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Writing Effective Objectives

Chandler Traditional Academy

Writing Effective Instructional Objectives

Why not just go right to the top?

Overarching outcome for
an instructional unit...

The main result of the

lesson plan

Upon lesson completion,
students will develop an
increased understanding
of the circulatory system.
Specific, incremental
steps taken to reach the

When presented with a
diagram, students will be
able to label the parts of
the heart with 90%
Your turn!
“Match Point: Goals vs. Objectives”
What makes an objective effective?

...under which the behavior is to be performed

3 main parts: An observable student behavior

How well the student must perform

Given a set of data...

Condition: When presented with a map...

under which the behavior is
to be performed

While using a protractor...

Scoring 8 out of 10...

Criteria: With 90% accuracy...

How well the student must

Within 60 seconds...

Action: Examine
An observable student
behavior or verb

Choosing the right action/behavioral verb

Observable Behavior Non-Observable Behavior

Explains an observable action or An action that cannot be measured or

creation of a product that we can see observed

Observable verbs can be measured We cannot *see* learning or knowing.

and evaluated
Your turn!
“Verb Differential”
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Learning

Recall facts and basic concepts

Explain ideas or concepts

Use information in new situations

Draw connections between component parts

Put the parts together to form a new whole

Making judgements
Choose an observable behavior verb wisely
Each verb indicates the level of learning you hope students will achieve

Label, memorize, repeat

Explain, review, sort

Apply, practice, solve

Contrast, examine, question

Assemble, construct, prepare

Appraise, conclude, judge

Your turn!
“Bloom’s Taxonomy or Bust”
Quick Review:

1. What is the difference between a goal and an

2. What 3 parts should always be in an instructional
3. What kind of verbs have the ability to be
4. How does Bloom’s Taxonomy relate to objectives?
Identify the 3 Objective Parts

1. Scoring at least 8 out of 10, students will identify

ten different types of clouds when presented with

2. Given a picture of blood cells, students will be able

to categorize them into red, white and platelet
cells with 80% accuracy.
Your turn!
“Objectives 360”
Thank you for your participation today!

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