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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Category Description
A General technical questions related to ROBOCON Malaysia 2018
B Shuttlecocks and rack
C Game field
D Game procedure
E Robot

First release : 28th January 2018

Second release : 23rd February 2018
28th January 2018 Edition
No. [A] General technical questions Answer
A.1 Is the competition open for international students? It is open to all undergraduate students that
Is the competition open for local students only? registered in any higher education institution
in Malaysia. Both local and international
students can join.
A.2 Which students can participate (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or Open for ALL undergraduate students.
4th year students) or is it opened to all
undergraduate students.

A.3 What happens if a team cannot attend the 1st Attending the 1st technical briefing session is
technical briefing and is it a must for all members not compulsory, but very useful information
to attend? can be obtained during the session. You can
also get the latest updates from our
ROBOCON Malaysia 2018 website.

A.4 Up to how many teams can participate from one For the first round registration, only ONE
university? team per institution is allowed. Further
announcement will be made after 15
February 2018.

A.5 For safety purposes, are the helmets and goggles Helmets and goggles for the operators will be
of operators and pit crews prepared? Or do we prepared by the organizer. However, the
have to prepare it ourselves. teams are encouraged to bring their own.

Updated 23rd February 2018

A.6 Can external expertise be used to build the robot? NO. Refer to Article 7.3.
A.7 Does the international competition rule apply to NO.
ROBOCON Malaysia 2018?
A.8 Can a university send multiple teams for the Maximum of TWO teams are allowed for
competition? each institute as announced on 15 February
28th January 2018 Edition
No. [B] Shuttlecocks and rack Answer
B.1 Is the shuttlecock rack part of the robot? The total weight of the rack and two robots
(combined) CANNOT exceed 50kg, and
each individual robot CANNOT exceed 25
kg. Refer to Article 7.6.

B.2 Is there any specific material that we should use Both the normal and golden shuttlecocks will
for keeping point at shuttlecock? be provided by the organizer during the first
technical briefing. The similar shuttlecocks
B.3 Is the shuttlecock provided to the registered team? (new sets) will be used during the
B.4 Can we put a magnet in the shuttlecock? competition. No other material can be
attached to these shuttlecocks.

B.5 The shuttlecocks given to each team during New shuttlecocks will be provided during the
technical briefing will be used during competition competition which are similar to the
or will there be new sets of shuttlecocks prepared shuttlecocks given to the teams.
during competition?

B.6 Regarding the ROBOCON 2018, may I ask if we YES. Team members are allowed to tie
can tie a ring shape with the fringe after the temporary knots using the fringes after the
keeping point? keeping point. Team will be given the
shuttlecock for this minor modification
B.7 I'm one of the ROBOCON 2018 participants. Can before the game during the queuing time
I ask whether it is allowed to tie a knot using the (approximately 30 minutes before the game).
fringes after the keeping point of the shuttlecock After the game, the teams must un-tie the
during the preparation time in the competition? knots and return the shuttle cock in its
original form. Failing to comply with this
rule may result in disqualification.

B.8 According to your website, the shuttlecock was The dimensions of the shuttlecocks are given
given an approximate number for size and weight in the GAMEFIELD document, Figure 1.7.
(60-100g). What is the exact size and weight of The weight is in the range of 100 – 115 g.
the shuttlecock?

B.9 Can we have a number of racks in LZ? There is not limit on number of racks but
they must be within the maximum allowable
dimension when placed on the robot or in
B.10 Can we put some mechanism on the rack? NO. It should be passive structure with no
(powered or non-powered) mechanism and power used.
Updated 23rd February 2018
B.11 Can the color of the shuttlecock be modified?
NO. Each team will be provided with the
same shuttlecock, and color modifications
are NOT allowed.
B.12 What is the maximum length of the fringe It will be about the length of the fringe of the
starting from the keeping point? shuttlecock given to the team. There will be
some tolerances.
B.13 Can we modify the shuttlecock? NO. Refer to B.6 and B.7.

B.14 Could you describe the detail about the keeping

point of the shuttlecock when throwing? If
possible, can organizer give some pictures of the
keeping point. Which part should the AR hold
during the throwing process?

AR should
only grip
here (after
the keeping
point) during

B.15 Can we attach anything on the rack just for the The rack is designed by the team and it
Automatic Robot to align its position with it when should be a passive structure without any
passing shuttlecock? The attachments will be the mechanical movement or powered
same on all the racks so it cannot be used for mechanism. Refer to B.10.
communication purposes.
B.16 When would the shuttlecock be given during the Before the match of the team, just after the
competition? robot check. Refer to B.6 and B.7.
B.17 If the shuttle is initially placed on the rack, it is Refer to B.6, B.7 and D.52.
possible to tie a knot at the fringe shuttle and hang
the shuttle on the rack using fringe during
preparation stage (as shown in the picture
B.18 Is the rack prepared or must be made by us? Rack should be designed and made by teams.
If, the rack is prepared by us, can we use our own Refer to Rules & Regulation of ROBOCON
design? Malaysia 2018.
28th January 2018 Edition
No. [C] Game field Answer
C.1 Can we know the color code of the arena? The color codes of the game field are as
stated in the Game Field Technical
Specification provided in the Malaysia
ROBOCON 2018 website.

C.2 What happen if the robot accidentally damages If the damage done may cause the
the game field? interruption of the running of the contest, the
team will be disqualified. The referees will
make the necessary decision during the
game. Refer to article 5.
Updated 23rd February 2018
C.3 What are the dimensions of the game field? Refer to the “GAME FIELD ROBOCON
MALAYSIA 2018” provided in the website.
C.4 I would like to know where we can buy the Non-reflective vinyl white colour tape is
reflected tape for the line following? usually available at electrical or hardware
shops. Please refer to the Game field
document for the dimension.
28th January 2018 Edition
No. [D] Game procedures Answer
D.1 If our shuttlecock collides with another team's NO. Only the shuttlecock that has
shuttlecock in the golden shuttlecock, is it counted successfully entered and passed the ring will
as a fault? be counted and awarded with the score.

D.2 Can we move the rack using manual robot then, NO, it is not considered as a pass.
put it to the auto zone robot such that the auto Rack/shuttlecock has to be passed directly to
robot can take the shuttlecock directly from the auto robot. Racks can ONLY be placed on
rack. It is considered as a Pass? the robots or loading zone (LZ).

D.3 Can the manual robot get into the loading zone YES

D.4 Can the manual robot enter the throwing zone NO. It is a violation. Refer to Article 4.3.

D.5 Is it considered as a violation if I use a color This act violates Article 3.4.3 that states:
changing mechanism on the manual robot that can
be detected by the auto robot, which in turn will "None of the Manual Robot part makes any
take action corresponding to the color change? contact with Automatic Robot.
During the process of handling and receiving
shuttlecock, the Manual Robot is allowed to
make contact with Automatic Robot. But, the
Manual Robot is not allowed to send any
signal to or control the Automatic Robot.
However, the Automatic Robot is allowed to
control itself using sensors and so on."

Therefore, changing the color so that it can

be recognized by the auto robot is considered
as a signal from the Manual Robot to the
Auto Robot.

D.6 Is it possible to use 3 racks (5 shuttlecocks every There is no limit of the number of racks used
rack) and pick-up the rack by the manual robot as long as they can fit into loading zone and
one-by-one? For example, when the game starts, the size stated in Article 7.5 for the robot and
the manual robot will pick 1 rack and leave the rack. Also, at any time during the game, the
other two racks in the loading zone. After that, racks can only be placed on the robots or
when the manual robot has successfully pass all 5 loading zone (LZ).
shuttlecocks to the autonomous robot, the manual
robot will put down the empty rack and pick the
other racks in the loading zone.

D.7 Are pit crews allowed to help operators to carry NO. The pit crews are ONLY allowed to help
robots to the start zone during retry? operators to carry robots to the game fields
and during the 1-minute set-up time. Refer to
Article 3.1.2.
D.8 Is that the fringes cannot touch the ground during Only the fringes of the shuttlecock can touch
shooting or loading as the rule book define the game fields during shooting or loading.
shuttlecock and fringes are not the same part.
D.9 Can part of the robots touch the fence during Robots can touch the fence at any time as
moving and during shooting? long as it complies to Article 3.4.3 for
Throwing and not to do any damage to game
field which will be subjected to
disqualification (Article 5.1.2)

D.10 Since the rule 2.7 mentioned “after receiving the It is allowed.
Normal shuttlecock, Automatic Robot will move
into TZ1 or TZ2 (in any order) and throw the
shuttlecock at the Normal Ring”. Can the
Automatic Robot move into the TZ1 or TZ2
without getting the shuttlecock after the start of
the game?

D.11 Can the operators touch the robot part to initiate Only one touch (press) is allowed to initiate
the movement of Automatic Robot during start of the movement or automatic robot after
game or after retry? obtaining permission from referee.

D.12 Is that only at the start of the throwing action, Only at the beginning of every throwing
Automatic Robot has to give visible indication or action.
throughout the whole throwing action?

D.13 May I ask whether the movement produced by If the cylinder is giving some signals in such
actuators like pneumatic cylinders is considered as a way to control the automatic robot, this is
movement of robots for communication purpose? not allowed.

D.14 In games rule, manual robots are not allowed to YES. This is considered as manual robot is
send any signals to automatic robot. If the Manual giving the signal to control automatic robot.
Robot has pneumatic cylinders with cardboards
attached on it and the cylinders will extend to be
sensed by sensors on manual robot during passing
of shuttlecock and before shooting. Is this
considered as sending signal to automatic robot?
D.15 If the shuttlecock falls outside the playing field YES. It is allowed as long as it is in the
when the MR tries to pick it up, can team member Loading Zone.
still pick up and put them on the rack?

D.16 If the shuttlecock falls outside the playing field, YES. It is allowed as long as it is in the
when team members collect it and put it back to Loading Zone. Team members are not
the loading zone as per stated in Article 3.4.4, can allowed to touch the rack.
the shuttlecocks be loaded onto the racks? Can the
members touch the racks when reloading the

D.17 For example, the Automatic Robot is programmed If the automatic robot is sensing the cloth as
to sense a ball with image processing. Manual a way to communicate with the manual, then
Robot use cloth to cover up either Normal it is not allowed.
Shuttlecock or Golder Shuttlecock. Automatic
Robot will pick up any shuttlecock it can see from
the Manual Robot. Can we do this?(FB)

D.18 Is the tail a part of the shuttlecock? If so, what

YES. Article 3.4.2 : Shuttlecock cannot touch
will happen when the shuttlecock touches the the game field during the handling/receiving.
game field? However, any part of the shuttlecock can
touch the game field at other time during the
game. Also refer to D.8.
D.19 Is the Automatic Robot allowed to directly pick YES.
up the shuttlecock from the rack mounted on the
Manual Robot during the passing of shuttlecock?

D.20 Is the fringes allowed to touch the ground during Refer to D.8.

D.21 Will the referees acknowledge when the signal NO.

indication each time when throwing the ball?

D.22 According to rule num 4.2, [A team member Both robots cannot be touched at any time
touches the robot without referee permission] during the game.
Which robot that cannot be touched? The manual
or autonomous?

D.23 When the robot is picking up the rack, can it pick Strictly NO. It is compulsory retry.
up the Golden ball even though TZ1 & TZ2 was
not scored yet?

D.24 What happens when a Normal ball was shot No points given.
into the Golden ring/TZ3? or vice versa [a
Golden ball shot into a normal ring/TZ1&2]

D.25 Can we leave a rack beside TZ1? NO. Rack must be in LZ or on robots only.

Updated 23rd February 2018

D.26 Is there a cap on the ‘Pass’ marks? YES. Refer to Article 3.5.
D.27 Any passive movement such as sliding or rotating If it is for robots, any movement is allowed.
part for holding the shuttlecock allowed? However, if for the rack, refer to B.10 and
D.28 What happens to our score after retry? Will it It will be accumulated with the score prior to
reset to 0, or will it be accumulated with the score retry.
prior to retry?
D.29 Can we use the thrown shuttlecock during the It is allowed to reuse only normal
retry? shuttlecock. Refer to Article 3.4.4.

D.30 Can we use the opponent’s shuttle cock that has YES.
fallen into our game field
D.31 Are we allowed to pick up opponent’s shuttlecock
that ended up falling in our throwing zone?
D.32 Can auto robot arm that has rail touch the The AR can touch shuttlecock however, refer
shuttlecock? to article 3.4.2 for Passing and article 3.4.3
for Throwing.
D.33 How will the shuttlecock be placed on the The shuttlecock cannot be placed in the
throwing zone when the game starts? throwing zone at the start of the game. It will
only be placed on the rack within the loading
zone at the start of the game.
D.34 Can the upper body of the manual robot enter the MR or any of its part is not allowed to enter
auto robot area? Throwing Zones (TZ1, TZ2 and TZ3). Refer
to D.4.
D.35 Can we automate all robots? YES. Refer to Article 2.1.

D.36 Can we put two buttons to do two different tasks YES. Many buttons can be used in robot.
on the robots? Can we push it during the game? But, team members are allowed to push ONE
BUTTON during the start of the game. Refer
to D.11. During the game, the robots cannot
be touched by any team member. Refer to
Article 3.3.3.
D.37 Can the rack that are carried by the manual robot Refer to D.2 and D.25.
be left in any area?
D.38 Can we retry one of the robots only? NO. Refer to Article 3.8.

D.39 What does it mean by touching the shuttlecock? Physical contact between robots and
shuttlecock occurs during loading, passing,
throwing and picking up. Refer to related
article for each task.
D.40 Can the operator of the manual robot enter the Not allowed. Refer to Article 3.3.
game field?
D.41 What is the retry process? Refer to Article 3.8.

D.42 Once the shuttlecock has been thrown from zone 1 Refer to Article 3.4.4 and also D.15, D.16,
to zone 2, are we allowed to collect it back and D.29, D.30 and D.31.
throw it consecutively one by one?
D.43 After throwing the golden shuttlecock and not YES, only for normal shuttlecocks.
achieve ‘Bidikan Emas’, could we return and
throw the shuttlecock again?
D.44 Is the spinning necessary before throwing the Not necessary.
D.45 During the spinning and swinging, can the YES.
shuttlecock touch the robot’s body?
D.46 Can the manual robot communicate with the auto NO. Refer to D.13, D.14 and D.17.
D.47 When can the manual robot start passing to the Anytime during the game.
automatic robot?
D.48 Where are the manual robot and the automatic Refer to Gamefield ROBOCON 2018
robot zones? document.
D.49 Can we still obtain points even if the passing rules NO. In order to get points for Throwing, the
are violated? Passing must be completed according to
Article 3.4.2.
D.50 Can the manual robot touch the automatic robot? YES, but not to give any signal. Refer to
D.51 During throwing of shuttlecock, can the fringes YES.
touch any part of automatic robot?
D.52 How shuttle placed? Is it initially placed on the It is the team’s strategy to decide how the
floor? Then the manual robot picks the shuttle shuttlecock should be placed when to start
cock to place on the rack, or the shuttlecock can the game.
be initially placed on the rack?
D.53 Can we use a sensor located at the Auto Robot to Refer to D.5.
detect color located at the body of the manual
D.54 If the shuttlecock is stuck at the manual or auto Team members can request for retry.
robot, what should we do?
28th January 2018 Edition
No. [E] Robot Answer
E.1 I would like to ask if we can use Tetrix Robotic The Tetrix Robotic Set is not allowed. This
Set to build robot for our Robocon? set goes against Article 7.3 that states:

"... robot must be hand-built by students ..."

This rule is to encourage the participants to

experience designing and developing robots
from scratch. The usage of separate sensor
modules or controlling modules from the set
however is allowed.

E.2 The dimension of auto robot after leaving the red It must be 1000x1000x1000 before leaving
box is 1500x1500x1800 or still 1000x1000x1000. ARSZ. The robot can be in 1500x1500x1800
after leaving ARSZ.
E.3 Can the manual robot lift the shuttlecock rack? If YES. It should not exceed 1500x1500x1800.
so, is the shuttlecock
rack considered part of the robot and thus, should
not exceed 1.5m?

E.4 Hello, may I ask that the size of auto robot can YES. (Article 7.5)
extend to the size within 1.5m length x 1.5m
width x 1.8m height without attached to rack after
it leaving start zone?

E.5 7.7.2 All batteries used in the robot, 24 V is the maximum voltage limit for each
controller, and any other device used during single battery. 42 V is the maximum
the game shall not exceed 24 V. operational voltage to operate the robots.
7.7.3 The maximum voltage within the Both designs are allowed, and it will be
checked during Robot Check.
circuits shall not exceed 42 V.

Hi, about rule 7.7.3 stated in rulebook, the

maximum voltage within the circuits shall not
exceed 42v means that i can boost up my
voltage from 24 V to 42V to supply my robot
or it mean I can have multiple battery sources
example 22.2 V, 11.1 V , 7.4 V but they are
separate from each other .
E.6 According to rule number 7.5, is the size for both Both robots.
robots or manual only?
E.7 According to rule number 7.6, is the weight limit YES.
applied for both robots with or without racks,
battery, controller, cables and any other
equipment that are used in the game.
Updated 23rd February 2018
E.8 What is the maximum air pressure allowed for the Check Article 7.7.4.
pneumatic system on a robot?
E.9 Are sealed lead acid battery allowed in the NO.
E.10 Is it possible to use industrial compressed air It must comply Article 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7.4 and
reservoir that can store more than 600kPa but we deem not to cause any danger during the
regulate the air so that the pressure is below game.
600kPa when we use it?

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