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FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTES implement while caring for the client?

Placing cl in high
fowler’s/obtaining a stat pulse oximeter reading/notifying
1.When teaching a client with hypokalemia, which foods should the respi therapist
the nurse instruct the client to increase? Orange juice and
bananas 3. Which data would the nurse expect to assess in a febrile client
complaining of a hacking cough and generalized malaise? Bronchial
2. Which intervention is most appropriate for the client who is breath sounds over lung fields with consolidation
hyperventilating and developing respiratory alkalosis?
Encouraging slow, deep breaths 4. Which nsg intervention would be impt to include in the discharge
teaching plan for the client diagnosed with pulmonary embolism?
3. The nurse is totaling the I/O for a client diagnosed with Maintaining peripheral circulation with leg exercises
septicemia who is on a clear liquid diet. The client intakes 8 oz
apple juice, 850 ml water, 2 cups beef broth, and 900 ml of half 5. Which long-term goal would the nurse identify for a client
normal saline solution and outputs 1500 ml urine during the diagnosed with COPD? Improving pulmonary ventilation and
shift. How many ml should the nurse document as the client’s gas exchange
intake? 2470 – 8 oz=240 ml + 850 ml + 2cups=480 ml +
900 ml 6. Which intervention would the nurse implement for a client with
COPD who develops acute respiratory failure? Managing oxygen
4. Which assessment data does the nurse document when a therapy
client diagnosed with hypocalcemia develops a carpopedal
spasm after the BP cuff is inflated? Positive Trousseau’s sign 7. Which intervention would be most helpful in assisting the client
diagnosed with COPD to develop ways to cope with the disease?
5. Which clinical manifestation would the nurse expect to assess Teaching the client relaxation techniques and breathing
in a client with hypernatremia? Tented skin turgor and thirst retraining exercises

6. A client with a hx of COPD has the following ABG results: 8. A client hospitalized for acute bacterial pneumonia is recovering
PO2-55 mmHg, PCO2-60 mmHg. When attempting to improve after a course of therapy with pen G. Which outcome demonstrates
the client’s blood gas values through improved ventilation and the effectiveness of care? The client has PaO2 of 85 mmHg or
oxygen therapy, which is the client’s primary stimulus for higher
breathing? Low PO2
9. Which nsg intervention should be included in the care plan for a
7. Which intervention should the nurse perform when caring for client receiving mechanical ventilation? Assessing the ventilator
a client diagnosed with fluid volume deficit? Assessing urinary settings as prescribed by the health care provider
I/O with a urometer
10. Which should the nurse expect to observe in the water seal
8. Which client situation requires the nurse to discuss the chamber of the chest tube drainage system for a client with a
importance of avoiding foods high in potassium? Renal dse hemothorax 4 hrs after chest tube insertion? Fluctuation with
inspiration and expiration
9. For the client diagnosed with hypomagnesemia, which nsg
intervention would be appropriate? Instituting seizure 11. Which discharge instruction is most appropriate to prevent or
precautions to prevent injury control respi infections for the client diagnosed with respiratory
insufficiency resulting from long standing restrictive lung dse?
10. Which electrolyte would the nurse identify as the major Receiving influenza injections
electrolyte responsible for determining the concentration of the
extracellular fluid? Sodium 12. Which procedure would the nurse anticipate preparing for the
client who develops a large pleural effusion? Thoracentesis
11. Which medication would the nurse anticipate administering
for a client with a potassium level of 6.2 mEq/L? Kayexalate 13. The nurse would suspect ARDS in a client diagnosed with
hypovolemic shock secondary to multiply trauma when he exhibits
12. Which clinical manifestation would lead the nurse to suspect which clinical manifestation? PaO2 of 62 mmHg after 2 hrs of
that a client is experiencing hypermagnesemia? Hot, flushed oxygen at 10 L/min
skin and diuresis
14. Which assessment findings would the nurse expect in a client
13. In planning the care for a client receiving furosemide and with a right-sided pneumothorax? Dyspnea and asymmetric
digoxin, which lab data would be the most impt to assess? chest expansion
Potassium level
15. Which nsg intervention should be included in the care plan for a
14. A client has the ff ABG values: PO2-80 mmHg, PCO2-49 client diagnosed with ARDS? Monitoring ABG levels and cardiac
mmHg and HCO3-24mEq/L. based on these results, which status
intervention should the nurse implement? Encouraging client
to cough and deep breathe 16. A client with a pulmonary embolism who is receiving
anticoagulation therapy with warfarin has an International
15. Which would the nurse expect the health care provider to Normalized Ratio of 2.5, a prothrombin time of 23, and a partial
order for the client diagnosed with metabolic acidosis? Sodium thromboplastin time of 39. Based on these test results, which
bicarbonate intervention should the nurse implement? Administering the
prescribed dose
16. Which electrolyte abnormality would the nurse suspect if the client’s ECG
showed a shortened QT interval and bradycardia? Hypercalcemia


1. During the nsg hx, which client statement would lead the nurse to
Suspect pneumoconiosis? “Ihave worked in the coal mines
for over 25 years.”

2. A client is admitted to the emergency department with an acute

excacerbation of COPD. Which interventions should the nurse

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