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# Author: Andre Pacheco (pacheco.comp@gmail.


# To use this class you need to pass as argument to the constructor a file that contains
the decision matrix, weights and cost/benefit information.

# For more information about TOPSIS:

# [1] C.L. Hwang & K.P. Yoon, Multiple Attributes Decision Making Methods and Applications,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981.

# If you use this code, please, cite:

# [2] Krohling, Renato A., Andre GC Pacheco, and Andre LT Siviero. IF-TODIM: An intuitionistic
fuzzy TODIM to multi-criteria decision making. Knowledge-Based Systems 53 (2013): 142-146.

# If you find some bug, please e-mail me =)


import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

class TOPSIS:



matrixD - The decision matrix with the alternatives and criteria

weights - The weights for each criteria

costBen - A vector that represents if the criteria is a cost or benefit

nAlt - The number of alternatives

nCri - The number of criteria

normMatrixD - The matrixD normalized

idealPos and idealNeg - The ideal values positive and negative

dPos and dNeg - The distance of each rating to the ideal value positive and negative

rCloseness - The relative closeness coeficient

def __init__ (self,fileName):


data = np.loadtxt(fileName, dtype=float)

except ValueError:

print 'ERROR: The number of the weights value or cost and benefits values must
be the same of the number of the criteria'

self.weights = data[0,:]

if self.weights.sum() != 1.0:

print 'ERROR: the sum of the weights must be 1'

raise ValueError

self.costBen = data[1,:].astype(int)

self.matrixD = data[2:,:]

size = self.matrixD.shape

[self.nAlt, self.nCri] = size

self.normMatrixD = np.zeros(size)

self.idealPos = np.zeros (self.nCri)

self.idealNeg = np.zeros (self.nCri)

self.dPos = np.zeros (self.nAlt)

self.dNeg = np.zeros (self.nAlt)

self.rCloseness = np.zeros (self.nAlt)

def normalizeMatrix (self):

m = self.matrixD **2

m = np.sqrt(m.sum(axis=0))

for i in range(self.nAlt):

for j in range(self.nCri):

self.normMatrixD[i,j] = self.matrixD[i,j] / m[j]

def introWeights (self):

self.normMatrixD = self.normMatrixD * self.weights

def getIdealSolutions (self):

mx = self.normMatrixD.max(axis=0)

mi = self.normMatrixD.min(axis=0)

for j in range(self.nCri):

if self.costBen[j] == 1:

self.idealPos[j] =mi[j]

self.idealNeg[j] = mx[j]

elif self.costBen[j] == 0:

self.idealPos[j] = mx[j]

self.idealNeg[j] = mi[j]


print 'ERROR: The values of the cost and benefit must be 1 or 0'
raise ValueError

def distanceToIdeal (self):

for i in range(self.nAlt):

for j in range(self.nCri):

self.dPos[i] = self.dPos[i] + distance (self.normMatrixD[i,j],


self.dNeg[i] =self.dNeg[i] + distance (self.normMatrixD[i,j],


self.dPos[i] = np.sqrt(self.dPos[i])

self.dNeg[i] = np.sqrt(self.dNeg[i])

def relativeCloseness (self):

for i in range(self.nAlt):

self.rCloseness[i] = self.dNeg[i] / (self.dPos[i] + self.dNeg[i])

print self.rCloseness

# You need to pass as argument the name of the alternatives

def plotRankBar (self, names):


a = sns.barplot (names, self.rCloseness)



############################## END CLASS ###########################################

def distance (a,b):

return (a-b)**2
A = TOPSIS ('matrizDecisao.txt')






Alternatives = np.array (['Palio', 'HB20', 'Corola'])


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