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J Pediatr Rev.


Journal of Pediatrics Review

Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

Fever and Rash Syndrome: A review of clinical practice guidelines in

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the differential diagnosis

Mohammed Jafar Saffar1*
Hiva Saffar2
Soheila Shahmohammadi3
Antimicrobial Resistant Nosocomial Infection Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical
Sciences, Sari, Iran
Department of Pathology, Shariati Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
CRNA, Research Fellow, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran


Article type: Fever accompanied by rash is a common finding in pediatric patients.

Review Article Although, in most cases, the disease is trivial, in some cases it may be the
first and/or the sole manifestation of a serious and life- threatening
Article history:
condition in patients. The spectrum of differential diagnosis is broad and
Received: 15 April 2013
Revised: 23 June 2013 many different infectious and some noninfectious agents cause this
Accepted: 12 July 2013 syndrome. To establish a timely diagnosis, providing appropriate therapy
and considering proper preventive measures if necessary, a systematic
Keywords: approach relying on a clear history, careful clinical examination along
Fever, Rash, Syndrome, with particular attention to epidemiological features are the most
Narrative Review important factors to pursue this syndrome. In this paper, the aim is to give
an overview of how to deal with these patients clinically to establish a
timely probable diagnosis of patients, providing proper early medical
intervention without applying specific laboratory tests.

Fever and rash is a common clinical complaint is benign and self-limited, sometimes, it may be
in patients presenting to physician office and the first or the only sign of a serious and life-
emergency department. The syndrome causes threatening condition. Therefore, to provide an
anxiety in both the parents and physicians. The immediate appropriate medical intervention,
causes are many and the ranges of differential early clinical diagnosis is necessary. In the
diagnosis are very wide and contained a large initial evaluation of a febrile child with rash, a
number of infectious and noninfectious proper history and careful clinical examination
illnesses. Although in the majority, the disease is essential rather than relying on laboratory
*Corresponding author:Mohammed Jafar Saffar, Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Mailing Address: Department of Pediatric infectious disease, Antimicrobial Resistant Nosocomial Infection Research Center,
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Email: Saffar@softhome.net
Saffar MJ et al

tests which results may not be immediately and evolution), searching for signs of meningeal
available. In most cases, a systematic approach irritation (Kernig's and Brudzinsky signs) with
based on tripod of clear history, careful clinical neurological examination, assessment of
examination with the special attention to the hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymph nodes and
types and other characteristics of rash and their other parts of the body are essential to diagnose
relation to fever and other signs and symptoms, and differential diagnosis of the disease.
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along with the properly targeted B. Types and characteristics of skin rash:
epidemiological clues can aid to establish Various infectious and noninfectious agents can
possible diagnosis and select those patients who cause different skin reactions and/ or similar
need immediate medical intervention without clinical syndromes or vice versa. In evaluating a
applying specific laboratory tests.1-4 patient with fever and rash, determining the
In this paper, our aim was to review a proper type of rash, and its general characteristics such
clinical diagnostic approach without applying as the primary site of eruption and progression
special laboratory tests to diagnose timely those to the other parts of the body, their distribution
patients who require immediate medical and the evolution are very important.
intervention relying on the history, physical Dermal manifestations and various kinds of
examination and the epidemiological clues. In rash can be categorized based on the form of
addition, at the end of the paper, a short rash (macular, papular, vesicular, blistery,
overview has been done on number of diseases petechial and purpuric) or according to the
with fever and rash that their early diagnosis general term of a disease with rash overall
and appropriate therapeutic intervention are known as measles-like rash “Morbiliforme”;
considered as medical emergencies. like rubella " Rubelliforme "; or similar scarlet
A. Clinical examination. fever " Scarlatiniforme = scarlet-fever like
In the initial evaluation of the febrile child with illness"; and so on. In addition, considering the
rash, certain factors must be given urgent distribution of rash throughout the body
priority, these include: (diffused or localized rash, symmetrical
a: Is the patient well enough to be evaluated on bilateral or unilateral, at open or shaded areas),
as outpatient setting or needs hospitalization? and how to distribute from the primary site to
b: If admission is required, is the patient's life other parts of the body (central: the bulk density
threatened from the disease and an urgent on the face, trunk, and abdomen or peripheral
medical intervention required? area: the highest density on the extremities) will
c: Is there the risk of transmission to others and be useful to distinguish the pathogens from each
warranted precaution and isolation? other.1, 3-5 The following definitions are useful
d: Does the disease acquire notification from to describe the various types of rash.5
the public health point of view? Macula: A color change of the skin, Papules:
Careful clinical examination is essential in any A raised lesion less than 1 cm in diameter,
patient presenting with fever and rash. Special Maculopapular: A combination of both
attention to the general appearance; macules and papules, Purpura: Cutaneous
hemodynamic and respiratory status and lesions caused by leakage of red blood cells,
consciousness level to select the minority may be/not be palpable with a diameter more
patients at risk are very important of life saving. than 5 mm and petechia: is a similar lesion
Full examination of skin and mucosa is very smaller than 5 mm diameter, Vesicle: is a blister
important to determine the characteristics of like lesions less than 1 cm diameter containing
rash (eruption sites, distribution, progression fluid and the larger lesion is called Bullae:

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Pustule: a pus-containing vesicles, that may hairline and progress to the other parts of the
leave scar after healing, Enanthem: A mucosal body and extremities. The concentration of rash
rash on the mucous membranes, sometimes in the trunk and abdomen is much higher than
mucosal rash (Enanthem) is a specific sign of a in the limbs. This kind of distribution of the
disease like Koplik spots in measles, petechial rash to the body and its clinical picture is called
lesion on soft palate in rubella, and infectious «Morbilliforme Rash». Fever and other signs/
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mononucleosis, anterior oral vesicolo-ulcerative symptoms lasted for 48 hours after rash
lesions in Hand- Foot- Mouth disease. eruption and were resolved suddenly, in which
C. Determination of the relationship between the patients’ general conditions improved
fever, rash and other clinical symptoms: significantly. On the fourth day of the rash
Consideration and determining the correct eruption, gradual disappearance of the rash with
relationship between fever and rash and also fine desquamation begins from the face and
other signs/ symptoms are the crucial points to spreads to the extremities within several days.
differentiate between febrile illnesses Measles-like rash has no or a little pruritus.7
1, 3- 5
accompanied by rash. In evaluating a The epidemiological trend of measles changes
patient who is suffering from fever and rash significantly following universal vaccination of
syndrome, accurate answers to the following children against measles. In most countries, the
questions will be helpful in the diagnosis of the incidence of measles was markedly reduced and
disease: 5 endemic measles was eliminated in some parts
◙ What is the shape and type of rash? of the world. In these countries, majority of the
◙ When and where the rash started? cases occur among infants, adolescents and
◙ Has the rash progressed to other parts of young people. In Iran, since 1989, after a two-
the body? dose of routine mass vaccination against
◙ What is the relationship between fever and measles in children ages 9 and 15 months with
rash? high coverage levels, cases of measles in
◙ Has the rash changed morphologically? children have decreased significantly and the
◙ Were there any other signs/ symptoms most reported cases of measles have been in
before the rash erupted? older children and adults.7, 8 Considering the
◙ Has treatment begun for the patient? changes in the epidemiology of measles in Iran
For example: Measles: An acute viral and around the world, in the differential
exanthematous illness that begins with malaise, diagnosis of febrile diseases with rash, measles
fever, cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis that is also considered in adolescents, young adults
becomes more severe within 3-4 days later. 6 and infants.
About 12- 48 hours before the onset of rash, Rubella: An acute mild exanthematous viral
measles-specific enanthem appears in the disease with least morbidity in children, which
anterior aspects of the cheeks and gums at the clinically is similar to the mild measles (also
levels of premolar may spread and involve the called three-day measles).9 Infection in
lip, hard palate and gingiva, opposite the pregnancy may result in fetal infection and
maxillary second molars on a red halo with a considerable fetal developmental anomalies.
bluish-white central dot (Koplik spots). At the The rash of the disease may be presented 1- 3
peak of fever and other clinical symptoms of days after a mild systemic symptoms such as
measles, red color maculopapular lesions erupt low-grade fever (less than 38.5 ° C), cough and
from the back and anterior of the ears from the runny nose. Rubella rash starts on the face of

44 J Pediatr Rev. 2013;1(2)

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the patient. The type of rash in rubella is a red trunk, neck, sometimes on the face and the
maculopapular that initially appears on the face proximal part of the arms that appear within a
and spreads to the extremities in less than 48 few hours after a sudden fever lysis. In some
hours. The most concentration of rash appears cases, adenopathy in the postauricular –
on the face and trunk with discrete lesions in the occipital area can be detected. Because of the
extremities. As a view point of clinical feature, special relationship between the fever and the
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such spreading of rash on the body is called rash eruption, clinical diagnosis of the disease is
«Rubelliforme Rash». The main characteristic simply possible and less confused with other
of the disease is severe painful febrile diseases with rash.11
lymphadenopathy behind the head or behind of Parvovirus B19 Infection "Erythema
the ears that present before the rash eruption Infectiosum": Infection results in a wide
and remains for a week. In some cases, a few spectrum of clinical presentations. Usual
enanthems may be presented like a petechia on clinical manifestations of the disease mainly
the soft palate.9 Diagnosis of rubella is occur in children and have three distinct stages:
important to prevent transmission of the The first stage begins with nonspecific
infection to pregnant women Acquiring rubella symptoms such as headache, malaise, mild
infection in the first few months of pregnancy is fever, cough and mild runny nose for 2-3 days.
associated with severe complications in the One week later, the first exanthematous phase
fetus and the risk of congenital rubella of illness starts with a raised fiery red rash
syndrome. In some areas of the world where appearing on the cheeks of the patient like a
rubella vaccination is not carried out, rubella is “Slapped- Cheek" and with circumoral Pallor.
a childhood disease; affecting children and The lesions are aggravated with exposure to the
adolescents in the age groups of 5-15 years. In heat. The second phase of enanthem starts 1-4
these areas, most girls and women in days after the facial rash with the development
childbearing age, following normal exposure to of a maculopapular rash on the trunk and
the infection have acquired immunity, so that, extremities that initially are discreted and
in the reproductive age if once exposed to the gradually spread to involve all parts of the
patient infected with rubella, the risk of body. Several days after the appearance of the
infection is very low.10 In faced to a pregnant rash, the central part of the lesions gradually is
woman exposed to a febrile patient with rash cleared and lesions extended peripherally and
confirmed or suspected to rubella, immediately make a reticular appearance that is the
testing for rubella specific IgG antibodies beginning of third stage of the disease. This
should be performed. If the test result is stage last for 1-3 weeks. After the rash has
positive, it means that the pregnant woman is disappeared, frequent recurrency may occur
immune and her fetus is not threatened. following exercise or heat exposure. The major
Roseola: "Exanthem Subitum"; An acute parts of the body that rash can present in the
febrile disease is caused by the human herpes third stage are the extensor surfaces of
viruses 6 and 7.11 The sudden onset of high extremities without the involvement of the
fever, malaise, and sometimes seizures without palms and sole Rash is prurutic but no
other significant clinical signs/ symptoms in 3- desquamation occurs.12
36 months old children with nontoxic Scarlet Fever: An acute infection that is caused
appearance will occur. The most important by Strep group A. In most cases, the disease is
characteristic of the disease is a reddish observed in children ages 5-15 years, which
maculopapular rash without pruritus on the starts with a sudden high fever, sore throat,

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abdominal pain and vomiting. Physical especially without the involvement of limb,
examination reveals pharyngitis with / without redness and inflammation of the oral mucosa
exudates, and painful submandibular adenitis. (strawberry tongue , redness and transverse
12- 48 hours after the onset of the disease, cracking and bleeding of the lips, inflammation
erythematous macular rash appears on the of the pharynx and oral mucosa together or
patient's face (Slapped- cheek) with circumoral separately), multiform skin rash especially a red
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pallor, and also a red maculopapular rash on the maculopapular rash most notably occurs on the
trunk and abdomen that in some cases within trunk or redness in the perineum area with
several hours spread to all parts of the body. desquamation, red indurated - painful stiffness
Although the rash may fade with pressure in the of extremities in the acute phase and/or large
different parts of the body but in the wrinkles of and huge desquamation of nail bed from the
elbow and wrist become more colored “known second week and ultimately cervical
as Pastia line / sign.” On the throat, in addition adenopathy more than 1.5 cm anterior to the
to the evidence of pharyngitis, enanthem of the neck without redness with mild pain. In the
disease can be seen as petechic spots on the soft usual case of the disease, diagnosis is not a
palate and anterior pillar of the tonsils. Smooth problem.15
desquamation, especially on fingertips occurs in Enterovirus infections: Enterovirus infections
all patients that last for 1-3 weeks.13 manifest with a variety of muco-cutaneous rash.
Infectious Mononucleosis: The disease is One of the characteristics of the clinical
caused by Epstein - Barr virus. One week syndrome due to enterovirus infections is Hand-
before the onset of the main symptoms of the Foot- Mouth disease which is associated with
disease, there are general malaise, fatigue, and fever and vesicular lesions in the distal parts of
mild fever in the patient. The common the limbs, wrists and the anterior area of mouth
characteristics of the disease are manifested by that are not "crusted". Another clinical
high fever 38.5 – 40.5° C for 1-2 weeks, syndrome caused by enterovirus infection is
pharyngitis; mostly with white membrane, and Herpangina. In this disease, vesicular lesion 2-4
cervical lymph node enlargement. mm in diameter occurs into the mouth,
Splenomegally occurs in one-third or half of the especially on the soft palate. In some clinical
patients. A few days after the onset of typical syndromes and infections caused by ECHO
symptoms of the disease, a red maculopapular viruses, fever and petechic-purpuric type of rash
rash appears on the trunk in 10-15% of the may occur. Also, many enterovirus species are
patients. Also, 5-7 days after the administration able to create fever with maculopapular rash on
of ampicillin or beta-lactam antibiotics to the the trunk. With regard to the different clinical
patients with infectious mononucleosis, a red syndromes of fever with rash resulting from
maculopapular rash without pruritus appears on enterovirus infections, the majority of the above
the trunk, face and extremities.14 mentioned infections are in the differential
Kawasaki Disease (KD): KD is an unknown diagnosis of febrile illness with rash. The most
etiologic febrile disease with rash. The epidemiologic features of enterovirus infections
diagnostic criteria of the disease are based on are that they most commonly occur during the
clinical evidences including; a fever lasting summer and autumn seasons. In this period, a
more than 5 days associated with four out of variety of clinical syndromes may be observed
the five following symptoms: bilateral non- in the community.16
purulent severe redness of conjunctiva,

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Chickenpox: An acute viral disease that is illness is manifested in children. However, in

characterized by extremely itchy small vesicles. older children, less commonly disease is
Usually, after 12-24 hours of fever and malaise, presented with skin rash. 12 Kawasaki disease is
cumulative and sudden skin rash known as an acute unknown etiology childhood illness
"crop" begins to erupt on the scalp, face and with skin rash. 15 Scarlet fever and infectious
trunk. There are various types of skin lesions mononeuclosis are the two diseases among the
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from macula up to crusted lesion at different pediatric patients aged 5-15 years caused by
anatomical regions on physical examination. strep A and Epstein-Barr viruses,
There is a red halo around the lesion. The lesion respectively. Enterovirus infections
is umbilicated. The distribution of rash is associated with rash mainly occur in infant and
centric and the most concentration of rash is on younger children. 16 In the past, some viral
the face, trunk and abdomen. Also, lesions of diseases preventable by vaccination such as
chickenpox occur in the various mucosa of the measles7, rubella9 and chickenpox17 were
body. In cases of localized vesicular lesions, childhood diseases. With the universal routine
herpetic lesions, zoster, bites and poison ivy vaccination against the above mentioned viral
should be considered.17 infections and changing the epidemiological
D. Epidemiological Features and Etiology: trend of the disease, more cases occur in
The relative role of each pathogen is not the adolescents and young adults which should be
same in different regions or different considered.
individuals. Information about the relationship 2. Season of the year: A large number of
between patient and a pathogen and their infectious agents that are associated with fever
environments is a very important point when and rash have specific seasonal activity.
faced with a patient with fever and rash Considering the seasonal activity of the
syndrome (FRS). If the epidemiology of the pathogens can assist the physician in restricting
different agents is well understood and used, it the differential diagnosis of FRS. For example,
will be very helpful to differentiate between a the peak activities of enterovirus species occur
pathogen from other causes of similar clinical in the summer and autumn16, Measles6 and
syndrome. The epidemiologic characteristics Rubella9 present in the spring, parvovirus B1912
that require special attention are: patient age; and meningococcal bacteria18 occur in the
geographic region; season; history of travel to winter and early spring, and Tick-borne
other location; contact with insects, animals, diseases such as Lyme diseases, Rickettsia
food or plants and similar patients; history of infection and Rocky Mountains spotted fever
vaccination and history of prior illness; the (RMSF) may also occur in the summer.19, 20
immune status of host and medications.5 3. Geographic area: Some pathogens or their
1. Age of the patient: Some diseases that are carriers can survive or are active in special
presented with rash especially "viral diseases" climates. As a result, some of the diseases are
mainly occur in childhood. Considering the age observed or limited to some particular
of the patient can help to narrow the range of geographic regions. Staying or traveling to
differential diagnosis of the diseases. these areas are likely to be associated with the
Roseola infantum is an infection mostly occurs risk of acquiring the diseases. For example,
in children 3-36 months of age.11 Erythema RMSF or Lyme disease 19, 20 are active in some
infectiosum also known as "Fifth disease" is areas of America or dengue fever and dengue
referred to the clinical manifestations of hemorrhagic fever are also active in South East
Parovirus B-19 (PB-19) infection. The classic Asia.21 Traveling to some areas like South

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Africa, India, Russia and the Mediterranean 7 days suggest enterovirus infections.16
countries is associated with the risk of Sometimes the interval between the bite and
rickettsiae conori infection. 19 There is a risk of expression of the symptoms will be the key in
infection to a number of other rickettsial differential diagnoses, like 14-17 days interval
diseases such as Rickettsial Pox and between tick bites and presence of skin lesion in
Boutonneuse fever among the travelers from Lyme disease or in RMSF.19, 20
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other parts of the world such as China, India, 5. Exposure History: There are a variety of
Nepal, the Mediterranean countries and Russia infectious agents around our non-living and
(Table 1).19, 20 People who travel to India, living environments. There is a risk of
Pakistan or Mexico are at risk of exposure to acquisition of disease following professional or
Typhoid Fever. 22, 23 non-occupational exposure to the etiologic
4. Incubation period: The history of contact agents. Exposure to animals, food, plants and
with a known exanthematous infections, the other patients are the most remarkable points in
interval from exposure to rash onset of the the differential diagnosis of the diseases with
disease (incubation period) can help the fever and rash. For example, there is a
physician to identify the pathogen. For possibility of being infected by direct contact
example, an interval of 14 days from exposure with the skin and mucous membrane of the
to onset of rash suggests measles6 18-21 days infected people with HSV, syphilis, gonorrhea
for rubella, 14-18 days for chickenpox17, and 4- and HIV.

Table1. Summary of characteristics of the different types of Rickettsia

Type of Geological region Incubation Onset of Type of rash and kind of Other signs&
disease period (day) rash distribution symptoms
Boutonneuse Southern Europe 7-14 days 4-7 days Maculopapular, trunk Headache,
fever and the Middle malaise
East, Russia, India
and Pakistan

Typhus pandemic 7-15 days 5-7 days Maculopapular and petechic, Very severe and
groups peripheral distribution without uncontrolled
palms and soles involvement headache

Spotted pandemic Maculopapular and petechic, Headache,

groups from peripheral to central parts malaise,

Reckettsial pandemic 9-14 days 4-7 days Maculopapular and vesico- headache
pox bollouse from peripheral to
central parts without involvement
of oral mucosa, palms and soles

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There is a probability of cat scratch disease and throughout the body. For instance, a disease
visceral larva migrans in contact with cats and such as syphilis can cause a variety of rashes.
dogs, leptospirosis and rat-bite fever likely Rash at the early stage of the disease may
follow contact with mouse, rodents and/ or cow appear as painless ulcer with a raised red
and rickettsia or lyme disease may occur in border, highlight color, and stiffer than the
contact with tick or mosquitoes. Contact with surrounding tissue. In the second stage of the
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water, soil or plants may lead to some dermal disease, a red maculopapular rash distributed in
and topical diseases.1, 4, 5 all parts of the body including the palms and
6. Drug History: Various drugs can cause a soles may occur. At this stage, in wet areas of
variety of skin rashes that is sometimes the body, Condyloma-lata lesions especially in
accompanied by fever. Unlike the popular the anal area and mucosal ulcers of the mouth
belief, association of fever and rash caused by are observed. About 2-6 weeks after exposure
drugs is not so common. For example, in a to HIV, fever, headache, sore throat, diffused
study, only 20% of patients with drug fever had lymphadenopathy, mucosal ulcers, transient
skin rash that half of them were urticarial. In maculopapular rash without pruritus on the face
another study performed on 20,000 patients and trunk areas are develop. The disease may
admitted to the hospitals, only 2% of the not be differentiated with other diseases,
patients showed the drug induced rash, as most especially infectious mononucleosis.1, 2, 5
of them used antibiotics or anticonvulsant drugs Laboratory Evaluation: Applying and using
for the treatment. Serious skin reaction of laboratory facilities are not much helpful to
stevens - Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal differential diagnosis of the diseases in patients
necrolysis "TEN" occurs in 5% of those suffering from fever with a rash, particularly in
affected patients. Drug-included skin reaction the early stages of the disease, and have a low
usually occurs about 1-3 weeks after treatment. diagnosis value in serious illnesses. However,
1, 4, 5
in suitable conditions, the application of the
7. History of Vaccination and Immunization: following tests is recommended:
Full vaccination against a disease or history of a ● Nonspecific tests such as complete blood
natural infection is against the diagnosis of a count (CBC) and urinalysis
particular infection. In the past, however in ● Specific tests included: blood culture in
some cases, sometimes 1-3 weeks after specific media based on the condition of the
vaccination, fever and/or rash related to live patients, serological tests suitable for clinical
vaccine25 or allergic reaction to vaccine and epidemiological conditions combined with
component can occur. Considering the interval antigen investigation in appropriate samples are
between the administration of the vaccine and more important. Fluid and discharge samples
the appearance of symptoms will be helpful in from the pustules, blister, vesicle, ulcerative
the differential diagnoses.1, 4, 5 lesions and petechic lesions prepared for culture
8. History of sexual activity: Every patient and smear may be helpful to diagnosis the
present fever and rash with unknown etiology agent. Finally, microbiological and histological
should be evaluated carefully and in sexual evaluation of skin biopsy may be useful for the
activity. A thorough proper examination of the diagnosis of the disease.1- 5
anogenital area is essential.2, 5 Human herpes
(HSV1 and HSV2), syphilis, Chancroid are Some Diseases as Medical Emergencies:
diseases which may be associated with Meningococcal Infections: Although gram-
localized rash in genital area or disseminated negative cocci of Neisseria meningitidis causes

J Pediatr Rev. 2013;1(2) 49

Fever and Rash syndrome…

a wide range of clinical conditions, the most 38.9 ° C, hypotension (shock) and diffuse
important and the Life- Threatening clinical erythema of the skin accompanied by three
form of it is septicemia (Meningococcemia). different organs involvement such as
Meningococcemia with / or without meningitis gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, nervous
is a severe and life-threatening disease that system, blood, and etc. Disease should be
frequently affects children and adolescents. The differentiated from illnesses such as
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disease occurs more frequently in overcrowded leptospirosis, measles, Kawasaki, and rickttsial
conditions, such as barracks, dormitories, and infections. The most common clinical
kindergartens. Early diagnosis of the disease is manifestation of the disease are conjunctivitis,
a medical emergency because of the very rapid red mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain,
progression and high morbidity and mortality of liver and kidney dysfunction, disseminated
the disease without early and proper treatment. intravascular coagulopathy (DIC),
The clinical manifestations of the disease thrombocytopenia, and impaired consciousness.
include: fever, headache, myalgia, nausea, In this patient, fever and rash (erythroderma)
vomiting, and hypotension (shock). In some started together. To reduce morbidity and
patients, loss of consciousness and signs of mortality, early diagnosis and appropriate
meningeal irritation (stiff neck, kernig and supportive treatment with an immediate
brudzinski signs) and concurrent skin rash are correction of the hypotension is essential.28, 29
present in patients with Meningococcemia. Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome:
Initially, skin rash is a red maculopapular lesion Reiter's disease (SSSS): The disease is caused
on the trunk and limbs (without the involvement by a toxin produced by staph aureus bacteria.
of the palms and soles) that will become Most cases of the disease occur in the first few
petechic-purpuric within few hours. Due to months of life. The disease onset is acute with
rapid progression of the disease and possibly sudden high fever, restlessness, severe and
serious complications of delayed diagnosis, in extensive redness of skin (Tender
any case with fever and petechic-purpuric skin erythroderma). The patient's skin is red, swollen
rash with or without involvement of the central and extremely painful that within 1-3 days, with
nervous system, to save a patient’s life and to a light pressure large thin-walled blisters will
prevent the transmission of infection to others, appear (positive Nikolsky sign) which can be
an immediate appropriate special treatment of easily torn. After tear off the blister, a red
infection along with other control measures moisture surface appears that will change to a
should be started against meningococcemia and fine desquamation over the next few days. In
meningitis until it is ruled out or confirmed.18, uncomplicated cases, recovery occurs within
two weeks. An early diagnosis and
Toxic Shock Syndrome: A known clinical establishment of an appropriate specific
syndrome that is caused by a toxin released treatment (anti-staphylococcal antibiotic)
from Staph, aureus and Strep A bacteria. combined with fluid therapy and appropriate
Although, most cases occur in children, it may supportive treatment like those for burns is
also occur in older children and women after essential to reduce morbidity and mortality of
the use of tampon, or in patients with burns, the disease.28, 30
surgical wounds and from the skin lesion. The Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN): Erythema
diagnosis of the disease in acute phase is based multiform, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, and
on clinical criteria including a fever more than Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis TEN are actually a

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syndrome with three different clinical particularly drugs that have been responsible for
presentations. Erythema multiforme is the causing the syndrome. Early diagnosis and
milder form of the syndrome and very severe prompt discontinuation of the responsible
and dangerous form of it is called TEN. Many drug(s) in combination with supportive therapy
infectious and noninfectious agents are involved similar to those of extensive burns associated
in the development of the disease. In most with corticosteroid therapy and IVIG will be
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cases, Erythema multiforme usually occurs in useful to reduce morbidity and mortality. The
burning older children and adults. There is most important differential diagnoses of TEN
burning and itching sensation before the onset are Reiter's disease (SSSS), pemphigus and
of cutaneous lesions. The most important toxic shock syndrome. 1, 31, 32
disease-specific lesion is «Target lesion» Rickettsial Infections and RMSF:
including a central lesion with discoloration and Rickettsiosis and RMSF is a set of vector-borne
central necrosis with a normal skin in the diseases that are transmitted from animals to
margins. There is also a red color change again humans by arthropods. (Table 1)
at the margin of normal skin. The primary There are several common features such as
central lesion starts as a red maculopapular or sudden onset of high fever, various skin rash,
urticarial rash and rapidly evolves to central damage to small vessels and capillaries, rapid
necrosis or may transform to vesiculobullous progression to a severe and life-threatening
lesions. The distribution of lesions in the body disease, and presence of Eschar at the site of
is symmetrical and occurs at the extensor bite. With respect to the role of arthropod in
surface of the upper extremities (the least transmission of microorganisms, these groups
lesions are seen on face and lower extremities). of diseases have a specific regional and
The frequency and severity of these lesions are seasonal incidence. The diagnosis was based on
higher in Stevens - Johnson syndrome and clinical and epidemiological evidences and
involve about 30% of the body surface area measurement of specific antibodies or PCR.
(more lesions are seen on trunks and limb Immediate and empirical disease-specific
areas). In these patients, mucosal lesions in treatment is essential to reduce or prevent the
more than one mucous membrane (eyes, ears, complications of the disease before specific
nose, mouth, anogenital area, respiratory and diagnosis. RMSF is a tick borne Rickettsial
gastrointestinal tract involvement) also occur. infection and active in the defined geographical
Burning sensation and swelling of the mucous area in America. The incubation period of the
membrane occur before lesions development. disease is 4- 5 days. The onset of the disease is
Redness, blister, ulcer and/or hemorrhagic sudden with high fever, headache, general
crusting on lip, oral mucousa may develop. In a malaise, myalgia congestion and redness of the
number of cases, fever and chills, pain, burning conjunctiva. 4-5 days after the onset of fever
sensation of mucosa and skin can be seen and initial symptoms of the disease, a red
before eruption of the skin rash. In cases of maculopapular skin rash appears on wrist and
TEN syndrome, initially painful erythrodermi ankle areas of the body. The initial rash will be
of the skin and then a very large, thin-walled converted to pethecic- purpuric lesions in a
blister occur. Target signs may not be present. short time. Over the next few days, the rash
Few to 48 hours before skin eruption fever and will be distributed and progressed downwards
mucosal are present. In an uncomplicated case, and upwards to the palms and soles and "arms
recovery occurs within 10-14 days. There are and thighs respectively". In this phase,
various infectious and noninfectious agents differentiation of the disease from

J Pediatr Rev. 2013;1(2) 51

Fever and Rash syndrome…

meningococcemia is difficult. Residing in or the patients will worsen and cardiovascular

history of travel to endemic areas, a history of collapse and shock occurs. At this stage, the
tick bite, and attention to rash distribution and patient is restless and irritable with cold
progression, the relation between rash and extremities and in some patients; diffused
fever, accompanied with leukopenia, and petechiae develop on the forehead and limbs.
increasing liver transaminase is helpful and There are spontaneous ecchymosis and
Downloaded from jpr.mazums.ac.ir at 0:05 IRST on Saturday January 14th 2017

beneficial for diagnosis of RMSF. The most tendency to bleeding. Cyanosis, rapid and
important differential diagnosis of the disease is shallow breathing, weak and narrow pulse and
meningococcemia. In addition, bacterial short interval between systolic and diastolic
endocarditis, measles, second stage of syphilis, phases of blood pressure, hepatomegaly,
and other rickettsial diseases are also discussed. accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
However, in the exposure to a patient with fever (pleurisy) can occur. This phase lasts for 24-36
and purpuric rash, especially in endemic areas hours. Establishing early diagnosis and
of the disease, immediate empirical disease- appropriate supportive treatment is essential to
specific and supportive treatment is strongly reduce complications. 21, 35, 36
recommended.19, 20, 33, 34
Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Conclusion
Fever: Is an acute viral disease transmitted by Fever associated with rash is a common clinical
flies. Incubation period is 2-7 days. Although, syndrome in patients presenting to physicians’
it has been reported worldwide, but the majority offices and emergency departments. The causes
of cases are reported from Southeast Asia. are many and in most instances are benign and
Diseases begin suddenly with high fever, severe self-limited. However, in a small number of
headache (most prominent on for ehead and cases it may be the only sign of a severe and
retro orbit), back pain, and lymphadenopathy. life-threatening or contagious infection.
Within 24- 48 hours of fever, a temporary red The differential diagnosis of fever and rash is
maculopapular rash for 1-2 days develop. extremely broad, but systematic approaches
Bradycardia in proportion to fever is present. could help clinicians for establishing a timely
Musculoskeletal pain is very intense and diagnosis, providing early treatment when
intractable. appropriate and considering preventive
After 2-7 days, the clinical symptoms of the measures if necessary.
disease subside and the patient recovers In this regard careful physical examination,
temporarily. After 1-2 days of defeverness, a taking a clear history along with
diffuse maculopapular measles-like rash epidemiological clues is very important to
appears without the involvement of the palms pursue.
and soles.
In endemic areas, reinfection in people with
Conflict of Interest
previous history of the disease, or primary
None declared.
infection in infants and young children who
have saved maternal antibody, the early
symptoms of the disease are manifested Funding/Support
abruptly by fever, headache and cough for 2-5 None declared.
days and endured for 2-5 days. One to two days
after the initial period, the general condition of

52 J Pediatr Rev. 2013;1(2)

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