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Research is a search or always proceed to search of knowledge. Human knowledge is a

dynamic phenomenon, it is changing very rapidly in the modern time. There are various sources of
human knowledge .Research is a formal source, human knowledge has three phases which are –
1.Preservation of knowledge .2.Transmission of knowledge and 3.Advancement of knowledge. In
the first phase human knowledge is preserved in the form of books, documents and other electronic

In the second phase human knowledge is transmitted by school education to young children.
The third phase is most important to solve the educational problem .In which is the new knowledge
in the field study.

There are various sources of advancing human knowledge in the every off field of study, it
is guided by reflective thinking and scientific thinking but1st by traditional thinking. Research
process requires at the mastery of areas of field is to be studied. In the Research attempts are make
to answer fundamental questions the answer are not available in the human knowledge. Some
problems are solved empirically by research.

The research is a systematic effort at gathering analyzing an interpretation of the problems

confronted by human being. It is a thinking process and the scientific method of studied problem
and finding solution. Research is essential for building up the knowledge based in Social Science. It
develops concept, theories and tools of measurement. It also provides the research investigator
necessary skills to analyze problems scientifically and find solution.

The term ‘Research’ consists of two words ‘Re’ and ‘search’ meaning finding out something new
again and again. Thus, research means observing any phenomena again and again, collects data,
analyzes and draws conclusions. Research is the process of arriving solution to problem through the
planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Research is based on the
fundamental assumptions that invariant relationships exist between certain antecedents and certain
consequents so that under a specific set of conditions certain

Consequent can be expected to follow the introduction of given antecedent


J.W.BEST- ‘Research is considered to be more formal, systematic, intensive process of carrying on

the scientific method of analysis. It involves a more systematic structure of investigation, usually
resulting in some sort of formal record of procedure and a report of results or conclusions.’

Encyclopedia of Social Science- ‘Research is the manipulation of things, concepts or

symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that
knowledge aids in the practice of an arts’.

Webster’s New International Dictionary- ‘Research is a careful inquiry or examination in

seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something’.


A. Research is directed towards the solution of problem.

B. Research is purposive. It is concerned with problems to be sold.
C. Research is objective, stress is always on testing.
D. Research is a systematic investigation.
E. Research is a collects facts.
F. Research places emphasis on the discovery of scientific generalization, which can be
applied to the solution of a wide range of problems.
G. Research is carefully recorded and reported.


Meaning of Educational Research is a systematic attempt to attain better understanding of

the process of education and improve its efficiency. It is an application on scientific method to the
study of educational problems, aimed at advancing knowledge of education and learning processes.

Educational researchers aim at understanding and explaining how learning takes place throughout
the life of the individual and how formal and informal modes of education affect learning,
achievement, the skills needed to lead meaningful lives. The major purpose of educational research
is to build cumulative and sound knowledge about individual and social processes of learning and

The process of educational research involves steps used to collect

and analyze information to increase our understanding of the process of education. Since the
process of education mainly relates to human behavior and its modification, educational research
aims at understanding, and to some extent controlling and predicting human behavior.

Educational research is a form of applied research. It is an objective, systematic and purposeful

attempt to gain answers to questions relating to the process of education.


According to Jeoge G. Mouly,- “Educational research as a systematic and

Scholarly application of scientific method, interpreted in its broadest sense, to the solution of
educational problems. Conversely, any systematic study designed to promote the development of
education as a science can be considered as educational research”.

According to M.W. Travers says,- “Educational research is that activity which

is directed towards the development of a science of behavior in educational situations. The ultimate
aim of such a science is to provide knowledge that will permit the educator to achieve his goals by
the most effective method”.

According to Coronell, - “Research is, literally speaking a kind of human

behavior, an activity in which people engage. In educational teachers, administrators, scholars or

others engaged in educational research when they systematically assembly information’s about
school, school children, the social matrix or the interaction between the school and the pupils”.

According to Max D. Engelhart,- “Educational research is the total procedure

employed in collecting, organizing, summarizing and interpreting data for the purpose of arriving at
dependable answers to questions about education”.


The main characteristic of educational research are-

A. Educational Research attempts to solve a problem.

B. Educational Research must be related to the study of complex relationship of various facts.
It requires an inter disciplinary approach.
C. Educational Research is based on interdependence of causes and effects.
D. Educational Research demands accurate observation and description.
E. Educational Research usually employed methods of description, explanation, interpretation
and understanding methods which are mainly speculative and deductive in character and
which rarely furnish, result that can be subjected to measurement of mathematical process.
F. Educational Research should come out a desire to do things better, it should also help to
narrow down the proverbial gape between theory and practice in education.
G. Educational Research collect the facts which are necessary for the particular problem.


Based on objectives or purpose of Research, Research generally is classified into three types-

1. Basic or Fundamental Research.

2. Applied Research and

3. Action Research.

Basic or Fundamental Research:

The main aim of fundamental or basic research is the discovery of new knowledge for the
sake of knowledge. In social research, basic research includes fundamental principles and laws
concerning social life. It is not concerned with the utility or use of the findings of any research
work. It aimed at contributing new knowledge in the form of new theories and generalization. Basic
research is characterized by complex research designs, sophisticated research techniques, rigorous
methodology and careful sampling techniques. The findings or such research can be generalized
and have wide applicability. Psychological theories of learning, theories of intelligence are the
instance of basic research.

Applied Research-:

Applied research is concerned with the solution of immediate, specific and practical
problems. Applied research use to scientific method of inquiry similar to fundamental research.
However, the methodology of applied research is not so rigorous and its findings are evaluated in
terms of local applicability, Best and Kahn considered most educational Research as applied
Research since it attempts to develop generalization about the teaching learning process and
instructional materials.


Traditionally research has been conducted by scientists or professionals or specialists in

respective fields with proper training in the conduct of research. Research still continues to be
conducted mainly by professionals or specialists. However, recent time has been considerable
increase in the number of research being conducted by practitioners with or without training in
research methods. Though the procedures and principles for conducting this type of research are
the same with fundamental research, action research is less rigorous than fundamental research.
This type of practitioner based research is known as action research.

Action research is an important branch of the educational research.

Basically research means search for the truth. Action research is a very recent trend in research
design. It is a type of research which is used to solve immediate problems. Action research
involves actively participating in a change situation, often via an existing organization, which
simultaneously conducting research. Action research can also be undertaken by larger
organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of
improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they
practice. Within education the main goal of action research is to determine ways to enhance the
lives of children. At the same time, Action research can enhance the lives of those professionals
who work within educational systems. To illustrate, Action Research has been directly linked to
the professional growth and development of teacher.

Action research is a type of applied research concerned with the problems arise
day to day in the process of education. A teacher may conduct action research to study his/her
own teaching methods, problems with students, methods of evaluation and similar other
problems for improving teaching learning evaluation process. Action research is a systematic
process of inquiry which is usually cyclic and conducted by members inside a community such
as teachers or administrators instead of outside experts.


Stephen M. Cory defined Action Research as “the process by which
practitioners” attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct and
evaluate their decisions and actions is what a number of people have called action research.”.

According to J. W. Best, “Action research is focused on the immediate

application, not on the development of theory. It has placed its emphasis on a real problem here
and new in a local set up.

According to Hamersley, “Action researches are small scale and narrowly

focused researches undertaken by teachers in a given context. It has also been referred to ad
research into practice by practitioners, for practitioners.”

According to Sara Blackwell, “Research concerned with school problems

carried on by school personal to improve school practices is the action research.”

Mauley, “Action Research is on the spot research aimed at the solution of an

immediate problem.”

Thus action research is a self reflective collaborative enquiry conducted by the teachers for
solution of practical school problems to improve their educational practices. It is a cyclic
process of problem solving that consists of the sty ages of initial problem identification and
reflection to planning, taking action, evaluation and then further reflection and planning.
Its goal is not to develop a theory or establish a principle. In fact, its goal is
very narrow and evaluated in terms of local applicability, not in terms of universal validity. For
this purpose, the researcher chooses the problem –spelling mistake as her topic of Action
Research Report. She tried to find out the immediate solution of the problem and to increase the
level of attendance.


On the basis of the above definitions, the characteristics of action research may be point out as
A. Action research is a process aimed at improving the practice of education.
B. Action research involves teachers working together to improve their own teaching practices.
C. Action research is credible and reliable, since it is done by teachers for themselves.
D. Action research is a scientific procedure of studying practical problems of education and
finding solution of the problem.
E. Action research focused on improving and modifying current practices.
F. Action research is collaborative. It is conducted by working together with other teachers to
improve their teachings.
G. Action research allows practicing teachers to test their ideas about education
H. The individual and group problems are studied by action research.
I. Action research is participative, since the educators are themselves researchers; they are not
outsiders of the research process.
J. Action research is realistic or practical and applicable to classroom practice; it allows
teachers direct access to the findings of research.
K. Action research is a process of developing critical understanding through reflection about
one’s own teaching or practice.
L. Action research develops critical understanding through reflection about one’s own
M. Action research is a cyclic process. The cycle of action research consist of planning, acting,
developing, and reflecting upon action. Thus action research can be though of as an action-
reflection’ Cycle’.


A. The subject matter of action research is simple in nature.

B. The action research has a definite beginning as well as definite end.
C. It is based on temporary activities.
D. Its duration is very short and fixed.
E. Action research is planned with clear activities.
F. It is cost effective and driving out in minimum cost.
G. Due to its short span it always consider risk factor.
H. Quality is not the major aspect of action research.
I. Action research is such type of activities which is move than just doing.
J. Action research give the researcher a particular way of research on his own learning.
K. It has always improve the principles and practice of human interaction in educational
L. Action research activities based on reflexive critique.
M. It can easily identity the problem.
N. Action research specifies the learning outcome.
O. Action research studying the consequence of an action.
P. Action research is a single person activity.
Q. Action research management process is easily approachable with limited tools and


The main of action research is to address immediate problems and contribute collaboratively in
development of educational process. The specific objectives of action research is discussed
i) To develop scientific attitude among teachers and administrators for
understanding and solving problems.
ii) To solve school related problems and improve the school situation.
iii) To make the school system more effective for generating healthy educational
iv) To improve the personal and professional practices of teachers.
v) To provide scope to the teachers to involve in research activities.
vi) To develop the spirit of collaboration and community involvement among
vii) To provide the students with opportunities of engaging in research.


Creswell (2011) mentioned about two types of action research-
i. Practical Action Research
ii. Participatory Action Research

Practical action research is a small scale project conducted by the teacher to address local
problems for improving classroom practices. Participatory action research is conducted on a
large scale which has broader application and of contributory in nature.
As per nature and focus of the problem action research is categorized into four types-
A) Individual Action Research: Individual action research is a conducted mainly by
the practitioner teacher focussing on a single issue of classroom environment.
Teacher may conduct such action research to solve classroom i.e. classroom
management, instructional strategies, use of materials or student learning.
B) Collaborative Action Research: Collaborative action research conducted by two
or group of teachers or other interested to address classroom or institutional
problems that are of common in nature.
C) School wide Action Research: School wide action research focuses on school
based common problems.
D) District wide Research: District wide research is wider in nature. The problems
addressed by this type of action research deals with the issues that are related to
organizational, community based, performance based or process for decision


Research in education; a publication of the NCERT lists the following advantages-

A. The person must improve if the problem to be solved is active in the changed
process from the beginning.
B. Facts and evidences are stressed which keep the changed process anchored more
continuously to reality.
C. The approach is experimental and tentative rather than dogmatic.
D. An integral part of action research is the experiment which actually is change-
E. Action research emphasizes a desirable decentralization of decision making and
F. Action research always allows the researcher to identity problems.
G. Different types of action research can occur in a school simultaneously.
H. Action research allows educators to gather experience through problem solving
with their students and colleagues.
I. Action research can revitalize the entire learning process and professional
community of teacher.
J. Being local in nature and completely empirical action research has limited
contribution to the development of educational as science.
K. A major limitation of action research is its relatively poor qualities science it is to
be mainly conducted by teachers them self who are generally no research worker
they are most likely to experience a numbers of difficulties in obtaining
meaningful result. These renders the quality of research poor.

L. Practical and ongoing, action research can help the educator’s everyday
experience of service.

Action research has so many limitation. They are given below:-

A. In action research the classroom teacher does not have enough time to conduct the action
B. Action research doesn’t contribute in to fund of knowledge.
C. No external evaluation is done of action research project.
D. The applicability of the findings of action research to another school in the event of teacher
transfer is questionable.
E. Action research is also criticized on the ground that it is and addition to the already heavy
work load of teachers. That may lead to insufficiency in the teaching and inadequate of their
F. Un familiarity with research methods among researchers is another limitation of action
research. Action research is usually carried out by classroom teachers or practitioners who
are not trained in the methodology of research.
G. Action research is also criticized for researcher based in data collection, analysis and
interpretation since researchers themselves are interested parties in the research process.
H. Since most research is limited to one classroom or school, the results of action research
cannot be generalized beyond that classroom or school. Thus, action research lacks external
validity and hence not useful for making policy decisions.


English is a world language. Originally English is the mother tongue of the people of
England and the national language of United Kingdom. But after the discovery of the sea routes in
the 15th century, the people of this kingdom started their trade and business with other countries far
and wide. Thus automatically their language spread beyond its frontiers. So, this language is now
not only the language of the United Kingdom but also the language of the whole world. Now, the
people of each country use it as their second or third language.
In India, English played a vital role in the pre independence era. The Britishers ruled India
nearly for one hundred and sixty years. The English system of Education was introduced in 1835.
Gradually Indians were attracted by this system due to opportunities it made available.

After independence we could not ignore this language because of its

importance at the administrative level as well as in business. English is considered to be a window
to the rapid progress of science and technology. Knowledge of English can make a person a citizen
of the world. Therefore, now in India English is treated as the third language.

English is a language of world culture. Due to various advantages, English has gained
universal popularity. It is the store house of the knowledge. Without proper knowledge of English
nobody can gain knowledge of science, medicine, engineering, social science and creative works. It
is the key to the world culture knowledge of English is also helpful to know the everyday events of

the world through different newspapers and magazines. It is also helpful to a person in securing
employment in foreign countries. Thus it has become the international language of international
communication, culture and civilization.
English is a library language. In a library, there are collections of books, journals, magazine
and periodicals and all these are found in English language except local books. It is supposed that
no library will be completed unless it consists of books of the great literature of the world like
Shakespeare, Shelley, Keats etc. Anybody can get the knowledge of western culture through
English. Pandit Nehru called English as a window to the modern world.
English is the language of higher education. The medium of higher education is English and
all the books of higher education are written in English language.
English is a language of digital communication. Nowadays we can communicate any where
in the world easily through internet. We can share our feelings and express our opinions through
the social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. Besides, internet is the
only store house which is not lack of any information of the whole world. There are thousands of
websites available in the internet from which we can gain a vast knowledge and most of the
contents of websites are produced in English language. That is why the importance of English
language has been increased broadly in the present world.
English is an agency for the international understanding and world peace and security.
English is a language which creates the feeling of internationalism among people. With the help of
this language, we can communicate with foreign and also, we are able to know their cultural
patterns. Therefore it is otherwise known as the link language. This language also works as an
agency for the establishment of world peace, for the good of the welfare of the entire world. Man is
always held in danger. So, it is essential to have world peace and co-existence. Because of its
capacity to bring about international understanding, this language can help for the establishment of
world peace.
English is a national link language in India. People in different states of India speak in
different mother tongue. English comes as a medium in such situations. It helps in inter-state
communication and communication between the states and the centre. It is the language mostly
used in parliament and state legislatures. It is the language of the Supreme Court and the high
courts. English is also the language of trade and industry in the country. Commercial
correspondence from one state to another is conducted in English.


In India, English is introduced in school curriculum due to its great importance.
It is introduced as a compulsory subject from class v up to degree level. Nowadays, English is
taught from class-I.
There are many objectives of teaching English at different school levels. The objectives of
teaching English at the school stage are-
(i) To understand English with ease when spoken at normal stage conversational speed.
(ii) To read English with comprehension and at a reasonable speed so as to use it as a
library language for gathering information and for enjoying reading.
(iii) To write neatly and correctly at a reasonable speed.
(iv) To speak English correctly and neatly when need arises.
(v) To enjoy simple poems in English.

(vi) To translate common English words, phrases and sentences into their functional
equivalent in mother tongue.
(vii) To develop interest in English.
But these objectives are not fulfilled in schools. Generally it is seen that the vernacular
medium students lack in confidence when it comes to English. This lack is due to their shortage of
word stock or vocabulary. They normally do grammatical mistakes in their writing as well as when
they speak. Because of these lacks in word stock and grammar they do not even dare to speak
English. The result is that they speak incorrect English this leads to a kind of fear.

The English attainment level is very low in Assam also. The students of Assamese medium
schools are scared of English. A good number of students from Assamese medium schools every
year pass the HSLC exam at the mercy of policy holders in the form of FRC marks. It is believed
that many brilliant students may fail to achieve the maximum standard marks in English.

It is seen that there is a general fear among Assamese medium students regarding English.
The researcher, being a teacher, also faces this problem during his practice teaching at
PARASURAM MAZUMDAR GIRL’S M.E./HIGH SCHOOL. The researcher finds the students of
class VIII is very weak in English. They can not dare to express their ideas, thoughts etc in English
even to read the English lessons.

The theme of this research is to study why this fear is there and what are the ways of
improvement. So this study has a great importance.


(i) To develop interest in learning English among the students.

(ii) To acquaint them the importance of English in the present national context and in
the globalized world.
(iii) To find out the causes of fear regarding English among the students.
(iv) To find out the solution to remove their fear.
(v) To develop their reading skill and speaking skill from the four language skills.


Hypothesis is the presumptive statement of a proposition or a reasonable guess, based upon

the available evidence, which the researcher seeks to prove through his study. The hypothesis is
precisely defined as a tentative or working proposition suggested as a solution to a problem.
According to Hilway, “The hypothesis is a powerful tool in research process to achieve dependable
knowledge. It helps the researcher to relate theory to observation and observation to theory”.

Formulating a hypothesis is important in the sense that it brings clarity and definiteness to
the work of research. It gives an idea of the procedure to be adopted for reaching the goal.
Hypothesis provides direction to the research. It also provides the basis of reporting the conclusions
of the study.

In this study, the following hypotheses are formulated:


(i) If the teacher provides students the scope to practice the reading skill and
encourages them to speak in English by conducting some specific programme such
as poem recitation, group discussion, debate competition etc. then these will help to
remove their fear and will help in their language improvement.
(ii) The teacher may not know the right method of teaching English. If the teacher takes
training, equips with ICT and new methods of teaching, and then encourages the
students and guides them properly, then these will help to remove their fear and will
help in their language improvement.
(iii) There is no any significant relationship between male and female teacher and fear of
students towards English subject.


Research method means a particular ways of doing research. Coming from the Greek
origin 'methods' means ‘pursuit of knowledge'. As a systemic academic endeavour, research
needs the application of well selected method or of methods. Knowledge of research
method or methods special significance in accomplishing a study according the expectation
of the researcher and demand of the situation. In research, analysis of data has special
importance. To collect data or research information for analysis and interpretation of results
in the form of findings research method may be of two types:
1. Quantitative method
2. Qualitative method.

Quantitative descriptive type of research tries to explain the present scenario of an event,
situation and phenomenon. Quantitative studies are defined as a numerical method of
describing observations of materials or characteristics. Qualitative studies are those in
which instead of numerical measures with the use of systematic logical procedures non-
quantiantifiable relationships of the variables are studied draw conclusions.

 Experimentation:
According to J. W. Best 'Experimental research is the description and analysis of
what will be or what will occur, under carefully controlled condition'. Experimental method
is the application and adaptation of the classical method of science laboratory. Basically, an
experiment is a prescribed set of conditions which permit measurement of the effects a
particular treatment. It is a matter of varying the independent variable to study the effect of
such variation on the dependent variable. Independent variables means those variables
which are free from outside control or influence. On the other hand dependant variable

represents the phenomenon on which the effect of independent variable is observed. In

experimental research, one or more experimental groups and one or more control groups
remain present. An experimental group members are exposed to independent variable
manipulation. On the other hand, a control group is a comparison group in which manipulated
variable is remains absent. Experimental method requires expertise of the researcher for creating
special environment for conduction of the research. Various techniques (functions) such as
elimination of extraneous variables from the experimental situation, keeping the variable in
constant position, controlling organism and background variables, minimizing the sequence effect
randomization etc. are applied for controlling relevant variables in an experimental situation. For
example, find out the relative effectiveness of inquiry training model as teaching technique in
achievement of secondary students on science subject, the researcher has to frame two groups of
students that are identical in respect of those variables that are related to the achievement in
science. Here, inquiry training model is the independent variable and science achievement is the
dependant variable. After defining the problem and formulating hypothesis, the two groups similar
in intelligence, study habits, socio-economic status, previous achievement in science are formed. In
the next step, the experimental group is treated and guided by inquiry training model of teaching
for a specific time, and the control group in regular mode. Both the groups' achievement in science
is then collected after treatment of independent variable. Mean achievement of two groups is
compared to know the impact on inquiry training model on achievement of science, in this way.
Finally, the test scores of both the groups are calculated and compared to the impact of inquiry
training model on achieve of science. Experimenters control or isolate the variables in such a way
that they can be reasonably sure that the effects they observed can be attributed to the variables
they have manipulated, rather than to some uncontrolled influences. Experimental design provides
a blueprint for experimentation. However, the experimental method can be used in limited scope in
the school classroom where variables can be controlled to some degree.

 Case Study Method:

Case study method is a descriptive, exploratory and in-depth analysis of a person, group or
vent used to explore causation in order to find underlying principles. The researcher investigate a
topic, in more detail with the helpof suitable qualitative techniques, personal notes, official
documents etc. P. V. Young defined case-study as a method of exploring and analyzing the life of a
social unit, be thata person, a family, institution, culture, group or even entire community.

Characteristics of Case Study Method:

1: It is study of a unit i.e. person, institution or a group or a community.

2. It is intensive or Depth study of the unit complex.

3. It studies knowledge of behaviour patterns of unit.
4. It is study of the whole unit.

The source of Case Study may be divided into two groups:

1. Personal Document and 2. Case History.

The greatest consideration in case study method is to make well organized collection of
facts according to definite aim and principles so that they may not degenerate into fanciful tales.

The amount of caution makes the case study method of action research one of the most important
method of study. It gather data about its present status, past experience and other factors that
contribute to the behaviour of an individual or social unit to know how these factors relate to one
another. Qualitative analyse of the data is used to get a complete picture of the case under study. It
adapt quantitative analysis also, but not for generalization on wider population. The case study
method is widely employed in education in studying problem cases, maladjusted pupils and
scholarship difficulties. It is also employed on studying the general characteristics of phenomena of
any given class, such as case studies of backward area, the learning difficulties of pupils in
mathematics, the teaching difficulties of beginner teachers etc. However, case-study should be
based on adequate, valid and complete data. It should have continuity about it. Records should be
kept confidential. Data should be scientifically synthesized for prognostic and diagnostic purpose.
It’s follow up work should be undertaken.

The present study could be said to fall under the diagnostic method.
Diagnostic method: Diagnostic method in action research is concerned with the discovering and
testing of the certain variables with reference to their association or disassociation. It is an action
oriented research method that involves identification of problem, diagnosis of causes and
exploration of alternatives for solution of the problem as well as recommendations. In my research
I used diagnosis method to make in depth study to reach basic casual relations.

The main objective of diagnostic research is to find out the relationship between the
variables associated with the problem and to suggest therapeutic measures for solution of the
problem. Diagnosis research follow case study method or in depth approaches to reveal the cases of
a particular problem or phenomenon. To collect complete data relevant to a case, it uses different

Steps of Diagnostic Research:

Diagnostic research tries to diagnose problems of classroom situation, identify the cause accurately
and find solution to the problem. In diagnostic research following steps involved-

i. Identification of the Problem: The first step in diagnostic research is the identification of
problem and stating of the objectives of the study clearly and precisely.
ii. Developing Tools and Methods: The next step is to develop an appropriate tools for
collection of data. The researcher may use observation, questionnaire interview and
screening of records or other suitable method. The tools should be reliable and valid.
iii. Selection of Sample: The sample or subjects of the study is to be selected that serve the
purpose of the study.
iv. Collection of Data: After developing tools for data collection, information should be
collected completely and comprehensively.
v. Analysis and Interpreation of Data: Various statistical and non-statistical methods are
used for analysis of the research data.
vi. Preparing Report of the Study.

The details of the diagnosis study should be made ready in the form of report for the solution of
the problem. If the cause and effect relationship is established for solution of the problem,
recommendations are made accordingly. It is a examination with relatively narrow scope of
analysis, aiming at identification of a specific condition or problem.



A population refers to any collection of specified group of human beings or of non-human

entities such as objects, educational institutions, time units, geographical areas, process of wheat or
salaries drawn by individuals. Some statisticians call it universe.

A population containing a finite number of individuals, members or units is called a finite

population. A population with infinite number of members is known as infinite population. A
population is properly defined so that there is no ambiguity as to whatever a given unit belongs to
the population.

In the present study, the population comprises of all the students of class viii in
class viii is 64. Therefore, the population is of 64 students.


The representative proportion of the population is called a sample. To obtain a

representative sample, the researcher selects each unit in specified way under controlled conditions.
Sampling is the process by which a relatively small number of individuals or a measure of
individual’s objects, or event is selected and analyzed in order to find out something about the

entire population from which it was selected. It helps to reduce expenditure, save time and energy,
permit measurement of greater scope, or produce greater precision and accuracy.

There are two types of sampling method-

(i) Probability sampling: In probability sampling each individual or item of a population

has equal number of chance of inclusion in the sample. It is like a lottery system in
which an individual item is picked up thorough a mechanical process.
(ii) Non- probability sampling: In non-probability sampling the items for the sample are
selected deliberately by the researcher, his choice concerning the items remains
supreme. The sample so selected is called a judgment or purposive sample.

For the present study, out of 64 students, only 15 students are selected as sample. Samples
are selected in non-probability sampling method.


A researcher requires many data gathering tools. Each tool is appropriate for collections of
certain type of information or data. The selection of suitable tools is of vital importance for
successful research. The major data gathering tools of action research are-
(a) Observation: It is a process in which one or more persons observe what is occurring in
some real life situations. Observation needs propel planning expert execution, adequate
receding and interpretation. The observer has to observe the situation or phenomena in such
a way that the persons whom are observing do not feel that they are observed by some there.
(b) Questionnaire: It is a device consisting of series of questions dealing with some
psychological, social educational etc topics sent or given to an individual or a group of
individuals with the object of obtaining data with regard to some problems under
investigation. A questionnaire can be classified in terms of the nature of questions which are
used. Questions may be asked in a “Closed” form (Like ‘yes; or’ no’) or an “Open” form.
(c) Interview Schedule: It is an oral questionnaire which is asked by the interviewer to elicit
facts or statements from the interviewee. It is a process by which the interviewer
(Researcher) asks some questions directly to the interviewee in face to face contact to
collect information from the interviewee.
(d) Rating Scale: Rating scale refers to a scale with a set of point which describes varying
degrees of the dimensions of an attribute being observed. Rating scale may be designed to
elicit information about quantitative or qualitative attribute.
(e) Diary: A diary is a record (originally in hand written from) with discrete entries arranged
by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. Diary can
be effectively used as action research tools. By reading the diary of the students a researcher
may get may kind of information or date regarding his research problem.
(f) Audio Video Recording: An audio video recording that contains both audio and video
information, usually gained by utilizing a system that contains both a microphone and
camera. With the rise in digital technology for capturing video and audio, this type of

recoding has become easier to retrieve and store. In case of action research, the researcher
may use this tool to collect live data and information.

Tool used in this study:

In the present research study, Questionnaire is used as a tool for collecting data. The
questionnaire constructed is of the closed form. The questionnaire has 20 items, The respondent has
to place ‘tick’ ( ) mark in the boxes under “Yes” or ‘No’ provided against each item enlisted in
the questionnaire according to his opinion.


This study required both secondary and primary data. The secondary data was obtained
from the ministry of education and vocational training on the analysis of quality of performance of
all school candidates in the basic science subjects. The primary data was obtained from the sample
population after they answered the questionnaires and participated in the interviews.

For the purpose of Action Research Project certain information has to be obtained by the
investigator as such as secondary School has been selected and necessary permission being sought
from the headmaster of the school. With her due permission necessary information being collected
from the target group interview is a two way method which permit an exchange ideas information.
An interview is a direct face to face attempt to obtain reliable and valid measure in the form of
verbal responses from one or more respondents.

The interview primary technique for information gathering during the systems analysis
phases of a development project. it is a skill which must be mastered by every analysist. The
interviewing skills of the a determine what information is gathered and the quality and depth of the
information. The interview specific form of meeting or conference and is usually occurred between
the interviewer and the interview.

A questionnaire is a means of eliciting the feelings beliefs, experiences perceptions or attitudes of

some sample of individuals. As a data collecting instrument it could individuals be closed or open
typo of questionnaire. The questionnaire is most frequently a very concise, preplanned set of
questions designed to yield specific information to meet a particular for research information. A
questionnaire is a written or printed form used in gathering information on subject or subjects con
ting of a list of questions to be sub mitted to one or more persons.

The researcher was conducted at PARASURAM MAZUMDAR GIRL’S M.E/HIGH

SCHOOL, LANKA CLASS-viii the data was collected for the purpose of study by using
questionnaire. The question mark filled by the students of class-viii and the concerned and vital
information was collected for the purpose of study by using questionnaire. The questions make
filled by the student of class-viii, and the concerned and vital information was collected.




A Pre test is the test which evaluates the knowledge of a subject before the material is
covered. It is often used to guide a teacher. In the present context, Pre test is the test which work
carried out to diagnose or to get an idea about the problem. This will help the researcher to identify
the causes of the problem, its extent and affects.
In the present study, a questionnaire is constructed for the samples to conduct the Pre test.
This test is conducted on May 27, 2017. The sample is of 15 students and each of them is provided
one questionnaire to response. There are 31 questions, which can be divided into five broad
categories such as- socio factor, home environment/ parental response to the students, past
experience,students personal beliefs and finally most important role of teachers. The role of teacher
further can be divided into four, classroom condition, attendance condition, textbook and method of
teaching. The societric factor, past experiences and parental condition will be constant in between
pre-test and post-test, but individual factor and role of teachers can be improved after post-test. So
here I can analyze and compare only these variable factor. The fixed factor here I discussed only
for knowing purpose i.e. to know the fear reason of students about English subject. Following are
the responses found in the Pre test-
Table 1: Responses of the samples in Pre test

No. of % 0f No. of
% 0f
students ‘yes’ students
Item no. Questions No
responding respons respondi
‘Yes’ e ng ‘No’

In your locality is there any people who

1 2 13.33 13 86.67
takes master degree in English ?
Is your elder brother or sister who can
2 3 20 12 80
speak English?
In your society or at your home is it
3 believe that learning English or studying 7 46.67 8 53.33
in English medium will harm your local

culture or mother language?

Is your any senior schoolmate who told
you that English is a very difficult
4 12 80 3 20
subject and it is harder to carry good
marks in English?
5 Do your parents can read in English? 5 33.33 10 66.67
Do your parents encourage to learn
6 5 33.33 10 66.67
7 Do you like to do English classes? 6 40 9 60
8 Do you attend English classes regularly? 5 33.33 10 66.67
Do you pass in English in the last exam
9 5 33.33 10 66.67
at your school?
Do your attendance in English class is
10 9 60 6 40
comparatively below to other subjects?
11 Do you like your English teacher? 7 46.67 8 53.33
12 How is the textbook, is it easy?? 3 20 12 80
13 Do you like it? 3 20 12 80

14 Do you believe that syllabus containing 9 60 6 40

the textbook is too bust for you?
15 Are you afraid of learning English? 9 60 6 40
16 During your L.P. schooling did you 4 26.67 11 73.33
learn to read in English?
17 During L.P. schooling do your English 8 53.33 7 46.67
teacher punished you when you failed to
read in English?
18 Do your current English teacher 11 73.33 4 26.67
punished you for failing to answer the
questions he asked?
19 Do you understand clearly what your 7 46.67 8 53.33
English teacher taught in the classes?
20 Does your teacher use any creative 3 20 12 80
method to learn English?
21 Does your teacher use audio-visual aids 0 0 15 100
devices to learn English?
22 Does your teacher tells you that English 4 26.67 11 73.33
is global language and it must be
learned by everyone to connecting the
rest of the world?
23 Does your teacher takes extra classes of 3 20 12 80

24 Does your teacher advocate loud 4 26.67 11 73.33

reading in class?

25 Does your teacher gives home work? 8 53.33 7 46.67

26 Does your parents check home work 2 13.33 13 86.67

before checking by English teacher?

27 Does your English teacher gives 5 33.33 10 66.67

remedial measures after checking home

28 Is there any provision of class test after 6 40 9 60

completion of a lesson?

29 Can you perform better in class tests? 4 26.67 11 73.33

30 Does your English teacher give prize or 1 6.67 14 93.33

any other incentive for succession in
class test?

31 Do you believe that English will be 4 26.67 11 73.33

make easier after systematic study and
hard work?

In the above table total no. of questions is 31. Out of these 31 questions, questions 1, 3 and is
concerned with societric factor. Questions 2,4,5,6 and 26 is related to home environment/parental
condition toward students. Questions 18,19 and 29 is concerned with classroom condition of the
school for the students. Questions 7,9,11,13,15 and 31 is concerned with the students personal
beliefs, choices, experiences, opinions and expectations. Questions 20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,30 are
set regarding the method of teaching. Questions 8 and 10 is related to attendance of students in
English class particularly. Questions 16 and 17 is related to past experience of students i.e.
experience of students during their lower primary schooling. Questions 12 and 14 is related to
textbook condition.


Analyzing the Pre test, the researcher gives the following measures for two months i.e. the
months of April and May, 2017 –
(i) A resource person is invited to deliver a lecture on the importance of English and to
encourage the students to learn it.
(ii) Loud reading is practiced in class daily.
(iii) Audio-visual aids is very effective and it should be provided with no misery.

(iv) Poem recitation competition is held weekly for the first month i.e. the month of April,
(v) Two extra classes in a week are set for reading English books, newspapers etc.
(vi) Dividing the samples into two groups, debate competition and group discussion are
organized weekly for the second month i.e. the month of May, 2017.
(vii) Regular home work and class test should be organized, and necessary correction should
be provided to students.
(viii) Extra journal should be sited in library room so that student can read it in leisure time.
(ix) Teacher should treat his students with love and pretty and he shouldn’t punished his
students for failing to answer.
(x) Teacher should also tell his students that English should be a very easy subject if we
study it systematically and it is a very scoring subjects also.
(xi) He also tells about the students who gets 80/90 plus marks in English subject and their
way of study, so that students gets inspired from them.
(xii) Students doing good performance should be awarded and that of bad performance
should be given extra careness i.e. extra classes should be provided for them.
(xiii) Teacher should dreamt his students that English is a very important subject and if you
do better result in English you have a better job opportunity in your future.
(xiv) More over teacher should say that English is global language and unless you don’t know
English you can’t converse with foreigners or you can’t do business in foreign nation.
(xv) Teacher should also call guardiant meeting timely and aware the gurdiant about the
condition of their pupil’s in English subject. He also tells the guardiant to take care of
their son’s/daughter’s.


A post test is a test which is conducted after the material is covered. In present case, Post
test is the test which is conducted to analyze the improvement among the samples by providing
various remedial measures.
In the present study, for conducting the post test the same questionnaire of Pre test is
provided. Followings are responses found in the Post test.

Table 2: Responses of the samples in Post test:

Item No. of % 0f No. of % 0f

No. students ‘yes’ students No
Questions Respondi response Respondi respons
ng ‘Yes’ ng e
1 Do you like to do English classes? 10 66.67 5 33.33
2 Do you attend English classes regularly? 11 73.33 4 26.67
3 Do you pass in English in the last exam at
12 80 3 20
your school?

4 Do your attendance in English class is

4 26.67 11 73.33
comparatively below to other subjects?
5 Do you like your English teacher? 11 73.33 4 26.67
6 How is the textbook, is it easy?? 10 66.67 5 33.33
7 Do you like it? 9 60 6 40
8 Do you believe that syllabus containing 6 40 9 60
the textbook is too bust for you?
9 Are you afraid of learning English? 4 26.67 11 73.33
10 Do your current English teacher punished 1 6.67 14 93.33
you for failing to answer the
questions he asked?
11 Do you understand clearly what your 11 73.33 4 26.67
English teacher taught in the classes?
12 Does your teacher use any creative 12 80 3 20
method to learn English?
13 Does your teacher use audio-visual aids 11 73.33 4 26.67
devices to learn English?
14 Does your teacher tells you that English is 14 93.33 1 6.67
global language and it must be learned by
everyone to connecting the rest of the
15 Does your teacher takes extra classes of 12 80 3 20
16 Does your teacher advocate loud reading 10 66.67 5 33.33
in class?

17 Does your teacher gives home work? 14 93.33 1 6.67

18 Does your English teacher gives remedial 14 93.33 1 6.67

measures after checking home work?

19 Is there any provision of class test after 13 13.33 2 86.67

completion of a lesson?

20 Can you perform better in class tests? 11 73.3 4 26.67

21 Does your English teacher give prize or 11 73.33 4 26.67

any other incentive for succession in class

22 Do you believe that English will be make 12 80 3 20

easier after systematic study and hard




The following data are found from the response to the questionnaire in Pre test and Post
Table 3: Responses on individual ground at pre test and post test:

% of Responses
Q. No
. Pre test Post test
Yes No. Yes No.
7 40 60 66.67 33.33
9 33.33 66.67 80 20
11 46.67 53.33 73.33 26.67

13 20 80 60 40
15 60 40 26.67 73.33

31 26.67 73.33 80 20

Figure 1: Responses on individual ground at pre-test:





% of No response
% of yes response




Q No. 7 Q No. 9 Q No. 11 Q No 13 Q No. 15 Q No. 31

Figure 2: Responses on individual ground at post-test:





% of No response
% of yes response




Q No 7 Q No 9 Q No 11 Q No 13 Q No15 Q No 31

From the above diagram it is found that during pre-test only 40% of student’s like their
English subject which after remedial measures were taken improved to 66.67%. Students
succession of seasonal test also increases from 33.33% to 80% during that period. Before remedial
measures were taken students fear their English teacher and they don’t like English teacher, but
after remedial measures’ were taken student’s were loyal to their English teacher, they don’t dislike

the teacher and were likely to close him. Before pre-test students dislike English text book, they
said that it was a very difficult subject, but after remedial measures were taken students fells it is
not at all a hard subject. The changing percentage clearly reveal the picture. Before pre test it was
believed by the student’s that it was almost impossible to make English subject as easy one and
they feared this paper. But after remedial measures were taken fearness falls from 60% to 26.67%.
They also started to believe that English can make easier with systematic study. Thus it is clearly
shows that there is a great improvement in the mentality of the students regarding English.

Table 4: Respondents regarding the method of teaching:

% of Responses
Q. No
Pre test Post test
Yes No. Yes No.
20 20 80 80 20

21 0 100 73.33 26.67

22 26.67 73.33 93.33 6.67

23 20 80 80 20

24 26.67 73.33 66.67 33.33

25 53.33 46.67 93.33 6.67

27 33.33 66.67 93.33 6.67

28 40 60 13.33 86.67

30 6.67 93.33 73.33 26.67


Figure 3: Respondents regarding the method of teaching after pre-test:



20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 30

Figure 4: respondent regarding the method of teaching after post test:



20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 30

At the beginning of this project and in proposal of this project I gave highest priority to the
traditional method of teaching for general fear of student’s to English subject. For this I also give
highest priority to overcome this problem i.e. my utmost attention is centered to this problem. I
took many remedial measures for this. For example in my training period I employ audio-visual
aids so that students were attracted to this subject and feels easy. More I employ the system of
giving prize to students who do better outcome during class time or in exam. I also suggest the
school teachers not to employ physical punishment system for backward students rather than they

will be given incentive orally or through prize system. The changing percentage of student’s
responses clearly depicts the outcome. E.g. before pre test there is no provision of using audio-
visual aids but after remedial measure were taken teachers started to use audio visual devices in
classroom. The teacher also started to take extra classes of English for backward students. He also
gives homework on daily basis and also regularly checked it. He also employ the system of loud
reading in class which helps to remove the fear of students from the mind of students. Thus school
teacher started to employ creative method of teaching which helps to remove the fear of students
towards English subject. The phenomenon was clear from the above table and diagrams.

Table 5: Responses regarding student’s attendance:

% of Responses
Q. No
. Pre test Post test
Yes No. Yes No.
8 33.33 66.67 73.33 26.67
10 60 40 26.67 73.33

Figure 5: respondent regarding the attendance of students after pre-test:



% of yes response
% of no response
Q No 8
Q No 10

Figure 6: respondent regarding the attendance of students after post-test:


40 % of yes response
% of no response

Q No 8
Q No 10

I see that the general fear of student’s towards English subject makes student’s absence in the
classroom. In compare to other subjects they were less attend in English classes. But after remedial
measures were taken, teaching method was improved and student’s were likely to feel easier the
English subject. They were gradually interested to English and their attendance in English class is
started to increase as a result of this. During pre-test only 33.33% of students do English class
regularly, but after remedial measures were taken students attendance rises to 73.33%. Thus there
ratio of comparative attendance to other subjects also raised. The above table and diagrams clearly
shows this.

Table 6: Respondents regarding classroom condition:

% of Responses
Q. No
. Pre test Post test
Yes No. Yes No.
18 73.33 26.67 6.67 93.33

19 46.67 53.33 73.33 26.67

29 26.67 73.33 73.33 26.67


Figure 7: respondents regarding classroom condition at pre-test:




% of yes response
% of no responses



Q No 18 Q No 19 Q No 29

Figure 8: respondents regarding classroom condition after post-test:




% of yes response
% of no responses



Q No 18 Q No 19 Q No 29

When I take classes for the first time at that school I feel something uneasy and after observation I
see that classroom condition was negative. For majority of students English is fear factor and

school teacher were inappropriate to overcome this fear. Besides school teacher gives physical
punishment to students who failed to answer their question. Moreover the pronunciations of the
English subject teacher wasn’t clear, which also ruins the problem. The students performance in the
class test was quite unsatisfactory. So I asked the school teacher not to employ physical punishment
rather to gave incentive them. Because human grows with incentive. My suggestions brings fruit to
students. Their result in class test gradually started to rise. Earlier only 26.67 % of students passed
in class test but after remedial measures were taken this percentage rises to 73.33%. The above
figure clearly depicts the scenario.

Table 7: Responses regarding the textbook condition for students:

% of Responses
Q. No
. Pre test Post test
Yes No. Yes No.
12 20 80 66.67 33.33
14 60 40 40 60

Figure 9: respondents regarding text book condition at pre-test:




% of responding yes
40 % of responding no




Q No 12 Q No 14

Figure 10: respondents regarding text book condition after post-test:




40 % of responding yes
% of responding no



Q No 12 Q No 14

In my first class when I asked the students, ‘How is the textbook, is it easy’? 80% of students said
that it is very difficult. Moreover 60% of students said that syllabus containing the textbook is very
bust. But after remedial measures were taken their fearness towards the subject started to reduce
and they were gradually interested to this subjects. This makes the textbook easy for them. Actually
traditional method of teaching makes the subject difficult for them and thus they also find the
textbook difficult. After post-test only 33.33% students said that textbook is still difficult for them
and rest of them said textbook is easier as compared to earlier.
3.2. Over All Findings of Data:
Table 8: The overall comparison of student’s responses in pre-test and post-test on different

Pre-test(%) Post-test(%)
Yes No. No.

1 Individual ground 37.78 62.22 64.45 35.55

2 Method of teaching 25.18 74.82 74.07 75.93

3 Attendance ( attendance in English class) 33.33 66.67 77.33 26.67


4 Classroom condition (performance of 26.67 73.33 73.33 26.67

class test)
5 About textbook (how is the textbook they 20 80 66.67 33.33

Figure 11.
The overall comparison of student’s responses in pre-test and post-test on different ground:





40 pre-test(Yes response)
post-test (Yes response)



individual method of attendance classroom about
ground teaching level condition textbook

From the above analysis of data it is found that in every aspects, the responses
of the students are more positive in Post test than in Pre test. The percentage of pass in pre-test is
26.67% which at post-pest rises to 73.33, students belief towards English subject also gradually
improved. They fear less English subject after post test as compare to pre-test. More over teaching
method also improve radically, teachers now stars to employ audio-visual aids in the classroom.
Classroom condition also improved. Students feel textbook as earlier they believed that textbook is
very hard. They also believed that syllabus containing textbook is feasible to bear.

Thus the above expression shows that students are able to read the text and are
able to express their ideas or themselves through the language to a great extent. It means that their
fear lessened to a great extent. The reasons for their fear are detected finally. Now the reasons may
be summed up as below-

(i) Lack of the teachers to explain the importance of learning English and their failure in
motivating the students.
(ii) Lack of ability to read with correct pronunciation
(iii) Lack of conductive environment for reading and speaking English.
(iv) Lack of employment of proper method of teaching.
(v) Fear that they would become a matter of joke if they are not able to speak fluent

(vi) Fear that they would be punished if they are not able answer the question they were
asked by teacher.
(vii) Lack of dreaming from the teacher for which students can get incentive to learn English.
(viii) The above mentioned problems have to be solved for removing the fear of the students
regarding English and it will help in language improvement.




On the basis of analyzing data and findings of the study the following suggestions are made:

1. The teacher should set one or two classes in a week for reading English books in library.
2. The English teacher should give emphasis on loud reading of the lesson by the students in
the class.
3. It is suggested that the teacher has to arrange poem recitation competition programme to
develop reading skill.
4. Prizes should be given to the student who does extra reading.
5. The teacher should encourage the students for using English dictionary to increase their
6. It should be given more importance on spoken English. There should be an extra class on
conversation and spoken English.
7. The teacher should encourage the students for intensive as well as extensive reading.
8. It is utmost necessary that the teacher should have proper knowledge of Phonetics.
9. The teacher should help the students in listening to the music of English, i.e., lilt, its
prosody, intonation, stress, rhythm etc
10. The teacher should arrange group discussion, extempore speech in English among the
students to develop speaking skill.
11. It is suggested to create interest to acquire native like competence in spoken English.
12. The teacher may invite the experts in English Language or Linguistics if available in that
community to the school and request to deliver a lecture in English or any other topic as
demanded by the students.
13. It is suggested to hold regular parent teacher meeting and the feedback of the learners
progress should be provided to their parents.
14. The teacher should develop a love for English Language in the students, increase interest
and enthusiasm towards the world language English.
15. The teacher should know that it is his duty to cater to the practical need of the learner, to
make them competent enough to interact with one another and remove the fear from the
mind of the students by providing them moral support more as a facilitator rather than a
traditional type of instructor.

This study is carried out on “General Fear of English among the Students of Class-viii in”
Parasuram Mazumdar Girl’s M.E/High School”. This school is situated at Lanka town in the
District of Hojai(Assam) and it is an Assamese medium school. The researcher finds the students of

class-viii of that school are very fearful regarding English. They treat English as a very difficult
subject. They cannot dare to speak in English even to read.
In order to find out the causes of the students’ fearfulness, this study is undertaken and an
attempt has been made to give practical solution of the problem. In this study, the researcher
follows different procedures to find out the actual causes of the problem. The sample is selected
through non-probability sampling method and the necessary data is collected through diagnostic
method. A Pre test is conducted to diagnose the problems or the specific weaknesses of the students
and then on the basis of diagnosis some remedial measures are provided for two months and again
a Post test is conducted to check the improvement of the students. Then the data of Pre test and Post
test are analyzed with appropriate method. After providing remedial measures, a great improvement
is found in Post test. Here the causes are highlighted and then some suggestions are made.
It is proved that the vernacular medium students lack in confidence when it comes to
English. This lack is due to their shortage of word stock or vocabulary. They have no practice or
rare practice of oral reading, silent reading, phonetics drills, Spoken English in the English class.
They normally do grammatical mistakes in their writing as well as when they speak. Because of
these lacks in word stock and grammar they do not even dare to speak English. The result is that
they speak incorrect English this leads to a kind of fear.
Hence the teacher of English should make practice among the students for reading first and
then he should create a conducive environment so that they acquire a native-like competence in
Spoken English. It will be very helpful for removing fear among the students and will help in
language improvement. Then the objectives of teaching English will be fulfilled.


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1. www.topmark .com.uk
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5. http://smartpantsacademey.com/2013/02/1/3
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Dear student,

Please response to the questions after reading properly. Your co-operation in this regard will be
helpful and appreciable.

Yours faithfully,



Table 1: Responses of the samples in Pre test


No. of
students No. of students
Item no. Questions
responding responding ‘No’

In your locality is there any people who takes

master degree in English ?
Is your elder brother or sister who can speak
In your society or at your home is it believe
that learning English or studying in English
medium will harm your local culture or mother
Is your any senior schoolmate who told you
4 that English is a very difficult subject and it is
harder to carry good marks in English?
5 Do your parents can read in English?
6 Do your parents encourage to learn English?
7 Do you like to do English classes?
8 Do you attend English classes regularly?
Do you pass in English in the last exam at your
Do your attendance in English class is
comparatively below to other subjects?

11 Do you like your English teacher?

12 How is the textbook, is it easy??
13 Do you like it?
14 Do you believe that syllabus containing the
textbook is too bust for you?
15 Are you afraid of learning English?
16 During your L.P. schooling did you learn to
read in English?
17 During L.P. schooling do your English teacher
punished you when you failed to read in
18 Do your current English teacher punished you
for failing to answer the questions he asked?
19 Do you understand clearly what your English
teacher taught in the classes?
20 Does your teacher use any creative method to
learn English?
21 Does your teacher use audio-visual aids
devices to learn English?
22 Does your teacher tells you that English is
global language and it must be learned by
everyone to connecting the rest of the world?
23 Does your teacher takes extra classes of
24 Does your teacher advocate loud reading in

25 Does your teacher gives home work?

26 Does your parents check home work before

checking by English teacher?

27 Does your English teacher gives remedial

measures after checking home work?

28 Is there any provision of class test after

completion of a lesson?

29 Can you perform better in class tests?

30 Does your English teacher give prize or any

other incentive for succession in class test?
31 Do you believe that English will be make
easier after systematic study and hard work?

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