney General of Canada sees fit.

Notice of reference
4 On a reference by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the
agreement made between the govemment of British Columbia and the
government of Canada under
Act (Canada), the Attomey Gen
any province of Canada that ha
similar agreement must be noti
heard as a party.
,^rog&l oQ
"$ rt-.
Notice to persons interested - c"r^,*r*d..r*r A*.2-'t(\
Z a-ouir{T 5 The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court may direct that a penson
interested, or, if there is a class of persons interested, any one or more
persons as representatives of that class, must be notified of the hearing,
and those persons are entitled to be heard. 7
,"cr.d s. zr{ cT
(r) -rt- cL--t - ;c*s *r^.-'!
Appeal i.f,e(t),S-t" cu*J<r RuLEs EXHTB\T * N "
. -
6 The opinion of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court is a judgment of
the Couft of Appeal or of the Supreme Court, as the case may be, and an
appeal lies from it in the manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.

Publication in Gazette
7 The reasons given by the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court under this
Act must, as soon as practicable, be published in the Gazette.

Notice of questions of validity or applicability

8 (1) In this section:
"constitutional remedy" means a remedy under section 24 (L) of the
Qnadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms other than a remedy
consisting of the exclusion of evidence or consequential on such

"lalfl" includes an enactment and an enactment within the meaning of the

Interpretation Ad (Canada).
(2) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding
(a) the constitutional validity or constitutional applicability of any
law is challenged, or
(b) an application is made for a constitutional remedy,

2 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Corstitrtrional Question Act hfip://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docurnenUlD/freeside...

the law must not be held to be invalid or inapplicable and the remedy
must not be granted until after notice of the challenge or application has
been served on the Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General
of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(3) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding the validity or applicability of
a regulation is challenged on grounds other than the grounds referred to in
subsection (2) (a), the regulation must not be held to be invalid or
inapplicable until after notice of the challenge has been serued on the
Attomey General of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(4) The notice must
(a) be headed in the cause, matter or other proceeding,
(b) state
(i) the law in question, or
(ii) the right or freedom alleged to be infringed or denied,
(c) state the day on which the challenge or application under
subsection (2) or (3) is to be argued, and
(d) give pafticulars necessary to show the point to be argued.
(5) The notice must be served at least 14 days before the day of argument
unless the court authorizes a shorter notice.
(6) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attorney General of British Columbia appears, the Attorney General is
a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication respecting
the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to a
constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other party.
(7) It in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attomey General of Canada appears, the Attorney General of Canada
is a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication
respecting the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to
a constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other pafty.

Action for declaration of validity of Act t Ct^"-A"'. o^,ttr


/e (1) The Supreme Couft has jurisdiction to enteftain an action at the

instance of either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General
of British Columbia for a declaration as to the validity of an Act of the
Legislature, though no further relief is sought.
(2) The action is sufficiently constituted if the 2 Attorneys General are
(3) An appeal lies from the judgment in the manner of a judgment in an

3 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Constitrfiml Qrrestion Act t@ ://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_rrcw/docrment/ID/freeside. . .

ordinary action.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

4 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
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