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MapObjects 2.


Diagram of MapObjects 2.2 ActiveX Control and ActiveX Automation objects

Copyright © 2002 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. ZValueCalc
All Rights Reserved. Constants
0 - moMaxZValue
1 - moMinZValue
2 - moMeanZValue

Group- Constants
Count as Integer
Add (Renderer as Object) as Integer Renderer DrawBackground as Boolean
0 - moDefault
Remove (Index as Integer) 1 - moArrow
GeoTrans- object Renderer (Index as Integer) as Object
Direction as DirectionConstant (createable) – Tag as String 2 - moCross
formation FromGeoCoordSys as GeoCoordSys Appearance
DirectionConstants GetParameter(ParameterType as 3 - moIbeam
Method as MethodConstant Constants
0 - moDirection_Reverse ParameterTypeConstants*) as Double Object 0 - moFlat
4 - moIconPointer
SetParameter(ParameterType as ParameterTypeConstants* Name as String 5 - moSizePointer
1 - moDirection_Forward (creatable) SecondDirection as DirectionConstant 1 - mo3D
, ParameterValue as Double) Event- DefaultSymbol as Symbol 6 - moSizeNESW
SecondName as String ChartType Constants
Renderer DrawBackground as Boolean 7 - moSizeNS
SecondType as GeographicTransformationConstants* 0 - moPie
Projection Objects ToGeoCoordSys as GeoCoordSys CancelAction Constants object EndMeasureField as String
1 - moBar
8 - moSizeNWSE
EventRouteIDField as String 9 - moSizeWE
Type as GeographicTransformationConstants* 0 - moCancelNone InvalidateIndex (key as (createable) 2 - moCustom
EventTable as Table 10 - moUpArrow
1 - moCancelMap String) as Boolean FeatureRouteIDField as String 11 - moHourglass
ProjCoordSys 2 - moCancelLayer IndexEvents as Boolean 12 - moNoDrop
Export(OutName as String) GeoCoordsys as GeoCoordsys
IndexExtent as Rectangle Alignment Constants 13 - moArrowHourglass
GetParameter(ParameterType asParameterTypeConstants*) as Double Object IsProjected as Boolean
StartMeasureField as String 1 - moAlignTop
ReturnDescription as String Name as String 14 - moArrowQuestion
SetParameter(ParameterType as ParameterTypeConstants*,
(creatable) Projection as Projection Symbol (index as Integer) as Symbol 2 - moAlignBottom 15 - moSizeAll
ParameterValue as Double) Type as ProjectedCoordSysConstants* SymbolField as String 3 - moAlignLeft 50 - moZoom
Transform(FromCoordSys as Object, FromShape as Object, Unit as Unit ExportPalette Constants ExportMap Constants SymbolType as SymbolTypeConstants 4 - moAlignRight
Tag as String 51 - moZoomIn
[DensificationTolerance as Double], 0 - moDefaultPalette 0 - moExportEMF 5 - moAlignCenter
UseDefault as Boolean 52 - moZoomOut
[Transformation as GeoTransformation]) as Object 1 - moHalfTonePalette 1 - moExportBMP 6 - moAlignBaseline
Value (Index as Integer) as String 53 - moPan
2 - moWebSafePalette 2 - moExportClipboardEMF
ValueCount as Integer 54 - moPanning
3 - moMostlyGrayPalette 3 - moExportClipboardBMP
Projection 55 - moIdentify
Custom as Unknown 56 - moLabel
Object IsCustom as Boolean ZRenderer 57 - moHotLink
(creatable) Name as String ExportSymbologyScaled Constants ExportDepth Constants RampColors (startColor as OLE_COLOR, Break (index as Integer) as Double
58 - moPencil
0 - moNoSymbologyScaled 0 - moExport8BitDepth object BreakCount as Integer
Type as endColor as OLE_COLOR)
ProjectionConstants* 1 - moLineSymbolsNotScaled 1 - moExportSourceDepth (createable) DrawBackground as Boolean
2 - moAllSymbologyScaled 2 - moExport24BitDepth Symbol (index as Integer) as Symbol
Export(OutName as String) GeoCoordSys SymbolType as SymbolTypeConstants LabelPlacer
Datum as Datum AllowDuplicates as Boolean
Transform(FromCoordSys as Object, FromShape as Object,
Object IsProjected as Boolean
Tag as String object BackgroundRenderer as Object
[DensificationTolerance as Double], ValueCalculation as (createable) DefaultSymbol as TextSymbol
Name as String
[Transformation as GeoTransformation]) as Object (creatable) PrimeMeridian as PrimeMeridian
ZValueCalcConstants DrawBackground as Boolean
ReturnDescription as String Field as String
Type as Chart-
GeographicCoordSysConstants Datum GeometryEnvironment Constants NoNullValue BarHeight as Integer MaskColor as OLE_COLOR
Name as String 0 - moGeometryIgnoreZ Renderer BarWidth as Integer
Unit as Unit Object Spheroid as Spheroid
MaskLabels as Boolean
(creatable) Type as DatumConstants*
1 - moGeometryUseZForDistanceAndSearching object ChartType as ChartType Constant PlaceAbove as Boolean
(createable) Color (Index as Integer) as OLE_COLOR PlaceBelow as Boolean
CustomChart As Unknown PlaceOn as Boolean
DrawBackground as Boolean Symbol (Index as Integer) as TextSymbol
DisplayUnit Constants Field (Index as Integer) as String SymbolHeight as Integer
0 - moUseContainerUsePixels FieldCount as Integer SymbolWidth as Integer
Unit 1 - moUsePixels MaxPieSize as Integer Tag as String
Factor as Double MinPieSize as Integer UseDefault as Boolean
Object Name as String NormalizationField as String Value (Index as Integer) as String
(creatable) Type as UnitConstants Prime- Spheroid NullValue as Double ValueCount as Integer
Longitude as Double Axis as Double
ShowOutline as Boolean ValueField as String
Meridian Name as String Object Flattening as Double AfterLayerDraw(index as Integer,canceled as Boolean,
SizeField as String
Object Type as (creatable) Name as String hDC as stdole.OLEHandle)
Tag as String
PrimeMeridianConstants* Type as SpheroidConstants* AfterTrackingLayerDraw (hDC as stdole.OLEHandle)
(creatable) BeforeLayerDraw (index as Integer, hDC as stdole.OLEHandle)
BeforeTrackingLayerDraw (hDC as stdole.OLEHandle) TextSymbol
Click Color as OLE_COLOR
DblClick object Fitted as Boolean
DragDrop (source as Control, x as Single, y as Single) (createable) Font as StdFont SymbolType Constants
Height as Double
DragFiles (fileNames as Object, x as Single, y as Single, 0 - moPointSymbol
state as DragState Constant, dropValid as Boolean) HorizontalAlignment as AlignmentConstants
DragState Constants 1 - moLineSymbol
Rotation as Double
AddGeoDataset(Name as String, shapeType as 0 - moDragEnter DragOver (source as Control, x as Single, y as Single, 2 - moFillSymbol
VerticalAlignment as AlignmentConstants
ShapeTypeConstants, TableDesc as TableDesc, Data- Connected as Boolean 1 - moDragLeave state as DragState Constant)
[HasZ as Boolean], [HasMeasure as Boolean]) as GeoDataset Connection ConnectError as ConnectionErrorConstants 2 - moDragOver DrawError (index as Integer)
Connection as Long DrawingCancelled Color Constants
ClearConnectError object Database as String DropFiles (fileNames as Object, x as Single, y as Single)
Symbol CenterOnAscent as Boolean 0x0 - moBlack
Connect as Boolean
DeleteGeoDataset (name as String) as Boolean (createable) ExtendedError as Long DrawFlag Constants GotFocus object CharacterIndex as Integer 0xFF - moRed
ExtendedErrorString as String 1 - moNoBackground KeyDown(KeyCode as Integer, Shift as Integer) (createable) Color as OLE_COLOR 0xFF00 - moGreen
GeoDatasets as GeoDatasets 2 - moClipToExtent KeyPress(KeyAscii as Integer) Custom as IDispatch Pointer 0xFF0000 - moBlue
FindArcInfoCoordinateSystem(Name as String) as Object
Password as String LostFocus Font as StdFont 0xFF00FF - moMagenta
FindCoordinateSystem(Name as String) as Object
Server as String MouseDown (button as Integer, shift as Integer, Outline as Boolean 0xFFFF00 - moCyan
FindGeoDataset (name as String) as GeoDataset
User as String x as Single,y as Single) OutlineColor as OLE_COLOR 0xFFFFFF - moWhite
ReturnVersions as Strings
Version as String MouseMove (button as Integer, Rotation as Double 12632256 - moLightGray
shift as Integer, x as Single, y as Single) Size as Integer 4210752 - moDarkGray

CodePage Constants
0 - moDefaultCodePage
Map Display Objects MouseUp (button as Integer, shift as Integer,
x as Single, y as Single)
Style as StyleConstants
SymbolType as
8421504 - moGray
13697023 - moPaleYellow
Constants 1 - moOemCodePage SymbolTypeConstants 8454143 - moLightYellow
GeoDatasets 65535 - moYellow
0 - moEditNone Item (index as Variant) as GeoDataset Count as Integer 2 - moAnsiCodePage CenterAt (X as Double, Y as Double) Map
1 - moEditInProgress collection CopyMap (scaleFactor as Double)
ClassBreaks- 12639424 - moLimeGreen
control RampColors(startColor as OLE_COLOR,
Break (index as Integer) as Double
2 - moEditAdd DrawShape (shape as Object, symbol as Symbol) Renderer BreakCount as Integer 8421440 - moTeal
DrawText (text as String, shape as Object, symbol as TextSymbol) endColor as OLE_COLOR) 16384 - moDarkGreen
SizeSymbols(startSize as Integer, object DrawBackground as Boolean
128 - moMaroon
EnableGIF(licenseCode as String) (createable) Field as String
EnableStreetMap(licenseCode as String) Appearance as endSize as Integer) 8388736 - moPurple
GeoDataset Symbol (index as Integer) as Symbol
Data Access Objects object
AllowSharing as Boolean
HasMeasure as Boolean
EnableTIFFLZW(licenseCode as String) Appearance Constant
BackColor as OLE_COLOR
SymbolType as SymbolTypeConstants 33023 - moOrange
7051175 - moKhaki
ExportMap (exportType as ExportMapConstants, Tag as String
HasZ as Boolean BorderStyle as Integer 32896 - moOlive
outputFile as String, scaleFactor as Double)
Name as String CancelAction as 4210816 - moBrown
ExportMap2 (ExportType as ExportMap Constant,
OutputFile as String, ScaleFactor as Double, CancelAction Constant ValueMap- 8404992 - moNavy
AddNew DefaultSymbol as Symbol
Recordset [UseSourceDepth as Boolean]) CoordinateSystem as Variant
CalculateStatistics (fieldName as String) as Statistics
DisplayUnits as DisplayUnitsConstants Renderer Field as String
CancelUpdate object AutoFlush as Boolean ExportMap3 (formatType As ExportMapConstants, formatData as RotationField as String MarkerStyle Constants
CommitTransaction Variant, [scaleFactor As Double], [scaleSymbology As Enabled as Boolean object
Count as Long Extent as Rectangle (createable) ScalingField as String 0 - moCircleMarker
Delete EditMode as EditModeConstants ExportSymbologyScaleConstants], [exportDepth As Symbol (index as Integer) as Symbol
FullExtent as Rectangle 1 - moSquareMarker
Edit EOF as Boolean ExportDepthConstants],[palette As ExportPaletteConstants]) SymbolType as SymbolTypeConstants
ExportMapToJpeg (outputFile As String, [percentQuality As Long], FullRedrawOnPan as Boolean 2 - moTriangleMarker
Export(OutName as String, [OutCoordSys Fields as Fields Tag as String
[isProgressive As Boolean], [scaleFactor As Double], GeometryEnvironment As 3 - moCrossMarker
as Object]) as GeoDataset SupportsTransactions as UseDefault as Boolean
MoveFirst [scaleSymbology As ExportSymbologyScaleConstants]) GeometryEnvironmentConstants 4 - moTrueTypeMarker
Boolean hWnd as Handle ValueCount as Integer
MoveNext TableDesc as TableDesc FlashShape (shape as Object, nTimes as Integer) Value (index as Integer) as String
MovePrevious FromMapDistance(distance as Double) as Single Layers as Layers
Updatable as Boolean MaxFileBuffer as Long LineStyle Constants
RollbackTransaction FromMapPoint (point as Point,x as Double,y as Double)
MinWidth as Double 0 - moSolidLine
StartTransaction OutputMap (hDC as Handle) DotDensity- 1 - moDashLine
StopEditing OutputMap2 (hDC as OLE_HANDLE, x as Long, y as Long, width as Long, MousePointer as DotColor as OLE_COLOR
height as Long, [DrawFlags as drawFlags Constants]) MousePointer Constant Renderer DotSize as Integer 2 - moDotLine
Pan Name as String object DotValue as Double 3 - moDashDotLine
Item (fieldName Fields RefreshCount as Long 4 - moDashDotDotLine
Count as Integer PrintMap (docName as String, outputFile as String, (createable) DrawBackground as Boolean
as Variant) RotationAngle as Double
as Field collection landscapeOrientation as Boolean) Field as String
Refresh ScrollBars as Boolean Tag as String
SearchExpression(expression Table RefreshLayer(index as Integer, [rect as Rectangle]) Tag as String FillStyle Constants
Command as Object TrackingLayer as TrackingLayer 0 - moSolidFill
as String) as Recordset object Database as String RefreshRect(rect as Rectangle)
Field (createable) MaxCachedRelatedRecords as Long ToMapDistance (distance as Single) as Double TrackingLayerDrawing as Label- AllowDuplicates as Boolean
1 - moTransparentFill
Name as String ToMapPoint (x as Single, y as Single) as Point TrackingLayerDrawConstants 2 - moHorizontalFill
object Type as FieldTypeConstants Name as String VisibleRegion as Object
Renderer DrawBackground as Boolean
TrackCircle as Ellipse 3 - moVerticalFill
Value as Variant Password as String WindowMode as object Field as String
Records as Recordset TrackLine as Line FittedField as String 4 - moUpwardDiagonalFill
ValueAsString as String TrackPolygon as Polygon WindowModeConstant (createable) 5 - moDownwardDiagonalFill
Server as String Flip as Boolean
User as String TrackRectangle as Rectangle HeightField as String 6 - moCrossFill
Version as String WindowMode Constants LevelField as String 7 - moDiagonalCrossFill
0 - moWindowed MaxLevel as Integer 8 - moLightGrayFill
Statistics Count as Long 1 - moOpaque MinLevel as Integer 9 - moGrayFill
object Max as Double TableDesc Add (layer as Object) as Boolean 2 - moTransparent RotationField as String 10 - moDarkGrayFill
CodePage as CodePageConstants Layers
Mean as Double object FieldCount as Integer
Clear SplinedText as Boolean
Min as Double (createable) FieldLength (index as Integer) as Integer
Item (index as Variant) as Object collection Count as Integer Symbol (index as Integer) as
StdDev as Double MoveTo (fromIndex as Integer, toIndex as Integer) TextSymbol
FieldName (index as Integer) as String LayerType
Sum as Double MoveToBottom (index as Integer) SymbolCount as Integer
FieldPrecision (index as Integer) as Integer Constants
MoveToTop (index as Integer) SymbolField as String
FieldScale (index as Integer) as Integer 0 - moMapLayer Tag as String
Remove (index as Integer)
FieldType (index as Integer) 1 - moImageLayer XOffsetField as String
as FieldTypeConstants YOffsetField as String

Add (string as String) as Boolean

Clear Strings Count as Integer MapLayer
Count2 as Long AreaOfInterest as Rectangle Buffer(Distance as Double,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
Find (string as String, [StartPos as Long]) as Long collection object CoordinateSystem as Variant Difference(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Point
Item (index as Variant) as String (createable) PopulateUsingNewConstants as AddRelate (toField as String, Measure as Double
Boolean (createable) DensificationTolerance as Double DistanceTo (shape as Object) as Double object shapeType as
PopulateWithDatums table as Table, fromField as String, Extent as Rectangle DistanceToSegment (point1 as Point, point2 as Point) as Double
Unique as Boolean (createable) ShapeTypeConstant
PopulateWithGeographicCoordSys FieldType [CheckFields as Boolean]) as Boolean FilterExpression as String Get(X as Double, Y as Double, Z as Double, Measure as Double)
PopulateWithGeoTransformations BuildIndex (force Boolean) as Boolean X as Double
Constants FilterFields as Strings GetCrossings (shape as Object) as Points Y as Double
PopulateWithMeridians RemoveRelates FilterOperator as SearchMethodConstants Intersect(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
0 - moNone Z as Double
PopulateWithMethods SearchByDistance (shape as Object, distance FilterOrder as FilterOrderConstants Set(X as Double, Y as Double, [Z as Double], [Measure as Double])
PopulateWithParameters(Projection as Integer) 3 - moLong as Double, expression as String) as RecordSet
5 - moDouble FilterShape as Variant Union(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
PopulateWithProjectedCoordSys SearchMethod Constants SearchExpression (expression as String) FilterTables as Strings Xor(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
PopulateWithProjections 7 - moDate as RecordSet
0 - moExtentOverlap GeoDataset as GeoDataset
PopulateWithSpheroids 8 - moString SearchShape(shape as Object,
1 - moCommonPoint GeographicTransformation as Variant Add (point as Point)
PopulateWithUnits 11 - moBoolean searchMethod as SearchMethodConstants,
2 - moLineCross Indexed as Boolean Buffer(distance as Double, [Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Points
Sort([sortOrder As StringsSortOrderConstants]) 21 - moPoint expression as String) as Recordset LayerType as LayerTypeConstants
22 - moLine 3 - moCommonLine Difference(anotherShape as Object, [Extent as Rectangle]) as Object object
4 - moCommonPointOrLineCross Name as String DistanceTo(shape as Object) as Double Count as Long
23 - moPolygon (createable)
Records as Recordset GetPoints(xArray() as Double, yArray() as Double, Extent as Rectangle
24 - moPoints 5 - moEdgeTouchOrAreaIntersect
Renderer as Object [zArray() as Double], [measureArray() as Double]) shapeType
6 - moAreaIntersect
StringsSortOrder Constants shapeType as Integer GetCrossings(shape as Object) as Points as ShapeTypeConstant
7 - moAreaIntersectNoEdgeTouch Symbol as Symbol
0 - moLexicalOrderAscending Address- Insert (index as Long, point as Point)
Location as Point 8 - moContainedBy FilterOrder Tag as String
1 - moLexicalOrderDescending Intersect(anotherShape as Object, [Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
2 - moAsciiOrderAscending
MatchScore as Integer
StreetSide as StreetSideConstants
9 - moContaining
10 - moContainedByNoEdgeTouch
1 - moAttributeFirst
Valid as Boolean
Visible as Boolean
Item (index as Variant) as Point Geometric Objects
3 - moAsciiOrderDescending Offset(deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double)
11 - moContainingNoEdgeTouch 2 - moShapeFirst Remove (index as Long)
12 - moPointInPolygon 3 - moOptimize Reverse
13 - moCentroidInPolygon Set (index as Long, point as Point) ShapeType Constants
Standardizer 14 - moIdentical ImageLayer ClipExtent as Rectangle SetPoints(xArray() as Double, yArray() as Double, 21 - moShapeTypePoint
FieldCount as Integer
StandardizeAddress(address as String) as Boolean Object FieldName(index as Integer) as String object Columns as Long [zArray() as Double], [measureArray() as Double]) 22 - moShapeTypeLine
(createable) FieldValue(FieldName as String) as String (createable) Extent as Rectangle Union(anotherShape as Object, [Extent as Rectangle]) as Object 23 - moShapeTypePolygon
OpenCatalog (pTable As Table,
IntersectionStandardizingRules as String File as String Xor(anotherShape as Object, [Extent as Rectangle]) as Object 24 - moShapeTypeMultipoint
[ImageDirPath As String],
LastError as EnhancedGeocodingErrorConstants LayerType as layerTypeConstants 25 - moShapeTypeRectangle
[OpenOptions As ImageCatalogConstants]) Name as String
Address Matching Objects StandardizingRules as String
Valid as Boolean Rows as Long
Buffer(distance as Double,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
Difference(Shape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Line
26 - moShapeTypeEllipse
Tag as String Extent as Rectangle
DistanceTo(shape as Object) as Double object IsFullyMeasured as Boolean
Transparent as Boolean GetCrossings(shape as Object) as Points
ImageCatalog Constants TransparentColor as (createable) Length as Double
0 - moOpenImagesInDisplay Intersect(Shape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Parts as Parts
AddIndex(FieldName as String, secondaryFieldName as String, OLE_COLOR
Geocoder 1 - moOpenAllImages UpdateWhileDrawing as Boolean
MultiplyMeasures(factor as Double)
shapeType as ShapeTypeConstant
indexType as IndexTypeConstants) as Boolean BatchMatchVariableField(variable as String) as String Offset(deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double)
BatchMatch(addressTable as Table, addressField as String,
object Candidate(index as Integer) as String 2 - moOpenOneImage Valid as Boolean OffsetMeasures(Offset as Double)
(createable) CandidateCount as Integer Visible as Boolean
DataConnection ReturnLineEvent(start as Double, end as Double) as Line
Add(Points as Points) Parts
as DataConnection, outputTableName as String, IntersectionMatchRules as String ReturnMeasure(location as Point) as Double
outputFields as Strings) as Long IntersectionMatchVariable(index as Integer) as String ReturnPointEvents(Measure as Double) as Points
Insert(index as Integer, collection
AddEvent(shape as Object, SymbolIndex TrackingLayer Points as Points) Count as
BuildIndices(force as Boolean) as Boolean IntersectionMatchVariableCount as Integer as Long) as GeoEvent SetMeasures(start as Double, end as Double)
Event (index as Long) as GeoEvent Item(Item as Integer) Integer
EraseIndices as Boolean LastError as EnchancedGeocodingErrorConstants ClearEvents object EventCount as Long
as Points
GenerateCandidates as GeocodeSuccessConstants MatchRules as String FindEvent(Tag as String) as GeoEvent Union(anotherline as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
Symbol (index as Long) as Symbol Remove(index as Integer)
IndexStatus as IndexStatusConstants MatchVariable(index as Integer) as String Refresh(erase as Boolean, UpdateMeasures
SymbolCount as Long Set(index as Integer,
ListIndices as Strings MatchVariableCount as Integer [rect as Rectangle]) Xor(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
Visible as Boolean Points as Points)
LocateCandidate(index as Integer) as AddressLocation MatchVariableField(variable as String) as String RemoveEvent(index as Long)
MatchVariableIntersectionLink(variable as String, Buffer(distance as Double,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
linkGroup as LinkGroupConstants) as String Difference(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Polygon Area as Double
MatchWhenAmbiguous as Boolean DistanceTo (shape as Object) as Double object
0 - mgIndexTypeSoundex Centroid as Point
MinimumMatchScore as Integer GetCrossings (shape as Object) as Points
1 - mgIndexTypeNormal GeoEvent Index as Long (createable) Extent as Rectangle
Offset as Double Intersect(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
Move (x as Double, y as Double) Shape as Object Parts as Parts
SearchQueries as Strings
MoveTo (x as Double, y as Double)
object IsPointIn (point as Point) as Boolean
Perimeter as Double
SpellingSensitivity as Single SymbolIndex as Long Offset (deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double)
LinkGroupConstants shapeType as ShapeTypeConstant
SqueezeFactor as Double Tag as String Union(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
0 - mgLinkPrimary
Standardizer as Standardizer X as Double Xor(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
1 - mgLinkSecondary StreetSide Constants Y as Double
StreetTable as GeoDataset 0 - moLeftSide
Valid as Boolean
1 - moRightSide
0 - mgGeocodeFailed Buffer (Distance as Double,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Polygon
Difference (anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Rectangle Bottom as Double
1 - mgGeocodeSuccessSingleBest
DistanceTo (shape as Object) as Double object Ceiling as Double
2 - mgGeocodeSuccessMultipleBest Center as Point
BuildIndex (field as String, force as Boolean) PlaceLocator GetCrossings (shape as Object) as Points (createable)
3 - mgGeocodeSuccessPartial Inset (deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double) Depth as Double
as Boolean Indexed as Boolean
object PlaceNameTable as Intersect (anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Extent as Rectangle
FindAllPlaceNames (prefix as String) as Strings (createable)
IndexStatusConstants FindApproximateMatches (placeName GeoDataset Intersects (rect as Rectangle) as Boolean Floor as Double
0 - mgIndexNonexistant as String) as Strings IsPointIn (point as Point) as Boolean Height as Double
1 - mgIndexInvalid Locate (placeName as String) as Points *Full details of the Constants below Offset (deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double) Left as Double
2 - mgIndexUnreadable Object Diagram Key Event
can be found in the online help ScaleRectangle (factor as Double) Right as Double
- ConnectionErrorConstants Union (anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object shapeType as ShapeTypeConstant
3 - mgIndexExists Top as Double
Method that does - Enchanced Geocoding Constants XOR(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
return a value
Sample Read/Write property Width as Double
Request(arguments As Object, - DatumConstants
values As Object) Method that does not object Read only property - GeographicCoordSysConstants
return a value Write only property - GeographicTransformationConstants Buffer(distance as Double,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
BMP2GIF(filename As String, interleaved As Boolean) As Boolean Ellipse Bottom as Double
WebLink - MethodConstants Difference(anotherS hape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
BMP2JPEG(filename As String, [quality], [progressive]) As Boolean Inset(deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double) object Center as Point
EnableGIF(licenseCode As String) object LocalIp As String - ParameterTypeConstants
Extent as Rectangle
New methods and properties, and also those which have - PrimeMerdidianConstants Intersect(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object (createable)
Start As Boolean MapPort As Long Height as Double
changed since MapObjects 2.0 are marked in bold font. - ProjectionConstants IsPointI(point as Point) as Boolean
Stop Tag As String Left as Double
- ProjectedCoordSysConstants Offset(deltaX as Double, deltaY as Double)
WriteFile(filename As String) As Boolean When an object is passed by reference in a method or as a property, Union(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object Right as Double
WriteResponseHeader(header As String) As Boolean - SpheroidConstants shapeType as ShapeTypeConstant
the line symbol has hollow ends like this: Xor(anotherShape as Object,[Extent as Rectangle]) as Object
WriteString(text As String) As Boolean - TrackingLayerDrawConstants Top as Double
Width as Double

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