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Plant Life: What is a seed?

By Encyclopaedia Britannica, adapted by Newsela staff on 03.31.17

Word Count 698
Level 800L

A growing seedling. Photo from: Wikimedia Commons.

Flowering plants make new plants thanks to seeds. Inside the plant’s seed is a baby plant,
known as the embryo. In the ground, under the right temperature and wetness, the embryo
begins to grow. It breaks out of the seed pod. Then it pushes up through the soil into the
sunshine. It develops into a plant that in turn will produce new seeds.

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Traveling By Parachute

When the seeds are ripe, or fully grown, they must leave the parent plant. Every seed has
some way of traveling. Some may travel only a few inches. Others may travel many miles. But
it is important for seeds to travel some distance, great or small. If all seeds fell to the ground
directly beneath the parent plant, none would grow. They would be too crowded and too
shaded. Instead, the seeds must find good soil and plenty of space and sunshine. That way,
they can develop into strong, healthy plants.

Some seeds have fluffy little parachutes. Plants with parachute seeds include dandelions,
milkweeds, cattails, thistles and asters. When the weather is dry, the seeds can drift through
the air on the slightest breeze. On damp days, the seed would not be able to travel far. So the
parachute stays closed. Seeds may travel many miles on their parachutes.

Some Tree Seeds Have Propeller Blades

Some seeds are enclosed in dry husks, an outer covering kind of like a shell. These seeds are
equipped with one or two propeller blades. The maple, ash and ailanthus trees produce such
seeds. They twist and turn in the air. They may sail a short distance from the parent tree.
Other plants have winged seeds. Among them are the catalpa, birch and elm trees. The seeds
of orchids are different. These seeds are so fine and light that they blow about like dust.

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The seeds of grains and grasses have long stiff beards. These act like kite tails, carrying the
seeds through the wind. Other plants break loose from the soil in the autumn and roll with the
wind. They scatter their seeds over the countryside. Such plants are called tumbleweeds.

Fruits Scatter Seeds By Exploding!

The fruits of plants growing in or near the water are unique. These fruits may have waterproof
coverings that allow them to float. Some tropical islands have been planted with coconuts
brought there by the ocean tides.

There are also fruits that scatter their seeds by literally exploding. The pod bursts open and
shoots the seeds in all directions. Wood sorrel, impatiens, witch hazel and pansies are

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Animals Serve As Seed Carriers

Animals often serve as seed carriers. The seeds catch in their fur by means of sticky hairs,
bristles, hooks or barbs. Seeds of this type include the beggar-ticks and cocklebur. Water
birds step into dried mud and carry the seeds of water plants and grasses on their legs. They
may also carry seeds on their beaks after eating.

To attract hungry creatures, many seeds are sunk within the flesh of delicious fruits. The sticky
fruit of the mistletoe sticks on the feet or beak of a bird. Then, it is wiped off on a tree many
miles away. Seeds such as cherry pits pass through an animal's digestive system. Birds
scatter the seeds of many berries and other fleshy fruits in this way. Squirrels, chipmunks and
other animals collect nuts and seeds in holes in the ground.

Seeds Used For Spices, Soap And Oil

People also play an important part in the spread of useful seeds all over the world. But
humans have also scattered many harmful weeds.

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Humans find many uses for seeds. Grain seeds such as rice, wheat, corn, barley, oats and rye
are basic foods all around the world. The seeds of mustard, nutmeg, caraway, coriander and
celery are used as spices. We get valuable oils from coconuts, cottonseed, corn, flaxseed,
peanuts, olives, soybean seeds and almonds. These oils are used in making soaps and

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1 Which of the following are two main ideas of the article?

1. Seeds must travel from their parent plant in order to grow.

2. The seeds of mustard and nutmeg are used as spices.

3. Seeds travel in lots of different ways.

4. Plants that grow near the water have fruit.

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 3 and 4

(C) 1 and 3

(D) 2 and 4

2 Which detail BEST supports the main idea that seeds must travel to grow?

(A) Inside the plant’s seed is a baby plant, known as the embryo.

(B) If all seeds fell to the ground directly beneath the parent plant, none would

(C) On damp days, the seed would not be able to travel far.

(D) Seeds may travel many miles on their parachutes.

3 What effect does air have on seeds?

(A) Air helps seeds with tails and propellers travel.

(B) Air bursts the pods of pansy seeds open.

(C) Air helps seeds catch onto the fur of animals.

(D) Air makes it hard for seeds to travel very far.

4 What is the relationship between people and seeds?

(A) People are responsible for helping seeds travel from the parent plant.

(B) People help spread seeds and use them in daily life.

(C) People make sure that plant seeds move many miles.

(D) People plant good soil for the seeds to have sunshine.

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