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FROM: Network and Technical Support DATE: 20th September, 2017

TO: Vice Chancellor


The above subject matter refers.

Printers and copiers currently at the business center are standard office equipment in the
University. They are sophisticated multifunction devices that can print, photocopy, send emails,
scan and save documents. The GLUK fraternity expresses much gratitude to such a stunning

While enhancing productivity of this equipment is paramount, its security is of main concern and
needs to be addressed by the University management. Several issues have emerged after a
successful assembly and configuration of the printers in the Business Centre. These issues are;
1. The business Centre is within the Student’s entertainment area and in several
occasions students have been caught sitting on the counters of the Centre. This
poses a threat because students can roll over the counters and can tamper with the
Multifunction printers. This is a security concern.
2. The entrance veranda was designed in a way that it slants down towards the
business center. Therefore, in most cases when it rains, water flows into the area.
Likewise, the aluminum windows at the center are faulty thus they don't shut fully
making the center susceptible to rain water which will in a way affect the
functionality of the equipment.
3. The last issue is security related. The door into the center is not lockable hence at
any point in time when the attendant is out somebody with ill motive can tamper
with the equipment or use the equipment without authorization.

The above concerns can however be sorted out. Below is a point to point recommendation to the
raised issues;
1. A notice should be placed on the University Noticeboards to demand that no
student should be found sitting on the counters. The security team should be made
aware of the notice so that they enforce it to the latter. However, this is not a long-
term recommendation because what will happen during unrests? The security
team cannot withstand the wrath of the students in the likelihood event of unrests.
A viable recommendation will be adding metal grills onto the counters without
necessarily covering the entire area. The best way is adding aluminum frame onto
the counter and simple metallic grills be fitted within the frame all around the
counter. Another way is to adopt a bank grill system where the entire counter will
be covered with aluminum frame plus glass placed in it and leave an opening
where the business center attendant can exchange documents with the customers.
2. We engage the clerk of works in repairing the windows and level the ground on
the entrance veranda.
3. For the door, the recommendation would be to add locks on the door so that at
any instance when the attendant is out, he/she can lock the door.

In conclusion, the below checklist should be used in assessing the level of security of the MFI
printers in the business center;

Create a Secure Environment: Building and Room Construction

Has the room or facility been constructed with full-height walls or metal
Has the room or facility been constructed with a fireproof ceiling?
Are there two or fewer doorways?
Are doors solid and fireproof?
Are doors equipped with locks?
Are window openings to secure areas kept as small as possible?
Are windows equipped with locks?
Guard Equipment
Is equipment housed out of sight and reach from doors and windows, and
away from radiators, heating vents, air conditioners, and dust works?
Are plugs, cabling, and other wires protected from foot traffic?
Regulate Power Supplies
Are surge protectors used with all equipment?
Are Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) in place for critical systems?

Oliver Wekesa Simiyu

Network and Technical Support.

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