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Corredoira Arroyo, Oskar
Esteban Boada, Itsasne
Hernando García, Laura
Pardo Miguens, Patricia
Perez Moralejo, Ariadna
Ruiz Ortigueira, Cristina
Sierra Munsuri, Cristina

Topic.................................................................................................................. 3

Context .............................................................................................................. 3

Justification for the topic ................................................................................... 3

General objectives to be achieved ..................................................................... 3

Main contents .................................................................................................... 4

Introduction to the activities .............................................................................. 4

Song ................................................................................................................... 5

Story .................................................................................................................. 8

Game ................................................................................................................. 13

Reflection .......................................................................................................... 16


The topic chosen is “Farm animals”


This session is prepared for the Maxiflo pre-school, specifically for a 4-year-old class. In that
class, there is a teacher taking care of 15 children. The class is organised by different corners
in which children can play freely. In addition, there is a corner called huddle and there is
where all the class meet, for example, to get some explanations or to tell a story.


We have chosen this topic because kids can work on the respect for nature and animals.
Sometimes, children don´t know what farm animals are due to their life in industrial cities.
With this session, we pretend children to start identifying different kind of animals. At the
same time, kids can learn the sounds made by those animals, because, by the time they are
listening the teacher’s story or the song they will hear and learn different onomatopoeias.
Moreover, with this session, children will learn in a dynamic and meaningful way.


This session has many objectives that children have to achieve. For example, they are going
to learn a lot of English vocabulary, such as, animal’s names (hen, dog, pig, cow etc.). In
addition, they are going to understand that they have to respect the animals, the plants… In
general, the respect for the whole nature. Concerning to language, they are going to improve
their English pronunciation and expressiveness. Furthermore, they are going to learn some
strategies to have a conversation in this foreign language.


Based on the pre-school education Curriculum, with this session, children will achieve the
following main contents: Regarding the first experience field, they are going to understand
their environment and learn about their bodies by playing. In addition, they are going to
understand the game’s rules and take part in the activities. Then, they are also going to
appreciate their work and ask for help when necessary.

Regarding the foreign language, they will improve their expressiveness, vocabulary,
intonation and syntax. Apart from that, they will be able to express themselves some easy
texts; descriptions, stories and songs in both languages, English and Basque. Besides, they are
going to learn some strategies to hold conversations, such as, respect everyone’s turn to
speak, listen and understand easy literacy stories and songs, and get interested in different


In this session, we are going to propose three activities related to the English language. The
topic we have chosen is farm animals, so in all the activities will appear some animals.
Firstly, children will have the opportunity to learn some animal names with a song. Then, they
will be able to understand the story the teacher is going to tell and finally, they are going to
play a card game in groups.

To carry out all this activities, the teacher will have to prepare the classroom, for example, for
the last activity, she will have to let a corner to practice the card game in which the only
materials children are going to be able to use are the cards needed. It is suitable to add, that
the teacher will explain all the activities to children before doing them, and she will keep in
mind children prior knowledge, their likes and interests.

The activities proposed, as it is mentioned before, they are going to be a song, a story and
finally a game. We have decided to follow this sequence because it allows us to learn the
vocabulary in a progressive way, that is, firstly, they are going to hear the vocabulary they are
going to learn, such us, the animal’s names. Secondly, they are going to hear a story about

those animals and they are going to be able to internalise that vocabulary. Finally, they are
going to play a game in which they have to use the vocabulary they have already learnt.

Name of the game: The animals on the farm Game type: Musical (song)

Preparation: Didactic decisions (group size, timing, space needed, materials, procedure,

The first activity we are going to carry out is the song. The best place to work on it is in the
class, specifically, in the huddle. In this place, children have space enough to sit down
comfortably to sign and also they have space to move and dance. In addition, children can
follow teacher's sounds and movements easily because she will be in front of them. All the
kids are going to take part in this activity.


We do not need special materials to carry out this activity, the only thing we need is the song
chosen for.


The ducks on the farm say, "Quack, quack, quack."

The mice on the farm say, "Squeak, squeak, squeak."
The chickens on the farm say, "Cluck, cluck, cluck."
"Quack. Squeak. Cluck."
The pigs on the farm say, "Oink, oink, oink."
The goats on the farm say "Meh, meh, meh."
The sheep on the farm say "Baa, baa, baa."
"Oink. Meh. Baa."
The horses on the farm say, "Neigh, neigh, neigh."
The cows on the farm say, "Moo, moo, moo."
The roosters on the farm say, "Cock-a-doodle-doo"
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."

Let's try it a little faster.
The ducks on the farm say, "Quack, quack, quack."
The mice on the farm say, "Squeak, squeak, squeak."
The chickens on the farm say, "Cluck, cluck, cluck."
"Quack. Squeak. Cluck."
Okay, a little faster.
The pigs on the farm say, "Oink, oink, oink."
The goats on the farm say "Meh, meh, meh."
The sheep on the farm say "Baa, baa, baa."
"Oink. Meh. Baa."
Okay, super-fast!
The horses on the farm say, "Neigh, neigh, neigh."
The cows on the farm say, "Moo, moo, moo."
The roosters on the farm say, "Cock-a-doodle-doo"
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."
Description: Steps to follow

First of all, the teacher will gather the children in the huddle and she will explain the activity
they are going to do. Then, she will play the song and let the children express themselves as if
they were animals, signing and producing onomatopoeias. The song will be played twice, so
kids will have time enough to have fun and learn different things. Finally, when the song is
about to finish, the teacher will announce it saying: “time to finish”.
In conclusion, children are supposed to dance making signs and doing the mentioned animals
onomatopoeias in a freeway. If there is any problem, the teacher can sign herself some animal
to help the confused child, but if she has to do it, she will use the SSL (Spanish Sign
Language). Another possibility is that she can let the children watch the video of the song in
which all the animals mentioned appear.

Educational value (Justification for your choice based on the educative value of the

This activity is perfect for children to learn animal names in English, onomatopoeic sounds

and animal movements. In addition, they are going to learn different music parameters, such
as, rhythm, intensity and pitch. Regarding the knowledge about their body, they will learn the
limits of their body movements.

Competences developed (justify your choices)/Areas involved (objectives, content…):

Competence in linguistic communication: in the song, there is a structure which is repeated
one and over again. Children will learn this structure because they will hear to it a lot of times.

The ducks on the farm say, "Quack, quack, quack."

The mice on the farm say, "Squeak, squeak, squeak."

The chickens on the farm say, "Cluck, cluck, cluck."

Competence in knowledge of an interaction with the physical world: they will learn the name
of the animals they can meet in different farms, such as, duck, mice, chicken…

Competence in social skills and citizenship: they will make different signs and onomatopoeias
which they can share with their classmates and they can also repeat the ones made by their

Cultural and artistic competence: they are going to learn to express themselves in a different
way which doesn’t involve a language, so in an artistic way. Moreover, as the teacher is going
to use the SSL, they are going to learn a few of the deaf culture; their language.

Autonomy and personal initiative: children are going to be free to do the onomatopoeias and
signs they want, so they will develop their autonomy and personal initiative.

Comments (reflection: weak and strong points)

After analysing the activity in a deep way, we think that it is very suitable to do it in a 4 year
old class due to the fact that it is a very easy and funny activity to carry out.

However, it has some weak points, such as, getting lost during the song because they don’t
understand the language or they just get confused with the different animal names or
movements. As we have said before, if that happens, the teacher will provide some help doing

different animal’s signs or reproducing not only the song but also the video.

Sources (bibliography, tradition, internet…)


Name of the game: Where's my mummy? Game type: Story

Preparation: Didactic decisions (group size, timing, space needed, materials, procedure,

This activity will be counted in the huddle of the class to have space for everybody and to be
comfortable. In this way, all the children are going to see the teacher telling the story and they
are going to listen to it with interest. All the kids are going to listen to the story. To tell the
story, the teacher is going to show some pictures while she read the story as if she was the
characters, so adapting the voice in order to be similar to each character.


The main material the teacher is going to need is the story book, in which appear all the
pictures she is going to show. Apart from that, she is going to use different strategies, such as,
making questions. To give some examples of those questions, she could ask; “what do you
think is going to happen?”, “which animal will appear then?” or “what sound produce the

1.- A beautiful egg is cracking… (crack, crack, crack…)
What’s inside? A mouse? A crocodile?
2.- No! It’s a little chick! Hello chick!
3.- Little chick is not very happy. He is looking for mummy.
Where’s my mummy? Mummy?
4.- Little chick asks a dog:

- Are you my mummy?
- No I’m not. I’m a dog.
5.- Little chick asks a cow:
- Are you my mummy?
- No I’m not. I’m a cow.
6.- Little chick asks a sheep:
- Are you my mummy?
- No I’m not. I’m a sheep.
7.- Little chick asks a duck:
- Are you my mummy?
- No I’m not. I’m a duck.
8.- Little chick asks a pig:
- Are you my mummy?
- No I’m not. I’m a pig.
9.- Finally, little chick asks a hen:
- Are you my mummy?
- Yes! I’m your mummy!!
- Oh, mummy! Mummy!
- Oh, little chick! Little chick!

Description: Steps to follow

The teacher is going to be the responsible of telling the story to all the kids. In order to do it,
she is going to gather her pupils in the huddle and she will ask them some questions about
their interests, such as, “do you like animals?”, “what is your favourite animal?”. Afterwards,
she will explain that she is going to tell them a story whose title is “Where is my mummy?”
and she is going to ask about what do they think it could be about. After having discussed it,
the teacher is going to tell them the story. Therefore, she is going to read the phrases as if she
were the characters, that is making different voices. Finally, the teacher is going to ask them if
they have liked it.

The teacher expect children to answer some of her questions saying yes or no. As she know
the English level in class, when she ask those question she is going to use the corporal
language. In this way, children are going to be able to understand what the teacher is saying.
Kids are not supposed to use English language structures, for instance, “Yes, I do” to answer
the questions, but at least, they have to say “yes” or “not”.

If there was any problem with the comprehension, the teacher would repeat what she was

saying. In order to everything get understood, the teacher would give some clues with
gestures, but if it wasn’t enough, she would also translate some words to Basque.

Educational value (Justification for your choice based on the educative value of the

We have decided to carry out this activity because it is a fantastic way for children to hear this
foreign language. In addition, as they like so much the story books we assure that they are
going to pay attention. Instead of that, the story is linked to different pictures where the story
is explained, so it is easier for children to understand it. Furthermore, this story is very suitable
to work it in class because it has a lot of different animals and each one makes its
onomatopoeia. In this way, they are going to be practicing in a deeper way what they would
have already done in the previous activity.

Competences developed (justify your choices)/Areas involved (objectives, content…):

Competence in linguistic communication: this story is perfect to work on the linguistic

communication because it has a structure which is repeated time after all over the story. This
structure is easy, so kids won’t have any problem to understand it or learn it. As you can see in
the next example, it is a question-answer which is nearly always the same.

 Are you my mummy?

 No, I’m not. I’m a _____

Competence in knowledge of an interaction with the physical world: Like in the previous
activity, they can learn the name of different animals they can see in a farm, for example, cow,
chicken… and apart from that, they can learn the onomatopoeias done by those animals.

Competence in social skills and citizenship: They are going to learn a language structure to
socialise with others in English and the teacher is going to try to make them use it while they
argue about what is going to happen in the story or if children have liked it.

Cultural and artistic competence: This competence is worked thanks to the story pictures. As
the language is not known for them, they would have to interpret those pictures to understand
better what is happening.

Comments (reflection: weak and strong points)

This activity is good to learn the mentioned things, such as, questions and answer structures or
to go over throw the vocabulary learned on the previous activity. In addition, it is a story
which we could adapt depending on the animals we want to teach. Regarding the weak points,
we have been thinking carefully about it but we haven’t found any disadvantage.

Sources (bibliography, tradition, internet…)

Saw it in Practicum II

Name of the game: Doing couples Game type: Card game

Preparation: Didactic decisions (group size, timing, space needed, materials, procedure,

This last activity proposed is a card game. Although it can be played on the floor, we have
thought that it would be better to play it on a table because it has small pieces and they can get
lost. All the children are going to play at the same time but the class is going to be divided in
small groups which will be located in different corners, 4-5 kids in each. In this way, teacher
can help all of them. Playing like this, we encourage teamwork and help between them. They
are going to be playing to this game 15 minutes more or less and the only materials they are
going to need are the cards.


The only materials needed to play this game are the cards. As we are working on the topic of
farm animals those cards have the image and name of different farm animals. The main
objective of the game is doing couples so in this deck of cards they can find, concretely six
animals which appear twice. When children take one of the cards, they have to say the name
of the animal that is on the card they have taken. In the next photos, they can be see some of
the cards made to play this game.


Description: Steps to follow

To carry out this game, the teacher is going to explain the game to her class saying something
like: “Now, we are going to play to a very funny game. It is a card game. As you can see,
there are some different cards here. Those cards have different animals, but all the animals are
repeated, so in these cards we have some animal couples. What you have to do is put all the
cards face down and respecting the turns, you have to guess where the animal couples are. But
if you don’t take two cards with the same animal, you have to put them face down again and
the next kid will have to try it.” As the teacher is explaining this, she will show the cards and
make a demonstration of what she is saying.

Then, she will prepare the class in corners, but all the corners are going to have the same
materials. Then, she is going to make the groups keeping mind the different level of each
pupil. Afterwards, they are going to start playing each group on its corner and the teacher is
going to be the helper, so if someone have a problem, such as, not knowing some vocabulary,
she is going to provide them with her help. That help will be doing some gesture to explain
the vocabulary unknown or to translate to English the word they don’t know.

To practice this game, children are going to put all the cards face down in the table. Then, by
turns they are going to turn over two cards in order to get a couple. If they don’t get it, they
will have to put those cards face down again. In this way, the next turns, children will have to
remember which cards have being turned over and where are they located to guess where is
the couple of the card they have already take.

It is very important to remember, that when they turn over a card, they have to pronounce in
English the name of the animal which appears there. Thus, they are going to learn the animal

names in English and they are going to improve their pronunciation.

In conclusion, children are supposed to understand the game rules and follow them, such as,
respecting the turns. In addition, the teacher expects children to know the names of the
animals showed on the cards and its pronunciation in English. Finally, it is important to add,
that they don’t need to have a conversation in English while they are playing.

Educational value (Justification for your choice based on the educative value of the

This game is really good to practice different areas in the children’s development. On the one
hand, they are going to acquire some important values which are going to be helpful to live in
this society, for instance, respect, autonomy etc. On the other hand, they are going to have a
cognitive development due to the practice of memory they have to do in order to win the
game. Apart from that, as we have mentioned before, they are going to learn some

Competences developed (justify your choices)/Areas involved (objectives, content…):

Competence in linguistic communication: Even if talking is not necessary to play to this

game, kids are supposed to mention the animal’s names shown on the card they have turned
over. So they are going to be practicing the language and acquiring some vocabulary for being
able to speak on it. Apart from that, as they are playing in groups, they are going to talk
between them, so they are also going to be practicing the communication in the language they
already know.

Competence in knowledge of an interaction with the physical world: As it happened on the

activities proposed before, children are going to be working on the topic of farm animals so
they are going to learn about the physical world; the animal’s names and some of their
characteristics showed on the pictures of the cards.

Competence in social skills and citizenship: Although they don’t play together as a team, they
are going to be divided by groups, so they are going to talk to each other developing the social
skills. In addition, they are going to learn that the turns have to be respected, and that is a very

important value on our society, the respect for the others.

Competence in autonomy and personal initiative: To carry out this game, children will have to
decide different things by their own. For example, they have to decide which card they are
going to turn over and depending on what animal have they get, which other card they are
going to turn over on that time to get the couple.

Comments (reflection: weak and strong points)

This activity can be useful to develop children's memory while they are playing because they
should memorise the place the cards were and remember it. When they are playing, they have
to say the animal names loudly, because of that, they remember the animal names learned in
previous activities and they improve their pronunciation. However, we think that this activity
has a strong weak point; they can fight for win the game and that can create competitiveness.

Sources (bibliography, tradition, internet…)

The game is done by us but we base in a traditional card game.


As everyone knows, nowadays, it is very important to be able to understand and speak a

foreign language, and the most common one to learn is English. Consequently, the teachers
must be able to teach it. In order to do it, they have to know children’s characteristics, their
own rhythm and what kind of activities she has to propose to get a high quality education. So,
doing this team work is very constructive, it has helped us to get a better professional
education, which is going to turn us in good teachers.

Apart from that, we would like to add, that this work, has been very useful to know some
different resources we could use in class to teach this language. But we have also get
conscious that, even if we have a lot of different materials to find on the Internet or in
different books, we can also do the material ourselves or adapt it. In this way, we could make
an education more complete specifying the objectives and contents we want to teach.


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