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Didier Stevens Friday 8 September 2017 Quickpost: DIDemo Filed under: Quickoos! — Didier Stevens @ 0:00 This is a quick demo on loading DLLs with standard Windows tools 1 wrote a DLL for this demo: include 2 3| extern "c" _declspec(dilexport) void Exportedtunction(void) 4 out putdebugstring("ExportedFunction"); MessageBox(NULL, “Hello fron Exportedfunction, DenoDl1!", "DenoO11", MB_0K);5 7) 8 S| BOOL WINAPY DLINain(HINSTANCE hinstOLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID IpReserved) 16 1 | © seiteh (rateason) 2 € B ase DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: u ‘OutputDebugstring("DLL_PROCESS ATTACH"); 15 Messagelox(NULL, "Nell0 from DilMain, Derod ;DemoD11", MB_OK) 5 5 16 breaks v7 18 case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: 19 ‘OutputDebugString(*DLL_THREAD_ATTACH"); 2 break; a 2 ‘case OLL_THREAD_DETACH: 23 ‘Out putDebugString("DLL_THREAD_DETACH"); 2 breaks 35 26 case DLL_PROCESS_ETAC: 27 ‘OutpurtDebugstring("DLL_PROCESS_DETACH™ 28 breaks 2 ? 30 31 return TRUES 32] ) AA message box is displayed when DlIMain the entrypoint for DLL) is called when the DLL is loaded into process, and another message box is displayed when function ExportedFunction is executed Funetion ExportedFuncton is prefixed by __declspeo(llexport o export the funetin, and with extern “Ct prevent C++ name mangling ‘One method fo load this DLL into process, isto use the rund32 command (since I'm doing this demo on Windows 10, 'm using the 64-bit version of ry DLL: Bl O0isestenes ‘No message box is displayed: the DLL was not loaded. The reason i that rundl32 requires you to specify an exported function that it needs to call \With dumpbin, we can get an overview af the exported functions of & DLL: ‘We can specify the name ofthe exported function we want to cal ike this: ‘We ean see the message box from the entrypoint, and then the message box from the exported function we calle: Cx] This means thatthe DLL was loded into the rundl32 proces, and thatthe called function was executed, [Exported functions have an ordinal to (a number to identify exported functions), and that number can be usd too to specify the funtion, like this: Helo om Epetsduncon Demat ox fe use rundll32 with afunetion that is not exported by the DLL, then the DLL is loaded: cama rundll32 will display an eror because it could not find the exported function Ming ery abe oc But as we could se, the DLL got loaded Despite the name would make you think (randll32), the version of undIl32 Tued sa 64-bit executable, and that’s why Tused 2 64-bit DLL 32-bit DLLs have tobe loaded into 32-bit processses, and 64-bit DLLs into 64-bit processes ‘owever,runlt32 will str a “proxy” process if you mix bites, so that DLLs will always be loaded Let's look at the 4 posible combinations (bit ual 32 with 3 bit DLL: Demodi Taking a lok with process explorer, we sce that 64-bit rundI82 started 32-bit runl32 to Toad the 3. "2 Proce Epo Syinterat ww ysntealcom [DESKTOP-CANORCNese —o x Fle Options View Process Find OWL User Help Giainacelexia@ [| Ca Pree (CPU Pate Bie [NeAnGSa mage Tipe PD. Oncwten ‘anoay Kan (Seve Hoe Nad nauk 75K $26 706 Node Severe eeSoNadee (lorhotoe SOK 856K Stet E128 Wei ot Me ao Tr Seve et 100k 510K ee 72 Seca Ho CLRADS — Seveeti He 1 Seoeh VS0eas AK 28K ee "EBS RCL Seveetia He Sever Hoe CUR nauk mak Bee 200 Severn HR CLADS — Seveetin He nak ask Ret 2 Sera Hoe CLAAOS — Seveshib He on feaek OK et 5175 Mowe Fn Cr Pac. Maar Cope “10K “SISK ‘tot EE Wraows Cammarata Tak aa [lee 140 aon om pecs Fin. ems Cs i apne sik Ret 72 Wraoeshon poco Pan. eae Cano 25k Tomek Det 1S Sertaras Pum euer Sartre 9 Pa * cient Wrens Cmpatiy DLL Moma Capunton CW ppl net Jassie Arona Windows 2 Boe API Mest Conon Canora Ga Wows aaron at Jered fesca Crpatity Oot. 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