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Read this article about H.I.T and Mike Mentz er

1 2 S euraava >

Az ael

Actualiz e your muscular potential in one year.

Since Heavy Duty is a hot topic here I decided to write some lines.
I want to share all that is known about High Intensity Training (H.I.T).
Why do I do this? Simply because someone here said that it is really hard to find any of Mike Mentz ers books. I want to share Mentz ers thoughts on training
that completely changed my views on training. I threw away three years of training on volume training. Now with H.I.T I have made more progress in a few
months than during 3 years of volume training.
In this article I will tell you a lot about H.I.T as I already mentioned. Im also going to tell the TRUE story about Mike Mentz er. There is lots of valuable
information in this article so I suggest you read through the whole article and remember, these arent my ideas, its Mike Mentz ers and several other scientists.
These principles work on you and me as it did on the more than 1000 people that Mentz er trained. Nobody of Mentz ers clients failed to gain siz e or strength.
Lets get started….

H.I.T is a safe way to train. If you perform your exercises with proper form and you do slow negatives and don’t cheat you wont get injured. Nobody of Mikes
clients got injured when Mike trained with them.
Some have said that it is impossible to use a Heavy duty program all year round. This isnt true. When I see the programs you describe its no wonder why you
don’t see any results.
During the 90´s Mike Mentz er had a client who didn’t make any progress at all. He got even weaker after a few weeks. During this time Mike had his clients
train 2- 3 times a week, 1- 3 days rest between each workout. This amount of training and frequency produced results for a lot of people but now he had a
client who didn’t make progress. Mike started to wonder if he actually was wrong. Isnt hit the best program after all? Mike was lucky since a person with great
knowledge contacted Mike. This person had been studying HIT quite seriously. He said that the growth phase is that much longer than we have thought. If we
train during the growth phase we arent much stronger than last time. If we train AFTER the growth phase we will be that much stronger. Don’t be afraid that you
loose strength if you wait a day more or two before you train again. You wont loose any strength during a short period like this. 7days of rest before perfoming
the next workout isnt too long for any individual. If you perform aerobic training you will loose the benefits from it after 48- 72 hours. However bodybuilding is
anaerobic exercise that’s the reason why we need to train differently.
When Menz er understood that more rest is needed he immeditley switched his personal training clients from training every 48- 72hours to training every 96-
120 hours and their progress got much better. Why this much rest? Most bodybuilders don’t understand the connection between Stimulation, recovery and
growth. Before we get stronger we have to recover. If we train during the recovery phase we will send the body into a new recovery phase. The same
happens if you train before the growth period is finished. You may be a bit stronger but not as strong as you would have been if you would have trained after
the growth phase.
If your goal is to get results and be the best natural bodybuilder you can be, then you should use this ”formula”: The Stimulation must be intense enough to
create an adaptive response. No more exercise than the precise amount is required. Less is not better, more is not better, the precise amount is best. The
precice amount is far less than you can belive. Even Mentz er couldn’t believe how little training was required. If you perform any more exercise than the
amount that is needed ,your recovery phase will be longer and we want the recovery phase to be as short as possible and the growth phase as long as
possible. This is accomplished by brief and intense training. Don’t waste time doing unnecessary aerobic exercise unless you try to get ”ripped to the bone”
(3- 6% bodyfat).
How long should the workout be? As short as possible. Mentz ers workouts after he quitted competing lasted no longer than 12minutes. His legworkouts took
6minutes. My workouts last no longer than 20minutes, and the reason why I train this long is because I have two training partners. If you have one training
partner it will take you up to 40minutes in the beginning but when you learn to perform the exercises properly the time needs to decrease.

REMEMBER THIS: The intensity can be increased:

1) By progressivly increasing the amount of weight you use
2) By progressivly decreasing the amount of time it requires to perform a certain amount of work.
3) By carrying each set to a point of total failure
Total failure: all your strength levels are exhausted: positive,static and negative strength.
I will now publish the workout program that Mike used to call ”The ideal workout”.

Workout 1: Chest and Back

Superset: - Flyes 1 x 6- 10rep for pre- exhaust
- Incline presses 1 x 1- 3rep

Superset: - Straight arm pullover 1 x 6- 10rep for pre- exhaust

- Close grip, palms- up pulldowns 1 x 6- 10rep

Deadlifts 1 x 6- 10rep

Rest 4- 7days before performing workout 2

Workout 2: Legs and Abs

Superset: - Leg Extension 1 x 12- 20rep for pre- exhaust

- Leg presses 1 x 12- 20rep

standing calf raise 1 x 12- 20rep

Sit- ups 1 x 12- 20rep

Rest 4- 7days before performing workout3.

Workout 3: Shoulders and Arms

Lateral raise 1 x 6- 10rep

Bent over lateral raise 1 x 6- 10rep
Close grip, Palms- up pulldowns 1 x6- 10rep

Superset: - triceps pressdowns 1 x 6- 10rep

- Dips 1 x 6- 10rep

Rest 4- 7 days before performing workout 4

Workout 4: Legs and Abs

Repeat workout 2

Rest 4- 7days before performing workout 1

This program induces maximum possible growth stimulation. This program also use up a minimum of the bodys recuperative capacitiy.
REMEMBER: the less recovery capacity you use for recovery the more you will have left over for growth.

If you don’t think this volume and frequency is enough youre so wrong.
When you get stronger you have to reduce the frequency and later the volume if you want to avoid over training.
Why should I do this?
When no or little progress is witnessed take a week or two off and continue training after this with more rest days between the workouts. Start by inserting one
or two days. When no progress is witnessed repeat this. The reason why you do this is because you have to compensate for the increasing stresses on your
nervous system. Most people have the potential to increase their strength by 300%. Their recovery capacity can be increased by only 50%. This means that
it is impossible to train with the same volume and frequency forever. If you keep this in mind you wont have sticking points or hit plateaus. There is no need to
change the exercises or anything like that. If you don’t make progress the reason is almost always overtraining.
When you rest 7days between each workout and you don’t see any progress in 2- 3 cycles its probably best to start using the consolidation program. Here is
the consolidation program:

Workout 1:
Squats 1 x 12- 20rep
Close grip, palms- up pulldowns 1 x 6- 10rep
Dips 1 x 6- 10rep

Rest 5- 7days before performing workout 2

Workout 2:
Deadlifts 1 x 6- 10rep
Press behind neck 1 x 6- 10rep
Standing calf raise 1 x 12- 20rep

Rest 5- 7days before performing workout 1

In this program all isolation exercises are excluded because the advanced natural bodybuilder has developed his strength to such degree that he if he does
a lot of exercises he wont have any energy left for growth. This program is his final step before he reaches his genetical potential.. A person with poor
recovery capacity can also use this program.
One problem the advanced bodybuilder will face is that when he gets stronger he needs higher intensity levels. This is done by using Intensity raising
techniques like forced reps, negative reps, rest/paus, static training and so on. Mentz er developed super advanced techniques that only few know. I know
them so if you want some training techniques that can be described as torture just ask.
The beginner doesn’t need forced reps and negatives. The intermediate can experiment with them and use them occasionally. The advanced should do well
to use them more often. If you don make progress when you use them you are overtraining. You shouldn’t go to negative failure every workout since the
intensity is so high and it can lead to overtraining. Mentz er didn’t recommend forced and negative reps for the Leg training since it can be dangerous for the

Some people say heavy duty training is easy training because of the minimal volume and frequency. I think heavy duty training is much harder than volume
training. Its definitley not easy training but it is very rewarding. You get stronger every workout. And if you don’t you don’t train hard enough or you are
overtraining. You have to train to failure each and every time. This is very demanding for the mind. Usually you can do at least 1 or 2 more reps than you think.
If you focus and push it really hard it is possible. Don’t cheat when you push hard.

Mike Mentz er - the greatest bodybuilder ever.

Mike Mentz er started to train with weights when he was 12 years old. He trained 3 days a week and made very good results. When he was 15 he looked like
a bodybuilder and had 40cm arms. Very impressive. After this he started to increase his training and soon he trained like all the pros ie 3 hours a day six
days a week.. Now he made no strength increases and no muscle gains. He thought he had to increase the volume to 5hours a day like some bodybuilders
in california trained. At this point he wondered if it was really worth it since he worked 12 hours a day in the air force.
In 1971 Mentz er met Casey Viator a 19 year old Mr. America that ”only” trained 3 hours a week. If Casey saw progress with this program he still would have
the chance to be mr america one day. Casey introduced Mike to Arthur Jones. Jones thought Mentz er everthing he knew.
Mentz er couldn’t start training before 1974 because he had a shoulder injury. Mentz er started to train for the Mr. America in the beginning of 1975 and in less
than a year he improved so much that he placed third in that years Mr.america. A year later he won the same competition.
After this he continued training and learned more and more about Heavy Duty training. He trained with his brother Ray and they were both super strong. They
did strict flyes with 50kg dumbells, cheat curls with 140kg, half squats with 450kg. Old lepressmachine legpresses with 500kg (the weight is straight above,
much heavier than todays machines). 90degree situps with a 45kg plate.
Mentz er was the first one to get a 300point score (perfect score) in the universe contest that he won in 1978. After this he decided that he wanted to win the
Mr.Olympia in three tries. He didn’t want to keep trying and win it because the judges felt that he deserved to win because he had been trying so long.
Mentz er won the heavyweight title with a perfect score in pre judging. He lost the overall to frank z ane. His definition was much worse than during pre judging
since he ate a lot of high glycemical carbs before the night show. Still everybody believed that he should have won. The judges said that mentz er didn’t win
because he posed to fast during the posedown against z ane. Reg Park said that he is too big and muscular. Reg thought Mentz er was before his time. His
double biceps pose is superb thanks to those incredible lats.
In 1980 he definitley should have won. The audience screamed FIX when arnold won and Mentz er placed fifth. 97,4kg and with a 3%bodyfat Menz er was in
the best shape of his life. He also had one of the best posing routines ever. Mentz er always had brilliant posing routines. After this he retired. Now he
concentrated on training others and he wanted to develop HiT as much as possible. in 1992 he wrote Heavy Duty.
During his life Menz er wrote for several bodybuilding magaz ines and everyone wanted to know more about this bodybuilding Maverick. The reason why he
didn’t win the mr.O is because he critisiz ed Joe Weider and his champs all the time. Arnold and Menz er were enemies.
Mentz er questioned the need of ”incredible” supplements. He also keept saying that a calorie is a calorie no matter what the source. Mentz er ate ice cream
and cornflakes and lots of candy during his diet for the Mr Olympia. This was a way of psyching out his opponents. Mentz er knew that you can eat anything
you want, if you are on restricted calorie diet you will loose weight (bodyfat).
Mentz er was against bulking up. He knew that muscle is stimulated by high intensity training not food. He suggested you should eat about 200- 300 calories
above maintence if you want to gain muscle. No more is required or you will get fat. He recommended a balanced diet, 60%carbs, 25%protein and 15%fat.
You don’t have to change the proportions during your diet for competition. Just eat less calories and perform some aerobic exercise. He recommended 4-
5times a week. 30- 45min at a relaxed pace. Preparing for contest you should train just to positive failure during the last weeks of dieting. The diet should be
between 4 and 12weeks.
Mentz er developed his programs to such degree that he made a statement that it is possible to reach your genetical potential in one year. If you don’t believe
it then read this:

This is from an article by Mike Mentz er:

”The strongest client I ever had was able to perform 33 reps on the Nautilus Leg- Extension with the whole stack. And that was an incredibly well- developed,
strong "genetic freak," the famed David Paul of the Barbarian Brothers. When David first started having me supervise his workouts, he performed 15 reps on
the Leg- Extension and then went immediately, in superset fashion, to the Nautilus Leg Press where he performed 18 reps to complete failure with the full stack,
510 pounds. One week later David performed 25 reps on the Leg- Extension and immediately ran to the Leg Press where he did 38 reps. Impressive? You
better believe it. But, keep reading.
One week after that, he did 33 reps on the Leg- Extension followed by a hard- to- believe 71 reps on the Leg Press! In both exercises, he again, employed the
entire weight stacks. No, the above is not a misprint. David improved his Leg- Extension from 15 to 33 reps and his Leg Press from 18 to 71 reps as a result of
only two leg workouts that lasted less than 15 minutes each. That represents an improvement of 388 percent in the functional ability of the quadriceps of an
already highly advanced bodybuilder. In the one month I trained David, he gained seven pounds of muscle. These are phenomenal increases, especially
when considered against the fact that for the previous five years, David's volume training, involving training sessions that lasted for at least two hours
(sometimes twice a day ) six days a week, yielded z ero strength and siz e increases.
Since David was capable of such a rate of improvement, imagine what a rank beginner - (with similar genetics) - might achieve on such a program. I've
already provided you an indication, with the description of the first individual. If a beginner can improve as I described above, going from 170 for seven reps
to 250 for 10 reps on the Leg- Extension in two months, he has only 23 reps to go with the same weight before achieving the functional capacity of a super
genetic freak. How long would that take him? He'd probably never achieve it, as he, by all appearances, was only average - or slightly above - in genetics.
My point is: Given the enormous improvement he made in only two months, it wouldn't even take year before he actualiz ed his strength/muscle potential.
(We'll never know exactly; because of enormous career pressures he had to cease training after two months.)
Bear in mind that a prerequisite for growing larger muscles is that one grow stronger. Since the individual I described would cease growing in strength in less
than one year, his muscle growth would cease soon thereafter.” –Mike Menz er

After you have read that you probably have realiz ed what is possible with a well conducted H.I.T program where you perform no more than 4 workouts every
20days. When you learn more about H.I.T you will become your own coach. You know exactly whats wrong if you don’t make progress and you don’t need
any advice from others.
Mike Mentz er used to say: ”Anatomically and physiologically every human being is essentially the same”. This means that H.I.T will work for everyone.
Humans are different in one way, some can tolerate more stress than others. Those with superb recovery capacity will be the ones with the fastest progress.
Im not trying to say that everyone should train H.I.T, a lot of people cant train in high intensity manner and that is very sad. HIT is the fastest way to progress.
Mike Mentz er was convinced that it doesn’t have to take 5- 10 years before you reach your potential. 1- 2year at most was what he used to say before he died
in 2001. He saw the results of his clients and his clients were no superhumans. On his website you can read peoples progress reports. On guy can now
benchpress 225kg and has 50cm arms thanks to the HIT program and he is a natural bodybuilder.
Mentz er always said that not everyone will be a top champion. Your genetics is the factor that determinates if you can develop 50cm arms or not. Don’t give
up training if you realiz e that you wont be 230pounds with 3%bodyfat. Frank Zane was 185 pounds when he won the mr. olymia 3times and Im pretty sure
everyone can develop that much muscle if they follow the principles of high intensity training. Don’t expect rapid weight increase all the time, if you get stronger
you will get more muscles was what Mentz er always said.

Visit mikementz er.com if you want to know more about him and High intensity training.
His books has very valuable information and they are worth every cent. His last book was ”High Intensity training the Mike Mentz er way” and it contains
everything about hit and the last studies, basically all you need to know about training, diet, competition etc.

Hope you enyoyed this article. Im really glad if atleast someone read it.

H.I.T really changed my life.

Thank you Mike.

Mike and Ray had great careers. Ray won the Mr. America ones. Mike died from a major heart attack in 2001 and Ray also died from a heart attack 2 days

Now is the time for you to post questions and replies.

Ps: Mike used steroids, I know that because he spoke about his use if someone wanted to know what he used and how big the dosages were. He used
steroids for just 110 euro a year so you cant say that it was the steroids that was the reason for the best body ever. It was his Mind and fighting spirit that
created the results. Compare Mikes results to todays pros.” It is estimated that todays pros use steroids for 50 000- 70 000dollars each year. Its no wonder
that they make great progress with volume training. The natural bodybuilder reaches his potential fast if he use HIT” These are Mikes words and I think this is
true. Don’t compare yourself to “drugmonsters”, another thing Mike used to say.
If you wonder about Mikes and Rays mustaches: Mike and Ray read a lot of books. Before the Olympia they read Nietz ches works 5 hours a day, Friedrich
Nietz che had a mustache and Mike and Ray were big fans of him.

Mike Mentz er – Not just the best bodybuilder ever but a great man.

Az ael



On kokeiltu muutamaan otteeseen. Kokemusteni mukaan toimii pari kuukautta ja sitten tulee seinä vastaan. Sen jälkeen pitää tehdä enemmän sarjoja ja
liikkeitä, ainakin jonkin aikaa. Rankka systeemi, Dorian ja muutamat muut sovelsi Miken ideaa ja teki pari sarjaa per liike.



Az ael s ano i:

REMEMBER THIS: The intensity can be increased:

1) By progressivly increasing the amount of weight you use
2) By progressivly decreasing the amount of time it requires to perform a certain amount of work.
3) By carrying each set to a point of total failure
Total failure: all your strength levels are exhausted: positive,static and negative strength.
I will now publish the workout program that Mike used to call ”The ideal workout”.

Workout 1: Chest and Back

Superset: -Flyes 1 x 6-10rep for pre-exhaust

-Incline presses 1 x 1-3rep

Superset: -Straight arm pullover 1 x 6-10rep for pre-exhaust

-Close grip, palms-up pulldowns 1 x 6-10rep

Deadlifts 1 x 6-10rep

Rest 4-7days before performing workout 2

Click to expand...
Workout 2: Legs and Abs
Az ael, this sounds like bullshit, why workout 4 is legs and abs?
It should be chest and back?

Sounds kind of strange, if chest and back is trained again only 2 times in three weeks,
expample if 1. workout, 5 days rest style, 1 workout and 5 days rest etc..

are shoulders and arms workout contains, pulldowns ja dips, are these ment to be enough stimulation to back and chest muscle?
this program- >there is not any light weeks?

I got to buy mike mentz er new book, check out if is mentz er finally lost his mind. That your article sounds very strange...

edit: i have heard, that some big dudes train their legs or shoulders only 1 time in 2 weeks.
But training muscle only 2 times in 3- 4 weeks..- >sounds odd.


Pieni ja vihreä

makew s ano i:

Azael, this sounds like bullshit, why workout 4 is legs and abs?
It should be chest and back?

Itse asiassa tuo menee juuri noin, joka toinen treeni on jalkatreeni ja välissä treenataan vuorotellen rinta+selkä ja olkapäät+kädet.

are shoulders and arms workout contains, pulldowns ja dips, are these ment to be enough stimulation to back and chest muscle?

Eli juuri näin.

Az ael: Heavy Duty is a great training methodology, but it most certainly isn't the best system out there. Quite simply, there is no such thing as "the best way to
train". Some systems just work better than others, and how well a system works depends on a multitude of factors. Mentz ers counterexample to this (of how
modern medicine would not be a universal science if there wasn't also a single best way to build muscle) was, at best, naive.

I do think, however, that Heavy Duty is one of the very best training methods out there - I personally have made some of the best gains of my life using Heavy
Duty. But to say that Heavy Duty / HIT (or any other system for that matter) is the best way to build muscle is just downright wrong.

PS: Judging from the pictures, Mentz er definitely should have won the 1980 Olympia. A fair placing for Arnold would have been 5th (Callendar, Zane,
Dickerson and Mentz er all were clearly better than Ahnuld that day).


Pieni ja vihreä

Hulkki s ano i:

Callendar, Zane, Dickerson and Mentzer all were clearly better than Ahnuld that day

Shit, I meant Coe, Zane, Dickerson and Mentz er. Roy Callendar was one of the guys who got robbed a year later at the 1981 Olympia where Franco "won".



Mentz er sounded refreshingly scientific among the typical meatheads of bodybuilding, but think carefully...what science he was actually talking about, relevant
science? Did he ever mentioned anything of physiology or training science research? No. Just irrelevant Ayn Rand philosophy and some twisted layman
logic. But he was clever businessman and found his niche. And his early routines gave some good results at least for some people, at least for some time.
But when others started also to abbreviate their routines, Mentz er had to differentiate himself more by launching his Consolidation and other extreme routines,
which were just ridiculous. BTW, many guys who trained at the same gym with Mentz er during his heyday have said that Mentz er himself didn't train like he

But I am not saying that HIT doesn't work. There are some good applications and forms of it which are succesfully followed for example by numerous NFL and
college teams. Many people are praising DoggCrapp system, which also belongs to the HIT family. One has to be careful with HIT: at the same time one can
become muscularly severely undertrained, yet neurologically severely overtrained.



Hulkki s ano i:

Itse asiassa tuo menee juuri noin, joka toinen treeni on jalkatreeni ja välissä treenataan vuorotellen rinta+selkä ja olkapäät+kädet.

Eli juuri näin.

Jep . No kaikkea sitä näkee.


Pieni ja vihreä

MKM s ano i:

Many people are praising DoggCrapp system, which also belongs to the HIT family.

That is how it would seem, wouldn't it, but DC training is in fact NOT a member of the HIT family.

HIT stands for High Intensity Training, and the basic HIT principles require exercise to be, among intensive and low in volume, infrequent. Doggcrapp most
certainly is high in intensity and the total volume for each workout is minimal but the frequency of training most certainly isn't low: most commonly Doggcrapp
routines have one train every muscle group up to two times a week.

Doggcrapp and HIT do share some common principles but apart from that there's a major difference between the two.




Mentz er's Heavy Duty is just one subform of HIT. HIT is always relatively low total volume and high intensity. BUT...although there are fewer sessions per
week than in some other protocols, each muscle can be trained frequently in HIT. Original HIT wasn't created by Mentz er, it was created by Arthur Jones.
Jones' and his associate El Darden recommended three weekly total body workouts. In his new book Darden recommends two total body workouts per week,
so does one of the most famous HIT authors Ken Leistner. Some NFL teams have three total body workouts per week (Jaguars), some train upper body
twice, lower body twice per week (Steelers, Eagles etc.). In college sports Michigan State and Penn State train whole body three times a week. Even Mentz er

during the 1970'ies recommended 3 total body workouts per week. Then Mentz er went craz y , but BTW even when he was craz y and running naked

across Los Angeles, he shouted "Arthur Jones is God!".


Eas y like Sunday mo rning

MKM s ano i:

HIT is always relatively low total volume and high intensity. BUT...although there are fewer sessions per week than in some other protocols, each muscle can be trained
frequently in HIT.

H.I.T. is starting to resemble the Weider system framework, or ... the BORG! If HIT is relatively low volume, high intensity (or rather, level of effort; intensity for
e.g. the russian dialect of weight training means percentage of 1- rep max) and high- frequency, it then has assimilated almost every training philosophy out

Every training scheme in existence mandates that some sets are kinda hard to complete. Nevertheless, there are a lot of systems, which are based on
completely different theories of adaptation than what the original HIT proponents were advocating (i.e. level effort directly correlates with level of adaptation),
but fall within the definition you gave in the quote.

So: are these systems HIT? Does anyone give a f..k?



HIT, Dorian Yates, Mike Mentz er, Weider.... None of that really matters they are guidelines that work for some (very few some in fact). However they all have
those golden nuggets of wisdom and logic. You have to experiment and find what works best for you and how your body responds to different types of
training. Some people thrive on low reps or high reps. Lots of sets or fewer sets. As Hulkki said there is no right way.

For example I use Dexter Jackson's arm workout. It works brilliantly for me. I use Jay Cutler's Chest and Leg workouts. Melvin Anthony's back and trap
workouts. If I admired one of these guys and just copied what they did I would make progress in one area and not in another. I can say honestly i have tried

all these guys workout plans they post and write about and I write down how I feel and respond to them and then I picked out those that work best for me.

However I am not having anything written in stone either. New combinations and techniques are proposed all the time so you have to keep testing and trying

So I would suggest dont get hung up on a certain program, technique or philosophy but rather use them as guides and ways to increase your knowledge and
understanding of training and then create your own personal program.


Pieni ja vihreä

MKM s ano i:

Mentzer's Heavy Duty is just one subform of HIT. HIT is always relatively low total volume and high intensity. BUT...although there are fewer sessions per week than in some
other protocols, each muscle can be trained frequently in HIT. Original HIT wasn't created by Mentzer, it was created by Arthur Jones. Jones' and his associate El Darden
recommended three weekly total body workouts. In his new book Darden recommends two total body workouts per week, so does one of the most famous HIT authors Ken
Leistner. Some NFL teams have three total body workouts per week (Jaguars), some train upper body twice, lower body twice per week (Steelers, Eagles etc.). In college
sports Michigan State and Penn State train whole body three times a week. Even Mentzer during the 1970'ies recommended 3 total body workouts per week.

I know all this. I studied and practiced HIT and Heavy Duty for two years back in the day. And while Arthur Jones' original form of HIT had one do a full- body
workout three times a week, that kind of frequency of training has nevertheless not been advocated by HIT practitioners in ages. Plus, if you look at the HIT
FAQ (originally on the Cyberpump web page) it will state that exercise should be, among other things, infrequent.



Koska ketjun aloittaja ei enää näytä osallistuvan, jatkettakoon suomeksi. Osittain senkin takia, että olen niin huono englannissa ja muutenkin yksinkertainen,
että en oikein ymmärtänyt, mitä Dopey ajoi takaa.

Jos harjoitellaan näin:

- Kaikki sarjat loppuun asti
- Vain suunnilleen 2 tuntia treeniä viikossa
- Ei painonnostoliikkeitä, ei räjähtäviä toistoja, ei maksimivoimaharjoittelua

Niin kukaan ei kutsuisi sitä perinteiseksi bodaustreeniksi, ei perinteiseksi voimanoston progressiiviseksi ohjelmaksi, ei Westsideksi, ei venäläiseksi
ohjelmaksi, ei minkään sortin painonnosto- ohjelmaksi...mutta HIT:ksi sitä kutsutaan niin asiantuntijapiireissä kuin vaikkapa tavallisten ameriikanpulliaisten
keskustelufoorumeilla. Ja selvällä suomenkielellä myös todettakoon, että kyyylllä tuollaisella HIT- treenilläkin tuloksia tulee. Niin tulee muuten monen
muunkinsorttisilla ohjelmilla.


Pieni ja vihreä

MKM s ano i:

Jos harjoitellaan näin:

- Kaikki sarjat loppuun asti

- Vain suunnilleen 2 tuntia treeniä viikossa
- Ei painonnostoliikkeitä, ei räjähtäviä toistoja, ei maksimivoimaharjoittelua

Niin kukaan ei kutsuisi sitä perinteiseksi bodaustreeniksi, ei perinteiseksi voimanoston progressiiviseksi ohjelmaksi, ei Westsideksi, ei venäläiseksi ohjelmaksi, ei minkään
sortin painonnosto-ohjelmaksi...mutta HIT:ksi sitä kutsutaan niin asiantuntijapiireissä kuin vaikkapa tavallisten ameriikanpulliaisten keskustelufoorumeilla.

Monta asiaa kutsutaan ehkä vain korkean intensiteetin takia virheellisesti HITiksi. "Oikean" HIT- systeemin tunnusmerkit löytyvät melko hyvin nimenomaan
tuosta vajaan 100 sivun pituisesta HIT FAQ:sta (Cyberpump on tosin muistaakseni nykyisin maksullinen saitti).

Tuo HIT- menetelmän määritelmästä tappeleminen oli aikoinaan ainakin HIT Digestissa porukan lempipuuhaa...



Hulkki s ano i:

And while Arthur Jones' original form of HIT had one do a full-body workout three times a week, that kind of frequency of training has nevertheless not been advocated by
HIT practitioners in ages. Plus, if you look at the HIT FAQ (originally on the Cyberpump web page) it will state that exercise should be, among other things, infrequent.

Oh shit, more replies and even in that damn English. Actually all the respected HIT coaches recommend much higher frequency than lonely rider Mentz er
(R.I.P.). Of course I am a paying member of Cyberpump . In that HIT FAQ "Jedi" Spector recommends training whole body 2- 3 times a week. I have a
huge collection of HIT material: NFL teams' strength training manuals for their players, university study of how NFL teams train, I have discussed of these
things with many respected strength & conditioning coaches plus some highly paid personal trainers. At professional and collegiate sports whole body is
even nowadays trained sometimes three times a week, but more often lower body twice, upper body twice.

I am not a blind HIT fanatic myself although I gained most of my muscles by following HIT principles. But nowadays I have injected in also some Westside
and traditional powerlifting periodiz ation concepts.

And the main point of my Finnish post also in English: HIT works and so do many other protocols. :kippis1:


Pieni ja vihreä

MKM s ano i:

In that HIT FAQ "Jedi" Spector recommends training whole body 2-3 times a week.

Well, as a paying member you must have a more up- to- date version of the FAQ then - mine is from before Y2K... :lol2:



MKM s ano i:

Oh shit, more replies and even in that damn English. Actually all the respected HIT coaches recommend much higher frequency than lonely rider Mentzer (R.I.P.).

And the main point of my Finnish post also in English: HIT works and so do many other protocols. :kippis1:

Sure it does, they all do. When I first started training I thrived off of this concept and made great gains then all of a sudden I started getting weaker and less
motivated. Guess what I was overtraining. The more you train the less you need. Your muscles get so conditioned and trained that as you progress you dont
have to nail them so hard to get results. If you do, you will start to slide backwards (for most people). I think that someone starting out or who is not going to
the gym regularly 5 ot 6 times a day can get great results from this program for the first year then you really need to re evaluate how you are progressing and
modify things to adapt.


Az ael

Hi everyone, Im back.The program is supposed to look like this. You were right about that the chest gets stimulation from dips and that the lats gets stimultion
from close grip pulldowns.
I know Jones was the one who came up with H.I.T but Mentz er had his own ideas about training and he designed his own programs because he saw that a lot
of Jones clients were overtraining. Overtraining=performing any more exercise than needed.
When I started to use H.I.T I trained each body part once a week and it produced very good results. I did about 3 exercises for each bodypart and 1 set on
each exercise. I used forced reps and went to negative failure all the time. After a while it lead to overtraining since the intensity was so high. This was the
point when I switched to Mentz ers "ideal workout".
Mentz er always said "If it only took sperm from your dad to create you then 1 set is enough to stimulate muscle growth". I know it sounds really weird that you
should train very infrequently but it works for most people. One reason why I have gotten great results with so little training is because Ive been using a
nutrition program called the ABCDE system (Anabolic Burst Cycle Diet and Exercise). This nutrition program is brilliant and Torbjörn Åkerfeldt is a genius. I will
write an article about it soon.
As I said before, visit Mentz ers web page and read everything you can find there. I suggest that you should read his newest book and you will see that
Mentz er isnt craz y, he is a genius.
At a seminar the audience wanted to know how Ray Mentz er trained his huge legs (they were gigantic). Ray anweres something like this: "1set of squats
12weeks ago".
The amount of training needed to maintain what you have isnt much. If you want to progress the intensity is the variable that decides if you will get stronger or
When people say that one workout a week isnt enough then think about this statement that Greg Anderson made: "If the number 1 is progress and if one
workout a week is 0 then how can 0+0=1. A first grader will realiz e that this is impossible. There is no evidence that 2,3,4,5 or 6 workouts a week is better
than 1 workout a week".
Mentz er always asked the ones that trashtalked him: "If one aspirin is good for you why shouldnt you take 2,3,4,5 or 20". Every human beeing knows the
I know its possible to get progress with volume training, the most important thing is that you see positive progress. If you dont, you have to change things. You
are either going forward or backward. If you are going forward, continue doing what you have been doing.
Mentz er always told the HIT:ers: "there is no reason to train more than you have to. If you spend your whole life in the gym you wont grow as a person. There
are lots of things in life that you can do even if your goal is to be great bodybuilder".
This program has produced results for me. When I started weight- training I was very weak, especially in the front deltoids. I have seen progress every workout
for over two- three months and as long as I do that I will continue with this program. Im a big believer in H.I.T but Im not trying to say that you cant train more
than what Mentz er suggested. It will work if you know what youre doing. In the beginning Mike suggested 2- 3 workouts a week but he refined his theories and
the results were much better. This is the reason why every HIT:er now a days trains with a super small volume and very infrequently. Even Dorian Yates said
that you will get stronger with 6- 7 sets per 14days but its hard to create a great body with so little volume. You will get basic development and a lot of strength.
This is what Im looking for,
I train with very high intensity every workout, I use forced reps almost every workout and very often I include negative repetitions and go to negative failure.
My progress:
These are the exercises that I have had my best progress in:
- Deadlifts. A 30% improvement
- Flyes. A 60% improvement
- Leg extensions. A 55% improvement.
- Close grip pull downs. a 30% improvement.
I know these figures seem very high but as I said before I was grossly overtraining before and I use the Abcde- system which works for me. Im probably not
very strong compared to a lot of guys here but as Mentz er always said you shouldnt look at others. Look at your own progress instead. My goal was that I
could be so strong that Im able to use the whole weight stacks in leg extension(70kg) and close grip pulldowns(100kg). Im not far away now and I can hardly
wait for the next workout.
Mentz er were probably wrong in a lot of questions but you cant say that his training ideas are bullshit. Most people believe that Mentz er would have started to
study nutrition if He wouldnt have passed away so early. He was a great man and he wasnt cratz y.

"Just because I have won a couple of titles doesnt mean that you should take evry word I say. I want to learn you to think for yourselves and get a more
realistic view on bodybuilding. Im offering you a system that will allow you to reach your genetical potential faster than any other training system currently
known" - Mike Mentz er

"If one bullet is enough to end life and one sperm is enough to create life then one set is enough."

Az ael


Eas y like Sunday mo rning

Az ael s ano i:

Mentzer always said "If it only took sperm from your dad to create you then 1 set is enough to stimulate muscle growth".

These quotes are an example of why Mentz er is so god damn easy to classify as a complete nutter. He is making analogies between things, which have no
freaking relevance to the issue at hand.

And by the way: it didn't take one sperm from your dad, it took millions. One sperm per shot would qualify a man infertile. However, unlike Mentz er I am not
pretending this revelation has any relevance to what you should do when you hit the gym and neither should you.

I remember reading eye witness reports about clients Mentz er trained in his later years. For instance, back workout for a couple of pro bodybuilder clients
consisted of 1 rep in the deadlift with 100kg above their 1- rep max load. His clients bent the bar for half a minute with a purple face and that was back done
for over a week to allow time ample for recovery.


Az ael

Mentz er had scientific evidence, he worked with several doctors and scientists. In an interview Mike said that he would have trained with reduced volume and
frequency during his career if he would have known what he learned about H.I.T when he retired. I recommend you read his final book: "High Intensity training
the Mike Mentz er way". Visit mikementz er.com if you want more information. There are lots of interesting articles there especially the article "How brief is
enough" by Dave Spears.
Mentz er developed his system a lot since he started with his own training company.
Some people dont like the H.I.T system but those who have tried it and have gotten great results are fanatic about it.
Mentz er was a maverick and not many accepted what he had to say. Arthur Jones were right about that training should be intense ,but the frequency and
volume was too high to produce the best possible results. Mentz er couldnt believe that Jones was wrong in the beginning but when he understood that the
frequency must be lower and the volume as small as possible his almost 2000 clients got much better results. Several of Jones clients faced overtraining after

a while and the progress stopped.
After I read his final book I switched to training with 4days rest between workouts and reduced the volume the results were much better.
Maybe the body will adapt to this trainingprogram as well but I cant say for sure that this will happen.
"Since you increase your rest days you will avoid "sticking points" and you will reach your genetical potential faster"- Mike Mentz er

Mentz er was the first one to say that your genes are very important when it comes to training. Everybody cant tolerate as much stress as some lucky genetical
freaks with superior recovery capacity can.
I know his theories sound extreme, especially the consolidation program. if you are a frustrated bodybuilder that hasnt made progress in a long time,go on
and try Mentz ers program. These programs are no jokes even if they sound silly. Mentz er himself said that he was overtraining during his own competetive
career and he would have developed further if he would have understood that the frequency must be reduced in time and later the volume. The bodybuilder
must climb the ladder of intensity during his career. The intensity must be relative high if you want to progress.
Once again,before you sayanything read his final book and visit his website and you will get a better picture of his training ideas and nutrition.
its interesting that a lot of people want to trashtalk those who critiz e something about them or something that they do. Mentz er wasnt afraid to tell his opinions
about Joe Weider and Arnold and he payed for this by never been able to win the olympia title. After he retired there were a lot of people who talked shit
about Mentz er as a person and about his brilliant training ideas. Mentz er was a successfull personal trainer and the greatest bodybuilder ever.


(Kirjaudu s is ään tai liity jäs eneks i vas tataks es i tähän kes kus teluun.)

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