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Group no: Group 7 Subject: Research 1

Grade and Section: 11 HE Protein Teacher: Ms. Joy Camo

“ Factors Influencing Grade 11 Students choice of foods provided by the

School Canteen at Eclaro Academy”


There are so many ways of choosing what foods we want to put in our
stomach. Different variants of foods are always there to fulfill our hunger
especially when it comes to the canteen of every school, colleges and
universities. That is because of the people who are really in need of energy
to conquer the stressfull days in studying including teachers and even
visitors but mostly the students. Because as they always say “When your
stomach is empty, so does your mind.”

Canteens do a very important role in every student’s life. There could be the
source of energy when you’re at you weakest. Healthy, delicious, and even
just unhealthy but delicious foods can be found at canteen so every students
considers that the school would be incomplete without it. However, it has
been observed that some students still find it hard to know the exact
reasons of why would they need to buy at the school’s canteen. In the other
hand, there’s a lot of student who are influenced to go get their stomach’s
fuel there.

To cite, selected Grade 11 students at Eclaro Academy, Paragon Bldg.

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City will be interviewed for us to conduct
informations about the factors influencing them to buy at the Eclaro’s
canteen. This will be held during lunch break, after class dismissals, or at the
freetime of the participating students.

Earlier studies show that one of the problems of students, in general, is the
failure of choosing good foods specifically the healthy and delicious food as
well. They fail to choose the right food for them that will surely help for their
nutrition. This is especially true if the students are influenced only by the
good looks and attracting taste or smell of the foods.

All the wrong choices of foods are resulting to a bad condition of the mind
and body of the eater that leads to different sickness or even just irritations
but it surely affects the student’s focus in studying. That’s why the study
finds ways to know the different factors influencing students to buy at the
canteen to help others choose what they are going to eat, wisely. And also
to have knowledge about different types of food, including the wrong choices
that helps them to learn more about choosing.

The researchers, being a student, will surely be personally benefited from

the results of this study which generally aims to analyse the importance of
having a right food to eat coming from the school canteen.


This study wants to know about:

1. What are the reasons of the students that keep them on buying at the
school canteen?
2. How do the foods they choose help them in studying?
3. What are the best seller food in the canteen and its benefits to the
4. What causes the students to buy at the canteen despite of its
unaffordable prices?
5. Is there any case of incident happen at Eclaro Academy?
6. What advices can students give to other students when it comes on
choosing their food?

This study was focused on the factors influencing Grade 11 Students at

Eclaro Academy to buy at the canteen in Paragon building for the school
year 2017-2018.

In this study, the factors are gathered from the students with the span of
time that they started buying at the canteen until now that the end of the
school year is near. The exact location of the canteen, the chosen field for
the study, is the place where information and discoveries can be found
through actual events for the studies to be proven.

The videos and voice records were gathered to measure the accuracy of
every statements the participating students will give.

The study considered the following students at Eclaro Academy as the

research locate of the investigation: At least 2 persons in every strand such
as ABM, HUMMS, STEM, GAS, ICT, and especially the HE Strand. This is
because every strand has a student who buys at the canteen everyday.

Specifically, the factors in this research were student-related ones which

pertain to the choices of foods they buy at the canteen. The vendors are also
included as respondents to know their reactions and insights about their
sales and the said factors that the students gave. Teachers will not be
interviewed in this study because we are only focused on the students
choices, conclusions or feedbacks about the said factors.

The result of this study will be great benefit to the following:

Students. The result of this study will help them to learn the bad and good
causes and effects of buying at the school canteen. From the results, they
will identify whether its better to prepare your own food or trust to buy the
foods of vendors. They will also know the benefits of having a wise choice of
foods for their health and budget as well.

Food Vendors. This study can be a basis for them to know the buyers’
feedback about their sales and improve it by discovering the different factors
influencing students to buy their foods. They will also determine their
mistake and make changes of their wrong practices that needed to be
worked up.

Other researchers. This research can be a source of another study to

spread knowledge to others. Having this as a basis will help them a lot to
discover new things, facts, and accurate findings. By this, they can explore
and explain their researches more effectively.

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