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Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Per:_________

Africa Government & Economics Study Guide

Key Vocabulary
- Instability - autocracy - 3 Economic Questions
- Standard of living - GDP per capita - role of the citizen in government
- Democracy: parliamentary & presidential - famine - suffrage
- Command Economy - Market Economy - epidemic
- Mixed Economy - Traditional Economy - gender gap
- literacy rates - economic continuum -school life expectancy
Short Answers: You upcoming test will ONLY be short answer (no multiple choice, matching, etc.). You will choose 1 prompt from the
government category & one prompt from the economics category to answer on the day of the test. The rubric on how you will be scored
is below.
- Explain how government instability in Africa effects standard of living using examples. Your examples must include information
on all of the following: education, the distribution of medicine & food & disease and famine in Africa.
- Explain the role of the citizen in choosing the leaders of South Africa, Nigeria & Kenya. Compare & contrast the two ways
leaders are chosen in these countries.
- Compare & contrast two of the economic systems we learned (South Africa, Nigeria or Kenya). Explain where they fall on the
economic continuum & what that means in terms of the 3 economic questions.
- Explain how all countries have a mixed market economy. Describe the economic continuum & where Kenya, South Africa &
Nigeria fall on the economic continuum.
Government & Economics
- Describe factors that influence economic growth (literacy rate, GDP, famine, etc.) & how their presence or absence in the
continent of Africa influences or is influenced by government stability and standard of living.

10 points 7 points 5 points 3 points 0 points

Grammar & Mechanics-
Appropriate amount of
sentences to answer the
question, clarity & correct
grammar is used
Structure- clear
introduction, supporting
details & conclusion is
Required Elements- All
parts of the question
have been addressed

Content Knowledge-
Evidence from notes is
used to support the
Correct key vocabulary-
is used to answer the
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Per:_________

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