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Reactors in series Reactors used in actual treatment plants and processes may be

operated somewhere in between ideal reactor modes. Reactor

One method of increasing the removal efficiency of a process is to
operation can be semi-batch or semi-flow.
use a number of reactors in series. T is usually applicable for CSTRs,
though a combination of CSTRs are used, the effluent from one Examples:
reactor serves as the influent to the next reactor. There is a stepwise
- A reactor where all the reactants are added at the same time
decrease in the composition of reactant and the temperature as the
as a batch, but the products are discharged continuously
flow travels from one reactor to the next one.
- A reactor where the reactants are added at different time
- A reactor where the products are removed at different time
The detention time in the ith reactor is given by:
ti = V i / Q - A batch reactor partially filled with one reactant, with
progressive addition of other reactants until the reaction is
Where: completed.
V = volume of reactor REACTION KINETICS
Q = volumetric flow rate A variety of chemical and biochemical reactions take place in the
REACTORS IN SERIES: environment that are of importance to environmental engineers
and scientists. These include reactions between various elements
rAi = (Ai – Ai-1) / ti of the air, water, and soil as well as with microorganism
Where: Number of reactions where it depends:
rAi = rate of consumption of A in ith reactor 1. Times
ti = detention time in the reactor 2. Temperature
3. Pressure
Ai = concentration of A in effluent from ith reactor 4. Concentration
Ai-1 = concentration of A in effluent from (1-i)th reactor Reaction kinetics can be defined as the study of the effects of the
SEMI-BATCH OR SEMI-FLOW REACTORS temperature, pressure, and concentration of reactants and
products on the rate of a chemical reaction.
Reaction that occur within a single phase (solid, liquid or Type of order reaction:
gaseous) are called homogenous reactions,
-Zero order reaction
-First order reaction
Nitrification in wastewater
-Second order reaction
Reactions that involve two or more phase are called
heterogeneous reaction
Zero order reaction
Proceeds at a rate that is independent of the concentration of the
Gas adsorption on activated carbon
reactants or products. Consider the following irreversible elementary
The rate of reaction, ri, is used to described the rate of formation reaction where reactant A is converted to product C:
of a product, or rate of disappearance of a reactant
A -> C
For homogeneous reaction, ri, is calculated as the moles or mass
If this reaction is zero order, the rate expression can be written as:
produced or consumed per unit volume per unit time.
rA = -k
aA + bB -> cC
(d[A]) / dt = -k[A]0 = -k[1] = -k
C = product
(d[A]) / dt = rate of change of concentration of A with time
A,B = reactants
K = reaction rate constant, time
a,b,c = stoichiometric coefficient
The order of a reaction is the sum of the empirically determined
exponents, with respect to the reactants A and B, while the order is y First order reaction
with respect to its product C. The order of reaction can be a whole
number or a fraction. If the reaction is first order with respect to concentration of A, the rate
expression becomes
For a homogeneous, irreversible, elementary reaction that occurs in a
single step, the empirically determined exponents equal to the d[A]) / dt = -k[A]
stoichiometric coefficients
After integration: Example:
[At] = [Ao] e-kt Activated sludge reactor, membrane bioreactor
Types of reactors:
Second order reaction
1. Batch reactor
The simplest kind of second-order reaction is one whose rate is 2. Plug flow reactor (PFR)
proportional to the square of the concentration of one reactant. These 3. Continuous-flow stirred tank reactor ( CSTR )
generally have the form 2A → products. A second kind of second-order
reaction has a reaction rate that is proportional to the product of the
concentrations of two reactants. Such reactions generally have the Models developed for ideal reactors can be further modified to
form A + B → products. An example of the former is a dimerization represent real-life processes and flow conditions for reactors used at
reaction, in which two smaller molecules, each called a monomer, treatment plants.
combine to form a larger molecule (a dimer).
Batch reactor
The differential rate law for the simplest second-order reaction in which In a batch reactor, reactants are added to the reactor and mixed for a
2A → products is as follows: requisite amount of time for the reactions to occur.
rate=−Δ[A]2Δt=k[A]2(14.22)(14.22)rate=−Δ[A]2Δt=k[A]2 At the end of the reaction time, the contents are removed from the
One characteristic of the batch reactor is that all fluid particles have
Reactors the same residence time in the reactor
A reactor is a tank or vessel where chemical, biological, or Homogeneous mixing is assumed, so that the composition of the
biochemical reactions take place, usually in a liquid medium. mixture is the same throughout the reactor
Chemical reactors Labor costs and materials handling costs can run high, due to the time
Are use in a water treatment plant in coagulation-flocculation, lime and effort involved in filling emptying, and cleaning the reactors.
softening, taste and odor control, disinfection, and other unit Design equation:
processes that involved chemical reactions.
Rin = Rout + Racc – Rcon
Reactors are used in wastewater treatment plants involve biochemical
and biological reactions
Sample problem: The following data were obtained from a batch
Rin/out= rate of input/output experiment for the reaction A → P. Determine the order of the
Racc= rate of accumulation reaction.

Rcon= rate of consumption Point A B C D E F G

Time 0 10 20 30 40 60 80
Plug flow reactor A 100 74 55 30 17 9 5
In a plug flow reactor, fluid particles flow through the tank and are
discharged in the same sequence as the entered. The fluid particles
move through the reactor tube as plugs moving parallel to the tube
axis. Assuming that the section of the curve between each time interval is a
straight line, the rates could be calculated from the slope of that
The plug flow reactor is suitable for gas phase reactions that take section.
place at high pressure and temperature. The average reaction rate is
usually higher in a PFR as compared with CSTR of similar volume, for So, if rA = dA/dt: 𝑑𝐴𝑑𝑡=Δ𝐴Δ𝑡=100−740−10=−2.59
the same feed composition and reaction temperature
For first interval and so on.
Plotting of ln(–rA) versus ln(A) will yield a slope that we can use for
Continuous- flow stirred tank reactors the best fit line, which is 0.935, and can be rounded-off to 1. So the
reaction is first order.
This is used mainly for liquid phase reactions at low or atmospheric
In this reactor, the reactant flows continuously into the reactor, the
product effluent flows out continuously, and the reactor contents are
mixed on a continuous basis.
This type of reactor is also called back mix reactor or completely
mixed reactor. The basic assumption for an ideal CSTR is that the
reactor contents are completely mixed and homogeneous throughout.
Wastewater contains a wide variety of microorganisms, some of Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms. They use soluble
which are pathogens, while others play a significant role in food. Bacteria usually reproduce by binary fission, although some
degradation of organic matter. species reproduce sexually or by budding. They are generally
Bacteria, protozoa, and other microorganisms play an active role in characterized by the shape, size, and structure of their cells.
the conversion of biodegradable organic matter to simpler end
products that result in stabilization of the waste. The cell wall is a rigid structure that provides shape to the cell and
This is a continuous process occurring in streams and rivers as protects it from osmotic pressure. The wall is usually 0.2 to 0.3 μm
natural purification processes. These natural purification processes thick and accounts for 10% to 50% of the dry weight of the cell. Inside
are enhanced and accelerated in engineered biological treatment the cell wall is the cytoplasmic membrane, a critical permeability
systems at wastewater treatment plants. barrier that regulates the transport of food into the cell and of waste
products out of the cell.
The three major domains of living organisms are the Bacteria, the
Archaea, and the Eukarya. The interior of the cell contains the cytoplasm, the nuclear area, and
the polyribosomes. The cytoplasm is a colloidal suspension of
Based on cell structure, all living organisms are divided into two proteins, carbohydrates, and other complex organic compounds. The
types: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. The major structural difference cytoplasm contains RNA, which causes biosynthesis of proteins. The
between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is their nuclear structure. RNA, together with proteins, forms densely packed particles called
polyribosomes, which manufacture enzymes for each specific
The major structural difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes biochemical reaction.
is their nuclear structure. The eukaryotic nucleus is surrounded by a
nuclear membrane, contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules, A number of factors affect the growth and death of bacteria. These
and undergoes division by mitosis. include type of food or carbon source, abundance of food, nutrients,
pH, temperature, presence or absence of oxygen, and toxic
On the other hand, the prokaryotic nuclear region is not surrounded substances. Given the presence of optimal conditions, bacteria can
by a membrane and contains a single DNA molecule whose division is grow in logarithmic proportions.
nonmitotic. The first phase is called the lag phase. This represents the time
The prokaryotes include bacteria, blue-green algae (cyanobacter), needed by the bacteria to adjust to the new environment and start
and archaea. The archaea are separated from bacteria due to their producing enzymes necessary to degrade the substrate surrounding
DNA composition and unique cellular chemistry. Examples of archaea them.
are the methane producers, e.g. methanococcus, methanosarcina. If the substrate is readily degradable, then the lag phase is short. If
The eukaryotes are much more complex and include plants and the substrate is not readily biodegradable, then it may take time for
animals, as well as protozoa, fungi, and algae. the bacteria to produce the necessary enzymes.
This may result in a long lag phase until the bacteria are acclimated to Protozoa are mostly unicellular eukaryotes that lack cell walls. They
the substrate and then start reproducing. If the bacteria are not able to can be free living or parasitic. Most are aerobic heterotrophs, some
synthesize the necessary enzymes, the substrate may be toxic and are aerotolerant anaerobes, and a few are obligate anaerobes. They
eventually result in death of the cells. reproduce by binary fission. They can range in size from a few to
several hundred μm. They are an order of magnitude larger than
After the lag phase comes the logarithmic or exponential growth bacteria.
phase. In this phase, the population doubles at regular intervals of
time due to abundance of substrate and optimal growth conditions.
Amoeba—They move by extending their cytoplasm in search of food.
The last phase is called the endogenous decay or death phase, These extensions are called pseudopods or false feet. They are
when one or more nutrients or the substrate is completely exhausted. pathogenic and cause ameobic dysentery in humans.
Cell death and lysis releases some soluble organics that are used by Giardia lamblia—These are parasitic protozoa. They range in size
surviving bacteria for a while. The death rate keeps on increasing until from 8 to 18 μm long and 5 to 15 μm wide (Hammer and Hammer,
all bacterial cells die off. 2012).

Heterotrophic —uses organic compounds as both their carbon and Cryptosporidium—This forms a thick-walled oocyst in the
energy source. A large number of wastewater bacteria are environment and can survive for long periods of time. The oocyst is
heterotrophic. spherical with a diameter of 4 to 6 μm. Cryptosporidium oocysts are
Classification by oxygen requirement present in small numbers in surface waters.
1. Aerobic—requires oxygen for growth and survival.
2. Anaerobic—grows in absence of oxygen. They cannot survive in Algae are autotrophic, photosynthetic eukaryotic plants. One
presence of oxygen. exception is the blue-green algae or cyanobacter, which is prokaryotic
3. Facultative—can grow both in presence or absence of oxygen. and produces toxins that are harmful to fish and birds, e.g. Anabena.
Classification by temperature
1. Cryophilic or psychrophilic—grows at temperatures below 20°C, ALGAE
usually between 12°C and 18°C. Algae are autotrophic. They use sunlight as their energy source, and
2. Mesophilic—grows between 25°C and 40°C, optimum at 35°C. carbon dioxide or bicarbonates as their carbon source. The oxygen
3. Thermophilic—grows between 50°C and 75°C, optimum at 55°C. that is produced during photosynthesis replenishes the dissolved
oxygen content of the water. They are often used in aerobic oxidation
Growth is not limited to these temperature ranges only. Bacteria will ponds, since they can produce the oxygen necessary for aerobic
grow at slower rates at other temperatures and can survive over a bacteria. Algae are important primary producers in the aquatic food
wide range of temperatures. chain
Fungi Dilution is a process whereby the concentration of pollutants is
Fungi are multicellular, nonphotosynthetic, heterotrophic eukaryotes. reduced due to mixing of a small volume of polluted water with a large
Most are obligate or facultative aerobes. They can reproduce sexually body of water, e.g. a stream or river. This usually happens when
or asexually by fission, budding, or spore formation. wastewater is discharged into a stream.

Virus Wastewater is discharged into a stream at a flow rate Qw with a

A virus is a noncellular genetic element that uses a host cell for its concentration Cw of a pollutant. Prior to discharge, the stream flow
replication and also has an extracellular state. In the extracellular rate was Qus with a concentration Cus of the pollutant. Assuming
state, it is called a virion. A virion is metabolically inert and does not complete mixing at the point of discharge and no accumulation or
carry out respiratory or biosynthesis functions. Viruses are obligate chemical conversion, we can calculate the downstream flow rate Qds
intracellular parasites. and concentration Cds of the mix after discharge.

From the principle of continuity,

A virus cannot reproduce or replicate on its own. It can only replicate Qw + Qus = Qds
inside a host body. The various phases of the replication process of a
bacteriophage are given below:
1. Attachment—adsorption of the virion to a susceptible host cell. SEDIMENTATION
2. Penetration—injection of the virion or its nucleic acid into the cell. Sedimentation is a process that involves the removal of suspended
3. Replication—of the virus nucleic acid. The virus alters the cell’s solids from a water body by settling them out. The size of the solid
metabolism to synthesize new virus nucleic acids. particles plays a major role in the efficiency of sedimentation.
4. Synthesis—of protein subunits of the virus coat.
5. Assembly and packaging—of protein subunits and nucleic acid
into new virus particles. MICROBIAL DEGRADATION
6. Release—of mature new viruses from the cell by lysis as the cell Wastewater discharged from municipal sources contains a large
breaks open. amount of organic matter. When untreated wastewater is discharged
into streams and rivers, the organic matter is used as food by
bacteria, protozoa, and other microorganisms in the water bodies.
Natural purification processes are continually active in streams and
rivers to reduce the levels of the pollutants to acceptable or negligible
concentrations. These processes include dilution, sedimentation,
filtration, heat transfer, and chemical and biological conversions.
A number of different methods can be used to measure the organic
content of wastewater. The commonly used techniques include The following equation is used to calculate the BOD of a seeded
(1) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
(2) chemical oxygen demand (COD), and 𝐵𝑂𝐷𝑡=𝐷1−𝐷2−𝐵!−𝐵2𝑓𝑃
(3) total organic carbon (TOC).
where: D1 = Initial dissolved oxygen concentration of diluted seeded
BOD is the most widely used parameter for measuring the amount of wastewater mixture, mg/L
biodegradable organic matter present in a wastewater. Standard BOD D2 = Final dissolved oxygen concentration of diluted seeded
test results are obtained after five days. This is discussed in more wastewater mixture, mg/L
detail in the following section. B1 = Initial dissolved oxygen concentration of seed mixture from seed
BOD test, mg/L
B2 = Final dissolved oxygen concentration of seed mixture from seed
COD is defined as the oxygen equivalent of organic matter that can BOD test, mg/L
be oxidized by a strong chemical oxidizer in an acidic medium. COD
f = Ratio of seed volume in seeded wastewater mixture to seed
measures both biodegradable and nonbiodegradable organic matter.
volume used in seed BOD
The results can be obtained in a few hours.
test=𝑚𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐷1𝑚𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐵1=0.05 𝑡𝑜 0.10
The TOC test measures the total organic carbon that can be oxidized
𝑃= 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒300 𝑚𝑙
to carbon dioxide in the presence of a catalyst. The test can be
performed rapidly and results obtained in a short period of time.
Determination of k and L
The values of the constants k and Lo or BODult can be determined
Unseeded BOD test
from a series of BOD measurements.
The BOD test is carried out in 300 ml BOD bottles according to
Standard Methods (AWWA et al., 2005). A measured volume of
wastewater is added to the bottle, together with dilution water. The Thomas’s graphical method
dilution water is prepared by adding phosphate buffer, magnesium A BOD test is conducted for 7 to 10 d, and daily measurements are
sulfate, calcium chloride, and ferric chloride. taken. For each day, BOD and (time/BOD)1/3 are calculated.

Seeded BOD test Theoretical oxygen demand

When wastewater does not have enough microbial population in it to The theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD) for a compound or substance
exert a measurable oxygen depletion during the BOD test, seed can be determined from the chemical oxidation reactions of that
microorganisms are added to the mixture. compound.
4. Steady state conditions are assumed along the stream channel,
DISSOLVED OXYGEN BALANCE resulting in the use of a single value of k2. Stream bed characteristics,
•Dissolved oxygen sag curve slopes, impoundments, etc. are not considered.

When a wastewater with a significant amount of organic matter is

discharged into a stream or river, the dissolved oxygen level
decreases and drops to a minimum value. As reaeration slowly Sample Problems
replenishes the dissolved oxygen, over time and with distance, the
stream DO level comes back to predischarge concentration. 1.A tanning industry discharges wastewater with ammonia into a
stream as illustrated. Prior to discharge, the flow rate of the stream is
30 m3/s with an ammonia concentration of 0.2 mg/L. The flow rate of
Dissolved oxygen sag curve - Critical points the industrial discharge is 1.3 m3/s with an ammonia concentration of
The lowest point on the oxygen sag curve, where the deficit is the 50 mg/L. Calculate the resultant flow rate and ammonia concentration
greatest, is called the critical deficit Dc. This point represents the downstream from the point of discharge.
maximum impact of the waste discharge on the dissolved oxygen
content of the stream. If the BOD of the waste is too high, it may result SOLUTION
in a deficit that causes anaerobic conditions in the stream, i.e. DO Calculate resultant flow rate using equation of continuity
level goes to zero.
Qds = 30 m3/s + 1.3 m3/s Qds = 31.3 m3/s

Write a mass balance between upstream and downstream points

•Dissolved oxygen sag curve - Limitations of the oxygen sag curve
model (Mass flow rate of ammonia)in = (Mass flow rate of ammonia)out
1. The model assumes only one source of BOD discharge into the (30 m3/s × 0.2 mg/L) + (1.3 m3/s × 50 mg/L) = 31.3 m3/s × Cds
stream. If there are multiple waste discharges along the stream, they
have to be taken into account. The stream can be divided into Cds = 2.27 mg/L ans.
segments consisting of a single source of waste discharge, and the
model applied sequentially from the first to the last segment.
2. Oxygen demand due to nitrification or algal respiration is not taken
into account.
3. Contribution of algae to reaeration is not considered.

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