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Using MyBlueprint, Educational Planner & WorkBC Websites

Career Name: Family Physician

1. Education required and or recommendations: Need to have completed and

done your Bachelor of Sciences which takes up to four years of undergraduate
studies. After completing that you must take the MCAT exam which is an
entrance exam for medical school. If you do well and get accepted into medical
school you will have to study there for four years. The first two years consists of
more classroom and lab work while the last two years is more hands on work
with real patients under the supervision of experienced doctors. After graduating
from medical school and receiving your Doctor of Medicine Degree you will have
to undergo two years of accredited residency training which is extremely
competitive and may require you to travel to other provinces to get placement.

2. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: UBC and SFU and UNBC.

3. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $73,000

4. Salary range: 109, 593 to $241,077

5. Job description: Family practice doctors, as primary care physicians, are often
the first person whom a patient sees when seeking healthcare services. They
examine and treat patients with a wide range of conditions and refer those with
serious ailments to a specialist or appropriate facility.

6. Number or people employed in this occupation: About 80,000 family physicians

employed in Canada as of right now


7. Employment prospects: Really good because currently there is a need/shortage

of doctors in Canada and especially BC.

8. Related Jobs (list at least 2):

 Dentist
 Pharmacist
 Nurse

9. Skills or characteristics required: Need to be social and willing to talk and

communicate with random people. Have to have a good learning ability and have
to be good in science. Have to have attention to detail and good interpersonal
and reasoning skills. Also have to be willing to touch people and inject shots and

10. Disadvantages of occupation: Long training and studying periods for

undergraduate and medical degree. High tuition costs. Lots of work during school
so you don’t really have time to do other things like play sports, or at least
competitively. High stress levels, lawsuits, and long irregular work hours.
11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I am
cooperative and social so I can talk to my patients and have a heathy relationship
with them. I am smart so I won’t give them wrong medication, I am very hands on
and won’t be grossed out by touching or poking around a random patient. I love
sciences and the human body in general. I also believe in giving back to the
community and helping people in need and what better way is there than helping
sick or injured people.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Need Pre-
calculus 11 and 12, English 11 and 12, Language 11, Physics and Chemistry 11,
Socials 11, Socials 12, one of physics chem or biology 12, and one other
approved grade 12 course. You will need mid 90’s and work and volunteer
experience to get into the Bachelor of Science program at UBC. You will then
need to score high on the MCAT to get accepted into medical school.

13. Working conditions: Small offices or clinics with secretary or nurses to help out.
Many sick people coming in for treatment for their problems. People ranging from


ages 5-80 years old. You will be in contact with all of these people and have to
examine them and communicate with them.

14. Typical hours of work: For regular doctor 40-60 hours and for a hard working
one 61-80 hours per week. Can have irregular hours being on call.

15. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: I love sciences and
the human body because it fascinates me. I love helping people and aiding them
in their time of sickness or injury. I also find that I like the mood in clinics because
most of the problems there aren’t too serious because otherwise they would be
at the hospital or emergency.

16. What are the future trends of this occupation: It will continued to get paid well
and there will be lots of jobs available in the future as the shortage of doctor
looks to continue for a while if not dealt with by the government.

17. Go to Work BC Website (http://www.workbc.ca/) and Education Planner

(https://www.educationplannerbc.ca/) list 2 points of information you felt were
important and were not covered.

1. Tuition Costs in depth

2. Future trends of the job


Using the “PowerPoint Presentation Tips” Handout, Create a PowerPoint or Prezi

7 slides only
II.Specific Career
III.Career Goal
IV.Educational or Training needed
V.Future Trends or Outlook
VI.Fun Facts
VII.Reference use APA style



 The Visual Aids should help the audience understand the content and not distract
attention away from the presentation.


 The student should dress in business attire or clothing which reflects their chosen
career path.


 Time management: 8 – 10 minutes

 Notecards may be use but should not be read
 Use your hands to gesture and emphasis certain points
 Use your voice inflection to highlight important points
 Make eye contact
 Have fun and enjoy!

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