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3, AUGUST 2007 1267

Skeleton-Network Reconfiguration Based on

Topological Characteristics of Scale-Free Networks
and Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization
Yan Liu, Student Member, IEEE, and Xueping Gu

Abstract—Black start, the restoration of a power system after a Black start is defined as the process that a system suffered
complete blackout, is a key issue to the safety of power systems. The from a complete blackout is restarted through reconstructing its
reasonable network reconfiguration is necessary for establishing networks and restoring its service depending on its self-starting
the main network and restoring loads quickly. Based on topological
characteristics of scale-free networks and discrete particle swarm units, without help from other systems [2]. Being an extreme
optimization, a skeleton-network reconfiguration strategy is pro- condition of the system restoration, black start is a complex
posed in this paper. Through calculating node importance degrees, decision-making and control problem for power system oper-
priorities of sources and loads could be scaled quantitatively. Then, ators. It is customary in many electrical utilities to develop dis-
network reconfiguration efficiency, an index represented by net- tinct start schemes to meet their particular needs [2]–[5]. Most
work structure and subjected to restoration constrains, is used to
evaluate the reconfiguration effect. Furthermore, discrete particle of schemes contain general guidelines used to define the re-
swarm optimization is employed in reconstructing skeleton net- quired restoration plans [6]–[8]. Meanwhile, it is incumbent
works that relieve reconfiguration burden considerably. Applica- upon utility operating management to assure that schemes are
tion examples verify that several optimal reconfiguration schemes kept up to date as the system changes. In order to make schemes
achieved from the strategy can provide dispatchers an effective de- automatically, various approaches have been investigated. Typi-
cision support under the uncertain system situation.
cally, knowledge-based expert systems, which rely on the opera-
Index Terms—Black start, network reconfiguration, power tors’ heuristic problem solving experience and technique, have
systems, particle swarm optimization, scale-free networks, system been employed extensively in the process of making schemes
[9]–[12]. As a function extension of expert systems, the appli-
cation of decision support technique to restoration is being paid
I. INTRODUCTION more attention in recent years [13]–[15]. Besides, mathematical
programming and intelligent algorithms have shown much po-
tential in the decision support of start schemes because they are
ODERN society is dependent on the power supply
M excessively. The demand for sufficient and reliable
power supply is becoming more and more intensive. Through
advantageous to solving the multi-objective combinatorial op-
timization problems [16], [17]. The main target of black-start
restoration is to effect a transition from a complete blackout
optimizing distribution of generation sources, large-scale power to a maximum feasible load condition in the minimum pos-
systems have improved the efficiency and reliability of power sible amount of time. Among methods proposed so far for de-
supply. However, the possibility of widespread blackout due to veloping start schemes, the operation cost such as operation or
various faults is still existing or even increasing. Since 1960s, switching time is preferred to be chosen as the optimization ob-
several extensive blackouts occurring worldwide, including jective while maintaining a certain level of security. However, it
the well-known 8.14 blackout of 2003 in the parts of U.S. and seems that little work has been done to investigate the restora-
Canada, have raised alarms to power system operation safety [1]. tion process from the point of view of network topological struc-
While the fault possibility could be decreased through improving ture. In general, black-start restoration includes two sequential
the network structure and management measures, widespread steps: the first step is to determine a relative optimal configu-
blackouts are practically inevitable because of the increasing ration as a restoration target and the second to organize a se-
complexity and uncertainty in the deregulated power systems. quence of switching operations to bring the faulted system into
After a blackout occurs in a power system, effective measures the target system state defined in advance while all the restora-
must be taken to restore the system to normal operation as soon tion constrains are satisfied. This paper is concerned with the
as possible. As one of self-rescuing measures of a blackout first step because a reasonable restoration target could locate im-
power system, the black start restoration is of great importance. portance loads and relieve the restoration burden so that it paves
the way for making up operation scenario subsequently.
Manuscript received April 11, 2006; revised December 13, 2006. This work
was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Based on topological characteristics of scale-free networks,
(50577017). Paper no. TPWRS-00222-2006. a skeleton-network reconfiguration strategy to determine the
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Power System Protection and restoration target is proposed in this paper. First, the importance
Dynamic Security Monitoring and Control under Ministry of Education, North of sources and loads could be ranked quantitatively through
China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, Hebei Province, China
(e-mail: bd_ly@263.net; mexpgu@yahoo.com.cn). calculating node importance degrees. Then, network reconfig-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2007.901486 uration efficiency, which is represented mainly by the network
0885-8950/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

structure and restricted by restoration security, is defined as the

optimization objective and used to identify skeleton networks.
Furthermore, the discrete particle swarm optimization is em-
ployed to implement the reconfiguration. Instead of providing a
restoration path sequence in detail, the strategy aims at obtaining
several reconfiguration schemes with better performance as the
guidance of dispatching operation. Application examples verify
that results from the strategy accord with system practice and
could be more effective under uncertain system situations.


Fig. 1. Demonstration of node contraction.
A. Introduction of Scale-Free Networks
Networks could be used to represent many complex systems.
Understanding of network structure and its topological charac- should be treated with node contraction corresponding to node
teristic is helpful to research on complex systems. In a tradi- 12 firstly. It means that nodes directly connected with node 12
tional random network, node degree follows Poisson distribu- will merge into one node. As a result, nodes 9, 10, 11, and 12
tion and there exists a characteristic average degree. In other in Fig. 1(a) are replaced by the node 9 in Fig. 1(b) after node
words, most nodes have the same number of branches connected contraction. Then, the definition of is given by (1)
with them and nodes with fewer or more branches than average
degree are fewer. When investigating the World Wide Web in
1998, Barabasi accidentally discovered that the distribution of (1)
node degree follows exponential law. It means that most nodes
have smaller node degrees but fewer nodes have larger node
degrees, and besides, characteristic average degree of random where
network disappeared. As a result, the network is named scale-
total number of nodes in new network after node
free network. Scale-free network takes on small-world effects
that imply fewer but connected intensively hub-nodes exist in
scale-free network [18]. Because of the large number of non- average of the shortest distances in new network
hub-nodes, scale-free network is extraordinarily stable under ac- after node contraction;
cident such as getting rid of nodes randomly. However, it is ex- after node contraction, the shortest distance
ceptionally vulnerable when hub-nodes are attacked on purpose between node and node denoted with the
[19]. number of branches;
As a practical complex system, power system has been facing
the operation safety problem. When investigating large-scale set consisting of all nodes in new network after
blackout, some researchers have tried to explore the mechanism node contraction.
of faults’ occurrence and propagation from system’s topological From (1), it is represented that original network is changed
structure as well as from environment, equipment and switching remarkably or slightly due to node contraction. The width and
operation [20]. Existing results indicate that small-world effects the depth of change are denoted respectively by the difference
are notable in a power system, though its node degree distribu- of total node number and the average shortest distance between
tion doesn’t follow exponential law strictly [21]. Consequently, original network and new network after node contraction.
it is necessary to evaluate the importance of nodes and identify Above all, it is more likely for the node with more branches
hub-nodes reasonably. On the one hand, the operation reliability connected, namely the larger node degree, to hold larger
could be improved through protecting hub-nodes particularly in because its contraction will reduce the number of nodes consid-
the steady state. On the other hand, these hub-nodes could be erably. Secondly, the node at pass location may take larger .
viewed as the guidance of system reconfiguration and restora- This kind of node is necessary in the shortest path of many node
tion after wide-area blackout. pairs so that the average shortest distance will be decreased
greatly after its contraction. In common situations, is less
B. Node Importance Degree than 1. However, (1) is inapplicable to the case that takes 1.
Traditionally, the concept of node degree is employed to scale According to the meaning of , network change due to node
the importance of nodes when the network topological structure contraction is the most notable when all nodes merge into one
is studied. That is to say, the node with more branches connected node. So, a special example is defined here, namely, takes
is comparatively more important in whole network. However, 1 (the maximum value).
the fact is that some key nodes are not with larger node de- As an example, according to (1), of node 11 and node 12
grees. In order to solve the inconsistency, the method of node in Fig. 1(a) are shown in Table I. To demonstrate the trait of
contraction is introduced to assess the importance of nodes that , the node degrees of these two nodes are also given. It is
is named node importance degree . As shown in Fig. 1, when evident that the node with a larger node degree (such as node
the of node 12 is considered, the original network in Fig. 1(a) 11) is not necessary more important. This characteristic will be

TABLE I complete blackout and crank power is crucial to subse-

COMPARISON OF NODE IMPORTANCE DEGREE AND NODE DEGREE quent restoration. Secondly, source nodes connecting with
crank power directly through relative short transmission
lines should have the higher priority. In this circumstance,
abnormal phenomena such as self-excitation of generators,
over-voltage while energizing transmission lines seldom
happen. So, restoring these sources is helpful to increasing
more notable with network enlarging so that is especially available power capacity and enlarging network promptly.
meaningful for large-scale network. Moreover, units’ capacity and starting mode should be
taken into consideration because they determine the
amount of load picked up and the duration of restoration.
III. SKELETON-NETWORK RECONFIGURATION 2) Importance Identification of Loads: All nodes except
source nodes in whole system could be viewed as load
In general, black-start restoration consists of two consec-
nodes. The quality of reconfiguration may be quite dif-
utive phases: the determination of a target system and the
ferent with different load nodes chosen. Our purpose is to
construction of a feasible operation sequence leading to the
identify small number of important loads and take them
target system. This paper focuses mainly on the first phase,
as components of skeleton network so that restoration
more clearly, the main purpose of reconfiguration here is to
targets are explicit and the pressure of reconstructing net-
identify certain number of subnets containing main important
work in short time could be alleviated. When loads’ node
nodes. Because the node number of these subnets is far fewer
important degrees have been calculated, we could make
than that of the original network and nodes with the higher
general important assessment for load nodes from network
priority are given more attention, the reconfiguration meets
topological structure. As same as power sources, it is
the requirement of hierarchical restoration. Consequently, it is
necessary to regulate loads’ importance rank according to
practical for planers to organize operation sequences and bring
restoration requirements. Firstly, some loads requiring the
them into effect in short time.
high power reliability (as hospitals, government buildings,
In order to determine the target system efficiently, a new con-
etc.) should have the highest priority despite their node
cept, namely skeleton network, is introduced here. Skeleton net-
importance degrees. Secondly, certain loads, which are
work is the desirable target system composed by power sources,
viewed as kernel by dispatchers according to operation
important loads and transmission lines capable of coordinating
custom, must take the higher priorities because once they
and distributing the power reasonably. According to the trait of
are picked up, the stability of the network being restored
skeleton network, the importance of power sources and loads
could be improved or some strategic restoration paths
should be evaluated first and viewed as the base of reconfigu-
could be formed.
ration. Secondly, an index named network reconfiguration ef-
ficiency is proposed to justify skeleton network. Such idea is
formed into the strategy of skeleton-network reconfiguration. B. Definition of Network Reconfiguration Efficiency

In general, reconfiguration is a multistage, dynamic process.

A. Importance Identification of Power Sources and Loads
Many electrical characteristics must be considered, for instance,
In order to restore electric power supply promptly after the charging power and over-voltage analysis, electromechanical
complete blackout, the large-scale power system is usually di- transient analysis and power flow analysis. As mentioned in I,
vided into several subsystems with self-start ability and restored the purpose of this paper is to find the restoration target instead
simultaneously. Reconfiguration will be in progress with respect of switching sequences so that only parts of characteristics are
to these subsystems. Accordingly, importance of power sources suitable for being considered here. Meanwhile, there exist many
and loads locating in the same subsystem should be ranked in uncertainties such as the availability of equipment, the proba-
the first place. The base for importance discrimination is node bility of successful switching, and etc. So, several substituting
importance degree that could provide a general assessment from targets should be provided so as to organize and coordinate op-
the point of view of whole network structure. Moreover, it is erations fluently according to field situations. Consequently, an
necessary to regulate the rank of power sources or loads ac- evaluation index, namely network reconfiguration efficiency
cording to guidelines of black-start restoration and dispatching shown in (2) is proposed to justify skeleton networks. is deter-
practice. mined mainly by parameters concerned with network structure,
1) Importance Identification of Power Sources: It should be and . , as shown in (3), is average node importance degree
noted first that the objective of justifying the importance of load nodes chosen and it reflects the extent to that important
for power sources is not to exclude certain power sources loads are involved in the reconfiguration. , as shown in (4), is
from reconfiguration, but provide valuable information average clustering coefficient of all nodes chosen (source nodes
for chosen of loads and transmission lines subsequently. and load nodes) and it represents if branches (transmission lines)
After power sources’ node importance degrees have been distribute evenly in reconfiguration network. The larger is un-
obtained, some imperative regulations must be made. desirable because many branches meet in very few nodes so
Firstly, source nodes with self-start ability should have that it is difficult to enlarge network frame. The larger is, the
the highest priority because the situation for black start is more efficient the reconfiguration is. It implies that loads with

the highest or higher priorities are organized together with as IV. REALIZATION OF NETWORK RECONFIGURATION BASED ON
few transmission lines as possible and network achieved is sim- DISCRETE PARTICLE-SWARM OPTIMIZATION
plified furthest.
From (2), is also subjected to some inequality operation A. Introduction of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization
constrains. Where, is the length of transmission line. When
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based
energizing empty transmission line, over-voltage is notable
optimization method first proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart
with line’s length increasing. In order to maintain prescribed
in 1995 [22]. PSO is basically developed through simulation
over-voltage limit, the longest distance permitted corresponding
of bird flocking in two-dimensional space. It finds the optimal
to different voltage level, i.e., must be defined. Only
solution using a population of particles. Each particle initial-
lines shorter than could be chosen in reconfiguration.
ized randomly, with current position and current velocity
The other two unequal constrains in (2) are about operation
, represents a candidate solution to the problem. Where,
performance when power flow analysis is made with regard
represents the population of particle swarm,
to reconfiguration network. , as shown in (5), represents
represents the dimension of search space.
the ratio of nodes unsatisfied with voltage limits to total nodes
Each individual particle has a fitness value determined by
in reconfiguration network. as shown in (6), represents
optimization function to justify its performance and retrieve its
the ratio of branches exceeding transmission capacity limits to
direction and distance for updating. Equation (7) shows how
total branches in reconfiguration network. Only when and
each particle pursues the optimal particle and updates itself at
are smaller than their limits and that
time in order to find the optimal solution
vary from different restoration requirements, reconfiguration
network may be feasible in practice and thus be worthy of a
skeleton network (7)

where and denote the personal best position and the

global best position. The personal best position means where
particle presents the smallest error and the global best position
(2) means where the lowest error among all the ’s yields. The
update of each particle is accomplished through tracing and
(3) . Two pseudorandom sequences are used to
affect the stochastic nature of the algorithm. Acceleration coef-
ficient and control how far a particle will move in a single
iteration. Typically, they are both set to a value of 2.0. Note that
(5) current position attained from (7) is current solution when
PSO operates in continuous space. However, current position
cannot be solved directly from current velocity when
PSO operates in discrete space and only 0 or 1 value is allowed
for and . As a result, we retrieve the particle update
where (8) through employing the discrete binary version of PSO [23]
and evolving into the probability of particle update. For sim-
total number of nodes in reconfiguration network;
plicity, we call it DPSO
total number of loads in original network;
total number of loads in reconfiguration network;
node importance degree of load ; (8)
clustering coefficient of node in reconfiguration
network, . If there are nodes in
the vicinity of node , among them there exists where denotes the probability of particle
branches at most. If only branches evolution and is the threshold set for particle evolution. From
exist in fact, then ; (8), it is evident that current position takes 1 from 0 or takes
decision variable concerning load . 1 if certain load 0 from 1 if its current velocity is bigger than the threshold
is chosen in reconfiguration network and 0 otherwise; . Otherwise, remains unchanged.
total number of buses unsatisfied with voltage limits
concerning power flow of reconfiguration network; B. Algorithm Summary
total number of transmission lines in reconfiguration
From the formation of strategy for skeleton-network re-
configuration, it is a typical multi-constraint, multi-objective,
total number of branches unsatisfied with
multi-step and nonlinear optimization problem and difficult to
transmission capacity constraints concerning power
be solved by traditional methods. Due to its advantages of par-
flow of reconfiguration network.
allel mechanism and robustness, PSO has been applied to many

fields of power system research such as power flow computa- 1) Input parameters necessary for reconfiguration, including
tion, reactive power optimization, and etc [24], [25]. Therefore, bus data and line data.
DPSO shown as (8) is used to implement reconfiguration. 2) Calculate node importance degree for all nodes. Then, im-
1) Initialization.Initializationisthebaseforfollowingiteration portance priorities of source nodes and load nodes could
and optimization of DPSO. The key problem is to find the be confirmed respectively according to principles of im-
suitable expression for particle to represent solution space. portance identification.
It is evident that different combinations of power sources, 3) Initialization of an -dimension, -size population of
loads and transmission lines will form different reconfigura- particles. Random positions and velocities are formed si-
tion schemes. Once transmission lines areidentified, sources multaneously. The meaning of is the same as mentioned
and loads connected by these lines are confirmed definitely. in initialization of algorithm summary. Population size
Therefore, we define the particle with the state sequence de- is determined by solution space’s dimension. Larger is
noting which group of lines in original network is selected beneficial to locate the global optimum, but will increase
to take part in reconfiguration. When certain line is selected, calculation time and computer resource expenses. So, it is
corresponding position in state sequence takes 1 value. Oth- an experiential value by means of testing.
erwise, 0 value is taken. Presented with a series of value 0 and 4) Verification of effective particle. If all particles are effec-
value1 whose bit number is (total number of transmis- tive, go to step 5) directly. Otherwise, ineffective particle
sion lines in original network), a state sequence represents should be transformed into effective one, go to step 5).
a reconfiguration scheme. 5) With respect to particle : update the per-
2) Fitness Function. In terms of network reconfiguration sonal best position if the current fitness value is optimal.
efficiency , the aim of reconfiguration is to maximize 6) Update the global best position from all current per-
. When reconfiguration is realized with DPSO, the aim sonal best position and find current optimal particle.
should be represented in the form of fitness function. In 7) If maximum iteration step is satisfied or the global best po-
DPSO, fitness value of each particle is solved according sition doesn’t change in a given iteration generations,
to fitness function so that the performance of each particle iteration terminates and go to step 10). Otherwise, go to
could be evaluated. At the same time, and derived step 8). Note that maximum iteration step or given iteration
in each iteration could direct particles to update through generations are the experiential value, which is determined
tracing the current optimal particle. For DPSO, it is a by testing and vary from different problems.
custom to rank the fitness value in ascending order, which 8) With respect to particle : a) Update particle
means the smaller the fitness value, the better the particle according (8); b) Verification of effective particle.
is. Accordingly, fitness function is defined with the 9) Go back to step 5).
reciprocal of as (9). 10) Output optimal and suboptimal particles in ascending order
of fitness values. Transform them into corresponding re-
(9) configuration schemes. According to (2), check the extent
to which they are satisfied the inequality constrains and
3) Verification of Effective Particle. For practical purpose, identify skeleton networks.
reconfiguration schemes, i.e., state sequences are required It should be noted that main testing items in step 10) include
to be connected totally in topological structure. Otherwise, overvoltage analysis and power flow corresponding to the in-
following load restoration could not be accomplished equality constrains in (2). As a practical method of overvoltage
quickly. In DPSO, some particle’s operations such as analysis, the length of transmission line in reconfiguration
initialization and update are random in nature so that networks must be verified to maintain prescribed over-voltage
topological connection of state sequence could not always limit. As to power flow analysis, the output of unit takes 25%
be satisfied. As a result, verification of effective particle rated power according to boiler’s technical minimum load,
is necessary in order to achieve more feasible particle. which is the basic requirement for boiler’s stable operation.
The details of verification are described as follow. After Undoubtedly, electromechanical transient analysis is necessary
a particle’s initialization or update, sources nodes and for adequate reconfiguration schemes. The accurate analysis
load nodes should be under merge application through method is to formulate the state equations of the reconfiguration
checking topological relation of transmission lines. An systems and determine the stability by eigenvalue analysis or
effective particle means that all source nodes and all load time domain simulation. However, the stability of reconfigura-
nodes selected by state sequence belong to same topology tion systems is closely related to the units’ operation sequences
set. Otherwise, it is an ineffective particle and could be in restoration. As mentioned in Section I, the purpose of this
also transformed into an effective one through changing paper is to find the restoration target instead of switching
the value of one or several bits in state sequence. In a sequences so that electromechanical transient analysis will be
sense, the transformation is analogous to interconnection investigated in further research work.
of several islands through additional lines in real systems.
C. Algorithm Flow To test the validity of strategy proposed in this paper, the algo-
The steps of skeleton-network reconfiguration realized with rithm has been programmed with MATLAB. The IEEE 30-bus
DPSO are as follows. test system and a practical power system, the southern power


Fig. 2. IEEE 30-bus power system diagram.


Fig. 3. Skeleton network 1.


system of Hebei province in China, are taken as examples. Note

that power flow calculations of algorithm are carried out with a
power system simulation package, MATPOWER [26].

A. Example I
To show the process of skeleton-network reconfiguration in take value of 10 and 30, respectively. Several relative optimal
detail, IEEE 30-bus system is tested firstly. Its diagram is shown schemes obtained from DPSO, namely skeleton networks are
as Fig. 2, in which total 41 branches are included. Through shown in Table V and the first is illustrated with Fig. 3 further.
node contraction, node importance degree of all nodes could be Because no transmission line is longer than and no ex-
solved, as shown in Table II. To show the relative importance of ceeding transmission capacity happens, only is shown in
sources or loads, values in Table II should be normalized further Table V.
in terms of maximum of source nodes or load nodes respec- According to the definition of , the smaller is, the better
tively. Results are shown in Tables III and IV. Note that source the schemes is. As skeleton network 1 shown in Fig. 3, though
1 is supposed as crank power in initial stage of black start, so not all loads are involved, power sources and loads with higher
its importance rank is regulated to 1 from 0.85. In other word, rank are connected through fewer transmission lines and un-
source 1 has the highest priority as same as source 27 though its equal constrains are satisfied ( is set to 0.1). Because
original is smaller. the skeleton network is a subnet of original network, the burden
DPSO is employed to reconfigure network skeleton. The pop- of reconstructing a network frame in short time could be relieved
ulation of particle swarm, i.e., and maximum iteration step considerably.

flexible choices once the plan determined previously cannot be

used due to uncertain system situations.
The time issue is always one of the most concerned aspects
of the restoration. The reconfiguration of the proposed skeleton-
networks can facilitate determination of the optimal restoration
sequences. Based on the skeleton network, the restoration could
be classified into two stages, namely skeleton-network recon-
figuration and general load restoration. The configuration of the
skeleton network shows that all power sources and some impor-
tant loads are taken as the restoration target in the first stage.
Because skeleton network is a subnet of original network, the
burden of reconstructing the network frame in short time could
Fig. 4. Distribution of a practical system’s node importance degrees.
be relieved considerably. At this stage, the restoration of gen-
eration units should be placed in the first place in order to in-
TABLE VI crease the initial system’s MW output. Once the power avail-
INDEXES OF HEBEI’S SOUTHERN POWER NETWORK’S RECONFIGURATION able has been increased, some important loads should be picked
up gradually. After the formation of the skeleton network, gen-
erator loading ability has been improved greatly so that it is
favorable to restoring loads more quickly in the second stage.
To some extent, the effect of skeleton-network reconfiguration
is crucial to general load restoration. A qualified skeleton-net-
work could pave the way for picking up load and extending to
whole network smoothly. In a word, the proposed method tries
to shorten the duration through distinguishing explicit stages
and constructing effective skeleton networks as a guidance of
restoration. The time consumption of a complete restoration
process based on each proposed skeleton-network is dependent
B. Example II on the operating sequence that involves another optimization
process and requires further work.
To test the validity of strategy for large-scale power systems,
the southern power system of Hebei province in China is investi-
gated further. After transformers are represented by equivalent
branches (it is necessary for solving power flow), the system A novel skeleton-network reconfiguration strategy is pro-
consists of 500 nodes including equivalent transformers’ vir- posed through employing scale-free network topological
tual nodes and 610 branches including transformers’ equiva- characteristics and DPSO. First, node importance degree is
lent branches. It is supposed that all source nodes are energized, introduced to rank sources and loads quantitatively. Secondly,
other nodes and branches are deenergized. First, all nodes’ im- network reconfiguration efficiency, an evaluation index repre-
portance degree are calculated and normalized in term of max- sented mainly by network structure and subjected to restoration
imum . Their distribution in the ascending order is shown as constrains, is defined to assess reconfiguration results. Then,
Fig. 4, where important nodes ( larger than 0.92) only account the DPSO technique is further employed to obtain the optimal
for 9.2% (46 nodes). Furthermore, the population size and skeleton networks which are favorable to define restoration
maximum iteration step take value of 30 and 100 respectively, target and relieve the reconfiguration burden.
reconfiguration is accomplished. Indexes of first six skeleton The integrated black-start depends on reasonable restoration
networks preferred by dispatchers are listed in Table VI. It is ev- target and feasible operation sequences. Because this paper fo-
ident that reconfiguration burden are relieved considerably and cuses mainly on the first step, some problems suitable for being
most important nodes are covered. According to available states investigated by stages, such as electromechanical transient anal-
of equipments, dispatchers could choose any scheme as recon- ysis, restoration duration, etc., are difficult to be involved here.
figuration target and transform it into operation sequences. Con- As a result, further research is to develop detailed restoration
sequently, the strategy proposed could improve dispatching per- strategy based on skeleton network.
formance under uncertain system situations.
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