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Water Qual Expo Health (2015) 7:617–625

DOI 10.1007/s12403-015-0167-5


Application of Low-Cost Materials Coated with Silver

Nanoparticle as Water Filter in Escherichia coli Removal
Sarva Mangala Praveena1 • Ahmad Zaharin Aris2

Received: 12 February 2015 / Revised: 13 April 2015 / Accepted: 13 April 2015 / Published online: 22 April 2015
 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract The incorporation of silver nanoparticles into a Keywords Silver nanoparticles  Low-cost materials 
range of low-cost materials as an antibacterial water filter Water quality  Escherichia coli  Human health
treatment is a relatively new solution to drinking-water
problems. This review discusses the use of potential low-
cost materials (ceramic, polymeric, polyurethane, agricul- Introduction
tural waste and fibre) by incorporating silver nanoparticles
as an antibacterial water filter to remove Escherichia coli The World Health Organization (WHO)/UNICEF (2014)
(E. coli). These low-cost materials have shown potential reported that 1.8 billion people use sources of drinking
efficiency in the removal of E. coli, and the silver con- water which are faecally contaminated. Faecal con-
centration in the effluent is below the permissible limits. tamination in drinking water is crucial as it poses the
Future perspectives and current knowledge gaps concern- greatest danger to public health which can lead to out-
ing low-cost materials incorporated with silver nanoparti- breaks of diseases such as cholera and gastroenteritis
cles were also identified. The future perspectives (strengths (Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking
and opportunities) of these low-cost materials include cost Water 2011). The United Nations (2004) stated that gas-
effectiveness, easy availability and consumption of mini- trointestinal disease is a common indicator of poor drink-
mal electricity. On the other hand, the knowledge gaps ing-water quality.
(threats and weaknesses) of these low-cost materials in- With the increasing awareness of waterborne diseases
clude the depletion of silver from the surface and the sur- caused by different microorganisms, the search for new and
face-coating technique. The potential risks to human health efficient antibacterial materials is crucial (Zhang et al.
due to silver nanoparticles are still unclear and need more 2015; Martins et al. 2012; Phong et al. 2009; Pecson et al.
sensitive detection equipment and methods. Nevertheless, 2009). The developments in nanotechnology have been
this review helps us determine the potential of low-cost applied in drinking-water-treatment systems to remove
materials incorporated with silver nanoparticles to treat pathogenic bacteria. Nanotechnology applications in
microbial-contaminated drinking water, especially in de- drinking-water-treatment systems have received consider-
veloping and poor countries. able attention due to their reliable removal of contaminants
without the production of any harmful by-products, espe-
& Sarva Mangala Praveena
cially in drinking water. Nanotechnology is providing some
smpraveena@gmail.com new ways to purify our water at the point-of-use system
(Heidarpour et al. 2011). Point-of-use system involves
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, treatment units installed at the water-dispensing points
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra
such as at specific tap/faucet. These systems are more ef-
Malaysia, UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Malaysia ficient because of savings on overall energy consumption
2 and cost of operation, easy to use and portable (Dankovich
Environmental Forensics Research Centre, Faculty of
Environmental Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM, and Gray 2011). Moreover, review done by Clasen et al.
43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia (2007) has shown that point-of-use system has significantly

618 S. M. Praveena, A. Z. Aris

improved drinking-water quality at houses than centralized of toxic sludge (Ho and Sirkar 1991). Review done by
water treatment. Heidarpour et al. (2011) showed that size, stability, mor-
Nanoparticles have shown unique physical, chemical phology and other physicochemical properties of silver
and biological properties compared with macro-scaled nanoparticle are strongly influenced by experimental con-
particles. Among inorganic antibacterial agents, silver has ditions. Moreover, synthesis methods of silver nanoparti-
been extensively studied, and its use to fight infections cles will also influence size, stability and morphology of
dates back to ancient times (Bykkam et al. 2015). Silver in silver nanoparticles. However, this review will only be
the form of nanoparticles has a high surface-area-to-vol- focused on the performance of low-cost materials as an-
ume ratio, which is related to a better bactericidal activity tibacterial water filters incorporated with silver nanoparti-
(Brame et al. 2011). As a result, silver nanoparticles for cles (Table 1).
drinking-water treatment have been considered due to its Although the exact mechanism of the action of silver on
strong and broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities. microbes is still unknown, possible mechanisms have been
Moreover, with the advancement of material development, mentioned by several researchers. According to Curtis
silver nanoparticles can be easily deposited on solid ma- et al. (2010), the possible mechanism is based on the direct
terials for the deactivation of microorganisms in water contact between silver and the cell wall of the contaminant
treatment (Bottino et al. 2001; Brame et al. 2011; Hei- organism (Fig. 1). For bacteria, the reaction begins with the
darpour et al. 2011; Durán et al. 2010; Kumar et al. 2008). release of silver ions and is followed by the generation of
According to Taurozzia et al. (2008) and Sincero and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and damage to cell mem-
Sincero (2003), materials coated with silver nanoparticles brane. The interaction of silver ions and the respiratory and
can be grouped into several ways, namely, attachment of transport protein is due to the high affinity of silver ions.
nanoparticles on the pore’s surface and incorporation of According to Marambio-Jones and Hoek (2010), silver ions
nanoparticles during formation. The common materials increase DNA mutation during polymerase chain reactions,
involved in silver nanoparticles’ incorporation for bacterial which means the bacteria is not able to grow and replicate.
removal at point-of-use system are ceramic, cellulose and Metals can act as catalysts and generate ROS in the pres-
cotton fabric. These materials were called as low-cost ence of dissolved oxygen (1995). Silver nanoparticles may
materials due to its abundant supply, and can be easily accelerate the reactions with oxygen leading to excessive
purchased from industry, agricultural or food production. production of free radical from the surface of the silver
The purpose of this review of recent studies is to identify nanoparticles and inducing membrane’s damage. The study
potential low-cost materials incorporating nanoparticles as by Heidarpour et al. (2011) has successfully shown that
an antibacterial water filter and compare their efficiency AgNP effectively deactivates bacteria by attaching to the
and applicability. In this review, strength, weakness, op- cell membrane and inhibiting microbial growth. Silver
portunities and threat (SWOT) analysis was applied to nanoparticle can penetrate inside the membrane cell wall,
provide an understanding of future perspectives and the damage the cell, increase permeability, disturb respiration
knowledge gaps concerning low-cost materials as an al- and damage major functions, such as regulating the enzyme
ternative for point-of-use treatment technologies, espe- signal activity as well as the cell oxidation and respiratory
cially in developing countries. The last goal of this review processes (Rai et al. 2009). The DNA molecules will be-
is to provide the state of the knowledge about silver par- come condensed and lose their ability to replicate, which
ticles and the potential risks to human health. will lead to death (Feng et al. 2000). Brown (2007) and Su
et al. (2011) explained that the electrostatic attraction be-
tween a positively charged material (AgNP) and a
Low-Cost Materials negatively charged bacterial cell surface Escherichia coli
(E. coli) is vital for the bactericidal activity of silver
Figure 1 shows the summarized conceptual diagram in- nanoparticles. This understanding can be applied using
volving existing technologies in water purification and silver nanoparticles in the removal process of pathogenic
application of low-cost materials in nanofiltration. Low bacteria in water.
cost in financial parlance means inexpensiveness and af-
fordability. Low-cost materials in drinking-water-treatment Ceramic
systems are affordable in terms of material cost and can
easily be obtained from industry in bulk quantity. Con- Studies using silver nanoparticles coated in ceramics and
ventional practices adopted for water purification are di- their performance have been conducted by Rayner et al.
vided into physical, chemical and biological methods. (2013), Kallman et al. (2011), Oyanedel-Craver and Smith
However, these methods suffer from certain limitations (2008), and Brown (2007). Kallman et al. (2011) showed that
such as high cost, low adsorption capacity and generation the average per cent reduction of E. coli is 92 % with the

Application of Low-Cost Materials Coated with Silver Nanoparticle as Water Filter… 619

Water purification

Ultraviolet Reverse Nanofiltration Ultrafiltration Carbon Biological

Distillation Microultration
treatment Osmosis Filter treatment

Point of Use Point of Entry

Water filter material

Low cost High cost

Polymeric Membrane
Agricultural waste


Fig. 1 Conceptual framework involving existing technologies in water purification

Table 1 Summary of E. coli removal efficiency and silver concentration in filtered water as conducted in the previous studies
Type of materials Removal Removal Silver Filtration References
efficiency efficiency concentration duration
(LRV) (%) (mg/L)

Ceramic materials (clay from Indonesia) 3 10 10 days Rayner et al. (2013)
Ceramic materials (clay from Tanzania) 2.8 10
Ceramic materials (clay from Nicaraguan clay) 2.5 11
Ceramic materials (clay mixed with sawdust) 92 0.02 Kallman et al. (2011)
Ceramic filters (manufactured by combining 40 % soil, 97.8–100 \0.1 Oyanedel-Craver and
10 % flour, and 50 % grog) Smith (2008)
Polymeric membrane
Polyethersulphones 100 0.005 Diagne et al. (2012)
Polysulphone 4 0 Zodrow et al. (2009)
Polyurethane foams 100 0 Jain and Pradeep (2005)
Agricultural waste
Rice husk ash 1.7 \0.1 He et al. (2014)
Synthetic fibre 100 10 Chen et al. (2005)
Activated carbon fibres with activated with phosphoric acid
Natural fibre pure cellulose paper 8.7 0.1 Dankovich and Gray (2011)

average effluent concentration of silver being 0.02 mg/L Oyanedel-Craver and Smith (2008) also showed removal of
[below WHO and the United States Environmental Protec- E. coli of between 97.8 and 100 %. However, the silver
tion Agency (USEPA) drinking-water standard values] using concentration in the effluent was observed to be greater than
ceramic filters coated with silver nanoparticles. Similarly, 0.1 mg/L but dropped below this value after 200 min of

620 S. M. Praveena, A. Z. Aris

continuous operation. Oyanedel-Craver and Smith (2008) nanoparticles are added into the polysulphone membranes
suggested that the release of silver from the filters to the in the casting solution before dissolving using polysul-
effluent likely depends on the amount of silver coated in the phone resin. The asymmetric structures of silver nanopar-
ceramics, water chemistry and ceramic pore structure. These ticles have been observed. The studies of Zodrow et al.
studies showed that ceramic filters are typically used for (2009) and Zodrow (2009) showed that little research has
industrial design and manufacturing processes with high- been done concerning its application in water treatment, as
purity materials. Thus, it has made the ceramic filters ex- these are the only studies available so far involving the
pensive. However, typically, ceramic filters made from local incorporation of nanoparticles in polysulphone membranes.
materials, such as clay, water, and a combustible organic Diagne et al. (2012) demonstrated that silver nanoparticles
material, are cheaper and permeable to water. Kallman et al. in polyethersulphones imparted bactericidal activity to
(2011) concluded that increased hydraulic conductivity, these membranes and exhibited zero E. coli cell growth
average pore size, and the porosity of the samples might with an average silver concentration of 5 lg/L. These
achieve higher bacteria removal. Combustible organic ma- values are lower than the WHO and the USEPA drinking-
terials, such as sawdust concentration, will increase the water standard values.
porosity and account for a higher uptake of silver nanopar-
ticles that act as a disinfectant. Ceramic filters made from Polyurethane
local materials are air-dried and fired in a flattop kiln at
900 C for 8 h. After the ceramic filters are cooled, they are Polyurethanes belong to the class of compounds called
coated with silver nanoparticles by either dipping or painting reaction polymers. Most of the polyurethanes produced are
using a colloidal-silver solution (Oyanedel-Craver and in large blocks of foam. Polyurethane foam is an organic
Smith 2008). Ceramics coated with silver nanoparticles have polymer chain joined by carbamate links. Carbamate links
been widely used because they are inexpensive and potable are expected to bind with the surface of the nanoparticles.
for treating microbial contaminated water (Kallman et al. Jain and Pradeep (2005) showed that there is no E. coli
2011; Bielefeldt et al. 2009). Moreover, pot-shaped ceramic colony was detected after filtration using silver nanoparti-
filters are placed in a large plastic container with a spigot that cles coated in polyurethane foam. This removal of E. coli is
will act as a safe-storage reservoir (Kallman et al. 2011). in line with the WHO requirements for drinking water.
According to the Ceramics Manufacturing Working Group However, no silver was reported in the effluent in the study
(2011), the current recommended guideline value for AgNP done by Jain and Pradeep (2005). Polyurethane foam
per ceramic water filter is 64 mg/g. coated with silver nanoparticles has a long lifetime as it can
be washed, dried and stored for extended periods without
Polymeric Membrane the loss of nanoparticles. Thus, polyurethane foam is one of
the most cost-effective, food-grade polymers available, and
Polymeric membranes include polysulphones and has considerable application in rural communities (Jain and
polyethersulphones, and are very competitive in terms of Pradeep 2005). In addition, polyurethane foam is com-
performance and economical (Kim and Van der Bruggen monly available, cheap, and non-toxic. Moreover, im-
2010). These membranes can be considered in water pregnating silver nanoparticles in polyurethane foam is
treatment due to their chain rigidity, chain interactions and simple, which enables this technology to be adapted even
the polarity of their functional groups. In addition, these to underdeveloped nations with minimum infrastructure.
membranes offer a low fouling affinity for separating
molecules (Lufrano et al. 2000). The development of low Agricultural Waste
fouling membranes has been widely applied for the re-
moval of various contaminants from water and wastewater. Agricultural waste can also be coated with silver
Fouling characteristics incorporating silver nanoparticles in nanoparticles to be used as an antibacterial water filter.
polymeric membranes are crucial to withstand the corro- Among the agricultural wastes that have been used in
siveness of chemical cleaners (Diagne et al. 2012; Ng et al. AgNP water filters are rice husks. Rice is predominantly
2010). For polymeric membranes, nanoparticles are used as grown in South East Asian countries (Lim and Aris 2013).
additives in the synthesis procedure or generated in situ According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
(Kim and Van der Bruggen 2010). The incorporation of (2004), the world annual rice production is 582 million tons
nanoparticles into a polymeric membrane, such as a poly- of which 25 mass% of this production is rice husks. Rice
sulphone membrane, has been the focus of numerous in- husk ash (RHA) contains nearly 95 mass% silica and is a
vestigations in recent years. The preparation method of potential renewable source of silica that can be used for
nanoparticles incorporating polysulphone membranes in- silver nanoparticle immobilization. The preparation of rice
volves the wet phase-inversion process. Silver husks for impregnation with silver nanoparticles involves

Application of Low-Cost Materials Coated with Silver Nanoparticle as Water Filter… 621

combustion. The combustion of rice husks in sufficient air ACF exhibited 100 % removal of E. coli with a silver
will lead to the production of white RHA, while the loading below the WHO (2004) and the USEPA (2011)
combustion in insufficient air results in the production of drinking-water standards. Chen et al. (2005) concluded that
black RHA (He et al. 2014). The controlled combustion the antibacterial activity in ACF depends on several fac-
step is a cheap method of extracting the silica from rice tors, such as the method of activation, silver content and
husks for commercial use. The impregnation of silver the specific surface area of the ACFs.
nanoparticles in rice husks exhibits an approximately 1.7 Natural fibres, such as cellulose substrates—bacterial
log reduction of E. coli with a low loading of silver in line cellulose, filter paper and cotton fabric—have also been
with the WHO (2004) and the USEPA (2011) drinking- used as antibacterial water filters. Cotton fabrics with silver
water standards. The impregnation of silver nanoparticles nanoparticles are used more in the medical field to mini-
with rice husks is an upcoming material that needs further mize infection with pathogenic bacteria (Durán et al.
investigation concerning the removal rates of silver and 2010). Since 2011, silver nanoparticles coated with natural
other pathogens including virus, material lifetime, different fibres, such as bacterial cellulose and filter paper, have
water samples and cost optimization. attracted considerable interest in water filter research ap-
plications due to the technological interest, such as re-
Fibre newable biodegradable materials (environmentally
friendly) and sustainable resources (Pinto et al. 2012; Tang
Fibre is a hair like material with continuous filaments et al. 2009). Besides cellulose extraction from plants, cel-
similar to thread. Fibre can be used as a component in lulose can be produced by different types of bacteria named
composite materials and incorporated into sheets to make as bacterial cellulose. However, this method involves a
products such as paper. There are two types of fibre, complex and expensive process involving chemical treat-
namely, natural (consisting of plant and animal fibres) and ment and mechanical disintegration procedures. Thus,
synthetic (fibres whose chemical composition, structure, other ways to obtain cellulose fibres to impregnate with
and properties are significantly modified during the silver nanoparticles have been researched. Cellulose is a
manufacturing process). Synthetic fibres include carbon primary component in paper. Cellulose in filter paper acts
and metallic fibres, while natural fibres include cellulose as a good material for silver nanoparticle impregnation due
and cotton (Vivekanandhan et al. 2012). to its absorption, and one of the most promising point-of-
Synthetic fibres involving activated carbon fibre (ACF) use drinking-water-treatment technologies involves using
have a high specific surface area that makes them an ex- cellulose in absorbent blotting papers. Blotting paper is a
cellent adsorbent, with high adsorption capacity, higher pure cellulose paper with no additives in a thick sheet
reactivity, and with no biological pollution (Chen et al. (0.5–0.8 mm). The porosity of blotting paper allows bac-
2005). Silver nanoparticles on ACFs may induce the for- teria, such as E. coli, to come into contact with the coated
mation of an active oxygen group to inhibit the growth of silver nanoparticles in the blotting paper. Coated silver
bacteria or kill them (Park and Jang 2003). The impreg- nanoparticles in blotting paper have shown the removal of
nation of silver nanoparticles involves ACF mixing and E. coli with a log reduction of 8.7 (Dankovich and Gray
spinning with phenolic resin/or petroleum pitch (Oya et al. 2011). The silver loading in the effluent was below the
1993). However, the mixing and spinning processes reduce WHO (2004) and the USEPA (2011) drinking-water stan-
the spinnability and strength of the fibre, and suppress the dards. Absorbent blotting paper allows for a reasonably
development of the micropores of fibre, which will result in rapid flow by gravity without the need for pressure or
a reduction in the adsorption capacity. Nevertheless, Chen suction, which also minimizes the usage of electricity for
et al. (2005) developed a new preparation method of im- the drinking-water-treatment systems (Dankovich and Gray
pregnating silver nanoparticles in ACF at room tem- 2011). Silver nanoparticles incorporated into absorbent
perature by reducing the adsorption. The carbon fibres were blotting paper have various advantages. These include that
immersed in phosphoric acid and heated to 850 C under they can be used for small scale or point-of-use systems,
protection to finish its activation and carbonization. The they are cheap compared to other membrane filters (small
activated carbons were immersed in a solution containing investment) and they provide a fast filtration process
silver for 24 h. The ACFs were washed and deionized, and compared to other membrane filters that is highly potable,
then the ACFs were washed and deionized to pH 7. The non-toxic, easily adaptable by house owners, environ-
method developed by Pape et al. (2002), and Chen et al. mentally friendly and requires low energy input from the
(2005) demonstrated that ACF activated under reduction sustainable development standpoint because of the auto-
condition and under the protection of nitrogen for car- matic capillary absorption of the fibre (Kong and Fu 2012;
bonization showed stronger antibacterial activity. Chen Brame et al. 2011; Guo 2011). Importantly, silver
et al. (2005) showed that silver nanoparticles coated with nanoparticles incorporated into absorbent blotting paper

622 S. M. Praveena, A. Z. Aris

can be applied to remove E. coli in emergency situations, automatic capillary absorption and with low energy input.
such as disaster relief, as it only requires low energy input. However, using polyurethane foam enables the materials to
Disasters, such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes, often be washed and stored for an extended duration. Impor-
result in the spread of diseases like cholera and gastroen- tantly, this material has also demonstrated 100 % removal
teritis due to the immediate shortage of clean drinking of E. coli, which will promote the sustainability of water-
water. In addition, water-treatment facilities using AgNP treatment filter materials. In addition, the effective removal
incorporating absorbent blotting paper can be applied in capability with low energy consumption and no secondary
rural and remote areas facing E. coli contamination in waste produced after the water filtration process is also a
drinking water, as they only require a small training session bonus from these low-cost materials. Low-cost materials
for the house owners. Nevertheless, more research and coated with silver nanoparticles based on the SWOT ana-
applications in this area are required to understand the lysis can provide a sustainable point-of-use water-treat-
impact of the different factors involved and the ways to ment technology for developing and poor countries. This is
convince potential house owners and other users to adopt because most of these low-cost materials are cheap com-
incorporation of silver nanoparticles into absorbent blotting pared to other membranes, non-toxic and easy to distribute
paper. (Ren et al. 2013; Oyanedel-Craver and Smith 2008).
However, this sustainable point-of-use still needs ap-
propriate scale-up strategies (Brown 2007). In addition,
the opportunities for low-cost materials coated with silver
Future Perspectives and Current Knowledge Gaps nanoparticles, and better methods and techniques in terms
of silver fixation and coating, as well as the optimization
A SWOT analysis has been applied to highlight the future of silver nanoparticle’s addition should be further ex-
perspectives (strengths and opportunities) and current plored. Moreover, cost optimization versus time perfor-
knowledge gaps (threats and weaknesses) of application of mance needs further investigation concerning the
nanoparticles in low-cost materials (Table 2). Opportuni- performance of low-cost materials as a function of E. coli
ties and threats are factors of the external environment and silver loading in effluent. Following the cost opti-
(external issue), while strengths and weakness are factors mization versus time performance, a prototype of water
of the system (internal issues). Notably, SWOT analysis filtration design can be designed to be tested in field
helps to find the best match between environmental trends water samples. Finally, prototype designs provide the
(opportunities and threats) and internal capabilities opportunities to produce more marketable low-cost ma-
(strengths and weakness). In the application of SWOT terials coated with silver nanoparticles for water-treat-
analysis, weakness and threats should be minimized and ment industries, especially in developing and poor
avoided. Weakness should be improved into strengths, countries (Bielefeldt et al. 2009; Chou et al. 2005).
whereas threats should be converted into opportunities The current knowledge gaps (threats and weakness)
(Lim and Aris 2013; Praveena and Aris 2009). relating to the low-cost materials have been listed using
Nanotechnology is a fast moving technology in the SWOT analysis. Low-cost materials face a loss of ef-
water-treatment field due to its strengths. Some of theAQ fectiveness in terms of their antimicrobial properties due
strengths of the low cost materials coated with silver to the depletion of silver from the membrane surface
nanoparticles based on the SWOT analysis include cost (Qu et al. 2013; Bielefeldt et al. 2009). A knowledge
effective, easily obtained, low cost materials, by-products gap is seen in terms of silver released in the effluent,
from agricultural waste and minimizes electricity usage. which needs to be better understood (Zodrow et al.
These strengths are the most important keys for using these 2009). Potential studies have been carried out to explore
materials as a new alternative for water treatment (Pradeep better surface-coating techniques perhaps through
and Anshup 2009). One example of agricultural waste is nanoparticle surface functionalization in low-cost mate-
using rice husks, which is a low-cost material for mem- rials to reduce silver release into the effluent. Moreover,
brane water filters, which is readily available as a waste future studies on separation technology, such as mag-
from rice production. Using rice husks as a low-cost ma- netic separation can be applied to mount silver
terial will help in reducing pollution and the use of agri- nanoparticles in effluent onto magnetic platforms. This
cultural water. Furthermore, rice husks have been shown to magnetic separation has been similarly applied to re-
be remarkably effective in the removal of E. coli (99.9 %) move arsenic from water by Yavuz et al. (2006). The
with silver of less than 0.1 mg/L. By using natural fibres magnetic separation technique uses a very low magnetic
(cellulose), blotting paper coated with silver nanoparticles field gradient to remove particles from the solution, and
has shown the highest log removal value, LRV, of 8.7. This is considered to be more selective, rapid and efficient
is because blotting paper has a fast filtration process with (Yavuz et al. 2006).

Application of Low-Cost Materials Coated with Silver Nanoparticle as Water Filter… 623

Table 2 Summary of SWOT analysis for low-cost materials incorporated with silver nanoparticles in Escherichia coli removal
Future perspectives
Strengths Opportunity

• Cheap and low-cost materials (Pradeep and Anshup 2009) • Needs appropriate scale-up strategies (Brown 2007)
• Minimizes electricity usage (Pradeep and Anshup 2009) • A better method and technique for silver fixation and coating
• A sustainable point-of-use water-treatment technology for (Bielefeldt et al. 2009)
developing and poor countries (Ren et al. 2013; Oyanedel-Craver and • Further investigation on performance versus time (Chou et al. 2005)
Smith 2008) • Prototype designs can produce marketable water filters especially in
• Non-toxic and easy to distribute (Ren et al. 2013; Oyanedel-Craver developing and poor countries (Bielefeldt et al. 2009; Chou et al.
and Smith 2008) 2005)
• Low energy input (Dankovich and Gray 2011)
• Can be washed and stored for an extended duration (Jain and Pradeep
• Shown to have anti-biofouling ability (Dror-Ehre et al. 2012)
Knowledge gaps
Threats Weakness

• Pre-treatment and pre-washing processes are needed • Loss of effectiveness in terms of their antimicrobial properties due to the depletion
(Marambio-Jones and Hoek 2010) of silver from the membrane surface (Qu et al. 2013; Bielefeldt et al. 2009)
• Extra chemicals to for silver fixation onto low-cost • Usually, low-cost materials are not in ready-to use form and need to undergo pre-
materials (Pradeep and Anshup 2009) treatment and pre-washing process (Marambio-Jones and Hoek 2010)

Potential Human Health Risks Due to Silver DNA damage in the CaCo-2 human intestinal cell line and
Nanoparticle cell uptake.

Silver nanoparticles and their potential risks to environ-

mental and human health are an increasing concern Conclusions
(Fabrega et al. 2011). Although the silver concentration in
water is lower than the WHO (2004) drinking-water stan- Various low-cost, silver nanoparticle coated membranes
dard and the USEPA (2011) (0.1 mg/L), the ingestion of (ceramic, polymeric, polyurethane foam, agricultural waste
silver nanoparticles may pose a potential risk to human and fibre) have been used as an antibacterial water filter.
health. Report done by Fewtrell (2014) showed that the These low-cost materials have proven their potential effi-
greatest silver deposition is found to be in liver and kidney. ciency in the removal of E. coli and low silver concen-
Park et al. (2010) demonstrated preferential tissue silver tration in filtered water. These low-cost materials can be
accumulation in mice exposed to smaller AgNP (22 nm). used as alternatives to replace those used in the conven-
Further research is needed to understand the transforma- tional drinking-water-treatment technology, which is ex-
tion, exposure, and bioavailability of silver nanoparticles pensive and involves the addition of chemicals. The SWOT
when ingested by humans. Sensitive instruments (ICPMS) analysis output showed the future perspectives (strengths
and detection methods are also necessary to determine the and opportunities) and current knowledge gaps (threats and
effects of silver nanoparticles on humans. Although more weaknesses) of these low-cost materials. Cost effective,
sensitive detection equipment and methods are costly and easily obtainable by-products from agricultural waste with
time consuming, the lack of an accurate means of detection minimal electricity usage are the strengths of these mate-
of silver nanoparticles has limited our understanding of the rials, while the opportunities for these low-cost materials
potential risks of silver nanoparticles with regards to hu- are seen as a sustainable point-of-use water-treatment
man health. Potential human health risks due to silver technology for developing and poor countries. The
toxicity include increased blood pressure, kidney damage, knowledge gaps (threats and weakness) relating to low-cost
gastrointestinal irritation, cancer and neurological damage materials according to the SWOT analysis can be ad-
(USEPA 2013). A few in vitro studies undertaken by Ab- dressed by future studies on better surface-coating tech-
bott-Chalew et al. (2013), and Gerloff et al. (2012) on niques of silver nanoparticles in low-cost materials and
exposure to silver nanoparticles have shown cytotoxicity, magnetic separation techniques to remove silver released

624 S. M. Praveena, A. Z. Aris

from the membrane’s surface after filtration. The under- Dror-Ehre A, Adin A, Mamane H (2012) Control of membrane
standing concerning the potential risks of silver nanopar- biofouling by silver nanoparticles using Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa as a model bacterium. Desalin Water Treat 48:130–137
ticles on human health is still limited and requires more Durán N, Marcato PD, Conti RD, Alves OL, Costa FTM, Brocchi M
sensitive equipment and detection methods due to its low (2010) Potential use of silver nanoparticles on pathogenic
concentration. However, the silver concentration in effluent bacteria, their toxicity and possible mechanisms of action.
filtered using low-cost membranes coated with silver J Braz Chem Soc 21(6):949–959
Fabrega J, Luoma SN, Tyler CR, Galloway TS, Lead JR (2011) Silver
nanoparticles in water is lower than the WHO (2004) and nanoparticles: behaviour and effects in the aquatic environment.
the USEPA (2011) drinking-water standards, which indi- Environ Int 37:517–531
cates that these low-cost materials are highly recommended Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (2011)
as being cost effective, affordable and appropriate for local Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality summary table.
Summary table. Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau, Healthy
condition water-treatment technology, especially in devel- Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada,
oping countries. Ottawa
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Acknowledgments This work is funded by Fundamental Research mechanistic study of the antibacterial effect of silver ions on
Grant Scheme (Vot number 5524280), Ministry of Higher Education, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. J Biomed Mater
Malaysia. Res 52:662–668
Fewtrell L (2014) Silver: water disinfection and toxicity. Aberystwyth
University, Aberystwyth
Food and Agriculture Organization (2004) The rice crisis: markets,
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