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Kundalini Awakening and Altered States by Sound - 2012-James Shivadas

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Awakening Kundalini through sound

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Altered states of consciousness and Kundalini awakening

through sound

Kundalini TantraWhat is Tantra?

“The Function of Tantra is to transform all pleasures into the transcendental experience of
deeppenetrative awareness.”“Through its methods of profound transformation, Tantra demonstrates
that as human beings we have thecapacity to enjoy limitless, blissful happiness while at the same time
remaining free of the delusions thatnormally contaminate our pursuit of pleasure.”“Tantra provides
powerful methods for getting in touch with our essential wholeness.”“The only type of person for whom
Tantra can work is someone who is primarily concerned with benefitingothers and sees the tantric path
as the quickest and most powerful way of accomplishing this altruisticaim.”(Quotes from Lama Yeshe,
Introduction to Tantra.

What is Kundalini awakening?

I am no expert on the subject, just an ordinary person who had the experience. From my reading about
itover the last couple of years, it is seems to be an uncommon human neurological-physical event that
haslasting and positive effects. The body and brain are different parts of the same organism, and the
wholeperson and state of consciousness appear to be permanently altered during and after
Kundaliniawakening. “Kundalini” is a Sanskrit term, but the phenomenon is described in many
cultures.To use Indian analogy, the Universal Goddess dwells at the base of the human spine. In
Kundaliniawakening, she rises from her place at the base of the spine and ascends via the spinal column
to thecrown of the head where she ecstatically consummates her love with the Universal God. This has
beentermed Divine Union. The human then realises, or begins to realise, tastes, the divine, eternal
essence of its being, and the journey to holy wholeness commences. It is said that a person with a fully
awakenedKundalini and who is permanently established in this awakened state, becomes a Divine
Person with nolimits in this world or the next. She or he is said to be fully God-realised or fully Self-
realised. It is alsosaid that an external Guru may awaken Kundalini in disciples. The eternal essence of all
humans, in thisphilosophy, is conceived of as being pure and undefiled and has been called the inner or
internal Guru, or the Higher Self, which may guide the Kundalini to awake. It is mysterious. One famous
Guru stated thatthere is no such thing as spontaneous Kundalini awakening. In such cases, I presume,
the unstated ideais that an ascended (passed-on) Guru in the astral or other celestial realms is involved,
as the same yogisaid that these beings are interested to intervene when people are spiritually ready.
Others have said,that even those with a newly awakened Kundalini may “kindle” awakening in others by
mere physicalpresence! The physical presence of more than one awakened Kundalini is said to make this
effect morepowerful, (the question of auto-suggestion apart). I have watched the kindling effect in
people who haveno idea or prior knowledge about it at all, neither were they told! Divine infection!In
certain Indian texts sound is mentioned among the ways in which the Kundalini may be awakened
incertain people. The sound may be a spoken word, mantra, song, music or other sound perceived
throughthe ears. Music, I read in one text, is one of the safer ways of Kundalini awakening. Kundalini
awakeningis not a thing to be taken lightly. It may frighten the unprepared, to say the least! As far as I
understand atthis point, Kundalini awakening through sound is a branch of Tantra Yoga. Tantra takes an
element of thephenomenal world and “sublimates” it (sublime-s it). It uses a phenomenal element like
music, and lets itbe a way to the sublime just as other parts of Tantric practice use the procreative force
and breath toachieve the numinous Kundalini awakening through “sublimation.” Tantra uses the human
pleasureresponse to touch, or uncover, the divine core of the human being. It embraces life rather than
avoids it.Sublimation is a process of transformation.

What is the relationship of Tantra to music?

Swami Muktananda quotes from the


When a yogi identifies himself with the incomparable joy of song or other things, this concentrated yogi
becomes one with the joy. Wherever the mind finds its satisfaction, let it be concentrated on that. In
every case, the true nature of the highest bliss will shine forth.” (Play of Consciousness, Chapter 35)

“Aghoris are thrill seekers, that's it in a nutshell.Music is vibration, just like mantra. You can use it to
benefit your sadhana. Any music will work, if it has anice melody and a good rhythm. I love Jim Reeves
because he has both melody and a good rhythm, andalso pathos. I enjoy Spanish and Caribbean tunes,
and I will and I will even listen to some rock music,though much of it is too violent for my purposes.
Some of our bigoted Indians say, “Only Indian music canmake your mind more meditative,” but that is
bull. It is true that our Indian rhythms are far more advancedin complexity than are the Western ones,
and our tunes are much more intricate, but there is somethingabout Western music which makes it
particularly useful for getting into certain frames of mind.”Swami Vimalanda,

Aghora - At the Left Hand of God

. By Robert Svoboda p.174“The whole purpose of music is to help you stimulate your consciousness so
that Kundalini can betriggered up.""All the various sadhnas which use music are part of Nada Yoga. In
Nada Yoga you worship the NadaBrahman, the music of the spheres, the Absolute expressed as the
sound Om, which emanates from LordShiva. If you follow the sadhana to its conclusion you will finally
see that you and the universe are notdifferent - One-in-All, All-in-One. This is what I mean when I say,
"Everywhere I see, everything is Me."Swami Vimalanda, Kundalini - Aghora II By Robert Svoboda in the
chapter called Music.

And on the subject of “bliss”, what is it? An emotional state, a spiritual state? How does it relateto
Kundalini awakening?

My best understanding of bliss is through what I have experienced of it myself during and since
Kundaliniawakening. It does not seem to be an emotion itself but an extremely pleasurable body
sensation whichthen leads to a change in consciousness, or an altered state, of various degrees
according to its intensityand duration.If you sit quietly and place your hands on your lap palms up, and
just relax, you may feel a gentle,pleasant, and tingling in them. This would appear to be a natural
background level of bliss inherent in thehuman condition. A shiver up and down the spine is another,
more intense, example of it, the hair on thebody standing up in the process. There may be hot or cold
sensations with it. This sensation can becomevery intense, engulfing the whole body for extended
lengths of time. Paramahansa Yogananda states thathe experienced ever-increasing states of bliss until
he burst through to a state of awareness where hesaw all his past lives and saw the true nature of the
universe. Yogananda says that bliss is “ever-new joy”as it never grows stale, unlike other earthly delights
that fade with time. I must say that this is true. Everyexperience of bliss is as new and amazing as the
first. It satisfies and fulfils all desires. Yogananda'sGuru, Sri Yukteswar, said bliss

God in Her/His/It's


aspect. Bliss is a result of Kundaliniawakening. The after-effect of bliss is lasting inner tranquillity and
peace. It has a very practical and downto earth result. The mind becomes as sharp as a razor and one's
awareness of other people penetrating.Lama Yeshe said, that the human body is.. “ needed for arousing
the blissful energy of the Kundaliniexperience.”

and “This blissful energy pervades our entire nervous system, but the problem is we don't recognize
it.”Also he says elsewhere that the experience of bliss opens the way to higher states of
consciousness,wisdom and ultimately liberation and Buddhahood. (all from

Introduction To Tantra.) As follows,

“As these sensory experiences and our gross conceptual thoughts subside, the gateway to
superstitioncloses and we become aware of an upsurge of ecstatic, blissful energy from within. This
tremendoussurge of bliss happens spontaneously; we do not have to fabricate it in any way. And the
more weexperience this deep internal state of bliss, the more profound our absorption into it will
become. Thisopens the way for us to experience expansive, liberated and all-encompassing states of
consciousnessthat are presently unknown to us." ..." it is this essential aspect of our human
consciousness that has thepotential of becoming fully awakened and everlastingly blissful."Lama Yeshe,

Introduction to Tantra

in the chapter

called “Clear Spaciousness of Mind."Again, another source says, “At the moment of ….joy in musical
elevation, the mind becomes still. Thenthe light of our true nature, the Self, flashes forth and illuminates
our consciousness with its brilliance.”(Quoted by Swami Shankaranda in his book

Consciousness is Everything p 215.)

What am I proposing?

As my Kundalini awoke while listening to pop, rock, alternative, indie, psy-trance and classical music,
Ibecame interested to know if this could happen for other people exposed to


music and songs. Ifound that it was


so simple. Personal circumstances, history, and cultural background play a


rolein what songs and music appeal to any individual at any given time. There has to be

engagement by thelistener

.From what I have read in science-based studies, there are some common factors across human
culturesin what type of music conveys certain moods. Some basic, primal sounds and rhythms derived
from thenatural sound patterns in human crying, laughing, screaming in fear, pain or rage and arousal
sounds arecommon across most cultures. The majority of these are recognised almost universally. They
are oftenreflected in music and song. Tonality (rather than atonality) and regular beats are universally
appealing.(New Scientist magazine) Oliver Sachs states that many different parts of the brain have been
shown bymedical scans to be involved in listening to music. (In his book Musicophilia). Add singing or
spokenwords to the music and even more parts of the brain become involved. Singing while listening
adds yetanother range of brain activity.Think about it. Our whole bodies are involved in rhythmic
motions and processes. A recent study of thebrain when in "idle" mode reveals a co-ordinated,
rhythmic, pulsing, wave of electrical activity that isalways present. The brain may be seen as an organ
with tentacles that reach every part of the body. (Onemight ask, is there a human sound that correlates
with transcendent states of consciousness.) Humanbeings are also one tiny element in the massive earth
biosphere and solar system which is a vastorchestra of rhythms and sounds on many vibrational
frequencies.. In the womb we hear our mother'sheart beat, speech and breathing.In India the sound
most associated with God is OM. The Divine Being is described as “Sat-Chit-Ananda,”Being-
Consciousness-Bliss. Om is the audible vibrational expression of That Being.I thought it would be fun to
experiment with workshops where music and songs were listened to and alsosung by participants with a
view to Kundalini awakening and or drug-free altered states of consciousnessin the group participants.
In 2008 I witnessed another person's Kundalini awake while they listened tomusic. It was absolutely
fascinating, joyful and very dramatic even, lasting over four hours. This person ispermanently changed
for the better in every way.In call-and-response type chants and songs, both singing and listening are
possible alternately for the

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