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Illustrations of Reality

Version One
A Tentative Model of a Conscious and Interconnected Reality
And a Given Person's Place Within It

Timothy Ballan
© 2018
The aim of this short work is to loosely but artfully summarize some of the large points made in my
books A Relatively Detailed Outline of a Carefully Constructed, Overarching Worldview and An
Annotated Diagram of Reality.

I dedicate this work to Kleon.

Illustration One

Everything in the infinite universe is connected, and there is nothing the universe is disconnected from.

The universe is the sum of spatiotemporal dimensions, and there is nothing contained within these
dimensions that is separated from and yet within them.

The universe is reality––even if it is multidimensional or actually a universe much grander and more
multifarious than that postulated by current scientific canon.

Any variation in reality––even when it seems like separation between seemingly disparate parts––is
simply variation across spatiotemporal dimensions akin to variation over a vast landscape of plains, hills,
and valleys.

This variation can be called "contour".

The contour of reality would all be sentient, experiential as people are, while not in the exact same way.

Reality and any of its features could be called "self-illuminated contour".

Illustration Two

Within reality, people are simply momentary time slices of conscious representations that exist in chains
across time.

Representations are features of reality that have some degree of map-like similarity with another feature
in reality, forming a feature that is a group that could be called "map-like similarity" itself––with only
illusory "separation" within it.

We are seemingly separate, divorced from what surrounds us: including what we call non-conscious (but
still self-illuminated) thoughts.

Being experientially divorced from what surrounds us is simply having the contour of a self-illuminated
cliff that contains a self-illuminated feature of "enclosingness" from its surroundings.
Illustration Three

Even features within reality that are "groups" are instances of self-illuminated contour whose parts are
not truly "separate" but simply a type of contour that is "discontinuous".

Groups would simply be simultaneously-existing discontinuous features that exist as "hyper-features"

on––instead of within––continuous features.

Groups would include representations along with what the representations accurately represent, which
would total to a group that could be called either some degree of "map-like similarity", as mentioned, or,
alternatively, some degree of "accuracy".

Groups could also be called "abstract objects"––which include types, abstractions, possibilities,
descriptions, relations, and other features.

For instance, "types" would be groups whose members are uniquely similar in comparison to all else.
Illustration Four

All features of reality, whether groups or non-groups, are not only non-separated, but indirectly connected
by way of ripples through the landscape of space and time that allow all features to indirectly touch all
other features.

As all is at least indirectly connected, the existence of all is supported by all else in reality.

If the existence of all is supported by all else, everything ultimately accounts for––and explains––
everything else.

Even if all is explained, reality still seems inexplicably complicated from the viewpoint of conscious
representations that are myself and other people.
Illustration Five

The universe––all of reality––as self-illuminated contour is infinite, however, and contains all informa-
tion that reveals how all can be explained.

To the universe, everything makes sense––even if we can't make sense of all of it.
Illustration Six

These words and illustrations only depict my own conscious representations that are myself.

But I am still connected to the infinite, self-illuminated, contoured universe that could simply be called
About the Author
Timothy Ballan is a composer and writer who currently resides in Western Massachusetts. As a
composer, Timothy mostly writes accessible classical music. As a writer, Timothy mostly writes plotless
stories, atmospheric vignettes, poems, and non-pretentious philosophy. When not composing or writing,
Timothy teaches private piano lessons and leads several musical groups in urban schools and youth
development programs. In his free time, Timothy enjoys driving on country roads, hiking, watching
scary movies, and sharing time and an absurd sense of humor with his human and mint-flavored bobby-
pin friends.

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