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Faculty of Economics and Business

International Program

ODD SEMESTER T.A. 2016/2017
Course : Marketing Management Seminar
Class/ Program : 7 /Marketing
Day/ Date : Tuesday/ November 1st, 2016
Time : 07.30-10.00 a.m.
Lecturer : Dr. Muniaty Aisyah, ST, MM
Examination : Open Journals

Fill the table below with your analysis accordingly to the two journals (minimum) that you have been collected for your proposal
thesis references.
Name/ NIM : Adi Putra Utama/11140810000046
Proposal Tittle: Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan harga terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. (Studi kasus Pasien Rumah sakit Syarif
Hidayatullah Hospital Ciputat)
No Journal Research Method Result Similarity Differences
1. An analysis of library Surveyed the The research reveals that service Service - Customer loyalty
customer loyalty: The users of a quality has a direct effect on Quality as (Decision to
role of service quality university library customer satisfaction, which independent Choose) as
and customer in Indonesia by then directly influences library variables dependent
satisfaction, a case using a structured customer loyalty. However, variable, not
study in Indonesia / I questionnaire. In service quality does not have intervening
Gede Mahatma Yuda total, 100 of the significant direct effect on variable.
Bakti, Sik Sumaedi, library users customer loyalty in a library - Different product
(Indonesian Institute of participated on service. and research
Sciences, Tangerang the survey. location
Selatan, Indonesia) Structural
(2013) "An analysis of equation
library customer modeling
loyalty: The role of technique was
service quality and performed to
customer satisfaction, a analyze the
case study in empirical data.
Indonesia", Library
Management, Vol. 34
Issue: 6/7, pp.397-414

2. The influence of Respondents Strong relationships between Price as - Customer value

perceived product (157) were perceived relative price and independent and willingness to
quality, relative price recruited through perceived product value, as well variables buy (Decision to
and risk on customer an in‐store survey as between perceived product Choose) as
value and willingness and the data value and willingness‐to‐buy, dependent
to buy: a study of analysed using were found to exist. A negative variable, not
private label partial least relationship was observed intervening
merchandise / Justin squares path between perceived product variable.
Beneke, Ryan Flynn, modelling. quality and perceived risk. The - Different product
Tamsin Greig, Melissa results indicate that establishing and research
Mukaiwa, (School of a value perception is critical in location
Management Studies, the buying process. Tangible - Using explanatory
University of Cape cues exhibiting high quality (e.g. research not
Town, Cape Town, packaging, shelf space, media confirmatory
South Africa) (2013) placement) need profound factor analysis and
"The influence of attention. Furthermore, it is structural
perceived product suggested that risk (which plays modeling
quality, relative price an important part in the
and risk on customer consumer decision process) is
value and willingness minimised through optimal retail
to buy: a study of service quality and customer
private label reassurances.
merchandise", Journal
of Product & Brand
Management, Vol. 22
Issue: 3, pp.218-228

3. The influence of airline The study used Indicated that the quality of pre- Service - Different product
service quality on random sampling flight, in-flight and post-flight Quality as and research
passenger satisfaction technique and it services had a statistically independent location
and loyalty : The case covered 303 significant effect on passenger variables
of Uganda airline respondents on satisfaction. In addition to that, - Customer loyalty
industry / Juliet international passenger satisfaction as a (Decision to
Namukasa, (2013) flights using mediating variable also had a Choose) as
"The influence of Entebbe significant effect on passenger dependent
airline service quality International loyalty. It was noted that variable, not
on passenger Airport. Data passenger satisfaction differed intervening
satisfaction and were analyzed from person to person as some variable.
loyalty: The case of using statistical were more interested in off
Uganda airline package for social board facilities, others onboard,
industry", The TQM sciences 16, were others in the quality of food
Journal, Vol. 25 Issue: χ2 was used to while others wanted more extra
5, pp.520-532. test the luggage.
hypothesis and
analysis was
performed to
examine the

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