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CE - Interna
ational Jourrnal for Envvironmentaal Rehabilitaation and Conservation
Volume V: No. 2 2014 [9
91 – 95] [ISS
SN 0975 - 62722]

Proceedings of
o National Coonference
“Environmental Conserrvation and Cllean India Proogramme” Deccember 2014, India

Embryyonic Development of Endocrine Glaands in Japanese Quail,

Q Cooturnix
Coturnix Japonica

mteke1, Prav
Jyoti Ram vin Charde1 and
a Suresh Zade
Z 2

Received: October 12, 2014 ⏐ Acceepted: Decem

mber 15, 20144 ⏐ Online: December
D 31, 2014

Embbryology is the sciencee of developpment of
The experiment was conductedd to study the t
the individual during
d the embryonic sttage and
developm ment of En ndocrine Gllands in quuail
subsequent stagges of the life cycle. Chick
embryos.. The egg gs of Japannese Quail are
embbryo proceeds from eggg lying to having h a
incubatedd in BOD in ncubator at 35oC and 600%
funcctional hearrt within 366 hours. Obtaining
Relative Humidity. The T embryoss were cut out, o
embbryos does not requiree the deathh of the
fixed, paraffin secttioned and stained with w
motther as in thee case of micce and rats.
Heamatooxylene-Eosiin. The resuult shows thhat
Enddocrinology is the sttudy of enndocrine
the formation of ovaaries starts from
f 4th dayy of
systtem and its role in thee physiologyy of the
incubatioon. It mattures till 17th day of
boddy. Avian endocrine system includes
incubatioon. The tesstis starts developing
d by
Pituuitary glannd, Gonadss, Thyroid gland,
showing the epididym o 5th day. The
mal linings on T
th Paraathyroid glland, Adreenal gland, Pineal
adrenal gland
g starts developing
d f
from 4 dayy as
boddies and Thymus
T glaand. The Gonads,
the trianngular portio on above kidney
k can be
th Adrrenal gland and
a Thyroidd gland are under
u the
differentiiated on 6 day. Thyroid T glaand
thh conntrol of Antterior Pituitaary gland which
w is
appears as our grow wth from 4 day but itt is
th connsidered to be
b the mastter gland. The T sex
visible on 8 day off incubation. These resuults
orgaans of malees and fem males are caalled the
established the bassic groundw work for the t
Gonnads. Thesee organs produce hoormones
research of the devellopment of other
o endocrine
nammely Oestrogen, T
Testosterone e and
glands off quail as weell as other poultry.
Proggesterone. Both
B male and
a female need n all
threee hormoness but in diffferent amounnts. The
For corresspondence
Thyyroid gland consists of two reddishh purple
Sevadal Mahila
M Mahavidyyalaya, Nagpur, India glannds lying one on each sidde of the basse of the
Deptt. of Zoology,
M. University, Naagpur, India
neckk. This glannd produces two hormoones: (1)
Ramteke et al.
a /Vol. V [2] 2014
2 /91 – 95

Thyroxinne, which helps regulate r h

heat diffferentiation and develoopment mecchanisms
productioon, carb
bohydrate metabolissm, of endocrine
e glaands in quaills and other birds.
promotess high blood d sugar levell and promootes Maaterials and Method
growth. (2) Thriiodothhyronine for Sam
mple collection
developm ment of sk kin and feeathers. T
Quaail’s hatchinng eggs usedd in the studdy were
Adrenal glands are small glands approximately
m Venkatesshwara Hatcchery , Punne. The
9mm lonng located an nterior to or in front of the
egggs were inncubated inn BOD inncubator
kidneys. These are a such glands, eaach
(envvironmental control: temperature,
t , 38°C;
associateed with a parrticular kidney. Each glaand
hummidity, 60%)) after fumiggation.
consists of two diff fferent typess of cells thhat
form twoo distinct paarts of the glland - adrennal Embbryo collectiion
cortex annd adrenal medulla.
m Embbryo collecction on the 4 - 6th day of
Quail, Coturnix
C coturnix, beloongs to Avves, hatcching: the blunt
b end off the incubaated egg
mes, Phassianidae and a Coturnix wass gently knnocked outt with ophhthalmic
bonnaterrre. It has been
b widely studied in the t forcceps, the shhell and sheell membranne were
fields of
o developm mental andd reproductive rem
moved; the em mbryo was transferred
t innto Petri
biology as
a a usual kiind of experiimental anim mal dishh filled with warm (38 – 39°C) 0.75% % saline
model. Now
N domesstic studies about raisiing withh forceps; embryo sac and the outer
quails scientifically have beenn reported in mem mbrane surrrounding thee embryo werew cut
detail (Hu, 1990 0), while reports on off and then thee embryo waas rinsed wiith clean
developmment of quaiil’s embryo and gonad are warrm 0.75% salines gentlly for 2 -33 times.
few. D
Differentiati on and development Finaally, the em mbryo was soaked
s in Bouine’s
processess of poultry gonads are similar
s to othher fixaative labelinng samples, date and sttationary
vertebrattes. Both aree differentiaated into tesstis overnight.
and ovarry from gon nads in whicch there are no Ressults and Diiscussion
morpholoogical differences. Gonadal Quaail gonads
differentiiation generrally occurs on the 5 - 7th 7 Onn the 5th dayy Gonads beegan to diffeerentiate
day of hatching and a gonadss differentiiate in this
t period, serial sectioons showed that the
completeely on the 8th h - 10th dayy of hatchingg so devvelopment off mesonephrros was obviious and
that wee can iden ntify the sex of them couuld be clearlly observed. Mesonephhros was
anatomiccally. sepaarated distinnctively withh germanium
m which
In this exxperiment, quail’s
q embrryos of 4 to 17 enlaarged and exxtruded insidde the mesonnephros.
days andd the day on ne of quail hatching were Theere were secctions showeed that ovarrian-like
used as thhe objects of study and then they were germmanium whhich seemed to be dividded into
observedd for the tiime of diffferentiation of corttex and meddulla was shhaped like sttrips. At
endocrine glands and d a series of morphologiical this stage, germ manium hadd the morphhological
developmment. The results provideed basis for the
Ramteke et al.
a /Vol. V [2] 2014
2 /91 – 95

characterristics of ov
varian develoopment, so we Quaail Adrenal gland
could renname it as go
onad. It has been founnd that the quail
q embryoo adrenal
On the 7th
7 day Sectiions of this period show wed glannds can secrrete corticoidds from the 5th day
that therre had been significannt features of onwwards. The adrenal devvelops from the 8th
ovarian biopsy.
b Bothh the left annd right ovarries dayy is signifficantly coorrelated with w the
was smoooth like strips, but the t left ovaary secrretory capaccity of the gland
g and inncreases
slightly longer
l than the
t right ovaary while tesstis steaadily up to thhe 10th dayy. There are sections
was cleaarly not the same with it. Under the t whiich show thee adrenal corrtex and medulla on
microscoope observ vation, therre were no 8th day
d of embryyo.
significannt differencces betweenn cortex and a Quaail Thyroid gland
medulla, and oogoniium characteerized by larrge Thee Thyroid gland arises from
fr the flooor of the
cell and nuclear
n begaan to emergee. In this staage, phaarynx as a divverticulum. At the end ofo the 4th
mesonephros deggraded s
slowly a
and dayy of incubaation the thyroid
t evaagination
metanephhros began to form. retaains its connnection withh the pharyynx. The
studdy showed that
t on the 4th
4 day of hatching.
Thee gonadal diifferentiationn had not begun on
the 4th day. On the 5th day d of hatchhing, the
gonnads began too differentiaate and had an
a initial
emeergence of thhe characteriistics of the testis or
ovaary and on the 7 - 10th day; the sex
diffference wass very obviious that thhe right
ovaary degradeed graduallly while the t left
devveloped naturrally.
Thee gonadal differentiatio
d on of the chicken
T.S. ovary of Japanese Quail
embbryo began on o the 6th day of the inccubation
periiod and this kind of diffferentiation became
morre significannt on the 7thh day. This may be
assoociated witth quail’s shorter inccubation
periiod, in othher words, quail’s em mbryonic
devvelopment waas slightly faaster than chhicken’s,
so the gonadal differenttiation alsoo began
earllier than chiccken. In adddition, the inccubation
mperature seetting mainlly referred to the
hatcching process of chickken. And unnder the
me volume, the numberr of quail egggs was
T.S. testis of Japanese Quuail
highher, so the actual
a incubaation temperrature is

Ramteke et al.
a /Vol. V [2] 2014
2 /91 – 95

relativelyy high, whiich to som

me extent, also
a ƒ Adrenal Glaand: These are a pair of
o small
promotedd the develop
pment of quail embryos.. glands, som
me 9mm longg, located in front of
Conclusiion the kidneyss. In the Japanese
J quuail, the
adrenal glaands appearred in the 4th day
The abovve results co oncluds the mechanisms
m s of
the endocrine develo opment of quuails, chickeens
and otheer poultry, these couldd be analyzzed ƒ i the 5th
Ovary: Ovaary formationn appeared in
through the
t migratio on in the em mbryo periodd to day embryoo.
study thee genuine prrocesses of development
d t of ƒ Testis: Testtis was obseerved in thee 4th day
endocrine gland, and d provide a new basis for embryo.
the pouultry devellopmental biology. The T ƒ Thyroid: Thhyroid glandd formation observed
endocrinological stud dy have provvided us with a th
in the 6 daay embryo.
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