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El león y el ratón.

Fábula sobre el valor

Después de un largo día de caza, un león se echó a descansar debajo de un árbol.

Cuando se estaba quedando dormido, unos ratones se atrevieron a salir de su
madriguera y se pusieron a jugar a su alrededor. De pronto, el más travieso tuvo la
ocurrencia de esconderse entre la melena del león, con tan mala suerte que lo despertó.
Muy malhumorado por ver su siesta interrumpida, el león atrapó al ratón entre sus
garras y dijo dando un rugido:
-¿Cómo te atreves a perturbar mi sueño, insignificante ratón? ¡Voy a comerte para que
aprendáis la lección!-
El ratón, que estaba tan asustado que no podía moverse, le dijo temblando:

- Por favor no me mates, león. Yo no quería molestarte. Si me dejas te estaré

eternamente agradecido. Déjame marchar, porque puede que algún día me necesites –

- ¡Ja, ja, ja! – Serió el león mirándole - Un ser tan diminuto como tú, ¿de qué forma va a
ayudarme? ¡No me hagas reír!

Pero el ratón insistió una y otra vez, hasta que el león, conmovido por su tamaño y su
valentía, le dejó marchar.

Unos días después, mientras el ratón paseaba por el bosque, oyó unos terribles rugidos
que hacían temblar las hojas de los árboles.

Rápidamente corrió hacia lugar de donde provenía el sonido, y se encontró allí al león,
que había quedado atrapado en una robusta red. El ratón, decidido a pagar su deuda, le

- No te preocupes, yo te salvaré.
Y el león, sin pensarlo le contestó:

- Pero cómo, si eres tan pequeño para tanto esfuerzo.

El ratón empezó entonces a roer la cuerda de la red donde estaba atrapado el león, y el
león pudo salvarse. El ratón le dijo:

- Días atrás, te burlaste de mí pensando que nada podría hacer por ti en agradecimiento.
Ahora es bueno que sepas que los pequeños ratones somos agradecidos y cumplidos.

El león no tuvo palabras para agradecer al pequeño ratón. Desde este día, los dos fueron
amigos para siempre.

El lobo y el perro. Fábula infantil sobre la amistad

En busca de alimento
iba un Lobo muy flaco y muy hambriento.
Encontró con un Perro tan relleno,

tan lucido, sano y bueno,

que le dijo: 'Yo extraño

que estés de tan buen año

como se deja ver por tu semblante,

cuando a mí, más pujante,

más osado y sagaz, mi triste suerte

me tiene hecho retrato de la muerte'.

El Perro respondió: 'Sin duda alguna

lograrás, si tú quieres, mi fortuna.

Deja el bosque y el prado;

retírate a poblado;

servirás de portero

a un rico caballero,

sin otro afán ni más ocupaciones

que defender la casa de ladrones'.

'Acepto desde luego tu partido,

que para mucho más estoy curtido.

Así me libraré de la fatiga,

a que el hambre me obliga

de andar por montes sendereando peñas,

trepando riscos y rompiendo breñas,

sufriendo de los tiempos los rigores,

lluvias, nieves, escarchas y calores'.

A paso diligente

marchando juntos amigablemente,

varios puntos tratando en confianza,

pertenecientes a llenar la panza.

En esto el Lobo, por algún recelo,

que comenzó a turbarle su consuelo,

mirando al Perro, le dijo: 'He reparado

que tienes el pescuezo algo pelado.

Dime: ¿Qué es eso?'. 'Nada'.

'Dímelo, por tu vida, camarada'.

'No es más que la señal de la cadena;

pero no me da pena,

pues aunque por inquieto

a ella estoy sujeto,

me sueltan cuando comen mis señores,

recíbanme a sus pies con mil amores:

ya me tiran el pan, ya la tajada,

y todo aquello que les desagrada;

éste lo mal asado,

aquél un hueso poco descarnado;

y aún un glotón, que todo se lo traga,

a lo menos me halaga,

pasándome la mano por el lomo;

yo meneo la cola, callo y como'.

'Todo eso es bueno, yo te lo confieso;

pero por fin y postre tú estás preso:

jamás sales de casa,

ni puedes ver lo que en el pueblo pasa'.

'Es así'. 'Pues, amigo,

la amada libertad que yo consigo

no he de trocarla de manera alguna

por tu abundante y próspera fortuna.

Marcha, marcha a vivir encarcelado;

no serás envidiado
de quien pasea el campo libremente,

aunque tú comas tan glotonamente

pan, tajadas, y huesos; porque al cabo,

no hay bocado en sazón para un esclavo'.

The hare and the turtle.

In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant hare because she said to everyone
she was the fastest. That’s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle.
-Look at the turtle! Hey turtle, don’t run so much that you’re going to get tired of going
so fast!- The hare used to say laughing at the turtle.
One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange bet with the
-I’m sure I can win you a race- she said.

- To me?- asked the hare astonished.

-Yes, to you. Let’s put our bet on that stone and let’s see who wins the race.

Cuentos en inglés para leer a los niños

The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and
the finishing line were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses.
Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had
time enough to win such a slow creature!

Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without
stopping. At once she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest.

When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her
advantage and set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her
mocks, the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare
woke up, she ran with all her might but it was too late, the turtle had won the race.
That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you
must never mock of the others.


The Snowman o el Hombre de nieve

It was nearly Christmas. Katie woke up and found that the world was white and
- Snow,she shouted, snow for Christmas.
She ran outside and danced in the snow. Her brother Eddie came out too.
They made a big round snowball and a small one. They put them together and made a
huge snowman. On Christmas Eve they looked at the snowman. He waved at them. He
was alive!

Hello, he said, it’s Christmas. Would you like a present?

Yes please! The snowman waved his arms. Silver crystal snowflakes filled the sky. It
was so beautiful.

We must give you a present too, said Katie. They gave the snowman a carrot for a nose,
a scarf for his neck, and a hat for his head.

Happy Christmas! they said.

The snow stopped and the sun came out. The snowman started to melt.

Goodbye, he said. Build me again next year!

Cuento para niños en inglés de Pinocchio

Once upon a time lived a wood carver named Geppetto. He made puppets from pieces
of wood, and he called his favorite puppet Pinocchio.
- I would love to be a father to a real boy like Pinocchio- he wished.
That night, the blue fairy, who knew Geppetto was a good man, cost a magic spell over
Pinocchio. The very next day, Gappetto awake and was very happy to find that
Pinocchio could walk, sit and talk like a real boy.

Geppetto wanted to send Pinocchio to school. He sold his only coat for a spelling book.

- Now you can go to school like a real boy -s aid Gappetto as we waved goodbye to

On the way to school, Pinocchio stopped to wacth a puppet show in a town.

- How would you like to join my puppet show? - asked the evil puppet master.

Pinocchio happily agreed. He was locked inside the evil puppet master’s caravan. He
wished he was safe with Geppetto. The blue fairy suddenly appeared. She had heard
Pinocchio’s wish and set him free. Pinocchio is happy to be free.

- I’m going straight to school- he said.

But he met an evil fox who told him all about a wonderful place called fun island.
Pinocchio forgot all about school and gave the fox his spelling book in return for a
ticket to Fun island.

- Where are you going, Pinocchio?- asked the b fairy.

- I’m on the way to school - lied Pinocchio.

Pinocchio‘s nose grew very, very long. He wished he hadn’t told a lie. The fairy called a
bird to peck of his long nose because Pinocchio was very sorry. Pinocchio promised
never to be naughty ever again and went straight to school.

At school, Pinocchio told his friend all about fun island. His friend wanted to go with
him. Pinocchio and his hurriedly climbed aboard a ship that was going to Fun Island.
On the island they didn’t know that little boys were turned into donkeys and used for
very hard work.

Pinocchio cried and wished he hadn’t come the island. He also wished didn’t look like a
silly donkey. The blue fairy had heard his wish and with a wave of her magic wand his
donkey ears and tail disappeared. Pinocchio sad on the shore, sadly looking out to the
sea. He wondered if he would ever see Geppetto again.

Suddenly, he saw Geppetto who had sailed out to the sea in search of Pinocchio.
Geppetto didn’t see the huge whale behind him. The whale swallowed Geppetto and his
boat. Pinocchio knew he had to save Geppetto. He jumped into the water and swam
with all his might. As he got closer, the whale open his mouth and Pinocchio swam
right in. Deep inside the whale’s belly, Pinocchio and Geppetto hugged each other,
happy to be together again.

- We must find a way out- said Geppetto - we will make a fire from the wood of my

The smoke made the whale sneeze. They shot out of the whale’s mouth and back into
the sea. Pinocchio and Geppetto swam safely to shore. They were both tired. They laid
on the sand and fell asleep. When Geppetto awoke, he saw that the blue fairy, as a
reward for being so brave, had turned Pinocchio into a real boy.

- At last my wish has come true!- cried Geppetto.

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