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Compiled by :

Yuliana Setyorini






The Influence of Using Annotation Strategy toward Students’ Reading Comprehension of

Narrative Text at the Eleventh Grade in SMAN 1 Ciruas

A. Research question
1. Is there any influence of using annotation strategy toward students’ reading
comprehension of narrative text?

B. a. Independent Variable : Annotation Strategy

b. Dependent Variable : Students’ reading comprehension of narrative text

C. Hypothesis
a. Null hypothesis : there is no influence of using annotation strategy toward
students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.
b. Alternative hypothesis: there is an influence of using annotation strategy toward
students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

D. Limitation of the research

The research limits the problem by focusing on the influence of using annotation strategy
toward students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

E. Literature review
1. Reading Concept
a. Definition of Reading
b. Purpose of Reading
c. Type of Reading
2. Reading Comprehension Concept
a. Definition of Reading Comprehension
b. Teaching Reading Comprehension
3. Type of Text
4. Narrative Text
a. Definition of Narrative Text
b. Purpose of Narrative Text
c. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
d. Social Function of Narrative Text
e. Type of Narrative Text
5. The Strategy of Reading
a. Definition of Annotating Strategy
b. Advantages of Using Annotating Strategy
c. The Purpose of Reading Strategies in Teaching Learning Process

F. Research methodology
The researcher uses a quantitative method.

G. Research Design
The researcher uses True-experimental design.

H. Data Collection Technique

a. Population and sample
- Population: the population is the eleventh grade of English for
Senior High School at SMAN 1 Ciruas.
- Sample: the sample consist of 30 students as controlled class and 30
students as experimental class.
b. Research instrument:
- pre-test
- post-test
I. Data Analyze Technique
For analyzing the test, the researcher will use normality of the test. Homogeneity of the
test and t-test.

Ardiyansyah. 2013. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of the Eleventh Grade

of Language Program of MAN Bawu Jepara in the Academic Year 2012/2013 by
Using Annotating Text Strategy. Muria Kudus University.

Omheni, N., & Kacem, A. H. 2016. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

Achievement through Sharing Annotation in Peer Learning Environment. Sfax
University, Tunisia.

Ariansyah, M., & Fitrawati. 2013. Annotation Strategy for Teaching Reading
Comprehension of Exposition Texts. Padang State University.

Husna, Shifatul. 2017. The Influence of Using Crazy Professor Reading Game toward
Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text At The Eighth Grade in SMP
Attaqwa Pusat. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa State University.

Stuart, D., Jr. 2016. Purposeful Annotation: A “Close Reading” Strategy that Makes
Sense to My Students. Available on: https://davestuartjr.com. Accessed on:
Wednesday, September 13th 2017 at 11.57 p.m.

The conclusion from the articles that I have read, I can conclude that reading is

one of the four basic skills which is important activity to acquire knowledge, information,

entertainment, etc. To acquire the information the students should understand what they

read from the text. Reading is a highly strategic process during which readers are

constantly constructing meaning using a variety of strategies, such as activating

background knowledge, monitoring and clarifying, making predictions, drawing inferences,

asking questions and summarizing. Strategies are used in combination to solve problems, to

think about text and to check understanding.

Reading comprehension is one of the most important skills needed to understand what

the texts mean or what the texts tell about. When reading comprehension has been mastered

by the students, automatically the students get information from the text easily. , in

teaching reading comprehension the teachers should involve the students in the classroom;

rather than give the right and wrong answer, build discussion that focusing in constructing

and interpreting the ideas. Teacher should focus with understanding the main idea of the

text. So, the teachers can develop students’ reading comprehension.

The writer suggests a strategy to teach reading comprehension, it is called annotation

strategy. Annotation activity is viewed as an effective strategy that could be used to

improve students' abilities of reading comprehension (Garrett-Rucks, Howles & Lake,


The steps in annotating text are divided into several activities,

- First, students will be guided to activate their background knowledge by

read the title and interpret the picture in the text.

- Second, students read the text twice and mark up the important idea and

information. Then, students put the information in the chart and margin and

write it into their own word.

- Third, students and teachers discuss the difficulties faced by students in

previous steps.

- Fourth, students sum up each paragraph by their own word.

- The last, students write their opinion about the topic which is discussed.

because the activities above engage learner in making meaning, it will help students to able to

comprehend the texts.

The end, the researcher suggested to the English teacher to consider about using annotating text

strategy in the teaching learning process. It caused annotating text strategy is as an effective

alternative strategy to trigger the students’ comprehension of the text especially English text.

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