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Chapter 9

Developmental Psychology a change over time

A. Physical Development- changes of physical appearance.
B. Cognitive Development- How we process the world around us.
C. Socioemotional Development- social context and emotional response.
1. Nature (coming into the world with what you have) and Nurture (your environment)
2. Continuity slow and smooth matter (going up a roller coaster) and Stages- stops and
abrupt (climbing up Stairs)
a. Assumption age matters particular stage your a certain age a needs to reach a
set of skills to move to the next stage.
b. Speicific stairs you gotta stop at each flight
- Genes and the connection between them and behavior
- Genes are basic building blocks of heredity
- 46 Chromosomes 23 pairs
- Twins (monozygotic) have the same genes
1. Genotype- Genetic makeup or blueprints (different for everyone)
2. Phenotype- visible traits (physical appearance or red blood cells)
Gene-Gene Interaction
- XX- female
- XY-male
- Dominant- Suppress a recessive gene
- Recessive- when paired with another recessive gene can be strong
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Down Syndrome
- Chromosomal abnormality
- Twins
Prenatal Development
- When you are in the womb.
1. Germinal Stage
a. Conception through implantation
b. 0-2 weeks
c. when sperm travels to egg wall.
2. Embryonic Stage
a. 2-8 weeks
b. Major organs are beginning to form
c. And sex organs
d. Placenta connects mother and baby, umbilical connects baby to placenta.
3. Fetal Stage
a. 3rd Month-till birth
b. Maternal Characteristics
c. Issue
i. Age or mother
ii. Diet and nutrition of mother
iii. Stress of mother
4. Teratogen
a. Harmful chemical that can harm the baby (E.I. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
5. The Competent Newborn
a. Babies have basic skills that are necessary for survival, like a temperament
(difficulty level) or reflex
b. Reflexs
i. When you stick your finger in their mouth, Rooting
ii. Sucking, when they stuck on bottle
iii. Grasping, when you hold hand.
iv. Blinking is a reflex
v. Swiming is a reflex
6. Newborn’s
a. Babies love looking at face with colors and shapes.
b. Because brain is making connections to the world
7. Maturation
a. Body set way to devople over time.
8. Brain Devoplement
a. Synaptic pruning- if we don’t use it we lose it (playing the flute then and now not
being able to play)
9. Infants Develop Attachments
a. Emotional connection to someone else. (E.I. Imprinting)
b. Harry Harlow, attachment because you need it not reward, did a expirenment
where he took babies monkeys away from real mother and created 2 fake
mothers one covered in warm cloth and one with wires, and the monkeys wanted
the warm mother)
10. Soical Development
a. Attachment secure , crying when care givers leave the room (child's cry on first
day of school)
i. Insecure, when mother comes in and child is igroning them
ii. Abanbiant, when child is hot and cold.
b. Stranger expirnement, having attachment happened, then having a strange walk
c. Stranger Anxiety
11. Parenting Sytles
a. Control-level of strickness
b. Warmth-love and affection
c. Authoritarian- High Control and Low Warmth (My way or the highway)
d. Authoritative- High Control and High in Warmth (helicopter parent)
e. Permissive- Low Control and High in Warmth (hella chill)
f. Uninvolved- Low Control and Low Warmth
12. Cognitive Development
a. Piaget’s theaoy of 4 stages
i. Schema: shaped by your lived experience
1. Assimilation: adding new information to a pre-existing schema.
(ANimal 4 legs and a tail)
2. Accommodation: adding new experience while making a new
schema. (when children eat pills thinking it’s candy and mom tell
them no)

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