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Hyper Sahastrar charka Symptoms; Hallucinations, madness, Insomnia,
Hypo symptoms: Less spirituality, Heaviness in head, Hair affected, Dullness.

Sahastrara (Hetro) Chakra: Location around DU-20and Extra 6

Hyper Anjna charka symptoms: Tension, High blood pressure, Satisfaction,

Power to think, Knowledge, Leadership, aware of all things.
Hypo Anjna Symptoms: Weak memory, unable to think, frustration, less
knowledge, less control over extremities childish.

Anjna Chakra Location: around Du-24.5 and Du-17 at back of head

Hyper vishudha Chakra symptom: Burning sensations, Inflammations, Bleeding,

Hyper thyroid, Give and take or interactions, Communications.
Hypo Vishudha Chakra symptom: Less Talkative, Less vitality, Anemia,
Hypoactive, or dull, Hypothyroid, cold hands and feet.

Vishudha charka location: Located between CV-22-23, in front and around DU-15
at back of neck.

Hyper Anahat Chakra symptom: Palpitations, Nausea, Good muscle power, Love
and harmony, Spirit and enthusiasm.
Hypo Anahat Chakra Symptoms: Frequent Cough and cold, less muscle power,
slow movements, less active.

Anahat Chakra location: At CV-17 in front and Du-11 at the back

Hyper Manipur Chakra symptoms: Excess appetite, Arthritis, Swelling, Obesity,

congestion, Hypoglycemia, Good immune system.
Hypo Manipur Chakra: Less appetite, Diabetes, Indigestion, Vomiting.

Manipura Chakra Location: Between CV- 10-12 in front and Du-6 at the back.

Hyper Symptoms of Swadishthan Chakra: Constipation, Itching, Hypersensitive,

Loyal, Faith and Beliefs, Fibroids.
Hypo symptoms; Suffocation, diarrhea, less systematic and disordered, rough

Swadhisthan Chakra: Location in pelvis between CV4-6 in front and Du 2-4 at

Hyper Symptoms of Muladhar Chakra: Strength, good sleep, backache, urine
retention, headache.
Hypo Symptoms: Frequent urination, insomnia, weakness, emptiness in head.

Muladhar Chakra Location: On the perineum between CV 1-2 in front and Du 1-2
at back

Hyper Symptoms of Kundalini: Innovative, Sincerity, Meditative or spiritual

person, Energetic internally.
Hypo Symptoms: Unable to maintain posture, weak, les resistance, always lies

Homo Chakra (Kundalini) Location: Located beside the anus at Du1 & open

Hyper Symptoms of Solar Chakra: Delirium, mental problems, spiritual activities,

intention, and intuition powers.
Hypo Symptoms: Dull, weak mental activity, narrow minded pessimistic.

Solar Chakra Location: Located in the central part of body on the midway of our
Vertical Axis & around Du17 & CV 14.

Hyper Left Heat Chakra symptoms; Frequent fever, & Hot flashes burning & heat
all over body.
Hypo Symptoms: Less resistance in summer season, less active.

Left Heat Chakra: located at flank on diaphragm line around Liv. 14 & GB. 25

Hyper symptom of the Right dryness Chakra: Problems is autumn or dry weather,
Skin rashes or itching all over, severe breathlessness or constipation in an
Hypo symptoms: Less stamina, Anxiety & discomfort in any environment,
weakness and lack of power, dependent.

Right / dryness Chakra: Located at the right flank near diaphragm area at around
Liv. 14 & GB 25

Hyper symptom of Back Wind Chakra: Lies on abdomen, fast in action, Bent
forward, Vertigo in Windy seasons.
Hypo symptoms: Likes air & windy environment, bloated abdomen, Backache in
particular season.

Back/ wind Chakra : Located at back center of body at / around Du-17.

Hyper symptom of front Humidity Chakra: Good resistance of all weather
condition, sweating all over, Obesity increasing in a specific month/season.
Hypo symptoms: Unable to do any work, Imbalance of action & mind, Fall sick in

Front/ humidity Chakra Location: Located at front of body at around CV-12.

Note; If any chakra is hyperactive than treat that by the ‘Ring magnet’ which
shows center in yellow color or sedate that its subjugating color on its specific
accu point.
If any chakra is hypoactive than ‘Tone’ that using ‘Ring Magnet’ which shows
white in center or Tone by its subjugating color on its specific accu point.

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