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Michael Busby


Comments on Big Daddy Bush and 9/11

Did Anyone Profit From 9/11?

In May 2003 I think I was the only person in the country with the cajones to stand up and
say we were wrong to invade Iraq. Of course, I was booed. Since I served eight years in
the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, I was not called unpatriotic, or a coward. But,
people did not listen when I said this was not the right time for a war with Iraq. Now you
know why. Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction? They existed only in the
imagination of the men and women writing the propoganda the Bush machine fed the

I was in Saudi Arabia in 1993 when I saw an interview with Saddam Hussein on CNN.
The CNN reporter, Christiane Amanpour as I recall, asked Saddam about the 1991
invasion of Kuwait. Saddam told Christiane he only invaded Kuwait after he asked the
American Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie what would the United States do if he
invaded the country next door. The reply he received from Ambassador Glaspie (and
presumably the President of the United States) was, nothing. The U.S. would do nothing.

Then the video cut over to an interview Amanpour had with Glaspie. Amanpour asked
Glaspie if she told Saddam the United States would do nothing in the event of an Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait. Ambassador Glaspie stated that was what she told Hussein on
instructions from Washington. Big Daddy Bush was Washington at the time.

Well, it looks like His Royal Presidential Highness Great Big Daddy Bush sandbagged
Hussein. The question that begs an answer is, why? We are going to try to answer that
question, because for all the rhetoric, at the end of the day, it does matter why we spent
so much money and both countries expended so may lives. The long and the short of it is,
we spent trillions of dollars and killed two million Iraqi people so Big Daddy Bush could
settle a personal grievance with Saddam Hussein. That is all the war in 1991 and

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subsequent 2003 invasion was all about. What was the personal greviance? We must
travel back in time a little in order to examine a few pieces of the puzzle.

From 22 September 1980 to August 1988 Iraq and Iran were engaged in a war. Iraq
started the war by invading Iranian territory. During this war, the United States not only
provided material aid to Iraq, but also prevented the United Nations from condemning
Iraq for using real weapons of mass destruction – mustard gas against the Kurds.

At first Iraq gained ground against Iran in its 1980 invasion. Washington backed Saddam
with covert aid via the CIA. We were pissed at Iran for overrunning our embassy in
Teheran on November 4, 1979 1 and taking 66 hostages. So, when Saddam decided to
invade Iran (probably with strong encouragement from Washington), we saw opportunity
for a little pay back. Also, the military pressure on Iran might help free the American

In 1982 with Iranian success on the battlefield, Washington made its backing of Iraq
more pronounced, supplying it with intelligence, economic aid, normalizing relations
with the government (broken during the 1967 Six-Day War), and also supplying "dual-
use" equipment and vehicles. Dual use items are civilian items such as heavy trucks,
armored ambulances and communications gear as well as industrial technology that can
have a military application. President Ronald Reagan decided that the United States
"could not afford to allow Iraq to lose the war", and that the United States "would do
whatever was necessary to prevent Iraq from losing the war with Iran.” President Reagan
formalized this policy by issuing a National Security Decision Directive ("NSDD") to
this effect in June, 1982.

Recall Vice-President Big Daddy Bush was assigned by President Reagan to chair two
special task forces, on deregulation and international drug smuggling. The deregulation
task force reviewed hundreds of rules, making specific recommendations on which ones

I was there in Teheran that day, having just escaped from an Iranian firing squad earlier that morning. I
was trying to reach what I thought was a safe haven. I could not reach the embassy due to the huge crowd
surrounding the area.

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to amend or revise, in order to curb the size of the federal government. The drug
smuggling task force coordinated federal efforts to reduce the quantity of drugs entering
the US.

The Reagan administration was shaken by a scandal in 1986, when it was revealed that
administration officials, in the person of Colonel Oliver North, had secretly arranged
weapon sales to Iran. The money for the weapons was acquired via Columbian cocaine
smuggled by the CIA into the United States and sold in the underground drug market.
The profits from the weapons sales to Iran were used to fund the anti-communist Contras
in Nicaragua, a direct violation of American law. When the Iran-Contra Affair, as it
became known, broke in the news media, Big Daddy Bush, like Reagan, stated that he
had been "out of the loop" and unaware of the diversion of funds. But, as Reagan’s drug
czar and former CIA Director, Big Daddy Bush no doubt knew the CIA was smuggling
drugs into the United States. He really did not have “plausible deniability” given his roles
in government.

Well, don’t you think Saddam was furious when he learned the United States, while
giving him non-weapon material support and encouraging him to fight his neighbor,
was actually supplying his adversary with real shootin’ irons?

On 17 May 1987, an Iraqi Mirage F1 attack aircraft launched two Exocet missiles at a
United States ship, the USS Stark (FFG 31), a Perry class frigate. The first missile struck
the port side of the ship and failed to explode, though it left burning propellant in its
wake. The second missile struck moments later in approximately the same location and
penetrated through the hull to the crew quarters, where it exploded. The detonation killed
37 crewmembers and left another 21 injured. The question of whether or not Iraqi
leadership authorized the attack is still unanswered, but we can assume Saddam
authorized the missile launch as a form of protest against U.S. arms sales to Iran.

Big Daddy Bush was a former Navy pilot who served during World War II. Big Daddy
was also heavily invested in oil. I can imagine his rage when Saddam attacked the USS

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Stark. I can also imagine his rationalizing an attack on Iraq to “pay back” Saddam for the
Stark attack, and to gain control of the largest oil reserves in the world. Numerous wars
have been started for less cause.

Shortly after Big Daddy became President, he asked the Department of Defense to draw
up invasion plans for Iraq. A group of Army, Navy, and Air Force intelligence agents,
including a first cousin of mine, convened in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey to prepare
those plans which were used in the February 23, 1991 invasion of Kuwait. For some
reason, Big Daddy (just BDB from here on) felt compelled to stop the armies at the Iraqi
border. I suspect the reason was the movement and build-up of Soviet military forces to
the southern border of Azerbaijan in the fall of 1990, prelude to an invasion of northern
Iraq should the United States and allies cross the Kuwaiti-Iraqi frontier. So, BDB was
checkmated by Hussein’s long time pal, the Soviet Union - who supplied tanks and other
weaponry to Iraq during its long war with Iran - and BDB did not get his revenge.

However the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991 removed any major
international ally from Hussein’s constellation of backers, allowing the United States, and
allies, to invade without fear of retribution on March 20, 2003. It is a safe bet if BDB had
been re-elected in 1992, there would have been an invasion in 1994. The only thing
slowing BDB down was the fact he was no longer President, but he worked very hard to
rectify that by 2001. Oops…freudian slip there. I meant to say his son was President
(Little Bitty Bush, or just LBB)

In 2003 BDB finally got what he originally wanted in 1991 and the Unites States
taxpayer is now stuck the $3 trillion bill. I don’t know about you, but I think $3 trillion is
far too much just to have a false sense of security from a few terrorists. Are 2,900+
American lives worth $3,000,000,000,000?

Not a conspiracy buff? Don’t think the world is a stage where the prime movers play out
events based upon the scripts they write? Maybe the following will change your (closed)
mind. Remember after 9/11 the U.S. government claimed they reviewed the stock market

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data and came to the conclusion no one had prescience? That is, no one made a profit
from knowing 9/11 would occur? This government statement is documented in the
official 9/11 Commission report. What our wonderful government did not tell us was,
there was at least $5 trillion made off the stock market, albeit not the same stock market
you and I put our 401k money in and not the same stock market the government
examined to determine if anyone made a profit.

The $5 trillion blood money was made in the options market. Don’t believe me? Well, do
the same thing I did – download the data from the Chicago Board of Options Exchange
(CBOE) and plot it. You can readily see beginning about twelve months before 9/11 there
was heavy investment – hundreds and hundreds of millions - in Put options. Put options
are bets investors make if they think the market is going to tumble.

The day after 9/11, those millions and millions of Put options were sold for about $5
trillion in profit. The Chicago Board of Options Exchange is just one of five boards
authorized to sell options. I was so sick from seeing the blood money which for me was
prima facie evidence of a huge crime beyond belief, I could not bear to look at the other
four options boards and see how much more blood money was made from the cold-
hearted bastards who profited from 9/11.

Someone knew 9/11 was coming and I think his initials were Big Daddy Bush (and

If you examine the data for several years prior to 9/11, you will see the average Put/Call
ratio hovers around 0.35. A ratio of 1.0 means there are as many Put options as there are
Call options. A ratio below 1.0 means there are more Call options than Put options,
meaning there is a general mood of investor optimism. As the ratio approaches 1.0, the
investor mood swings toward one of neutrality. That is, there are as many investors who
are pessimistic (Bear market) as there are optimistic (Bull market). The data shows a
general trend toward 1.0 starting exactly one year before 9/11. This is no coincidence as
options are bought and sold in one year increments (other increments are available). In

Michael Busby
my mind, the clinching argument is the week before 9/11 – the average daily ratio
jumped from about .75 to over 1.0 and immediately began falling back to the historical
average of 0.35 the day after 9/11. Yep, someone knew 9/11 was coming and made a
huge fortune from the knowledge.

BTW, options profits are not required to be reported to the IRS – greatest tax break for
the rich you can imagine.

I do not think CBOE carries downloadable data back to 2001. If you want to review the
CBOE 2001 data files which I have kept all these years and see with your own eyes, send
me an e-mail at michael_busby@yahoo.com.

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