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How you could mint your first million from cryptocurrencies Everything you need to get started is in this FREE book - written by AL) REVOLUTION the man who bought bitcoin in 2011 for $12! ost Howto mate Youn FST LION bette RESERVE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY NOW Dear Friend, Imagine taking R500.... just R500... That's less money than you probably spend on lunch every week. Less money than the cost of filling up the car at the petrol station. Less than you spend on a round at the pub on a Friday night. And using it to help you mint a vast personal fortune. Today I’m not only going to show you that it's possible. But exactly how to do it. And that’s by putting a small amount of money in the single biggest market boom in history... The cryptocurrency revolution. This market is a millionaire-machine... Throwing out life-changing gains one after another, after another. In my new book - | walk you through everything you need to know and do to help you capitalise on this raging phenomenon. Best of all, | put you onto a coin that my research tells me could make you R147,000 for every R500 you put in! That five hundred rand will get you started... on your way to what could be an epic personal profit. How does that sound to you? Bloody fantastic | hope! So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you through this exciting new boom. Then show you how to put all this into action by getting a copy of my bitcoin blueprint book for free. So let’s get moving... The era of "pocket change profits Hi, my name is Sam Volkering, I've invested in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies longer than any other financial professional | know of. | first bought in when it was selling for just $12. Back then hardly anyone knew what it was - or what it was supposed todo. But | could see the potential. And | was not going to let it get away from me. Look what's happened since... $8000 $4999 $3000 $2000 1000 so Jats dant Jur dat dus dant Su tant7 7 Source: Coindesk ‘As you can see, today it’s selling for more than $4,000 a coin. Incredible. But | say: “stuff the past”. Because here’s where my inside analysis tells me Bitcoin is headed next... om 100000 | Bitcoin Today Editor's own analysis, (Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.) ‘Over the next five to ten years bitcoin could fly past $380k a coin. That’s a 14,000% vertical lift-off that could make you rich - filthy rich. The kind of move that would turn just R500 into R70,000. | know that some people think the boat has sailed. They think it's TOO LATE to make life-changing money from this phenomenon. More fool them! Because | believe they are going to miss out on the single biggest wealth explosion in history. ‘And the reason they'll miss out is - to me - sickening. They simply won't be bothered to put R200, 300 or R500 into this market. Just a tiny stake - the kind of money you sink down the pub or on a half-decent meal. Let me make it crystal clear: You only need a tiny sum to get a potentially huge payout from this market. That R500 could make you as much as R50,000. Or you could lose it all. Thisis the sharpest, most wild edge of the investing frontier. And to get the most out of this, you need to be happy taking that risk. Ifo, then as | will show you - the crypto market is the only place in the world that could increase your personal wealth so dramatically. You don't need a degree in finance to profit from this. You don't need to understand charts, graphs or indexes. Allyouneed to dois... Read your free book immediately I know the cryptocurrency market inside out. F've even had private meetings with the people who actually make these new, fast-rising digital coins. In 2014, | was asked to explain on US TV why it was so significant. They turned to me to help them understand what was going on. AMERICA’S FORUM DeLee os) SAM VOLKERING Back then the idea was simply too raw for the mainstream media. Too edgy. ‘And when | told them this would be bigger than the 90s tech boom... they laughed at me. They called it a fad. Something that would come and go overnight. But who's laughing now? The gains starting to cascade out of this market are truly mind-bending: Ethereum: UP 2,011% Ripple: UP 4,218% Litecoin: UP 883% Monero: UP 2,843% Dash: UP 2,410% Stellar Lumens: Xem: UP 1,350% Doge Coin: UP 810% UP 955% 27 June 2016-27 June 2017 Have you ever seen anything like that? Noone has. Pll point out here that you shouldn't use past performance to predict what will happen next. But anyone can see - this is a market eruption. Asa professional investor and IFA, I've recommended opportunities that have opened up gains for investors of 372%, 825%, 106%, 354% and 93%. As my readers will attest, they have done well from my calls: “So far, | am up in excess of $100,000” - John wrote in to tell me. “As of today I'm up $117, 000 profit, the stock is up 1,076 %” - says Jim “A profit of $432, 000. Very, very pleased with my investment” - Vince emailed in to say. But even those enormous profits PALE in comparison to what | think you could make from cryptocurrencies. That's what makes this such an exciting time for you to dip your toe in this market. With a stake as small as R500 or R1,000, you can realistically expect your profits to run into tens of thousands of rands. Yes, like said, you could lose it all. That's the risk with this explosive opportunity. But | believe it's risk worth taking with money you're not going to lose sleep over. Because those that come good will burn your eyebrows off! It’s happening before our eyes... So let's start by looking at DASH, one of the best emerging cryptocurrencies on the market. Just a few months ago it was virtually unknown... 23 20000 Market Cap (asn)sous s00 jar Mart? May 17 yur? Source: Coinmarketcop.com It went from $12 at the start of January, all the way to $173 - that’s a 1,472% gain. Hfyou put just £100 into this... you could have turned it into over £1,400 (not including a small currency conversion rate) in half a year. Today itis the world’s seventh largest cryptocurrency. That's how fast this market can move - and how quickly the gains can stack up - if you have the nouse to invest now. Or let's look at Ripple... over the past 12 months it has climbed 3,653%: 00 _ so4o0000 08 0.200000 Market cap (asn ave Novt6 wart? wi Source: Coinmarketcop.com Over the last year, it beat out 99.9% of stocks, delivering a near FORTY-bagger! Not every coin in this market is going to fly, obviously. Some of these cryptos can tank just as fast as they soar. The key is to be selective and to have someone who knows the market show you what to grab a stake in - and what to avoid. That's why | wrote my new book and why I'm offering a way for you to get it today at no cost. Pll point out again you couldn't have gotten in on all of these winners without encountering some losers - of course. And some of these coins can go bust. That's why you need someone to show you what to look for and to scout the ones with the odds stacked in their favour. Allthat said, what the large gains coming out of this market DO show you is: This industry is ON FIRE. The market itself climbed from a value of $30bn in April 2017... To $100bn by June! This is an eruption. om! The next 5 years could see the crypto market more than double! Editor's own analysis (Forecasts are nota reliable indicotor of future results.) Even if the market ‘only’ grows at its current rate over the next five years, it will soar to a value of $360bn! That is why | have written my new book - Crypto Revolution... to show you how to latch on to this new mega-trend. And that is why I have arranged to hand you a FREE copy. Because, incredibly.. The man on the street still knows almost nothing about i ‘Ask your average punter and they've no idea how to make money from it yet. But that is change. FAST. Cryptos (as | call ‘em) are going mainstream! Let me show you: First off, The South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) announced it will start testing a number of regulations related to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and that itis open to issuing a national digital currency. This is a government institution that ISSUES OUR MONEY! They can see that cryptos are the next big thing in global currency. And they are getting involved as fast as they can, ‘Secondly, Two licenced bitcoin exchanges have launched in South Africa This shows you that this market is becoming something the everyday investor is starting to wake up to. ‘Next up could be the biggest ‘tipping point’ for cryptos of al According to recent reports, one of the biggest retailers in the world - AMAZON.COM - is under significant pressure to soon start accepting cryptos as payment. With more than 1.3 billion transactions per day - when Amazon ‘goes crypto; it could trigger enormous up-moves in the price of bitcoin and other major coins. Keep in mind, all you need is a small sum of money to get into this boom... the profit-hungry crowd are going to soon put two-and-two together very soon and RUSH into this. Just like they did with tech stocks did in the early 90s... and then internet stocks in the early 00s. ‘Some of the smartest investors, speculators and most powerful people in finance are switching on to this upsurge - FAST: + “The conditions are ripe [for digital currencies).” - Fan Yifei, deputy governor at the People’s Bank of China + “Cryptocurrencies are the smartest speculation in the world today... your best chance of turning pocket change into a huge windfall.” - Former fund manager Teeka Tiwari + “Bitcoin is better than currency.” - Bill Gates Connect the dots... follow the smart money... and a very clear picture emerges... these great investing minds are pouring money into the cryptocurrency market... positioning themselves for a windfall. Every single day that goes by, more news comes out that looks set to explode the crypto landscape. + Billionaire hedge fund investor Mike Novogratz holds 10% of his personal wealth in two cryptocurrencies. That's more than $100m. + Peter Thiel - cofounder of PayPal - has invested $2m in crypto payment systems. + Giant Dutch bank ABN-AMRO is creating its own cryptocurrency wallet - trying to grab a cut of the huge outflow of cash from traditional currency to cryptos! + “Due to popular demand” Goldman Sachs is now offering market analysis on bitcoin... with major hedge funds now starting to quietly trade this rocketing new asset class. This is an avalanche of personal investment and resources by - frankly -a bunch of money hungry individuals and institutions. For investors, this is a flashing neon sign that screams BUY IN NOW! Get yourself in the game - pronto! That’s why | have written “CRYPTO REVOLUTION’ in simple, plain English... To show you how to profit from this blistering new asset class - URGENTLY. Because... believe the real, life-changing tn money YET to be made As $50m crypto entrepreneur Roger Ver says: “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.” It’s no coincidence Ver calls back to the internet revolution as a comparison to what's going on today. In the early 90s the internet changed everything about our daily lives... And internet-based companies made small-time investors flat out rich... with firms like Google, eBay and Amazon pumping out ten-bagger returns and beyond. GOOGL Aenutate. naeea ce E ea ‘Spon oso Might. c0 Lowo=81 Clove 2020 Volume 224 Chg 2 fa) SaRRESERES Source: Stackcharts DAY eee: Masia 65 elchaicen penne ‘Open 2:78 igh 26.07 Low 2362 Close 2192 Vokmne 026 Chy=2 ste 55 seo Source: Stockcharts Soe ‘Spena80.2 High 98247 Lom s:704 lose 28 co Vahame 33h 735 ‘ansicis ea56 seer Source: Stockchorts | don’t know if you were smart enough (or simply lucky enough) to reap profits from that bull market. Probably not. You probably cottoned on to it way too late... and missed out as better-informed investors made enough money to retire on. But Lpromise you this: You are not going to miss out on THIS coming market explosion. Iwor't let you! The only reason you haven't ALREADY made a packet from cryptocurrencies No-one has shown you how. Screw that! In my new book, “Crypto Revolution” - | show you exactly what to do. GUL) And when you get your copy today open it, read it - and you will discover practical things like... How to set up your ‘crypto wallet’ How to buy, sell and store your cryptos safely - using your home computer or smartphone Which 10 cryptos you should never even consider buying Pll also reveal the unstoppable forces set to push the price of cryptocurrencies even higher: Why China and Putin are going ‘all in’ on cryptos Why the next financial crisis could mint a wave of crypto-millionaires Why increasing financial controls all over the world will see the crypto network grow exponentially over the coming ten years Ihave written this book for you - someone who wants to hit the ground running. And it’s a very easy read - no jargon at all write in plain English because | want to be 100% sure you understand the enormous scale of this rare opportunity. And it is jaw-dropping! EIGHTY times more lucrative than small cap stocks! | don’t know how familiar you are with the investment world, But five or ten years ago, everyone was going bananas for small caps. These small companies - or ‘penny stocks’ - were known as ‘flyers’ because they had the capacity to shoot up in price very high and very fast. And until very recently they were the only way for an ordinary person with a bit of spare cash to make the sort of profits usually reserved for City traders. But here's the thing... typtos blow small caps out of the water. That's not hyperbole, Just a plain old fact. Take a look: Here we compare the 8 largest cryptos against 3 small cap markets 2.800 2500 25156 16500 200 400 200 39% 426% 0% 8 Largest Cryptoe xn ‘S8P SmallCap 600 _Yenquard Gobel small Cap Fund Cryptos absolutely smash small caps into the dirt! And looking at the wider market it's the same story. Cryptos have outperformed any market you can name! 12 Month Returns 3,000, 42,515% 2,500 2,000, 41,500 4,000 500 422% 5% 43% -500 : : . : Top 8 Cryptos FISE Gold siver String vs Dollar Editor's own analysis Now, this is just a snapshot of what's going on. It's fair to say that cryptos are so new and in such a state of eruption that it’s impossible to make a like-for-like comparison with any other asset class. ‘Small caps, FTSE stocks, bluechips all have to go through regulations and jump through hoops that cryptos don't. But - any way you look att - as long as you were willing to take on the risks, putting a small sum in cryptos would have been more rewarding than any other decision you could have taken with your money over the last 12 months. This is for the man on the street who wants the chance to turn pocket change into a meaningful amount of money. You don’t need to know ANYTHING about the stock market or need any special skills to profit from this phenomenon. Anyone who has access to the internet... GUL) Anyone who can spare a small sum (even just R500) to put into this. Anyone who is intrigued by this boom and just wants a way to get started... CAN make a huge profit from this erupting market by reading “Crypto Revolution”. But first, | want to cover a very important point - because | want you to take a ‘know everything” approach. Is it risky? Yes. But maybe notin the way you think... No doubt this market is inherently volatile, That's to be expected. It's a new and exciting phenomenon. But when done right it can be a lot less risky than traditional investing, Here’s what | mean by that... You don't have to put up nearly as much money to get a much higher potential return. That's the long and short of it. ‘To make R50k or R100k from big old blue chip stocks, a R500 stake is just not going to cut it. You have to risk a lot more. You'd have to stake R70k-80k to get a meaningful return on your money. That locks a lot of people out. That's a rich man’s game The cryptocurrency market is totally different. It's for the man on the street. It allows “the little guy” to make the kind of money usually reserved for City investors or Wall Street “insiders” Almost anyone can stake R1,000 or R2,000 in a crypto opportunity... as long as it’s money they're not worried about losing... they can move the needle on their wealth massively in one hit. If you lose R500 or R1,000 | doubt you will lose much sleep over it. But if your crypto punt comes off you could be looking at thousands - even tens of thousands - in return. As long as you are comfortable with the risk - fill your boots. I believe two big risks are taken away right off the bat if you take fe you just stake pocket change in this opportunity. Just R300-R500 to get started. My offer of a free book gives you a greater understanding of the crypto landscape... \cluding practical information about buying your cryptos on trusted platforms AND how to set up an offline wallet to keep your holdings as secure as possible. In my view, that makes this as pure and exciting an opportunity as I’ve ever seen. And early movers are snapping up the chance to claim the huge profits on the table... THE RISE OF THE COIN KINGS $1.1m profit in just five years The beauty of the crypto market is two-fold: First off, you want to raid this market for big, fast gains - you CAN. Just look at these price rises ~ all within the last 12 months alone: Expanse ~ 955% Aeon ~ 8,324% BitBay - 10,704% CureCoin - 1,144% Burst - 9,209% Viacoin - 19,6448 CloakCoin - 12, 688% 27 June 2016-27 June 2017 Look - past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future results. But by now, if you can’t see the blistering potential in this market - can you even SEE at all?! Clocking up gains like these in 12 months is all well and good. You could do fantastically well out of approaching the market that way. Sure, during that time you will see the value of these individual coins spike up, fall down, spike up, rinse and repeat... but the overall gains for those that have the nerve to hold on can be astounding. Potentially life-changing, But if you want to buy and hold cryptos for the longer term... well, I think that’s where the real life-changing money can be made. Some of the gains banked from this market have redefined what anyone thought was even POSSIBLE when it comes to making money from investing... One crypto investor — Kristoffer Koch - has turned $27 into $886,000 over five years. Or take the TEENAGE bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman, who used a $1,000 birthday gift from his grandmother, to buy 403 bitcoins in 2012. His stake is now worth $1.1m! Or there's professional investor Tom Dyson, who made $500,000 from cryptocurrencies in just 13 months. And take a look at this... In May of this year, | found one very happy chap who posted his crypto gains on the popular web forum reddit: $1,043,954.58 +6.78% today Today 1W 1M 3M 6M 1Y ALL What you are looking at is a freshly minted crypto millionaire. And you know what? Since this image was posted, this investment has grown significantly even from here. These are what | call “Coin Kings”. Some have experience in investing and some have none at all. It doesn't matter. They are looking to make more money in the span of a few years than they ever thought they'd see in a lifetime, And you can join them. You will see in your FREE book that soaring price rises like these have been triggered by the convergence of powerful forces... forces that have NEVER occurred before - all at once - in the history of finance. A perfect storm has aligned to send these digital currencies through the roof. ‘And these forces are intensifying to push the price of bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies bubbling under the surface into true ‘millionaire making’ territory. This is an unstoppable and irreversible phenomenon. You can decide for yourself if you want to be part of it now. In two months. Or next year. But | must warn you: some people will WANT to get in and simply do nothing about it. They will go against their instincts and simply watch on. Boy, do I hope that's not you! Because investing in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies right now is the best chance anyone has EVER had to turn as little as R500 into a vast personal fortune, (Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.) This is like having the chance to stake money in railways at the turn of the nineteenth century... The motorcar at the turn of the twentieth century.. Or internet stocks at the turn of the twentieth century... Only bigger. And you are lucky enough that it’s happening now - in your lifetime! Do not let it pass you by. If you do, | believe you will rue it for the rest of your life. You'll always be the guy who sat it out and watched everyone else pop the champagne. Don't condemn yourself to a lifetime of regret - especially when... You only need a tiny stake to mint a potential fortune from cryptos GUL) It’s even easier than buying and selling stocks online Everything you need to know is in my new book and it could be rc yours for FREE today You read that right; 'm so passionate about getting this book in your hands as soon as possible. I’m doing something very unusual - maybe even crazy! Ldon't want you to pay me ANY money for this book! Today, it could be yours - FREE. Yes, it’s taken me hundreds of hours in research and analysis to put together. Yes, I've travelled to three continents to speak directly to the men and women developing these new coins. ‘And, yes, inside on each and every page | share valuable investment research | could easily charge over R1,000 for... (in fact one of my elite investment services costs R1,200 a year!)... But do not want a penny for it, Frankly, I'm not interested in cents, pounds, dollars or any other old currency you can name. That's history. The only ‘coin’ I'm interested in are crypto-coins. And you should be too... Because they are capable of making you profits like these: Counterparty - 600% Storjcoin - 766% Nexus — 9,418% Potcoin - 16,034% Synereo - 620% NAV Coin - 8,166% Stellar Lumens - 995% Pivk 69,861% 27 June 2016-27 June 2017 Before | go on, let me speak plainly... Because | need to be 100% certain we're on the same page before I continue... and | do not want to waste your time or mine, Frankly, if you're not already drooling at the profits cascading out of the cryptocurrency market right now... And if you don’t want some of these enormous profits for yourselt.. You don’t need this book. I's not for you. You just need to stick to the FT or MoneyWeek magazine. Something that goes at a nice and easy pace and could make you 1—2% a year. Low risk, low fun, low reward. Move on, as you were. But if you see that list of gains and DO feel a desperate urge to find out what's going on.. Ifyou CAN sense the huge opportunity at your feet and you can’t w: way... to channel these gains your This book is yours. Because | want there to be ZERO chance of you missing out on this once-in-history eruption of new wealth. Look, let me put this in as real terms as possible... Imagine you put R1,000 into one of the cryptos above - let’s say PivX - just one year ago. You'd be sitting on R690,000 today. That's a fact. Now, imagine you'd been just a little more adventurous. You put in R10,000, Today you'd be cooing over a return of nearly £700,000! What would you do with that kind of ‘flash-fortune’? Whatever you like! Because it'd be all yours to do with as you please. In money-making terms, you're standing at the foot of Everest. There is no higher-rising market out there. This is the big one and | believe the life-altering climbs are ahead of you. All you have to dois take the first step! And Lam going to make it effortless for you to take that step, right now. The question is: WH Why have | gone to such extraordinary lengths to get this book in your hands today? Well, I belong to a global network of financial experts of which FSPInvest South Africa is a part of. Our ‘insiders’ are the best in the business: World famous traders, billion-pound fund managers, professional investors, and financial minds with decades of experience making money in the markets. For example, Our founder, Bill Bonner, has written three New York Times ~best-selling books and made an award-winning financial documentary. Our sole mission is a very simple one: To show people like you how to make the most of your money. Sometimes that means getting you into urgent profit-making opportunities... BEFORE everyone else. Other times, it means showing you how to avoid certain threats. We're outside the mainstream. We consider ideas most people have dismissed... ideas that might be too “out there” for publications like the Financial Times or The Telegraph. We're not bound by political correctness. We don’t take advertising. We are willing to stand by the ideas we believe in. Our only mission is to provide you with ideas you absolutely will not find elsewhere - and show you how to act on them. Access to this kind of insight is a priceless advantage to possess. And we work day and night to deliver to this advantage to our readers. Think of FSPinvest as part of a private intelligence network... for people who want to make money. Over the last few years we have helped our readers all over the world profit from the solar energy boom, the robotics revolution, artificial intelligence and the rush into lithium batteries and cyber security. We also warned our readers about the increasing threat of government interference with private wealth... and the brewing banking crisis in Europe. The points, we cut through the noise, misdirection and spin. We help our readers understand what MATTERS. Now, our extensive research tells us that the next huge boom on the horizon is the rise of bitcoin and the ‘crypto rush’, And I'm not going to let you miss it. No way. To help ordinary people join the wave of millionaire ‘coin kings, | could have written a brief report aboutit (normal price R200) ORI could have made a video tutorial series (normally access to something like that costs R1,000+) That's not enough. | didn’t just want to TELL you about this... |want you to understand it... to know WHY cryptocurrencies are exploding in price... And then SHOW you how to take advantage of this ERUPTION of digital currencies - all at no cost. in” GUL) That's what | do in your complimentary book “Crypto Revolu But | haven't stopped there. Ihave come up with a way to make this opportunity even bigger and more valuable for you. | By giving you. A FREE Crypto Wealth Package Whether you have R500 or R5,000 to punt on these rocketing cryptos... This wealth package shows you how to make it work for you. lam determined to make you one of the most clued-up people in South Africa on this fast-rising market... And open up to you scores more opportunities to help you grow your personal wealth. Here's how I’m going to do that: Crypto Wealth Package Gift #1 AFREE 30-day trial to Great Profits in Good Company “It's forward thinking and focuses on what itis supposed to do, ie. tell us about tomorrow's world before anyone else.” “It’s a fascinating read to me and to me it is teaching me how quickly everything to do with wealth creation is changing.” “A very profitable investment in its own right.” “A good insight into how tech systems drive the market and profits nowand into the future.” We are living through a technological revolution. Cryptocurrencies are a big part of that story... thisis a financial revolution minting an unstoppable wave of new wealth. But there is more to this tech wealth driven revolution - so much more! Right now, staking your money in firms targeted through smart algorythyms could provide you a huge return on your cash And Josh Benton is the man to show you how to take advantage. As Editor Director of of the South African chapter of one of the biggest global private wealth management clubs in the world, Josh is able to provide his members access to some of the best investment ideas from some of the most successful thought leaders and investors around the world, And that’s how Josh and | met, through our global alliance. (Over the past few years, Josh and the South African Investor network have shown readers how to capitalise on market whether it’s exploding or imploding - homing in on solar stocks, battery tech firms, companies pioneering logistics and cutting edge mining firms who are changing the face of mining in South Africa. To say Josh and the team ‘knows their stuff’ is puttin, tly, The panel is made up of authors... investors... advisors to the rich... portfolio managers... value investing experts... and much more. They're known and respected throughout our global network, with numerous appearances on Bloomberg TV (in the UK and India), CNBC Africa as well as CNN. Panel members like Leon louw and Dan Denning have given sell-out presentations to traders and analysts in every major “hub” of the financial system, including London, New York, Singapore, ‘Sydney, Copenhagen, Dublin and San Francisco. And founder of both the South African chapter and the global Agora, Bill Bonner, is widely sought out for his predictions on gold and the future of fiat currency Quite simply, Josh is connected. And he is one of the best value investors I've ever come across. Frankly, you are very lucky to get 30 days of the South African Investor’s elite analysis and tips at no cost today. Every month Josh sends his readers a special opportunity communique, revealing the stocks that the team think are best placed to rocket in price. In each issue he provides a full investment analysis and reveals all the risks and potential rewards. You will know everything worth knowing about these break-out opportunities, His readers certainly see the huge value of his work: “It’s forward thinking and focuses on what it is supposed to do, i.e. tell us about tomorrow's world before anyone else.” “t's a fascinating read to me and to me itis teaching me how quickly everything is changing. Frontier Tech Investor is bringing all the new technology to working people and advice to profit wisely on this new technology. I love it.” “Avery profitable investment in its own right.” “A good insight into the market and beyond into the future.” Your free 30-day trial will get you off and running and the moment you're on the inside you'll have access to: “South African Investor’s brand new crypto currency report: “My #1 Strategy For Profiting From Cryptocurrencies” The perfect companion to my book, One of the South African Investor panellists will give you more priceless insight into the crypto-revolution. THREE free videos showing you how to buy and store your cryptos using platforms and exchanges | use and trust: (These videos are only usually available to those that subscribe to my R12,000 a year service, but ’m opening them up to you at no extra charge!) Video 1: How to buy your cryptocurrency on Bittylicious In this video I walk you through the steps you need to take to buy ‘cryptos’ through Coinbase - one of the major and best trusted exchanges. As you will see, once you have registered and you have been verified (for added security), its much like any other brokerage or trading platform. It's very straight-forward Video 2: What you need to know about cryptocurrency exchanges The second video in this special series runs you t ough everything you need to know about cryp -currency exchanges ~so that you are familiar with the layout, terminology and know what to look for every time you log on. Video 3: How to buy your cryptocurrency on Coinbase In this video I guide you through the steps you need to take to buy ‘cryptos’ through Coinbase - very simple and very Pretty soon, you'll be up to speed and ready to buy and sell your cryptos. one of the major and best trusted exchanges. As you will see, it All of the South African Investor’s special situation reports and stock recommendations, including: ‘The Gone Fishin portfolio’ e Armageddon Bomb Shel or Portfolio 1e perpetual Income Portfolio’ That's a lot of valuable research that Josh has kindly opened up to you ato cost. When Josh sells a subscription to South African Investor, people usually pay R1,500 a year, That’s great value. Josh could charge ten times that amount but, ike me, he wants to help ordinary people make extraordinary returns from these opportunities. Josh has shared opportunities for his readers that could make them double even triple or more on their money. And already in 2017, he has locked in profits for them of 35%, 85% and 207%. But as | said, YOU don’t need to pay R1,500. ’ve spoken to Josh and, just like me and my alliance colleagues he doesn’t want there to be any barrier between you and this valuable opportunity. That means your trial to this premium service is 100% RISK-FREE today. And I'd like to stress - you are under no obligation to continue beyond those 30 days. Thisis like a “test-drive” and you can return the car to the lot anytime in your first month, no questions asked. Here's the best part. After 30 days, you will automatically receive a 47% discount for an entire year of the South African Investor's expert analysis. You don’t have to do anything to claim That means, for just R795 for a whole year, you will automatically receive the South African Investor's best research and stock recommendations. Ifyou don’t want to receive it, no problem - just cancel within your 30-day ‘test drive’ It’s all very simple. So, let's recap... Not only will you get a free copy of my book today... you will also receive a complimentary 30-day trial to South African Investor, which includes a host of valuable material. Wow - that already puts you way, way ahead of most people. But | am not stopping there. I'd like to give you even more: Crypto Wealth Package Gift #2 ‘SPECIAL REPORT - “10 cryptos to avoid at all costs” Like | said earlier, you need to know how to navigate through this wild market. There are a number of cryptocurrencies you shouldn't touch with a 100ft barge pole. In this report, I'l run you through which cryptos to avoid and why. This could end up saving you a lot of money and keep you focused only on the currencies with the highest money making potential. If you've read this far, | know you are ambitious and you want the chance to make a serious amount of money. And I think you will agree... all of this complimentary research stacks the odds heavily in your favour to help you make life changing money. Not just from cryptos... but from the tech driven revolution as a whole. So, the final thing you need to know is. How to get your hands on this valuable research - at no cost To unlock your FREE cryptocurrency book, free crypto research reports and your 30-day trial to South African Investor... All| need in return is a tiny processing fee of R99.95. This small fee simply covers the cost of getting the material over to you in a safe, professional manner... through our website and secure pdfs. It’s an unavoidable little ‘processing fee’ but one that means we can send you everything quickly and securely. | think you will agree itis an insignificant amount, especially when you consider: + Your book, “Crypto Revolution” shows you how you could make your first million from the booming crypto market ‘Value: R250, unavailable anywhere else + Your crucial report reveals how to steer away from dangerous cryptos that could lose you money Value: R250 + And your 30-day trial to South African Investor will get you in on opportunities capable of mal 1g you ten times your money or more. On top of your valuable issues and access to The South African Investor model portfolio, you also get a spectrum of investment reports Value: R1,500 a year To get all ofthis valuable research for the small processing fee of R99.95.. It’s an incredible, one-off chance to dramatically increase your personal wealth. And one you may never see again. If you're still with me, | am sure you are not going to let a measly R99.95 stand in your way... That's about the same price as a couple of lattes in Mugg and Bean, for crying out loud! So let's get all of this valuable research in your hands right away... CLICK HERE NOW TO CLAIM YOUR CRYPTO WEALTH PACKAGE The moment you claim all your gifts, I'llsend you your unique password to unlock your book. Fl send you your access details to get your free report. And I'll give you a 30-day pass to Josh Benton's premium service South African Investor. Opening up a wide range of valuable premium material, including your tech reports and free special situation reports Then you will be all set... For just R99.95 you will have a distinct knowledge edge on the rest of the crypto hunters out there, And this is knowledge you can immediately put into action You will understand what's happenin, complete clarity WHAT to do aboutit. ...where the biggest opportunities lie... and KNOW with You will be on your way to minting a potential fortune from the biggest wealth explosion in human history. So don’t hang about - get started now: CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR CRYTPO WEALTH PACKAGE ASAP Do not let this never-to-be-repeated opportunity pass you by. Because, as mind-bending as the profits we have seen so far are... I think it's nothing compared to what's to come... TWO powerful forces set to mint a NEW wave of crypto millionaires! There are two powerful forces coming together at once to drive cryptos higher and higher. ‘And I believe over the next few years... this period of ‘hyper-growth’ is going to astonish everyone... But not you. Look, the full story is in my book (yours at no cost today) but let me quickly run you through why cryptos are on the verge of an historic rise in value. HYPER-GROWTH FACTOR #. THE NETWORK EXPLOSION Despite its searing growth over the last three years, cryptocurrencies represent not even 2% of the global currency market: Nearly 2% of the global currency market fora seated @) Daca oy Cryptocurrency market value is $100bn Source: News BTC and Coin market cap website This is STILL the ground floor! For you to make a fortune, it doesn’t have to capture 50%, 30% or even 10% of the market. Even ifit captured just FIVE per cent... the crypto market could explode by over 5,000%. That move would be like turning R1k into R50k. With the possibility of such steep growth ahead... ‘The number of people using bitcoin is on a sensational growth curve. According to blockchain. info, there are over 14 million bitcoin wallets in use. Just three years ago that figure was less than a million. This is exponential growth. And for anyone worried that the market is growing TOO fast, too rampantl As internet pioneer John McAfee, who is investing millions in cryptos himself, said recently... “No matter how much government and : regulators may scream and complain, there ® will be a world standard alternative S currency. Bitcoin appears to be the one... ® rt cannot possibly be a bubble.” ° —— ml ‘Some of these coins may crash and burn along the way. But just like the tech boom of the late 90s, giants will emerge. The Google, Amazon and Adobe of the crypto-sphere will rise. And my goal in my book is to help you spot these future ‘giga coins’... coins capable of climbing thousands of percentage points in price. The winds behind bitcoin and the crypto-market are strong - and on 4 May, for the first time in history, more than $1bn bitcoins were traded in a 24-hour period. With that kind of explosive volume increase, some analysts are predicting all-time-record growth for bitcoin Jeremy Liew, famous for being one of the first investors in $25bn tech superstar Snapchat, believes bitcoin is about to go through a rampant phase of hyper-growth. He estimates the growth of the bitcoin network will grow to 400 million users by 2030... and for the price of ONE bitcoin to hit $500,000. That would be nearly 50,000% higher than where it sits today. Other investors see it racing even HIGHER. Financial analyst Rick Falkvinge says that if bitcoin takes as much as 10% of the transactional currency market... one bitcoin could hit $1m. But could even that sensational climb be a modest estimate? Crypto guru Trace Mayer thinks so. He believes that a single bitcoin’s long-term price could end up closer to $2.8m! Do not risk missing out on what could be a gigantic fortune-making event for you PERSONALLY. Pick up your Crypto Wealth Package. Use my book and Josh Benton's South African Investor help you profit from it! CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR CRYPTO WEALTH PACKAGE RIGHT NOW! Because bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are kicking open the doors on an ENTIRELY NEW financial system: HYPER-GROWTH FACTOR #2: "SAFE-HAVEN 2.0" Let's call 2016 “the year of worry”, Global political events created a “perfect storm era” for cryptos. Let’s run our minds back over what happened last ye + Britain became the first member of the EU to vote to leave - sending the value of sterling to 30-year lows. + The Venezuelan government deflated its currency and removed HALF of all paper money from circulation. + The Indian prime fer - Narendra Modi - went even further and banned 86% of the notes in circulation OVERNIGHT. + The global “war on cash” has seen money re-strictions sweep Europe, with France, Italy and Germany banning transactions over 1,000 euros in paper money. + The Chinese government deflated its currency even further - sending investors flocking into gold, property and... Cryptocurrencies, en masse. Political uncertainty and extreme monetary devaluing has sent investors fleeing into alternative assets, They are looking for a way to escape the financial system and wave of wealth repression going on. And they've found one. Big time. This is the beginning of a unique and never-to-be-repeated moment in history... a mass movement UT of traditional money and INTO cryptos. In November 2016, when China tightened its strangle-hold on capital outflows in - there was a surge in bitcoin buying. Itwas up more than 140%. Coinciding with these crackdowns, crypto-coins Monero and CloakCoin have climbed 436% and 560% respectively. As Leonid Bershidsky wrote on bloomberg.com: “Bitcoin is an escapist safe haven... Speculators are driving up the value of the cryptocurrency because, for the first time in its history, it's looking like a reliable safe haven investment.” When Brexit sent the pound plummeting, the “scared money” poured into cryptos. BitCrystals soared as high as 591% within three months. NAV Coin was catapulted 1,038% in just two and a half months following the Brexit vote. Again, let me note that past performance isn’t a reliable way to anticipate what's to come. But | find this apparent trend of political and financial instability triggering a flight into cryptocurrencies extremely compelling, This alternative and independent financial system cannot be stopped. Because in times of crisis, cryptos are exactly what people are looking for. They are: + Private: you can transfer money in total anonymity + Safe: your money can’t be tracked by centralised government powers + Freely moveable: you can move your money freely across borders + Convenient: all you need is a mobile phone or computer to transfer your funds | don’t know what you think about the rise of alternative currencies. Maybe you'll never use one yourself, Maybe you think it’s great. Frankly, it doesn’t matter! This is an unstoppable wave that you could profit from. That’s my focus here today as an investment analyst. itselt... And in 2017, history is repeat pushing people into cryptos: with powerful forces converging all over the globe + EUROPE: as reported in The Wall Street Journal, there are plans in place for the European Central Bank to eliminate the 500 euro note - the continent’s most popular bill All printing of the note will cease by the end of 2018. If you connect the dots, your heart should be racing...

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