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2.3 June 1945

Throe Targets In One Day ,
Strike Photo Alchl Plants
Strike Photo Hitachi Company
Six lJ1Ssions A!5alnst Aircraft In4u5~y
8-29 Does Air-tO-Air Bombins
Jep Waters JUnod ••
P-51 Escort over Yokoha.ma ,
.!!1M rmLLIOEl!:E
Jet Black Paint EtfecUve q;al113t SlL 11
VII Fighter COr.llll&nd nak f.:I:perlenee

14 Deys Alone In II L1te Ratt u
SPfXiIAL B2f!lI2.
Life In II Jap Prllon Camp 17
tude or 19 600
feet I 36 visubly
and su by raw.
They droppe~ 263
tons. One aircraft
dropped sLx tons
on the Aichl A1.l'_
craft ~orks at At.
suta. Air oppo.
sition was lllooer.
ate to str008 with 25 ElA making 45
to 50 attacks. Clai~ agatnst the
enemy were three destroyed, five
tI ~ber Co~nd pulled a bit probably destroyed and 10 d&al&!ed.
It 1s 1ntended that thiS weekly re* i I ranle.dazzle maneuver on 9
port be a source ot 1n!'orlmllt1on for c,",_ :- departing trom its systematic Antiaircraft fire was !!lea gel' to
bet crews aml staff Off1CV5 "ho have e. moaerate and generally lnaccurate.
leg1tlr.late 1nterest 1n the operations of 1Il~t1on ot Japanese cities to
the XXI Bomber COl:llllend. ··'1th1n thou III to".!'" separate pin-point tar- There were no losses. Thirteen of
1l.m1ts 1t should rece1ve the w1tlest pos_
s1ble c1rculllt1on perllllsslble under the
"Qll tile saoe day. The opera-
t1II.., at:ed at the Empire'S de-
the 8_29s sustained battle duage.
provls1ollS of AR :'ISO_5. ::w.:e aircraft industry I which Results of the bca.blnll; were b_
In order that e ClIlJ:1.al1ll or 1ntell1_
lenee I:I8Y be 1ncluded, the report 1s
'* ~ additional beat1ns as a re-
"Io!' tile dey'S work.
cellent. The plant was alzlost coc:.
pletely destroyed, 78 percent or
11ven an overall classlt1cattoll ot Sec_ the root area being knocked out.
rat. ihen the nature of the llIatlrlal !fO dngs participated -- the
warrants, lncllvldual articles hnve re* MISSION 192
cllved a 1aIrer security claSSif1cation. 1rIh~ tile 313th. Reports of the
dIlloas &l'e as follOlrS:
The report 15 so llSselllbled thot the In a second portion ot the three.
cOlllponent sections lillY be removed and IlISSION 191 pro08 effort on 9 June, the 313th
c1rculated or fUed separetely. It P01'-
tlons are reprocluclld, seeur1ty regula- Wing dispatched 26 aircratt aaainst
tlO1lS lIU.'It be observed and the Sou.rCII ~ stith iUng dispatched 48 air- the Ka....S$k1 A1reratt Company 'I
credited. ftll tp.lnst the Ka1l'80ishi Air_ Akashi Plant (Target 1547). Redar
IIttC~, l'iaruo Plant (Target bombing was necessary at the target
Correspondence regard Ina this pub- Ill. itt r.awan1.shi Company ranks and only minor dalll8ge was caUJed to
l1cetlon should be addressed to the Com-
lIItlncl1ll11 General, XXI DOlllber COllll:land. • ttl foremost manufacturer of the plant.
:OPO 234. c/o Post!ll8ster, San Francisco, 1If1&neJ Of all types and produces
California. Attent~ of S. 1.-2. ~l&aes axclus1vely. Target 18 All aircraft were loaded witb
aldast and principal Kawan_ the 4.000-pound 11&ht cue bOlllb.
:; ~1a:It. It 1s prbarlly impor_

k .¢.·~
This.s the tirst time that th1J
f-.r tile prOduction or the new Command has used thil bll one. It
JU(ES D. GARCIA t·2: '1DIle-eng1ne carrier_based was bel1end that the blUt ertect
from mar misses "ould c.~~
C010M1, G.B.C.
Ae or S, ...-2
'It Gtorga, the seaplaD.e tigh-
D.. and the reeonnalssance
~~e lIol'lll. me ne. land-based structural ...... to:
Twent,. tour or ttle B-1'"
AUTH: C.G. XXI B.C. Initials U4~ II 1~ or fighter, the Jillpu, may or thell 00 the tu'SlIt ar" ca an
OATI 23 June 1945 :r;-- ~d"'lloPunt at the plant's averase or 17,300 teet. TWO dropped
'- 1~~ Shops. PcrH in1'orma_ six on Kecbi lut1llld·
~ ~~atell that engines anc1
Rtp,0il0Qcl by 351h PTU 'Ul.latrts.rr1rere produced here as No eae.y appall tlOft u:J DO tlak
were eDCOW1teNd altbOQlb- 1III'I'tP
~~ty f ballooDII ..... rep.ted. !bert'"
\tp~~ t'1' or the 8..299 bombed no losllft~. _ IISI
OIl! an avel'age alti_ C=ODU- OIl


. ..... \ \
.. ' ",
.,. ". -\."
,~.~~ 0" •


L ,.


313TH "'II1G .103:: lhe 313th Wtn.!'; dtdn't

leave much of Targets 198 and 2010 on 9
"" TARGET 1476: Above, the Hitachi E1l81n-
eerlnp; Company, D1gan PlaDt, betore it
JUIle. (Story on Page 6.) Heavy struct- W8S hit b7 the 73rd Win,; on 10 .rune. Be..
~ caused l¥ the 4,OOO-pound
ural dlll:l8ge low, i t take8 • ,evere be8tW. The rl-
bonbs ~l~Q·were used. (COnf1ilent1al) sUltt> were _. .allent.- (contidential)

,. '
MISSION 19;::' -. ._-......... c onceiit
engine prOduction in t'1l.1;e all Il1'stll rlait • No aircratt were lost.
...." I$t!ut!rtt..u.y meager and C"Ull:
Tte 313th Wing also dispatched few plants aM the ~eIl. ~Il.latf'{' ~ ~SSIO~ 196
44 aircraft agaic.st the Aichi Air- any one en.g1ne Worq 3~llttl~~1
immediate Bnd Prolotl.ged ah~14 ~ 1I'C ratt of the 58tb Results ot this llbSiot:l l1l'e be_
craft \Yorks, Atsuta Plant (Target
198) and the adjoining Aichi Air- the Jap Air Force. ttteel.l \ t;h1'e~ ~ne against the Jap-
tl't1 lieVed to be excellent. Strike
r; .ere aU' 0 at Tom10ka (Tar- photos shOlt' a large percent or the
craft Engine works, Nagoya Plant ll"~.rt Fac;orJea of the target target destrOYed.
Forty one a1.rcrart d
(Tar,et 2010). tons on the two targets rap~ ~ Jl ~91)' on;ndependent plants --
The older and larger portion of of 121 4 ,OOO·POUnders an/~lISlll~ ~!ll~" tfO rar t COlIlpany Assembly MISSION 198
pounders, frCID an avera8t '12,~ .. /arall A~C !Sbik8WaJima Aircraft
thiS combinatiOn target is 198 and w" .o:l t toe workS.
of 19,000 feet .. BOlII.bi~ IIq .~~ Although T'tJenty seven aircraft of the
the lIe'll'er is 2010. The exact na-
ture ot the products mamJtactured One dropped three 4.,ooo.~:~ ;,,:sr !~ pla.Dts have assumed 3l4th ·"i'1.f were etrborne agalO$t
Halll8l:latsu, the primary radlr~_ ;.I11.t!lB'JO the overall.. J8pane!!~ the Hi tacbi Aircraft Company's Chiba
by ~98 is unknown. Originally the 1I~~ icture '9!nce cur attacks Plant. benty s!.x dropped 140 tons
Aich~ Company lllal1lfactured watches and one dropped three .. ,0l».~1'I,
and one 2,OOO-pound bCllbs OC;~ ~ ~n~ Wger plants have re- by radar tl'an 15 1 700 teet. One a1r.
and precision instruments. PCJ,V re- sums. ~ .lther output ot both engines craft returned early. No enemy a1r_
ports indicate that it now produces ~~ tMaceS. Ground and other craft were encOuntered. and only
aircratt and precision instruments, ~;U;llCe sources iodicate that one aircraft reported flak. There
minel, torpedoes and other pre- 0pposi tion W8:!! mOderate, 11th.
ciSian ordnance equipment and pos- enemy aircraft making 2'l
o. ; . plants manut'8cture the Sabe was no damage or loss to the B.29s.
5ibl1 airframe components and en- The B-29s encountered a t,,~ ~ l!¥l nes used jn Irving and Zake
and fairly accurate tlak b&."l''tI tlle JaDBD Aircratt Company is Due to the cloud cover at the
gine parts. and some predicted concantrauer" :CrJld to be supplying airframes time ot the mission and the absence
of post-strike photos, the result!
[t has been defiDi tely estab- There were no losses. III QI 11t5Ubtshi Plant at Nagoya
a! 1M ,akajima Plant at Ko1zum1. of the misSion are unknown. The
115h~d that Target 2010 produces Chiba Plant, Target 2145, contains
airc~att engines and that the bulk Reconnaissance shows batll l:I IIll1&ted output of engines 19 200
~»3' .aoth. There is some Bvi- integrated airframe and enaine pro.
of to'le Aichi Aircraft Company-, en- plants heavily d8.lllaged IS • test\ Ill! that the airframe components ductton and assembly facilities.
gine manufacture takes place here. ot the miss ion. Target 198 IU II t!aka 1150 are manufactured here. The four test cells imicate an eo-
The !ngine produced is the. 1,200 hI' percent destroyed or damage4 (0=:: gine capacity of eo to 100 enaioes
12-eyl1ndsr Atsuta in-11ne engine two buUdings sho'll' no dam&iel. !to lMI'ty tro aircratt dropped 171 a month -- with a pOSSibllityl1' ex_
used in the navy dive bomber Judy get 2010 was 53 percent 4uap!. :&IOIl the target trom 21.500 teet pansion.
and in the new single.engine bomber destroyed,with every maja: 1m11tt t~ll'. u'lldercast'll'as 10/10s aoo
5eir,n. affected. Total damage ta iIIttll .115110 post-strike reconnais '- mSSION 199
this target is 65 percent. ~ at the target. One aircraft
This Company 1s credited with on- ~~ 5.5 tons on Shimuzu. '!be 3l4th IVing put up 65 aircraft
ly & small percentage of the total A bonus target, the
bIts against the NakaJ1ma Aircraft Com_
Japanese production of combat air- Light Metal Manufaeturing ~. J:.1Stf,n ene:llY aircraft were
Sighted pany at Ogikubu (Target 356). Due
craft ena1nes, with an est1mated Nagoya (Target
2040) alJo - liIl ~~t~cks "ere made. Flak in to weather conditions seven air·
capacity of 175_2QO engines & month. heavily damaged as 8 result or~ r.-:;:Ite" t~ea lI'as meager and in- craft dropped 38 tons on this pri-
The target was selected because the sion 193. (secret)'
e aircratt was d
mary visual target by rad&!" from

ACAIHST~~ II flak at 21,000 feet. Forty four dropped

SIX MISSIONS .... to lasses. target. There 237 tons on the pri:nary radar tar-
get __ the Kasumigaura 5eaplalll!
Orl 10 JUne six more ~lss1ons were and eight by radar. 1''be~n:''~ Base __ from 22,600 feet.
launched against separate aircraft 129 tons of bombs
altitude of 17,400 .. ~t _
t lOll- IlIS5ION 197
Targets of opportunity attacked
lndcstry targets 1n Japan. These
~t 1Jrd Wing dispatched 124
obtained. The trtng r:. r1rt~ rt" ~t
as "ere the ones on the previous strike photographS ba orU U'- by five aircraft with 21 tons were:
to attack the Nakajima
day, were aimed at destroytng the
last ot the older, large-seale pro_ fires observed arter nd the ~ ~ COIIpany, Llusashino Plant
The Japan Vus1cal Company, Hamamat-
SUi marshalliM yards at HaJDam&tsuj
duclng plants Bnd ,everal of the matiOD had dropped ablU,nd W" :....t 35'1). 'nle target was closed Tachikawa Air Depot and an unlalotm
of the mission are n4 aacb1JO JIo :.:.htpt 1476, the Httachi En- target. Nine aireratt returned ar-
excellent. Sh1moda a twO ~ ~1t& Company, Raigan Plant,was
smaller un1 ts to Which production
~a5 been or could be dispersed. All "to by 11.8 aircraft, drOPping
Twenty five enemy aircraft ma~e
-II< II ~ lIS. BOlllbing 88s Visual, from
our operating 'll'ings participated ma 'll'ere attacked by
eWold . , It e.e~~t. Two droPPed 14 tOn3
• which dropped 11 toD!· aggressive and coordinated attas:;
Pour aircratt r __ ~! ~. Jo JiIM and a railroad
MISSION 195 in two to four plane elelllent!.
claims were one destroyed, nint
ir~e 58th '.'11~ had 29 aircraft Fifty eneIII)' aircrar:tto.c~ rI tI probably destroyed and 10 dWged.
: ra ,.~r~ J against the NakaJilll& Air_ ''''
and 25 unaggre ss1Y \all ~ ~ ~ tl I1rcI' a t't returned early. One B_29 "II'8S lost to eMay a1rcraA
m : clary at Omiya. The pri- ....... '·c~elllf
the B_29S, lIJhich e oytd po fWl ::«1:1. aircraft made 50
. Flak was generallY meager end inac·
t:7B_~ge:t=ke~b~urKaed 50 23 of enemy proba~lYB~:;:r..,!,~"~ Ib: 4es ....1Jns against the enemy curate.
Sea;lla Ba e sUlDigaura damaged. 0 _Der~ "'oYed, two pr aba bly 'lbe resul t5 of the illUsion are
ne se, 15 bombinl!: visually were damaged by D-

.,._=+" bnkJi:,wn. r The prlllltU-, .....- .. - .• -
to ~ completion ot the Tama sec- iJo Jilna. - r;,~:e;~' ItJil). ,
tiOll ot Target 357, produced com- claia3 againat the 'ne~'l!'lt,~~
plete aircraft eAAines. Since that 20 aggreSsin attacQ'V' ~ ~
time the OgikubO Plant has produced probably destrOYell atlll ~"" IllIi
COCl~onent parts end is a research ed.. Flak Was Ifteager llllI. 1 .. 6Io..lilt
unU. However, the plant could be No B-29s "ere lost. llIt~
reconverted to ensine production.
lHSSIOIt 200 FlO!ITm Esc""

Thirty tour aircratt of the 314tb For the above tb, Ita
'Hint were airborne against the Tach- P-5ls "ere airborne trctl jlOl'1'l'
llm~ Air Arsenal (Target 2008). cort to the B~Z9s. BIlIa~aats.
belty- nine dropped 163 tons on the reported Sighting 36 01'tl' ~
target, visually and by radar, frOlil sembly point but !lone 07tl':"
21,)00 feet. Results are unknown. gets. No fighters were l't;~~­
Thr~e aircraft ba::l'bed Yaizu A1rl'1eld. lost. (Secret) , CO
):abtt '~ ot
t tail
,",t gu"
~... tbey all
!'J:t'J4 ~ous and.
.lfp:lll. about
t::,:sluttc I t was on 29 May,
tol p..51 fSCort. tried to hit our while 97 P-5ls went to the tnitial
till tht Ja,','on! dth nearly every
point (Pugl Mountain) and picked up
L-l.o. torma the bomber stream.
BOMIIN, :;-ar t1J;bter in the area.
The bOlllbers arrived at the IP In
Cla1m to the diStinction ot and Tojos. He caught lilt:;. o:r torces were escorterd ~t~~; elements of trOlll three to 12 air_
being the first to make an ef- of a Tojo cOllltlll tn lut ~ 1.s1I1llll the enemy order 0 crat't, and as each ele:aent bp'ned
fective air_to_air bomRiog of a 12:30 high. 'nle TOjo ~ mbai'M lias been estimated at be-· toward the target '&rea e tlight' ot
a ;ap fighter trOlll a -29 15. o in (apparently tntent OIl tllj. . , UO aDd 150 enemy figh ters, fighters joined up with it, tl1ing
o ing right into Lt. ;;11.~ !It'QIllns Zekes, Tojos, Jacks , parallel, in trail and about 2,000
being made by Lt. Walter Wile-
mon ot the 313th 7ling. o lap) but at the last llroll ..;s, Ilco, Oscars and Georges, feet above the bombers with s~e
br oke under the nose or QI utlt order. Zekes and Tojos fighters north ot th.e bOllber streu,
Lt. ~ilemon was deputy lead o B-29, passinll; not ll.OI'e t!lll. D up about 60 percent of the to- and some south ot it. The tighters
o fle" mutual support into the target
boobardier in the third combat
squadron of the 5Q5th Bomb o
yards below. At that Ill.
Wilemon dropped hts b*. "'I!.sIICl1
claims for tbe
26 des troyed,
area, and then made lSOO turns and
returned to the IP to pick up more
Gr)UP, made up ot planes of o l1:I probably destroyed and 23 dam_
th! 48200 Squadron,on the day- o
Others in the tlllll1l bombers. In thts way the bClllber
ICed. tlla narrative of the opera_ stream was patrolled trOlll 1000 to
l1~ht mission to Kobe on 5 o
tell the res t or tilt I\ll!< t1::1l, frQl the Pursuit pilot-s
June. The JoJo ran smaek ll1to.~
o I~potllt, 15 given below. Bomber
o Lt. Wilemon's bcab$. Il1J IlII lht1 nll be interested to note Lars OF E2iDrY FIGHT~S
!kIins up the bay on his bomb 0 was sheared ott an4 ~~ btl actual tactical situation
run, Lt. Wilemon was busy con- 0 ~ down in a tre~Ddl)lll 1111 ha:ldled as well as in the re_
centrating on his Sight, ob- v1 if"
flame. (contidentW) l:' Of Japanese tighter tactics
The firs t airborne eneal,)' wera
encountered in the vicinity or At-
11v'"", or a .warm or Jac ... " , ~ _ 1...n:J O;lr p~Sls. the VII righter Sugi Airfield on the.., into the
UUion report toll oW! : target, altheu«:h the .ajOJli ty of
Interceptions cue atter ·boabl
away· wI th 8 . .e eoe~ a1rent't tol-
~t~~l_ot 101 P~5b ot the VII
10lr1D8 our fore•• a. tar at . , RP.
It IS est1mated tbat the p_!511 eDo-
~1 to II were atrborne at countered !-to to !SO e~ ttab terl ,
~ ttld,sco rt B-l;9s on an incen_ the IIl6j ority or wbieb"1't Z.....
on YOk0h8flla.
'1111 1ll¥1«ator Rendezvous and. the remainder toJOI. Jutl ,
.lAP WATlas -:;f(;"£J ~.6:0 fe.t B~2ge. s lIade at Hups. Oscars IIIl4 G.t&'!81·
"~1aatelJO'Ver Kite ROCk at 0700.
~ c~, to 275 IIUes from base la07 ot the attackl IIIIDIt f1IIl
: ~1ItlI. to ~e tvfl;et the tighters
B-29s of the 313th I'liruz: kept the hOlle
tifl;htel'S ..re rr~ blab astel'D. It
-.nlters of Japan well polluted duril'1l!i the &l~¢lst 500 teet toget beneath "u noted that the .rapaD!" lit
week, 85 drOPPing 350 2,OOO-pouod mine'
and 359 1,OOO-pounders in three ~issiO~ s.~ teet ~~ then reCovered to Dear11 '"t'l'1 attac~ bad aD altl~
l~ lio1Qt ~ e time the depar... advantqe or be did DOt c!OIe. _ .
tJo B-29s were lost. (W _) "~Ilt'rl reached. At the DP.
ltttor B~9;i~ter, eSCorted the
of the attempted attaca 011 . .
o the rally point bell)' at taokS. fte Ja tII'' .
bOlllbel"S appecoed to ~ . . . . , '

ers were much more aggressive to- some isolated Inata
warS our ngttters durtl1& thU mU- rt':;hters atteIllPted~' tbt
sio~ than on any previous mlssl on , side passes. In 'ot~-Gr.I~~
makL.b numerous coordlnated attacks
wlt~ frail three to seven planes
tive action by OUr 1 at...
turning to Illeet a P lett, ~~
but It ,lIS found that our mutua 1 sufficed to CeUse h:a\l~ ho..'
suppo'" tac tlcs •••• scissorlcg •••• and to adopt defetlllhe to ~.."
worked very well In cuscouraging
the enemy from closing range. ttetlel '
These detenshe. '

JEI ~eJ1
stated ot split-tsl1 ...~& 1\
)ne tlghter group reports that t 1tUde rapidly, then ~::~.:.
In avary case where mutual support in a 51011', t1&ht tU1'n to tb:C t
wa! flown the enemy broke orr at- USing tlaps. The el:ltl: ~
a: • A G 1 zed the high aanflln'Q'tIl,. It:
his plane, turnlng 1Il1t~~lJ~
P-51s, caUSing th8111 to
Several Toj os, when ltt4t~~
It {ffective ~gainst Searchlights
ed up, snapped over Oil thlh ~
and attempted to CQlflllOWll b::
tion over the attatk1ac p!.a:t "II
!M 28th SqUad.
'I a.E9s of the
craft are difficult to tracK With the optical
fire-control instruments at the gun batteries.
A detinite influence on the effectIveness Is
~lt lill& ree ent1 1
were unable to exfltute thtl'" the experience and ability of the eeuchl1Cht
ver successfully. pe.inUid Jet and gun be ttery crews_
In those InstaDCU 1D 1Il1~1t
:f.:t on the bo~tom
:0 d'terlliDfl tle
righters were forced to 1'110\ te:tlfellflSS of KAINTENAliCB
"!."ojos, they had no d1ttt~tn
~ leaVing them. The consldtltd ~
l:lent of the pilots at tc ..
C1l paint a-
!WIt uarch- The tollowing was polnted out in
the Varch 12 issue of AAFls "Air
lij;t 1lluina-
fighter activity m., that tilt .. t11.l.Initial reports o.n the test Operations Briefs"::
If ttUI atreratt are very tavor-
" S I Q &ta. ftle blsck-painted planes -It is 1mpartant that mainten~
.. fiml 01:1 both of the recent ance units of echelons 8IIployins
~ ll1.lht strikes. Only one ot Jet 11622 understand that the closer
did- e. II! toned by searchlights and this type ot camout'lage approaches

the appearance ot a black mirror,
tack. Japanese evaslve tactics and .~ t1.I one wall illuminated tor ap-
~lutely one Illinute. None ot the more effective it becOll8s.
break8ways conslsted of spllt_esses This was clearly brought out during
followed by dlves to mintmUlll alti- ... 8-29s W8S damaged on either
I1I1IC1l. the course of the theater tour (5th ,
tUdes, and slow tight turns uaing 7th and 13th Air P'orces) whftl'e IUny
flaps. Friendly righter pilots JET 1622 uni ts ..ere not aware that the tlfec_
tOll.Dd that their speed advantage tiveness of Jetl522 depends largely
was usually enough to evade the on proper maintenance.-
aotllly if they were hard pressed. fllt ll4;h glOllS black paint car-
r.. tllt code l:l8IDe of JET #622. I t
.. • h1(h SPecular (mlrror J re_ (Lete Information trOlll 20A1 1.5
During the time spent in the a.UOII and a very 'low diftuse thetas a result ot th1S experlJlen t
talget area P-Sl piletts des troyed Ueattertd) reflection. A surtace all B_29s in thiS thMter are to
26, probably destroYed nine and
dacaged 23 enemy aircraft. FrieM.ly
~lDted reflects a concentrated
;:~ the lI1l'Tar angle with a
haTe black bottOllls~ .ew008' rtU
be painted in the StatAls.) (. . . .)
losses over the target were two
P-5b and pilots, aM. a third pilot
..... or light scatter1ng
o e~ directIons.
pcachuted during the return to ~a,s aggres,t,e, but did -,'-
bau but was picked up by a surface
rescue vessel.
Four P-51s were
s advantage~

In ..,ery attaCk, ,--=.pr-.

bad aD al t1 tude adftD"" :;,A
to tlve thoWiaod t.'C, .-
blaCk paint should
~lrJf.'03t etfective m con_
":'~~1ght3 "hich
Enecy tighters attacked usually
io group. of three to tive, but on
reluctant to at
same level.
- .. '"
~ 00J 01' SOImd-eon_
!'Ii ,; ."",.llyl 1 t
on, occasion the attacking group u1,ed by our pl10U- aui!,YIJI~ ~ Gr.I ~OdYery lltt e et_
or lekss m.bered savan. Very tew '7 tor ~pOl. 0/ 1JI"~.t.I' t.:..~tLll 1'ac1ar -eontrol..
a1rcratt ott or tb' --;-.! .......~ 8bts or guns •
plane.. ID..,er1 -,,...,.~,
of the attack! were prassed b:r a
Utile Plane. Attaclu . .re made II.~ ~'t1'tlI it 1l1Ulll.ltlS._
trill lI1x O'clock, tor hlgh stern
Puses, In 1lI0st instances, but il'l.
support or 'C1S.t1l'~ ,., "'4~)'~CCIIPl1shed suc ..
enelllJ' broke ott. , tbe black atr_ .%perlaenta!

, . .. ." maY-be "''''¥tl..t. OPel'
due to he~:aSOnabl;tlana
The sec onl lll8.clll ne ea~l 1\, I
Uble rem gave I ~ t~~
s talla tlo~;e.eontr~1e't~Pcittt,­
edge or Susak~\ille ll~:t.~
Pilot 0 rr1eld,Cb~ 10Jti..4.
belief thl:l~1nlon telld tbl~
reluctant t Japaneae : to t
'!tjft/HTER ing aireraf~ engage h A~I
rather than Dle:~ .1~d"Oll, ~
FLAK SUCh an tt:q ~ •
C(JMMANf) During APrl~EPCll'r IIClltttel~
mand aircraft I VII ri 2
lew ~7iJltar itt.
i 1 1 _• •
' ... Loss and d
0.59 percentamege ~a to l!'t:ti
dalll8ged and thr With bra
As of 7 aa lost
)' &!'~ sumsd the ~~ill tlleh'llr the story ot missions to Nagoya. Tht.
bagan strik s e or VlJl ~ ..
lllUita E Ellill. eo- plane had 80llle troubll
home iSland: O~galllSt ~'i~'1 D!Lt'o~tht 8_2913'1751. prier to take-orf and was

I --
one ot the Late starters,
in addition to tb Honahu &fill ~ f11.'~ to tba Interroga - gettinll: ort about 0230. It
The primar e BOb1b Itli1..~ .. oN'tcars or the 58th - was not heard ot or seen
ers on eseor{ mlSSion ottha fl' :: tiD.! on hts return to t: again unt1l noon ot 27 Uay
break up head opeuuOlU t4t*' ,It aftlr spandll1g 14
!W ull\e at sea on a one-man llte when one ot the Navy Dumbos. pat_
'- teet leedi -on attaeb IlId II
~ stream rr .....rJ8 frelelllents ot U11 ..... ~. (Lt. Ellis I experience was rollin/!: the area sOIne 150 miles
south - southeast of 1.0, ~potted a
t ,;_ ontal nd
1 ae~. 'Rhen bombers a '161 ..
vw ff;'GI'tad brien.\' 10. Usue No.• 14 of
Recently the VII Fighter Commabd
bas issued two reports whIch sum-
ntense flak area lid
ters were not J a
ell" ~
til p.lbl1catlon.)
man in a raft, went down to inves.
tlga te and saw a frantically waving
survivor therein.
marize the enemy antiaircraft op_ escort fighter:ttackillg 1ll1~ tm"lig his period at sea Lt. El-
insofar as they :~~d ll't'a::hU:!I
1I1 bad only two oranges and' about
position 8Dcountered on m1Ss1oru!l or I ~t and a half of wa ter. mos t The Dumbo promptly sent out a
various types. These reports are ford the maxi Itm .... call for help tran a surface vea_
bombers 0 proteetiOll to Ii otlbteh he collectad in his sall.
ot particular interest to person- r • ne ighter .... loal.
~ fact that he survivec at all 1s gel and vectored other Catalinas
nel of this Command. tar they cover okyo 00 7 April to a dirtel ~Il" 1I1r!Cle and waa a result of his to the scene along with a B_29 tl'0llI
AA !Dcountered on eseor t of our h eavy AA. • ptA! Jud~ent. common sense and a Lt. Ellis' own groop, the 40th. 'lbe
B-2~s and give their reaction to On fighter s.eeps to ~ U ltroog 1111 to survive. Although letter plane was returniTIII: frOlll a
JapLnese automatic weapons. land, the following arl thl.LI1lo ':t WJ the only member of hls crew Superdumbo mission north of Iwo and
FLAK REPORT RD. 1 sons leat"ned and tecttc. QlII!: Ill'v l'eeoverad ~ was also the on_ stood by as long as possible.
'l'be first P-S! and P-61 sorties The 10ll'.. level group broke,,!10 1J'lether or the cre. who was not a
trOll Iwo J1Jaa were contined to at_ to a three squadrOD rO,.UIlIt" Pld sIber. DESTRO~ TO THE RESCUE
tacks on the BonIn Islands chain, tacklng In l1oe..brl8rt"'!11
1105117 Chichi J1JI&. In the month three different anal" n\ll e:- ~~R! P!1"haps this tac t which The call for help trom the l;avy
or larch the righter COUllD&nd new coordination to split tbl ~ .le:lalh1C1l to stUdy as much of the Dumbo wes answered by the Destroyer
587 sortlea. Loss and damage due weapons defenses. WIle" -.JIr. -ud on surVival at sea as he Case, which was then escortiM a
to flak was 1.8 percent, with nine fense installattolUl " -.. UI. btlay his hands on and to check convoy some 50 or 60 m11es away.
alreratt damaged and two lost. eXiSt. the rlank111£ tll$l" .. In e~~urvt'l81 equipment with ex- The Cese couldn't leave her station
B:eavy gunfire Is rarely employed desunated to preas thtlr It~ untll aerial escort tor Iler chars:u
Ilga~DSt tighter e1zoeratt. Auto- against A" and 10 d.'....wi' had arrived. but as soon as p05si-
matic ".pobS seldCli cOTIIlDlt them_ the central section c~ l~a~:~rt is to.11 Lt. Ellis' ble she hurried over to the posi-
selTee abon altitudes of 4,000 the _In target. , ~ .. but itthan to Polnt any mor_ tion sttll marked by two circling
teet. When. they do, the character_ Heavy gullS I8Der.111:" au tla:Ple more crews would copy Dumbos at 23_245 14l-55E. and at
lstlcs or t1re are: meager to .04_ problem to the talt ~!~, aU'" ~~ tl.lt; more people would be
Udt ell• stories to their grand ..
about 1700 & thoroughly ahaUsted
era':;8. 1Daceurate and tl'aUiD4\:. able fighters. Virt;-::._" and emaciated 2nd Lt. gUll ...
Low-leval attacks caule vlgoraul
reactloD, recell'e intebae and ac..-
eae lnewrAd bfI.I ""0 IJ-- " carefully brought aboard trCII tbI
raft where he hid lpent tbl lilt
tremely flexIble p:t ...111 "'" 'nSSI HG- ON 11AGOYA RAID
curate fire froll autc.atlc w"POba tlMed 13.2 IlIII IIfI.cb1D· ~ 13. 401'.
and 1IIfI.chlne g\lD.I. Bcnrever. there There bave beeD tIPrf4I rstt' l.J.~ story s
haa been no evldence of Aft barrage ot the use of j ' -~ II" It" ka7 wh;erts on the night or ~. all bilk
Re had 10it 38
fire nor do tracers appear 1ll vol..
woe. date and the tr·"'~:'.";'1 " '~lb -8 c~~~ plane on which
le°llll or ~h ot took ott on
was ra. and bUst""" fit!
emy A" loadla&1 aPr:A- ~ and hiS haDds were • .
with salt water ,orel, alth" _......
"" cltAa wre 1be r8lllu.1't 11 less thaD ,taJIlIaJ"O' e two incendiary

sulfa po"der supplied in his first -rhey were fl lled the pierc- snips they could see aheM just
aid kit already had started these ing, E1l1s sai~in~ e 110.. inglY he P~ife jacket Just before their trOUble "oulO have no~
to helling. He "as stUl too "eak him, and f'rCQ -he the llil." 'l~ ~L_ eord on hiS ter and then ticed the flash or ttlelr explocl.lng
to talk and must have been a little to see of th t tle ~te.~ "'IlL J;,alftJ hit the ..8 feet thrOUAh plane on the water. 'lbe nylon
out or h19 bead (as who "ouldn't
be) oecause be c ouldn I t remember
and with the co:
With e sea
he ell8~'" ll~ ~$f_.~ aboU\til filled chute cord on the sea anchor would not
'" ~·b1 h19 5 d and settled in- remain tied, however, and either
the unit he had cane' trom, or Just equipment hav1t1A bottles IlQ ~lt pl"~t collaRi~ next concern was during the tirst or the seCond
'll'hat ':lad happened in the preceeding ever on pUtt1 no ert '1l4~, )lfltt ISter. nfl ated , which he night i t came loose and was lost.
two "eekS. ord.er to bail ~ ttl1s r1r~t '!bib' t)1hI 1Il.5 rltt \mil e at the same This .,as a serio\J3 misfortune but
than a minute :~ g1'tll ~t, ~ ~~~td to do t out of hiS par a - Ellis wisely made another anchor
They put him to bed aboard the the engine first 30 aee ~ ~ 'j;II' ""tlt W.eall"b~
to ~ he got his legs out of his saU, aOO as tle later
destroyer and started bringing him this period Elltian 1l"7~llt~ eshroud lines and worked his navigational problem out
back to life and health and then pilot both had slln tit ~ ~ 11\ o~ them and theD In''' he either used h19 sail as an an~
took bim to 1"0 Jioa lfhere he was strength on ~ apP17 th Illllli lost hiS chute, chor to hold him in Position or
keep the Plane strail"igbt ~~.:.:
taken to one at the hospitals and II ~ raft ",8 a111 presumably sailed "ith it towards Iwo when the
.ht." ....'
allowed to continue his comeback.
The 9tory 19 marred at this point
by the tact that his presence on
the island "as not immediately mede When the order
• ,4l.51P


t still thinking clear-

t.JtID bU t h1zD.Selt settled in
If nus go art which was tos-
wind was favorable •
known to the Air-Sea Rescue people Ellis said that he t~O bIU ~ When Ell1s hit the water be
and,as soon a9 he wss able to talk, body in the rear un OlJ.&bt!"!J- ~ ~lte~llS ~ ~ves aD5 swells wasn't exactly sure or just where
the ltiole story ot his previous ex-
perience taken down so that the
tion balled out. ~e:.":11~ ... ~.1t II' _ t1nlates were about 15 he was. There was s strons .1nd
trom last to leave the r tbllt:i itt ~ ~od as daylight approach- blow-1tl8 !'rom the west which he knew
other possible survival's could be tion, being followed Il~" 011t ~~ blian
to take stock ot hiS would force him ort course to the
searehed tor. dtately by the flight e".1 - east away from the regular path to
the pilo t. ''0 llttl Ii I!t:lUOll. lwo. He was not sure whether he
RE1VRNS TO TELL STORY II bid nth him the following was anywhere near Pajores and the
Ellis says he jUlllPed t.IIr 'lOll L'I4 aqulpalent: O"ne halt pint other upper islands d the Ilarianas,
Lt. Ellis tiDally came around to nose wheel hatch feet f1nt~a: ;.~ ater,one water-logged sig- as he hadn't had a chance to chec~"
the point where he could be brought i08 the plane well. u aO~Ui •HIatt -.!lleh wes useless as -SOOD wi th the DBvigator before jumping .
beck to his bome base and he "as was out he pulled hiS r1p cit .1\ lOt nt, a pocket knite one
released trom the TiDian hospital w1 thhls own chute open1n,e: nonI1lJ: :U!1;S1bla canteen,wh1ch was iater He was actually afraid that he
on 9 June and told his story 1n de_ He then fOCUsed his etteat1lu IIlIl tor catchinp; rain water, a was in the big gap which 11es be'"
taU to the ':'ling Air-sea Rescue the plane and noticed tour Nt ta;&lS, a dgoalm1rror, one fiSh. tween these islands and vtnirui-I.o,
Board on 10 June. chutes come out of It· bon l¥t1t, a Ute raft petching k1 t, so his maJal' objective was to stay
the after section and two f1'(I" , .... aoeb.cr and a sall. For tood on the plane trac k to lwo and he
P'rom the time of their take-off forward section, He bel1end IflI 'kot ..re Ju9t the two oranges sal1ed or used his sea aochor, as
on 14 Kay, the story runs as fol_ las t of these tiro rornrd elm. I _I he had brought along in hiS the wind made lt desirable, 'lhe
lOll'S: As soon as the plane cleared be tha t of Donlon the pilot, U 1\1 rl1il t tu1 t. first day out, the wind blew t'r0lll
T1n15O on its way north to the Em- plane went over 1Dto • ,wtl:Il the west, and he used his sail as a
pire, Ellis .and most of the other bank almost 'immediately thertLtw , nES DOIrN HIS GEAR sea anchor. On fol101t'1M days it
members ot the crew went to sleep as if the result ot re4UeN" shifted to the south and souttl'tJest
to ceteh up for the Job ahead. All sure on the rudl!er eDd a1~: . . : Illflg after he had landed he and "he scudded alOl:l8 'oebinl! bis
the enlisted members of the crew The p18ne then started an 11; 1110 t~o;:~~y seasick, and stay_ sal1, Fran start to t1nUh he saw
had stoOd guard duty the n1ght be':' vertical dive, .-hich ..~~11D. 'U, 11th the next day and a no s 1p:n of the other lDelDbers at his
tore aDd already were rather tired. crash and 'brilliant _r 'Ilri ba411 ~h~ dry heaves wrack1Zl8 plane crew, but be118ft1 thst it
the surface. .. III _ e second day. 'lbe the navigator got dOWD all right
All Ellis remembers it, when they
were Just about two hours out on LANDS sAl!LY
~ orv 1 rOUgh and his raft
!l-. I2tlrl on him about three tr,
and any" of the otherS joined up
11'1 th bim, they would tD pt to
COU1'fe to lwo fly1ng a headirut trom JIIlI' ~ttq118b:'~adtlJoS11t two days, PaJ ores or one of the oearby lJ-
331 to 337 degrees true at an air Immed1a tely attar tb~'~ II b4~ the l'llt't a his gear lands.
speed at about lao knots, he awoke
to the sound or a runawsy propeller, attention turned t;a~tl;~ ~' So he ~nd the raft tied After the secoocl da, out tbI
ament, as he was hi c~~~ .....~~ ot ttl~~~ none Of hi.
'!'he IfUmber 2 prop had gont! out on iDA' the surt'8ce andtJIti. IJ'~'" ""'tOl'tunes "«::os 1n each at weather moderated a bit and b. di-
them and despite the comb1ned et- any at the other c tic' to ~ ll. • eided to eat one or bll preoi;:
rortll or pllot, co-pUot aDd flight
eORheer they were unable to feath_
er the - damaged engine or get it
had. made ita prac ctll"
Mae \'es t over b1S w1JI ,0 ,. "' ...~ loss
till » ~ to ~~hClr'
not be1ng able t~'yelt ~~ ~be....p hta
.h~ th1s tllle wu
ch he had pUt
l"atlol11ag hwelt OD a.. oa:
B. bad aIrMd7 ,tar

iag what be could wb. . . . . • WU1

sQUall c_ b7 aa4 -
stopped, Ellis says it was a me. t- could inflate b t 0 1tt~u.OQt, in n~ the scene ot a_ _
ter of seconds only before that hit the water Wi:::Uc~ ~ ~t be..,. heatod opes that some_ of 01117 _ •• on11AIlII" !dO -~
engiu caught tire and they all
knew they wOUld have to ball out. ribs inside or "'7 bt.1lt4Oqt 011 ~e1r di.treae suPP17 eacb daJ. oa. tbI n,tIl •
• txtb clay be ate tbe 110- . . . . .
harness. , Or that Just betor.
one of the two the PaDIS ot bani-

bad !t that tllll8. n.un. USually
night. 1Ib.en h. tne)' .... d1q.lS
FISH ~EP HDf COIi?ANY catch their e nad "~t
would CCGle bac~~tentl: ~t
A')out this time he began to try 11' pretty high by e!e.)'1~~bolt lL\
his hend at fIsh 1M. There were ever noticed th~ bQt 11011It, ~
two types of small fUh around, one mirror lIbich he sJDe.lJ. t14.l Qt ~
a slll!ll school of fIsh that stayed whenever any p1 USfld t'~tt It
under the shade of his raft, and thought it usel=' e", ~ ....
anotler larger kind that were about dye-marker unle S to~. '__ ~
10 t:J 12 inches long with sharp
dorSil fins whIch he s&1d they
reasonably Cle!!:! s_tb~ 'l:t:.
use or his lD1rro; Tbb, P1.ll ~ U1,~9ap
raised when the.v were angry. Catch- his life. pro~lt ~
ing e1 thar of the!8 types lIlS tru1 t_
less by handl1ne 50' be rigged up Atter 13 da
one of hill paddles that he had dr1ftlll1t. durir: ot .,~
oede frau piece or hoatltU1; dr1tt- ered almost 225 wh1eh tilt Ii • ",..,&,
wood as a sort of elub and spear we oker and more aM au. l:ll,
l:JI! .. e rollowing re- of Burmese collaboration indicated
all in one. ','Ilth tMs he proceeded W:hat was goiQA on lor, baaJ ... that the Japs had thee thoroughly
ted a Catalina C~1:!~1111111'"
to obtain one of the larger types ort from the XX BOf!lb-
~r command is based
of the fish. He took one bite ot
this, hew8Ve.r, and decided that he
three miles away trCII
westward at abCJJt' 1500 '"
ti:-.. on the intel'rogatio n
cowed, and the Burmese were atra1d
to do anything that would ",ntagon.
he t.hem. 'nley were deeent er.ougb.
would rather starve to death than feet, he estimates. I to I..
of 29 crew members,
officers and enl1ste~ to the men ;men the:' had a ch.!.l'Ir'o! _
eat it, as it tasted just like men, recently libera- but they never forgot tha.t the Jans
suet. He really Worked witt! h1 ted froo a Japanese were there.
this time, and to hh ~13:tt
His interest In fiShing also someone in the plane all h1J;: Pr!N camp in Rangoqn.
All were fran the 40th
waned about thiS time, as SaDe a~ headed over. He brob .UII Bombar~ment Group and
sharks started sw1mmlna: against the rest of his d)'"8-tlarker at 1tlI.I. The major1ty of men
underside of the ra!'t and. as Ellis and sure enoUi;b the p1IllI ,.
were part of a group after capture by th~
of 46 men reported Japanese, were taken
put it, cocked a hungry eye at him, over snd circled bb. It_... -lII1ss1ng" on 14 Decem- either to t~e l:ew La_
ceeded to drop sollie auppl1a 11~ ber 1944 trom a bomb- :::ourts (the elty lock.
Barracuda als 0 came by. but and he feebly paddled ORr. II ing 'mission to R~n- up),'or toJl1dsonCol.
these seemed tolBve other interests gettiOR the pe~kages open, !tile. I goon. " lege, part of whict
and never bothered bim. He gave
one shark a rap on the dorsal fin
bo says he waved hU IrIS III t:a
tic thanks t which he rep_lid a
-;:;,..... , was then 10 use as Jap Air ForeE
Headquarters. Some of the men, par.
witt one of his paddles when it the 40th Group B-29 c• • tllhll'"
ticularly those who hed beenOll.p-
HI erew members landed in or
C8J:lE too close for his l1kiOR, and Then addi tiona! Catalll1&S c" ~ CIlI' the c1ty of Rangoon and were tured 1n villages outside the elty,
for a mirute he thought the fish to stand by him untll tbI.- had been interrogated before t.'!ey
was goi~ to give him a bad time could arrive and CCIlplete thtrt- Il:ost 1mcled1ately taken into cus-
t:llly by e1ther Japanese soldiers or reached these places and already
but it finally went away atter mak~ cue. knew somethl~ of the Jep 51ste:l of
ing Salle ugly lOOking passes at his ~e, Only one man, T/Sgt. E.F.
l'rtr.mer, was able to evade in:me- slapping and beating prisoners 1n
raft. One of his major worries was 'l\te story just ablT..t 'alS: tate. Cll.pture. It was 5U days be- order to extract informatlon. Others
that the sharp dorsal tins of the
smaller rtsh would puncture his
~'/e are still 100kinR f~
members of his cr!lf 111 HI ~
%U' tel'! he was picked up by Burmese were initieted into thiS ga:;e soon
~ turned over to the Japs. Crew after their arrival.
thlll rubber raft and that the story back in our midst aaa ~ 'ZlIt'" ll/eZ'S report that the Burmese
would end right there. his story S1tllplYd8n~}~t11 bIff~ ~ no hostile edvances. and in D.1ring the several days the oen
ill,llj fsshion, an hiS CIIlI"" 1ltera~es seve them humane and con- stayed at these places, and atter
UNSEEN BY B-29s satisfaction ~\Pl1n.,
horse sense,
sc as1bl' tw",
1~le treatment until the Jap
IttQrtioll.~rived, but they made no
their removal to the PO'1 cal'lp, they
were interrogated many tiMS, (A68..
!he most heartbreeking thing or were as much r8SPo otblt tit elp them evade capture. tailed report OIl these lnterrOiP"
all was to watch four complete B_29 final rescue 88 any ~ion!l.toget1er with a liSt or typi-
strikes rly over him \'ithout seeinn: (C onfidential), 'lti:ge~O~te who were picked up by cal questions, rill be prioted la.
a future issue or the A.I.lt.) U
~_Cll:le Und"llS stated that it they
~l'S 1t. etected by other vll_ may be Doted at tfl,1I po1Dttb~1
'~tb GUld be an easy matter to that taw .eD were be&teD ano ~..
~~l..!hebutln getting beck to the aned w1th tbe1r 11"' at _t
-..q ban • Since others had seen ,erropt10" al1ibC1l11' . . ,
~ over ~~t, they had to be turn- .ent no actual pbJI1II1
~ 1l0ll1e! ta the Japanese or the any kind_
t:e 1ng thel/ e reprisal action by
IIecPle 'lhVillages and klll1f\/! !!o.t ot -
• e all-over picture pleased '1ft tb • HI

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