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Claire Ernst

Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: Writing Activity: Dessert Opinion Writing Setting: Second Grade, Gen. Ed. # of Students: 25

Statement of Objective: Learning Target: I can write a complete paragraph to express and support my opinion. Accommodations
*Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D) Oral and written at the
*GLCE/IEP CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 beginning of lesson.
Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or
book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply
reasons that support the opinion, use linking words
(e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons,
and provide a concluding statement or section.
With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus
on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising
and editing.
Materials:  Smartboard slides
*Prepared and organized  Mentor Text – “I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato”
*Available for all  Student writing folders – OREO outline (rough draft)
 Colored pencils
 Final copy pages – speech bubble, illustration box
 Final Copy example
 pencils
Opening: 1. Call table to get their writing folders, then move students to carpet (1-2-3) Providing written and
*Gain attention/motivate 2. Learning Target: I can write a complete paragraph to express and support my opinion. verbal objectives.
*Activate prior knowledge  Connect to mentor text: What was the sisters opinion in the story? Did the brother Self-evaluation of
~link/relate; assess; prepare for new change it? How? learning targets
learning (e.g. vocabulary) 3. OREO reminder structure: Your goal is to change your readers mind!
*State goals/set purpose
~explain task: why, what, how, and when
for strategies
*Clear directions
Presentation: 4. Introduce Final Draft: “You’ve edited by yourself (check) and you edited with a partner -Multi-sensory modes:
Teacher: (check), now you will be editing with a teacher and beginning your final copy.” visual, kinesthetic
*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T)  Show Final example
*Organizational framework  Display Opinion Writing rubric: point out topic sentence, 3 convincing sentences, -providing teacher
~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a and conclusion example when needed
meaningful context  High quality work discussion: ask students what high quality work means to them
*Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, o Writing final draft -verbal rewards for
real world (e.g. LESH) o Illustration students that are
*Model and think aloud to make visible  Explain Indent: leave about five spaces at the start of your paragraph following direction
~language practices/processes o ONLY before the topic sentence (student examples)
~learning strategies and adaptations (how, o 3 finger rule -give money or buzz
when and why) 5. Writing work time To-Do list: tickets to promote
~organization, relationships, and clues motivation
*Transfer of control To Do:
~students explain, justify, clarify, etc. 1. Re-read your OREO rough draft. -providing written
*Clear directions instructions on board
*Check for understanding 2. Write your name under teacher meeting on the board. throughout activity
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt While waiting to meet with the teacher:
probe/question (in ZPD) -voice level chart as
~assess/error drill 1. Draw a picture to go with your story classroom behavior
~monitor and adjust instruction  fill in all the white space reminder
 color neatly - no scribbles
~overt and active  use pencil, then crayons/colored pencils
~instructional dialogue, think aloud, After meeting with the teacher:
explain, justify, evaluate, etc.
Guided Practice: 1. Copy your story carefully
*Activity related to presentation/objectives  neat handwriting
*Active student participation
~provide rationale for assignment  finger spaces
~multi-sensory and real world  bump the lines
~instructional dialogue
Move students back to tables (pick student to 1-2-3)
*Transfer of control
6. Meet with students: have students start by reading their opinion writing to the teacher
~students explain, justify, clarify, think
 make corrections and suggestions
Claire Ernst
Generic Lesson Plan Form

aloud  hand students final copy and start them carefully copying down their final draft
*Check for understanding
~ensure high success rate
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,
probe/question (in ZPD)
Individual Practice:
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise
Closing: 7. Author’s Circle: Have 2-3 students (pull sticks or volunteers) read their opinion writing -personal examples to
*Adequate time  Ask class if they think their writing was convincing or changed their minds? connect content to
*Students summarize content and students as wrap up
*Assess/identify new goals
*Link to future learning


1. Was my feedback for students positive and specific?

2. Did I make sure everyone was actively participating throughout today’s lesson?
3. Were my directions clear and direct?
4. Did I effectively meet with students about their writing?
5. What could I improve for next time?

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