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Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative (ADI)

Health problem

Alzheimer’s disease is among the leading causes of deaths in United States for people aged 65

years and above. It is also estimated that around 5.4 million people in America suffers from

Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer's Association 208). Again, projections show that around 720,000

people will be living with Alzheimer’s disease by 2025 (Loewenstein et al. 1277). Particularly,

an estimated 12% of adults in Florida live with Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer's Association

208). Alzheimer’s is considered a serious condition because during the late days of patients

living with Alzheimer’s disease, these individuals need 24-hour attention (Janes 122). The

Alzheimer’s disease is caused by pathological markers found in the brain, which damage the

brain vascular system and cause neuronal cell loss. The disease is known to cause dementia in

elderly people (Hardy and Higgins 184).

Purpose and mission

According to the Alzheimer's Association, the mission of the Alzheimer’s disease initiative is to

help elderly Floridians remain healthy, safe and independent (211). The initiative plays an

important role in providing supportive services to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

Target population

Alzheimer’s disease mainly affects older people of about 65 years and above. The Alzheimer’s

disease initiative organizes home and community-based programs for the older people living in
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Florida (Shapiro,Loh and Mitchel 21). Despite the overall population being affected by the

condition, mental disorders are said to be more common in older persons than others (Heekin and

Polivka para. 20). It is expected that the number of older adults living with this disease is likely

to increase. According to National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions, the most

prevalent mental health disorders for persons aged 55 years and above include anxiety, mood

disorders, and severe cognitive impairment (para. 1).

Approach and strategies

The caregivers provides various services including in-home services, facility-based services,

emergency care and 30 days extended care for the service providers who attend to patients

suffering from mental disorders (Shapiro et al. 21). Further, approximately 3,563 patients

received special respite and support services which included specialized medical equipment’s,

caregiver services, support groups and training and medical supplies on an annual basis (Shapiro

et al. 21). Other strategies include adapting to the changing needs of the patients living with

Alzheimer’s disease and supportive service to affected families. It is notable that two people

living with dementia disease are not the same in two days since each of them experiences

different changes every day (Brawley 66).

Funding and recommendations

The Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program was established under

Florida statutes with a role of providing funds to initiatives dealing with prevention and cure of

Alzheimer’s disease (Lowenstein et al. 1276).The National Institute of Health in Florida provides

funds for establishment of Alzheimer’s Disease Research center in Florida (Bernard par.2).

I recommend that the Florida department of health establishes programs for early testing

of Alzheimer’s disease for persons aged 40 years and above so that the condition is easily
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managed as soon as it is detected. The department should also introduce elaborate Alzheimer’s

awareness programs to ensure that people are not strangers to the serious mental consition.
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Works cited

Andel, Ross, Kathryn Hyer, and April Slack. "Risk factors for nursing home placement in older

adults with and without dementia." Journal of Aging and Health 19.2 (2007): 213-228.

Alzheimer's Association. "2011 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures." Alzheimer's & dementia:

The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 7.2 (2011): 208-212.

“Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative.” Florida Department of Elder Affairs -Alzheimer’s disease

Initiative, Department of Elderly affairs, State of FL, elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/alz.php.

Brawley, Elizabeth C. Designing for Alzheimer's disease: Strategies for creating better care

Environments. Vol. 1. John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Hardy, John A., and Gerald A. Higgins. "Alzheimer's disease: the amyloid cascade hypothesis."

Science 256.5054 (1992): 184,

Heekin, Kacey, and Larry Polivka.” Aging and Mental Health."

Janes, J. "The 36 hour day: A family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease,

related dementing illnesses, and memory loss in later life." (1999): 122-122.

Loewenstein, David A., et al. "Proactive semantic interference is associated with total and

regional abnormal amyloid load in non-demented community-dwelling elders: A

preliminary study." The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 23.12 (2015): 1276-


National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions (Great Britain). "Chronic kidney disease:

National clinical guideline for early identification and management in adults in primary

and secondary care." Royal College of Physicians, 2008.

Shapiro, Adam, Chung-Ping Loh, and Glenn Mitchell. "Medicaid cost-savings of home-and
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Community-based service programs for older persons in Florida." Journal of Applied

Gerontology 30.1 (2011): 3-21.

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