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Changing Patterns - Glass Sector Pilot

Pioneering Sustainable Consumption and Production Chains

Project funded by
British Glass Manufacturers’ Confederation
and The Department of Trade and Industry
March 2005
Peter Barden, Future Perfect Ltd

Foreword iv

Acknowledgements vi

Executive Summary vii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the project 1
1.1.1 What is Sustainable Consumption and Production? 1
1.1.2 Collaborative projects 2
1.2 Glass sector pilot project 3
1.2.1 General approach 3
1.2.2 Workshop outcome 4
1.2.3 Project objectives and strategy 4
1.3 Methodology 6
1.3.1 Detailed methodology 6
1.3.2 Indicators 7

2 Overview of the UK Glass Industry and its Supply Chains 9

2.1 General overview of the sector 9
2.2 Container Glass Sector 11
2.3 Flat Glass Sector 11
2.4 Fibre Glass Sector 11
2.5 Special Glass Sector 12
2.6 Domestic Glass Sector 12
2.7 Industry Totals 12
2.8 Manufacturing inputs and outputs 12

3 Overview of the Glass Recycling Industry 16

3.1 Background 16
3.2 The Glass Recycling Industry 17
3.3 The Glass Reprocessors 18
3.4 The Bottlebank System 18
3.5 The Packaging Waste Regulations and Compliance Schemes 19
3.6 Local Authorities 20

4 Key Drivers and Forces for/against Change 22

4.1 Framework 22
4.2 Political 22
4.2.1 Legislative measures 22
4.2.2 Fiscal measures 22
4.2.3 Voluntary schemes 22

4.3 Economic 23
4.3.1 Process costs 23
4.3.2 Process efficiency 23
4.3.3 Distribution/transport 23
4.3.4 Marketing issues 23
4.3.5 Brand image and value 24
4.4 Social 25
4.4.1 Demands/Inertia of Society 25
4.4.2 Resistance to change 25
4.4.3 Stakeholder perception 25
4.4.4 Investor demands 25
4.5 Technological 26
4.5.1 Process efficiencies 26
4.5.2 New processes 26
4.5.3 New products 26
4.5.4 Intellectual property 26

5 Benefits from the use of cullet 28

5.1 Reduction of materials to landfill 28
5.2 Avoidance of quarrying 28
5.3 Energy savings 28
5.4 Reduction of emissions 28
5.5 Increase of furnace life 28
5.6 Associated environmental costs 29

6 Findings 30
6.1 Structure of findings 30
6.2 Raw materials production & quarrying 31
6.2.1 Political 31
6.2.2 Economic 31
6.2.3 Social 32
6.3 Glass manufacture 33
6.3.1 Political 33
6.3.2 Economic 36
6.3.3 Social 39
6.3.4 Technological 41
6.4 Downstream customers 42
6.4.1 Political 42
6.4.2 Economic 44
6.4.3 Social 45
6.4.4 Technological 46
6.5 Waste stream and recycling 47
6.5.1 Political 47
6.5.2 Economic 49
6.5.3 Social 49
6.5.4 Technological 50

7 Key issues 51
7.1 Political 52
7.2 Economic 55
7.3 Social 56
7.4 Technological 58

8 Project opportunities 60
8.1 Project opportunity 1 (Container Glass Sector) 60
8.2 Project opportunity 2 (Container Glass Sector) 60
8.3 Project opportunity 3 (Container Glass Sector) 61
8.4 Project opportunity 4 (Flat Glass Sector) 61
8.5 Project opportunity 5 (Flat Glass Sector) 61

9 Appendices 62
Appendix 1: Text of the initial “Letter of Request” sent to stakeholders 63

Changing Patterns 63
Appendix 2: List of stakeholders to whom the “Letter of Request” was sent 64
Appendix 3: List of organisations that were interviewed or visited 66
Appendix 4: Details of significant reports reviewed 69


Glass has played an important part in the development of civilization; providing the
means to light, insulation, medicine and scientific research, safe food storage and now
energy producing and saving products. It retains a vital role in the modern world, being
an essential component to a wide variety of other industrial sectors. It is important that it
is produced and consumed in a way which is environmentally sound, socially responsible
and economically viable so as to allow future investment and so retain glass production
and employment in the UK. This is all part of stimulating innovation in its broadest
sense, social, institutional and technological, so as to achieve smarter and more resource
efficient forms of production and consumption.

Glass manufacturers have made significant progress in recent years in reducing their
environmental impact particularly with regard to energy and CO2 through improved
melting technology, pack rate and recycling. This has resulted in benefits in all key areas;
environmental, social and economic. Through innovative research and development
world class products exist which are in themselves capable of reducing adverse impacts
elsewhere within the economy; such as in health, transport and Climate Change. Through
extensive investment in capital and equipment over many years the industry has also
become highly efficient and the UK manufacturers’ performance stands
favourable comparison with any in the world.

DTI and DEFRA jointly published in September 2003 Changing Patterns - UK

Government Framework for Sustainable Consumption and Production which includes
amongst key proposals decoupling economic growth and environmental degradation,
improving resource efficiency and taking a whole life-cycle of a product, through design,
production, use and disposal, to help reduce its effect on the environment. This
Framework committed DTI and DEFRA to set up collaborative projects involving
particular sectors or product chains as pilots to explore practical application of the SCP

British Glass and the Department of Trade and Industry jointly funded Future Perfect
consultants to explore the practical application of the Sustainable Consumption and
Production (SCP) approach within the glass sector and with a view to presenting it to the
larger industry sector.

This report was compiled by a consultant to British Glass, who conducted a series of
interviews with relevant stakeholders in the glass industry and supply chain. Their views
have been incorporated in the report but they neither necessarily reflect the Government
or British Glass position nor are endorsed by the DTI or other Government departments.

This pilot concentrated on two main areas: container manufacture and consumption, and
particularly recycling; and the thermal glazing supply chain. The consultant was
commissioned to follow up previous research undertaken in this area and to work with
glass business sectors to identify the key actors, barriers and enablers to sustainable
consumption and production in a product chain - and the specific points in the product’s
life-cycle where taking action will most make a difference in improving environmental
and social impacts.

The desired outcome of this initiative was to improve the way products and services are
designed, made, delivered, used and disposed of so as to provide greater value,
performance and choice for the consumer, as well as improving environmental and social
impacts. We hope that future collaborative projects between different stakeholders will
help move a step further in this direction.

David Workman
Director General, British Glass

Jonathan Startup
Director, Sustainable Development, DTI

February 2005


This project report could not have been produced without the significant input and help of
a large number of organisations and individuals who gave their time and shared their
knowledge and experience so as to enable the information to be collated. I would like to
thank all those who have assisted in the research of this pilot; many are named later in the
report and I apologise if I have inadvertently omitted your name. The work was jointly
funded by British Glass and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Acknowledgement goes to the following for their assistance and advice:

♦ Andrew Hartley, British Glass

♦ Andy Hartley, British Glass

♦ David Workman, British Glass

♦ John Stockdale, British Glass

♦ Michael Massey, DTI

♦ Aphrodite Korou, DTI

Peter Barden

Director, Future Perfect Ltd.

Executive Summary

Increasingly both Governments and Society at large are becoming conscious that
Society’s profligate use of energy and natural resources, particularly in developed
countries is unsustainable, and that something has to be done.

At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002 the

UK Prime Minister and other world leaders committed themselves to “encourage and
promote the development of a ten year framework of programmes ...to accelerate the shift
towards sustainable consumption and production”.. . As part of this process the UK
Government published in September of 2003 “Changing Patterns – UK Government
Framework for Sustainable Consumption and Production”, which sets out how the UK
Government intends to translate these commitments into practical action.

As one of the first steps to delivering Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI) made a commitment to establish a number of collaborative
projects involving particular industry sectors or product supply chains as pilots to explore
the practical application of the SCP approach. The glass sector was chosen as one of
these pilots.

DTI set up an initial SCP workshop which gave the opportunity to a wide range of
stakeholders to jointly explore barriers, enablers, opportunities and priorities for action in
the glass supply chain. The workshop also provided the basis and a framework for this
pilot and subsequently a methodology was developed concentrating upon the canvassing
of stakeholder opinion and the soliciting of their formal input to the project. This process
followed the basic steps outlined:-

1. Supply chain mapping

2. Stakeholder mapping

3. Contacting stakeholders by letter

4. Telephone contact with key stakeholders

5. Key stakeholder interviews and site visits

6. Literature review

7. Report drafting

8. Presentation of preliminary findings at a workshop at the Environment Agency

Conference (October 2004).

The project explored the structure of the glass supply chain from the point of production
of the raw materials to the final disposal of the finished product at the end of its useful
life. It intended to identify at each point in that supply chain the key barriers to, and
enablers of, the principles of SCP, and to analyse them in terms of their political, social,
economic or technological impacts. The project concentrated on two specific areas,
namely the glass container sector and the utilization of thermally efficient glazing.

The generic findings resulting from this research have then been incorporated in the
report as a set of Key Issues, identifying areas where specific action could offer
opportunities for the better implementation of the principles of sustainable consumption
and production, reflecting relevant stakeholders’ views, other than Government. General
principles have then been further refined into an initial, but non exclusive, set of five
project opportunities whose aim would be to explore and encourage further collaborative
action and take up so as to take forward the practical implementation of a number of the
Key Issues :-

Project Opportunity 001: Glass Container Specification – Supermarket Own Label


Project Opportunity 002: Glass Container Specification – Wine Bottle Specification

Project Opportunity 003: Glass Container Recycling – Increased recovery of container

glass from licensed premises

Project Opportunity 004: Flat Glass Recycling – Development of a Good Practice Case

Project Opportunity 005: Flat Glass Recycling – Opportunities for the end of life
recovery of components from the Replacement Glazing Sector

It should be noted that these five project opportunities reflected what was considered
practicable, politically and economically, given the existing legislative and market
environment. They did not necessarily reflect those priority areas of concern of individual

1 Introduction

1.1 Background to the project

At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002 the
UK Prime Minister and other world leaders committed themselves to:
“Encourage and promote the development of a 10-year framework of programmes in
support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable
consumption and production, to promote social and economic developments within the
carrying capacity of ecosystems by addressing and, where appropriate delinking
economic growth and environmental degradation through improving efficiency and
sustainability in the use of resources and production processes, and reduce resource
degradation, pollution and waste…with developed countries taking the lead.”

As part of the UK Government commitments under this process it published in September

of 2003 “Changing Patterns – UK Government Framework for Sustainable Consumption
and Production”, which sets out how the Government intends to translate these
commitments into practical action.

1.1.1 What is Sustainable Consumption and Production?

Building on the WSSD definition, the Government defines the core of Sustainable
Consumption and Production (SCP) as:-
“Continuous economic and social progress that respects the limits of the Earth’s
ecosystems, and meets the needs and aspirations of everyone for a better quality of life,
now and for future generations to come.”

It continues to state that:-

“Given that there are limits to the capacity of the Earth’s ecosystems to absorb pollution
and provide natural resources, the only way to maintain economic progress in the long
term without approaching these limits is to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation:
• by ‘decoupling’ we mean ensuring environmental degradation does not
automatically grow with the economy to the extent that environmental limits
could be threatened in the medium term.
• by ‘environmental degradation’ we mean unsustainable use of natural resources
– which embraces situations where we exceed the carrying capacity of the
environment to absorb pollution.

In practical terms this means getting more for less:

• more efficient and profitable production, using less raw material.
• more value added to a product, with less pollution and waste in the process.
• more consumer needs fulfilled with less energy, water and waste.”

Attempts have been made to determine the scale of improvement in resource efficiency
needed to achieve sustainable development, including the notion of halving inputs whilst
doubling outputs (“factor four”) and possibly more in future decades. Others have

argued that we need three planets’ worth of resources to sustain our current level of
consumption across the globe. Whilst the estimates vary substantially, it is nevertheless
clear that significant improvements are required to ensure sustainability into the future.

The UK Government states that this vision of SCP will be accomplished through:
1. ‘Decoupling’ economic growth and environmental degradation.
2. Focusing policy on the most important environmental impacts associated with the
use of particular resources, rather than on the total level of all resource use.
3. Increasing the productivity of material and energy use, as part of the broader
Government commitment to increase the productivity of the nation.
4. Encouraging, and enabling active and informed individual and corporate
consumers who practice more sustainable consumption.

1.1.2 Collaborative projects

As one of the first steps to delivering SCP, the Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) committed
themselves to establish a number of collaborative projects involving particular sectors or
product supply chains as pilots to explore the practical application of the SCP approach.
This approach would build on work the two Departments had undertaken on ‘sector
sustainability strategies’ with industry partners in some sectors, but carry it through into
some specific areas of consumption and production. In addition, this would be consistent
with, and contribute to, the approach proposed in the European Commissions Integrated
Product Policy (IPP) in some selected areas.

Initial ideas for work intended to include food and drink, construction and glass. This
project forms the latter and has been commissioned by the British Glass Manufacturers’
Confederation (British Glass) and the DTI.

The aim of these projects is to work with business sectors to identify:

1. The key actors, barriers and enablers to sustainable consumption and production
in a product chain.
2. The specific points in the product’s life-cycle where taking action will most make
a difference in improving environmental and social impacts.

1.2 Glass sector pilot project
The background and rationale for this glass sector pilot were developed in October 2003
at a scoping SCP workshop, set up by the DTI, in the aftermath of the Pioneers Group
conference. British Glass and a wide range of stakeholders contributed to this workshop,
with the aim of developing the scope and terms of reference of the project. The objectives
of this meeting were to:

1. Identify key actors.

2. Identify barriers and enablers.
3. Identify specific points in the life cycle where taking action would make the most
4. Map out main sustainability issues facing the glass sector.
5. Prioritise main barriers.

1.2.1 General approach

The meeting took the following general approach: The starting point would be the
identification of the most significant environmental and social impacts of the product
“from cradle to grave”. It was felt that in some instances this might involve a formal life
cycle assessment.
1. Consideration would be given to the whole of production and consumption in
order to identify the roles, interests and motivations of different actors at those
specific points in the product’s life cycle where taking action might potentially
make most of a difference in reducing environmental impacts.
2. Key barriers and enablers to reducing these impacts would then be identified, and
these were felt to most likely fall within the following areas:
• Political
• Economic
• Social
• Technological
3. The development of specific proposals for business, government and other
4. It was felt to be of great importance that key issues raised, any recommendations
made, or any actions taken, should not simply displace the problem from one part
of product/consumption chain to another. The associated economic or social
impacts, both positive and negative, should also be taken into account.
5. The project would encompass the use of glass throughout the economy from
construction to food and beverage containers.

1.2.2 Workshop outcome
The workshop identified two primary, but not exclusive, areas for initial study, namely:-
1. The manufacture and consumption of container glass, with particular reference to
2. Methods for encouraging the uptake of thermal glazing in both domestic and
commercial buildings.

These were further explored to give the following project objectives.

1.2.3 Project objectives and strategy

1 - The manufacture and consumption of container glass

• Objectives
1. The identification of the major environmental impacts of the container
manufacture and supply chain:-
o Raw materials input.
o Manufacture.
o Transport.
o Filling and packaging.
o Brand imaging with respect to environmental impacts.
o Product purchase, utilization and consumption.
o Reuse, recycling and disposal.
2. The identification of the different barriers to improved sustainability in the
chain and the key stakeholders involved.

• Strategy
1. A review of existing publications and information.
2. The identification of the key elements of strategy (Government-led, industry-
led and consumer chain-led) that impacts upon the glass supply chain.
3. The identification and approaching of key stakeholder groups.
4. The development of key indicators.
5. The quantification of the impacts.
6. The identification of barriers to, and enablers of, improved sustainability.

2 – Encouraging the uptake of thermal glazing

• Objectives
1. The identification of the key elements of strategy (Government-led, industry-
led and consumer chain-led) that impacts upon the thermal glazing supply
chain, including:-
o Integration of UK climate change policies and other legislation.
o Consumer awareness.
o Government incentivisation.
o Environmental benefits.
2. The encouragement of the take-up of thermal glazing in existing domestic
and commercial properties.
3. The identification of the various obstructions to this uptake and the key
stakeholders involved.

• Strategy
1. The identification of potential UK energy savings to be made by the
increased uptake of thermal glazing.
2. The identification of the various obstructions to this uptake and the key
stakeholders involved.

1.3 Methodology
1.3.1 Detailed methodology
The project methodology originally adopted for the Glass Sector Pilot is detailed in the
table below.

Step Project Action Details

1 Supply chain mapping The detailed mapping of the glass supply chain in
order to understand its structures, raw material
sources, markets and disposal channels.

2 Stakeholder mapping The development of a stakeholder map in order to

identify those stakeholders with either a direct, or
indirect, interest in the glass industry and its supply
chain, who might have a view or impact upon
relevant SCP issues.

3 Stakeholder letter The drafting of a circular letter, addressed to all of

the stakeholders identified in Step 2, with a view to
inviting input, suggestions and comments on the
project. A dedicated e-mail address was also set
up. A copy of the letter sent, together with the list
of organisations to which it was addressed, are
given in Appendices 1 and 2.

4 Telephone contact with key A detailed review of the stakeholder list to identify
stakeholders key stakeholders for subsequent direct contact by
telephone, either with a view to inviting comments
over the telephone, or to arranging a formal
interview or site visit.

5 Key stakeholder interviews The completion of both telephone interviews and

and site visits site visits to provide more detailed input into the
project. Details of organisations visited or
interviewed are given in Appendix 3.

6 Literature review The review of existing reports and literature

concerning issues applicable to the project.
Details of the more significant documents
reviewed are given in Appendix 4.

7 Regular project reviews The conducting of project review meetings, with

both British Glass and the DTI, in order to ensure
that appropriate progress was being made with the

Step Project Action Details
8 Preparation of written report The preparation of a formal draft report to be
(public draft) submitted for public consultation at a workshop
hosted by British Glass (Step 9).

9 Workshop Key stakeholders would be invited to a formal

workshop to consider the draft project findings and
(Step subsequently encourage further input to the consultation, to
removed) refine the project conclusions, and to identify the
optimum way or ways forward.

10 Finalisation of report Completion of the written report to include

feedback taken from the workshop given at Step 9.

This methodology was developed in collaboration between British Glass and the DTI in
December 2003. Subsequently, the two parties agreed that Step 9 (Workshop) would not
add additional depth to the findings of the project and was provisionally removed from
the project programme.

1.3.2 Indicators
The Changing Patterns Framework Document identifies a “basket of indicators” for use
with SCP which is given in the table below:

The Framework Document details a series of decoupling indicators, where environmental

impacts are directly compared with either GDP and/or household consumption.
Economy-wide decoupling indicators
1. Greenhouse gas emissions
2. Air pollution
3. Water pollution (river water quality)
4. Commercial and industrial waste arisings and household waste not recycled.
Resource use indicators
5. Material use
6. Water abstraction
7. Homes built on land not previously developed, and number of households
Decoupling indicators for specific sectors
8. Emissions from electricity generation
9. Motor vehicle kilometres and related emissions
10. Agricultural output, fertiliser use, methane emissions and farmland bird
11. Manufacturing output, energy consumption and related emissions
12. Household consumption, expenditure of energy, water consumption and waste

For the purposes of the Glass Sector Pilot Project, these indicators were reviewed and
further developed through literature review and stakeholder consultation to make them
directly relevant and applicable to the glass sector supply chain. Key issues addressed
during this phase of the project were:-

1. Relative magnitude of the environmental impact of the indicator

2. Relative impact in socio-economic terms of the indicator

3. Potential cost benefits associated with the indicator

4. Ease of access to the data

The base indicators used during the course of the Pilot Project are listed below:-

Headline SCP indicators defined and utilised during the Glass Sector Pilot Project:
1. Raw material usage.
2. Energy efficiencies (see chart 1 below).
3. Carbon emissions [both direct and indirect] (see section 2.8).
4. Air pollution.
5. Water pollution.
6. Waste production.
7. Recycling rates.
8. Motor vehicle kilometres and related emissions.

2 Overview of the UK Glass Industry and its Supply

2.1 General overview of the sector

The UK glass industry currently produces an estimated 2.8 million tonnes of glass per
annum from all sectors, with a total saleable value of approximately £1.5 billion1.

The industry can conveniently be divided into five sub sectors as follows (available data
relates to the situation in 2002):-

Sub-sector Annual Production Percentage of total

(tonnes) (approx)

1 – Container 1.70 million tonnes 61%

2 – Flat Glass 0.76 million tonnes 27%

3 – Fibre 0.15 million tonnes 6%

4 – Special 0.12 million tonnes 5%

5 – Domestic 0.01 million tonnes 1%

TOTAL 2.74 million tonnes 100%

Source of data in this chapter is “UK Glass Manufacture – A Mass Balance Study” published by
British Glass under the Biffaward Scheme, 2003.

The map below indicates the location of the major glass manufacturers in the UK

2.2 Container Glass Sector
Container glass, mainly in the form of bottles and jars, accounts for over half of all glass
production in the UK. In 2002, the UK container industry comprised seven
manufacturers, operating 30 furnaces on 14 sites around the UK. Individual furnace
capacities range from under 100 tonnes per day to those with a capacity of over 650
tonnes per day. The total (melting) capacity of this sector of the glass industry in 2002
was 7,000 tonnes per day (which is equivalent to approximately 2.5 million tonnes per

The UK is, however, a net importer of container glass, with the majority of these imports
being in the form of filled products, such as bottled wines and beers. This element
includes a large, but unknown, quantity of product imported by the public via “duty free”
and cross channel shipping. No formal system exists for the collection of statistics from
filled products, but work carried out during the compilation of a recent report by British
Glass suggested that the net import of container glass was in the region of 629,000 tonnes
in 2002 (i.e. total imports less exports of filled containers). Thus the total container glass
flow into the UK was estimated at 2.33 million tonnes in 2002.

2.3 Flat Glass Sector

Globally the demand for flat glass has been buoyant, fuelled by the demand for both
building (i.e. glazing and architectural applications) and automotive glass. Over the last
20 years this sector has seen an annual increase of demand of approximately 5% year on

The UK currently has three manufacturers producing flat glass with the most recent
addition coming on stream in December 2003. The estimated total capacity of the three
manufactures is in the region of 1.0 million tonnes per annum, and total domestic
production in 2002 was in the region of 760,000 tonnes.

As with the situation for container glass, the UK is a net importer of flat glass, and it was
recently estimated by British Glass that the net inflow of flat glass into the UK was
approximately 150,000 tonnes in 2002. However since that date a new float line has
been added to the UK capacity and it is as yet unclear what effect this will have on the
mass balance flow of UK flat glass manufacture.

The trade in motor vehicles is also responsible for a net in-flow of flat glass into the UK.
Data from the DTI (2001) recorded UK Car production at 1.63 million units compared
with new registrations of 2.22 million units which suggests a net import figure of 0.59
million units. Using a typical value of 33 kg of glass per vehicle a net import of
approximately 20,000 tonnes of glass is derived.

2.4 Fibre Glass Sector

Production from this sector is estimated at 150,000 tonnes per annum. Continuous glass
fibre has over 40,000 different applications including reinforcement of plastics and
rubber, electronic blinds and wall coverings. It is a component in the manufacture of wind
turbines for example.

2.5 Special Glass Sector
The special glass group is the most diverse in terms of production processes and
capacities. This sector encompasses products such as lighting, television tubes, oven
hobs and specialist optical, medical and scientific products. Production capacities range
from large 200 tonnes per day furnaces to specialist melters producing only a few
kilograms per week.

In 2002, this sector comprised 13 operators with a combined output of around 120,000
tonnes per year, and a sales value of approximately £200 million.

2.6 Domestic Glass Sector

Domestic glass production covers products such as ovenware, drinking glasses and
giftware. Due to aggressive overseas competition the UK currently has no volume
producer of domestic glass ware.

The giftware sub-sector, which includes lead crystal melters, comprises around 20
manufacturers who typically operate small pot furnaces melting a few tonnes per week.
The operations are relatively labour intensive and produce high value ware. Production
from this sector is estimated at 6,000 tonnes per annum.

2.7 Industry Totals

An analysis of the total mass flows through the UK glass industry (in 2002) revealed a net
flow of 3.6 million tonnes of glass within the UK economy. Some 2.8 million tonne is
domestically produced with a net import contributing to a further 800,000 tonnes.
Approximately 1.1 million or 30% if this glass is currently being recycled either within
the industry or increasingly finding alternative uses such as aggregates or in some cases
more exotic and value added products e.g. advanced filtration medium.

2.8 Manufacturing inputs and outputs

The information detailed in this section is taken from “UK Glass Manufacture – A Mass
Balance Study” published in 2003 by British Glass as part of the Biffaward Scheme.

Sand (SiO2), limestone/dolomite (CaCO3 and MgCO3) and, soda ash (Na2O) are the
principle virgin raw materials used by the glass industry, and approximately 2.5 million
tonnes of these materials were used by the industry in 2002. In addition to this, a further
850,000 tonnes of recycled glass cullet was actually re-melted and reused within the
manufacturing process.

The industry is not a large user of water, with average consumption being slightly in
excess of 1m3 for each tonne of glass produced.

Glass manufacture is an energy intensive process, however, and the UK glass industry
consumes approximately 8.6 giga-watt hours (GWh) of power per annum.
Approximately, 80% of the fuel utilised is in the form of natural gas, the majority of
which is used to fire the high temperature furnaces.

Fuel Type Fuel mix
(delivered basis)

Natural Gas 80%

Electricity 14%

Gas Oil 4%

Heavy Fuel Oil 2%

By virtue of the industry’s ability to recycle almost all of its own rejected ware, very little
solid waste is produced. However, furnace rebuilds do produce a large amount of waste,
but with a typical furnace life of between 12 to 15 years the net contribution to the waste
stream from these events is relatively insignificant.

Air borne emissions constitute the single largest pollutant output from the industry. The
combustion process converts fuel into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour
(combustion emissions), with some of the raw materials used containing carbon which is
also liberated as carbon dioxide during the glass making process (i.e. process emissions).
In total, approximately 1.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide is produced directly by the
glass industry (direct and process emissions), and a further 350,000 tonnes is produced by
proxy at the power stations as a result of the electricity consumption of the industry
(indirect emissions) every year.

The charts below show the percent reduction in direct CO2 emission since 1990 and this
is compared to the amount of the carbon dioxide allowance available to the industry under
the provisional National Allocation Plan (NAP) figures available at the end of 2004. The
second chart shows how the industry is decoupling carbon dioxide emission from
production and also gives projected production figures and emissions into Phase 1 of the
EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS).

Direct CO2 Emissions, reduction on 1970
(Emissions of CO2 based on 1979 = 100)
Glass Sector



40 77 ?

1979 1991 1996 2003 2007
NAP = National Allocation Plan


(Fossil fuel and carbonates: decoupling)
Glass Sector
Millions of tonnes



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
CO 2 Emissions

The glass making process also produces other airborne emissions, including:
• Sulphur dioxide (SOx) – 4,600 tonnes
• Nitrogen dioxide (NOx) – 10,600 tonnes
• Particulates – 1,500 tonnes
• Acid gases (HCl & HF) – small quantities.

3 Overview of the Glass Recycling Industry

3.1 Background
Glass has always been a material that has been reused and/or recycled in the sense that
bottles have been refilled and reused for generations.

Formal industrial reuse and recycling is also not a new concept in the UK, our system for
home delivery of milk is often cited as being one of the best ever operated. A deposit
system for beers and soft drinks was in widespread use until the 1970’s, and it was
capable of delivering good rates of returns to locally based fillers. The first UK bottle
bank, for recycling as opposed to reuse, was established in Barnsley in 1977.

That said, the current rate of recycling of container glass achieved in the UK compares
very unfavourably with our European neighbours:-

Country Recycling Rate %

(Container Glass)

Switzerland 92
Finland 91
Norway 88
Belgium 88
Germany 87
Sweden 84
Austria 83
Netherlands 78
Denmark 65
France 55
Italy 55
Ireland 40
UK 34
Portugal 34
Spain 33
Greece 27
Turkey 24
Source: “UK Glass Manufacture – A Mass Balance Study”, British Glass, 2003

Several arguments have been and are advanced to explain the circumstances which cause
the UK’s current under performance and these include:-
• The demise of the returnable container, as a result of more centralised
beverage filling and distribution chains;
• The low density of bottle banks and other recycling facilities;
• The reluctance of local authorities to include glass in their kerbside
collection schemes;
• The absence of statutory targets for waste collection authorities
• The absence of compulsory deposit scheme on beverage containers;
• Lack of education and awareness.

Several, mainly Government, initiatives in response to EU directives which are now in

place should result in a large increase in the volume of glass collected and recycled or

3.2 The Glass Recycling Industry

The glass recycling industry comprises the collecting organisations (who provide the
glass for reprocessing (cullet)), the cullet processors (who process the recovered glass
into a useable form) and the manufacturers who reprocess the materials into new product.
Typically, the processors sort and wash the glass to remove unwanted materials such as
metals, paper, plastics and various stones and other ceramic materials. In addition, cullet
may well undergo some form of colour separation, before finally being crushed into the
desired size.

Glass collection is primarily confined to arrangements between the reprocessors and the
local authority through either, the bottle bank system, or through their waste disposal
service kerbside collection schemes. At present, there is no systematic national recovery
of container glass from licensed premises such as pubs and clubs, although some
collection is carried out; nor is there an equivalent infrastructure for the collection of
recyclable flat glass.

Historically the glass container manufacturing plants, and to a lesser extent the glass-fibre
plants, were the sole reprocessors of post-consumer glass. Although some pre-consumer
flat glass cullet is recycled, primarily through the flat glass manufacturer, some does
reach the container industry. One flat glass manufacturer states that they are utilising
100% of pre-consumer recycled glass and off-cuts.

The great majority of glass currently available for recycling arises from either local
authority initiatives (bottle banks, kerbside collections) or the glass collected via the
drinks trade from pubs and clubs. In either case, the glass is effectively evenly spread
across the country whilst the manufacturing plants tend to be concentrated in the north of
the country which has a significant impact upon the economics of collecting in the
southern half of the country.

The arrival of the Packaging Waste Regulations in 1997, with the attendant obligations to
achieve target rates of recycling, has had a significant effect upon the established
industry. The use of mix-coloured glass for aggregates has been one of the largest

impacts of the regulations. It is estimated that approximately 100,000 tonnes per year of
glass is currently being used as a road making aggregate substitute.

The “Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)”, funded through DEFRA, the
DTI, and the devolved administrations of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has a
number of projects looking at new and innovative uses for glass.

3.3 The Glass Reprocessors

Approximately 20 companies were registered by the Environment Agency as accredited
glass reprocessors in 2002, this number rising to 37 in 2003 and 43 by 2004. Such
organisations carry out the recycling and convert glass into new products. Only
accredited reprocessors can issue Packaging Waste Recovery Notes (PRN). It must be
stressed that these notes are only associated with glass used for packaging (i.e. container
glass) and not other forms of glass waste, which of itself has influenced the efficiency of
glass recycling generally (i.e. discriminating against other types).

3.4 The Bottlebank System

The first commercial bottle banks were introduced in Barnsley in 1977. Since then the
system has expanded to cover most of the UK – see chart below. The 1000th bottle bank
was commissioned in 1982. The scheme further expanded to the point in 1997 that there
were a total of 22,074 such sites in operation. Since then the rate of expansion has
slowed and the latest returns suggest a slight decline in their total number.

In 2002, some 20,796 bottle bank sites were established throughout England, Scotland
and Wales. From these banks a total of 736,000 tonnes of waste glass was collected,
which is equivalent to 34% of the volume of container manufacture.

In terms of bottle banks, the UK is a poor performer when compared to our European
neighbours. The figure of 20,796 sites equates to a density of around 1 bank per 2,860
head of population, and values of 1 per 1000 are not uncommon on mainland Europe. A
study carried out by the Dutch organisation, “Stichting Promotie Glasbak”, concluded
that a ratio of 1:650 constituted the optimum collection efficiency.

Commercial organisations, such as pubs and clubs, produce approximately 25% of the
UK’s waste glass. The full potential for recovery from this source is demonstrated by the
Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association Report which estimates that some 350,000
tonnes of glass could be recovered from their members premises alone.

There is a large disparity between the colour of glass that the UK container industry
manufactures, and the colour of glass that is recovered through the bottlebank system.
The primary reason for this mismatch is mainly due to the fact that the UK’s beverage
exports tend to be in the form of clear bottles from the spirits trade, whilst imports consist
largely of wines and beers in coloured bottles.

UK Container Market Manufacture (%) Recycled (%)

Clear 66% 41%
Green 18% 48%
Amber 15% 11%
Other 1% Very slight use i.e. gardens
TOTAL 100% 100%

3.5 The Packaging Waste Regulations and Compliance Schemes

The Producer Responsibility Obligations [Packaging Waste] Regulations 1997 (as
amended) mandate recovery and/or recycling targets for those companies using more than
50 tonnes of packaging per annum and whose turnover exceeds £2.0 million per year.
Companies are obliged under these regulations to meet statutory recovery and recycling
targets, either through their own efforts, or through joining a registered “Compliance
Scheme” which then takes on the company’s legal obligations. Evidence that obligations
are being met is provided in the form of Packaging Waste Recovery Notes (PRNs) or
Packaging Waste Export Recovery Notes (PERNs).

Both obligated companies and compliance schemes purchase PRNs or PERNs from
accredited reprocessors and exporters respectively, in order to meet their legal obligations
under the Regulations. The Scheme is designed so that to the income generated from
these sales will then be used to develop the necessary collection and recycling
infrastructure to encourage the process.

Unarguably, these schemes have increased the amount of glass recovered from the waste
stream, and they have also been instrumental in encouraging new outlets for the collected
material. However, their success has not been greeted with universal approval by all
sections of the established glass recycling community. Whilst some “new” glass has
followed the traditional route back to the container manufacturer via the cullet
reprocessors, the majority of this “new” material has been directed into the arguably less
environmentally beneficial option of road making through the manufacture of aggregates;
even taking account of the impact of using mined or quarried material instead of glass
cullet as aggregates (Enviros 2003). This market is also not colour sensitive and it
therefore removes the need for colour separation. As a consequence the Compliance
Schemes have therefore tended to collect mixed glass, a material that cannot be easily
reused by the primary melters. This process reduces the level of inherent benefits
generated by glass recycling.

3.6 Local Authorities
Local Authorities have a duty to collect household waste. They must collect commercial
waste if asked to do so and, at their discretion, can collect industrial waste.

All waste collected by Local Authorities is collectively termed “municipal waste” and
currently amounts to some 30 million tonnes each year. Since 1996/7, the amount of
municipal waste collected has been growing at an annual rate of 3-4% per year.
Approximately 60% of municipal waste comes from regular household collections, with a
further 15% from civic amenity sites, and most of this waste goes to landfill. Local
Authorities are also duty bound to prepare and publicise a waste recycling plan which
details the arrangements made to recycle household and commercial waste. The Waste
and Emissions Trading Act 2003 contains a provision to repeal the requirement for waste
collection authorities to produce recycling plans, with the requirement being replaced by
a statutory duty for local authorities in two-tier areas to have a joint strategy for the
management of their municipal waste (subject to exemptions for high-performing
authorities). Commencement is expected later this year, at the same time as the Statutory
Instrument on the exemption from new duty is introduced.

As mentioned above Local Authorities have a duty to collect all household waste, and
have statutory obligations to meet target levels of recycling. However because the target
for the glass supply chain effectively goes beyond that of the local authorities and the fact
that the local authorities, being in the prime position to collect glass from households,
may have no incentive to go beyond their existing statutory targets, those stakeholders
believe that this places a constraint on their ability to meet their targets.

Most local authorities have in place a “bring” system of recycling banks collecting such
items as glass, paper, metal cans, plastics and even textiles.

Many Local Councils do recognise the limitations of these, traditional, bottle or can banks
and are increasingly introducing kerbside collection schemes as a method of increasing
their recycling rates.

A recent study commissioned by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)
aimed at both determining the number of kerbside collection schemes in operation, and
also in quantifying the resultant increase in the volume of glass collected achieved by
participation in such a scheme. The study estimated that 19% of collecting authorities
were operating a kerbside collection scheme that included glass, and that these schemes
gave around 10% of households, access to kerbside glass recycling.

The report concluded that:-

“If all 21.1 million UK households were offered kerbside collection then approximately
650,000 tonnes would be collected annually through kerbside schemes. Bottle bank
collection would be reduced but still contribute a further 230,000 tonnes. Total glass
collection would thus be estimated at 880,000 tonnes per year.”

The net consequence would be that glass collection from the domestic sector would
equate to about half of the UK container production. There would, however, still remain
the issue around colour discrepancy.

The diagram below demonstrates the flow of glass through the current

4 Key Drivers and Forces for/against Change

4.1 Framework
The glass sector supply chain was reviewed using the drivers and forces for change
determined during the Pilot Project Launch Meeting held in October 2003 (see section 1.2
above) namely:-
• Political
• Economic
• Social
• Technological

In particular, the following forces for or against change were identified as the most
relevant drivers and issues for the glass sector:-

4.2 Political
4.2.1 Legislative measures
Legislation and related issues have a huge potential to influence the activities of the glass
supply chain. Significant pieces of current legislation include:-
• Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC)
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Schemes (EU and UK)
• Packaging Waste Directives
• Packaging Regulations
• End of Life Vehicle Directive (ELV)
• Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE)
• Building Regulations

4.2.2 Fiscal measures

Similarly, environmental taxation and related fiscal measures have a huge potential to
influence the activities of the glass sector supply chain, including:-
• Landfill Tax.
• Aggregates Tax.
• Climate Change Levy.
• Government grants.

4.2.3 Voluntary schemes

In some instances, industry lead initiatives can have a significant impact on sector
behaviour. This can include issues such as generic product labelling or industry specific

marketing and information campaigns. One of the longest standing in the glass sector is
the ongoing Glasspac Campaign to encourage recycling

4.3 Economic
4.3.1 Process costs
Inevitably one of the key drivers for any business is the reduction and/or control of its
cost base. Business is therefore continuously monitoring its costs, with a view to
reducing its total unit costs in order to maximise profitability. Related to this are:

4.3.2 Process efficiency

As part of the move to drive costs out of a business, organisations are continuously
striving to improve process efficiencies in terms of resource usage and the reduction of
waste. Any savings made at this level have a direct impact upon the financial bottom
line. The chart below demonstrates the reduction in specific energy consumption in the
container sector since 1979.

Container Sector – Furnace Energy Improvements
21% since 1991 - now approaching theoretical limit

SEC (MWh/tonne)


1.49 1.47


1979 1991 1996 2003

4.3.3 Distribution/transport
Transport costs and the complexity of the distribution network can have a significant
impact upon the profitability of a particular supply chain. In some instances the two can
work in opposition for example the move to centralised packaging and bottling plants has
been driven by process efficiencies and economised of scale whilst having a detrimental
effect upon distances the product has to be transported to reach the market place or
reuse/recycling sites.

4.3.4 Marketing issues

Issues around the marketing of consumer products and particularly fast moving consumer
goods can have a significant impact upon the specification, design, manufacture and

distribution of a product. One of the most significant impacts on glass packaging over
recent years has been the move to single use containers and the move away from
returnable/reusable containers. In parallel to this has been the drive to reduce the weight
of containers, a process known as lightweighting, or producing more enclosed volume for
the same mass of materials and reducing transport impacts.

4.3.5 Brand image and value

Brand has a huge value in today’s market place, and huge investment is put into
maintaining the associated brand image. This factor inevitably has a huge direct impact
upon the supply chain.

In the main the glass element only forms a small part of the brand offering, be it the form
of a glass bottle containing the product for example, or the flat glass in the vehicle that is
purchased. Consequently, in many cases the desire to maintain the brand image may
work against the issues of sustainability where any attempt to improve the general
sustainability of the product could potentially be seen as a threat to that brand image, be it
rightly or wrongly.

4.4 Social
4.4.1 Demands/Inertia of Society
Increasingly society is becoming more sophisticated in the demands that it places both
upon itself and also upon its suppliers. Environmental and social issues are becomingly
increasingly important to society at large, as has been demonstrated by the increasing
requirement being placed on industry to report on non-financial aspects of business.

Inevitably, these moves are forcing business to re-examine itself and its role in society
and to respond to the stakeholder pressures that are being placed upon it. Conversely, on
an individual basis people are often reluctant to change, and this inertia can act against
innovative ideas and forces for change.

4.4.2 Resistance to change

As mentioned, people will often demonstrate a dichotomy of approach. Whilst actively
supporting new ideas and innovative solutions for society at large, they may not of
themselves be prepared to change their own behaviour to embrace the approach. Equally,
in many instances the costs associated with environmental degradation, or social
problems, are not felt directly or perceived by the individual, and hence are not felt to be
important to that individual whilst being of critical importance to society at large and for
future generations to come.

4.4.3 Stakeholder perception

The perception of an organisation by its stakeholders can have an enormous impact upon
the potential for success, or otherwise, of that organisation. It is quite possible for an
organisation to be forced into a course of action by stakeholder pressure that it would not
have otherwise taken. A typical example might be the potential impact on a Brand of the
activities of a particular pressure group.

4.4.4 Investor demands

A key stakeholder group that can influence the behaviour of an enterprise is the financial
community. Clearly, investors can have a major influence on the behaviour of an
enterprise, with financial analysts increasingly looking at non-financial information in the
determination of financial risk and the identification of investment opportunities. Also,
increasingly the insurance community is also having an impact, with risk premiums being
potentially reduced for organisations demonstrating responsibility to environmental and
social issues, and hence a lower potential risk.

4.5 Technological
4.5.1 Process efficiencies
Organisations are continuously seeking to improve process efficiencies in order to drive
costs from the business and hence improve margins and profitability, and consequently
competitive advantage. This can either be in the manner of increasing the operational
efficiencies and reducing waste from existing processes or longer term it may involve the
development of new and more cost effective processes.

4.5.2 New processes

The development of new process can be driven by a number of motivations, to drive costs
from the business, to increase operational efficiencies and to reduce waste, to support a
larger or newer product range, and to develop integrated processes or new products. The
chief driver in any instance will be the achievement of competitive advantage.

4.5.3 New products

The development of new products is one of the key drivers of the market economy. A
great deal of work is currently being carried out by Waste and Resources Action
Programme (WRAP) to research potential new markets and products for recycled glass
(see Table overleaf).

4.5.4 Intellectual property

A significant potential block to the spread of new and/or efficient technologies can be the
commercial sensitivity or property rights associated with the technology which can
restrict its spread to the organisations competitors.

Table: Some potential new uses for recycled glass

Use Comments WRAP Project Ref.

Glass Filtration Media Dryden Aqua has successfully developed an GLA2-020

(AFM). Advanced Filtration Media (AFM) using
recycled green and brown glass. This media
has been put forward as potentially suitable for
drinking water filtration. As such AFM is
currently under review by the Drinking Water

ConGlassCrete. These two projects are examining the use of GLA2-006

recovered container, plate, windscreen, and
lighting and fibre glass streams as alternative GLA15-007
to both coarse and fine aggregates, and as
cement replacements in the production of

The use of glass cullet in This research has been working to identify GLA2-007
construction applications. Best Practicable Environmental Options
(BPEOs) for the use of cullet in construction.

Additives for the This research is looking at the inclusion of up GLA2-018

manufacture of bricks. to 10% of ground glass in manufactured clay
bricks, including the energy and emission
reduction benefits that this could deliver on a
commercial scale.

Glass grit for shot Recycled glass grit can be used as an effective GLA-0013
blasting. abrasive media in grit blasting cleaning

Fluxing agent for sanitary This research is looking at the possibility of GLA2-008
ware. replacing current sanitary ware fluxing agents
with ground recycled bottle glass, and also the
potential for reducing energy requirements and
emissions for manufacture.

Glass derived sand for This research aims to assess whether ground GLA2-002
golf courses. glass would be a suitable replacement for good
quality sands currently used in the sports turf
industry, in particular in golf courses in root
zone mixtures, bunkers and fairways.

Foam glass This project is investigating the economics, GLA-0015

whole life costs and best practicable
environmental option for introducing a UK
foam glass production process. Foam Glass
being an insulating material suitable for a wide
range of construction applications.

(Source WRAP Stakeholder Update 2003 and project reports)

5 Benefits from the use of cullet

A significant number of environmental benefits directly accrue from the use of recycled
cullet as apposed to virgin raw materials for the manufacture of glass.

5.1 Reduction of materials to landfill

Waste glass that is not destined for recycling enters the waste stream and ultimately ends
up as landfill. Consequently, for every tonne of glass recycled, 1 tonne of landfill is

5.2 Avoidance of quarrying

Cullet directly substitutes virgin raw materials. As a consequence, for every tonne of
cullet utilised approximately 1.2 tonne of virgin sand/limestone/dolomite/soda ash is
saved, and the equivalent amount does not have to be quarried or resourced. The 0.2
tonne discrepancy is accounted for by the release of carbon dioxide during the chemical
processes occurring during glass manufacture (i.e. release of CO2 from carbonate [-CO3]

5.3 Energy savings

It is estimated that the use of cullet over virgin raw materials saves the equivalent of
125kWh of energy per tonne of glass produced (i.e. approximately equivalent to the
energy content of 3 gallons of oil). This energy saving arises from 3 sources:-
• Cullet melts at a lower temperature than virgin raw materials, and hence
less energy is required.
• The energy of extraction/processing of the raw aggregates is eliminated.
• Energy of manufacture of the Soda Ash is likewise eliminated.

5.4 Reduction of emissions

It is estimated that for every tonne of cullet used 0.45 tonne of CO2 emissions are saved.
This saving arises from 3 sources:-
• Process emissions resulting from the use of virgin raw materials
(limestone/dolomite) are eliminated.
• The energy saving achieved, also represent both lower direct and indirect
emissions of carbon dioxide from the use of fossil fuels.
• The energy intensive manufacture of Soda Ash is avoided.

5.5 Increase of furnace life

The running of furnaces at lower temperatures has the related effect that their service life
is extended with all the associated benefits that that brings, including less frequent

5.6 Associated environmental costs
The main environmental costs associated with the use of cullet centre around the energy
use needed to collect, clean and process the cullet, although this is significantly offset by
energy savings associated with section 5.3 above. On balance the environmental benefits
associated with the use of cullet are considered to outweigh the costs.

6 Findings

6.1 Structure of findings

The Pilot Project findings in terms of the main barriers and enablers to Sustainable
Consumption and Production (SCP) are given in the Tables that follow overleaf. These
findings are based on interviews carried out by the consultant with industry and supply
chain representatives; they do not necessarily represent Government views. For the
purposes of this report the Glass Sector Supply Chain has been broken down
simplistically into the following four categories:

• Raw materials production and quarrying.

• Glass manufacture.

• Downstream customers.

• Waste stream and recycling.

6.2 Raw materials production & quarrying

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.2.1 Political B/E At present, the “Aggregates Levy” does not Whilst there is a colour imbalance in UK imports to production there may be
apply to the use of recycled glass as a substitute a case for considering extending the Aggregate Levy to those colours that can
for quarry products used as a construction beneficially be recycled back into glass production in order to encourage that
aggregate. recycling and reduce raw material extraction for the glass industry. The use of
clear and amber glass for aggregates use could therefore attract the levy
whilst green glass would not. It is recognised that alternative uses for glass of
a specification and quality unsuitable for recycling to glass furnaces is

6.2.2 Economic E The direct substitution of raw materials by cullet. Soda Ash is a major manufactured raw material used in the making of glass.
The manufacturing process is very energy intensive and hence has a high
potential to impact on global warming through the release of greenhouse
gases (primarily carbon dioxide). Any direct substitution with cullet,
therefore, has a significant environmental benefit. Conversely, this would
produce a negative economic impact on the supplier of the Soda Ash through
loss of market.

E The direct substitution of virgin aggregates by Similarly to the situation with Soda Ash, the direct substitution of virgin
cullet. aggregates by cullet has a significant environmental benefit (as discussed in
Chapter 5 above), however, the loss of market share for the supplier has a
negative economic impact on the supply chain through the quarries losing

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.2.3 Social E Stakeholder pressure to reduce the impact of In general, the quarrying and extractive industries are coming under ever
quarrying. increasing criticism and pressure from stakeholder groupings, both in terms of
their environmental impacts and their social performance. As a consequence,
the major commercial mineral companies are looking more and more at the
concept of sustainability in terms of their business operations. This work is

E A reduction of landfill opportunities. Any reduction in quarrying will de facto reduce the potential stock of future
landfill sites and opportunities, with the consequential related future issues
around waste disposal. The impact of raw materials substitution will,
however, be relatively small in relation both to the total volumes of
aggregates extracted and volumes of waste produced.

6.3 Glass manufacture

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.1 Political E Landfill tax encourages the use of cullet. As the costs of waste disposal to landfill increases, so the incentive to find
more cost effective alternatives to it likewise increases. The benefit, in
financial terms, of utilising cullet as opposed to the land-filling of waste glass,
is therefore composed of two elements:-
• Firstly, the unit price to the manufacturer of purchase of the cullet itself.
• Secondly, the unit costs of putting waste glass to landfill to the waste

The magnitude of the unit landfill tax can, therefore, have a potentially
significant impact on this equation, and the related business decision making

E Building Regulations mandate the use of low The most recent revision of the Building Regulation (April 2002) mandated
emissivity glazing systems (for both domestic the use of low-emissivity glazing for both new build and for the
and commercial building). refurbishment of existing building stock, including both domestic and
commercial properties. Approved Document L, which details the
performance requirements for glazing systems, is due for a further review in
2005, as a direct consequence of the commitments made in the recent Energy
White Paper. At present, it is unclear as to what effect, if any, this review
will have upon the U-values requirements for glazing systems. The most
recent review, reducing U-values to 2.0, however, had a major impact on both
the glass and the glazing industries in terms of the operational processes

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.1 Political B/E The Climate Change Levy acts as a disincentive Manufacturers believe that the Climate Change Levy potentially places a
(cont.) to expand production of products that improve disincentive on the move to the manufacture of more energy intensive
energy efficiency in wider markets , e.g.:- products in the UK.
• Low emissivity glass.
• Fibre glass used in the manufacture of Climate Change Agreements give an 80% reduction in the cost of the levy in
wind farm sails. return for industry meeting targets; currently most CCA targets in the glass
sector are relative (SEC – specific energy consumption). Within the
Agreements “relative” targets may not discourage production increases per se
Conversely some energy efficiency policies such due to possible economies of scale. However shifts to the manufacture of
as the Building Regulations increase demand for products requiring more energy per unit, such as the low emissivity glass,
energy saving products. may be discouraged, or producers must find ways of producing them that
minimises the additional energy required; risk management through the use of
product mix algorithms may be used to mitigate such effects until 2006.

However, other energy efficiency policies, for example higher energy

efficiency requirements in building regulations substantially increase demand
for these products.

A tension is felt by the glass industry between these policy tools in that they
are perceived as being in direct conflict.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

B/E The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS) is Like the Climate Change Agreements, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
seen as having the same impact on the glass discourages the move to more energy intensive products by requiring industry
industry as is the Climate Change Levy. to incorporate the cost of carbon into their business plans. The principle of
emissions trading is to allow carbon dioxide emission reductions to be
achieved at minimum cost to industry although this has yet to be

Stakeholders recognise that the EU ETS is intended to incentivise efficiency

improvements. However, the glass industry remains fearful that the EU
Emissions Trading Scheme will place an additional burden on business.
Given existing technology energy efficiency improvements are limited and as
such, increasing production will almost inevitably, eventually, lead to rising
emissions. Consequently, some plants remain concerned that the EU ETS
may damage the ability of the UK manufacturers to supply enough energy
saving products from UK production to meet the government’s own Climate
Change Programme.

6.3.1 Political B Political decision making can have a direct It is suggested that as a direct consequence of the rising business costs
(cont.) impact on the level of importation of glass from associated with the implementation of EU regulations, concerning both the
outside of the European Union. Environment and Climate Change within the EU, production will be and is
being switched to areas outside of the EU where both the regulatory costs and
human resource costs are lower. The net result is the importation of product
into the EU from outside of its borders, and the related export of jobs outside
of the EU. Large multi-national grouping, such as those that own many of
the UK’s glass plants, are free to switch production around the globe, and in
addition to which the cyclical nature of glass manufacture with major plant
rebuilds ever 12-15 years encourages this possibility.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.2 Economic E The move for ever decreasing u-values (for both The trend for increasing the thermal efficiency of buildings, both due to the
new build and refurbishment) i.e. as required by increasing costs of energy and also through the effects of global warming
Building Regulations and Approved Document resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels, has had a direct impact upon the
L. glass industry. This impact has been both in terms of the requirements
placed directly on glazing systems through the Building Regulations and also
through the demand for insulation products such as fibre glass. Similarly the
move towards the generation of renewable energy has increased the demand
for glass reinforcing fibre for the manufacture of such items as the sails for
wind turbines.

E The light-weighting of glass containers is an The light weighting of glass containers has been occurring for some time as a
established practice. result of a number of drivers:-
• The drive for savings in material costs, unit production costs and hence
unit price.
• The use of more technically efficient designs.
• The move to single-use packaging, which by definition does not need to
be as robust as that used for re-use, and hence it can be of a lighter
• The drive for the reduction in costs of transportation, i.e. simplistically,
lower weight packages cost less to transport.
• The application of health and safety related issues i.e. lower weight
packages are easier and hence safer to handle.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.2 Economic B The trend towards the greater use of single-use The move to the application of single, as opposed to multiple, use glass
(Cont.) glass packaging. containers has arisen for a number of distinct reasons:-

• Changes within the structure of the packer/filler industry have meant that
there has been a greater centralisation of operations in order to achieve
economies of scale. With the consequence that it is more difficult and
costly to return a bottle for filling.

• Related to this has been a loss of the infrastructure to support a re-use


• A greater emphasis is now being placed on “Brand” and the perception of

the quality of the container being a reflection the brand value.

• The move towards glass container light-weighting.

• The relative wealth of society has been steadily increasing, a process that
has encouraged a throw away society.

B Customer specification for products are high:- The technical and physical performance specifications required by customers,
for both flat and container glass, can be extremely demanding both in terms of
• Container.
colour tolerances and clarity, as well as for the physical performance of the
• Automotive. product. It can be argued that in some circumstances these specifications
could be technically relaxed in order to encourage the greater use of cullet in
• Flat glass. manufacture, and yet still maintain a high level of physical performance
linked with an adequate level of colour and clarity, but within a wider
tolerance band.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.2 Economic B The substitution of glass by plastic packaging Glass packaging is progressively being substituted by plastic for a number of
(Cont.) and the impact of the Packaging Waste Directive. basic container uses, such as milk and soft drinks. This is due to a number of
reasons including; lightweighting, health and safety issues, shock resistance
properties, as well as unit costs. It has been suggested that a consequence of
the material specific recycling targets under the Packaging Waste Directive,
and in particular the fact that the target for plastics is lower than that for glass,
might further act as an incentive to accelerate the rate of substitution of glass
by plastic containers.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.3.3 Social E The “recyclability” of glass is seen as a Glass is an infinitely recyclable commodity and one whose physical
significant benefit. performance does not deteriorate through subsequent recycling cycles. The
“recyclability” of glass is seen by the marketing community as a benefit, but
equally a recycled product can be regarded by consumers as a second rate
product. This aspect of marketing is of key importance and needs to be
handled with care.

E Glass has a “quality” image and feel. Glass is perceived by the marketing community as having a quality feel and a
quality image. For the containers of certain higher value items such as spirits
and perfumes this is seen as a significant benefit enhancing the shelf appeal
and brand value of the product. The solid feel and weight of the glass
container is seen as a positive benefit in these circumstances.

B/E Glass packaging is seen as having a positive Glass packaging is perceived as bringing brand enhancement to higher value
merchandising impact for a product in terms of items such as spirits and perfumes. In these products the packaging forms an
shelf appeal and handling characteristics. integral part of the product, enhancing the shelf appeal of the product.
Conversely, there are perceived to be health and Conversely, the weight and physical performance of glass packaging (in terms
safety issues associated with glass packaging as of its breakability) is perceived as a negative for many lower value items,
against alternative materials. potentially presenting a greater health and safety risk to the supermarket
shopper than by alternative packaging materials.

6.3.3 Social B The physical weight of a container/packaging has The physical weight of glass as a material for container manufacture has had a
(Cont.) a direct impact upon transport costs. direct impact upon its use and the switch to plastic packaging. The unit
weight of a glass container is proportionately much higher than that of an
equivalent plastic container and hence the transport costs associated with the
container are proportionately higher as well. For higher value goods this is
not an issue but can be significant for lower value items, such as bottles of

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

B Health and safety issues associated with the The variability of the inclusion of glass in kerbside collections of materials
handling of waste glass are cited by some as an for recycling is most often attributed to concerns over the health and safety
issue restricting the collection of the material for issues associated with the handling of glass. However, it is suggested that
recycling. this is no more severe than those associated with the handling of empty food
cans. This perception is however a significant issue for any increase in the
rate of glass recycling.

Barrier or Enabler Comments

6.3.4 B/E Furnace efficiencies have been progressively The thermal efficiencies of glass furnaces, in term of energy consumption,
Technological increasing and are now reaching their technical have been improving progressively over the last 10 – 15 years, and it is now
optimum performance (see chart 1 on page 8). argued that they are currently at or near to their technical optimum beyond
which damage to the material of the furnace will occur if insulation properties
are further improved.

B/E Mixed colour cullet separation and colour Current local authority practice is tending to move towards the collection of
enhancement technologies are available mixed colour glass for recycling, whilst glass manufacture and container
(however, they are subject to commercial manufacture, in particular, require cullet to be colour separated and free from
restrictions and intellectual property rights). contaminants. Advanced mixed colour separation and colour enhancement
technologies are becoming available for the treatment and sorting of cullet but
these are proprietary processes subject to commercial restrictions and
intellectual property rights which precludes their wider use and application.

B It is not currently technically possible to At the present time it is not technically possible to decolour coloured glass.
decolour coloured glass (green and amber British Glass are currently working with WRAP on a project (GLA0023)
primarily). looking at the feasibility of neutralising glass colour in the furnace. The
project is due to report later this year. It is felt that it will be unlikely to find
a short term technical solution to this question.

B Flat glass manufacture precludes the use of post Due to the high quality specification of flat glass products, especially those
consumer cullet at present. destined for the automotive sector, only pre consumer cullet is currently used
in flat glass manufacture. The key issues are the potential for contamination
and the potential impact that it may have on the manufacturing process and
the tight quality specification of the finished product.

6.4 Downstream customers

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.4.1 Political E The BFRC (British Fenestration Rating Council) A recently established, but little known rating system, exists to provide an
scheme for the energy efficiency rating of energy rating to windows in a similar manner to that applied to white goods.
windows exists but is not widely known by the The scheme rates windows on a scale of A to G on performance.
general public.

B/E It is estimated that 70% of owner occupied Recent research suggests that approximately 70% of owner occupied houses
houses already have some form of double already have some form of double glazing. However, work carried out by
glazing (Palmer Market Research, 2004). BRE in 1998 suggested that a saving of 3.3 million tonnes of CO2 per annum
would still be possible by installing ordinary double glazing in all of the
housing stock, and that if non-domestic properties were included this could
rise by a further 2.35 million tonnes. Furthermore, current estimates by
British Glass suggest a saving of some 9 million tonnes could be saved per
annum in the combined domestic and business stock rising to over 11 million
if low emissivity glass was used. Glass and mineral wool fibre by comparison
if fully incorporated could produce savings of some 39 million tonnes. The
current target savings from the domestic sector in the government CCP is
some 4 million tonnes.

6.4.1 Political B In general terms, replacement glazing is not seen According to market research, the main driver for the installation of
(cont.) as an energy efficiency measure but rather a replacement glazing is not the energy efficiency of the product. The decision
lifestyle issue when applied to domestic housing. is taken more usually on a need to replace basis, or as a lifestyle choice made
at the point of moving into a new property. The payback period achieved
through energy savings associated with replacement glazing, is perceived as
being long term as opposed to similar investments such as loft insulation and
cavity wall fill.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

B It is estimated that approximately 6.5 million It is estimated that the rate of replacement of windows will progressively
windows are replaced annually by some 8300 decline over the next few years falling to approximately 5.0 million units per
FENSA registered organisations (Palmer Market annum in 2007/8. This will still create a significant waste stream, the
Research, 2004). majority of which still goes to landfill. Increasingly, first generation double
glazed windows and patio doors are also being replaced, which instantly has
the effect of doubling the volume of glass entering the waste stream.
Consequently, the volume of waste flat glass from this source entering the
waste stream is set to increase.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.4.2 Economic E The potential may exist for a lower visual The importance of the colour and clarity of glass containers could potentially
specification (i.e. in terms of colour and clarity) be less for customer own brand, high volume goods. This could be
for the glass packaging of some supermarket particularly the case where the jar or container is covered by a printed film.
own brand products.

B/E The fact that a material is recyclable is said to be It has been argued that the fact that a material is recyclable has a higher brand
a stronger marketing message than the fact that a value that the fact that it is recycled. The point was made that there was
product is made from recycled raw materials. evidence in another material sector that the image of a product offered in a
recycled package had been diminished and that from a marketing point of
view this was a significant consideration.

B Brand image and reputation are critical in many The economic value of brand can be very high indeed in today’s market place
business decision making processes. and the perception of that brand in the consumer eye can be critical to its
success, or failure.

B In most circumstances, packaging has a In many instances, the glass container forms a very low value element in
relatively low value in terms of total product proportion to the total cost of the product. Consequently, the brand managers
value (high value perfumes and spirits are the are often very reluctant to adjust the specification of that container for a risk
exception). of a disproportionate effect upon the brand image and marketing value of the
product itself. This factor is potentially less true for lower value day to day
grocery items.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.4.3 Social E Empirical evidence suggests that consumers will Experience from the forest products sector suggests that, provided a product
buy a recycled product if it costs the same, and that is made from recycled materials is as technically sound, is of equivalent
performs as well as new virgin product. performance specification to, and is similarly priced then it will progressively
gain a market position equivalent to a product made of virgin raw materials.

B/E Currently there is a very limited recovery of A recent study of licensed premises conducted in West Oxfordshire on behalf
waste container glass from licensed premises, of WRAP, demonstrated that 67% of all such premises disposed of their glass
such as bars, clubs and pubs. waste in general waste, and that the composition of this waste varied from
10% to 90% glass content, averaging 36%. There are however limited,
existing collections from pubs and clubs which could potentially be expanded.

B The return and reuse of glass packaging has all With the move to centralised packer fillers, the infrastructure for the return
but ceased. and refilling of glass bottles has all but disappeared. There is also a related
perception that the risk of contamination of the finished product is greater
with reused containers.

B In many instances, recycled products, and There is a widely held perception, all be it one that is changing slowly, that a
products made from recycled raw materials, are product made from recycled raw materials is of lower quality than one made
seen as being of second rate quality. from virgin raw materials. Such a perception can have a strong influence on
a consumers buying decision.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.4.4 E The physical performance of recycled glass The physical properties associated with recycled glass are as good as those for
Technological containers can be as good as for those made of glass produced from virgin material, however, due to variability inherent in
virgin glass product. the use of cullet it is possible that a loss of clarity may occur and a greater
variation in colour is likely i.e. the optical properties are poorer, which would
impact upon the various brand owners specifications.

B The key issue for glass recycling is the colour The requirements of brand owners can place very high demands on the
and clarity of the finished product. specification of colour and clarity for glass packaging in support of their
brand image. This is particularly true of high value goods such as perfumes
and spirits. There is potential for discussions on the tolerances allowed for
lower value goods such as customer own brand goods in jars.

B The packer fillers have concentrated capacity in The inevitable demands of driving costs from a business, together with
fewer but larger plants in order to achieve process efficiencies gained by economies of scale, have meant a move away
economies of scale. from local packer fillers to regional, national or even international packing.

B There has been a gradual but inexorable move According to the packer/fillers this factor has been one of the most significant
away from reusable to single use containers, as a impacts upon the glass container sector with the move to single use containers
result of:- as a consequence of the move away from local to centralised packer/fillers.
The high demands of brand and brand image supported by the shelf appeal of
• Economies of scale. product and the need for pristine packaging have further added to this
pressure. The drive to reduce unit costs has also meant the lightweighting of
• Brand image. packaging to allow for lower transport costs whilst maintaining the physical
performance properties of the container.
• Light weighting.

6.5 Waste stream and recycling

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.5.1 Political B/E The UK Landfill Tax is amongst the lowest in Currently, glass that is disposed of to landfill, as part of a mixed load of
Europe. municipal waste, attracts the landfill tax at the standard rate of £15.00 per
tonne, or the rate of £2 for inert waste where it is segregated. Despite the fact
that Landfill Tax will rise by at least £3/tonne per annum from April 2005
(toward a medium term level of £35/tonne), these rates are some of the lowest
in Europe and as such do not act as a specific disincentive to disposal to
landfill. Conversely, cullet is being imported from Eire, where the higher
rate of landfill tax together with higher gate fees renders it more cost effective
to export than to dispose to landfill.

B/E There is a lack of uniform policy for the Local waste disposal authorities are free to define their own operational
recycling of waste materials, including glass, policies within the constraints of the generic government imposed targets (e.g.
across all UK Local Authorities. by 2005/6 they will be expected to achieve on average a 25%
composting/recycling rate for household waste). The Household Waste
Recycling Act makes kerbside collection of at least 2 recyclates compulsory
(with a couple of exceptions) by 2010. Weight based targets are set for Local
Authorities but it is Government policy to leave it up to each Authority to
decide how to meet these targets. This has, and will continue, inevitably to
mean a lack of consistency and commonality of approach across the UK.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.5.1 Political B/E The Packaging Waste Recovery Note (PRN) The PRN System is intended to both demonstrate compliance with the
Cont.) System encourages the use of recycled glass for requirements of the packaging Regulations and also to generate income from
aggregates. the sale of PRNs that will in turn be used to develop the necessary recycling
infrastructure. It is not intended to act as a mechanism to drive particular
methods of recovery of packaging waste. The PRN encourages the use of
recyclable glass in all markets. Without it, recycling would continue in the
glass container industry but probably at a lower level and glass use in
aggregates would no doubt cease.

Collectors, whether companies or Local Authorities, will inevitably be

mindful of pursuing the simplest and/or most cost effective path in order to
meet their obligations. As long as there is a market for glass as aggregate,
collection of mixed colour glass for use in the aggregates industry will be
pursued. Whilst preferable to landfill some have argued that this is not the
most desirable use of the available resource, although it may also be more
beneficial to use glass aggregate rather than freshly quarried material.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

6.5.2 Economic B The true costs of waste disposal are not born by Experience in other European States, such as Sweden and the Netherlands,
the consumer. suggests that where consumers are obliged to pay nearer the full and true
costs of waste disposal directly, both the level of recycling increases and
volumes of materials disposed of to landfill decreases.

6.5.3 Social E Kerbside waste recycling schemes recover Where studies have been carried out, it has been demonstrated that the
greater quantities of glass than is achieved by the volume of glass recovered from areas with access to kerbside collection
traditional bottle bank system. schemes is approximately double that achieved through the traditional
bottlebank system.

B/E Access to domestic kerbside waste recycling A recent report published by WRAP (June 2002) estimated that
schemes is variable across the UK. approximately 19% of waste collecting authorities were operating a kerbside
collection scheme that included glass, and that these schemes gave access to
10% of all households. It concluded that if all 21.1 million households in the
UK were offered kerbside collection of glass, a total of 650,000 tonnes of
glass could be recovered, together with a further 230,000 tonnes through the
existing bottlebank system.

6.5.3 Social B The per capita density of bottle banks in the UK It is estimated that in 2002 there were some 20,796 bottlebank sites
(Cont.) is one of lowest in Europe. throughout England, Scotland and Wales, which equates to an average density
of 1 bank per 2,860 head of population. This compares very unfavourably
with our European neighbours where values of 1 per 1,000 are not

B There are numerous public messages in the area There are an abundance of messages on the theme of the recyclability of
of waste disposal, recycling and related certain materials, on recycling and on waste disposal, but there is no unified
questions, but there is no unified theme or theme, message or approach. Inevitably, such an approach leads both to a
consistency of approach. dilution of the message and also confusion in the market place.

Barrier (B) or Enabler (E) Comments

B Cultural awareness of recycling within the UK The cultural awareness of recycling and related environmental issues within
population as a whole is not widespread. UK society is not well developed, although it is improving. For example,
there is public confusion over whether glass jars can be placed in bottle

6.5.4 B/E The existing infrastructure for recycling is very The infrastructure required to support glass recycling is very variable around
Technological variable around the UK. the country, mainly due to historical reasons. However with the development
of MRFs (Material Recycling Facilities) it should in theory be possible to
provide a much more structured approach. However, in practice this is not
happening due to a number of disparate reasons including legislative,
economic and social issues.

7 Key issues

The aim of this DTI and British Glass commissioned pilot was to explore the practical application of the principles of Sustainable Consumption
and Production (SCP) to the Glass Sector and Glass Supply Chain and to identify possible areas for possible future collaborative work between
different stakeholders.

The tables overleaf detail potential areas and key issues for action, based on discussions between the consultant and industry and supply chain
representatives. They are organised into the four core categories of drivers determined by the initial project workshop. The following section
(Chapter 8) develops a number of these key issues into specific project opportunities, with suggestions for further collaborative actions.

The timeframes (T/F) given in the tables below are for potential actions and are given in terms of Short Term “S” (0-2 years), Medium Term “M”
(3-5 years) and Long Term “L” (5 years plus). The timings are indicative only and are designed to give a rough measure of the potential
complexity involved in addressing the issues raised.

7.1 Political

Enabler Impact T/F

1 Set high environmental standards for In July 2004, the Government gave the green light to a Code for Sustainable Buildings in its M
buildings, where cost effective. response to the Sustainable Buildings Task Group report ' better buildings - better lives'
(published in May), in which experts from the private, public and non-governmental sectors
pinpointed ways in which industry and Government can work together to promote
sustainable buildings. The new Code will establish higher standards for energy and water
efficiency, as well as waste and use of materials. ODPM will be leading this process with
close industry and wider Government involvement and the first outline of the Code should
be complete in time for the Sustainable Communities Summit in January 2005. The Code
should be complete by the end of 2005, in order to take action on a national rollout by early

2 The active encouragement of kerbside Both the level of application of kerbside collection schemes for waste recycling, and the M
recycling schemes and the active inclusion of glass in such schemes where they do exist, are very patchy. The universal
inclusion of waste glass in all such application of such schemes and the inclusion of glass in all schemes would significantly
schemes unless its exclusion can be increase the volume of waste glass entering the recycling chain. However unless there is
justified on economic, environmental colour segregation from household waste it is probable that the majority of recovered glass
or technical grounds. will go to alternative recycling schemes as opposed to use as cullet for glass manufacture.

Enabler Impact T/F

3 Differentiated PRN value based on The current PRN system does not differentiate between environmentally high benefit uses M
environmental credentials. of glass and very low benefit uses. The use of a differentiated system would help to increase
recycling to the remanufacture with added CO2 savings.

It may be useful to consider a differentiated PRN value based on environmental credentials

not withstanding the practical difficulties of implementing such a system. Whilst
Government agrees that closed loop recycling of packaging glass would usually be the
BPEO, it would be necessary to take into account transport distances or for that matter
determine the cut off point for high vs. low values e.g. should the use of recycled glass in
fibreglass manufacture or as a fluxing agent on brick manufacture be considered high value,
in that both provide very significant reductions in energy and emissions together with raw
material savings.

4 An assessment of the recovery targets Supply chain stakeholders have commented that the determination of material specific waste L
assigned to the various links in the recycling/recovery targets for Local Authorities and their alignment with Packaging Waste
waste chain. Recovery Targets for industry could significantly increase the volume of waste glass
entering the glass recycling chain and increase the availability of cullet for recycling.

5 An increase of the Landfill Tax The Landfill Tax acts as a positive disincentive for the disposal of waste materials to L
escalator (currently set at a minimum landfill. An increase in the escalator would have the positive effect of both discouraging
of £3 per tonne per annum from the disposal of materials to landfill, and also encouraging the substitution of waste glass
2005). cullet for virgin raw materials as the relative price balance shifts in favour of the use of

6 A reduction in the level of VAT Such a move would effectively reduce the final market price of these products within the L
charged on replacement glazing. domestic market. This in turn would act as a positive incentive to stimulate and increase
the uptake of such products in the market place.

Enabler Impact T/F

7 The development of a CO2 credit The absolute targets for CO2 emissions required as a consequence of both the Climate L
system for energy efficient products Change Levy Agreements (CCA) and the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
to assist in offsetting of carbon (EUETS) are perceived by industry as placing a brake on industrial expansion, whilst
taxation charges. making no recognition of the environmental credentials or energy saving benefits associated
with the products produced. The development of such a CO2 credit mechanism could
potentially encourage investment and expansion in the production of energy efficient
products e.g. low emissivity glass and fibre reinforcement for the renewable energy market.

7.2 Economic

Enabler Impact T/F

8 A review of the specification of glass The aim would be to develop a specification that enables a greater utilisation of cullet in the S
containers with the aim of manufacture of container glass. In particular this would be with a view to enabling the use
maintaining the physical performance of a higher proportion of non-flint (coloured) glass. The main aim would be to relax the
characteristics of the packaging, colour and clarity specification, whilst maintaining the physical performance properties, of
whilst relaxing the optical properties the packaging. The key will be the initiation of a pilot project with a supermarket chain to
specification. trial a lower specification of colour and clarity of glass packaging for an own brand product
or products (see Project Opportunity 1 following).

9 A review of waste collection The aim would be to encourage and optimise waste segregation at source, with a view to S
mechanisms across Europe in order to maximising recycling and recovery rates. Charging could be used as a disincentive for
establish best practice models, and landfill disposal, and differential charging could be used as a mechanism to encourage
identify alternative options for segregation. A report has been published by the Strategy Unit which recommended that
domestic charging for waste Local Authorities which wanted to introduce variable charging/ to provide household
collection services. incentives for recycling should be enabled to do so. The Government has undertaken
further work on practicalities of such schemes, and is reviewing its position.

10 A review of the impacts of various The aim would be to determine and provide grants and/or fiscal incentives for the optimum M
grant and tax break regimes upon the encouragement of the uptake of thermal efficient glazing systems.
uptake of replacement glazing
systems in both domestic and
commercial properties.

7.3 Social

Enabler Impact T/F

11 A review of possible mechanisms for Currently, only a limited amount of post-consumer flat glass waste is recycled. There is a S
increasing the recovery of flat glass. significant potential to increase this volume, and equally to increase this further by the
addition of post consumer waste flat glass e.g. from the replacement window and
demolition industries. The net consequences of this would be the reduction of material
going to landfill, and the consequent replacement of virgin raw materials by cullet. The key
will be the initiation of a pilot programme with the replacement glazing industry to
investigate both the economics and practicality of flat glass recovery (see Project
Opportunity 5 following).

12 An increase in the recovery of waste A significant proportion of container glass waste from licensed premises is currently S
glass from licensed premises. disposed of to landfill. There is a significant potential for increasing the recovery rate of
container glass from these sources with the related reduction in materials going to landfill,
and the consequent substitution of virgin raw materials. The key will be the initiation of a
pilot programme with the licensed trade to investigate both the economics and practicality
of container glass recovery from these sources (see Project Opportunity 3 following).

13 The development and publication of The aim would be to develop a better and wider understanding of the benefits, both S
“Good Practice Guides” capturing financial and environmental, that can be accrued from good examples of recycling of glass
and promoting existing best practice. products. The ultimate aim will be to increase the pool of such schemes available in order
to increase the volume of glass materials entering the recycling stream (see Project
Opportunity 4 following).

Enabler Impact T/F

14 The raising of public awareness of Public awareness of issues around waste management and recycling is limited and patchy. S
recycling and related issues through a Ultimately the culture of the “throw away society” has to be challenged, and the most
national and unified TV campaign, powerful media in today’s society for widespread public communications is the television.
which would need to be on-going.

15 The related (to enabler 14) A simple message, often repeated, has been demonstrated to be more effective than a S
simplification of the recycling multitude of different, but similar messages.
message with the use of one universal

16 The facilitation and encouragement of By increasing access to glass banks the volume of materials collected would potentially S/M
an increase in the density of Bring increase, hence making more cullet available to the waste stream.
Banks (Bottle Banks).

17 The initiation of educational Evidence suggests that where early learning of issues around environmental and waste M
programmes for both Key Stages management is conducted, the lessons learnt will be carried forward into adult life. In
1&2, and older, pupils. addition to which, children can have a significant impact upon the behaviour of their

7.4 Technological

Enabler Impact T/F

18 The best environmental option is to This report clearly demonstrates that the alternative uses of waste glass, as compared to its S
maximise the re-use of cullet within use as cullet for glass manufacture, all sub-optimise the environmental benefits achieved
new glass products. by, and associated with, the recovery and recycling process.
(Glass Recycling – Life Cycle Carbon Dioxide
Emissions, Enviros Consulting, November 2003)

19 The encouragement of basic research The aim would be to improve the technical and economic efficiencies of the use of glass as S/M
with the aim of improving the a material, and the more effective use of resources in its production, through areas such as
technical and economic performance :-
of the glass sector. Such research • The development of new commercial applications and uses for recycled glass.
would need to be conducted on an on-
going basis. • The development of improved technologies for the use of recycled glass e.g. colour
separation, enhancement and decolouring.
• The development of new glass packaging technologies (see Project Opportunity 2

20 A review of the operation of Materials The existing infrastructure of MRFs could potentially be further developed to achieve a M
Recycling Facilities (MRFs) across greater segregation of waste and higher efficiencies in the recovery of waste glass for
UK to establish the scope for, and best recycling.
practice examples of, glass recycling.

8 Project opportunities

The tables below outline a number of specific project opportunities that have been
derived from the Key Issues given in the previous section (Chapter 7). These represent
specific project opportunities that offer both the potential for further investigation into the
development of the principles of Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Glass
Sector and its Supply Chain, and also the opportunity for the practical application of those
8.1 Project opportunity 1 (Container Glass Sector)
Project No: 001

SCP Project Area: Container Glass Sector and Recycling Sector.

Project Source: Retail Supermarket Sector.

Project overview: The project would look at the possibility of supermarket own-
label products being packaged in glass containers manufactured
using a high proportion of recycled glass cullet, and to a
specification allowing for a higher variability in clarity and colour
than the current specification allows.

8.2 Project opportunity 2 (Container Glass Sector)

Project No: 002

SCP Project Area: Container Glass Sector and Packer Filler Sector.

Project Source: Retail Supermarket Sector.

Project overview: The project would explore the concept of using ultra-violet (u/v)
resistant foils and/or alternative technologies on clear glass bottles
for the storage and marketing of red wine, as an alternative to
utilising green glass bottles as at present.

All project opportunities listed in this section are either being worked on or have been
undertaken by WRAP – with the exception of project no. 2, on which WRAP worked on 3 years

8.3 Project opportunity 3 (Container Glass Sector)
Project No: 003

SCP Project Area: Container Glass Sector and Recycling Sector.

Project Source: Licensed Retail Sector.

Project overview: The project would look at the feasibility of increasing glass
container recovery rates from licensed premises in a small
geographical area with a view to developing a model, and case
study that could be applied nationally in the UK. This would
include the examination and development of existing “pilot”

8.4 Project opportunity 4 (Flat Glass Sector)

Project No: 004

SCP Project Area: Flat Glass Sector and Recycling Sector.

Project Source: Replacement Window Sector.

Project overview: Much good work has been done, albeit geographically restricted
areas, on the recycling of glass from windows removed during the
replacement of single with double glazing. This experience
presents the opportunity for an excellent “Good Practice Guide”
or case study. This project would investigate the work
conducted, examine the possibility of developing the case study
materials, and produce those materials.

8.5 Project opportunity 5 (Flat Glass Sector)

Project No: 005

Project Area: Flat Glass Sector/Recycling.

Project Source: Replacement Window Sector.

Project overview: This project is related to (Project No: 004) in that there is
considerable scope for developing this approach further, to
present a sound model to allow the recycling of the majority of
materials removed with replacement glazing (glass, PVCu,
aluminium, steel, wood etc.) with a view to reprocessing and
possibly secondary manufacture at the point of recovery. This
project would be a feasibility study to investigate further the
opportunities for an integrated recycling, manufacturing and
waste management centre.

9 Appendices

Appendix: Title:

1 Text of the initial “Letter of Request” sent to stakeholders

2 List of stakeholders to whom the “Letter of Request” was sent

3 List of organisations that were interviewed or visited

4 Details of significant reports reviewed

Appendix 1: Text of the initial “Letter of Request” sent to stakeholders


Changing Patterns

The UK Government, via the Department of Trade and Industry and DEFRA, is looking at
sustainability issues in supply chains, through its Changing Patterns Initiative. DTI/DEFRA are
jointly funding, together with relevant industry bodies, a number of pilot projects looking at what
sustainable consumption and production might in practice mean to industry.

Three pilot sectors have been selected for this first phase; glass, construction and food. Details of
the Changing Patterns Initiative and the glass sector can be found in the attached British Glass
press release, and further details are available at the following web-site addresses;
http://www.dti.gov.uk/sustainability/scp and http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/scp/.

The chief aims of these pilots are to identify the key players, barriers and enablers to sustainable
consumption and production within the selected supply chains and to enter into dialogue with
those players in order to develop a methodology to encourage sustainable development. The
experience gained will then be used in other sector initiatives. The project will, where possible,
encompass the entire life cycle of the product from raw material and energy inputs to manufacture,
through production and subsequent downstream interventions, to consumer purchase and
utilisation, and final disposal and recycling. In many ways, glass is an ideal material to consider
in this context, being technically infinitely recyclable.

The reason for our writing to you, as a key player in the glass supply chain, is to request your
comments on the aims of the project, to canvass your views on the question of sustainability in the
glass sector supply chain, and to ask what you see from your perspective as being the key
sustainability issues, what you feel might be done practically now in the short term to encourage
sustainable development, what might be done in the longer term, and what needs to be done to
make it happen – particularly the last. We would be delighted to receive your comments in
writing to the above address or by email to our dedicated project address at
changingpatterns@britglass.co.uk, or if you prefer we would be happy to arrange a meeting with
you to discuss the issues in person.

Although the timescale for the project is extremely tight, we are determined to make the
consultation as wide and as comprehensive as feasible, in order to produce as meaningful an
outcome as possible. To that end, we have also included a list of consultees to whom this letter
has been addressed, and we would be very grateful if you would spend a few minutes reviewing it,
and advise us of anyone that you feel that we have omitted.

I thank you for your time and look forward to receiving your comments.

Yours sincerely,

David Workman
Director General
British Glass

Appendix 2: List of stakeholders to whom the “Letter of Request” was sent
Allied Brewery Traders Association Midlands Glass
Allied Glass Containers Ltd Morrisons
Architecture Schools National Dairy Council
ASDA Stores Ltd, National Federation of Glazers
Automotive Glazing Executive National Joint Council for the flat glass industry
Bear & Pub Association Nazeing Glassworks
Beatson Clark plc Newell Ltd
Bibby Sterlin Ltd NIEPA
Biffa Waste Services Ltd. Onyxpak
Biffpak Owens Corning Building Products Ltd
Biochem (Apparatus) Ltd Pelican Public Relations
BOC Ltd Philips Components
Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association Pilkington Glass Ltd
British Bottlers Institute Pilkington Technology Management Ltd
British Glass Potters Ballotini Ltd
British Institute of Inn keeping Poulten, Selfe & Lee
British Retail Consortium PPG Industries (UK) Ltd
British Soft Drinks Association Prof. Peter Smith, University of Leeds
Building Research Establishment Public Affairs Committee
Caithness Glass Quarry Products Association.
Cleanapak Quinn Glass
Co-op Recycling Industries Alliance
Corning Rexam Glass
Dairy Industry Federation RIBA
Dartington Crystal Ltd RMC
DEFRA Rockware Glass Ltd
DTI Royal Brierley Crystal
EA S Murray & Son Ltd
Edinburgh Crystal Glass Co Ltd Sainsbury' s Ltd,
Environmental Services Association Save Waste & Prosper
Escol Products Ltd Scotch Whisky Association
Federation of Licensed Vitlers Association SLI Glass
Food & Drink Federation Society of Glass Technology
Glass & Glazing Federation Society of Independent brewers
Global Homeware Society of Licensed Vitlers
Grunden Somerfield
Guardian Industries St Gobain Glass UK Ltd
Housing Associations Stolzle Flaconnage
Industry Council for Packaging & the
Environment Tarmac Recycling
Institute of Brewing Tecoglass Ltd
Institute of Demolition Engineers Tesco
Institute of Packaging TRADA
Institute of Waste Management UK Dairy Association
Kingfisher United Glass Ltd
Lafarge Valpak Ltd.

Lancaster Fibre Technology Ltd Waste Watch
Langham Glass Wastepak
Lax & Shaw Waterford Crystal Ltd
Local Authorities Wine & Spirits Association

Appendix 3: List of organisations that were interviewed or visited

Organisation or individual interviewed or Address:


1. Anglian Windows PO Box 1013


2. Berryman Lidgate Crescent

South Kirkby
West Yorkshire

3. Bowater Windows 2 Caley Close

Sweet Briar Road

4. British Glass 9 Churchill Way

S35 2PY

5. British Retail Consortium Second Floor,

21 Dartmouth Street,

6. Department for Environment Food and Ashdown House

Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 123 Victoria Street

7. Department of Trade and Industry Sustainable Development Directorate

(DTI) 151 Buckingham Palace Road

8. Food & Drinks Federation 6 Catherine Street


9. Future Brand Fox Court

14 Gray’s Inn Road

Organisation or individual interviewed or Address:

10. Glass and Glazing Federation 44-48 Borough High Street


11. Local Authority Recycling Advisory c/o AMEC

Committee (LARAC) Timothy’s Bridge Road
CV37 9NJ

12. Marks and Spencer plc Baker St


13. Optimat Limited James Watt Avenue

Scottish Enterprise Technology Park
East Kilbride
G75 0QD

14. Packaging Federation Vigilant House

Suite 2.9
120 Wilton Road

15. Pilkington plc Group Headquarters

Prescot Road
St. Helens
WA10 3TT

16. PPG Industries (UK) Ltd. Fibre Glass Division

Leigh Road

17. Prof. Peter Smith Emeritus Professor

University of Leeds

18. Reuse Glass UK Ltd. Headlands Lane

West Yorkshire
WF11 0HP

Organisation or individual interviewed or Address:

19. Rexam Glass Barnsley Limited Monk Bretton

South Yorkshire
S71 2QG

20. Rockware Glass Limited Headlands Lane

West Yorkshire
WF11 0HP

21. Safeway Supermarkets Safeway Head Office

6 Millington Rd

22. Sainsbury’s Ltd. 33 Holborn


23. Saint-Gobain Glass (UK) Ltd. Eggborough Plant

Weeland Road
East Riding of Yorkshire
DN14 0FD

24. United Glass Limited Edinburgh Way

CM20 2UG

25. Waitrose Doncastle Road

RG12 8YA

26. Waste & Resources Action Programme The Old Academy

21 Horsefair
OX16 0AH

Appendix 4: Details of significant reports reviewed
1. Carlton Smith, J & Roberts, C: “Glass Goes Green – a project to identify the legal
and commercial barriers to glass recycling in a representative sample of licensed
premises within the geographical region of West Oxfordshire – Interim Report 2”,
WRAP, Banbury, December 2002.

2. DEFRA: “The Environment in your Pocket 2003”, DEFRA, London, 2003.

3. DTI/DEFRA: “Changing Patterns – UK Government Framework for Sustainable

Consumption and Production”, September 2003.

4. DTI/DEFRA: “Sustainable Consumption and Production Indicators – Joint

DEFRA/DTI consultation paper on a set of ‘decoupling’ indicators of sustainable
development”, September 2003.

5. DTI: “Impacts of the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations – A Brief

Survey”, DTI, London, September 2003.

6. Entec: “Advanced Filtration Media (AFM): Clean Water Market Analysis”, WRAP,
Banbury, May 2003.

7. Environmental Resources Management: “Fiscal Incentives for Sustainable Homes”,

Worldwide Fund for Nature, Godalming, May 2002.

8. Enviros Consulting: “Glass Recycling – Life Cycle Carbon Dioxide Emissions”,

British Glass, Sheffield, November 2003.

9. Enviros Consulting: “Recycled Glass Market Study & Standards Review – 2003
Update”, WRAP, Banbury, May 2003.

10. Enviros Consulting: “Survey of Waste Glass Collection & Recycling Arrangements
in UK Local Authorities”, WRAP, Banbury, May 2003.

11. Glass Technology Services: “Kerbside collection of glass”, WRAP, Banbury, June

12. Glass Technology Services: “UK Glass Manufacture – A Mass Balance Study”,
British Glass, Sheffield, October 2003.

13. Hartley, A: “The development of a methodology for recycling lamp glass,

overcoming technical and practical barriers to recycling”, WRAP, June 2003.

14. Hawkins, R & Carlton Smith, J: “Glass goes green – A project to identify the legal
and commercial barriers to glass recycling in a representative sample of licensed
premises within the geographical region of West Oxfordshire”, WRAP, Banbury,
June 2003.

15. Hopkins, A & Foster, C: “Achieving Life Cycle Benefits through Practical
Sustainable Waste Management – Opportunities, Benefits, and Barriers associated
with the Use of Glass Waste as Aggregate in Coated Roadstone”, Arena Network,
Pontypridd, November 2003.

16. Hurley, J: “A UK Market Survey for Foam Glass”, WRAP, Banbury, April 2003.

17. Hurley, J: “Research into waste glass, window and door frames from the demolition
and replacement window industries”, WRAP, Banbury, May 2003.

18. ICER: “Materials recovery from waste cathode ray tubes (CRTs)”, WRAP, Banbury,
November 2003.

19. Kent, R: “Window Rating is here”, Fenestra, London, March 2004.

20. Mineral Industry Research Organisation: “Determine Vortex Grinder Construction

Materials for Glass Cullet Grinding Applications”, WRAP, Banbury, December 2003.

21. Owen, A. & Baker, S: “The use of glass-derived sands for sports areas”, WRAP,
Banbury, November 2003.

22. Palmer Market Research: “The Market for Private Sector Home Improvements Vol.
2: The Window Market”, Palmer Market research, Surbiton, 2003.

23. Palmer Market Research: “The Market for Private Sector Home Improvements Vol.
3: Conservatories, Entrance and Patio Doors, Secondary Glazing”, Palmer Market
research, Surbiton, 2003.

24. Pira: “Packaging in the 3rd Millennium – Competitiveness Study for the Packaging
Industry in the UK”, Pira International, Undated.

25. Rexam plc: “Global Packaging Trends, Facts & Insight”, Rexam, London, 2003.

26. Rexam plc: “The Future of Consumer Packaging”, Rexam, London, 2003.

27. Shorrock, L & Pout, C: “Potential Energy Savings from the Replacement of Single
Glazing by Double Glazing, High Performance Double Glazing and Advanced
Glazing”, Building Research Establishment, Watford, March 1998.

28. UK Government (DEFRA lead Department), Scottish Executive, Welsh Assembly

Government and the Northern Ireland Administration: “Taking It On: Developing a
UK Sustainable Development Strategy Together – A Consultation Paper”, 2004.

29. WRAP: “Stakeholder Update – Glass”, WRAP, Banbury, December 2003.

30. WWF: “Building Sustainability – How to plan and construct new housing for the 21st
Century”, Worldwide Fund for Nature, Godalming, October 2003.

31. WWF: “Building towards Sustainability”, Worldwide Fund for Nature, Godalming,

British Glass
9 Churchill Way
Chapeltown, Sheffield
S35 2PY
Tel: +44 (0) 114 290 1850
Fax: +44 (0) 114 290 1851

Department of Trade and Industry

151 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SS
Tel: +44(0) 20 7215 5000
Fax: +44(0) 20 7215 51536

Future Perfect Ltd.

John Eccles House
Robert Robinson Avenue
The Oxford Science Park
Tel: +44(0) 1865 338 058
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 338 100


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