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Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing

VCT - What is it?

VCT stands for voluntary counselling and testing . VCT is when a person chooses to undergo
HIV/AIDS counselling so that they can make an informed decision about whether to be tested for
HIV. The government is encouraging all of us to come forward to be tested for HIV. it believes that if
many of us get tested, even though we may not be sick, this will help to lessen the amount of stigma
associated with the HIV test. Also, if we find out as an earlier stage, that we are infected with HIV, we

 Learn more about the virus and how it effects our body.
 Look after our health so that we stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible
 Get information and counselling around how to live positively with the virus. This means
learning to accept the fact hat we are HIV-infected, seeking emotional support, eating a health
diet, learning how to control the amount of stress in our life, making sure we don't become re-
infected, and planning for the future.
 Learn to recognize the signs of opportunistic infections so we can get them treated promptly
 Find out what resources are available within our community to help us manage our HIV status
 Find out about prophylatic drugs. These drugs do not cure HIV/AIDS, but can prevent us
from getting some oportunistic infections that are common with people living with HIV/AIDS
eg. T.B and some kinds of Pneumonia
 Access Nevirapne. This is a drug available at a number of hospitals and clinics that lessens
the chance of a pregnant mother passing the virus onto her baby.
 Get emotional support by seeking counselling and joining support groups.
 Make sure that we don't infect anyone else or get re-infected ourselves
 Learn how to manage the stress in our lives

If we are not infected with HIV, VCT can motivate us to stay HIV antibody negative, and to accept
those who are infected.

Opportunistic Infections
These are the kind of infections that your body would normally be able to control if your immune
system was strong. Unfortunately, when HIV destroys your immune system, these diseases
flourish. They are called opportunistic because if your immune system was strong, they would not be
able to flourish. Some examples are thrush of the mouth and TB.

Counselling can empower you!

What is counselling?

Counselling is a private conversation with a specially trained person aimed at

helping you to help yourself. Counselling encourages you to explore possible
solutions to your problems, and to consider the impact that certain decision
may have on your life. HIV/AIDS counselling provided at VCT sites is free and
confidential. This means that the Counsellor cannot tell anyone about your
result without your permission. You must receive face-to-face counselling
before you have the test. This is known as pre-test counseling, and is aimed
at ensuring that you make a well-informed decision about whether to have the
HIV test or not, and encourages you to explore the possible impact that having
the test may have on your life.
Once the test has been done, you will receive post-test counselling. This is the counselling during
which you will receive your result. We know that people who have good pre and post-test counselling
are able to cope better with their results, and are more likely to look after their health, and protect
others from infection. The counselling that you may have once you already know your result is known
as on-going counselling. On-going counselling helps you to live positively with HIV and provides you
with support and guidance with regard to any problem that you may face.

Having the HIV anitbody test is you own personal decision. No one can force you to have it. Here is
some more information about the different kinds of counselling:

Pre-Test Counselling:

This is the kind of counselling you get before you decide whether you want to
have the HIV antibody test. Some of the issues the counsellor will discuss
with you are:

 Why you decided to come for counselling

 What counselling is, and the role of the counsellor
 What your personal history is
 Whether you have any health problems
 What your risk of being HIV infected is
 What you know about HIV/AIDS

 Information about HIV/AIDS, including the test procedure and what people who are HIV
infected can do to make sure that they stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
 What alternative there are for solving your problems
 Which issues you want to tackle first
 What impact you think a positive, indeterminate or negative result would have on your life and
how you think you would react to receiving them.
 The advantages and disadvantages for you to having the test
 What king of support system you have including who you would be able to tell if you tested
HIV antibody positive.
 How you have coped with problems in the past.

Post Test Counselling:

This is the kind of counselling you get after you have had the test. During this
session the cousellor will:

 Give you your test result.

 Let you express your feeling about being HIV antibody positive,
negative or indeterminate. Help you to revisit the issues you raised
during the pre test counselling session, including any plans you many
have made.
 Discuss any immediate problems and help you to decide on a plan of
 Answer any questions you may have and provide you with useful
 Discuss positive living
 Give you positive information on what resources there are in your
community to help you.

HIV antibody test results are never given over the phone. You can only receive your result
Ongoing HIV/AIDS counselling

Ongoing counselling is the king of counselling that happens after you have received your test
result. The aims of ongoing counselling are to:

 Help you to manage the impact that HIV has on your own life, and the lives of the people
around you.
 Encourage you to take control of your health and take charge of your life.
 Help you to accept your result and live positively with HIV/AIDS
 Explore the advantages and disadvantages of telling other people about your status.
 Assist you in tackling your problems
 Provide emotional and psychological support
 Help you to strengthen your support system
 Help you to plan for the future
 Explore issues around death and dying
 Refer you to community resources

What kind of HIV antibody test will be used?


Some services use the ELISA HIV antibody test. A sample of blood will be taken from a vein in your
arm. This sample will be sent to the nearest laboratory where the ELISA test will be conducted. The
results take between one and three weeks.

 If the blood sample on which the ELISA test is conducted tests HIV antibody negative, then,
during your post-test counselling session, the counsellor will tell you that you have tested HIV
ANTIBODY NEGATIVE. This means that you have no antibodies to HIV in your
blood. However, you may still be in the window period so you will be advised to return for
testing after a few months.
 If the blood sample tests HIV antibody positive, a second blood test will be done on the blood
sample so that the result can be confirmed. If the second blood test tests HIV antibody
positive, then, during your post-test counselling session, the counsellor will tell you that you
have tested HIV ANTIBODY POSITIVE. This means that you have antibodies to HIV in your
blood. You are therefore infected with HIV. You will be advised to return for another test in a
few months time. If the first ELISA test is positive, but the second one is negative, you will be
told that the result is INDETERMINATE or DISCORDANT. This means that the test is not
sure if you are HIV positive or negative.
 You will be advised to come back in a few months time to be tested again.

Rapid HIV Test

Some HIV/AIDS counselling and testing sites use the Rapid HIV Test. If the test is
a blood one, the tip of your finger will be pricked with a special kind of needle and a
drop of blood squeezed out. Using a thin glass tube, the drop of blood will be put
into a small window in the test strip. Drops of special fluid will be added to this test
window to help the blood move up the length of the strip. The test result will be
ready in 15 minutes.

 If the test shows that you are HIV antibody Positive, a second HIV rapid
test will be done. If the second test is also HIV antibody positive, the
counsellor will tell you that you are HIV antibody positive. You are therefore infected with
 If you are HIV antibody Negative, no further test will be done. This means that you have no
antibodies to HIV in your blood. Because you may still be in the 'Window Period' you will be
advised to return for another test in a few weeks.
 Some HIV testing sites may use the Rapid Saliva Test. This test tells if there are any HIV
antibodies in your saliva and is just as quick and reliable as the one that uses blood.

The Window Period

When HIV first gets into your body, your immune system recognizes it as harmful and makes special
disease fighting cells called antibodies. Your body takes between 6 and 12 weeks to make these
antibodies. The HIV antibody test looks for these special cells and not for HIV itself. If you have an
HIV antibody test before your body has made these fighting cells, the test will be HIV antibody
negative, even though HIV is in your body. This time when you have HIV in your body but your
immune system has not made antibodies yet is known as the WINDOW PERIOD. It is important to
remember that if you have HIV in your body, even if you have tested HIV antibody negative, you can
still pass the virus onto someone else if you have unprotected sex. If you get tested after 12 weeks,
your test will be HIV antibody positive. This will mean that you have HIV.

What is Positive Living

The main benefit of finding out your HIV antibody status is that you can find out how to live positively
with HIV. Positive living means living with HIV/AIDS in such a way that you take control of your own
physical, emotional, social and spiritual life. It means keeping a positive outlook and not giving
up. Here are some of the things that you can to to help you live better with HIV:

Accept your feelings

Finding out that you have HIV may make you feel very angry and confused. Some people feel very
sad, some go into shock and may feel numb, and others are very scared. Many people feel totally
overwhelmed and helpless. It's important to realize that you are undergoing a crisis so these feelings
are normal. Accept them, because feeling this way is part of the process of coming to terms with your
HIV status. The strength of these feelings will lessen over time but a lot of people may sleep badly,
not feel like eating, and feel tearful for a few weeks after being told they have HIV/AIDS. If these
feelings are still very strong after about three weeks you may need to seek professional help from a
counsellor or doctor.

Control the Stress in Your Life

Stress is known to make your immune system weak. If your immune system is weak it will not be able
to fight infections well. You can lesson the amount of stress in your life by:

 Finding out about how to live positively with HIV

 Seeking counselling
 Sharing your feelings with a friend or counsellor
 Joining a support group
 Setting goals for the future
 Making sure that you eat a well balance diet
 Putting aside some time every day to relax. You may relax by listening to music, reading,
going for a walk or meditating.
 Tackling your problems one at at time. Trying to solve them all at once is stressful.

Look after your health

Find out as much as you can about HIV/AIDS and your own health. There are
a lot of thinks that you can do to help yourself stay as healthy as possible for
as long as possible:

 Make sure that you get treatment for infections quickly. This will keep
your immune system stronger.
 Find out about antiretroviral drugs

 Try and avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). These may also be called
sexually transmitted infections (STI's). STD's can weaken your immune system and also
make it easier for you to get re-infected with HIV. If you do pick up an STD, get it treated as
soon as possible. It's important to finish your treatment, and to get your partner/s treated too
otherwise they will just give it to you again!
 Use condoms to prevent re-infection with HIV and STD's.
 Exercise for at least 20 minutes three times a week.
 Attend an HIV clinic. Phone your local provincial hospital and ask them where the nearest
one is.
 Ask your doctor about prophylactic treatment
 Eat a well balanced diet
 Make sure that you eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Your local clinic or pharmacy can give
you advise on good nutrition.
 Take a multivitamin supplement if you can afford it (ask you to doctor or pharmacist to
recommend one)
 Don't smoke or drink alcohol excessively.

Anti-Retroviral Drugs

These are drugs that try to stop HIV from multiplying in the body. They cannot cure HIV/AIDS, but are
good at keeping HIV-infected people healthier for longer. They are expensive and range in price from
about R500.00 a month to R4000.00. The price is likely to drop in the future. Ask you local HIV clinic
for advice.
Positive Living Ideas

 Do things you enjoy

 Keep a sense of humour
 Seek spiritual/religious help if it feels right for you
 Make as many of your own decisions as possible
 Express your feelings by writing, talking to infected people, drawing, playing music or dancing
 Fill you life with things that make you feel good about yourself
 Help others

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