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Information Seeking through

Students' Eyes: The MIT Photo Diary

Tracy Gabridge, Millicent Gaskell, and Amy Stout

In 2006, a team of librarians at MIT conducted a photo diary study of

thirty-two students' academic information-seeking behaviors. The aim
of this qualitative research approach, based on analyzing a week of
student-generated photos and diary entries, was to understand how to
design MIT's library systems and services to more effectively support
students' information-seeking practices. The project generated data on
275 distinct information-seeking tasks used by the students. Examination
of their goals, tasks and methods informed the MIT Libraries' priorities
and planning efforts for improving library online systems in the following
areas: improving discovery and search, incorporating trusted resources
in finding tools and increasing links to library resources in external sites
popular with the MIT community.

n 2006, a team of librarians at provided extensive quantitative data

MIT conducted a photo diary that could be analyzed and acted upon.
study of thirty-two students' But while the survey method painted
academic information-seek- an accurate picture of the community's
ing behaviors. The aim of this qualitative library-related practices through one lens,
research effort, based on analyzing a week it did not provide detailed insights into
of student-generated photos and diary the broader context of the daily research
entries, was to understand how we could life of students.
design our library systems and services to We were particularly interested in
more effectively support students' infor- learning whether our library systems
mation-seeking practices. The study was and services were experienced by student
intended to complement the MIT Librar- users as being "seamless" -invisibly
ies' fall 2005 quantitative survey of the enabling their productive and creative
MIT students, faculty, and research staff activity. By using qualitative research
that assessed the community's aware- methods, we hoped to elicit themes and
ness of library services as well as their trends from student narratives that could
perceived quality and value. The survey inform our efforts to improve library ser-

Tracy Gabridge is Co-HeadLibrarian,Engineering& Science Libraries,Massachusettshistituteof Technol-

ogy; e-maih tagfmit.edu.Millicent Gaskell is Head Librarian,Deawy Librari, MassachusettsInstitute of
Technologu; e-mail: mrg@Cmit.edu. Amy Stout is Computer Science Librarian,Barker EngineeringLibrary,
Massachusettshistitute of Tedmology; e-mail: astouttCmitxedu.

Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 511

vices and systems. The specific method tween 1976 and 1996), expect to find all
we used was to ask students to record the information they need, for work and
their academic information-seeking ac- play, within easy electronic reach. For
tivities over seven days, including their them, learning takes place everywhere,
use of the Internet, consulting books, thanks to the portability of laptops, cell
discussing strategies with classmates, or phones and PDAs. Today's students move
meeting with faculty. Photographs and associatively through information rather
notes taken by the students were used to than linearly, having/ as one researcher
jog their memories as they recounted their put it, "hyperlinked minds."
activities during follow-up interviews. Traditional information literacy educa-
These accounts gave us a new under- tion has the potential to increase the use
standing of where, why, when, and how of library resources, but it has not yet
the students sought information. These changed the ways in which students ap-
insights generated ideas for improving proach research as they advance through
library services by accommodating the their college careers. Van Scoyoc and
ways in which students already conduct Cason found in 2006 that college juniors
their research. and seniors were no less likely to turn to
the Internet first for research than first-
Background and second-year students. At the same
The information landscape has changed time, despite evidence that they lack
dramatically over the past decade. basic information literacy skills, students
Google, with its single search box, speedy consistently rate themselves as effective
results display, and relevancy ranking has users of information.
changed user expectations for all search To understand how to apply the find-
interfaces. In addition, social networking ings in this study more broadly, it is im-
-features such as tagging support more portant to comprehend how M1T students
collaborative interaction among Internet vary in information-use practices from
users. Search tools and information are students at other universities. MIT enrolls
tightly integrated in today's electronic en- about 4,000 undergraduates and 6,000
vironment. For example, a user of Google graduate students each year. Of the 4,000
Scholar may access the citation, abstract, undergraduates, nearly 2,000 are in the
and even full text of a document all from school of engineering. Despite common
what appears to be one interface, masking stereotypes, MIvT students are more well
the fact that the index, the publication, rounded today than ever before. Today's
and the linking software come from three techies, the traditional mainstay of MIT's
separate providers. Finally, the sheer enrollment, are equally attractive to top
volume of information available online liberal arts schools and are actively re-
has grown enormously. These changes in cruited by them. Yet, recent comparative
the information environment mean that surveys show that MIT students are less
students are searching for information likely than their counterparts at other uni-
in different ways than they might have a versities to ask for help from librarians,
few years ago. are less likely to have found an interesting
Research has shown that students book through browsing at the library, and
expect to find most of their information are less likely to use the library for group
online.' They tend to turn to the Internet study and discussion. They are similar to
first, especially Google, when embark- their peers at other institutions in having
ing upon research.2 Today's students are used special collections in their work, and
busier than ever, and they highly value the extent to which they use computers in
the time-saving features of electronic requesting materials from libraries.'
information retrieval.3 Today's students, Given the rapidly changing informa-
known as Millennials (anyone born be- tion landscape and a desire to fundamen-
512 College & Research Libraries November 2008

tally examine how library systems need In this case, we believed the cultural
to evolve, MIT librarians wanted to find probe would help spark new insights
out more about what their own students into the information needs of our users by
were doing. MIT librarians designed a allowing us to see more of the breadth of
study inspired by the methodology used their information-seeking behavior. The
by Foster and Gibbons at the University 2005 MIiT Libraries' quantitative survey
of Rochester. In the Rochester study, stu- was sent to nearly 14,000 individuals-
dents were given cameras to document and almost half responded, including
their study habits. The photos the stu- over 50 percent of the student body and
dents took were later used in the course of 30 percent of the faculty. The answers to
interviews to help the students remember the more than 50 questions, including two
what they had done during a period of open-ended comment boxes, provided a
time. The open-ended, qualitative ap- rich amount of data concerning the com-
proach taken by the Rochester group munities' opinions of the quality and
provided data relevant to particular value of the MIT Libraries' resources and
questions of the researchers in addition services. However, the survey could not
to suggesting entirely new questions and provide details about how and whether
avenues for future research. One of the these resources and services were being
librarians described the process as a way used. We anticipated that seeing this
to "discover the unexpected."9 This sort of complete context would help highlight
ethnographic research is useful for chal- the service gaps that the MIT Libraries
lenging assumptions held by an organiza- needed to fill.
tion and informing plans for large-scale or Students took pictures, captured screen
long-term changes in systems.0 shots, and recorded notes of what steps
they followed every time they looked for
How the MIT Photo Diary Study was information related to their academic life
conducted over the course of a specific week. They
AfethodologV were then asked to bring the photos,
The Photo Diary Study used a methodol- screen shots, and notes to an interview
ogy from the field of anthropology known and to use those images and words to
as a "cultural probe." The premise behind jog their memories about the details
a cultural probe is that better results can of what they did. The undergraduates
be achieved by studying people in their participated during the spring semester.
own environment. Since it is not possible The graduate student portion of the study
to observe participants at all times, a occurred between semesters, which likely
device such as a camera or a notebook is caused an underreporting of course-
used by participants to help them record related goals and tasks. Each student
what they do and is later used to prompt received a $50 Amazon gift certificate in
memory of the events captured. This exchange for their time. Because we were
method is currently used in the field of in- interviewing students for this project, we
formation architecture to get a more com- secured permission and training from
plete picture of users and their culture." MIT's Committee on the Use of Humans
As a qualitative approach, a cultural as Experimental Subjects (COUHES).
probe tends to generate creative thinking For this study, we had hoped to re-
and insight related to a user group's be- cruit a manageable pool of 20 graduate
havior rather than statistically significant students and 20 undergraduate students,
data results. Nevertheless, results can be with participation in proportion to the
coded and analyzed to suggest trends enrollment in the five schools at MIT.
and to move beyond impressions and Despite the best efforts of the study
anecdotes, bringing a larger pattern of team, only 16 graduate students and
behavior into sharper focus. 16 undergraduates were found to par-
Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 513

TABLE 1 Analysis
Volunteers The interviewing teams'
School # of Graduate # of Ui ndergraduate notes were first analyzed
Students Students to identify and summa-
Art and Architecture I 0 rize major trends and is-
sues. Next, interviewers
Engineering 7 7 created cards for each
Science 3 3 student information-re-
Humanities, Arts 3 2 lated task documented
or described by the stu-
and Social Sciences dents, and each card was
Sloan School of 2 1 annotated to identify
Management the broader goal of that
Undecided NA 3 task and all methods
Total 16 16 used in completing the
task. The interviewers
then did a card sort to
ticipate; and, while participation was not group cards describing identical goals.
proportional to enrollment, we did have From these groupings, goal categories
student participants from each of MIT's were created. For example, the goal
five schools. We recruited from a pool category "course-related preparation"
of volunteers who had indicated their included individual goals of studying
willingness to give feedback for future for an exam, completing a homework
projects in the 2005 Library Survey. The assignment, and doing course readings.
focus of the study was solely on students, The process was repeated for tasks and
as they form the largest group of users of methods to create relevant categories
the MIT Libraries, and also because the for each set. Lists of information-seek-
time-intensive nature of the study made ing goals, tasks, and methods were
faculty participation unlikely. created from the cards. The cards were
coded with demographic data for each
Interviews student participant, including their
The interviews consisted of a list of ques- school, department, years at MIT, and
tions, including a few warm-up and dos- age. The coded data from the cards
ing questions, with most of the time spent were collated, standardized, and entered
on having each student tell the story of into a database from which quantita-
his or her week, showing photos, screen tive information-seeking patterns were
shots, and any notes prepared for the extracted. More than 500 methods were
student's diary. The interviewing teams employed for 275 tasks and goals in the
for this project consisted of eight librar- study sample.
ians, working in four teams of two people
each. At every interview, one librarian What We Learned from the MIT Photo
asked questions while the other took Diary Study
notes. Both librarians reviewed the notes One of the goals of the Photo Diary Study
after the interview was completed. These was to determine the range of information
notes represented a best effort by each activities of students at MIT. We broke our
of the interviewing teams, but no effort analysis into six major categories: goals,
was made to create an actual transcript tasks, methods, success, efficiencies, and
of the interview. This sometimes limited trusted resources. While we give a sum-
the ability of the researchers to check mary here, the complete report of our
back with original data when questions findings can be found at http://hdl.handle.
came up later. net/1721.1/33456.
514 College & Research Libraries November 2008

Warm-up Questions What department are you in?
How long have you been at MIT?
Would you mind telling us your age?
# of times a month you use the physical
MIT Libraries?
# of times a month you use the electronic
resources of the MIT Libraries?
# of times a month you search for
information not using the MIT Libraries?
Interview Questions What were you looking for?
(used to flesh out details as needed) Where were you doing your research?
When were you doing your research?
What research strategies did you use?
What sources did you use?
How did you learn about these sources?
What devices did you use?
What worked?
What problems did you have?
How often do you do this task?
Closing Questions Are their any other tasks that you typically
do that you didn't do this week?
Do you ever do programming or scripting?
Have you ever used RSS, social
bookmarking tools, or Firefox extensions?

Goals ofStudent Information-seeking bine their research work with class work,
Activities the graduate students generally take
For every task performed by the stu- fewer classes per semester than under-
dents, the study team identified the goal graduates and typically are involved in
of the task. A summary of the students' research endeavors from the beginning of
goals, broken down by graduate and their degree program. With this study, we
undergraduate, provides a picture of the obtained a great deal of data about their
general differences between the goals research work but not how they approach
pursued by these two groups. course work.
As we expected, due to the fact that Despite the difference in timing of the
the graduate student portion of the study study for the two populations, there was
was conducted during a semester break, variation between the number of goal
graduate students were more focused on categories pursued by graduate students
their research, while undergraduate work (11 categories) and undergraduates (8
was defined by classroom assignments. categories). Undergraduates, unlike their
While it would have been advantageous graduate counterparts, tended to seek
to have a snapshot of graduate student information in support of social activities
work during a semester when they com- when not doing work for a class. Graduate
Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 515

TABLE 3 top ten categories accounted for

Purposes of Students' Information-Seeking 87 percent of all tasks.
Tasks: Goal Categories While many of the tasks did not
require resources from the MIT
Top 3 Goal Categories for Graduate Students
Libraries (for instance, attending
% of Total Tasks lectures, taking notes, and orga-
Research (thesis or research 64% nizing information), the top four
assistantship) task categories had high potential
Prepare for presentations or 14% for requiring resources that are
usually supplied by libraries.
Some differences in tasks be-
Current awareness 9% tween graduates and undergrad-
______________________________________________ uates were apparent. Undergrad-
uates frequently studied course
Top 3 Goal Categories for Undergraduate Stui
materials or sought information
Course-related preparation 75%
to complete a course assignment.
Research (undergraduate 7% Also, they were more likely to
research programs/projects) search for factual information
Current awareness 7% or conduct quick information
lookups (say, for definitions,
students concentrated on information re- equations, or images). Graduate
lated to personal development, network- students spent more time organizing their
ing, and writing computer code when they notes or managing their bibliographic
weren't working on their research. citations in an effort to synthesize new
information with their ongoing work.
Tasks Students Performed Interviewers found that undergradu-
Research subjects engaged in a variety of ates spent less time than graduate students
information-seeking tasks over the course on any individual information-seeking
of one week. Interviewers elicited 23 task. Undergraduates tended to juggle
categories from the interview notes. The many assignments for many courses

Task Categories From Student Interviews
Task Category # of Tasks # of Tasks Totals
Graduate Undergraduate
Students Students
Search for a known item 21 25 46
Search for information on a topic 20 21 41
Find facts or do a quick lookup 7 28 35
Search for a partially-known item 13 20 33
Take notes and organize information 13 3 16
Complete a class assignment 0 16 16
Check web sites/RSS/scripts/email for current 9 6 15
Study for class 0 15 15
Learn about a software program 9 4 13
Do course readings 0 10 10
516 College & Research Libraries November 2008

simultaneously. Graduate students were first-choice methods emerged indicating

involved in longer-term research efforts method preferences.
with deadlines in the far future. Conse- Of the methods analyzed, 32 percent
quently, the nature of the undergraduates' involved a library-provided resource or
tasks was less complex. Undergraduates' service. Graduate students averaged 1.90
tasks were frequently satisfied with in- methods per task, while undergraduates
formation that was quickly available or averaged 1.78 methods per task.
"good enough." Graduate students typi- Table 5 shows the top methods used
cally couldn't settle for "good enough" to accomplish a task in the study and
information and had to search further and the number of times that method was
deeper for reliable information. used first.
The students relied on Web-based tools
Afethods Usedto Accomplish Tasks such as Google (Search, Print, Images, or
Interviewers recorded the methods used Scholar),Amazon, and Wilipedia for many
by students for each information-seeking of their information needs. Thirty-nineper-
goal and task. Students used a variety of cent of all tasks in the study involved one or
creative methods to perform their tasks more of these methods. Students also relied
and accomplish their goals. Often they on a valued network of colleagues that in-
employed more than one method to duded peers, other students, lab cohorts, as
complete a task, either due to multistep well as faculty. Eighteen percent of all tasks
processes or unsatisfactory results. As included a consultation with a person in the
part of the analysis, interviewers noted student's personal network.
which methods were used to begin each Table 6 highlights the most frequently
task. As a result, a number of dominant used method of each of the four top tasks.

Methods Used to Accomplish Tasks
Method Category Total # of Times Used
Occurrences First on a Task
Search Google 78 50
Go directly to a known URL not otherwise specified 60 38
Use the library catalog to browse or search 30 17
Search licensed citation databases 26 8
Use course web sites 23 14
Review notes/handouts taken in class/lab 17 9
Search e-resources finding tool 16 11
Read textbook 13 3
Consult other students 13 7
Consult with guest lecturer/faculty 12 8
Search Google Scholar 12 5
Search licensed full-text databases 10 5
Physically browse a collection 9 6
Refer to books in personal library 9 6
Retrieve a print resource from a library 9 4
Use Wikipedia 9 4
Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 517

Maenft Pro uentlv UITed Methods for the Ton Four Tasks
Task Method No. of
Find facts or do a quick lookup Search Google 25
Search for a partially-known item Search Google 18
Search for information on a topic Search a citation database 17
Search for a known item Search the library catalog 16

Searching Google was the most fre- a trusted resource as a person, source, or
quently used method for finding facts tool that the student had used previously
and searching for a partially known or that had been recommended to them by
item. Searching the NMIT Libraries' catalog someone they trusted. For the first metric,
was the most frequently used method there were several occasions in the study
for known-item searching. For finding in which the student felt that s/he had been
information on an unknown topic, search- successful at a task, but the interviewers did
ing citation databases narrowly edged not agree with that assessment. Arating of
out Google as the most frequently used "efficient" did not take into account wheth-
method, though searching Google was the er the interviewer felt that the student had
method most frequently used first. Upon found an excellent source of information.
further analysis, the data showed that In a few cases the students were successful
when Google was used as a first method, and efficient, but the piece of information
it was necessary 58 percent of the time they found was less than optimal. Such an
to use at least one additional method to outcome is one limitation of this measure-
satisfy the requirements of the task. ment. The trusted resource metric was
developed once the interviewers realized
Success, Efficiency, and Trusted Sources how often students relied on particular
For each task, the study team recorded resources or persons to the exclusion of
three additional sets of metrics: 1) how others, even when they did not necessarily
successful the student judged him/herself have confidence that the resource would
to be at completing the task; 2) how efficient yield a successful outcome. In one example
the interviewer(s) felt the student had been of the use of a trusted resource, the student
at accomplishing the task; and 3) if the stu- used PubMed as a starting point for find-
dent used a "trusted resource." We defined ing articles not related to medical topics,

Assessment of Success, Efficiency and Use of Trusted Sources in
Information-seeking Tasks
Graduate Undergraduate
Students Students
Yes Yes
Did the student judge him or herself successful at 86% 93%
completing his/her task?
In the opinion of the interviewer, was the student 77% 85%
efficient at accomplishing his/her task?
Did the student use a trusted person or tool in 80% 69%
accomplishing his/her task?
518 College& Research Libraries November 2008

Top Four Task Categories And Success/Efficiency/Trusted Source Metrics
Sorted By Student Status
Graduate students Undergraduate students
Task Category Successful Efficient Used Successful Efficient Used
Trusted Trusted
Source Source
Search for a known item 86% 86% 76% 84% 84% 64%
Search for information 80% 40% 90% 82% 64% 57%
on a topic
Search for a partially- 62% 69% 92% 95% 75% 80%
known item
Find facts or do a quick 100% 100% 86% 96% 86% 86%

simply because she had previously had had recommended them. Trust in online
success with it when performing research resources is built from frequent use as
in a different subject area. We gleaned a documented in a recent OCLC study,"-
key fact from each of the three metrics we Word-of-mouth influences on service se-
recorded: students considered themselves lection and trust is also a well-documented
to be overwhelmingly successful; inter- phenomenon in the social sciences.3
viewers found the students to be relatively For tasks like topical searching or
efficient; and students often chose to use a searching for partially known items,
trusted resource. graduate students were, by their own
Table 7 summarizes the overall results admission, less successful and, by our
for these metrics. analysis, less efficient. However, the
The success, efficiency, and trusted graduate students were consistently in-
resource metrics were applied to the top volved in more complex research where
four task categories as demonstrated in discovering much-needed data may be
table 8. difficult or nearly impossible. For under-
Overall, the graduate students were graduate students searching for infor-
more likely than the undergraduate stu- mation on a topic, there were a notably
dents to use a trusted resource in accom- smaller percentage of tasks for which they
plishing their information-related tasks, relied on trusted resources, and yet they
though both relied heavily on trusted remained quite efficient in their pursuits.
resources. It is possible that the difference It is possible that this result is due to the
arose because of differences in the nature less complex nature of their inquiries as
of the work done by the two groups. compared to the graduate students.
Many graduate students work in a lab or With respect to products and services
research group and thus had colleagues provided by the MNT Libraries, students
working on the same or similar research mentioned a variety of resources. The
areas with whom they could consult. Un- students frequently recalled how and
dergraduates, however, are new to their when they learned about specific tools.
field of study and were often experiment- Many students learned about the re-
ing with new resources for information. sources via personal recommendations
Anecdotally, many students verbalized from faculty or other students. A small
that they had automatically gone to certain number discovered resources by a num-
resources because they had used them ber of methods, such as browsing the MIT
before or because someone they trusted Libraries' database of electronic resources,
Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 519

browsing physical collections, or talking 1. Reduce the number of starting points

to a librarian. for discovery; allow users to search many
tools at once. Because no single tool will
Next Steps Based on Findings of MIT allow for searching all library resources
Photo Diary Study at once, the MIT Libraries are planning to
Hearing the students' narratives was reduce the number of places a user must
instrumental in forming ideas about pri- go to in a search for information. One
orities and plans for improving the MIT interface could search the metadata and
Libraries' online systems for search and content that is owned by the MIT Librar-
discovery of information resources. The ies via a metadata aggregator tool, such
findings of the study confirmed trends as those offered commercially by Endeca
about which we had suspicions, but the or Siderean, to combine the catalog, the
findings also surprised us into thinking institutional repository, the MIT Libraries'
in new ways about how students find Web pages, a visual images database, etc.
information sources. The study prompted The second interface could be a careful
the identification of four broad categories deployment of a federated search tool to
for action: allow for search of a limited number of
@ Make discovery and search easier licensed resources by broadcast search
and more effective methods.
o Incorporate trusted resources in 2. Provide more guidance in the selection
finding tools of tools to usefor discovery.The MIT Librar-
& Continue to put links to the MIT ies' current e-resources finding tool, Vera
Libraries where the users are (http://libraries.mit.edu/vera) provides
e Implications for otherMIT Libraries only a subject-categorized, alphabetical
services list of resources with descriptions. In
the study, the students found this level
Make Discovery andSearch Easier and of information about the resources in-
More Effective adequate for making informed decisions
While the students engaged in known- about which databases to try, so they often
item searching and topical searching didn't try any of them and relied on tools
in roughly equal proportions, topical with which they were familiar (such as
searching was more difficult and time- PubMed for finding article citations not
consuming for students than known-item medically related). With the implementa-
searching. The graduate students typi- tion of a federated search tool, more clues
cally sought significant detail on a topic, to aid in evaluating resources will be
whereas the undergraduates looked for crucial. Pregrouping of core resources for
general overviews. When confronted by cross-database searching is one expected
the vast array of tools available to them, advance in this area.
the students often exhibited uncertainty 3. Provide user-friendly access to meta-
about what to do next and frequently datain results sets forfurther searchstrategy
reverted to tools with which they were refinement and discovery. Students in the
familiar instead of digging deeper to study favored tools that provided smart
understand how new tools could be more links to related information and nar-
effective. The students instinctively used rowing categories. There is extensive
a variety of discovery tools not available metadata that is hidden away in full
to them through traditional library inter- record screens within catalogs that could
faces, such as "customers who bought serve that function. Faceted browsing
this also bought" links or "browse similar interfaces serve to make the metadata
titles" links found in tools like Amazon. accessible in a highly useful way and
com. Improving topical searching could will be a likely direction for our future
be facilitated in a variety of ways: interfaces.
520 College & Research Libraries November 2008

IncorporateTrusted Resources in Finding understand how important a resource

Tools is within the topic searched. The utility
A surprising finding of the study was of the results would be increased in a
the extent to which the students relied tool such as a metadata aggregator, if it
on the opinions of others when choosing were possible to offer sorting of results
tools and information to use. Whether based on use, or to incorporate use data
they sought input from others, either in into relevancy/ranking algorithms. Use
person or online, the students used others' data to be incorporated could include
opinions to make decisions about what circulation data for items in the catalog,
resources to use. The team knew that journal use data from electronic resource
students relied on familiar tools, but the management tools or publishers, and
pervasiveness of this preference moved download metrics from other local digital
this issue to the forefront of our thinking tools. Circulation data could also power
in a way that it hadn't been before. It is a "people who borrowed this book also
important for libraries to incorporate borrowed..." feature that would help
this essential social phenomenon into expose the "long tail"1 of resources that
our tools and systems. Incorporation of is a particular strength of libraries.
trusted resource data into library tools 4. Incorporate relevancy rankings into
may happen in several ways: results lists of library tools. Students in
1. Add links within librarytools. Students the study expected results to be ranked
would find tools useful that created by relevancy in general, and they also
links among library resources such as expected the relevancy algorithms to be
the online catalog, citation databases, excellent at identifying the most appropri-
and trusted nonlibrary sources such as ate resources first. Based on these results,
Amazon, book review sites, and Google the MIT Libraries will have relevancy-
Print. By including these links, theMIT ranked results in the tools we implement
Libraries can facilitate students' easy and in the future.
efficient movement into and out of library
resources, greatly reducing the duplicate Continue to PutLinks to the A1IT Libraries
searches they must perform now to get Where the Users are
from one resource to another. While students began only 23 percent
2. hicorporatesocialnetworking,rezoiewing, of all tasks in the study by using library
and shnilaruser input capabilitiesinto library resources, they ended up consulting a re-
tools. Several students wished they could source from the MIT Libraries in about 36
have access to the opinions of their peers percent of their tasks. Since students often
and faculty about which resources are started their information seeking outside
good to use. User tagging of resources and the MIT Libraries' Web space, it would
allowing for local review and commenting make sense to continue to find ways to
about resources within the MvIT Libraries embed links, tools, and MIT Libraries'
would be of value in the education of MIT metadata into widely popular Web sites,
students. Student feedback indicated that search engines, and databases to lead our
it would not be necessary to have a par- community back to resources available
ticular faculty or student name attached to them in the MIIT Libraries. There are a
to a comment, knowing their role would variety of ways to continue this work:
provide enough context (for instance, a 1. Continue to partner with outside Web
notation such as "a faculty member from sites. The MIT Libraries have already
Mechanical Engineering"). shared holdings data with Google Scholar
3. Expose MIT Libraries' circulationand and Windows Live Academic to provide
use data to help people understand what our users with deep linking to library
is heavily used. Knowing how much a resources. We should continue to be open
resource is used would help our users to partnerships of this nature.
Information Seeking through Students' Eyes 521

2. Take advantage of browser extensions within them. We would like our platforms
and toolbars that enable integrationof library to enable easy sharing of data with other
links on sites often used by students. For applications by third parties who see new
example, Firefox plug-ins enable direct uses for it. For instance, if all MIT Librar-
links from a title on Amazon to a title in ies' metadata for owned content contained
our catalog. Extensions like these make it within existing systems were available in
possible to incorporate and integrate our a metadata aggregator tool that had Web
services and links without needing the services enabled, we could allow others to
cooperation of the outside Web site. These create applications using that data.
are becoming more popular as users in the
outside world are finding useful ways to Implicationsfor Other MIT Libraries
link libraries, bookstores, and other Web Services
sites and services. For example, the MNT While the photo diary study provided a
Libraries now offer the LibX toolbar and significant amount of information to sup-
a Greasemonkey script that automates port decision-making for the evolution
lookup in the MIT Libraries catalog. of online tools, it inevitably also offered
3. Support the development of tools like direct support for other types of actions
browser extensions and toolbars within the and services that would enhance the in-
MIT community. In a technology-oriented formation-seeking experiences of the MIT
student community like MIT, we need to students. As in the case of the Rochester
invite our students to modify and improve study, these insights were an unexpected
library tools. In the study, we learned that benefit of the qualitative method we had
a small but significant number of students used, and the study team agreed that it
were interested in manipulating library was important to share these findings
data themselves, and many knew a fel- within the library system. Most notably:
low student who they believed would 1. Raise awareness: The Photo Diary
be interested in doing this. It would take Study echoed the results from the 2005
only a few students contributing their MIT Libraries Survey in that it showed
own ideas to begin to create novel and that students are often unaware of the vast
productive tools. The MIT Libraries have array of relevant and helpful information
begun to welcome such contributions by and tools available to them from the MIT
creating an "MIT Libraries Betas" page Libraries.
(http://libraries.mit.edu/betas/) where we 2. Reduce barriers to services: Because
are placing tools that aren't quite ready ease and speed of access are highly val-
for full-production mode or those that ued by MIT students, we recommended a
have been contributed by others. The first review of services to identify and address
student-contributed beta was a course- the barriers students experience in their
picking application written by computer use of libraries services.
science students and based on MIT Li- 3. Focus on custoinerservice:MIT students
braries' "Simile" research into integrating prefer to discover things on their own and
heterogeneous metadata. The betas site not to ask for help, except from trusted
has been highlighted periodically on the peers. It is critical that every interaction
MIT Libraries' homepage. with the MIT Libraries be positive in order
4. Migrate traditionallibraryfinding tools, to overcome this barrier as well as to allow
such as the catalog, to platforms thatenable Web the MIT Libraries to become part of the
services. In their current configuration, the students' networks of trusted resources.
library management system and the elec- 4. Close the skills gap: The undergradu-
tronic resources management (ERM) sys- ates interviewed in this study did not
tem hosted by the MIT Libraries are largely demonstrate the level of information-
inflexible because it is difficult to create seeking skills needed to carry them suc-
applications that access the data contained cessfully into graduate school. Continued
522 College & Research Libraries November 2008

efforts should be directed to assisting cur- and the other to investigate acquiring or
rent graduate students with getting up to building a metadata aggregator tool, such
speed, as well as preparing undergradu- as WorldCat Local. The MIT Libraries'
ates for future academic careers. Betas page was implemented in the sum-
5. Assist with personal iqformation man- mer of 2006.
agement: The number of tasks and the The MIT Libraries are one institution
amount of time the graduate students among many that are working to rapidly
devoted to information management develop systems-based solutions that will
were significant. Continued promotion radically improve information discovery
and instruction on bibliographic manage- for their users. From North Carolina
ment tools like Endnote, RefWorks, and State's innovative catalog interface using
Zotero will help students increase their Endeca software, to University of Roches-
productivity and provide an opportunity ter's eXtensible catalog effort, and many
for the MIT Libraries to partner with the others, big changes are underway. The
students in additional ways. MIT Libraries hope both to contribute to
this progress and to take advantage of
Conclusion innovations begun by others. We believe
Since the completion of the Photo Diary strongly that by staying focused on the
Study, the MIT Libraries have moved for- needs and information-seeking practices
ward on several of the recommendations of our students, we -willbe able to create
outlined here. Project SimpLR (http://lib- a sustained level of improvement in our
staff.mit.edu/simpl) has charged two task systems that will contribute to their ulti-
forces: one to implement a metasearch tool mate success in their academic lives.

1. Anna M. Van Scoyoc and Caroline Cason, "The ElectronicAcademic Library: Undergradu-
ate Research Behavior in a Library without Books," portal:Librariesand theiAcadeiy 6 (2006): 47-59;
Lesley M. Moyo, "Electronic Libraries and the Emergence of New Service Paradigms," Electronic
Libraq! 22 (2004): 220-30.
2. Van Scoyoc and Cason, "The Electronic Academic Library"; Christen Thompson, "In-
formation Illiterate or Lazy: How College Students Use the Web for Research," portal: Libraries
and the Academy 3 (2003): 259-68; Joan K. Lippincott, "Next Generation Students and Libraries,"
EDUCAUSE Review (2005), available online at http:/flibrary.case.edulksl/admin/slc/workingdocu-
ments/net__generation_students.pdf [Accessed 30 October 2007].
3. Studying Students: The UndergraduateResearch Projectat the UniversityofRochester, ed. Nancy
Fried Foster and Susan Gibbons (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2007);
Lippincott, "Next Generation Students and Libraries."
4. Van Scoyoc and Cason, "The Electronic Academic Library"; Moyo, "Electronic Libraries
and the Emergence of New Service Paradigms."
5. Foster and Gibbons, Studying Students.
6. Van Scoyoc and Cason, "The Electronic Academic Library"; Foster and Gibbons, Stud4ing
Students; Thompson, "Information Illiterate or Lazy."
7. Marilee Jones, "New Kids on the Block: Observations on the Newest Generation of MIT
Students," MIT FacultyNeusletter 14 (2001): 12-15.
8. Institutional Research, Office of the Provost, MIUE CSEQ Report. C. Robert Pace and George
D. Kuh, College Student Experiences QuestionnaireResearch Programn (Indiana University Center for
Postsecondary Research and Planning, 5th ed., 2001).
9. Foster and Gibbons, Studying Students.
10. Catherine Courage and Kathy Baxter, UnderstandingYour Users:A PracticalGuide to User
Requirements Methods, Tools, and Techniques (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman, 2004).
11. Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt, Contextual Design (San Diego: Academic Press, 1998);
Courage and Baxter, UnderstandingYour Users.
12. OCLC, Sharing,Privacyand Trust in Our Networked World: A Report to the OCLC Membership
(2007). Available online at wwwv.odc.org/reports/pdfs/sharing.pdf. [Accessed 24 October 2007].
13. Chip Walker, "Word of Mouth," American Demographics17 (1995): 38-45.
14. Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail," Wired 12 (2005): 170-77.

TITLE: Information Seeking through Students’ Eyes: The MIT

Photo Diary Study
SOURCE: Coll Res Libr 69 no6 N 2008

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