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February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m.

, 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

Content Objectives: Language Objectives:

● SWBAT define sound. ● SWBAT listen to read alouds and videos
● SWBAT to discuss how sound is formed. about sound.
● SWBAT identify different kinds of sounds. ● SWBAT talk about sound.
● SWBAT describe how sound travels. ● SWBAT read non-fiction texts about
● SWBAT write about topics related to
Vocabulary Focus:
Vibrations, compressions, longitudinal waves, wavelengths, crest, trough, sound waves, matter, pitch,
frequency, volume, amplitude, echos, echolocations, animals that use echolocation, the use and
applications of sound.
Connection to Prior Knowledge/Building Visuals/Resources/Supplementary Materials:
● Posters ● Posters
● Visuals ● Visuals
● Science Journals ● Science Journals
● Vocabulary ● Vocabularies
● Previous Experiments ● Experiments
● Videos
● Books:

o Hearing Sounds by Sally Hewitt

o Experiments with Sound
Salvatore Tocci
o The Science Book of Sound by
Neil Ardley
o Sound And Music by Alan Ward
3.3 The student will apply word-analysis skills when reading.
b) Decode regular multisyllabic words.
4.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
d) Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
4.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
i) Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge as context for new
learning. j) Identify new information gained from reading.
k) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension.
l) Read with fluency and accuracy.
5.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
a) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.
b) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

multiple meanings of words.

c) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
d) Identify an author’s use of figurative language.
e) Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other word-reference materials.
g) Study word meanings across content areas.
5.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
a) Use text organizers, such as type, headings, and graphics, to predict and categorize
information in both print and digital texts.
c) Skim materials to develop a general overview of content and to locate specific information.
d) Identify the main idea of nonfiction texts.
5.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of
science by planning and conducting investigations in which
a) items such as rocks, minerals, and organisms are identified using various classification keys;
b) estimates are made and accurate measurements of length, mass, volume, and temperature
are made in metric units using proper tools;
c) estimates are made and accurate measurements of elapsed time are made using proper
d) hypotheses are formed from testable questions;
e) independent and dependent variables are identified;
f) constants in an experimental situation are identified;
g) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and communicated using proper graphical
representations and metric measurements;
h) predictions are made using patterns from data collected, and simple graphical data are
i) inferences are made and conclusions are drawn;
j) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs;
k) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts

5.2 The student will investigate and understand how sound is created and transmitted, and how it is
used. Key concepts include
a) compression waves;
b) vibration, compression, wavelength, frequency, amplitude;
c) the ability of different media (solids, liquids, and gases) to transmit sound; and
d) uses and applications of sound waves.

Friday, February 2: introduction to sound

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ● Dry Erase Board & Markers for critical
● I will learn about sound. reading guide.
● I will identify different sounds. ● Objectives posters
Language: ● Visual Aids/Posters
● I will talk about sound. ● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8my
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

● I will write a list of sounds I heard. YyMg1fFE

● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdG

● Hearing Sounds by Sally Hewitt
● Experiments with Sound Salvatore Tocci
● The Science Book of Sound by Neil Ardley
● Sound And Music by Alan Ward
Sequence of Activities (55 Minutes):
● TW build background by asking students what they have been learning in science. TW use
prompts for electricity.
● TW have students read objectives out-loud and discuss what they will learning.
● TW play a short video of jungle sounds. SW have to work with a partner and write all the
sounds they hear. TSW create a chart of sounds together.
● TW introduce vocabulary for sound: vibration, wavelength, sound,
● TW read excerpts from a book about sound. TW pause to facilitate discussion about sound
with students. SW identify new vocabulary words.
● TW create a vocabulary poster for sound that will include diagrams for Sound (the movement
of air), Vibration (moving very quickly, when moving air hits your ear, it vibrates, creating
sound), Wavelength (how sound travels through the air).
● SW write an entry in their journals about sound, using the vocabulary poster for support.
● Closure: TW review objectives with students, informally assessing each student by asking: SW
use whiteboards and dry erase markers to show their responses.
● Learning Extension: TW show a video about sound. After video SW talk about sound.

Monday, February 5: 2 hour delay

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ● Objectives posters
● I will learn about sound. ● Visual Aids/Posters
● I will see how vibrations or movement in ● Paper
the air makes sound. ● Cardboard Tubes
● I will learn about compressions and ● Tape
rarefactions ● Rubber Bands
Language: ● Plastic
● I will talk about how sounds are made. ● Science Journals
● I will write about compressions and
rarefactions in my science journal.
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

Sequence of Activities (30 Minutes):

● TW build background by asking students what they have been learning in science. TW use
visual prompts for sound.
● TW have students read objectives out-loud and discuss what they will learning.
● TW introduce vocabulary for sound and use visuals to describe each new vocabulary word.
● Teacher will use a slinky to illustrate the difference between compressions and rarefactions.
SW manipulate the slinky to show each vocabulary word. TSW create a visual that shows both
rarefactions and compressions in a soundwave.
● TW introduce how to make a paper noisemaker. TSW make a paper noisemaker and will
predict what will happen when they snap the paper. SW make noise with the paper and
discuss how the sound was made by vibrating the molecules and sending vibrations through
the air.
● TW continue discussing the experiments’ results as a visual is made of a sound wave and the
following components are labeled: Compressions and Rarefactions. TW discuss how sound is
made by atoms moving backward and forward.
● SW complete an entry in their journals about how sound is made by atoms moving backward
and forward as well as label and define compressions and rarefactions.
● Closure: TW review objectives with students, informally assessing each student by asking:
how do atoms make sound? What are compressions? What are rarefactions?
● Learning extension: TW introduce the second experiment for studying traveling sound waves.
TSW create a small drum out of the cardboard tubes, plastic, stiff paper, tape and rubber
bands. TW have each student tape a strip of paper in front of them and predict what will
happen to the paper when the students hit their drums over the paper. TSW perform the
experiment and will discuss why the paper moved as the drum was it.

Tuesday, February 6: Balloon Stethoscope

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ● Objectives posters
● I will learn about sound. ● Visual Aids/Posters
● Paper
● I will see how vibrations or movement in
the air makes sound. ● Cardboard Tubes
● Tape
● I will learn about compressions and ● Rubber Bands
rarefactions ● Plastic
● I will learn about trough, crest and ● Science Journals
● I will talk about how sounds are made.
● I will write about compressions,
rarefactions, trough, crest and
wavelength in my science journal.
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

Sequence of Activities (55 Minutes):

● TW build background by asking students what they have been learning in science. TW use
visual prompts for sound.

● TW have students read objectives out-loud and discuss what they will learning.

● TW introduce vocabulary for sound and use visuals to describe each new vocabulary word.
TW introduce trough and crest.

● TW review how sound is created by vibrations and the vibrations are caused by molecules
moving backward and forward.

● SW complete an entry in their journals about how sound is made by atoms moving backward
and forward as well as label and define compressions and rarefactions.

● TW review how sound can travel through liquid, gas and solids, anywhere there is molecules.
TW introduce an experiment for studying traveling sound waves. TSW create a small drum out
of the cardboard tubes, plastic, stiff paper, tape and rubber bands. TW have each student
tape a strip of paper in front of them and predict what will happen to the paper when the
students hit their drums over the paper. TSW perform the experiment and will discuss why
the paper moved as the drum was it.

● TW discuss the results of the experiment: Could you hear the sound? Could you see the sound
wave you made?

● TW introduce second experiment to make a stethoscope with funnels, tubing, balloons and
tape or rubber bands. The goal is for the students to be able to hear their own heart beats.

● Closure: TW review objectives with students, informally assessing each student by asking:
how do atoms make sound? What are compressions? What are rarefactions?

Wednesday, February 7: Echolocation

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ● Dry Erase Board & Markers for critical
● I will learn about sound. reading guide.
● I will learn about the parts of a ● Objectives posters
soundwave. ● Visual Aids/Posters
● I will learn about echolocation. ● videos for bats, whales and dolphins to
● I will learn about frequency show echolocation.
Language: ● science notebooks
● I will talk about how animals use ● cut and paste echolocation pictures to
echolocation. sort for animals that use echolocation
● I will sort animals pictures and identify and animals that do not.
the animals that use echolocation. ● http://sciencenetlinks.com/student-
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1

● www.cee.org/tep-lab-
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gu
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laeE
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxc
● The Science book fo sound
Sequence of Activities (55 Minutes):
● TW build background by asking students what they have been learning in science. TW review
vocabulary already covered.
● TW have students read objectives out-loud and predict what they will learning.
● TW introduce trough and crest on a soundwave. TSW create a visual of a soundwave while
labeling all the parts.
● TW introduce vocabulary words: Frequency and Echolocation. To describe these words, TW
show youtube videos about frequency (have students give thumbs up if they can still hear the
sounds) and then about how bats and whales use echolocation.
● TW have students make a new journal entry and label the top: animals that use echolocation
and animals that do not. TW give each students a collection of photos to sort and paste
appropriately under each category.
● Closure: TW review objectives with students, informally assessing each student by asking
questions relevant to lesson.

● Learning extension: TW introduce pitch. TW lead students through the pitch experiment
involved with a tin baking pan, rubber bands and pencils.

Thursday, February 8: Paper noisemaker, talking cans,

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ● Dry Erase Board & Markers for critical
● I will learn about sound. reading guide.
● I will learn about pitch. ● Objectives posters
Language: ● Visual Aids/Posters
● I will talk about how sound is made. ● six glass bottles
● I will write about pitch. ● water
● baking pans
● rubber bands
● pens/pencils
February 5– February 9, 2018, 9:15 – 10:10 p.m., 6 students
5th Grade Content
Sound Unit: Week 1


Sequence of Activities (55 Minutes):
● TW build background by asking students what they have been learning in science. TW review
vocabulary already covered.
● TW have students read objectives out-loud and predict what they will learning.
● TW review the part of a soundwave using visuals for trough and crest on a soundwave. TSW
create a visual of a soundwave while labeling all the parts.
● TW review echolocation with a slinky. SW finish writing in their journals about animals that
use echolocation.
● TW introduce pitch. TSW complete an experiment for pitch with glass bottles filled with
water. TsW discuss results.
● TSW complete a second experiment for pitch with baking pans and rubber bands. SW change
pitch with pens or pencils. TSW discuss results.
● TW model how to make an entry in the journals for pitch using the visual organizers.
● Closure: TW review objectives with students, informally assessing each student by asking
questions relevant to lesson.

Friday, February 9: No content class due to ACCESS testing.

Objectives: Materials:
Content: ●
Language: Books:
● ●
Sequence of Activities (55 Minutes):

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