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Be Nice to Those Who Possess

Atomic Weaponry II
This essay is dedicated to my beloved Sarah who has been an unfailing inspiration in the creation of it...

Well, if Donald Trump has not been enough for you to surmise that the
Americans are not too bright—even the Italians have an average IQ higher
than that of the DisUnited States' (DUS) citizens—you are going to need
some help. Just because Americans throw balls through hoops the best in
the world, or make French fries that might clog your arteries, or fry
chickens better than anyone else, you are not obliged to bow before them
in awe and grant them some supernatural status belonging to another
realm. And, particularly, remember this: no one can claim that the social
media and telephonic marvels that they have invented, will result in
bringing 7,500,000,000 people into some sort of universal harmony. (Are
smartphones sterilizing the human race? What is Mark Zuckerberg up to? Is
FACEBOOK some sophisticated Ponzi scheme? Christianity offered
believers Faith, Hope & Charity. FACEBOOK offers Fame, Fortune &
Friends. What is going to happen when FACEBOOK users realize they
have not become famous, they have not become rich, and their followers
are not even acquaintances? Is this puny punk, this Harvard University
dropout, heralding in The Age of Suicide—still another way, in cooperation
with social engineers, to quell the rabbit-like, geometrically-like splurging
reproductive habits of the world's population?)

So, let us talk seriously about nuclear weapons and the dumbbells in the
Pentagon who claim they own enough of them to blow up the world.
Because is that not the most vile, most unethical notion that the military
arm of a sovereign nation state can enunciate? Who do these punks of a
baby nation claim to be? Rabid dogs?

The threat of nuclear destruction has been hanging over the heads of all
people in the world for just too long, and I have the idea that the numbers
of these weapons are exaggerated whether their counts are estimated in the
DUS or any other country in possession of them. Chairman Mao said they
are “paper tigers,” to be talked about and talked about and talked
about...And have we not done precisely that? Everyone knows they cannot
be used! Especially our greedy and corrupt politicians. They, too, do not
want to be burnt to a crisp.
But I want to talk about my own experience with atomic weaponry. From
1966-1967, I served in a United States Army Rocket & Missile Training
Battalion at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. For a couple of weeks, I substituted my
battery commander as the project offcer for the Lance missile program. I
served as safety offcer at the launchings of Little John and Honest John
rockets that contained magnesium canisters that exploded on the rocket's
impact to give that “mushroom cloud” effect for visiting generals and
defense ministers from DUS-friendly nations come to purchase them. I
never once witnessed an atomic bomb that might have been placed into one
of the rocket's heads I was instructed to launch. One should think that our
launch teams would at least be instructed on the transport and installation
of these arms—as some sort of practice. No? We never were.

I'm willing to bet that there were no atomic weapons in the missiles
Khrushchev sent to Cuba. It was an enormous hoax played out to scare

I have always believed that, since Yalta, the Americans and the Russians
have been working in tandem simply to help the Russian people get back
on their feet after losing 10% of their population fghting against the very
stupid Nazis. (One proof of this is California. Yes! California! One has to
take into consideration the enormous petroleum, gas, mineral and aquatic
reserves of the Russian Confederation. Some years ago the governor of
California went on TV to ask Californians to reduce their water
consumption by 25%. California has a water problem. A big one, at that. I
ask all Americans to measure the distance of California to Siberia. Will one
day California, the most populace DUS state, with a population of almost
40,000,000 citizens, need water resources from Russia so that Californians
are not burnt to a crisp—by Sun rays and not atomic weaponry? Of course,
the DUS wants to be on good terms with the Russian Confederation! Or,
are adolescent-minded Pentagon swivel-chair warriors planning to invade
Siberia to save California?) The Russians are only now resurrecting
themselves from this very signifcant human tragedy, and it is very
important that they regenerate their race more so than it is now because
they are the largest nation in the world with infnite-like borders. Cleverly,
the Russians have used this scenario to bait stupid people like Trump and
his clique who fell victim to the Russians' disgust for their subservience to
the DUS during the “Cold War” years—something they fnally tired of
when the Americans (Jeffrey Sachs and other Harvard imbeciles!) tried to
control and infuence their economy and, you guessed it, elections! Are
Americans ever going to put on their thinking caps? Or, do they believe
being stupid is their best option?

There does exist one signifcant threat. Everyone wants to be loved and
appreciated. Americans and Russians. With their stores of arms and
nominal numbers of atomic weaponry, it would not be wise to tread on
their tails. They need to be cuddled and respected so that they feel as
productive members of the entire human race. As stupid as both might be,
we must encourage them to laugh together more and enjoy the potentials of
their coming futures. Voilà!

Authored by Anthony St. John

21 February MMXVIII
Calenzano, Italy
Twitter: @thewordwarrior

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