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Software Tool for Grounding

System Design

Adnan Mujezinović

Abstract The purpose of the grounding systems is to ensure safety of substations

equipment and personnel in and outside of substation at the maximum fault
cur-rents. In order to properly perform their function, grounding system should
have low resistance, thus limiting the potential values at the ground surface during
the highest values of fault currents. This paper presents mathematical models on
which developed software tool for calculation of the grounding system parameters
is based. Modules of the developed software tool were used to conduct some
calculations which are typical for designing of the grounding systems.

1 Introduction

When designing high voltage substations of all voltage levels, special attention
must be paid to the performance of the grounding system. Grounding systems with
low grounding resistance is the basis for reliable, secure, and functional operation
of the substation [1]. Addition to reliable and safe operation of the substation
another important aspect is the safety of personnel inside as well as outside of the
substation. [2, 3]. Basic precondition for successful design of grounding system is
knowledge of the characteristics of the soil where grounding systems are buried.
A precise calculation of the grounding system parameters doesn’t allow making an
equivalency between non-homogenous and homogenous soil with apparent value of
soil resistivity [4].
Grounding systems are composed of the horizontal, vertical and inclined gal-
vanic connected unisolated conductors that in most practical cases form very
complex geometries [5]. Length and position of the grounding system conductors
depends on the substations gear disposition, surrounding soil resistivity and
available space. Due to the large number of different geometric shapes of grounding
systems, a simple analytical equation doesn’t provide satisfactory accuracy in most

A. Mujezinović (&)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-mail: adnan.mujezinovic@etf.unsa.ba

and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 3,

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47295-9_14
174 A. Mujezinović

practical cases. Nowadays, design of the grounding system relies on the use of
numerical methods for field calculation [6].
In modern literature different numerical approach has been proposed for
model-ling grounding systems like finite difference method (FDM), finite element
method (FEM) [6–8] and boundary element method (BEM) [9–14]. First two
mentioned methods are not suitable for modeling grounding systems because of
specific geometry of the problem. Greater weakness of these two methods is need
for discretization of entire domain (semi—infinite domain) and great differences in
size between subdomains that need to be discretize (small ratio of the radius—
length). All this leads to the great matrix systems that need to be solved which is
time consuming. On the other hand, by using boundary element method only
boundaries of the domain need to be discretized and there is no need for dis-
cretization of the infinite boundary. In this paper for modeling grounding system in
homogeneous and stratified soil boundary element method was used.

2 Soil Resistivity Measurement

One of the main input data for the grounding system parameters calculation is soil
resistivity and soil stratification. Soil resistivity varies from location to location, and
should be determined by measurement on each individual location. Soil resistivity
can be measured by using numerous methods described in ANSI/IEEE Std.
81-2012 [15]. Most common used method is Wenner’s four-probe method. This
method is characterized by simplicity, relatively large depth of the measurement
and high immunity to noise which could cause a measurement error [5]. On the
other hand, interpretation of the results obtain by this method can be complex and
require usage of the optimization technique.

2.1 Wenner’s Measurement Method

Measurement circuit of the Wenner’s methods is composed of four probes,

volt-meter, ampermeter and source which frequency is different from the industry
frequency, as showed on the Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Wenner’s four-probe

measurement method
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 175

This method is based on the injection of current by current (outer) probes, and
voltage drop on voltage (inner) probes are measured by voltmeter. Current injected
in the soil is measured by ampermeter. From measured values and distance between
probes apparent soil resistivity can be easily calculated by using following relation
[16, 17]:

qðaÞ ¼ 2pa ð1Þ

where: a is distance between two adjacent probes, U is value of voltage that is

measured on voltmeter and I is value of current measured on amperemeter.
Apparent soil resistivity is equal to the soil resistivity only if soil is homogenous.
In order to determine whether the soil is homogeneous, several measurements need
to be conducted at different electrode distances. In practice homogenous soil is rear,
therefore it is necessary to assume that the soil is layered. When using multi-layer
soil model following assumptions must be introduced:
– soil is composed of finite number of layers,
– thickness of all soil layer is finite except for to the lowest layer whose thickness
is assumed to be infinite,
– each soil layer is electrically homogeneous [18].
In most practical situations it is sufficient to assume the double layer soil. For
double layer soil, apparent soil resistivity can be calculated by using following
2 0 13
6 X
B b i
b i
qðaÞ ¼ q1 41 þ 4 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2ih2ffi  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2ih2ffiA5 ð2Þ
i¼0 1þ a 4þ a

where h is thickness of the upper layer and b is reflection coefficient that can be
calculated as:
q2  q1
b¼ ð3Þ
q2 þ q 1

where q1 is soil resistivity of upper layer of soil and q2 is soil resistivity of lower
layer of soil.
As it can be noted from Eqs. (2) and (3) apparent soil resistivity is function of
three unknown parameters (soil resistivity of upper layer q1, soil resistivity of lower
layer q2 and thickness of upper layer h). These three unknown parameters are
essential data for proper calculation grounding systems parameters. To determine
unknown parameters optimization calculation techniques must be used. Solution of
the problem can be obtained by minimizing square error between measured and
calculated data [19].
176 A. Mujezinović

N  m
q ðaÞ  q ðaÞ 2
f ðq1 ; q2 ; hÞ ¼ i i
i¼1 i ðaÞ

where qmi is apparent soil resistivity given by Eq. (1) and qi is the soil resistivity
given by relation (2) and N is number of conducted measurements.

2.2 Gradient Method

Problem presented above is the unconstrained nonlinear optimization problem.

Therefore, for minimization of square error function some optimization technique
must be employed. In this paper, problem was solved iteratively by using gradient
descent method. According gradient descent method, iterative scheme for calcu-
lation of unknown parameters has the following form:
8 kþ1 9 8 k 9
< q1 >
> < q1 >
= > =
q2 ¼ q2  c  rf
: kþ1 > ; >
: k> ;
h h

where k is number of iteration, c is constant (0.005 according to [15]) and ∇f is

gradient vector of square error.
All components of the gradient vector can be found in [15]. Iterative procedure
stops when variation of square error function between two adjacent iterations is
lower than premised value.
Presented mathematical model for interpretation of soil measurement data was
tested on measured data for two locations listed in Table 1.
Comparison of calculated and measured results for Location 1 is given on Fig. 2.
Value obtained for soil resistivity of upper layer, soil resistivity of lower layer
and thickness of the upper layer are given in Table 2.

Table 1 Measurement Distance (m) Location 1 Location 2

Soil resistivity (Xm)
1 79.1 147
2 140 89.7
4 229 78.9
6 271 54.6
8 224 52.9
10 234 45.4
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 177

Fig. 2 Comparison of measured and calculated results

Table 2 Results of the Parameter Location 1 Location 2

q1 (Xm) 163.31 46.67
q2 (Xm) 50.75 282.26
h (m) 1.175 0.52

3 Grounding System Parameter Calculation

The electrokinetic phenomena of fault current flow from grounding system to the
surrounding soil can be described by Fredholm’s integral field equation of the first
uðqÞ ¼ q rðpÞGðp; qÞdl ð6Þ

where u(q) is the potential of the observation point q, r(p) is the grounding system
current density, q is the soil resistivity, G(p,q) is the Green’s function for the
adopted soil model and l is the length of the grounding system conductor
(grounding system conductor length is much larger then radius therefore radius of
grounding conductor can be neglected). For homogeneous soil Green’s function
have the form:
1 1 1
Gðp; qÞ ¼ þ ð7Þ
4p jp  qj jp0  qj
178 A. Mujezinović

where |p- q| is the Euclidian distance between source point p and observation point
q and |p′- q| is the Euclidian distance between reflected source point p′ (point place
above ground at height which is equal to the depth below the ground surface of the
original source point) and observation point q.
For layered soil different Green’s functions must be used. Form of the Green’s
function for layered soil depends of the soil model and the position of the field point
and source point [10, 11]. In this paper layered soil was treated by Green’s function
for homogeneous soil and potential value was corrected by using correction factors
given by [20].
Integral field Eq. (6) can be solved numerically by using indirect boundary
element method. According to the BEM procedure after discretization of the
grounding system geometry and collocation method at the point, potential of the
observation point in the discrete form can be written as:

ne X
X ng X
uðqÞ ¼ q rei  wi ðnm Þ Ge ðnm ; qÞ det J ðnm Þwm ð8Þ
e¼1 m¼1 i¼1

where ne is the number of boundary elements, ng is the number of Gauss—

Legendre’s integration points, n is number that dependents on the geometry and
current density approximation, detJ(n) is determinate of Jacobean matrix, wi(n) is
used shape function, wm is m-th weighting coefficient.
Fault current IF that enters into grounding system leaks to the surrounding soil.
This can be written in the following form:
ne X
X n  
rei  wi ðnm Þ li ¼ IF ð9Þ
e¼1 i¼1

Since, all conductors of the grounding system are on the same potential uG,
previous equation can be written in the following matrix form [21]:
2 3 8 e 9 8 9
   R1ncp 1
> r1e >
R11 R12
> > 0> >
6 R21 R22    R2ncp 1 7 > >
> r > >
= <0>
> > >
6 7 < 2
6 .. .. .. .. .. 7  ..
6 .: . . . . 7 ¼
. > > > 0 ð10Þ
6 7 > > >
4 Rn 1 Rncp 2    Rncp ncp 1 5 >
> rncp >
e > >
> 0> >
cp >
: >
; : ;
l1 l2  lncp 0 uG I F

The matrix Eq. (10) is solved iteratively by using GMRES algorithm. Previously
presented mathematical model was used for calculation of the grounding system
parameters of two grounding systems of typical geometry.
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 179

3.1 Case Study 1

Presented mathematical model was used for calculation of the 10(20)/0.4 kV

substation grounding system. Analysed grounding system is placed in homoge-
neous soil and is composed of the two contours placed at the different depth, four
grounding electrodes connected to inner contour. Geometry of analysed grounding
system is given on the Fig. 3.
Value of the fault current was assumed to be 300 A and soil resistivity is
100 Xm. Results of the value of the potential distribution on the earth surface and
touch voltage distribution is given on the Figs. 4 and 5, respectively.


0.8 m


6m 1.5 m

Fig. 3 Geometry of analysed grounding system

180 A. Mujezinović

Fig. 4 Potential distribution on the earth surface

Fig. 5 Touch voltage distribution

Results of the GPR and grounding resistance obtained by the presented model
were comparison with results obtained by using analytical approach. Comparison of
the results is given in Table 3.
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 181

Table 3 Comparison of the Presented Analytical

results model model
Grounding 5.208 X 8.08 X
GPR 1562.6 V 2424 V

3.2 Case Study 2

Previously analysed geometry is typical for the distribution network substations. In

high voltages substations grounding system are mostly design in form of mesh.
Therefore, in this section calculation of the grounding system parameters of the
mesh geometry was calculated. Geometry and dimensions of the analysed
grounding system is given on the Fig. 6.
Value of the fault current was assumed to be 10 kA. Soil was assume to be
double layered where resistivity of upper layer is 75 Xm and thickness of the upper
layer is 2 m, and soil resistivity of lower layer was 150 Xm. Results of the value of
the potential distribution on the earth surface is given on the Fig. 7 while com-
parison of the grounding resistance and GPR with analytical approach is given in
Table 4.

Fig. 6 Geometry of analysed 80 m

grounding system
80 m

Grounding grid
182 A. Mujezinović

Fig. 7 Potential distribution on the earth surface

Table 4 Comparison of the Presented Analytical

results model model
Grounding 0.446 X 0.460 X
GPR 4.459 kV 4.460 kV

4 Calculation of the Transferred Earth Potentials

In urban area situation can be further complicate due to other metallic infrastructure
in the vicinity of grounding systems such as metallic pipelines, rails, metallic
fences. When in the vicinity of the grounding system is other metal infrastructure,
flow of the fault current through the grounding system may cause unwanted transfer
of earth potential. In this situation transferred earth potential must be calculated.
Presence of the passive electrode requests the upgrade matrix Eq. (10) in order
to calculate the potential of passive electrode. Since there is no leaking of the
current from passive electrode into the surrounding soil, it can be written [22]:
ne X
X n   ePAS
i wi ð n m Þ  li ¼0 ð11Þ
e¼1 i¼1

Previous equation is necessary to add on the matrix Eq. (10), in order to cal-
culate potential of the passive electrode. New matrix equation has the following
form [22]:
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 183

2 3 8 e 9 8 9
> r1e >
R11 R12 R1ncp 0 > 0>
> > >
6 R21 R22  R2ncp 1 0 7 > >
> r >
2 >
> 0> >
6 7 > > >
6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 >< .. > = > < .. >=
6 . . . . . . 7 . .
6 7 ¼ ð12Þ
6 Rncp 1  1 7 > e > >0>
6 Rncp 2 Rncp ncp 0 >
7 > cp > >
> r >
> > >
4 l1 5 >
> >
> >
l2  0 0 0 >
> u >
> >
: I F >
: G ;
0 0  PAS
lncp 0 0 uP 0

4.1 Case Study 3

In this section calculation example of the transfer of earth potential on the railway
tracks close to the grounding system, was conducted. Geometry of analysed system
is given on the Fig. 8. Grounding system and railway tracks are placed in homo-
geneous soil with resistivity 100 Xm. Value of the fault current was assumed to be
3 kA.
Potential distribution on the earth surface and distribution of touch voltage are
given on the Figs. 9 and 10, respectively.
Results of calculation of the grounding resistance, GPR and potential of the
passive electrode are given in Table 5.

Fig. 8 Geometry of analysed 40 m

problem 20 m
40 m

10 m

Grounding grid 10 m Rail

184 A. Mujezinović

Fig. 9 Potential distribution on the earth surface

Fig. 10 Touch voltage distribution

Table 5 Results of the Parameter Presented model

Grounding resistance 0.999 X
GPR 2999.94 V
Passive electrode potential 1212.71 V
Software Tool for Grounding System Design 185

5 Conclusion

In this paper, mathematical models of the software tool for grounding system
analysis and design has been presented. Given models were used for analysis and
calculations of layered soil parameters, potential distribution on the earth surface
and touch voltage distribution for cases when grounding system is placed in
homogeneous and double layered soil. Also, calculation of the transferred earth
potential was done when other metallic infrastructure is placed in the vicinity of
grounding system. These calculations are essential for grounding system analysis
and design.


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