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is Week
ll Germans are hammered hj
;Fu'st Ai'my barrage on Western
MmadigeviUe. Go./ Tuesday, Sifptenifa^r 26 1944 No. a .
' Fi'pnti trapped. pax-atrocH^ers are Vol. XX.
'^tUl holding out. .
Blalock, Wyatt Speak
Xatvian Casiitol of Riga is To Students At Helrea!
beiuf ol4ised in by Sod Army The presidents Oif»the three
while otiiei' forceia ensragie in major organization, Y, Rec, aid
batUe on Lithuaaian frontier
of J ^ t Prussia. Other unite
are cros^ingr Southern Poland
CGA, stressed the theme, "The
Place of the Stucent in a World
at War," at the annual Fall Re-
Outline Objectives for Year
Objectives for the three major organizations for the coming
treat at :Lai5:e Laurel, Septemher
into Czecibosiiovicia, 16-17. Faculty advisors and , a Physical Fitness Day V'T'" '•^r^^-o oi^tiippd' b y the president of each "during retr-aat
group of Freshmen attended In a t "Lake Lauxel,' •All .the activities. of the year will, he centered
addition to the officers oif the
To Climax Snag Week around these .aims. .••••...:,
The Fifth Army is within "12
three, organizations. Physical Fitness Day,, m an- Elizabeth Knowi'e^' outlines fbe
miles of Bologna Rimini high- nual event sponsored by the
Plans wez'e made for Orienta-
•way after crashing through Ger- tion Week and for the coming Recreation Association, will be GSGW Adds 18 New program ifdrRefc as follows: • •
1. To increase participation' in
man Gothic line in Italy. Eighth year. Campus problems were held on Saturday, October 7, as
a climax to Snag Week activi-
Members To Faculty intramural ani club activities;
Army has encountered bitter discussed an<i plans for the elim- • GSCW has 18 new stafif mem-
ination of them were decided Hes. 2.To continue i'the publicationc
opposition at edge of Po Valley. bers this year. A short biogra- of the Rec News Sheet in order
upon. This year, competition will
again be between dormitories and phical sketch of each follows; that all students be infonmed of
Mrs. John Blalock, president of
Doctor George W. Beiswanger, the evants sponsored by the R"3c-
•1 :fi

Tokyo I'adio reports con- the Georgia League of Women and the cup will be awai*ded to
tinud air attacks on Philip- Voters, and Mrs. Wyatt, presi- the dormitory "most physically Professor of Philosophy and Ed- reatiO'n Associatio.n, and becoane
pines by seaborne United dent of 1?he College League of fit." ucation. A.B. Carthage College, acquainted with ways of becom-
Women Voters, were guest speak- Throughout the day, sports Illinois; B.D. Hamima Divinity ing more physically fit.
States planes. 3. To ma-ke it possible for
ers. will be held on the campus, and School, Ohio; M. A. State Uni-
>oints awarded to the winning versity of Iowa; and Ph. D.. at each girl to win awarlls tbrough."
teams. Any student wishing to the saime institution. He has participation in re-creative ac-
DEAB STUDENTS: use the pool is privileged to do taught in Ohio Wesley an Uni- tivities,, tlia ultimate award being
It is such a joy to see you all back at GSCW, and to so; however, points will not be versity, Monticello in Illinois'Physical fitness,
see so many of you new students, too. We'd like to take iwarded for swimming. where he Was also dean of in-| 4. To increase and improve
Bonds and stamps are to be struction, and Parsons. He has th'2 play space of our. campus,
j this opportunity to than^k you who were ' here last year
3old and the dormitory buying come to GSCW from the assistant Si. To cooperate with {lie
-" for your interest in -College Government and to say that the greatest number will receive Editorship of Theatre Arts YWCA, CGA, and the adminis-
the success of our program depends on the participation credit in points, r' Monthly, and this summer he has tration in the attainment bf the
of every student. This can b e a good year at GSCW, and Late in the afternoon, a picnic participated in a symposium on mutual oibjeotives .of our college.
• it is up to each one of us to do our part toward making supper will be held on the front music,' the theatre, and the arts Betty Boyd, president- of. CGA^
csnipus, followed by a dance in at Black Mountain dollege, and stated that the .objectives lor
that gbod year. There is a place and a job for every one
the gym. During the dance the he has conducted a seminar in CGA for • the • year • include -the
bi you. W e hope that you will continue your interest in cup is to be presented to the the esthetics of the dance at tlie followi/ng nWin points: •,_ .,
'•^i^GsA. and that you new students will come to realize that winning- dormitory. summer session of Colorado Col- 1. Organization- of a 'League, of
/ •
this is your government. Through it, you may/work On Friday evening preceding lege. VI/0.U1311 Voters. -We.-.feel that
toward making college life a' reakexEi^ifnqe in real living Physical Fitness Day, a. Ijig bon- aVIrs. Ba:''bara Beiswanger, M- that since so niany of our stu-
isociate Pi'ofessor of Physical Ed-
and real learning. Please f e e l < g ^ « i | § ^ i & , cpi|,rit4i.?li^, fire will ,be;.;held;r;ate;wili.6)ii^:t^?\|' dents are' or will. soon be Vota'.rs>
ucation. B.S. University of Ore- some means siiould.' be offered
with ideas a n d suggestions, b e f gon; M,Ai Ohio Wesleyan Uni- for them to make themselves in-
successful group living—.and ;.|ii|i^r'[versity; Ph. D. New York Uni- .•?Iligent and effective .voters anct
well running of that life. ||!!?^|g*| vei-sity. She has studied with thinlcing and working citizens.
Martha Graham, Dor-is Humph- y Jl^eagiie is a non-^partisan
,rey, Charles Weidman,and Hanya brganizatott working for good
fun lie ahead of us at the t 5 e g i n | | ^ ^ B K : ^ S | r i | ^ | | g | | | | Holm. Has taught in the Univer- government, .and we feel that a
very best wishes for a happy ; ; ^ ^ ^ ! e s s f u r | | g | | g § j | sity of Oregon, Ohio Wesleyan, connection v/ith this grouip would
bring much of interest and value
to you. ' '-^^'Mmt^mi to our students.
2.Develoiprmeht of house. cpd'?s.
Sincet^^fburj This plan'.for group livingM .'hak
BETTYpp.^,:^ mi proved itself wonthy of a major
•'•^' • 'I l i L " " l Mr. Paul Carroll. Professor • spot. Througili house ,codes, a '
u;i4^1eted;4Jhai$; Education, on leave with the more workable' means of demo-
56 Complete Work '•'laisslon and.lrSd-
|P§S, are as,.i|3?#=
,._:|chelc«- of Al^ti^'Sli• ''skfiiiti^kti:*
Education Panel of the Agricul- cratic and smooth-running co-
tural and Industrial Development operation' • in' dorimitory' life can
Board of Georgia, He will work be eilfected.
in Summer School r^^^Mf Caji with • tills . board through June.
M a r g ( 5 ; i l l ^ ^ l # i w « i e s 194S. A. B. Wofford College; M,
3. Brihginl in •-••more people
attempting to- develop * lead--
'•S iDegi-ees and. diplomas were managers;':i^5^e l | p | | i | ^ e - A., Peabody College; graduate
Science: ,jlvne G l i s s a ^ f i ^ ^ ' j p ^ i i g ^ study at Columbia University. ;(Continued on'Page Four) • •
• presented to 56 students during ^l^helo:
•»^'.i-.f: •Hughes; s c c 2 i ^ a r s l j i M : | ^ Mr. W. E. Moore, Professor of
the surmper. Students who comr
•|(iip?loi' of Science inyEduca- .•^/Fartha-'Tayte^ 'Taylct- aid'-MK^Mii^^^
pleted their college work on July
15 were:
ti^gilris Collins,' Ej|i|l^th
dook, Ethel ^'i^^Vhpr
, CContinued on Page Four) '
FoJMir Supplies
Bachlor of Arts: Edith Nina
Kennemore and Evelyn Lorene C p ^ P f Bettie Farr, •^hi'^ma
Porter. FSSfei-jj^arah Eizabethi^i'prr.ett, Are SoU in Parks
iSaoliekir of Science in Educa-
, tion: Wynelle Baggett, Lula Ma-
mm^ Week is
New o'n the ca.ra,pus this FalJt
Student Union, the' bar in the ,'
rie Brassell, Katherine Carpen- basement of Paries,' which . now
ry Iriiices ^ ^ M M i ' g l ^ Milledgeville rain but the
ter. Zoe Debts Deait; Geraldine sells booltti',• school isuppiies.,:. andl '•
Knighton, Iriila Geneva Lewis,,
'Gloria Ann .Pennington, Emn\ye
lith,i!J!^^Vy •Si^i
greeted the new students
.various food'.^.MMrs.'.Ct. CV.Mullis».
amvfeH'-di$rcampus" Monday tor the all "e'v94ltful. Orien- who is in charge ,oif,; the:,;Slud«nt '
Leila Ramsey, . ."^'•••.liiMSiifft'^.J''
. * » Y - r ™ » . J S l & Week; • •.WM^ \ ' y.'.. Union, stated , thai): istie •: plan.?' lo
Bachelor of Science in 'Home ---•-'ijlliaijilii' i i i ^ c i a l welcohteitoe Tu^s^lpy feature a di,fif;ereii{ article; \ or
Economics: Lena Frances Beggs, '^"•-^^•--'liplSiln^ at, M n f i l p k s l e i ^ ^ the returned upper v'classmi^n food- ea'ch',;Weaic^ cirf!';;l!he;'yeaij,. : _;,, ,
Saralu Curter, Varina Comer
i*Connell, Mlartha Duke, JJewdl
^^w§ '|r©;:»after the 'English''test?.;iiJti^r looked on with hungryeyes. '
i-Kathtyh ;d9ni;8'; were^ re8(dy-:8md;,:^||n|u^ Thursday i night brought forth
• The'/varieliy, of' '^•'irticfe ivscild. "
will"1>a' 'depehdexi^t uip'oh:'. publie '•'.
Elizabeth 'Garrett, Sarah Chris- limber : up 'JpIntS':',:inv::the';:'^n]Joi'J^ fun and frolic in the pajama demand.* • Cosn^etics;, t{>obhpaste^''
tine Linngoton, Miriam Laau?ette' lierice in Secre- ;mail;\:dan€^nfi.^sp>o^ party'sponsored • by; X /Studehts •!ir,d' other,...com&'bditie^^^ ', he :•{.:)!

*Mallory, Fr-junces Elise Patterson, Siiiiiii^'' i ^ .i|N(i»a';-; CroW) . 'iMope :*teSts ;• and more' orienta-J let 'their hair, dowhi or^catnfe'with added";: as 'IWB^ '' '^iiiliiriits''^ reqviiBst
Doris, Louet 1 Payne, Mary Carr Mary .Elizabeth McWatty. tioh came in the* program Wed-. •it:'; jrollKiv ,anji;':'th&v j ^ t t e r l | i ^ .them.,. • ^;',,„ , I \' . ;,.^ ' , . ' . • ' . .,' y:3^
Westmordsri'd,, Mary Martinez Normal .piplotna: Hildai Za<?h- iieaday; ,and;:;that",dayirrWaa r^^clin test"!" V V^
_^..,, was. a^'fuecess':'•indfeii^dvv'y,j')1 ••''fM3r:i J^- ':k;''Dew^ti^rfi/f'.^^lur^aiv'.-'
Young. •' •vy- Vf^U^y .,•-;.•.•,,•• •: • /, maJMd^^ ;yvtth,;;ths^; ; . ^ ^ i ^ -, ^t^^etitli^ :': Jimnties;;.'|amy['''j;M 'l^s:' anttounoe ,that '%e,;'''^W!ciient'
S.ecr,etai:lal,^^pipioina: CliarW Seci^Btariai Diploma; '-'-'-• -• '^b'ecieckingf in' all'.'dBgrg6s,^,of .bea^tv :E^iciay::nigttt'';'a^'|QI^^^
Harriet y^ty,
Duke. .) ""lorena HendriXi 'foi' 'the itormai 'Ibiaptuet;'''' while t ^^. '• :'(C?bhtiaued • :(Mi^^^e'^pQiuc)5 conLvenienoa .a£ the studetifs:

1 f^. •f^\

S-' h .1 m^ ',)'••» '•• 'V^'-vK


THE C©!LONNADE Seven Professors Mademoiselle-Ppens

Date Set lor Snag Hetuin To Campus Editorshllp Cqntesi'.'
Fark^ Promoted To
Captain In WAC NEW m m m i COVER ML FIELDS

The COLONMDE Week, October 2^7 Seven professors have return-

ee] to the campus after periods
A month in.New York as Guest"
Editor of Msdemoisele is' the
SANTA ANA, Calif.—Pi'omo-
4:15—-Volley Ball
•4:'l5—•-Ei'cyclegv and| '• skates
Member of AsBocsaied CoUegiate Fi<efis Smag Week, an. annual event
of study at other institutione.
They are named, below with their
miu'ch coveted, journalistic plum.
toward • which • career-min(d|e>3,-
tion of 1st Lt.' Jeanne Han'is
Parker, WAC, to the rank of
captain, has been announced by
checilied. out. .•.
. 8:0P^Peiiguin Cliub.
originated by the Recreation As- places of study: coUegians with, a flair ,-for writ- .TUES©A,Y . "Good m-Drn'ing 'everybody, this is Jane Sparks," a n d that's
sociation, will he held 'through- Headquarters, AAF Western Fly-
Miss Mary Brooks has return- ing, reporting, phio'lography, .11- isg Training Command, 4:15—Tennis • Club how we're' greeted each morning on WSB. Jane 'is "one of,
Publisbecl, every other vi*sek dvamq the school -^j^eia estcept out the weelt of October 2-7, ac- lustaijon, and so forth, can di-
ed, to the campus alter a year Caipt. Par-ker, daughter of Mrs. • 4,:15—Bicycles ( a^nd skates their announcers these days. And so our graduates of loaf
diarmg holidays and exanainiation periods b y ^ e studeate cording to Helen Wallace, who rect their efforts now. ' Madem- checked " out.
of the Georgia State CoEege for Women. MiBedgeviEe,
is chairmam of the week's activi-
td study on a iellowskp. in' the
Collaboration Center for. Human oi'selle is again inviting applica- U Mary' C. Parker, 217 East Wash-
ington-Street, Thbmasville, Ga., 4:30—Plmige Period
/ear are truly-.scattered here and yon, doing- a great variety
of interesting things. .,• -
ties. ions for membership on its Col- • 6:45—Folic Club
deoigia. Subsciiption piice, $1.00 piei year. Entered as Development and. Education, Uni- is a graduate of GSCW and was More school an-d more powjr
The punpose of Snag Week is versity of Chicago.. .lege Board. 8:0c—Tumbling Club «<
second clatws mail mal^ier. Octobei 30, 1928. iin thia post a teacher of elementary grades lo them, meaning our graduate
to acquaint the new students • • • -WEiDNES.DAY.
office, Milledgev!(le, Ga«, nod©! the Act of March 3, 1878. Miss Austeile Adams will be Being a Board, member means in civil life.
with the* TAimerous purposes and at ?choo! girls. Faye Hancock is
assistant librarian and. insti-uctor completing four _ atsignmOTts a She entered the service..as an 4:15—Volley Ball
activities oct the clubs on the •it the University of North .Caro-
'.n Library Science, having re- year which^ in toto, give a round- officer candiate on October. 12, 4:15—BQcycles andl sJcates (PT'OMI .Navordl Fii7.e Box)
campus. lina; Betty Collins at Tulane;
turned from a' year's study under ed portrait of the college—its 1942, , and . was' commissioned a checked' out
EDITOEiAL STAFF Duririg the week, students will General Education Board-fellow- second lieutenant December 5, By HOWARD CASS Frances Ridgeway and, Hildp
r.c'ivties, new courses, r^ew 5:00—Execu(tive Rec Board
visit tile dormitories and discuss ^hip in the Peabody Library 1842, at Fort Des Moines..' Her
trends, social, aspects, everything 6:4^—General Rec Board (1st Are you one who is interested PO'Pe at Duke. Three of our di-
Jeanne Power .... .Edilor-in-Chief the various aspects of each, club School, where she received the former assignments include duty
that's new, . Wednesday) n the human side of the news? etetics mapors are doing their
.Associale; Editor: pailicipating. B.S. degree in Library. Scieiice. with the Progranos Branch at
June J o n e s . . . . • • 6:30—iCotillion Clojb
Ciiimaxing the week will be Iviademciselle s wards war AAF Headquarters, Washington, Of late, there have been ie\t:iii i'ludent diertitian internship: M'ar-
Helen Crokwell .Managing Editor Jiiiss Alethea Whitney com- 'MUESDAY
Physical. Fitness Day on Satur- pleted the reqiurexnents and re- bonds and stamps lor the bright- and with this headquarters as news itC'ms which from this garat McCann at the Genera.
Miriam Chatfield News Editor day. Competition will be be- 4:1.5Tum'biing Club Pktnred above is Patricia
•eived the ^•laE'er's Degree from est repor-is; pay Board members assistEPit to the WAC Staff Direc- angle seem charged v;ith unuss- Hospital in Cincinnati, "Maybess
Hazel Smith. — . . . . . — . . .Literary Ediior tween dormitcrie?, and. the cup for material used and' ih additioti, tor. ^:15—Eiqyic.]€is am.c!J skates ual human interest. ' t^vcis„.. wlJo • will open the
••.he University of Tenp.essee ir. A^urphy at the Duke Univeriii.v
Helen Matthev/-s . . .Feature Editor 'Ml] be awarded to the dormitorj pays $2.50 each for snapshots checked out .„,: CoBocrt Sertcs tlfils year with
^ugust of this year. Captain Parker has been as- There is the s'cOry that a stafl Hos!pi':al, and Mr:rth» Reward in
. . . . . . . A r t Ediior "roost physically fit." that appear in the magazine. 4:30—Plunge Period a perf'onmainKce on Nov. 10.
Mary Flannery O'Connor. Mrs. Bemice Brown McCullar sigai&a to the stafif of the Judge sergeant from Alabama is re-
Clubs participating in Snag 6:45—Modern Dance Club Kansas.
Grace Wcmble , .Eocchange Editor :nmDieted the v»?ork fo her Mas- E?\^c»rything submitted duringi Aidvocaite- of the AAFWFTC since turning home on the exchange
V^eek are: Tennis Club, Cotillon ter's Degree at Mercer Uuiver- Seiptenriber, 1943. F'EIDAY ship "Gripsholm." Nothing es- fe the great profession cf
B U S r a ^ S EDITOR ; C!uib, Folk Club, Modern Dance
Club, Penguin Club, Tumbling
n>y this summer.
,Miss. Carol Pryor, instructor ir
the year counts' toward that final
plium, the Guest E-ditorship. An^d
4; 15—Bicyicles
checked out
aaidi sksd^tes pecially unusual about that you teaching'we find Carolyn DeLor:.g
say unftil you' learn that this teaching Spanish at Girls' High
fravers Slated For
Minnie Bell Powell Business Manager Club, Jesters, Commerce Club, Health, resigref, an-d Mrs. Mary
14 .girls are chosen each year to^ Seniors Occupy SATtJRIMY sergeant was a top turret gun- in Atlanta. The two physical
Evangeline Mayes. Circulation Manager a-.d Health Club.
The motton for Snag Week is
Joyce Ireland, who. filled her
•olace during the Spring, while
enjoy that tmsrvel'&us' .month in
Nev>? York duj-ing whicli, as
giiests of Mademoiselle, visiting
Home Ec Houses
Thirteen Home Economics sen-
checked out
and skates ner on a Flying Fortress raiding education.majors of las'", year are
Hanover, Germany, in July, 1S43. 'ooth teaching: Margaret ^Wilson
Performance Here
"roorts Need All Girls," ar.d -.'••re PrVor was on leave of ab- A German cannon shell tore off ?-t Jacksonville, Fla.; and Beth Slated f:cr the opening program
Eds go evei^tywhere and do ev- iors are living in the home man- 3:00—Plunge Period
this mear.s you. sence, has been selected to 1:1^ his left arm. Rapidly bleeding Brook? at Thomaston High. FJO- bl this year's Concert Series is
Yom ¥ictonons Year 'hirjg wi:h the magazine*'s ovrn agement houses this quarter. 8:0C—Play Night
Student, Support the place. stafif, get out its bumper Augtist In the Vinson house are: Betty
'.n death, his crewmates applied renca Hooten and Doris Proclor, Patricia Travers, youn-g violinist,
Will Bring Success This yf-ar is €>:pec-ted to be McPkerson To Speak Miss Bernice Freeman is on R College issue, pose for pictures, Nelson, Marion Nelson, Claire
tourniquets, strapped on a para- both of Phoenix, are teaching. who will )7>ake her appearance

Outstanding events v/hich will

pre of victory on the war fronts.
At Methodist Church year's leave of absence for study model for the College Clinic and Key, Ruth W. Barwick, Judy Y Vespers October 2 chute and pitched him out of the Florence is in Raleigh, N. C, and in Milledgeville November 10, in
For you. who are starting to col- at Teachers Crllege New York plane on the thousand to one Doris close by at Tsnnille. Russel] Auditorium. /
are paid a fat round sum besides. Thrasher, and Gloria Stone. A vesper S'ervice sponsored by chance that he would receive
he projects; ol the three major lege ar.d you who are continuing Dr. N. C. McPherson. 'Jr., XT a General Educ&tion Board Jcj-xie Forrester,' Ophelia Page, Y will be. held in Russell Audi-
oi^ganizat'ions of oir campus, Y, your studies, this year will be president of Wesleyan College, fellowship. On application to Mademois- medical attention before it was Betty Ward is teaohiDg music The visit cd Lansing Hatfield,
Mary Fsrances Bennett' Frances torium Monday night, October 2,
Rec, and CGA, are ouUined in a c'ouibly victorious. Many of yoTJ will speak to the Young People's rvTiss Helen Green has returnC'C'' elle, would-be-board IH ember s;-^,'i too late. Landing near Vechta, ir. Ai'lington and Lavinia Rough- baritone, to the caanpus is to be
Burroughs, Birdie Lou Carter, at 6:16.
have ccme to school, in pref- •:rnent of the Mjefthodist ',0 the campus after, completinp will be invited to send, a brief the sergeant was packed up and ion, science at Dalton. Davison-' during Spriifg Quarter. Other
•story on page one of this paper. Gladys Healsh and Jeanne Power All of the class Y clubs will operated on by German surgeons Psxon claim.s these of our girls: talent under consideration to toe
erce to accepting highly paid Church Sunday morning at 10 •••^•"parch work- throughout the trial report spotlighting anything
are in Tigner House, meet together for the service.
The oJlicers; in these organiza- o'clock. st.ate. ^ neAvsy on the campus, a snapshot within a few hours, and today Martha Duke as Jimior Execu- broug'ht here are Martha Gi'aham
wartime jobs Avhich would have
tions cannot make therje features The World Communion Ser- I^ddss Maggie Jenkins, Assis- of themselves, their college ad- MljBIII|B|lip|H|tllllB|ll|B[IIW|ll|B|ll«|ll|Bill|a.ll|B|lip is on his way home minus an tive; Evelyn Davis as Ai«istant and Dance Comipany; San Roma,
If-lt ycu entirely unprepared for
succei'?iliiJ] b'j" themselves. This vice at the Methodist church will tant Professor of Music, has re- dress an'd home address, schocA iTinilininilineliliniliiliTiilinninnnir^ arm, but alive, and with mem- Buyer; Doris Phillips as Dieti- Puerto Riean pianist; Gregor P i -
pos'!-war positions. You are to ori'BS of an experience that is tian. tigorsky, cellist; Busch Little
responsJbltity falls -on each stM- j'ear, and an idea of their_'extra-
-derit indivifiually. These future
activ^ities add a wholesome vari-
be congratulated for your fore--
,-igr.t. Now make ' this school
year really worthwhile. dent'. '
•-ducted by R.ev.. J. W. O.
McKib'ben," district superinten-

:um€<3 after nine months ol stud--
•t Nnrthwe'Vr?! University in
~-"A".r''nn. Illinois.,
curricular adivities and jf^MB
ests. tMadetmoiselle '.mai^ ' a
tiQuick decision and the fun be-
CAMPUS THEATRE stranger than, fiction.
Billy Bundy iS' a laboratory
And ' finally^, how .about the technician, for Swift and Co., in
'=.''T.nphc.ny; Brxme Castagna, coa-

ety' to- our'college routine which story of little three year old Atlanta; while Sara Kirkland is
Make it a .year cf vielxiry. gms.
wdiilia:. he impossible to have 03
our campus were it not for theiie Mademoiselle's address is 12
• WELCOME STODEMTSI Gary Nelson of Los Angeles, who a physiotherapist assistant in At-
lost his right arm' in an accident lanta.
organdzationiB. Stii.d.ent Uuion Hours ""ast ^2nd Street, New York 17,L.^ more than a year ago. To slim- 's Pea.iity Shop
|^'\^£W York. fiff In the realm of secretaries are
We, as stiitlents, ai'c part oif
Slated Bf Mrs. Mulls Wednesday — Thursda'y — Friday ulate the boy, his father told him
Eleanor Douglas and Mary
New F'eiiniaiient Wavti> Machine
tliese -organizations and the re- tales of Pete Gray, the famous oi Newest Type Has Been
Frances Mfurchison, both for the
sponsibility for the success oi:
the programs of the y«ar rests
Mrs. C. C. MuUis has announc-
ed that the hours of the Student
Union v/ill be from nine o'clock
Bklock Urqes .GSCWl B I N 6 CROSBY one-armedl ball player of the
Memphis Chicks of. the Southern FBI in Atlanta. Just, a couple
Association. Lai^t'' • Wednesday, ol flat-foots at heart.
Added •
We Use ih.e Best Chemicals
on us. ' Our support will be the
first tttep to the success of the 1,0 12 o'clock in the morning, and —-in— Pete Gray was voted the most Sara Penn, one of the two- Mcney CW Buy!
"Now that the voting age has'] valuable player in the Southern '•'-•Ear gra-duates selected: work at
from three to five o'clock in the
Eflerncon. The definite hours
•'or the post ofiice will be an-
been lowered to 18 the Georgia
college' girls of today, have a
greater opportunity to exerci^'
"GOING MY WAY" Association and that night led his p.obir.s Field in Macon. She's F YOU WANT THE BEST
team to a 12 inning 7-6' victory one of the recreational directors.
BING'S BEST PICTOHEI • over Nashville in the first play- There they are, those and many E. E. Bell's
'kmmm' Irace nounced at a laler date.
;heir intelligence in sane invest.,
t'gation into m.at.t'grs that "'touch
(Ccntinued on. Page Four') more .iust like them. i
otice To Staff ''jeorgia voters," stated Mrs. John SUNDAY ONLY
The nm COLONNADE Blalock, president of the Georgia
'Slai'f wmeetsng vsill he heW ^^eague ol Women Voters in her
By HAZEL SMJTH ' m ijhti €'OL,ONNADE office at •address to the college student of>-
*:1«, September S"?. ficers' retreat at Leke ' Laurel
An amazing ncvel has been
written by Stephen Vitivent Be- TferoHiBh error liJh'e time set
tor staff meetings of the
.••ast .,v;.e'ek-end.
'To. me, citiz.ejj£hip and dor-.-
WRIl A [EIIEI, i l l k Pill!
iiet. America is perhaps his best mocracy are mo-re than just iwi)
work and was written shortly COLiONN'ADE was in Hamnl-
book and oij Che coiSese cal- words vv^e learn i^n civics. The^
before his death.
Amiorica may be caUed a his-
ftndar or 4:40 on Wednets-
^ys. iPlease chang-e that
nre words v.'ith m'eaning," she
continued in the same vein. She
tory of the United States, but .time en. youjT calemda,r to 4:10 Ifjter stressed the value of these
it is not to be confused with a OBI Weiitaesflays. We wiEl have two Avords for the young voters
dull text book. Mr. Benet traces a shioirt lU'eeting each 'Weffi- '•i Georgia. She er^nhpsized how
ttie history of our counti':\'' from BfMffiv af ilJtiat time, • All "mportant she considered It 38"
tlie very beginning of the colO' sta.ff members are. uirgetl fo "•-"-T educated- people to evaluate
nles to the present conflict. be TOresent at that time eEch Tiatlers of public concern and tjp Here's yout'cbarace to wUca $LOO0 War Bond Fii&l Ihriae—cr.one cf
weeh. vote inlelligenily on these poli-
This novel relates so effectively 1iij.e otht»T Wax Bond Pmies. Sixtij. ctwaids 'toial' 515,200." Sepas'Sate.
Ajtiy fjliadent who woshcs t« cies. .In order 1o .prnmole this on
the fundmental American beliel loiif. ?55,e COLONNADE stalf '••^e G'lSCW campus, she advoca'lecl contest iot stadents imder 18 and ior adults, ^ith - identical pvj%^.'
In freedom. And through this h askted to come i!;o the >he student body's' forming -a Ji*st wtrite an. eseay of net moite lih&n LOOC wcsids on "5 Wa^s to
a)cli(^l-''he shows why America nM^«'^.r'i>(;*'. •in the COl-CtN- Student Lr?agiv^ ff I'^omen Voters, Moke My CommiuB.ity Be!'i©r." Write io Geotgia Power Compa.ti;!j, r - ,,;.,<

will win/; the present war. NADE diice. No experience Sihe outlined th« duties of suc'h 'P. O. Boat 1718. Atlanta 1. Ga«. to complete- inslmctions.
. •'He'i'hows in a clear pattern isi n'e«iiMkTiH3. ••'. leapiie on the <'^.?fcw campus
the' steps' which America follow- ThsJiiik yoo, -p: doing the. tpllowing:
«(l in dealing with foreign pos- TBTE EDITOE. n To have inyestigfitpn and stufly HUBBY-
sevsions. '' '" ,'^.f the • state r.nti.o'-j/iL and inter-
ptional pro'talemsl in campus ;»»:•.
Ih days which other'''nations
arc showerinig atlnruration .upon <;;roups. >,
our '• country, i'<^ad something that
will give'yoa pride-in'the, past
«t'. Amefich.' ' . , . •• '
• ' Amcridi'.'is 'loiihtl iii tbb' rental'
"i ufitdc'i'f^ilaud. ii'c; a ioim .of • pbysic - malodiiuBilznenl^
c:''->csted by'Q.'isasked dit8eatUiti'oc>;jon .v^ith a.' .change kn
i>n<ois'6&iaeni'wbeiein' the j^mitiy unit ils' dii!)rupted---iralled CBt. .
To a-t'lempt to'so' ve inteUigent-
1^'- probl'erof: of; the . present./
; ;:, ,
; .To"be void of any .political
Bumik powif'CiMPiiY
•K-;' •''' '• ' ' - S i ., , « ,
'library/ ' "' • '' " , ' 'Pnrty., ,oK, platform

;l •
•-w-'i"- '^. /
'1. r
Jjt' ,'^T' r
,TH,t C^;C!L 0:N'N.A«.D E Saz^^f^ Addresses STRANGER THAM HGnOWr
Student Boidy; town IS NSW va3mm% (y:3o»tinued from Page Three)
' Laundry Schedule Ofiicials Introduced (Continued from Page One) ctf game for the season cham-
pionship. '
" Below is the dormitory laun- S. V. Saaford, Chancellor ol English and Chairman of • the
dry schedule. Given iifst is t^a the University Systeim of- Gteor- Division of Languages aad Liter-, Little Gary Nelson was sitting
day . of collection, the dormitory, 'gia, addressed the student' bo'ijy ature.' A. B. Furman University on the Memphis bench in a min-
ttien the day of return of the and faculfiy oi GSCW at th'fe M. A. Columilna University, iature Memphis uniorm flapping
^finished laundry. All coUec- formal o/pening of the college graduate study tov/ard a doctor- his empty right sleeve excitedly
. MM. K. C.Hentleof KentOT^Ohlo, hons are ar9:00 a.m. Monday morning. At this time! »<», Peatoodj. College. He har -'very time his hero got a hit- or
,does more than iijer share of war ' Monday—Beason, Terrell Pro- he stated that buildings, equip- been a member of the faculty of made a play afield. It was a
Wprk^.. She and Uer 'hCisband rjtm pel'—Wednesday ment ar.d endcwnents do notj th.e University oi5 Florida forj great moment for the little three
two farms at maiximuhA • priWuctibift
a,h4 with almost no ptitsid^ help. In Tuesdayi—Terrell A, Miller make the institution, but rather the past ten years. For the past '•' old. "He's a swell kid/'
addition, MrS; Henklb is chairman Hall—Thursday '-'/•alty, scholarship of the stu- two years he has been acting I said Pete Gray
Ini her township fdi^WiarBohd sales, University Examiner.
for the Red Cross and foi" the com- Wednesday—Bell Hall—Friday dents past and present. ,
Doctor W. G. Sinlc, Professor The Memphis Chamber of Com-
. bined scrajp paper and grease sal- ' Thursday—Bell Annex—Satur- Town persons, and officials
yage campaigti; She is also a writer day •'•1 were introduced "at the ex- of. Chemistry and Physics, head merce raised funds to bring. Ut-
atid has composed poems for War
Bond arid •Red Cross lirograms over Friday—Terrell B—(Monday ercises included^ Regent Miller of the Physics Department. A.B. tl-e Gsry from Los Angeles along
with his parents to the opening
Stations WMRN; Marion; arid WLW. Saturday — Atkjnson, Vinson, R. Bell, Colonel J. H. Jenkins of Catawiba -College North Carolina;
Cincinnati. "' and Tigner—^Tuesday . GMC, Lieutenant Florence Mc- PhD., University cf North Caro- of the Southern Association play-
Mrs. Henicle, who has an Army
son, a Navy son, and an Army son- '^/Tiinn of the Naval Training I Una. He h^s had both teaching offs.
in-law, enthusiasticaiy endorses School, Mayor W . L . Ritchie, the .and research experience; his la^t There are still some good pao-
Mrs. George C. Marshall's appeal UPPERCLASSMEN "Ministers of the citj', and L. D. position being at Wittenberg Col- ple in our world after all.
to graindmbthers to buy Bonds for Langlej!, superintendent of coun- lege, Springfield, Ohio.
(Continued from Page One)
'V schools. ' Miss Christine Lancaster of
to, see' the "new crop." Methinlcs
they were well pleased. Westbrook, Conn., will take the
TliREE MAJOR OBJECTIVES place of Miss Mabel Westbrook
Sajturday afternoon denomina- as instructor in the seventh grade Sad//eMrc//
tional parties were fun, food, fel- (Continued from Page One) in the Psabody school. She ha?'
lowship and' a real 'tres::,,,-for all. srshia. "Experience has shown taught in the Blanche Kellogg
The circus idea" was predominant that the happy student is the Institute in Puert-o Rico and in BUY MOIIfTH;.N BEFORE
with both;.Baptist, and Methodist one who has something to do and ^h° schools of Connecticut and
^roups^'Using that theme. The Vv'-hose schedule is well rounded. New York S^ate. ^ ^ ^
trip,,.-Co the Mnsion that night Some of the means to be used
Miss Lydia G. Nourse ci
found all the new students tak- in the execution of this plan
Gainesville,' Mo., will teach Eng- ^^^ j^^^gj^t ^^ ^^^ r^^^, ^^^^^.^
ing in the colonial splendor cf are to place responsibiity on a
the old Governor's Mansion. oTeater number pf students lish and Social Sliuidies in the n u r. • r> n. j
Tilled with ancient memories, the through work with dormitory Peabody Hgh • '
School, while .
Miss College m Carrollton, and comes
to us from the Randolph-Macon

very walls Whispered lovely sec- councils, floor leaers, and Col- Bernice Freeman is on a leave
Womans College.
vs{s to all who entered—or was lege Govenment committees, and for study. Miss Nourse took iiti:
that the receiving line? to give each student an opportun- A.B. degree at Western Kentucky Miss S^ra Bell, Librarian, Pea-
] ity to participate in the meetings State Techers College and her body School. A.B., GSCW; A.B.
Heigh, Heigh, Ho—to GMC we of Student Council and to make M.A. at Peabody College. She
Library Science, Emory Univer-
go! And so began the Baldwin suggestions to CGA groups." ' !'has taught in the public schools
of Missouri. sity Library School. She has had
Countj' Alumnae Association tea.
Eugenia Winslow, president cf teaching experience and part-
The .Old Capitol Building *was Mrs. Grave Vinson Fawer of
•^ Mr?, K. C' Henkle YWCA, has stated its purpose for time library wfork in several high
horoughlj' inspected , and most Atlanta and Austin, Tessis, will schools, and began her work here
the year as:
their grandchildren. She' herself lelicious tea sipped at Mrs. W. "It is our purpose to help each be, the instructor in Art in the in the -summer session.
takes tmns buying Bonds'fbr her M. MiUer's.
five grr^ndchildren ranging in age student realize a full and crea- Peabody School in the place of
from, 4 months to 11. years. "Those Tired, happy and contented (we 've life through a ' growing Miss Sarah Neblett.. Mrs. Faver Miss Daisy E. Cobb, Instructor
Bonds," she says, ''willhelp edu- hope), new students have been 'cnowledge of God, and to lay a has her B.E. degree from Teach- in Secretarial Training. B. .-S.
cate: the children and set them Up
'IDL businesses and farms ten happy thoroughly and well orientated foundation for futuria action' in ers College, Columbia Univer- degee, Alabama College; gradu-
years from now." into their new life at GSC. So, making this life possible for all sity. She has had teaching ex- ate work at Woman's College of
The Grandmothers League was we all say farewell to the past people. perience in the schools of Texas. the University of North Caro-
.founded by General Marishairs wife lina, having completed all re-
and has been widely accepted as .a: week of rest and relaxation. "In doing this, we offer op-
Miss Shelby Mitcham, associ- quirements- for Master's degree
worthy and unsielfish Bond-buying Classes have begun and now riortunities • for every girl to de-
d r i v e . ' ..••'• .. -:'• • ,;.... • ate professor of Home Economics, except thesis. Teaching experi-
""•^ can sleep it all off! ••?lop her own thinking through:
will fill the position of Miss Alice ence in public schools and as
"1. Worship in the form oi Bair who is on an, indefinite
'norning watch and chapel'devo- leave of absence. Miss Miitcham graduate Assistant at the Wo-
WQOfTEN'S BOOK STORE WELCOMES tionals. man's College of the University
did her undergraduate work at of North Carolina. She takas the
"2. Discussions at Current Af- North' Te.xas State Teachers place of Miss Athleen Bentorj,
YOU—OLD AND NEW! fairs Study Group and Class Y College, and took her M.S. de- who resigned to be married.
CALL ON US! Club. gree at Iowa State Teachers Col-
lege. She has recently been There are five new office
"3. Guest speakers in chapel, with the War Food Administration staff members: Miss Lizzie
Monday night, Y meetings, and in Manchester, N. H. She is a Norman and Miss Dorothy Stone
institutes such as Religious Em- native of Texas. in the Of-fice of Dean and Regiis-
THE BUS STATION GRILL WELCOMES GSCW GIRLS! phasis Week. ; trar; Miss Virginia Collier in the
Soft Drinks — Cigarettes - - Candy Miss Charlotte E, Mankey, of Bursar's Office; .Mrs. Mai-y Jer-
At Yowr Senncs! "4. Recreation provided by Williamsport,' Pa., will organize
parties, outings, and socials such a new department here, which nigan Holmes in the Alumnae
HUGH HODGES. Manager 35 the weekly supiper for a group for the present, wj.ll be called Oilfice; Mrs. W. S. Sink in the
of WAVES,/. Home Economics Office.
Distributive Education. She is a
"5. Active participation in the B.S. graduate of Carnegie Insti-
•^roiecfs and activities of Tf." tute of Technology, and has the I
Masters' degree in Retailing from BUY YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES *
New York University, where she
CHANDLER'S WELCOMES COLLEGE has also done work •. toward- her
' a't
LET US REPAIR YOUR SHOES doctor's degree. She has had
Quick Service and Reasonable considerable experience in busi- We Have Metall Ring Brnders
ness and in teaching.
PMcec! ' Doctor J. C. Bonner, Professor
of History. A. B. Journalism,
STiOCK UP OW SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOW! Globe Shoe Hospital University of Georgia; M. A.,
Next to.Cored Theatre University, of Georgia; Ph.D.
University of Nort;h Carolina. He COMPLIMENTS OF

"Modes of the Moxaant"
jCaU 5128 for Beauty Shop Appointments Spoids — Lace^
FUONE 3154
a A. SNYDER. Mgr.
r i'
\ : ..........' ; ;i:: >--'.,|;/r-.': I r .

J ::L '/i

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